TV? . - .T T T. T . T .T T -:.~.T_~r:—-i ’"=':‘T’!:«'T"‘ -'-"?=.It~:— vT."-'G‘=.‘T" VT!’ -‘.".‘ 3' a -0 «" . -. 4 0 _. ; ‘_ 0 ‘."'-“‘-.4’ ' ‘‘_- 0-’.’'‘-\ 9 -',‘.-‘I H4‘ ". Ir“ .o-.' -. ’_hv‘ 3 V.” ‘ :_ . _. 1 . C, _ 1 ‘_ . .A'»I‘ .. ". *'£ ‘t", '. )4 I Q. '-‘wt’. I.-“:* ' <." “ ‘. ' VA. ‘. I . ‘ ' Q :“ '0' fl‘ ".- - F:'. . ‘O ’. T ‘ '« _— us"? 70",; " T : ‘I. V ' ~ 7 - . - ‘ l ‘ Hi‘ . *3‘ -’ , L. '- ',. ‘.’.‘ . ‘ 'T"‘« "' ._ - ."‘ 3‘ ,k ' “’,_ ‘ *. ' l. 7V ‘ V ‘ - \. . :‘ ‘H-u ’_ ‘ E ' . ‘ ‘ - 2‘ -_ ‘ ' T’ ':. :;{'j-"-‘ .' . -' - . ‘ if -’ l 1‘ . . ,_ ,4 .- - o. — 6-. bag": " "‘A "“‘ " H. I I l . ’’‘~_ - ' _ I ‘:4: . . l’. g Tiilsei T -‘is-i”*c~==c‘Js~‘9i+**'L4*_~:"*'vi-kc"-. ‘<~'r -+"“"=*T=T~tr-2+?‘-.Tw1 0 . T - 4-:33*$<.. Sac‘-* ml?“ -W37 ‘1 i = i “ "" L L.-- - e =- —--»~- :- -- o -- -o . a ‘V1 ‘} u‘_-'.L'. A‘ ‘. u‘. __ £'_;_‘ .f~ . '3 V-p\._. 1 -." ‘- AA 7' ‘I ’ ‘LL ‘ H ‘I. . ‘ fl _ ‘ _ '- - 0 W ‘ ...'."_.W..§ ‘ ... .' . oi---. 0 g " .0 - V“-' "»)_" _ , ‘T7 ‘l l‘ _ ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ - . . v 7'7 ’ - '~ ‘ ‘ ‘ ~’,. Fvv —< O F ' , l » ' ‘ '. . -_ _ ..,..,...__.u__--.-.. o ,- --ooc-—0oO-¢~ ** "' ' ‘ " "' .'..-', , V « ' - ' “=1 ' 'g1-’i:.~‘~."-Z'*.--’-:.- T» W" .'*?.°.'.'Z_..'*...“'S' .3-. 0 — a W .5 -1 - 7» ' - e = 5 ~ _ A? D T T 1925 i. . . ~ ~ V‘ _ i » = - - - ~-uni ‘ + ~ ’ * ‘ T T ---- Mr - ~.r' : W“ ‘ ‘ " stud’ ' 'smoo- 4 ‘-soii-’i‘oTasi-o..'ri~a"uiI.oIi'uio.--:-. ' T : - Tiincaimni aimcieivrus too D. rurdrio A M m hm, ‘Mm; Nmm :nUIIPm«cItor1oss-so-cour:.toraiina._ , waslvmuabt . . - . ._._...___v - nail Banking Corpo- lfaclanen;‘I‘s-enholrne, I3 Allen'P1ace, Large Acreage in‘-Wheat one Llnseoil mg.“ ' —‘J6sq)h~P. at the University Hospital today. ' Expected is s. Gertrude nu 1 e i T if lllislvdlillléglllfilléafld‘.T‘_‘:"‘§:”fi:lll§?i7:7‘;l;;E5C¢n%:§bAh ‘ RoTiumin‘gtoPansN1sht—1::f¢ — ‘ i - - ‘ ‘ 1‘ ‘Barnes’, U. and . , . ‘ loath. ' .' ' . i - , ‘ A ~ ‘ ‘ Dos. a.—r. II. c. a. rabbit dl not at. - s'"“""- Barnes to recover (2700 14783093 T ,T . Ta-vmiuiow - - mhuy_o;;AWDn=wm"_,_‘ Fuh’°°he*“‘ '°':';‘r’,‘f~:'nd‘;:;d':', nari-is’. T T. T T " fTiou..:..a i»..... . to defendants on a promissory note, SPECIAL Pfilcns . ' jrlujltth - '4 ' 0 ”°°“'°"‘ ‘ ‘Fm’ - ; This soon. 3 BUENOS AIRES. - Arzeiiuinwial jam";-“.3, mg. of 12 per 0 Jr»: cl’ *“S**5“'*' °‘ *"* "”"‘* " in hm 1h°*=.«mm°" “PP” 1-» 7 -t * =~'-t*-"-v°=-*- M "* '°"'lVlll yield . bumper orjoiruii. ..m- can: yearly. i man TOP mo-rs = a°”_:~‘.~ .31.. inoanateadyfraacandina-ct!-rm-cpcrly. This uneatly done _b_y.1‘~e- ..-. intercollegiate aoiiuiu min! of I‘m;mcr it is new wmmc-X, hc._e__£m. TTh.c dam“ chimed ant. the mks LACE PANTS ‘ (. an “nn’a‘jed°:P°f:1mn"p°in:uPui:S¢:dPld man‘ “unto tweed’ Md 3'-l'l“'~‘5’ ”""""“_" “'3” "' w" l” 3°" ”°’ ’°misurl; other seasons in .P1‘O'lt1-kt‘ -of Columbia code aP‘P1lea in‘. ' ' .. T hundreds of 831!‘ $0 859 V131‘ ‘° 3° 3 01“ Wm 9”‘ "h°.‘'' ”“ d’°_’“d ~- war hero only. - dductiveness, it is ‘predicted in thc_‘;c‘mn" ".0 an ‘mag. this cod: ,0’, G O R D O N 9 S evcryycar and mipmnyg :3‘ are find themselves painfully _em- _:;::nu:alo£i‘charto:. Al|o|h;r‘u"f’f:;‘ “report made b;'- glue Director Gen-laimemwt tm¢h0¢u-3-35,1053;-ggg, in‘ T 0 _ and - "_»bl1'fl5'°¢l- T T ' ’ """"‘ s"°i'_" era] of the Department of Economicicxcu“ f dd“ 9,, ccngi, yoga, ‘*1 A ' _ th 03 mgmom bearing the f '!‘¢!l3T1'°‘ . uontmartrc 1115 *3“! "°“'-°“-l “.1” “lull: week. :and Rural Statistics to the lifinistryi J00‘: pun}, 1,914 gut ¢onditions‘ 3 ‘.4 T ‘ , - -0 V _ A P&!';8. is AD?“ ::.—-T{JlllVO!Ill’ 0' ulI$IlYl women‘: ‘of Agricultm. l lin wm snfi the l . .0 , , _ ,—T. . T-‘. A‘ , T-To. ...-. it '5: “mud The theaters now want patrons to‘ground f'3f'f0l1Yl8£! spa the nouveau oouuag mom will 4-one Washington Unl-T Th 3 T mm: increase. will: fifion was “any impnlicame. I _ That S.hsfy ' ' u ....u T ' d,.¢,. - T .— ' l t 5‘ J3 ' ' ' I tli ll id tn‘ l be le- mm m .' ' [Statistics regarding the anticipated 1 . in”, many 6Yfl0B,1ln DI! M .38 . the bremcqis Tu:-gulgire is ube. Manud QUCZOU, pr(‘5ldCnl. Of . nut!-‘ut Or the prcsen: 3grit_ui,.ur‘l ‘a:‘u. n. on. u. 1: up n. a_ an. and it ls only W593 I P3933543 dull‘. of ;uch.1aws,—the progress of s_.<‘!c!1- . , - 1-. ' ‘ ‘ to show that social and $"-3l°- Md SP°“k°-' R°"“" “I ”‘°Tycar are as follows: oats. 1.290.000 _ ‘ ‘ q . otnxrs near hand that some per- -fific ‘may joug ggo degmnstrated “'9” 'f“m3"’ d‘m"“ ‘he ‘Y8’ en m".m'.‘g circle‘ "9 ‘win -n luck to House of Rer.ncscr:tative.' iigve for-‘mm; barkw.’ 270000 1.3"” “.0; 19o_, - « l T . men are uniforms and since then artistic I’? 8 T k th . !. _ . ‘ , . 0_ ‘ 5 sons Will ll U19" Vlfnlflll ‘ tbattht Vholheihwiy of organic . old rt f suit has been all the more measured methods of pre- 3‘ °” °”' 9° ‘°5 °{ ”‘”“'° ’°"5'.00O tom am: canary-seed. ..o,009 0 T A . wr - mm, ” 05 en,“ by tho harmful r-"N . "° ° 11 tancc and non-co-operation with the was . . _ ' '1,’ is not .“‘y' we diffigffidu sacs: ¢l«bad‘.‘air. must’ be throvm ‘mm l°' the thcamn ‘war thong L Govnnor-General and are choosing ' _. ,____,___ ' . ' T of.u|e one who 1"“ ks} bu e from into the discard, llt. vmz Pl'oved that :::-- :_."__.._‘” --_:‘;:; :_"‘T ‘::'.;_-.._.. ‘D their COIIPSO Willi ¢8l1‘vl°fi Nld dfllb‘ l2 PERrCEN’l" 0. K.'d IN CHINA - mmnws boo“ nut ‘cant sod. the important factor in bad vcnti- T - - ° R t‘ eration until they receive some in- '—————-—— _ . . 6 ' ' , NY 3“ 9935*‘ 3 ‘“°.“'°d' A ‘mole lation wasnotthinpresence of chein- _ _ clication of the trend of American Rat’! Held 501 to 159 llfiuriolls by‘ f t ' community will feel the damper ofr in] poiwm but ‘he influence of ho.’ ‘ _ , . ' public opinion. 8 U ‘rd S. Judge There. y . ‘ ' ‘ . V 11 l ?f8l. , , ‘ . "‘°°“‘~ “'3” “ “"'°’ °’ mm‘ '7” “"1 8i’.'TP°*‘ W *‘l"“°°‘°‘ “*9 "°“-“ . - Of the GlOfl€S -Of AI'lCl€I'lt ROIIIC Dunn: the qunrttr of 11 °°"t'~">' 0‘ 'sii'A:~'ci{Ai.-'r.\-on-o per cent in-' « T_ 4 i - is tIk="~ ' The attempt towcntilnte 1! sch°°1- - ~ 0‘ 3 *"‘°"°'" °°"°l"“-"" ll"-'“‘ ha“ "9"" tcrest on loans. is n)‘. usurious inil I T T ' quay room b ,'floodi it with ' t v l ‘iv Tflonui R. IORGAN a co 1 summer resort for 9 9- been anything to di:~..urb the Filipilm J - .» . _ - . _ . . so£:mr‘of».o?i:?i ‘gram dl..h: ulnc ofybot nfiwliich Ul':15’:T‘sl)'.'L‘:s- llnltc-ll Prew 5"" °"""i‘”°f“""‘ d scendants of Romulus and Remus. dream of achieving iruicpcndrntl Cholrgfié is the R3,. of an important} ' . boxes of Sl3al310f1€1’y In plain and "« 1-ecticns .. o... ......i..-. new «rig ”°...’*:.. i.w:.::.:;‘.:.*“°;.:; ~..’i.?.‘L‘f‘E.‘:‘:.’“°.:.:;-“:5::':.:.:.". 'm:,"="“”° ‘;i."‘°.”:.:~':“';: :;~:;:.:?°;:* . ..I’.;”~i‘::’*Tt‘:‘: i “W61 Pat’°e“"S- B°°kS are the Ideal‘ ‘ e . . - -' ~ I\’0l , ._l is v - “ ‘ ,‘ . rccen y reopene 0 2 0 I -\ 3 . ’ . if ': __ _ ‘ ° - “C km“ °f."° time m .Mm.:J?! who lumping ‘NR: 919 ‘Will! P3" in‘? “_r“d‘°”°_”l‘m«l°r"st°.nng end Sgt: one of the monuments of Rome toward T ration from the Lnitcd __ A A ~ ~ --l I acceptable glft. M’ ‘ 1°“ h“ me am C nnmul ’ ' .* lite 1 use “.05! 091 in "°l‘°f “'9 lmpcnal 0” ~ '- ' -' ' b :1: Stztcs. B L wili :1 .-‘uzldcnncss that ‘ « . . the fire in an ITJIIC-i 1'8 59- . . T uhnh all tourists \lSll.., ut ose , , ac:-.:on from this cause, ‘Th!’ Year wk“ \ need is not 8 “:3: of the }days of their c.n':e3t')rs._ who saw it before the nsmntion stmmcd the 1.-mpin0T1e,_5e_._.T and be-.. C. A. JOIIINSON I 1“ °5’°’3'°”° h°°d ‘M ‘'““in“’ we‘ volume of hot ‘air but a small no“ ‘ 390559? $100 in tlll‘ ¢°mPl°-’°" °f and isolation will be amazed at the wildcred the American anti-inicpen-_i nae T.nodn‘; I r" ‘ ' _ ' ’ V l!I\'t‘ n're‘dl' bi???‘ ¢l"°“. L“ “"5 ofoold lathe living room. the U11‘ F‘-3"_ “'35 lake" r°:e,x.'uy when transformation wrought by Prof. d:r.ts. the world nzbbcr famine in-; . I my Vhrlfitlnl-3 R880?‘ 5° ‘N-'9 3°“ office and the schoolroom. this end .‘ll:r:'.c1lni “rccons0'-‘!'8_°9d ml lb’; 31330; and his a§Si‘.",aflt,3. jectcd itself-as :2 factor or the first; Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing f "G n" T ' d°‘u'*‘ by l’°i’°"°“‘ b°"°' D 53“ 9°“”‘m5' 1”’ be” ”‘“"i"°d' "M‘°l°Y L925 the '.m‘mm wmp C 0 The temple dates from the times ifl?l""“."c° "1 -‘he rflanorls b°w'.'°.m§ 8-lo vowcll hid: Phone 2277-6 ; I l . A ' bl’ m¢¢l|l1ll¢8l€S’!!t‘m. but bl‘ lD1°ll3' H‘-"19 F°n_“"°' K. . . ‘h _ )1’ the Roman republic, and was turn- the United btntcs and _tne Philip-; " ° . ! “G at the Habitat ' ' - T ~sc“m‘ET FEVER will use of window, and hm; From this starantr-P°"‘~v “ $‘° rd into a chur.-h. “Our Lady "of pmcs. 9 _ I ‘ - .' _A number of cases of scarlet fever sources. In many crcwdcd fu:tor." now quell. FM wgrkp (3 vgffirgiatiilg Egymo" in “,1. middle 5395 A3 “he, Confidcmtions are now: . I ' - '"" '°"°"°“" C"l‘3"'bi" ""1 mam Vofllrooms ‘ad in audjwmnm {ion Sgt '§..oJi.'.: ‘antique 31 became the nroperty _of Ill? -‘»‘-‘°'-“‘“’1~' ‘° 9”‘ ,“““.' Y'i‘l°". "9? JOHN C. S(‘Tll\\'.»‘\BE “H1 ___ _ " s “*0 'P4"lP11l3 °{ °l“ld"°“ "°l'° M”: ventilation may’ howcwm often Grc:co;ko'ran nrchitccture in the A"“°“:.‘m C°"°3° l" ‘he 5”“°3"'h b.Cu"d1°s’£ . pr°Sp°.”t'v whdth ,5 so Real Estate and Auctonccr M- —. —. —. —. —. AA“ um di’°"°.'m °°'°p-en“ with the exam 1 - . . « ‘ capital satnds out in all its Pfisliflc °‘‘"mry' “"3 in the ‘succeeding cc’? l€hs:omcfi.'ng]" -mmgk‘d'“ll&fn £0.91’: Will Make Your Sales in Coun- ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I‘ ‘ N ‘A ‘I u ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ " " is a i or ‘_.r‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘A; ‘ - ‘ L .-‘H 7 V A" W 7 l H‘-'hwrf'V‘A- '~—‘N‘ 7'‘ ' disease from spreading there may Of "¢!ltilIfi0n l1I1d¢1'0Td=N11')' 9°”-~~" g,_ -1. .,@th.. st“; htiuncompmmip was even used at timesas arheltcr _€ 81!! TU’! "11: 045 an s 0 me -0 _ d h Q€¢:::::::::€£t:::£€ be serious harm done fi°“3 is the ma-mcmcmr 1!’ ‘her? fm .'l'n ‘ f tbg old roads This (0? "BK!‘8nt3- Later. Fan Of 11 “'33 ‘C3 f°"°"°"- work an C awe" . " - '' Mam, “mun mike £1” misuke 0; ti thermometer in your. li\»in;:.r:<:hml. ézgrculgsarz wh; finished. so con\.§ into a wine ‘cbllirl .' ' h Particular at:-ntioncis };D(‘l!Il“:..'1.}Z.3ld! John C. Schwabe. Auctioneer T L I thinking ant . slight use of sun“ in your office Tonworlcroom. ill. graight hmuzh the old commcrciai the ‘recent restoration t c tcda} tn the c_ o._cc o. ‘t c ' iipmo H . ‘P fever is not serious, and‘permit the “h°°1m°m when your chm”: quarter of ancient Rome, and sl;irt- temple }'~"‘5 5’-‘”'°““‘l°‘l bl’ 3 °l“5t3”T Ttfiihlcm €0m_m15f1‘9fl<‘T 3*} “Q5 198°: l.. - . 1: 4 ch“ m uaofme with Tower ch“: study? its the mmpertaetlurveqallgg-33: mg we Cm“ Maxim“, whicg, is of (lllr‘.3-!1.u:;l)li-‘:ldfl:\}? }::??sar:§h:f: g‘C\Jl1d0'\\°]}i fit in \\'l..'l ' ii. See the big stores. the beautiful theatres, the fine resi- -1;’. - - ' 1 -1 "°P‘T"‘ 5 d°"":" °" ° '. _ soon to be extavatcd will continue °°"'F "~93 9° '3 “ T-..T°-3; }‘‘‘‘E‘ "‘ "1'?’‘‘“,’, ‘W?’ ’ -_ f‘ DAIRYMEN. T-1; denccs, and enjoy the ex-'ery—day contact with «- drcn in the neighborhood or anti 3‘. you and you, _,_.h,1d,-on are cmayini ‘WW be via “pig to the ‘_mngc.3f cc” .,,, mo gags, Tmlirpmc qucfaon. .19 T “' the bl events of this G t C-t , 4» Authorme’ "ho ‘mow ‘bout the dig. “*9 Ill“ ‘5.5°".‘i‘l .b°’"’fit‘q“ {m if Avlllufllhnci the ‘llbu lungs til’ the The .-Xrmenians agreed to let .tl'I:~ election of a new commirsioncr will lf vour COWS are not I" g ma l 5 ' ‘case warn us that although 3 pcr- gig-, ]f"r‘)h‘t, ‘.yo.u"u:nd’theylure flu:-4 Ronmng. ' ' Ital-an go\..~.,..nm(,n't take over {keg} be put off. until definite word‘ showihg the profit ‘hey You “rant to See The Bfiracle ‘°'‘'"‘35' 5*" ‘ *3’ ‘mid hm‘ °l 195“? “' ¢“‘°’°“°5' ‘M! m -heat I-‘rant thsnz-e a fine automobile propcrzy which included the old b¢‘€l1.1'1‘i‘°_|‘“l_ ‘Wm 0-“"‘f'"°- “ “° ‘"‘ should, feed them FULL- -.. at the new and immcm. Coy. D be 04 Q0 " ' ”°‘”'l°“fi°"°' be my ‘live ll’ m ‘n’ ‘by by ‘k3’ ‘ad ho" by. hour‘ . ' ‘rack rich: up to the summit of hzuscs surroundink the tcmlflé. and 310‘? V1 “ 35h'”“°’l lookmk ow’ flit.“ VALUE Dairy F896. " J - ocl no e - ‘mum.’ Mom r - ' 1”’-5' to 1: is. -other person who may die from the study of 10.06!) T &_orlc .40”: Cam is projccwd am; will were given ‘compensation.’ _ H ' ~:r.mnd. The cbmp seem.-i For S81 1: 331381; -;h..“1..:6;Id.It will be ,\our Innly opportunity 0:: “so ma us tut School 8l't0W.¢%8 S0“n'be. begun. Her?’ ‘amid the like all lhc antlqu? bufld‘n‘:s of ;;Ctd-“-Cele 30.0 .. l. “O. S YUOSQ. 8p(‘Cs.3Cu 31' ]'H'UdUCtlOno ‘. is a wry uachemmi dun“ u ruc,aoms.a\er:grl!!li airman rc“‘_’f);ni‘_ zuins of the tcmpleof Jupiter on the l‘{omc..the'bads:- of ‘tll§’lil;T;l‘Pilu(:é8{i!lYf~l;l.;' («Cr !:‘.dt;eua1o:.and Jth-eilzpcomm-i$_ Ehwafing Co. ‘ 0 :1: Stop at THE BUCKINGHAM complications may result after the we ‘.35 ' pg . i’ ‘ ; U‘? of Villa mountain, mt_cls. cafes, some six yar ._ or so c - 0 . ‘I , G bald ’ ‘The convenient place to trade.” V" SI. Louis‘ Foremost Hotel " d i . . & COT)’ disease tlllll lll T001115 l1\Cl"8K viunq ‘nd rcszaurnnug ‘-in In-ov;d¢n prcscnt strccg ]Q\'e]_ Sl0l‘.€l" S3Ll'0 3 On. _1n 0 P. F‘ r _ _ '. . i . " anger period I! supposed to in: haw 67d¢gm§_. .. 0 . T __ . 0.: ug on __ orest Pulls. vuth its beautiful walks and 1; over. This on is in» as true in WM, the ,.,,,,,,.,,,,,T...,._T ,, .. -e r , , o--—---—- Try - Missourian me an. 1 T -6 TT - T -TT - T .2. mes. _Visit the famous zoo. see the bears in their ;; Ttho case of a person who 1"“ 1"‘ you ovu'l68 degrees, turn off thc l’SYCHIA‘l‘RY 0\‘ERSCl.I). TMORE C0‘I'l‘0P~ ON LESS 1:580 _ W W 0 0 .3 nature-like haunts. Wonderfully interesting and with- «- we ‘fi‘°“° l" ‘ mild f°”‘ ” °‘ heater open the "windows or both. SAYS YALE. l’R0l"$50R C I‘ C ' A’ ' Tl Le t $1» In a. short brisk walk. ~ :3 . those whé had it in 8 "severe form. I » A ' this end b . thc _ ____._.. -‘°“u"l u“ t” "3 "cuieg . _To am 0 R: ' I-Iowv to Get to B k’ h " ‘c _ . f you can SCCIJPE . 3 _, h H R ‘es DecI‘res.crooi Pfixperfly [9 Tcxgg Gray;-3-5_ T , U . Llc lllg am (I ' Persons _I§'ho have children Wm‘ use of a thermometer and a little llr. Art ur . us: H _ I,’ Um“, pm.‘ 0 .. Take the ll abash to Delmar Station. St. Louis. Get on a bus j,‘ , the disease should nol«”Wlll “NW common sense you are 8931118 T1'_°'5l7 M3“-"1! "°"‘l"°’ ‘’f S'‘"“ ““° ‘ DALLAS. TeX.—1nsw8d of 8 Ahfi_Fr¥eu D :1: going east, transfer to bus going south on Kingshighway. In *' " °°‘"" °m“ld°' ”p°“‘ ‘he di’°”°‘ ‘"3 ‘”d'“’ °°‘a""f“ ;;.°mi1a§m.g I H“ B“! Etna‘ “greater acrealrc" Plea. a contest is . _ 1: xi few minutes you are there. The Buckingham is within ten ll ' ml “h°‘ldT “W” l‘ fl‘°m“l“’3 wmh‘ 31°‘-umfing t '3 Ten ' V’ hi-"5'-“'5'. ”°"i“-1».~\- _ph . h- .. - b‘~‘l“l5 '-'°“d“°“‘d “"‘°"g um “mo” Alcohol and Glycerine . «- minutes ride to The Coliseum and twenty ninutes t downt ’ " . u” "°‘"'l‘ °m°i‘1’' 7”" l‘ ’'° “‘ hum‘ J°‘___.____m ml purpose’ n{o‘.o'.. gmfwers M Tel-‘S for “m°"'°°w°n' Guaranteed Harmless Pnmte lcstsonst by ap. J 13 R8108 is 10* as $2-00 I dav. I O ‘ own. :' ‘ - _ ' * i , ' ‘ . ‘ Ton- cwer-acres. ‘ en . 4. . ' , 0 dist} °'~' in hm"! W?’ MW 9"‘! 135399; u;g\'p1s' !ilA'l‘(‘llES do more than It has the trained per-,. The comm 8 mmd M the Pom 1“ .. Buckingham Hotel, St. Louis i 1: 339095 33 ‘ll l3 3“ mdlcll-5°“ ill” ~ ‘* " * ”' v rnnnel tn accomplirn and thus popu-l .‘ ‘ .p‘ ' .' 0 1,] R ’ ' T "' W r 1 . ‘D! _ , . . - . . -' , _ T . , !DaIl.<-.5 Morning i\ews and the Semi. Aulotno i e epsinng MRS JAMESON .. est line Bou exard at Forest Park " ’°“ "°l"‘“"“ “’ "° M’ W‘ “* N-* 0-W- ‘*r=*°"'""=‘ C"'*I»'* 1=m""= W “%"'°“-‘ *‘°“""“ °“-“'*w..i.~.- I-‘arm \'ews in 'co-o ratiow Oils and Grcasin ‘D . .. 11 ward preventing the spread of «I Rifle Thin Has Heavy Schedule. Dr. Arthur ll. Ruggles. pmfcssor oflwiih Tex‘; A & “ i; I g Phon “':;: 3 :::: :::::::: : 3: :;:::: . . , . . . _ _ . ,‘_ _ _ , _ _ _ _ __ _ _<. C! . is. “ D M 0} c l 7 0 ‘ .' " . . ‘ - ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' vvvv H‘ ""“"’ ”""“" “ °°"““ ‘“‘°”" mi... '.«.'§- sch "oio.i°'i3'?’E.§ loo.-. .““° .”"3"°”""' ‘°‘‘‘ ‘'‘° ““° "‘°“’§i.rinoing mom Prosperity to an- Phone 630 905 Ash si. 1 I -I 5; - .11; .- .;.. . .”I.”f.‘-i;: .1 --;: ": . ”‘ 10_MlEl£'¢1_-l-01'¢P0f1‘l1_l° 319033‘ ‘um gt thfidxonh Daiom ‘Cal _‘S°°.’°t-V‘ _ lat. cotton growers through intensive - ‘ . .._.....Z - 5'>‘”‘Y“""“""‘"'"""""""' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "“" to endanger the lives of other peo- ficultunl College n_c°'_ding to C5“ "\\e have gainc;.d.frori!1_ psychglol;):_v farming mcuwds. reduction of C00 0 0 _ M :1: _ ' § .° AI . . -;, _ ' ‘ ' _ _ ' mcasurtfitients 0 into lgcncc, T-” d ‘ t t . -.—— - - T.» k W d C 1 D "i§'Z3.'§»J.’l."{i°..°s§‘i.';.i.1.7‘°.3..Zi§°'.na- R"'«'=‘°s mi'*v,“8';;* W; *'!“'°.'°m=<;‘oii‘.?°i’L°.?.i°r.i‘L‘....§’i"°32'..'I"§3'I'if.‘. .2 G1 V E A I , :1: 3.9 011 91' 03 TE 3;,“ ' ‘T T . ' . . .' ' . . -: 1 t'.':' t mutations 0 1 _ ° :-. , "' . * Arm; oocmas DLCATS mg Jan. _9;. Uamarstty oi iuiosoo. .532; . om homi also mmcdg lgdoggld foe: crops. Prunes t'otali.'.... B 0 0 K S . T . _ _ 1: Guaranteed, dean’ deep Sm“ coal . P 3 , I 1:1.-ntion is called! to an old ;;rob- week ending Jan. 16: Iowa State Col- how ‘mm a M” We emotions play‘: gt d_ to‘ aiairdod win ‘:13. I: THE ’ 0 .311, 01131; flhnogg ‘_ _ _ : . .1 Pm )' I “€931 incl €11!» ill Still 0111. lege, Kansas State College and Uni- . ' i ,. , _ "‘ _‘f'‘5‘°.“5- 3 _ 13 75' °° ' ' " V «Ky. On the grounds that he varsity of Cincinnati, week endinv 3" human, bemuglr axgofigntrc seek :t°"“"‘“5’"“ °°""‘5' "‘ 9 Sum’ “T C H M A S 3: - J :- CflI.lldI'|'t bear to have person; grow. Feb. l3; odbalslaad State College. mf to m'nsum C C‘ , ' H _ h . l°”°“’d' _ 0 - W .' .1 ' ‘ t I k o“er. P1103? 1045 0!’ i‘ 3 on int! up around him with the risk of week on til.’ I~‘eT6.‘2o: Michizan coI- . “"'°‘" °“"""°".”°"‘“°" “° ‘“° Hard on...» can n~.ou.’..a'nso ° ""‘ ° ’°‘.’ ° 9° Cl ARK lMPl.EME?\'-T -- I ~ Ord t " 7’ . - , . . weerendtn 3“ ch 0.‘ L:n;_ iimovcrcd how much can be done for An - SQS - our stock ofnoxels, biography 4 ' - .. .ea\c ers 8 Clly Scales. ; : fig lea:-rung that the star-ks bill, so far -, 3 ° ‘ - , . . 0- - -- .,, guy Unltorl rm... _ , COMpA1s,Y .. , T _ as mg’, we" cod ed Md never versity of Delaware. and West \'ir- “'!"‘l‘ P-".‘°h°“~ ‘°" '"°§‘5 “ f’,'~ 3° T wicm-rs, x,,._..};_ y_ cmm. sets and handsomey bound ,.. T‘ 3 0 box" pad ph§‘i°°d"'n‘ ‘S0000 ‘min Un§\”.. week ending ex:-)_v zvttgd (;‘l:ruchil:cci.iiri'l1t;,r;crc county superintendent of schools of gift b0Ol(S. phone 891 8”!‘ & Cherry ‘ ‘i-'l-d-d>'2'-l-Q§§ ill 4 T ' , ' March 1; University'){ Illinois; wee}; '~'!F~l¢9 “"0 W 9 '- , ';s¢.dgw;ck canny .nec;.,¢',gy hard T ..._. T T T T T T T T _ T T «nil ion: on dburnd w -,,., ., . , - ,_., «T: .' T ; o—-—-~,~~~T~»— T i =._ ° ° ' ' " P" C ‘n e °'‘‘‘‘“3 ""°‘‘ ?°:.L"“°"‘“’ _°‘ 5°’ ("W-°.fi "mm" M t as "am ‘he frmvred 8 H1» He was attend- MISSOURI STORES ;T TT _ T T T_ ;4-<1-4*‘!-1-4-O*l-+'I-'O"l-99+!-(-1--E-++O¢-4-4'00!-£°C*£>§-O4-4'4-O-1-GO-O-tO4~§§(>§§§§ '~ 1 f awn‘ ’Th°."m':;m.:" 3:‘ {°'' W‘ braska, v7S3k‘eziding March 2:. l“’-’°d‘l-‘- . Ting a banquet for schooleteadserrat ' T _ Tl]: . . ; 0 - ' 1 ~ A "W03 3’. 0!‘ 0 1313)’ ‘V ."'I'he srirls’ rifle team will meet the “What we must now do is t‘) es-‘oh t- _ ' _ " ‘ _. 3.. . ‘ 2 O ' . tention. » T University ofl.l{ans'as girls during tablirh a more intimate relationship! 0 ‘me — _ 0 Dr0p In and SM A more or less antiquated code of Tthejveek ending Feb. 28. lv.-tween the psychiatrists and the: ° . " ' D’ ‘ .. A T _h ethic; hampers medial men in T “9 ;: ;'h_ members of the other branches of the;' T T ;:: J’ '._| man . mun,-,_ ma pmvmu‘ .1] T . _ . "1 _ medicalprofcssion if psychiatry is». The Best in , _ , _ T T i “nevi 95° °WW““°8 members 0‘ havgughneiqzdrttlarl if e':‘*t‘;°_1 34 3 1 J l Columbia to have your -:25 At ‘his new locatmn 1“ the Boone .Bldg- 7? 4- "‘ the profession attaining unusual - - __ '° "““‘ E “ ‘ , T F he lest meat, use . _ ’ . . ~ _; wealth. :‘l'hc).‘ are not permitted to gem??? neon‘? mm. ‘Duluth gqman and N stud) them as‘ 1: C:(ll:3’izéd S’alt. Shoes rebullt Expert -ll. Across from the Post Office 3 ‘ it ’4 '‘‘‘’°''“'° “'°" “°"‘°°‘ °' ""“‘*'- "'°**°".“"‘"°*°” 9" 5"*‘“’‘*°‘‘ "’ Lmlna ml! :1. so hat the mo...‘ T TT T For Sale by “'°"k¥“°” mid m°d°m 3 Sanitary Plumbing and Scientific noaung 5? - a They gm not guppoged to exu-1 pt-Q3. complaining that. while ‘money talks. finlgirascgizbig V)1lV”_t__hi‘tr /‘sub its . . . ‘owl Bxne Count‘, and machinery. l ' , . "'$h"" W’ :.‘3"°3‘.';’0:;:n‘e1:,d’h:5°°:' :§fg3:,°{:;,,;'{°:’§°::; ‘° ‘"‘ stud)’ of renressions has ed to man, Makes Your Car giemgfng c._ . ; Reasonable Prices. ;-snow»:-nuuneoc-»+¢+q»++¢.4-Mono-own» D‘ ‘ 153* ’_ . . ‘ ' l all ult. taking ove part of ' . - - : ‘ ’ pxinhr jpolltlon. ’BC ‘I Kb ‘)3! CC“ "' to rtgll? t‘}f¢i‘-npgqugpn-3:“; and begonging popu- - \ utrhe . enleen,E 24 .' : : _ . , _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ‘ __g _ _ _ __'__ of his Pstifits It In)’ hour of the ‘um, .01 “.m:,“w; nob; ,“f‘r,z: r. T i T. _T,_ .‘,_'. _ had ' ' ' . ‘ 31:. "'"‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " .= 4» day on ulsht. winter and summer. - ’ T” ————o———- ; ‘- ‘ i— - -- '~ - v- - o in FORD BA] IBRIES " . ‘ta-m.]fi cum 3 ' uh-.4 m duth m °°n’°q“°"°°"‘B°“°” “PROPS” BECOME STUDENTS’ ' 0 o . — -—-A ~e—e~—— ~~-«— - ~—~—-~~ -~ -- ' * 7 ll ‘ by I codesdlfnl . oltlelfthaunq the mama”: » - : ‘“*“"' “ I ' Dealer in 3 ' ' A l 1 3 ' ' l theyrruqfitudliesue Pat‘ cu‘ Tank. ‘'1' Tutu". h an‘: l: V Blfiilllfiblls focal-is another exam Instructors at Wclleslcy College Uni‘-3.3“ Bum sho _ You II have no more trouble .. l-Ind hp and do a bin lob. .‘~ .. ' . . Blbletiodohlsutmostforthe . . Y 3' 99'’ in nu. -~ . ' “"3" Pl! of the truth of the old saying Are ‘Teaching One Another. Dodge Broth“-3 P -‘ ‘ ‘ 8 1; your car on E8! ;.._ .... 13 91"“ ll‘ °“° 7°". “"3! '9"! IOKC CUV|l:’~'j: ‘. emtion oflife and the 001% e um afriend in need is 3 friend an. $"1Uafi“"m’. - T T 9"?“ 3'9? 0 cold winter morning it you (1; “W '0'“ 5° muh new to build two chap 11-plate“ «» fl pain. Be refuse his services. deod‘_—P_ortland Evening Express.‘ WI-ZLUESLEY. l-las.<.--Welleslcy . Motor Gin ., - stun flu; round cm, 0100 I are using .4. Inuerlu. : . ~. 1: .7 andflallhc x°"“‘¢3! incident shows. Its time for the annual rt-t'is’.:>r. of‘ COW-'89 l'l!‘0f°s-‘lrrs. turninlr stildcnts. E P” F “i .1 - ’ "Ibo T The pverstt life of a Ford Butler! In the ‘more than u " ' ‘ ' ' ' " ‘ " ~ - ~ - , " ‘ . - ', o o o o ocooao . . ‘ W ' . “ 5 ‘ -he cannot iwgoct for them.‘ _ W ‘S1: 351:}: céile thtoBacc.':i:'z;_iucI»)douih:;it2 fovrxitiined c_las:.iesni_r;d\iv(l”i!i‘<=l.iu tthi-3 T ._T TT - -T T.__T T- T l T Ph‘°int'l°. _F“m . .......... H75‘: 0 Whgte. Rage Gagoflng ix thousand um '. 3,". .01.; 3,” 5,,‘ .0 J ‘hm nu,‘ 1, l 9; ' T" M" C" lmcm by ' Some pcooi Ill: ‘m "-"-M' th call‘ rfilme M ch 1.1:‘ “i ‘ hfanlcure . ...... .. 50: 2 I5‘ ' E1: 3‘“"’ """" "‘i‘”"°‘“°" ""3-. - 1 3 ’ 21 "W “W ""’° “"‘“°°“ ""4'+“ mil..." °» "T‘T’°‘,‘j "'°"“"“"¢." 9’ F". 5'" °‘"',‘ °°is f;;§h ‘ USED CARS‘. gmg 3,-5.‘ °" Sill‘ 37 ,..- cuxxscanm canon :: D l ,‘,'; of the TE pau! “ t ha“ E in‘§u-us.‘ L p; 350390;. ,,,,,,,, If-L25 fllfffffijjj : j 3: :3 33': 3: 3 :: -- A - A - -‘—‘—- - - -- . . . . . . . _ . _ --_ J" I931 T1‘ 8 . _ ‘I ' ‘ ’ ' . . ‘ ‘ , . ~ i _ . ‘ ._}__:+ ’ V ‘ V V V ' ' vf V ' ' ' V V ' ' ' ' ' ' "7?’ ‘ ‘ll om»-o~«»~ouo‘”:m“”u.i he ...':.. ...:.'..*'“'“‘....:.'.';°:‘.':€'..‘°.?.': ' "°..,.' *_"°*',,;:';*“ i mobile co %. .... T . — uu'nod,them_ overto a hardbolled.i'm wmbakfie “ms”; _i1c.min‘_0'noreiboutecon°mia” - T V on: -n:--no.---322::::::::::2.22I223322C;::2‘|_ _ T °°"°"“°"o --—--——"T"“°”‘ i T T “,“°°"‘ ‘L T,‘,,'{';: ;,';:';* ,3 ‘Tc,;";*,, 3::-;;;';,;::« also ~ 0 -~:— on «»— — ' T T - -- 3:: 4 b1°'3eff¢1‘80n"Citr and Boonville « It ."’ = ,- .-V ‘. , ‘ o, . . .' -, 1 . .. .-~hn.t its never‘ blue T . . 2 0 mm.“ mm :3: :’;::;irtoal:av:vel:;o;:1’e iziirzgé. . . T ‘M... o ,3 _ _ a few of my iinest violins ft to select — 1'0 kflefllol City "l'o’_BouvlIc 1: o pang hggyggn _ raises 0 ' NEW 9 f!‘OlTL [$11098 COIIUIILIB l.llI'll - 8 l'l0ll(‘l8yl5. 8 bl‘ , Leave Colmgblg — ll $3’ caurood"_f_aad‘T'tpouusasd”.£s3 ' T - ______.__ T’; T . T -V Liberal. T . 0.: Ln. lp.m. 5fi.lll.A I 8p.m. 12;‘ ° I":- ‘ ‘ o‘ llreaiuo Auuui sigiu xi lest. , "‘ 4 -' i T i - Y - T . . T‘ _ . ~ 4 .. llean I3. .1. lccausuand of the: ACCESSORIE“ "' ' Mostaexpen repairing an-~o8trTmg°d 3”’ - o T . . 1? s 5' ‘D s‘ that it ‘IIIIIWIII C6! of Endneerlnc of the Uni.2 - _ ; Suumen , , i . -4 - 3 , ed at ~ i j; _. -4 1&- thui nth» 'ur—:vill leave for Kansas Cit!’ ‘ l H ” ‘ ". " T ‘ l _ » <> '9 ~;i » o _ em.-.To....o..o. o... .i: Te-8:6. GARAGE J. COPE ASHLOCKT . Ts; 1*--.-an-°"vea"»«=u : ~ :: Ea %mm°;i§$ %§#;T_rmflk&T '___,guI=mV JTT_ 02.0” N._Nfi,m at _. . . T .3 Missouri Transit Co., Inc. :: é _. .- 3.-0,‘ I ,V ‘V .0 Y . .‘ . l“‘ ‘ A - A . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “'--‘.‘;- . ‘ A A ‘ ‘ --- ‘ - ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ A ‘ ‘ ‘ -‘ M 778 l _ ‘- ‘ ' - . T - '1 , -------~---wvvv-v-7--v-~--n-my-—------.-..3::;:-; :_:::;:;;;----V ....................... -: .... ..L.....*'- .w:_‘*‘ T‘-,';,e;'i -. ‘—‘J\L"...-" "".'. ~. l '~.|_I._.._ ‘9 . v v ‘ t'- l -K" H. -V l 4-‘ ‘V ‘ I ‘ - ' ‘ l -I ‘ ' . ''.'-''-'2‘'.g‘'.‘'+T+fY'''Y1‘‘''-''f''‘'i'‘VI!’ ,.. “ . ’ - . . _ i V‘ '0'-’