Vol. 88, No. 25C been considered and the possibility of using the steel work of buildings for a return circuit has been studied. The committee expressied a desire for discussion upon the following question: Is it the desire of the Associa- tion that this committee prepare specification covering welding equipment or shall the Association adopt specifi- cations now existing as used by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association? Discussion: Mr. Billau pointed out that since rail- roads were only one of the users of welding equipment general specifications for such equipment might tend to confuse rather than to clarify the issue. J. R. Sloan, Chief Electrician, Pennsylvania Railroad, suggested that it would be better to'take specifications already in use and changesuch points as might be objected to rather than to write new specifications. Illumination Mr. Billau, chairman of the committee on illumina- tion -briefly outlined the subjects which will appear in the annual report. Among these are a revision of stand- ard incandescent lamp schedules and a revision of speci- fication for incandescent lamps with a view of putting the specification in form for final adoption by the asso- ciation. Floodlighting as applied to railroad yards was designated as a subject to be continued and the feasibility of using a series system of power supply distribution for floodlighting will be studied. _ The committee also proposes to investigate the feasi- bility of using pre-focus lamps for locomotive headlights. It was stated that the development of this type of lamp is entirely practical but that its successful use depends upon the development of a receptacle which can be satis- factorily and easily substituted for the present standard receptacle. The development of a practical method for mounting locomotive headlights using this type of lamp so that it may be readily adjusted to throw the beam parallel with the track and the need for the lamp itself, owing to its prob-able higher cost, were phases of the sub- ject which the committee felt should first be developed by the committee on Locomotive Electrical Equipment. Discussion: E. W. Jansen, electrical engineer, Illinois Central, mentioned the satisfactory service which he had had with a new type of headlight lamp. The new lamp known as'the C-4 is a 250-watt lamp. Some of them, Mr. Jansen said, he had in service for 90 days. R. W. Cost of the Westinghouse Lamp _Company, in speaking of this lamp, said that it was still in _the experi- mental stage and that it had been developed in an effort to improve the present type of headlight lamp. He also said the only way the lamp companies could find out how satisfactory this lamp was, was to get the reactions from those who used them, and that sometimes the first reports ‘ were not conclusive. Automotive Railway Equipment In view of relatively recent development in auto- motive railway equipment, the committee on this subject felt that the adoption of standardization of automotive equipment should be held in abeyance for at least another year and re€l11€5'Fed dlscusslol} 0,“ roller bearings versus friction bearings, battery igni- tion versus high tension Inagnoetos and the advis- ability of the committee delving into engine construc- tion details, Opinions were requested on the sub- jects of maintenance of gas- 3_fld 911-91“-'U'1C m0t01' ca;-s_ Three dif‘ferent.types of lighting systems were briefly described and it was stated that the sub-com- mittee planned to follow up the operation of these RAILWAY AGE 1 548DlO9 J. C. McElree I L. S. Billau and arrive at a conclusion as to which is the best practice. In the absence of E. F. Weber, supervisor auto- motive service, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, and chairman of the committee, the report was presented , by J. E. Kilker, shop production engineer, Missouri Pacific. Discussion. Mr. Billau said that since this subject was receiving more and more attention from the Motor Transport Division of the A. R. A., it would be well to find out which branches of the subject would come under the jurisdiction of the A. R. A. in order to avoid overlapping. Mr. McElree said that the question of bearings would probably be one prob- leni to be handled by A. R. A. committees. Radio Geo. VV. Bebout, electrical engineer, Chesapeake & Ohio, and chairman of the committee on the application of_ radio to railroad service presented the report on this radio for railway service. He outlined the situation regarding the use of radio communication for freight trains and hump yard service All work of this nature has been held up by the Federal Radio Commission. Ap- parently this has been due to the fear that such. ap- plic_at1ons_to railroad equipment would interfere with police radio. Nevertheless application blanks have been prepared by the Commission for the use of the railroads, and while the Commission could not promise anything, the submitting of these blanks was taken by the com- mittee as an indication the Commission would look more favorably upon the application of the railroads for this service. Discussion: The question of departmental jurisdic- tion regarding radio equipment was raised by Mr, Hill, Mr. Andreucetti cited the instance of the Chicago & E. F. Weber G. W. Bebout