A‘ ‘ . I -, --—- """""',"“""'.' --~-_-~ I. pun _ J, ‘ucugusmm of gaff: ravuaaauvaaaalv-' I ' ' "' . -. . "‘ I’ '-" ' Iufavv ' ' _ . $1 U" a x 0mm. ““"".""“ “ "'°" "’ ?mm'm9"n§ “'5” .lf3;*=*#'=°;n¢g 08° gin!-; . - i smments“ _ I .' .' I ‘ 7 iii. ‘ Bonded Carrier ' - ‘ .-.»..'’‘‘" "2Z.'°.=.‘;"‘.’;..'."3.‘..§""*.........,""‘° '4' W.:?‘-'*-'-°=""‘"“ ‘toe :. ...°::.°..:'... :;;:.. G- & G. GARAGE J. COPE ASHLOCK. ll“ M,“ Bu-.-es we nous . - r V. __. I M. "BC!!! ‘In: .. -_- -:3’ _‘ Q N r . ‘ M _ V I‘; V A ' _‘ wanmm we is n>S====‘ * 6 mm“ tens: or ...l......= 1.. m.........n~ ‘.3‘§‘§‘;‘..i+7*1"=*'**=-'»*4 § so N..Ninth St. yi "",,T,,‘,:““§,E,*8 C°~ 1"“ 3 ch”. : f 1 ’. mending ¢ ¢ wo year: c i ‘ I . I . ., _ v . 5 ‘ - »~ « A _ - _ . . 1 S sea-oeeeeeeneeeeeeeeeeeo1-eoeenyn-enceoeoeweeec-+9 k«¢o«n¢+o¢¢¢¢”¢q.¢.....,.”,,,,,,,,,,,,;,..,”..”.,,i ii. 3 1 .,n.! ‘I u I got a farm, pr a farm to ex‘- .¢u¢ for town property, list ' lggj-[h us, “'0 also . - . 0 't , pr0p(.r‘.‘.. CO. Phone 1569 ‘ . I§IrAa1‘u£:s'1~s 1-‘on nuxr .' FOR RENT--Jan. I or Feb. I one’ .‘ ‘an nicest ground floor apartments ‘ ' Lnrtre living mom with bed rooms. new mil: W? -:11‘:-‘.~r".-'2"-':'7:‘ ,_._ v 3"‘. lpina timbers. ugh; gag s n”“*¢M1:3-‘3.abo|lt5tn Inter and Cox. Q-oIanrbI:. law _ 4 pg. roa SAI1.-3-A Set of soot}?! P y-kk home on College live. _' reasonable, 1' 19. Flynn . ' co, Plume 1620 or 1378. 203 . t; « 314 , _ _ ‘not 99. OR RENT--Seven. “darn house in Wcstwood. 1.,” 3:, chicken house, three ga-. ,.w‘, splendid home. pfgel Bros. Phone 246 green. See Me-_ \ WANTED have town property to ex- havc some real i)’. . two ‘ “W, J. A. Stewart 45'; Sons. :-. '.I3—‘J5. man at Stephens Pub. Co. or P310 I 1407 red. F91- ll!‘ BOU8% FOR RENT filled. F03 R]-jN'I‘—;-1] 1-(um house. south . aide, rooms all rnished or. "gm! ’ immediate ])USs(‘SSI() W’ 1593 white. . S II. 4-if. . tr. L . w > 5 . .\- ‘.t_- (heap USED CARS 5 1923 Ford Touring '3‘ ‘I921 Fort] Sedan ; IQ Ford Sedan 11% Buick Touring ' Dodge Touring ' 4 _ , JOHN 'I‘A\'I.Olt . , I703 RENT—-Good 8 room home ‘ chaste town and close to Universi- ‘odern in every way. two baths. . J. A. Stewart & Sons, Ex- National Bank Building. , I psao cans roasauz . f . '1.‘-‘.-'1. ' rnrsa 1':-an mu: 5 . :°'o FOR SALI-3-54-in. round exten. sion table, solid oak. Phone 2278. D95-tf. WANTED WAN'I'EI)‘—Seoond ‘and some chairs. Phone 1197. G94-96. _ WANTED TO RENT—Nine or ten room house, furnished. near Cam. .pus_. Gilmore Realty Co. 312 Ex- change Bank Bldg. 479 red. 94-99. WAN'I‘ED—-Girls to board f00m at 840 per month with sewing any laundry Pfivileges. can at once u "’ 05‘ A8740 ' WAN'I'ED—Young white woman, part or full time for housekeeping and ¢°°l