M-322: Dr. Allen B. and Helen S. Shopmaker American Political Collection
The Constitutionalists, No Third Term Button
7/8-inch, blue, pin back button with a white circle in the center. Arched within the outer blue circle is white text reading "THE CONSTITUTIONALISTS". Within the inner white circle is red text reading "NO THIRD TERM". Button has label for Bastian Brothers Company (Rochester, N.Y.)
The Democratic Party of Michigan Pin
5/8-inch bronze pin featuring side view portraits of Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Arched along the borders reads "The Democratic Party of Michigan" with decorative laurels.
The Father of His Country Decanter
Clear transparent decanter with profile picture of George Washington with the title "The Father of his Country" on one side. The other side features a profile picture of General Taylor and reads " General Taylor Never Surrenders." Produced by Dyottville Glass works (Philadelphia, PA)
The Independent Voters Handbook
Trifold paper brochure. On the cover is a cartoon drawing of a donkey seated on the lap of a man sitting in a chair, with that chair on the back of an elephant whose trunk is stretched upwards to the man's ear. Both the donkey and elephant are yelling into the man's ears. In a box below the cartoon is text reading "The Independent Voters Handbook A Brief Statement in favor of Senator Kennedy". The inside of the pamphlet contains four columns of text in support of Kennedy's campaign. The lower right corner contains a sketch of an elephant with a cloth on its back reading "Kennedy". On the back is a sketched drawing of then-presidential candidate John F. Kennedy above quotes from the candidate, as well as information from the group "Citizens for Kennedy" who produced the pamphlet.
The Inflated States of America; Two Frozen Dollars
Double-sided printed replica of the U.S. two dollar bill criticizing Richard Nixon's economic policies. Text at the top and bottom reads "The Inflated States of America", "Two Frozen Dollars". A caricature of Nixon with both hands raised making a "V" gesture and a crossed fingers gesture is in the center, replacing the normal portrait of Thomas Jefferson. The cartoon is captioned "Daddy Sorebucks". Various other parody symbols and text replace the normal currency design.
The New Yorker Magazine 1956, Voting Machine Illustration
The New Yorker magazine from "Nov, 3, 1956". The cover is a cartoon depiction of a green voting machine surrounded by people reading off and tallying the results. "Price 20 cents" is printed in the upper right corner. Getz is signed in the lower left corner.
The Non-Elected President Decanter
Red transparent decanter with profile portrait of Gerald Rudolph Ford or one side. The other side reads "The Non-Elected President, 38th President 8/9/74. I believe that truth is the glue that hold government together, not only our government, but civilization itself."
The Only ISSUE Is Roosevelt Brochure
White brochure with black print. The front reads "The Only ISSUE Is Roosevelt" With a photograph of then President Franklin D. Roosevelt above his name. There is a black star below. The inside lists Roosevelt's achievements during his previous 3 terms as president. The back contains information regarding voter registration as well as the election date and poll times.
The People's Money Glassware Mug
Glassware mug with profile portrait of William J. Bryan. The words "The People's Money" are arched above the portrait and "Wm. J. Bryan" is written below the portrait with ornate décor on the rim and handles of the mug.
Theodore Roosevelt "Our President" Button
7/8-inch round, pin back button with black and white portrait of Theodore Roosevelt with a gold border, red and white stripes to the left and right, and four stars on blue above and below the image. Button has paper label on reverse for Scruggs, Vandervoort & Barney, St. Louis.
Theodore Roosevelt on Black Button
5/8-inch round, pin back button with black and white 3/4 view portrait of Theodore Roosevelt. Button has paper label on reverse with the words American Art Works.
Theodore Roosevelt on Black Button
5/8-inch round, pin back button with black and white portrait of Theodore Roosevelt. Button has paper back label by St. Louis Button Co., St. Louis.
Things Look Better Already; Goldwater for President Cardboard Glasses
Gold-toned cardboard cut to the shape of eye glasses with black text reading "Goldwater for President" on each temple, "Things Look Better Already" across the top center, and "Vote G.O.P." on the bottom of the frames. Across the top of the frame is a line drawing of a smiling elephant with its trunk and tail wrapped around the glasses.
This Time, Nixon Brochure
Brochure for Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew's presidential campaign in 1968. On the front is a black and white photo of Nixon below text reading "This time, vote like your whole world depended on it." Inside are black and white photos of Nixon, his family, and Agnew, along with biographical information about Nixon as well as his campaign platform regarding various issues including "Vietnam", "The Draft", "Rising Crime", "Black Capitalism", and more. The back of the brochure has black and white photos of Agnew with his family and Nixon in a celebratory pose, as well as biographical information about Agnew. Text at the bottom of the back reads "This Time - Nixon" and "Published by Nixon/Agnew Campaign Committee".
Triple H Humphrey Bumper Sticker
Red bumper sticker with three blue stylized H's, connected by the vertical strokes, with white stars through the center of the strokes - the Humphrey campaign logo. White text to the right reads "Humphrey".
Trump Eagle Sticker
3 inch wide and 2 1/4 inches high sticker shows a color image of the head of a bald eagle in front of a flowing American flag. The word Trump is printed in large capital letters at the bottom of the image.
U.S. Senate Gallery - Impeachment Ticket
Green paper ticket with the text "U.S. Senate, Impeachment of the President, Admit the Bearer, April 27, 1868. Gallery. Geo. F. Brown, Sergeant-at-Arms." The ticket allowed the ticketholder to observe the impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson in the U.S. Senate.
Ulysses Grant - The Final Photograph
Sepia photograph of Grant, as per writing on the back this is the "final photograph" of him. He is seated on the porch, reading a newspaper. On the front bottom "copyright" is written. On the back, the logo for Gilman is printed. There is a medal of a cross with "Gilman," written inside. Below the cross "Canajoharie, N.Y." is printed.
Veteran Republican Club Ribbon
White ribbon with black text reading "1840. Harrison and Tyler. Veteran Republican Club. Buchanan, Mich. Harrison and Morton. 1888." This ribbon would be worn by members of the Veteran Club that consisted only of those who voted for Republican nominee William H. Harrison in the 1840 presidental election, and planned to vote for Benjamin Harrison in the 1888 presidential election.
Veterans and Reagan-Bush '84 Brochure
8 1/2 inches by 3 5/8 inches white brochure with blue, white, and black writing. The front cover has blue writing with red bars above and below the blue letters spelling "VETERANS AND REAGAN-BUSH '84". The "'84" is in red. Beneath the writing on the cover is a color photo of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. The brochure is folded four times. The first flap page has a color photo of Ronald Reagan. The second flap page is blue with white letters of a Reagan quote about veterans. The four inside pages feature a long overlook of Ronald Reagan's accomplishments for veterans. The top of the pages has blue letters spelling "A RECORD OF STRENGTH FOR AMERICA'S VETERANS". There are three color photos of Reagan interacting with soldiers and veterans. The back page is mostly white but for writing in the lower half. Under the same "REAGAN-BUSH '84" from the cover are red letters spelling "LEADERSHIP THAT'S WORKING". At the bottom of the page are blue letters spelling "Paid for by Reagan-Bush '84" Union imprint at the bottom center of the back page.
Veterans for Stevenson
7 inch by 3 3/4 inch brochure. Over a green background on the front is a white circle containing a cartoon image of a soldier with text reading "I like Stevenson". Below is white text reading "Veterans for Stevenson". The "V" in "Veterans" is a hand holding up the first two fingers, representing a "peace" gesture. Inside is black text over a white background providing several statements from veterans in support of Stevenson's presidential campaign. On the back is another cartoon of a soldier holding a sign reading "Stevenson the choice of the PFC" along with a statement from Bill Mauldin. Brochure is from "Veterans for Stevenson" at "7 South Dearborn Street, Chicago 3, Illinois".
Vote Art Poster
11 inches by 17 inches poster with an orange background featuring a stylized image of Grant Wood's painting American Gothic but with the two figures wearing "I VOTED" buttons. Underneath the image of the painting are the words "AMERICANS FAVOR CANDIDATES WHO SUPPORT DOUBLING FEDERAL ARTS FUNDING TO $1 PER CAPITA.", "An overwhelming majority of Americans see the arts as important to improving education, quality of life, and the economy. People who participate in the arts are also more likely to vote.", "LISTEN. REFLECT. CHOOSE. VOTE ART." Below this are the dates and locations for the 2016 Republican and Democratic National Conventions. The lettering is white except for the dates, which are in yellow. The bottom of the poster features a white stripe with the logos for Americans for the Arts ACTION Fund and AMERICANS for the ARTS, along with where to get further information.