flier advertising Claude "Fiddler" Williams' appearance
A flier on the window of the Harlequin Café advertising Claude "Fiddler" Williams' appearance. The flier reads, "Columbine's Champagne Cellar next door to the Harlequin Café in Detroit's Historic Indian Village West proudly presents an intimate evening with a living Jazz legend. 93 YEAR YOUNG VIOLINIST Claude "Fiddler" Williams with A. Spencer Barefield, guitars; Dan Pliskow, acoustic bass; and special guests. Friday, April 13, 2001, 9:30 - 11:30 p.m. For Dinner, Cocktail or Show Reservations: (313) 331-0922, 8047 Agnes, Indian Village West, Detroit, MI. Two blocks N. of E. Jefferson / 1/2 block E. of Van Dyke. Cover: $15.00, includes first free drink. 100 Champagnes, French Inspired Cuisine. World Wide Wines & Beers, Expertly Mixed. Cocktails, Barista Bar & Fruit /Vegetable Juice Bar. Valet Parking. Come and Listen to Jazz in the Village. Where Would a Jazz Legend Play Other Than In The Village!!!
April 13, 2001
Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.