All Books and Texts
Choice Songs
by C.C. Case., a collection of Sunday school and gospel songs for use in churches, Sunday schools, young people's societies, revival meetings and conventions
Christian Hymns
published by the German Evangelical Synod of Nort, Includes index., Singet dem Herrn : Liederbuch für Jugendvereine und Sonntagschulen / herausgegeben von der Deutschen Evangelischen Synode von Nord-Amerika.--St. Louis, Mo. : Eden Publishing House, 1909.
Church hymns and gospel songs
[Holy, Holy, Holy] -- [Safely through another week] -- [O day of rest and gladness] -- [This is the day of light] -- [Sweetly the holy hymn] -- [Welcome, delightful morn] -- [When morning gilds the skies] -- [God of the morning] -- [Abide with me!] -- [Saviour, breathe an evening blessing] -- [Now the day, is over] -- [Silently the shades of evening] -- [Sun of my soul!] -- [All people that on earth do dwell!] -- [Now blessed be the mighty One] -- [Ye servants of God] -- [Lord, Thee I'll praise] -- [Begin, my tongue] -- [My God! the spring of all my eyes] -- [When all Thy mercies, O my God] -- [O God, our help in ages past] -- [God moves in a mysterious way] -- [Lord, we come before Thee now] -- [To Thy pastures fair and large] -- [Come, my soul, thy suit prepare] -- [Stealing from the world away] -- [They who seek the throne of Grace] -- [Lord! I cannot let Thee go] -- [From every stormy wind that blows] -- [What various hindrances we meet] -- [My God, is any hour so sweet] -- [Prayer is the soul's sincere desire] -- [I love to steal awhile away] -- [Father! whate'er of earthly bliss] -- [Joy to the world] -- [Hark! what mean those holy voices] -- [It came upon the midnight clear] -- [Calm on the listening ear of night] -- [While shepherds watched their flocks by night] -- [Angels rejoiced and sweetly sung] -- [Bright was the guiding star that led] -- [O little town of Bethlehem] -- [My dear Redeemer, and my Lord] -- [How beauteous were the marks divine] -- [How sweetly flowed the gospel sound] -- [To Thee be glory, honor, praise] -- [Ride on! ride on in majesty!] -- [Oh, love, how deep! how broad! how high!] -- [I heard the voice of Jesus say] -- [There is a name I love to hear] -- [A pilgrim through this lonely world] -- [We may not climb the heavenly steeps] -- [What grace, O Lord, and beauty shone] -- [O Lord, we now the path retrace] -- [Tis midnight; and on Olive's brow] -- [Within the garden's whispering shade] -- ["'Tis finished!"- so the Saviour cried] -- [Jesus, whom angel hosts adore] -- [When I survey the wondrous cross] -- [From Calvary a cry was heard] -- [He dies! the Friend of sinners dies!] -- [Jesus wept! those tears are over] -- [Hark! the voice of love and mercy] -- [In the cross of Christ I glory] -- [Alas! and did my Saviour bleed] -- [O sacred Head] -- [I need Thee] -- [On wings of living light] -- [Come, every pious heart] -- [The happy morn is come!] -- [Christ, the Lord, is risen today] / (Nuremburg) -- [Angels! roll the rock away] -- [Morning breaks upon the tomb] -- [Hail the day that sees Him rise] -- [Hail to Thee, our risen King] -- [Christ, the Lord, is risen today] / (Herold) -- [Rejoice, rejoice, believers!] -- [The marriage feast is ready] -- [Lo, He comes, with clouds descending] -- [O'er the distant mountains breaking] -- [Lo! what a glorious sight appears] -- [Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart!] -- [Bride of the Lamb, awake, awake!] -- [Come, Lord, and tarry not] -- [The Church has waited long] -- [Ye servants of the Lord!] -- [All hail the power of Jesus' name!] -- [Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing] -- [Come, ye that love the Saviour's name] -- [Come, Thou almighty King] -- [Glory to God on high!] -- [Oh, could I speak the matchless worth] -- [Come, let us join our cheerful songs] -- [Arise, my soul, arise!] -- [Ye saints, your music bring] -- [Blow ye the trumpet, blow] -- [How sweet the name of Jesus sounds] -- [To our Redeemer's glorious Name] -- [Jesus! delightful, charming name!] -- [Jesus, I love Thy charming Name] -- [There is a fountain filled with blood] -- [Jesus, the very thought of Thee] -- [Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove] -- [Spirit Divine! attend our prayer] -- [Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed] -- [Come, O Creator, Spirit blest!] -- [Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove] -- [Eternal Spirit, we confess] -- [Holy Ghost! with light divine] -- [Gracious Spirit, Love divine] -- [Holy Spirit, Truth divine!] -- [Holy Spirit! gently come] -- [Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish] -- [Today the Saviour calls!] -- [Behold a stranger's at the door] -- [Say, sinner, hath a voice within] -- [Haste, traveler, haste! the night comes on] -- [Why will ye waste on trifling cares] -- ["Take up thy cross," the Saviour said] -- [Come, sinners, to the gospel feast] -- [God calling yet! shall I not hear?] -- [Just as I am, without one plea] -- [With tearful eyes I look around] -- [Show pity, Lord! O Lord! forgive] -- [O Jesus, Thou art standing] -- [Depth of mercy! can there be] -- [Did Christ o'er sinners weep] -- [I was a wand'ring sheep] -- [And can I yet delay] -- [By cool Siloam's shady rill] -- [See, Israel's gentle Shepherd stands] -- [Proclaim, saith Christ, my wondrous grace] -- [O Lord, and will Thy pardoning love] -- [Till He come, O let the words] -- [Jesus invites His saints] -- [Jesus, we thus obey] -- [Blest be the tie that binds] -- [And though our bodies part] -- [Once more before we part] -- [Blest are the sons of peace] -- [How sweet, how heavenly is the sight] -- [Lord, Thou on earth didst love Thine own] -- [Walk in the Light! so shalt thou know] -- [Come in, thou blessed of the Lord] -- [God, in the gospel of His Son] -- [I love the sacred Book of God] -- [Upon the Gospel's sacred page] -- [How precious is the book divine] -- [The Spirit breathes upon the word] -- [Father of mercies! in Thy word] -- [Here I can firmly rest] -- [What cheering words are these] -- [I bless the Christ of God] -- [How can a sinner know] -- [My Shepherd is the Lord Most High] -- [Complete in Thee, no work of mine] -- [My soul complete in Jesus stands] -- [Let me but hear my Saviour say] -- [Take my life, and let it be] -- [Ask ye what great thing I know] -- [Saviour! teach me, day by day] -- [Jesus, I my cross have taken] -- [Must Jesus bear the cross alone] -- [Oh happy day that fixed my choice] -- [Take my heart, O Father, take it] -- [Majestic sweetness sits enthroned] -- [O bless the Lord, my soul!] -- [We would see Jesus for the shadows lengthen] -- [Come, Thou fount of every blessing] -- [Grace! 'tis a charming sound!] -- [Behold! what wondrous grace] -- [My faith looks up to Thee] -- [Saviour, I look to Thee] -- [O for a faith that will not shrink] -- [Faith adds new charms to earthly bliss] -- [Lord, I believe; Thy power I own] -- [How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord!] -- [My hope is built on nothing less] -- [Give to the winds thy fears] -- [Love divine, all love excelling] -- [God is love; His mercy brightens] -- [Awake, my soul, in joyful lays] -- [Thy loving-kindness, Lord, I sing] -- [I hear the words of love] -- [There's a wideness in God's mercy] -- [Jesus, Thy name I love] -- [O love that wilt not let me go] -- [I know that my Redeemer lives] -- [Give me a heart of calm repose] -- [Jesus, our life, our hope, our heaven] -- [Oh, what a blessed hope is ours] -- [Oh! for a shout of sacred joy] -- [The head that once was crowned with thorns] -- [Come, let us lift our joyful eyes] -- [Peace! perfect peace! in this dark world of sin?] -- [We bless Thee for Thy peace, O God1] -- [Lord, while for all mankind we pray] -- [Oh, where shall rest be found] -- [Calm me, my God, and keep me calm] -- [Jesus! Lover of my soul] / (Refuge) -- [Jesus! Lover of my soul] / (Martyn) -- [Rock of Ages, cleft for me] -- [Jesus, Saviour, pilot me] -- [Stand up! stand up for Jesus!] -- [My soul, be on thy guard] -- [Nearer, my God, to Thee] -- [Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah] -- [Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve] -- [God labor on; spend and be spent] -- [Laborers of Christ arise] -- [Arise, ye saints, arise!] -- [Make haste, O man, to live] -- [He that goeth forth with weeping] -- [Father, hear the prayer we offer!] -- [Cast thy bread upon the waters] -- [All unseen the Master walketh] -- [Jesus shall reign where'er the sun] -- [Go, messenger of peace and love] -- [Look from Thy sphere of endless day] -- [Sovereign of worlds! display Thy power] -- [From Greenland's icy mountains] -- [On the mountaintop appearing] -- [The morning light is breaking] -- [Now be the gospel banner] -- [Lead, kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloom] -- [Jesus calls us, o'er the tumult] -- [My Jesus, as Thou wilt!] -- [Pilgrims in this vale of sorrow] -- [Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep!] -- [Far from these scens of night] -- [Sleep on, beloved, sleep, and take thy rest] -- [It is not death to die -- to leave this weary road] -- [My days are gliding swiftly by] -- [There is a land of pure delight] -- [Jerusalem, my happy home!] -- [O mother dear, Jerusalem] -- [There is a fold whence none can stray] -- [Art thou weary? art thou languid?] -- [Joyfully, joyfully onward I move] -- [Happy the spirit released from its clay] -- [My country! 'tis of thee] -- [Our land, with mercies crowned] -- [God bless our native land] -- [Under His wings] -- Open wide the Door -- The Homeland! -- Come on the wings of the morning -- Come unto Me, ye weary -- Moment by moment -- Saved to serve -- Eye hath not seen -- I'll live for Thee -- There'll be no dark valley -- Jesus, I come -- Saved by grace -- "Not I, but Christ" -- Trust and obey -- Why not now? -- Take time to be holy -- I will pass over you -- Hide me, O my Saviour -- Throw out the life-line -- The eye of faith -- Sweet hour of prayer -- Lead me, Saviour -- O glad and glorious gospel -- A soldier of the cross -- Sometime we'll understand -- True-hearted, whole-hearted -- I will lift up mine eyes -- Wonderful love! -- Speed away -- Satisfied -- Our Saviour King -- Faith is the victory -- More love to Thee, O Christ -- Praise Him! Praise Him! -- I know whom I have believed -- Blessed assurance -- At the cross -- Go ye unto all the world -- Jesus is calling -- Onward, Christian soldiers -- There shall be showers of blessing -- A shelter in the time of storm -- Christ arose! -- Casting all your care upon Him -- Arise and shine -- Through your sins be as scarlet -- Christ receiveth sinful men -- Come unto Me -- Every day and hour -- Abundantly able to save -- Resurrection morn -- I will sing the wondrous story -- Take me as I am -- Hark, hark! my soul! -- My Jesus, I love Thee -- When the mists have rolled away -- I am coming to the cross -- O how love I Thy law -- Sunshine in the soul -- Blessed be the fountain -- Even me -- Behold, what love -- While the days are going by -- Onward go! -- 'Tis the blessed hour of prayer -- Beloved, how are we -- Hold Thou my hand -- Bringing in the sheaves -- For Jehovah I am waiting -- We're marching to Zion -- Hiding in Thee -- Christ returneth -- Ye must be born again -- The mistakes of my life -- Traveling home -- When the roll is called up yonder -- Light after darkness -- The ninety and nine -- He leadeth me -- Yield not to temptation -- Trusting Jesus, that is all -- The better land -- There is a green hill far away -- I am praying for you -- Rescue the perishing -- Wonderful words of life -- Safe in the arms of Jesus -- Welcome! wanderer, welcome! -- I hear Thy welcome voice -- Pass me not -- We praise Thee, O God! -- I need Thee every hour -- What a friend we have in Jesus -- Draw me nearer -- Nothing but leaves -- I am Thine own -- My body, soul and spirit -- Oh, give me rest from self -- None of self, and all of Thee -- I am His and He is mine -- Like a river, glorious -- Work, for the night is coming -- God be with you! -- [Holy, Holy, Holy] -- [Safely through another week] -- [O day of rest and gladness] -- [This is the day of light] -- [Sweetly the holy hymn] -- [Welcome, delightful morn] -- [When morning gilds the skies] -- [God of the morning] -- [Abide with me!] -- [Saviour, breathe an evening blessing] -- [Now the day, is over] -- [Silently the shades of evening] -- [Sun of my soul!] -- [All people that on earth do dwell!] -- [Now blessed be the mighty One] -- [Ye servants of God] -- [Lord, Thee I'll praise] -- [Begin, my tongue] -- [My God! the spring of all my eyes] -- [When all Thy mercies, O my God] -- [O God, our help in ages past] -- [God moves in a mysterious way] -- [Lord, we come before Thee now] -- [To Thy pastures fair and large] -- [Come, my soul, thy suit prepare] -- [Stealing from the world away] -- [They who seek the throne of Grace] -- [Lord! I cannot let Thee go] -- [From every stormy wind that blows] -- [What various hindrances we meet] -- [My God, is any hour so sweet] -- [Prayer is the soul's sincere desire] -- [I love to steal awhile away] -- [Father! whate'er of earthly bliss] -- [Joy to the world] -- [Hark! what mean those holy voices] -- [It came upon the midnight clear] -- [Calm on the listening ear of night] -- [While shepherds watched their flocks by night] -- [Angels rejoiced and sweetly sung] -- [Bright was the guiding star that led] -- [O little town of Bethlehem] -- [My dear Redeemer, and my Lord] -- [How beauteous were the marks divine] -- [How sweetly flowed the gospel sound] -- [To Thee be glory, honor, praise] -- [Ride on! ride on in majesty!] -- [Oh, love, how deep! how broad! how high!] -- [I heard the voice of Jesus say] -- [There is a name I love to hear] -- [A pilgrim through this lonely world] -- [We may not climb the heavenly steeps] -- [What grace, O Lord, and beauty shone] -- [O Lord, we now the path retrace] -- [Tis midnight; and on Olive's brow] -- [Within the garden's whispering shade] -- ["'Tis finished!"- so the Saviour cried] -- [Jesus, whom angel hosts adore] -- [When I survey the wondrous cross] -- [From Calvary a cry was heard] -- [He dies! the Friend of sinners dies!] -- [Jesus wept! those tears are over] -- [Hark! the voice of love and mercy] -- [In the cross of Christ I glory] -- [Alas! and did my Saviour bleed] -- [O sacred Head] -- [I need Thee] -- [On wings of living light] -- [Come, every pious heart] -- [The happy morn is come!] -- [Christ, the Lord, is risen today] / (Nuremburg) -- [Angels! roll the rock away] -- [Morning breaks upon the tomb] -- [Hail the day that sees Him rise] -- [Hail to Thee, our risen King] -- [Christ, the Lord, is risen today] / (Herold) -- [Rejoice, rejoice, believers!] -- [The marriage feast is ready] -- [Lo, He comes, with clouds descending] -- [O'er the distant mountains breaking] -- [Lo! what a glorious sight appears] -- [Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart!] -- [Bride of the Lamb, awake, awake!] -- [Come, Lord, and tarry not] -- [The Church has waited long] -- [Ye servants of the Lord!] -- [All hail the power of Jesus' name!] -- [Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing] -- [Come, ye that love the Saviour's name] -- [Come, Thou almighty King] -- [Glory to God on high!] -- [Oh, could I speak the matchless worth] -- [Come, let us join our cheerful songs] -- [Arise, my soul, arise!] -- [Ye saints, your music bring] -- [Blow ye the trumpet, blow] -- [How sweet the name of Jesus sounds] -- [To our Redeemer's glorious Name] -- [Jesus! delightful, charming name!] -- [Jesus, I love Thy charming Name] -- [There is a fountain filled with blood] -- [Jesus, the very thought of Thee] -- [Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove] -- [Spirit Divine! attend our prayer] -- [Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed] -- [Come, O Creator, Spirit blest!] -- [Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove] -- [Eternal Spirit, we confess] -- [Holy Ghost! with light divine] -- [Gracious Spirit, Love divine] -- [Holy Spirit, Truth divine!] -- [Holy Spirit! gently come] -- [Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish] -- [Today the Saviour calls!] -- [Behold a stranger's at the door] -- [Say, sinner, hath a voice within] -- [Haste, traveler, haste! the night comes on] -- [Why will ye waste on trifling cares] -- ["Take up thy cross," the Saviour said] -- [Come, sinners, to the gospel feast] -- [God calling yet! shall I not hear?] -- [Just as I am, without one plea] -- [With tearful eyes I look around] -- [Show pity, Lord! O Lord! forgive] -- [O Jesus, Thou art standing] -- [Depth of mercy! can there be] -- [Did Christ o'er sinners weep] -- [I was a wand'ring sheep] -- [And can I yet delay] -- [By cool Siloam's shady rill] -- [See, Israel's gentle Shepherd stands] -- [Proclaim, saith Christ, my wondrous grace] -- [O Lord, and will Thy pardoning love] -- [Till He come, O let the words] -- [Jesus invites His saints] -- [Jesus, we thus obey] -- [Blest be the tie that binds] -- [And though our bodies part] -- [Once more before we part] -- [Blest are the sons of peace] -- [How sweet, how heavenly is the sight] -- [Lord, Thou on earth didst love Thine own] -- [Walk in the Light! so shalt thou know] -- [Come in, thou blessed of the Lord] -- [God, in the gospel of His Son] -- [I love the sacred Book of God] -- [Upon the Gospel's sacred page] -- [How precious is the book divine] -- [The Spirit breathes upon the word] -- [Father of mercies! in Thy word] -- [Here I can firmly rest] -- [What cheering words are these] -- [I bless the Christ of God] -- [How can a sinner know] -- [My Shepherd is the Lord Most High] -- [Complete in Thee, no work of mine] -- [My soul complete in Jesus stands] -- [Let me but hear my Saviour say] -- [Take my life, and let it be] -- [Ask ye what great thing I know] -- [Saviour! teach me, day by day] -- [Jesus, I my cross have taken] -- [Must Jesus bear the cross alone] -- [Oh happy day that fixed my choice] -- [Take my heart, O Father, take it] -- [Majestic sweetness sits enthroned] -- [O bless the Lord, my soul!] -- [We would see Jesus for the shadows lengthen] -- [Come, Thou fount of every blessing] -- [Grace! 'tis a charming sound!] -- [Behold! what wondrous grace] -- [My faith looks up to Thee] -- [Saviour, I look to Thee] -- [O for a faith that will not shrink] -- [Faith adds new charms to earthly bliss] -- [Lord, I believe; Thy power I own] -- [How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord!] -- [My hope is built on nothing less] -- [Give to the winds thy fears] -- [Love divine, all love excelling] -- [God is love; His mercy brightens] -- [Awake, my soul, in joyful lays] -- [Thy loving-kindness, Lord, I sing] -- [I hear the words of love] -- [There's a wideness in God's mercy] -- [Jesus, Thy name I love] -- [O love that wilt not let me go] -- [I know that my Redeemer lives] -- [Give me a heart of calm repose] -- [Jesus, our life, our hope, our heaven] -- [Oh, what a blessed hope is ours] -- [Oh! for a shout of sacred joy] -- [The head that once was crowned with thorns] -- [Come, let us lift our joyful eyes] -- [Peace! perfect peace! in this dark world of sin?] -- [We bless Thee for Thy peace, O God1] -- [Lord, while for all mankind we pray] -- [Oh, where shall rest be found] -- [Calm me, my God, and keep me calm] -- [Jesus! Lover of my soul] / (Refuge) -- [Jesus! Lover of my soul] / (Martyn) -- [Rock of Ages, cleft for me] -- [Jesus, Saviour, pilot me] -- [Stand up! stand up for Jesus!] -- [My soul, be on thy guard] -- [Nearer, my God, to Thee] -- [Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah] -- [Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve] -- [God labor on; spend and be spent] -- [Laborers of Christ arise] -- [Arise, ye saints, arise!] -- [Make haste, O man , to live] -- [He that goeth forth with weeping] -- [Father, hear the prayer we offer!] -- [Cast thy bread upon the waters] -- [All unseen the Master walketh] -- [Jesus shall reign where'er the sun] -- [Go, messenger of peace and love] -- [Look from Thy sphere of endless day] -- [Sovereign of worlds! display Thy power] -- [From Greenland's icy mountains] -- [On the mountaintop appearing] -- [The morning light is breaking] -- [Now be the gospel banner] -- [Lead, kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloom] -- [Jesus calls us, o'er the tumult] -- [My Jesus, as Thou wilt!] -- [Pilgrims in this vale of sorrow] -- [Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep!] -- [Far from these scens of night] -- [Sleep on, beloved, sleep, and take thy rest] -- [It is not death to die - to leave this weary road] -- [My days are gliding swiftly by] -- [There is a land of pure delight] -- [Jerusalem, my happy home!] -- [O mother dear, Jerusalem] -- [There is a fold whence none can stray] -- [Art thou weary? art thou languid?] -- [Joyfully, joyfully onward I move] -- [Happy the spirit released from its clay] -- [My country! 'tis of thee] -- [Our land, with mercies crowned] -- [God bless our native land] -- [Under His wings] -- Open wide the Door -- The Homeland! -- Come on the wings of the morning -- Come unto Me, ye weary -- Moment by moment -- Saved to serve -- Eye hath not seen -- I'll live for Thee -- There'll be no dark valley -- Jesus, I come -- Saved by grace -- "Not I, but Christ" -- Trust and obey -- Why not now? -- Take time to be holy -- I will pass over you -- Hide me, O my Saviour -- Throw out the life-line -- The eye of faith -- Sweet hour of prayer -- Lead me, Saviour -- O glad and glorious gospel -- A soldier of the cross -- Sometime we'll understand -- True-hearted, whole-hearted -- I will lift up mine eyes -- Wonderful love! -- Speed away -- Satisfied -- Our Saviour King -- Faith is the victory -- More love to Thee, O Christ -- Praise Him! Praise Him! -- I know whom I have believed -- Blessed assurance -- At the cross -- Go ye unto all the world -- Jesus is calling -- Onward, Christian soldiers -- There shall be showers of blessing -- A shelter in the time of storm -- Christ arose! -- Casting all your care upon Him -- Arise and shine -- Through your sins be as scarlet -- Christ receiveth sinful men -- Come unto Me -- Every day and hour -- Abundantly able to save -- Resurrection morn -- I will sing the wondrous story -- Take me as I am -- Hark, hark! my soul! -- My Jesus, I love Thee -- When the mists have rolled away -- I am coming to the cross -- O how love I Thy law -- Sunshine in the soul -- Blessed be the fountain -- Even me -- Behold, what love -- While the days are going by -- Onward go! -- 'Tis the blessed hour of prayer -- Beloved, how are we -- Hold Thou my hand -- Bringing in the sheaves -- For Jehovah I am waiting -- We're marching to Zion -- Hiding in Thee -- Christ returneth -- Ye must be born again -- The mistakes of my life -- Traveling home -- When the roll is called up yonder -- Light after darkness -- The ninety and nine -- He leadeth me -- Yield not to temptation -- Trusting Jesus, that is all -- The better land -- There is a green hill far away -- I am praying for you -- Rescue the perishing -- Wonderful words of life -- Safe in the arms of Jesus -- Welcome! wanderer, welcome! -- I hear Thy welcome voice -- Pass me not -- We praise Thee, O God! -- I need Thee every hour -- What a friend we have in Jesus -- Draw me nearer -- Nothing but leaves -- I am Thine own -- My body, soul and spirit -- Oh, give me rest from self -- None of self, and all of Thee -- I am His and He is mine -- Like a river, glorious -- Work, for the night is coming -- God be with you!, by Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan and Geo. C. Stebbins., Includes : Young Men's Christian Association supplement.
College combat
Issued: 1838?, Title from caption., Signed: John Knocks., Broadside., Account, in verse, of the Snowball Riot at the University of Edinburgh, January 11-12, 1838.
Confessions of a depression muralist
Frank W. Long., Prologue -- A Portrait Commission Saves the Day -- I Receive My First Mural Commission -- Continue Painting and Discover Berea -- Back to Chicago, for a While -- Life in Berea -- Hunting and Other Diversions -- Of Easel Paintings and Murals -- A Turkey Shoot with Jessie Kinnard -- Family Matters -- Three Kentuckians See the West for the First Time -- A Mural for Morehead, Kentucky -- A Competition is Held for a Mural in Berea -- I Make My Final Escape from Mural Painting -- Afterword / ǂr Harriet W. Fowler.
Confrontation and commitment
Sect. 1: Confrontation. An end to revolt ; Arthur Miller ; The living theatre ; Edward Albee ; The new surrealism -- Sect. 2̈: Commitment. The theatre of commitment ; James Baldwin ; LeRoi Jones Lorraine Hansberry., [by] C. W. E. Bigsby., Includes bibliographical references and index.
Declaration of the rebels now in arms in the west of Scotland
Caption title., Caption title on p. 4 : The Commons Address against the Duke of Lauderdail, presented to His Majesty, May 9. 1679., Imprint based on Wing entry for edition without address against the Duke of Lauderdale., Signatures: A²., Original: 27 cm (folio).
Department of Transportation
"DOT P-4, June 2, 1972 ; FORM DOT F 4220.20 (6-2-72).", Scanned with Zeutschel OS 15000 scanner using Omniscan scanning software at 600 dpi, grayscale. Images saved as tiff files with LZW compression. Images were cropped, resized, and brightened.