All Books and Texts
Published by authority of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America., Louis F. Benson, editor ; William W. Gilchrist, musical editor., Includes indexes., With this is bound: Selections from the psalter for use in the services of the churches. Philadelphia: presbyterian board of publication and Sabbath-school work, 1902., With music.
Hymnal for American Youth
edited by H. Augustine Smith., 301 hymns., Orders of worship : 69 page supplement, including 34 hymns.
Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged
Without music., "The morning and evening canticles and occasional anthems" : pages 631-648.
Full Subtitle: "as adopted by the General convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in the year of Our Lord, 1892"
by Frederick William Faber., Cover title: Faber's hymns., Without music.
Hymns of the Faith
Faith of our fathers! -- O little town of Bethlehem -- Lord divine -- Hark, hark, my soul -- Lift up your glad voices -- Revive us again -- How firm a foundation -- A mighty fortress -- Crown Him with many crowns -- Tell me the old, old story -- Nearer, still nearer -- All hail the power of Jesus' name -- All hail the power -- From Greenland's icy mountains -- Hail, thou once despised -- My Savior first of all -- Something for Jesus -- Jesus, Lover of my soul -- Rock of Ages -- It came upon the midnight -- O day of rest and gladness -- More like the master -- Did you think to pray? -- Sun of my soul -- Holy, holy, holy -- Come, Thou almighty King -- The church's one foundation -- Jesus, I my cross have taken -- The banner of the cross -- Teach me Thy will, O Lord -- From every stormy wind -- Come, Thou Fount -- When I survey the wondrous cross -- Joy to the world! -- The Son of God goes forth to war -- The hand that was wounded for me -- Somebody -- Alas! And did my Savior bleed -- Glorious things of thee are spoken -- Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove -- Savior, like a shepherd lead us -- I've found a Friend -- I lay my sins of Jesus -- When I go home -- Jesus shall reign -- O Zion, haste -- Fling out the banner! Let it float -- O could I speak -- The morning light is breaking -- Count your blessings -- Beautiful Isle -- Am I a soldier of the cross? -- How happy every child of grace -- Grace, 'tis a charming sound -- Let Him in -- Jesus, blessed Jesus -- We've a story to tell the nations -- O love that wilt not let me go -- Jesus! The very thought of Thee -- Lead, kindly Light -- Blest be the tie -- Safely through another week -- I will sing you a song -- His love can never fail -- May Jesus Christ be praised -- Come, sound His praise -- Angel voices, ever singing -- Abide with me -- Jesus, I come -- Jesus saves -- Just as I am -- I heard the voice of Jesus say -- Where he leads me -- Spend one hour with Jesus -- Cast thy bread upon the waters -- Where hast thou gleaned today? -- Wonderful words of life -- In the cross of Christ -- Guide me, o Thou great Jehovah -- There's a wideness -- There is a fountain -- Jesus, friend of sinners -- Calling the prodigal -- Spirit of God, descend upon my heart -- Jesus calls us -- What a Friend -- Amazing grace -- Stand up for Jesus -- Jesus is all the world to me -- Meet me there -- 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus -- Lord, speak to me -- Nearer the cross -- O for a thousand tongues -- Onward, Christian soldiers -- Who is on the Lord's side? -- My Father knows -- What did He do? -- Asleep in Jesus -- Beautiful valley of Eden -- Jesus Christ, the crucified -- The hour of prayer -- My hope is built -- Give me Jesus -- Jesus, the sinner's Friend -- More about Jesus -- O Master, let me walk with Thee -- Welcome, delightful morn -- Lord, we come before Thee now -- He leadeth me -- Precious promise -- Break Thou the bread of life -- I need Thee every hour -- No the day is over -- He died for me -- Some one who knows -- O Love divine -- Holy Spirit, faithful Guide -- 'Tis midnight -- Day is dying in the west -- I would be like Jesus -- The half has never been told -- O God, our help -- One sweetly solemn thought -- Closing hymn -- Sweet hour of prayer -- Softly now the light of day! -- Your best Friend is always near -- There shall be showers of blessing -- Savior, more than life -- Art thou weary? -- Let the lower lights be burning -- Christ the Lord is risen today -- Hark, ten thousand harps -- I know that my redeemer lives -- He lifted me -- There is a green hill far away -- Too late, too late -- I love Thy kingdom, Lord -- Only trust Him -- Friend of friends -- My Father planned it all -- My Jesus, I love Thee -- A charge to keep -- My faith looks up to Thee -- Near the cross -- Higher ground -- I'll live for Him -- Almost persuaded -- Why not now? -- Since I found my Savior -- Sweeter than all -- How sweet the name of Jesus -- Fade, fade, each earthly day -- Nearer, my God, to Thee -- Jesus is the name -- Do you love Him? -- My soul, be on thy guard -- Savior, again to Thy dear name -- Awake, my soul -- The same old day -- Jesus will! -- Walk in the light -- O Jesus, I have promised -- Majestic sweetness sits enthroned -- Coming home -- The love of Jesus -- Must Jesus bear the cross alone? -- Jesus, Savior, pilot me -- Hail to the brightness -- Jesus is calling -- I am Thine, o Lord -- It is well with my soul -- Rescue the perishing -- Every day -- The King's business -- Help somebody today -- Softly and tenderly -- We're marching to Zion -- I must tell Jesus -- The way of the cross leads home -- Will there be any stars? -- Lord, I'm coming home -- My Savior's love -- One more day's work for Jesus -- Labor on -- Christ shall be King -- True-hearted, whole-hearted -- Whiter than snow -- Is thy heart right with God? -- 'Tis the blessed hour of prayer -- A child of the King -- Love lifted me -- 'Tis sweet to know -- The touch of His hand on mine -- Just when I need Him the most -- My heart keeps right -- Jesus in my heart -- Grace, enough for me -- He is so precious to me -- Sweeter as the days go by -- O that will be glory -- Standing on the promises -- Christ receiveth sinful men -- When the hand of love touched me -- The wonderful story -- Loyalty to Christ -- He included me -- Open the door for the children -- Victory through grace -- Growing dearer each day -- As a volunteer -- Give of your best to the Master -- Working, watching, praying -- Keep close to Jesus -- On Jordan's stormy banks -- Is my name written there? -- Safe in the arms of Jesus -- Come to the feast -- Only a sinner -- Arise, my soul -- If you cannot on the ocean -- O happy day -- At the cross -- Keep my heart singing -- Yield not to temptation -- Let Jesus come into your heart -- There is power in the blood -- Blessed assurance -- His way with thee -- Sunshine in my soul -- Take the name of Jesus with you -- Follow on -- He is able to deliver thee -- The Bible -- Beulah land -- Praise Him! Praise Him! -- Seeking the lost -- Scatter sunshine -- Luther's cradle hymn -- All the day my Savior leads me -- Sweet by and by -- The blessed old way of the cross -- Look and live -- Beautiful river -- Rest for the weary -- Hark! The herald angels sing -- Silent night! Holy night! -- Oh, what a change! -- O worship the King -- The home over there -- Lord, I hear the showers of blessing -- I love to tell the story -- Come, ye disconsolate -- The fight is on -- More love to Thee -- What shall the harvest be? -- Pass me not -- When love shines in -- Take my life, and let it be -- To the work -- God moves in a mysterious way -- Awake! Awake! -- Ye Christian heralds! -- Bring them in -- His holy temple -- Dear little stranger -- God be with you -- God will take care of you -- The church in the wildwood -- Home, sweet, home -- Think on thy day -- Open my eyes, that I may see -- A though of Him -- In His keeping -- The nearer, the sweeter -- Who could it be? -- He loves even me -- Though your sins be as scarlet -- All for Jesus -- I am happy in Him -- Loved by the King -- Christ arose -- O my soul, bless thou Jehovah -- Somebody knows -- Lead me gently home, Father -- Have Thine own way, Lord -- When I shall fall asleep -- Because His name is Jesus -- Saved! Saved! -- I am coming, Lord -- His eye is on the sparrow -- The call for reapers -- To the harvest field -- Lo! Jesus comes -- All hail, Immanuel! -- Will your heart ring true? -- Beautiful flag -- America the beautiful -- O God of love -- Land of our hearts -- The flag of the free -- Speed our republic -- God bless our native land -- The red, white and blue -- My country, 'tis of thee -- The star-spangled banner -- God of our fathers -- Battle hymn of the republic., compiled and edited by E.O. Excell and A.C. Smither., 311 hymns with music., Includes index., Standard hymns and selected gospel songs with responsive Scripture readings for use in all departments of the church and Bible school and in all kinds of religious services
Accused of having conceived deadly malice against Margaret Hall, wife of Nicol Muschet who was put to death for the murder of his said wife., Caption title., Signed: Jo. Sinclair., Docket title has date: March 3. 1721., Signatures: [A²].
International Praise for the Sunday School and Church
From all that dwell below the skies -- I am happy in Him --Showers of blessing -- My Father planned it all -- When He is near -- How sweet is His love -- The waiting Savior -- I depend on Thee -- Work, work, work -- Let the sunshine in -- That beautiful story -- The way of the cross leads home -- The beautiful name -- On the way rejoicing -- Jesus will be there -- There is glory in my soul -- Jesus, my Savior, look on me -- The heavenly sunlight -- Forever his own -- The sweetest story ever told -- Everybody may know -- Can it be? -- Ashamed of thee! -- I shall be satisfied -- Ever like Thee -- Safe on the Rock -- The green hill far away -- Let Him in -- That means pardon for me -- To please Jesus -- Silently the shades of evening -- Onward, ye faithful soldiers -- The blood is all my plea -- Since I have been redeemed -- Come closer to Him -- No room in the inn -- Open the door for the children -- He has ransomed me -- Draw me nearer -- All for Jesus -- Dear Jesus, ever at Thy side -- Jesus is calling -- Sing the love of Jesus! -- Closer to Thee -- Lead me aright -- Under the blood -- Holy Bible, book divine -- The song-land of the soul -- Beautiful isle -- A harp, a robe, a crown -- In the shadow of His wings -- I am trusting all to Thee -- Hark! There's a call to the brave -- My Savior's footsteps -- Come in, dear Lord -- Let Thy blessing fall on me -- Able to the uttermost to save -- The sweetest song of all -- A starless crown -- Jesus saves me -- What are you doing -- Go forward, O worker -- Onward, Christian soldiers -- Follow me! -- Some happy day -- Only lead me -- Beautiful river -- Teach me -- One more day's work for Jesus -- Make me faithful -- We're marching to Zion -- The Man of Galilee -- Behold, I stand at the door -- What will it be? -- A helper in the time of need -- My Father knows -- I need Thee every hour -- How beautiful Jesus' love! -- Jesus of Nazareth -- I'm nearer my home today -- Look and live -- Thy will be done -- The Bible -- My Father's country -- Pilot me -- Work while the sun shi";"Something for Jesus -- Loyalty to Christ -- Something for Thee -- Light at eventide -- As thy days thy strength shall be -- Come blessed savior -- The old church bell -- The wonderful story -- Forward be our watchword -- Keep in line with Jesus -- There is a land of peace -- Will there be any stars? -- I'm nearer my home -- Follow me -- Closing hymn -- Blessed hour of prayer -- I'll live for Him -- I will meet you there -- Now the day is over -- Holy Spirit, come -- Where he leads me -- Be a hero! -- Prepare thy God to meet -- The children's Hosanna -- The cross, the cross -- Calling the prodigal -- Holy Spirit, faithful guide -- God be with you -- Jesus bids us shine -- I'll be a sunbeam -- Be careful -- Little stars -- Little raindrops -- Handle with care -- Gather them -- Dear little Stranger -- Luther's cradle hymn -- We are little sunbeams -- Be a golden sunbeam -- Sunday School cadets -- Let angels in -- The heavens are telling -- The homeland of the heart -- The wonderful country -- The old, old story is true -- Marching, marching -- Song of triumph -- Make a joyful noise -- To the harvest field -- Wake the song -- Praise ye the Father -- Holy, holy, holy -- O worship the King -- Lord, we come before Thee now -- Guide me -- Jesus, the very thought of you -- Lead, kindly light -- Oh, for a thousand tongues -- Come, Thou almighty King -- grace, 'tis a charming sound -- Abide with me! -- Blest be the tie -- Come, ye disconsolate -- A charge to keep -- Nearer, my God to Thee -- in the cross -- My faith looks up to Thee -- I love Thy kingdom, Lord -- My Jesus, I love Thee -- There's a wideness -- Sun of my soul -- Walk in the light -- Rock of Ages -- Rock of Ages chorus -- Jesus, lover of my soul -- Martyn 7s -- Jesus, Savior, pilot me -- Lord, as to Thy dear cross -- Oh, for a heart to praise -- Am I a soldier? -- Faith of our fathers -- Never further than thy cross -- Majestic sweetness -- I do believe -- All to Christ I owe -- Oh, for a closer walk -- Lord, I am Thine -- My soul, be on Thy guard -- Just as ";"[Savior, like a shepherd lead us] -- What a friend -- [Gently, Lord, Oh, gently lead us] -- From Greenland's icy mountains -- [Our country's voice is pleading] -- Jerusalem the golden -- In heavenly love abiding -- O day of rest and gladness -- [The day of resurrection!] -- Stand up for Jesus -- [The morning light is breaking] -- Heaven is my home -- [Fade, fade each earthly joy] -- Jesus, I my cross have taken -- [O Thou God of my salvation] -- Love divine -- [Glorious things of Thee are spoken] -- Arise, my soul, arise -- [Blow ye the trumpet, blow] -- Come, Thou fount -- [Come, ye sinner, poor and needy] -- Greenville 8, 7, 4 -- Come to Jesus -- Turn to the Lord -- How firm a foundation -- [The Lord is my shepherd] -- Holy, holy, holy! Is the Lord of hosts -- Holy! Holy! Holy! -- Revive us again -- How gentle God's commands! -- What a Friend -- Gloria Patri No. 1 -- The Lord's Prayer -- Gloria Patri No. 2 -- Doxology -- His holy temple -- Response No. 1 -- Response No. 2 -- Benediction -- Old Glory -- Hurrah for the red, white and blue -- Columbia, the home of the free -- Beautiful flag -- Our native land -- The Star-Spangled Banner -- America -- [God save the King] -- The red, white and blue -- The flag of the free -- Battle hymn of the Republic -- Home, sweet home -- God of our fathers -- The maple leaf forever -- Rule Britannia -- March of the men of Harlech., edited by E.O. Excell.
Italian & English phrases
A ms. containing 90 p. of Italian phrases with English translations followed by 30 p. of Italian poetry, etc. Memorandum is [3] p. tête-bêche at end of the manuscript detailing a 3 squadrons of ships and their voyage Apr.-May 1626? in English., Binder's title., Signed at end: Giovanni Aurelio, notario publico de Londra., On front fly-leaf in ms.: Questo libro appartene a mi Carlo Longland, April XXI, 1626. Affixed with a seal in red wax possibly of a lion rampant, without a name., Longland, Charles, died in Florence in 1688 English merchant set up business as a factor at Leghorn (Livorno) Italy ca. 1651 assisted with England's Mediterranean policies under Cromwell and after the Restoration.
Jewels for juniors
Includes 129 hymns, prayers, responsive readings and indexes., Cover title statement: Jewels for juniors by W.E.M. Hackleman.
Joyful Songs
compiled by Mr. and Mrs. John T. Benson., Contains 183 hymns and gospel songs in English, with music., Includes index (page [3] of cover)