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Humble address of the House of Commons to the Queen
Humble address of the House of Commons to the Queen
Humble address of the House of Commons to the Queen
Humble address of the House of Commons to the Queen
Humble address of the House of Commons to the Queen
Humble address of the House of Commons to the Queen
Humble address of the House of Commons to the Queen
Humble address of the House of Commons to the Queen
Humble address of the House of Commons, presented to Her Majesty on Thursday the IIth of November, 1703
Humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to Her Majesty
Humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, die Lunæ 20 Decembris, 1703
Humble address of the right honourable the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled,
Learned counsels answer to the Observator's letter
Letter concerning the masquerades
List of gentlemen that are in offices, employments, &c
List of the names and sirnames of the Lords spiritual and temporal, knights, citizens, burgesses, and barons of the Cinque Ports
March, march, students of all degrees
Numerical calculation of the honourable mem---rs as were elected for the ensuing Parl---nt
Paraphrase on the clergies address to the King
Parody on the bonnets of blue
Plot reviv'd
Princess Anne of Denmark's letter to the Queen
Proceedings of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament
Proposals, being an abstract of the settlement of the Westminster contributionship for insuring houses from loss by fire
Provost's apology
Reasons humbly offer'd to the legislature by the people called Quakers
Slavery Abolition Act
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