George McGovern's New Look At The Military Brochure
8 1/2 inches by 3 5/8 inches red and white brochure with and red image of a missile launch with white letters at the top spelling "George McGovern's New Look At The Military". There are five pages including the back cover page that deal with how McGovern would act differently about military matters compared to Richard Nixon. The issue brought up is the large military budget asked for by President Nixon and what is attained through the budget. After laying out Nixon's position the brochure then describes McGovern's position as compared against and which starts with the title of "REALISTIC DEFENSE". At the bottom of the back cover page there are black letters spelling "Prepared as a service to the McGovern for President campaign by sane, a citizens' organization for a sane world, 318 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20002. Edward U. Condon and Seymour Melman, Co-Chairmen, Sanford Gottlieb, Executive Director". The first "sane" is in larger print and in red.