Claude "Fiddler" Williams is presented a cake for his 95th birthday while he is on stage
Claude "Fiddler" Williams, with his side to the camera, stands and smiles holding his fiddle as an unidentified white woman stands beside him presenting him with a birthday cake celebrating his 95th birthday. An unidentified African American man grins as he peeks just above the woman to see the cake. The white male keyboard player's head is obscured by a music stand as he sits at a keyboard. An unidentified white woman at the front center of the stage faces away from Claude. Three different saxophones sit on the stage in saxophone holders. Todd Bolton stands off stage holding a microphone at chest level and also turned to listen to Claude. The date, "2 11 '03," is imprinted by the camera on the bottom right-hand corner of the photograph.
February 11, 2003
Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.