.»u-titties‘-e-‘ans » . ’~.'..‘.:..‘*..';o'.-.*.~...'-. ~h:sori.tes, » an. -9.35 ‘U’ '3'" .'D‘1"-411.4. . .’ Acldnss srymnaq-rev hmmnvuviflo D,!Ni.)cIAffl.l1I0"'“!f f',¢f.°¢I‘i\l.1‘¢_f-"”’.¢¢|3¥ . .. W’ n: the 'Z.*I¥.*i*.°r-ll‘.I'>n‘=i» i_.\'ml.°.*‘*!-'F".".‘-“"." I1.»-iii-hsifiiideeovnbtnr ~ - . L£E'!'rltit:s,~.'¢omooe.icot§oits..-‘ ioiexrsy-_lsio‘.d_lAngAiohes whether‘ on} businsoo‘ot_tnto.ndedfot.1>hblie:uGn. no ' «- raw. i.-‘meow we : =.o:.oen.rsnrx;xd:Go-.‘8t-7 ' ‘ . fintnrcd )g.__M-I :‘ uv.ii';e_- 1'ogt—onics oi nu ‘senor: suitor.’ " -. gm;-,we§;thj._:f‘;'tnkiioouonr -for E to-day portly cloxldj/, tbith local ruins. ~_-» ' A ' Tux loipctuons Democrat; who went.» bet thntllnuoock tvll_I.7be.clcetod nronot so plenty. no they were ninonth ago. They are waiting. to hétirtrom Mnlneand Indians ‘before "pntw uug up their money. When they do hear, they. . will -not mvsntto bet. Tim conteetgxor Sheriff in the Deifiocnfle Convention premises to ‘ho lively. Hr. Finn, . tho incutnbcnt, and Mr. Bolend. 1118 310“ 5°‘ "live competitor,‘ are both very confident or ~.-tucceaofibut to a _mxl'l up is two it looks as it {‘ thcvprizé bright -be captured by 9. dark horse. 4‘ ll‘ neither of the leaders can win, Mr. John B. Blovln :1»-in be ncmi from. AFTER Mr. lfitnnk .D. Turner has selected the Judges and Prosecuting Attorney oi’ oi \our Courtai, we trust that he will give his at- tention to the srjectrion oi juries that will be nthsnicteryfito him. it is 1. great lhl!lg.fOTl city to have a. young men like Mr. Tiinicr who in wiliihglto attend to these matters without permitting the people to trouble themselves In the least." Mr. Turner Ieolx as lively interest lathe eclxnliilrtrntlon ot justice in St. Louis. )iit.Fxf.t.vx D.TUltXltR has declared that’lil'r. J.C_. Norruile must not receive the Democrotio nomlnotioam tor Circuit Attorney next Thurs- day. must be regurded ex settling the mat- ter. ilr.‘I'urncr has taken the contractor nom- inating all the Judges and Prosecuting Attor- neys in :51. Louis. and the rout of the Demo- sxntlo potty in the -city must accept his choice without—t3iic::tlon. It in a large contract tor one young man, but Mr. Turner is a boss at no common kind. hilt. G;ito'itA.i£p.rty..'nie’ti..i-tr‘ Ila. bettér’ lobe ?1z.i #11 "§<=t'1te‘.iml-iitlld..*nl‘5°""~¥§ .- then to bo'eiifallewod up’-in" (lie-_vlotory_vot':tn1r"e. allies .-The '-eititor oi’-‘the’ _ Wuhlnglou 1{o[i:,». {vine li_n"'s;.'- _ mi: Miluo,g1ntéryiov_v+ln'g ‘mu; brother Yankees, tohln -pti'pe_lf"lhttt:l1l6’=' . jGreenea¢k;e:s‘.nre.'uot’.ei.p¢.en £6 goo-the-’uLir.. think; \.1Iers'iye n.i.‘c‘>*.'11.I;I}v"a[hr“sr'I3r‘~— -I .?the-an-"' .jxii.l'stéh, eudlio not;?_w‘ent tq‘.‘_1n‘i-etuir‘.m.aiiiy:. Iivofz-;x_.' .!l1e.prcdlcts' Clint ‘alter the_Pn_£stglei_xtlgl ’- ' ‘vciefcxxcmiiae-nez'ncc:aiie_ hot-‘so "yvlll .- with oil. . (the aiyeenimk ‘ ny,.ia whleh"predlct'ion:ho}co.- lucidcs ' vvltb troll-ifiiornicd —'(i'reenbacl:en. - Mir.’ 1-3. 11. (love. Clinlrininot tho G_reenbncl; Slate 'Ce'ntrnl Couimlttée,- exid_ Secretary "at: htejcomnilttce, rotilgnlnghls marl-iberxhlp in‘ thi_':_lr.orxunlzetlon and tlcclnrliiglile purpose to hereoitier actwith the ltcpubllcene. Wcayer will be inhiolno thlsrweek, end, as he ls brlmiol ot wrath, the Greanbockgrn any be- expeolecl toshow their teethvrltb "Increased vigor. It in predlctaeil in Greenback qunrtcre limit so recnback electoral ticket will shortly be put in the item in "Maine, and-fusion tor‘- iuelly Abandoned. It may be added that tho Grecnbackcrs are also abandoning their Dem- ocratlo alllxmco in lndlttmi. ' __ PAYING ‘WAR CL.-H515. "It Hancock lo elected, ” sold o..Dcm_ocr-stlo orator in Alahumn, the other day, “you will be ‘paid itoi-"nil the property you have lost through ll.-ullcal rulc;” and when such utter- enccs as this roach loyal latitudes, no they seldom do, through the scarcity oi Republi- can papers in the South, Democrats brush them oxide with tho reuinrlt - that the four- . tcciith oincnduient to the Constitution pre- hlblls payment for property lost during the rebellion. If this were true it would form no bar to their payment by is Democratic Admin- istration. The real Dctnocrntlr: doctrine in regard to the fourteenth amendment is that It Wu fraudulently adopted and is not binding. Sixteen Dcmocrntlo /deniitors have placed themselves on record as holding all the nlncnd» ments null and void. 011 January 7, ltml. tiller weeks at Democrntlo opposition, 3 vote was taken on the [allowing resolution intro- duced by Senator Edmunde: Resolved, on the Judgment oi the Senate. that the thirteenth. fourteenth nod iiuoentln amendments to the Constitution at the United Bunion have been legally ruined, and are no valid and oi the some paramount fl.liill0tll}' no my other part of the Constitution; this: the people oi on-oil sum. have it common interest in the otuimtoemunt oi the whole constitution in every more at the Union. ‘nmi this: is is ItHk_0 the rtzbt and nuty oi Oonxness to ontoroo ‘sold; at endmento Ind to protect every cltiznn in the exercise oi all the rlxhts thereby scoured by laws or the general character oltently passed, (or that": purpose, and by lurther Appropriate la.-xinlntion,w for council enioroomeut and pro- lootlou are not soc.u.rod.by existing laws; and that It is the duty ot the Executive Deport- tnontot the Government: initlilully’ and with diligence to.c"nrs1 all such lows Into. impgn-tin!‘ execution, undo! Elongxosa to npnroprixto on money: needed to that end. Against this simple amrmstlon of tho_velll1t1 it i'anot'.dlil_lol;'ilt to perceive ‘now. n‘aml'r'ony; when"-taken," togoth'er‘,»--they p'rovlrlo tor, “the. my 32.,-mine or me i:lilme.? ‘It. le.vvell.»,tor;hmttslue.te rngnjlo conuldor whether. it.-'!i‘o'..vvlio‘.ta-'.1ileee'.n party .l_u-',poweif which jilsluly .thrcntoi_1e to empty the Treasury and dov.i'ble the national dchtns egrutulty lo’ the lOlld'B0-lJlb- - ~ "* THE ENGLISH, CRISIS. *rne most interesting question in Europe to- tloy for AIl1|2I'll38Kl3 ii the political situation in .Englnud,/"which in rapidly assuming the aspect olnn ‘(impending crisis,” bringing into di- rect and unyielding" ’ onpositlon tomes‘ which are irreconcilable, and which are (lrlilirig to estrugglo which means for one side victory nod for the other annihilation. - rem two op- posing forces are the House or Common: rep- resenting the spirit or modern democracy and the will or the people, and on the other head the Honor:-of Lords representing the anomaly or hereditary and irresponsible legislation ob- structing the course of the populsr will. Forvtho out six years the majority in the lower house has been in political necorrl with the Tory majority at the peers, but with {steadily dwindling strength which wholly passed away with the elections in April. When the present Pnrlluineut met, the peers found themselves confronted with n govern- ment. which represented 1 divided iorce or Home Itulcrn, Liberals, Ihtdio.-11:. and various shade: or opinion, but this torce was no-strong in numbers that on only question on which it was united, resistance on the part or the poem was hopeless. In this situation there were two alternatives before the noble lords; on the one hand they might recognize the policy ot bonding to in power stronger than themselves. end thus postpone the hull con- tllct which has been drawing steadily nearer since the great reform bill; or they might do- ly bite and Iorguuo, invite the struggle nudge down, it need be, with their tings flying, Tories and Oluitructlonlntn to the end. V We give their lordmlps credit for stunldity rather than for heroin courage in accepting the situation as they have done, and in defy- ing the Government. It the ideas could once enter‘ their aristocratic but obtuse lntollects that the stake they are playing for is their hereditary privilege oi leglelntlonme ere very ecrtsln that they would let Irish peasants and English tenants have all that they could uk, rather then invite the eocrfilege oi’ abolishing Great Britain’: hereditary nobility. But, not seeing this, fli8_V'hlI’0 rushed into the breech with the jaunty assurance of modern knights in 2. much tournament. They have eontcm‘ptu- ouuly pitched out the deceased wile’: sister bill; they make no more account oi the bur- ials bill than o’i‘e:.u bull does of e Spanish matador; the compensation (or disturbance" bill. the eiuployoni’ liability bl!l,_"snd the horns and rabbit: bill are to them the mcrost u'll1ea—-oi no more account than a resumption not before I. Democratic Congress. ' Yetthojalnln run. which nine Englishmen out oi ten tea outline! and uncleriitmd to be 5 ‘viii! questtonflv that Ireland cannot continue indefinitely ‘to be fit disturbance in English ‘politics, "s urn‘; on English prosperity, A thorn in the side no a’ sting ln.th_u flesh. Some’- thingj ‘must be done for lrclnnd, Iomethinz tnore tlusnovan the temporary relief ol the bill which proposes to spply and extend the prin- "clple7'oi éoxnpcnsnttng the Irish pennants tor ‘prlvstlons brought.’ on by bad hnrvuta. II the peers rejoctso’ moderate omeoeure it is In -ueertlou thnt the peers will not permit any rational measure of roller Lobe extended to lrelnisd. “Yet Ireland must. be helped. and it it on not he helped wltliout ‘abolishing the peeruthen the pcere must give why.’ Already their opposition has led‘ the introduction or as out to consider the best method 0! ahollvlx-_ lngtiiom.-. ' j i . ‘ -V» The liereo'*end' ‘rabbits’ bill, ‘which pro“- poses to llgnlt the right or land-ovvnors to pro- teot tI'io'.kround genie on lends levied t_o_fsrni- on", ion very poofiiind [lneuiilclen't roeogtilf tlon oi the inoblllty at this "English t_o'rni_er. to compete 'wlth'tl:$ chute protluctsl olfAin'erlcsn exrlculture 'u_n'der' ‘restrictions ‘ind oh- . 1 ivlth’ vrhloh tra?.lition'_nnd projudioo luv cttlllvitloli‘ jot, English 1 , gnu country m_'¢_hsraI_y‘siiovi yum tenant}:-t2!R~_? ;io;"!ii_ilI0h_I thing as A text'- aot-1m‘=.5!i' jvrhoi, would 2"not[ be - ;iloayod_'_ to shoomm-n.—vr9hvn "or? <'iM.'=.‘i-'.0*° ' '9' N.“ ‘tvhlohvtero emu’; Mi o'er. ..o'une._ like -in .so1iie?bill'_’provideetbnt_._tho‘iuclgiiientuof the _; '.tl'wu'.s ' ._ix_yi“to t .~ -' Tlinro-in evory; lnlliention ’«tl;i‘uj. the jo-anti I-'§w'_.-Ii*.>'n -no.-‘Com-="fl . . . _\ . . . _ or V. oontinné tmtll.to¢ro"o"n~ov¢n_ight.’.‘i__'= -‘ .. ._,. V. - ' '.l3lle1ch_ion"go aodatlton trninrwhtch» on-ived at _Unio'n Donor about l0_5i?.c1ooIt, Jests:i.1.ln_y mom.-I ;lng»_brougl1I-the-_-tir1z_: _ot_ ‘lll0_' -visiting _’ troops. . .,'.these_ um-ovoompnnies ~A_‘u.nd B :'ol'tl1oIi|lnoIr~ ‘*°"‘.;.§.'*‘:".t*=:: iE":.“:.*i°.»‘i:.5:l=.....ll-. tr“- xcuxn n e u e n- o ' = on ;AtijntiinI . drill" neat‘. ''’.1‘lt;0,:>Bl1I9l', ‘nod 890-; _onct"3ergt..A.'\Y.:titnlth.' " -~ '-t '~-0_ompn‘ny‘B-vrtuAoayimnianded-by-Capt. Alex. » ' nnled, b_Y,~.l'll‘II. bloat. 0., « I Brown. — %;¢¢0l|3P. .. .1» ~Woils,.AotInx-becoxia Liout‘. lfr.';}:‘._ Berry“-‘A)o:~._ » ox-lP.irer‘Bo - Thomas‘ Streets; and’ mi '8ol‘i:t:'Alb'4:rt='lumbor.'-"~‘ I " n__1ty metutna at-_ ['1;.Tbe, pornuunios ..iiu mhored ' 53' ‘ mtci:tv11to~vi.tr'rt2¢o cO3(PAli1ltl..' ' the Attack .-end. Sumner. Guo.rda~ol'-tti eity. commended by Cant.’ J; G. Burton and Liout. -Philip Randolph emct‘ nsoorusil by is lmntl >‘-oi ,n:nelc to Union llull. mo Chrinty il\'enl1u,Wh6l0 ' nil vlaltlflfi coin enles are-to be-quartered.‘ Cent. ‘ we um-wn nnd Lieut. ll. )5‘. Payne arrived-trout Ooluinhuu. 0., during the day to ropreeour the Palnlfil’ Guard: in the entoura- ia. ~ ». » . . I ' . ‘rue ltcciollen Guards, joi hiomnlile. and 9; oolm-ed compuny -ix-om Dayton 0.. ‘are ex- uectod to nrrivo tulo morning. finite ts num- bcrot eoloroooxourrlonleto mm points -nun: tlmoity will-also nrriveto-day. _ Lute lam.-niglit tho momliu: escort made it second trip to the do?ot to rooelvdtuo Mempltis. zouuvea, out the trn n-was late and about mid- fil btttio escort had not yet rotu'rned_1.o the 1. Possibly a Spring-dold, l)i.. compnn .. and 3‘- Bonus Caroline ooxuinnud will arrive ti: o morn- in . ' tfitie pro ammo or the celebration. which min public on in VDdI6l'iIny'$ ut.oiti:-Dxuo- CHAT will be imiuirurnted this morning as the Fnir ‘rounds, where the-troo I will assemble et.l0 o'clock. The ieuturveso the do will bo thurevlew and mum bnulo, competii ve drill, walking much, (00: race", culcliliig tho greasy pig, sock moo, yheolbiu-row moo, cto. _..,_____...__.......__.._..._.. ALAEMING ADVXCES. Five Suspicious cam oi’. Sioltncos on Board the Towbont. Raven. Bocclsi Diabnieh to the ulobo-Democrat. eizsuuixo. ‘1‘xmt.. August 29.-Jrho Notional Eton:-i6 1"."°'."‘°1." .1“. '3 “'8*=!- °!°N.=h “"1 N:-1‘ hoopla? ._ceii him ‘flout stingy old «ionoovpinker.-yvho, :onzhtto,ho_nindo.tod.ivitle."' , ‘ . _- ‘ Bo‘: xio‘reonses;_to this com_i'try._witn -a ‘toy .jn_om_ lploynand everybody lnnglis ove‘r~ir.- =11§1)'Inoi_id ‘goes over tlzoro with B.-briplsi comedy. ‘anti Riiguehmon 'Iit:n'nd.woon. ~ - -- - . .'.V.‘VM‘R.V'8ll'lll," me-a. inoyet stair, "won't « you ploaao?b‘ny.t'hle bouquet to'p'r'eeons- to the .lnl‘lr‘}‘ou lf-,-""\l:'_t::nt"'ii his 'lxi'umel"‘f" lfounz‘ 5°}:“.'.‘&_ll81!§iQil_ ',ryiéz~;I""j, The _dénl "xa'dy'.—‘ ”'Iil_osI‘mo, ‘what in Jiemnl _ ‘nusthle Illlorlit E11=n.';voli;-mi_iqt oo"u:el:li1;;.in'np,i ma.» ‘ ‘Inn basin». :gw;nu_ro=_c_., in regard to Mr. 3.... innit’: chance: {or inset-cn.’enys he bus "is good show." "Burp! noiiethe Albnny”-flours, "in- jdood. be his: the srrontent snow on earth." Qsurouxu pnntilieo perjury bye nontonco ,0! wurbeeu route In the state I"rloon. but Sim ~YTl‘l\ll4=l900 Alone om flicoro up over'$t5.oOo,oco ntraw hull accented in. the inn: iwenuweure. .- l1?_ you have juetjroturncd train at montlvssiny in Paris you an rzxpv.-.ot¢.d. to pronounce coupe as "cow-poo." Don’: neglect this, or some’ one wlllvsulpnat that youwenr no iurtnor than flail Gem. Trix Brilllh House olLoz-do will not last long lulu present term, eioedrtiinz to the London '1':-um, which say: it has only existed up rofinow became more has never boone. Doniocrniio iloirso 0! Oamfliann. ' A UIIIXAIIAS will bond all any over a. hot iron in a little close room ironing his olotliuis on a hot day and never think 0! being worm; and yet he could not lly :1 kilo in mldwluter wuu. out Kenning hiiusoli. Wium the prose oi this country will do one- tinll the tree utlvortlxiliig (or a widowed menu)- etmba that it will for an iinmoriil nictreiia 3 grant stun will boyuuule towards lmrnlnlilug Lup mo jewel ol consistency. E (ivxer st n restaurant to waiter, having in. °°WD|tsint to mute: "any. traitor, whom is the proprietor?" llhsltcr. with inland and pitving emilo: "Do you think he dloco here? The boss know» too much tor that-." IT W013’: be many weary weeks before-— The tress will _ hinder lose its green, And uirnl rope will iuuo, _AiiKi every 1 will think but it-gs For croquet stake: wum tnuuo. Aiwlioztlio roeont materialized visitors at the Lake i'loius.ut spirltnnilstio camp meeting were George Wnniiington, Abraham Lincoln. Edwin Al. Stantoii, General Jfiliotnnn, Jim risk, and "an ancient Poi-stun nearly seven 1.‘... h'sb.Dl ’ MDLLB. §.ut.L BKR!il'lAtti)‘X‘. the artist» actress, tins roturuotl trout C0pnnhmron_to Pails. Slso has written the Director oi the Tlieniro Francois asking to he allowed to buy in mm- nunuol liiutalluients 01 25,000 trance ncu um 100,D00irnnoo diiinugexto which one was con- demned for violating her engagement; with that theater. Tm: New "York Telegraes says a fnmfly 1-Q. union took place loot Saturday at Cfsmoiiolier, 11.1., iitwnloli All the Spregues, except the Governor’: wile, were present. It is rumored that Lire. Ilyron bprnauu has iusuuied (nil eon- trul 0! the house and will ooiiduot it in the in- torevt at all; that all dltierouez.-o between the members oi the zlprosmo and ‘Hoyt families hnvetwoon fidjlleicd, and shut periecl: hurtrioiiy and unity now oxlsto. . sionon Qurrsimu, according to a report liious Torin. has resolved to rostom iii. Am- brolse Theron’ opera, Hamlet, to its original iorin. the port oi the Prince 01 Denmark being vluyerlby ll tenor ineteld oi it baritone. Ii: is urther ntsttod that Eiignor Cluupnninl lies in» (mood the orlxinnl authors or ilemlotto mg. were Iupeolnl tax: lor bins in French and Imi- lnn, and time he will produce that edition dur- ing the forthcoming season in New york, 1,, Regions: the sole right at poi-tori-nanco mmgm. with Mr. Gyo, although he seldom gives the work. ' A nxozrlr military voriorznnnoe .s the Perle 0.90"» VII Pllmiy military, and is unltonn or name sort who required. A member at the urea and on eomluion ‘cent, but to the black and {white costume oi ordinary city lilo there vino nondmlhslon. . lie was cqjunlto t.lio"ocoe.sion. Ito ornamented his svtilto‘)is4it;\loouo' with gold bnia, procured lromoj better a curious bend. dross,_lu which he ilxoc: in extraordinary cock. ede, non-owed iron: the sergeant: poi-zorol his hotel I splendid uniform or green mid gold, and tnunettlrod gained is ready ontmnco. Till other morning in Galveston merchant was soon etiuidlnn: In his iitoro with his loco tied up and stxiilinglllron hon-e on tire- “What are you grinning tor?" inked '5 boner-by. "X obooss sold out all mine old nuiprollu, and I out no also not: uonr vnsli. Duh rainy vedder vrua plowing." "Vl'lint'e the matter with your jaw?" “My rooms ache" so me 1 want: to die. Dot rainy vedder nlwsya makes riot." and its his thoughts went black to the solo at the umbrella he put his hand up to his jaw and lsnghed and were and stamped and stalled until people psnlnx miotoolt lilin lot it innntlo. - Mu. Ouvu rnoursox, at Birmingham,’ England, wont to I railroad, station to pee her deonr_tnrovx1lntionn,"_seyo the‘ London ‘Ill-su‘, the on inthe not of crossing to the opposite eluo"oi the_st's.tio‘n, when.-she_ new the train 1!:-om Birminxlxena within a tow yards oi her". stumbled and tell in "tho ionr-toot way," while the son luinlod in the arms or s‘ spoons tor. ‘ ‘tho onxlneor shut oi!‘ Itonrnend timuuht the train to n used-still u soon ‘no possible", but not until four ‘carriage: lild passed over the plane‘ where the aiornnn lay. one rpcotlstors were much relieved to hegtrvner osll out Iron: Vbonosth the train, "All right‘, John: ‘I'm on right." and she soon nttorgot out name. the wlieols without niivinx sootnlnod any injury. or ,&_9kid.‘ll_lt one ‘toenail; iioiozotho ‘Inf. Ih.°.'l”'°$“°?.°*.‘ "‘”*.P'!'§*=.h*?¢b,'$'°¢. ‘iii ' '00 ,Pr'eel_,den_t.g ~'-‘ _!lor'_ _:yn_l_y .weja.: 1 ,' -I .jlt.'oo”'sv atetonso‘ on have been‘ anode,‘ but‘ they were titgj ‘rota. '.iire'om _ot ttuiobeiore he won nctekll ‘ H h j , lion‘. ‘1n.iaa=§»: 1.itA!.uot'ban.bo1°iI!, ioh.uiv.t;rhui. aims: jieiltloit until my mini :9 ‘m§a,.b_f:.n.. " ' ’ oiled ‘to have hito:rou1eIn_ #9?!‘ 91.93‘? ‘W’! . . ‘nay. . , _ , _ _ ,_ _ ‘mlich'_ltl their, ;OItfl0f3¢lS"l€rpa§I is._boo'Aiice,th'_ey . . . _ _ , _ ‘ ' ‘ ;’olxlontoe‘t:nn'o'd.lu: e\l‘onlngfoti‘_tlie“}l.oi'e1l,_nu'd - ;I.n‘v'n-"once Iln'Il_hSq.d- -‘by match. on ~'yooiiz nien >x'orc‘sr,vn‘na,‘t’, _ 1 _ _ s.wu:‘e'a tho.¢treliifenii1’iroeen lo.Lov;1eli. ‘They ;lia¢i_yvallt‘eTd'._to t1ionloulc,fn.nd' itttetfithe plena- = um - oi the "any, _n-"ore __.nn_n_hlo' '7to “repeat “the, 3-journey, sovthox tookf.'tn‘oi‘i-f yio'sitlons_ its'nbo1fgi_ V -‘stated. . Tuellfi oxca ..x'smzod ‘iroi1n.1llleon..to_ ‘-61¢“ .. .. '.a'n'y'.jiu3mr -,'ne1u._,ai_t.j:‘nt "tli'om.i- .j.1_‘nelr trt‘9ete_ol_ idllflctllly '_we'n- to . u_vold..3 detection by the con».- I qn'ctg§' we truihbniidtig ; fihortly-ul_tor9o'oloou' tbé-lrbiu phpspd Lincoln éroiibilitilrihroo‘ mtleo non oil. Alter wishing him good-bye’ on "mg. in nor tor:-ined ellorte to not out at the why she- , bin ms hum. ': .Wv-od.1u- . GM! -v.-'-,.1In motor. c««l..’i-me‘ ;§.....i.xs....;..;._'...'.ei...;is.;....n;' lwwxtt. ms’ 3;. Aiixuns'-_29.1-tieihoekixi/x. oat‘ n'nj'en~jiive&, m9etly_lh’_ifougb th'e'tr_-'oyv_n'onro-_ ;ie'iio'neo_s~. ’.'.i‘horo bed -boon e_'_~“Qslo¢lonlaix.plog .nlo. -and 5, live :onng..iaoe’_n7 i'oa'.ulott‘:tihinIok. " »Il08{XllGl‘. .Ry'_':n, "neck and Rollin‘, 'nll."o2 .t_h_ls 5 6+ ty , ‘alto n'ded“.- when T the .‘ tune" _l_orI 5 returning I hon'i'o.ordr_cd :tli'oy_ climbed on we on xaosen-3 ' rg quietly sitting“ "snd;ta.lklng_ y'e'er_s.‘~~‘ They" never dreamed" oi” trorerLowel.I, -ne'er‘ ‘tibial: is a lo‘w_:atoo'o bridge. < when the trxinjjoseod ‘r‘mgi"or_ ‘think:-ldge‘.tiio _ young .mo'n‘cumo yloienytly, in contact with the stonework and w'iiro~e_vron‘t‘i_rom tliolop oi time our. sninlck rolled. avert the undo! the u-‘sin and tell into the other oi it 'brn.k'omgn.;_’x'his was the tint iuttiuntlou at my accident.-. Blziiilckln body won carried to Lowell-and word mu sent back to noamli toe otherbodiea". This ‘ was done and the other four were found. All the bodies were hon-iblv mnnnlod. Death mun: have been loelnintlnooue. ' fro the Aisoociatod Prom.) Lownnn. llI4ss., August 29.--A shocking no- clae_nt. ooouri-ml on the 'l.'owel_l nod Lawrence ltuilrontl, Saturday night, by which live youth: oi this city lost their lives. A celodoniim ple- nie vvrui held during the ow at Smith's Grove, in the town oi. Anoovcr. where those young men liedb en pnrtlcltantlng. Either for luck oi tnoneyo eport. they contrived tn clnnbor on top or n pnmmoucr ear in the train which leit Lawrence or/i.'$0 p. in. when the. train resclieu Sprnnzuom Ilrldsze. two-mites irons this city. in the town oi Tuwkebury, ull.llvo were swept all-euul itliled. Ac tho time it min only known thntouo Ilitd mot donthju this manner. ‘rule was John Si-lmilck, sixteen years old. He wnxtlirown clown between tlirmisre on the let- iorni. where the conductor louuil him. live trod about twenty? minutes, out who un- conncloux. he body was brounlnt here and identified. some time later trnrlinien ionml the bodice oi the others lying in ditches, ttaroo onotio Aldo oi the truck and one on the otlier. A lroiglit train was sent trout licro nml bi-nu ht them in about midnllrlit. The were, Wll um-Alnlior. rliteon yearn; Jolie ‘hie enters, sixteen; Tunotliy Nolan, savori- teon; Piatiiolr itvun, iiltoo-1. Thorols :1 space 01 twenty-two inrlu-3 between the on it and bridge literature it in conjectured that: :0 led! woraslttiingutrwlien struck. Protinbly nllbut flhlimick-were utmost instantly lalllotl, its their wounds on bond: and books were terrible. Inc undertaltor-'3 room where the bodies lie nay-e boon t1iro'_xiu«.-d to-day. The nginrlno City Disaster. Di:-rnon‘, Alto-11., August i9.«-_.t special can that the hlnrlne (lily on lictusuir down irom iinokluno, with it lull loud at lrolglit and pea- Iemzeru. lolt Alooun at 8:30 tlllu eilornoon. About 4 o'clock, sullen‘ oi! sturgeon Point, are won discovered in‘ her hold. and Micro oiioctlvo ciloris could. be taken the, names became un- miuioxuublc. The ollortn oi the crew were at once directed to saving the ' ueengers. The ma Vulcan won fortunately in night and hnvtmwd to the rellol us did also hunts oi the lite nvlnyr etatlbn at therpoiut and several email/bonus iron: shore. new plckedti n.. l-mo number at person: in the water, c Ienrlrom Detroit. 1'0:-t‘ Huron and u iillllffl pm-ta, nlsuilxo iollowirig: hire. J. J. 00:12 and son‘ Oltumrvn. lu. ; Dewitt -Oovlilo, 'l‘omnto: Itiluce Margaret. and J. J. htcoomiol, )ira."x:.lolm hlclllroy, Olin. Clcinono, Luglmor Tliotiipvon and Frank Warner, oil» 0! Toledo; Inn ~’l‘os:nor, Montreal. The [allowing are the nlymlnulus! yet known: ltlcliurtlso ‘ultx, Jeuuoru:-iii1n..Pz-ant: iisnmett, Guy ticirllroy, Toledo‘ Dr. Pomoroy. Uhio. A number have been tulton.to.8tur ooh Polntwliooeneruoslinvsi not been Obllllntv . captain Comer and the crown! the Marine C17-zllclftl with great coni- noss, n.nd Cnptoln Hoe elund the crew at the tug Vulcan ronucrotl _ vuluublo no-' .olote.nce. es did elm . the lilo- snfing crow. '.Ul0M! reaction are all at Moons. The Murine City was is tine puma- xer bone. iourieou years old. and valued at .000. she was inuured tor $5.000, enoowned y Gelingherd: Werrinur. oi this city. The River Gives Up its Deed. Special iiinvatott to the Globe-tiomocrss. _ E-inirisr, 0., August 29.-Borneo shoemaker, nyonng men twenty years 01 ago. lei: his leth- or'e‘homo, nonr Dosrrtsfi, Lcgon County. on the Both of August, to_utend is olrous in Sidney. lie did not return, and his lnthor_beootuiri;r'e.lerxn- ed oifered .3 tnvrerd of $50 to ‘my. one who would return tile buy. About sixty man came lrom' rel! your-runy. and dragged the river below In am. when is bo., Auguet 20.--An nxoltlnsz runaway occurred on the wee track at the Mid- dlowwn l-‘eir Ground.-i yesterday evening In the tree-tor-all trotting oontcst._ While the herpes "wire at their iilulicst speed the bit or the horse driven by John Conwonoihlillvlile this bounty. broke and Conway lull beoinvstr .out 01 the null! . in letting one leg become entangled in I e line: out! Clio tmroo irixbtonod and. tooling no rooenre . on’ the tail, ran inriously . ritgging him about Ii quarter of 9. mile. Lonwisy, while being are - god nnd untied on the ground among I o wliooioo the racing vohloloefionllod repealed- ly iorhoip,-but the penile -stood dumb, ug- peruntiy, with tiorror._"1‘ 6 doctors think a vrulrocover. - - . - ‘ '1'wo‘nte'Iimo. ‘ Special nupsteh to the Globe-Donioont. .. A'tji.AilrL..GA., August 29.-—Jismeo Low.‘ non oi it prouiinent insursihce ascent, went out nun":- 'nir'ig late this &_flAll'D00l‘I,' end in diooburlng bis‘ venison‘ it bore: and ’ _ Atfbid colored min ‘was nceldoiitolly stabbed In_ the neck this morning with‘: splinter at wood. The in in vein was Mitrutod end (he bind to out bolero old can :1 be rendered’. : __ l'n»sW_ell. _ up-4-"co-i lliimireh Iotllo m_m'»«mnx'o'¢ru. ;. as -3 Kzw Ii'svgr:¢,' Kr..=_Au_3net 19.-fL.‘\l0 lut night. 'Jno. Woolen. and we cy¢aix,yn‘d_’lives ;m_o'e~, _ ‘miles l)'|510i"|lQ£G}IlllFP€d_I}1'HlI 1I‘ell_nnd "draw it» ‘_ oil . lilqnselr. V gsotpzei Iyenro hen’ _- Ilse ~ merried Jllss June 'momn_._a.-.2 Alter s shorvtline he cured s dlvorco. ~nno.. V her. no leave’: one child. ». This evening 1 little dung: agar,“ eolored, tell -oendv vr i .... .-.l.««>'-or-:»»«..~“:.-...so«--.' . oniosoo; 1ro..J_liIJ¢ua::o. .. , . . 5t°nr: 1-'.*T°‘3‘“!'fl .5“. l-l1*."W'i°3 .?W'|.u.°'- lgnl iron: n'Liiz'e Bhorelnelgntl _ . .. ‘. 1 tore sway three nnironl at. p i ' .rootod..endlooitod_ tipt?.t.tlio'I'l1tt1”_Dlslrlot- etoly.__.wuo_Asjeiua_rrlo_d"t)o-_ ' " ‘ cot.-3:- hour" d . ‘ rwefieiy.-rdtir,i{ouie‘nreor’ i .tnlli&'i_:a"sni nneou-' batons stun,-,wim_on:_.j_nn Q: at bruins,--on _ _, __.Sl=i fiori sorioiuiy won ’ 5P!¢_ILl'DtIl}§{eh tsi §»'P*¥*4?!°rox. 1nv.’..‘.A°8'!.!¢.-3-.2- . .,9vexilng, juet;belor'o'_tho -D,enn"oe'n_ulo_ j'_op'eja_‘k_inx V ‘9°“’:“?;::t-d_._ In’_nnvl1.!nlch_:w'nn?.b§i , ' ..~'iir.3m~€§l§*‘u333”: .’T°‘-'.“"'~"~".'5.‘.j?".’».’.'.'.“. A ‘ t-"\I°l=E'l.ir’ Iaisrltt-1. :1‘. V _ ,' ;’)tQ\‘l:D_lSCB,—, Anxious-.;29V;—I)nrl_n¢ «*.h.v=.*¢°'-9¥W*°<-thi!.eiWrn°9Mm?-rs: truer: = '_..¢r1,a.r.: .01.: nrc13_.u'od- _t_vro.nr_ three; other bi_ilti_tiou5l - yore etruelt by lightning. 'b‘ut"no. injury to fier- ,»°1'°“'..‘““’.3."."‘°“~‘*..' .- - :4 " ' .59‘Y§t¢1i".I39r?>"3@f- ‘ 1 ' . .' .. —-umux; PA... August. 29.--Lightning: inner the house or John-Weller, one mile xroui_~he'z§:, this afternoon while the tanit1y'_wore‘ng alniio:-. Mr. Weller and tour clilldron .wero- severely burned. . V . ‘. _ _ Tvvo Girls i)_rewneeclitl1)leo-lob to the Globe-Doinocui. -“'4'”-R505 CITY. Austin: 29.»--A heavy rain storm passed over this section lest night, ne- compnuied by thunder and lightning null wind. During the storm a route yru struck by llglitnlnn‘ and lililcd near the xfesitiont;-o'ol Phil. E. Olinppull. The rain won’ groutiy needed. being the ilrerto do any good that till: inllcls for several weeks. i The Storm at Edwnrdévillo. Sm-flnl llisryslch io'_lne more-tiemonrnr. Eowinnnvxeu, ILL, August 29.--veryheavy rnina to-any throughout tu’o county intllcneo that the corn crop will yet come outnli. right. Thlv in the are: rnininll 01 any extent that has laltcthtzio socilon {or about It: weeks. Ever?‘- hing was completely (tried up. The our y urmueet {or corn was \'tiry_ flztttorlim, buz_:.g-o. | lbirdiknl in crop is pmbubly n-ndr eotiumte now. . J nrred. . 0i.:7ttt..trtD, 0., August 29.-—A ins-no iemllvo posted over this city near 3 o"cl‘oolr this morn- ing, brilliantly illuminating everything. < when over the Lake it exploded ‘with men term on to severely 1-tr many buildings in the northern nert oi the city, and it-amounts Iliootlng uh "iii dil- ierent directions like the bursting or it moneta- skyrocket. . Tholtnln Continues nl: Peoria. llzwelnl llilnntcu to we Ulooodnrnoorav. I’ZOKl_A, lhi‘... August 29.—'I‘he min continued nt interval: 10-day, -with every indication 011 long uiogo at it. ‘ Death in the Bath. ‘then: the Bsltimoro Amer-lcsn. 1 Henry Snyder, a youth sixteen yours of ego, was drowned tut night its the Nntetoriuui, nu- dur peculiarly distressing clrcumetitncos. o'clock, end meeting some trlonds. not their key and went to the droeslnrcgrooui“. Boon Site: he appeared in bnthliig coaturnq, gnu. gnmgga tuo writer. Ono 01 his irlonde-alnliuu itin- lnger-—-euw blm swim out iron: the ce‘ntor'ote;x nt lti_e.nido oi the bullillnii to line owing:-n au- lance 0! about fifteen loe_t--which is directly irimllia cenuérlot tlho‘ pool, ends‘: fiusmndg is us 3 oo amve ovum.-r. t e o the goal the tiign roads. "Dopsii ten toot." The or or sent sutootiedlo this swim: to nonv- ily padded. to make the uni: comlortuble. lion £0003 Bnytlar met another friend, Vlillieos rydon. noon eitur Dryden want 1: suite to the diving-boxird,torty toot nbovo i e tutor. unthloolcinxdowni new finyder still in the gang. ginyktller mil Bl1‘I0llil!i to wait, nod‘ rig: we, or owuno n to limp out o : airing. Dryden Wlllctfi an; new tile irienti plunge into the wntcnbut exactly how he is not able to unto. lie waited [or him to come on to the snrtuco, but as he did not do no, called out that his lriemi was drowning, nnd_juiup- in: down called (or old.’ The unit wuuuiilng up rapidly--xhle being tho popular lieu:-_im owliuusiuu--but only it four ilonul lilo ulann,und they did not econ: to need it; Arieuxtti the bflKl|t.'X‘J_8138lll0iJ to realize tiio.sl.tmmon.,una several persons jumped lrwottie. ouster.‘ - ‘A lilo pole n-no uslion _ou:.~nud.there vmsnxeuona room or ytlae ci'owd_to»tho gallery. Ouaimia oriu . qioociuo, l°°‘.‘. °‘3.‘l?“° .t’.°l% .‘“l“ °°.’2‘l“2.‘s’“‘°.l’- ‘-°-lléfi liliuil;;d”I loot uli‘xiil"'ll"uo""\loiItn'-_1_¢}l’hlgzlx 3 too someone. n e cry.- one answered the men. “ivilineoinebody dive?" 1-rictl another. Just then is . mun lulu ¥6l1_0VGl £223 {.‘:‘l'..’.‘.’.‘.'?.‘l.‘i&."’1 -“.‘l‘i.".'.“.? .‘I.‘.'."€.'.1; ..‘.':.l*.‘i‘~’v criedn vieltor. “Why do ‘two uinnlu?" Just then: Mr..— Laws 0 won oven-tint, come up and toninicn lNIIdlIlg_flllOl‘. In mid lie tale. the mun. _".l'lio water wluueuriy nine lootjut this point and miim:"i1ovrn again he came up onylng, "here he in‘ I out tnenuin on him!" . Again the cry vino raised: “llri omnebod dive clown l" nnullidwerd Lnnm,_who wnsstun ing on the tmllery. |ii1tiy(€l{llnl'.I',tLll yiool, but coilid not moon ;s to body- Nrsiik Avery, I rotosolutmi gymnast uuu mutno: oi Lorne, t on dived item the Hide and utter some time came up with the body. lie carried it on his shoulder. it was limp and intuit-on. Avery nlruck out (or the. Iunro, when sovurd ewlminors Jlilllio to meet him, nndlio ulted V them to help him with his burden. but name- how the live or elxitlut come to his essistauioc bungled in their wont. nod they Allowed (bl bouyiooli? out or their imup.niidgotoIhI- -bottom on n. Wlion Avery new what bud-bur _ ' period he -iuuuoolisteiy swim to the‘ northern tom, once more bring iigjlp the body.= Hr. Lorne this time wont ‘to. the Aselctenoe or tile partner, and it was owing to ttiosntsvn untitle- men shut lhll booyrwes anally taken out oi the water and conveyed...to the gallery. ~:.'l’hnn ‘Dru Doaeti, roster, Stounrt an Jimocn wound 'IOl'I£ stones to useltoue the ind. z_’.l‘ll6!‘ lo.- bored over} him ioritwonty minutes,» but. in ‘min. -'i‘tie'nl1nlruronted'-the ullltlollu ‘excite-' meat, and all sorts -- oi rumors were examine.- -i-‘ore time the pool won deserted, butvlntos-.1: -the evonln . .svhlle»:ho..(3oroner‘held his zin- neiic bun rods wontlnto the vviotoruix-sin, as . nothing had bnppoood‘.-' - _ V - ‘ . ' ‘ ,- fiouibly Insane. _' While the nlternooninlniost eycry patieslrlnp who help- _'pox'fcd"i_ipoh the streets _n't tixe_-moo -tho_upy_»a‘g_~ liood gates .wer_o opotiotl. irninodlstely hurried ., ‘to '1. s_hoi(L_or._'_= ;l‘here'iynsyono_Intiivldusl'_wh6"dla jnotjegjk shelter, dull tor_thet,re,n'_so9 he“ ag. lice iitutlon. lilo mine is choking.-trhish I.w|.|c_ltM‘l"IIIOi_lll'O w_u standing-in V o? d ‘-'B!l|§‘0nl_'ull_I_°_ ’°".“.1_a'llGIl‘ the‘-oi: ’ ulltegb \ generous ‘whom ti: j roeoliod It to ..h an . on :__:.Lna- 5... e.'¢?-.i:i ' 2 . , ilk, reached the ewltnming-school,-uhartiy diet? "-.,. stops, climbed up and I aln dived so the hate ~ . rain in pouring down ymtorilifi .-. '~. \':