St. Louis Globe-Democrat Photographs: Missouri Towns


Decorating the Saint Louis Club, Clayton, MO
Photograph of Larry Bogdan decorating the Saint Louis Club with Christmas ornaments and wreaths.
Design for Charleston Senior High School
Aerial photo of a model for a large, white geometric building that was to be the Charleston Senior High School.
Destroyed Chesterfield, MO Home
Terri Altman stands in a room of her burned-out Chesterfield home. A Chesterfield fire captain who just "wanted to make life safe for everyone" was killed while fighting a house fire in the Green rails subdivision of Chesterfield Friday. Capt. Raymond F. Trog Jr., 27, of Fenton, died of carbon monoxide poisoning after he fell through the floor of the burning house and was trapped in he basement, officials said. He was pronounced dead at St. Luke's Hospital West at 4:13am Friday.
Directors of the Lafayette County Soil Conservation District
"Directors of the Lafayette County Soil Conservation District in Missouri, which won the sweepstakes award in the Globe-Democrat's Soil Conservation Districts Awards Program, are shown here with their wives, who will accompany them on the trip to San Diego, Cal., as guests of the Glove-Democrat. Back row from the left: W. L. Gruber, Lexington, vice chairman; Spears Stewart, Lexington, treasurer; James A. Schooling, Concordia, chairman, and Raymond Kline, Higginsville. Front row from the left: Mrs. Gruber, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Schooling and Mrs. Kline."
Domes at Clarksville, MO on the Mississippi River
Photograph of factory and domes on the Mississippi river
Don Woods and Bill Dunn Farm, Auxvasse
Conservationist Dale Schnarre talking to a group touring the Don Woods / Bill Dunn Farm near Auxvasse Missouri. The farm was open to the public July 29th and 30th.
Dormitory in Small Boys Cottage
The image shows the sleeping area of a small boys cottage at Missouri State Training School.
Dr. James Relfe House, Caledonia MO
Dr. James Relfe house, Caledonia, Washington Co., built 1830, some parts earlier.
Dunklin County Soil District Officials
"Officials of Dunklin County soil district receive plaque as 1955 state winner of conservation program sponsored by the Globe-Democrat. In group are (from left, seated) Howard Jackson, deputy state conservationist; Nelson Tinnin, Hornersville, Dunklin chairman; Gaylord Wisner, Kennett, Dunklin conservationist; (standing): Robert McClelland, executive secretary, State Soil Commission; Joe H. Scott, Dunklin extension agent. The award was made at Kennett last Friday."
Early Depiction of Chesterfield Mall
How the Grand Court will look at the Chesterfield Mall - Shopping mall to be built at U.S. 40 and Clarkson
Efforts to Halt Erosion
"Halting erosion, such as caused the above soil destruction, is part of the program of te Sears Foundation in Missouri." This photo shows a large area of land where the soil has fallen away and left craggy pits of rock, tree, and soil. It spans nearly the entire field, and there is one person standing in front of the eroded space in the middle of the photo.
Elementary School, Campbell, MO
Soon to be under construction is the new "dispersed classroom" elementary school for which Campbell, Mo., voters have already approved a $288,000 bond issue. The first six grades will be included with three classrooms for each grade, plus a cafeteria, and other specialized rooms.
Employee Preparing Softheat Unit
Image shows a woman at the Intertherm Plant in Boonville preparing a heating unit for shipment.
Erecting City Speed Limit Signs
Mayor Keith Barbero of Black Jack is assisted by active citizen, Oliver B. Patterson in erecting some of the city's speed limit signs.
Evaluation of Missouri Eggs
"Gov. Phil M. Donnelly contemplates 10 dozen top qualify breakfast eggs presented to him by the Missouri poultry industry as he sins a proclamation making January "Egg Month" in Missouri. From left are Glenn Pearl, Missouri Department of Agriculture; Schell Bodenhamer and E. M. Funk, University of Missouri; Charles Calhoun, president of the Missouri Poultry Improvement Association; L. C. Carpenter, Missouri Commissioner of Agriculture, and George Bagby Jr., president of the Missouri Poultry Council."
Examining Expansion Plans
Image shows Committee Chairman Paul Williams, Hospital Administrator W. J. Gnadt and Board Member Medley Bryan examining plans for expansion of the Bonne Terre hospital.
Examples of Rain Absorption
This photo shows examples of rain absorption in farm soil that has been treated or neglected. The sign behind the rig of water and soil reads "The Spigot of the Hill", and underneath it says "Watershed Conservation Provides" and shows several examples of water's conservation benefits. Four people are standing and observing the experiment.
Factories on a Riverbank in Clarksville, MO
Aerial photograph of a factory complex on a riverbank.
Fair Housing Pickets in University City, Missouri.
FAIR HOUSING PICKETS IN U. CITY -- Pickets march in front of the Supreme Management Corp. at 6621 Delmar bl. in University City to protest against alleged housing discrimination at an apartment project operated by the firm in Berkeley. The picketing was sponsored by the Berkeley and University City Freedome of Residence committees, University City Civic Association, CORE and ACTION. Picketing was held Friday and Saturday and is expected to continue Monday.
Fairground Park, Cape Girardeau, MO
General View of Beautiful Fairground Park at Cape Girardeau, MO., 1843 spring base of the Browns. The principal part of the Browns' training will be done on the baseball field shown across the lake. The farthest part of the outfield from the plate is 500 feet. The Administration Building of Southeast Missouri State Teachers' College rises up in the upper right-hand corner.
Family Congratulations at Legislative Award Dinner
Photograph of "Mrs. James T. Blair Sr., grandmother of Representative Lynn M. Ewing Jr., bestows a kiss on the cheek of Mrs. Ewing as award recipients and their wives accept congratulations from other guests.
Family Selling Newspapers
"Elmer Blum, D.V.M.; Elmo Blum; Karl Blum and Tim Blum put the hard sell on Jackie Bergman, L.P.N. employee of Jefferson Memorial Hospitals Emergency Room." The sellers are wearing Seven-Up aprons and are holding newspapers out.
Father and Son Watch Drilling
Image shows father and son Gary and Stanley Hanson observing drilling for oil on their farm. There is a blue x drawn through Gary Hanson.
Fireman Marching in Strike, Cape Girardeau, MO
Striking Cape Girardeau firemen march toward the county jail in Jackson Friday in an attempt to have themselves arrested for violating a court order against the strike. The sheriff, however, refused to arrest the firemen and their supporters. The firemen have been on strike since Wednesday.
Fireman Strike Gathering, Cape Girardeau, MO
At the County Jail, Cape Girardeau firefighters gathered across from the county jail at Jackson Friday after their nine-mile march in a fain attempt to have themselves arrested for violating a court order against their strike. The firemen returned to work at 7 p.m., however, after the city accepted their proposal for bringing a federal mediator into the dispute over wage and benefit increases.
First Biennial Globe-Democrat Awards Program
The first page of this program indicates the event, the Meritorious Public Service awards. On the next page is the dinner menu, the music, and the sponsoring club presidents. Third is the presentation program. On the back of the program is the list of recipients.
First Business District, California MO
Photo of the first business district of California, MO
Flooded Barnhart Motel
Image depicts a motel for sale in Barnhart Missouri with flood waters from the Meramec River inching higher on city streets.
