vi T T _ ' . __, .. .- --.......-.. -L -- ‘;.—'*"“§ . - T T "1 '.\..f,~’ pg-«_,T..‘ _,T‘.:.. ~,- .:-(2.5 --. -..~.,. .~ T....;...-.:_.,f .1?-/If !v'_:4:-—_-‘T5. o -.,—.s ’-y ~ H _ T. , .. —,»-:g.._.,. 1 _ __ T: z_; . T T T‘ T - T ‘ _‘.TV T ,1,‘ , 9,, lg; -_ - y -‘ »,Tr .T‘TTT- ‘« T ' - § “‘:.v..'.T‘f,'.l." ‘ , ‘ .1 ‘ V'¢""‘- Z‘. T T‘. O T _-T T.‘ _T ‘ T ‘ ._ _ T‘ T ' u T " ‘. ' T i . ‘ :( ‘ T '4 _ T o T ‘ ' ' - _ ' ~ ‘ . " 1" ~ .— ~'..--' --- ' - ~‘ - .e ~ ~.~. -- = --..~ - g - - A. - ,3 1 . ‘ T . T - T T. T T . . Q , T T - T T _T . T. T T. . T T T T T . - ' _( __ 31925 . e ' M! "5'!'l‘i » ' - _' '7' ‘ ~ ~ -. Aixhixnte To V"tni:‘IIr.u£ul Mrs. }lcCam»tland.F Tu;-utis LIKE mu’ 1101.11) n‘.~: T :‘;.~..—« 3.~:i:’n novcrftment will not ? II13Z€d at EfflCl€I1‘lL . aoi.-.utemu.-:25 worth AD.“ ‘.34 g, ;_ Mcacsthno -~~—- .~;.~..;:.= import. duties. to mm lih tug! ‘Q’ ._ , - T .' . , {Kansas City Officcrs Sure TL:trxe °‘.. .. ~°'°" >"‘-"‘- 7*“! W-°‘""~ °‘ will have as their guests dunns the. . ' ' . l t Frenchi‘nan_A T M T d . - - . . ‘. _ ; _~ 0,: . 0 , mm iron 2 eta: in ustry; ‘ EN Telephdfie Servlce In AmenC3t°”“‘w°“ 3°” ”’ °°’°""‘ ”"‘°“‘"‘ holidays their daughters. Misses A1-" KANS.~'|.;! cinf. 3;. 22.-—.« dr" ' ' ‘ —\.V - ~1 “M..4. . in i,i’Lifl£l.EN(2L or-J‘ to claim 1t for the United T , on hen most: is tmall. it is _ _ T Ch!_mm3T_ and New “,:"_.5 an f(m_’'_ * Pl - ‘ion’ A . T ‘ —-.—.__. T or Itmorr snmmrzns -' if-aund America a paradise in &k; mT T 3'1?‘-'eB°f'tA"°‘a_I_‘;;T fgpmé ms: for Kama, Cm. as the ,.:_.T._,1.T T_ men. “ nee. American Tennis Charm “"""" '’"°'' 5"" °°"*“"°"""" in-spec . 9 ”’°”~‘°.‘"18 the co>°otes_and let- 0 °;i T dmum, ,,i,,_.c,.,,‘ 8, of raids started here its: night. ONL1 ALL-NIGHT pong; guplgne {ugh}, “in .b¢h.]'g ‘,1 . ‘ . PARIS--Echoes of the Franco- He likewise praised the whtteutinzthem kill the jack rabbits coun- 88 83-T5 3 9 _ _ B qt _. T 7 geographic science advancem ...‘; .51 plan to ‘Alt 1“ Amerlcan debt conference ~36 Wash- marked passage for pedestrians onltica in the state would each be ahead 3;? Glkgiwca C3395") mt IlaI't'.~‘ .';c{u.*.es Generalsliiw I ’ 0 ‘ - ~ ' ' ‘ 0 ' ' . ' ‘ U n 6 S c . Y I ' 1‘ 9. ' a,_.;;._¢_3.,n. and in an lgnd 5, am.‘ P 3 mgton have not been expressed in rtreet crossings ‘where T drnors‘ hundred dollars a gear. '3 T 5‘ ‘H men Mn" 2; t._o :51 it T _ T_ M .. T TTTTTT To ‘ ‘ an8° i very kindly terms in the French mu-rt hold back for pedestrians not- 31111031‘! 38? ‘hit W101 P8"--31¢!‘ F“"1‘ ‘°“W' ° - °""~'° - ' \\A.\l*ll?\u'l O.\. De.. --. lr q,...,._.v- W3. announced he" ma.’ yfim the P Mmt cvcfyihins: Ame ican scatter them as we do." . The signftcrmination of ‘coyotes and wolves :18 8150 spending the lYJlid1|l»'5 with cf:-nL C¢»t.lxcig;.‘:.Tr»daix; wTi.Th;'rcIv).- l'}.= - ~“‘ _ , ‘ n . ' ' . .1 ' .. -. n : , ' ‘ ' v ’ 3, - .. . ' uti» . .;cc- ‘.‘(‘a|(lL'nI ‘.l'~\\-‘ by the D€tN>*’~ AVBUOB S°°’¢‘Y- “ 30038 Aaltrican unnis dnmpion. is from_hootblacksTt0 P0llttctTaTnS. rom do not diaturh. mg!) be hung‘ an 3:4: :1lT1ltltT!(1,sr; Jacks naxe in cased er _.___.____ :~TcT>-igntnnct :1‘ ‘gin as u bm:8dmTTmTnT PLATE tnw night will be held by‘th¢ ‘dn‘“p.,.;‘fl,h‘.1mu.m mfsue chewing gum to prolubiuon. has on To door. 15 anot er Amen-T y e 1 x s. T ‘ A orig Swim T T T ‘T T “_TT”TS l.TeTTu_\_TT (TMTTTT. c‘-ul. ::c:.t. spring in conjunction with he; guise, in "1; ‘ad ha‘, ‘mu an been criticized as wrong and 1’ n'.a.-=- czmzsm that pleased the French. “Au- ‘ E"““"*fi mo PROGRA“ - “WT °“" ‘ T_ ”T"“D"‘_ f“ T” T,” \_i'(‘_PTT“_TT‘:.1: T E’ 13,, _.\_,,,;:;-3.339 Gcog;-aphjgg] mm the. i tic ever since Secretary Melly sul» tomatically all life stops for you."* T0 D R CT A r tire and both section.-v (. n. 1‘.\\¢:- rtqui-5» I . ~- ' | 1 A tea . . _ _. , J of. .‘.'.-W York, according to E. 8. Sb; 1;“ announced the zlnttm-3'4?‘ mi his coupler proposals an mma!'k: LL Lauumne m terms of W’ M’ Hnflhnucr ‘D “an. Game u'wh‘tfit[’Itfhsrlli‘hldF‘(:':d.e .~ . i,;mT.__._ n._.,,,t_.., of the Deg;-git gm- of mmpeth‘ in ,".,_.,.d of a,,_..p_;._.. I-‘rc-nch delegation, but StcphenTLau- surprns.. . at C. C.—Spt-rial Music manned. glfrnn Mccnth T 8 r W35 {MT m which he “...: (.1,T.‘.u.d and d,_._ ‘[3 t 12 North‘ 9"‘. 1‘.-.-.l Socu:i}'. and manager of the ex- igg; winter tourainents and her or-':— 7'a'"‘‘’' ‘me of the hespknoun The radio program from .hrzs- parked near me Commbia Theater. sired to let his gem-rzzlship lapse. ‘ ' " l __ pawl tinn. » tray‘; 3, gun to Esau in one or n?,.,,(. FrreTnchT jourzmli:-ts. has some lmppy \\‘t)l'~l.D L’ROTECT COYOTES ‘ mm College tomorm“. nigh?‘ t.--TT ‘Tim,-,_T; '-‘hat }.l¢.nx-y pet-3on-.,m‘Qx nut. sutanne ‘LL.!:Q_ l'€.A?{‘TUTUllS .\l1lE!'lC8Tl'l \'l1'1‘J(’v-- Conn‘). in (‘Rio Aruucs 1‘hcy'uu-CT-Jgh “-in ‘X. undfzr the d)- - __ __ _,,-___ , . TT T~T — —T T- T - T -- W: ‘ -'_T T ~__. T T T‘Tb_‘ ‘T «T -TT f- T’ :x!I;.' t!'.l“l hack the project lacked 1.3 T , \\ ntmg in thc Mntrn. as an nf'.- cl Reduce Rabbits Trecugn of me Rev, \\:1I:c-r .\l. T ~ ____ “ ...;.;.r.~:1;~.-.i~.»n. but it is understood he 1-1", 13,-, in the bnxing game wouldfL‘!'tl1(Iu::l‘. of the n: rrc I‘-mp‘:-!"»='.!l1 ’l(‘- H, Um“ ‘EMT ’ ‘ ;l"l‘"°h l""lcp “m” Um"nun'"mun' stutr up dc-clztrc n houniti on .lnclt“‘- ‘ - ....» l t O I l -.y. .- ';r4!\‘ :.:.1,ar:‘ of Lina Tflight is under- tween a‘ pm“). 5.05,," ,$m-.4-Lear.‘ ..§'nt only dill the dc-lc-grates to the rabbits. R “ms brought out that -4-—"' ' W e . - " 1' 5”‘ ""l'l‘”“‘.‘°r3' mld “'°“1d:‘and the skilled French 1:311. T(‘0ni(~.'cn.c work over figures." h" the rabbits were becoming a mom _ If 3°“ wanhm bu}. or 5”?" mm. ‘ .« ya i." in Ala.~5l»:a to Spit!-l=‘€"‘. A promoter of professioxuil sports twntcs. “for I drew ~.up some of m):Ta(,c to annex wmugh dcSu.u,T:g.m thing try n Mnssourian \\Tant Ad _ T- . . . ,j..‘_-. T lfor the put-pom of a dclilvcrate hal- own and can ;T:uarnnte:- that thc_\_ .- cnm5_ - T T T 0 ad 7 T TT TT |Tl.P—nr—Q-4T‘;-l—-l-«-—-T BE FED Txyhom com not have laid it l)‘.“l.Z:~:‘ tfflt‘ . llxiu-:nT~,r ton day: 1-...~Tl.. no mum... in 1;“. Sm“; ix r.::\~‘. a g e O 0.; .' ‘ .x.: n \ .. . . ~ - " -inns N - - v ‘V 14]‘; o ' __ .* -7 ‘foundation for such a match. or o 11.». -<~--H U‘m'“~”“-“""‘ m. ' ‘ " ' COBS " . - - — ——-e— e- --‘\-——9’ . . 5. .- T T ;_ J , , T,__ ., __ mm: that instead of pagtmt, a bi, M. JA -,,.-..- - TT T V . . ~ _\;,-g}, .':tr:‘E¢‘r>; ‘Authorized to Dis-' Mlle. Lenglen. In Ttht‘ hwtfm ‘* "}'1‘dI‘:“"_""‘l_‘T_(_fr1;' (‘fl t3:i'%n".11L(,'t bounty on rabbits. "°.\'ctcs should Fof all kinds of repairs on e. ‘ ,., ;u'.¢\ " - 2:22.-m.~ t.‘.-‘ain to Them. ‘her glory. came to this wumry and ‘ 3" ‘ ““‘-‘ -““’“‘ ‘- “‘ " . , 0 .1 .- covotc kills sou. r . _ * ‘,_‘-.'‘- "3 e a 1 - }, . . 1 - in If 19°F‘ 3 -'4 ~ Leathc oods Gr: handlca -:..-w--* *2 ’..:;:>. '.";.m.~. 3:‘ coming to the wild;quite when Mrs. Molla Mn'.l0!‘.\’. Ill!‘ W1‘ 'l‘~~3_- ‘-<“~~u—-'~t‘ 1 0 H‘?-‘fm \'~fl"*'.mbbm n ym, to 5“. nothing of’ _ r 3 ' P . . "' T T_ _ -~ , . 2'/~"( 'n—.¢ . 1 ."..-.« auri. The State Game American champion, had zeatcn hex‘ ed “'85 I-'1 l‘-U?‘<‘Pt' 31 U10 l"“-“- mmmd ..qui,.,.,.15 and fimlcs ‘ ‘unease 3tn:m'sh°° mpamnm _, ‘ . ' -~ :-vtmv=‘= W =w"'°'**~'~'d *" “*°“"”°‘- .. e l ""‘ “"~‘ “i""”'“"“° —n... bountv .~....o.. ... ms. 3°’ ““‘"“‘ S"°°‘ iConsult the Mobiloil Chart" .: ., ‘ '.L- :::-ll oats and corn ‘She reired in teh \\:mblc-don I‘.-... « as pnr:ulx.-:m:tl. Tl-.\'cr_\'T t.pv!‘::t‘).' - T , g :-.3: «':u".‘u-IS ‘tor distribu-ftournament BTW -‘lib’-* ll‘-‘7_-am"-15 -‘I"’4*k«‘ “"131 3" 41"‘-“-‘“‘f“"'° -“"‘W’*-" “ *‘ * *- » ~ . ~ -- - to _ _ 1 ’ ades. .T_ at .~~,;r;~.1 route-~‘. The Ryan had playo,-d her nu’. tu'\\'m um and ("‘U." t'‘_\'. T. \\ in-n l asked for '‘.x,\' —- -— - — -— -— -— - 'c- *- -— -— -— -— -— -- -- - - -- -— - -DOW. o. t , _,_, T; ,:m-gnu flu. $1;-ct and ::he pleaded ill health 1lalld."Tl"t‘l.U..\‘."('. fl:-at Tr-om::1T;x'iir:aTtTnEi1 . ‘ W W W W V "' Watch the “E” T . .' T l". ‘ .2‘.".‘. of lzt.~‘!’ when rum Tlo !_'¢‘P"°5"m_ WV 903“ !‘.\' ~ in -.1‘. l'{‘C«:|‘-ct‘T an t.rT..cT in ‘T as —a ».=~ z . ' . .;;.~..:;:..~~..-.1. a: mo. own ex- Pans 01;-mpw Hwwh°-‘ '-'-"W? “ ““ “" “”“"”."' "W ‘M f’‘‘'‘‘‘’‘'"'‘'' ‘’‘*’I . F Phone 681 5th and Hickman I Th°“n°mem' f F ds. Ga le Mobil- l A‘ - — 4. V 7;; or. l rats ‘along the madam: dead set that -she would 21;:-aw ‘.3 T(-.'uT‘h nunm:-r .:c!“'T1U’3|10-.\'-T A l*lfl‘%1'=1_I:!- ' vvhm ix . n between 01' O1‘ , 1‘gOY 1.‘.:~‘v ‘Irv eight weeks when their.l.’cat Miss Will: to \\‘l!: the cl1.:xi'.--iv:Tm‘t' T<‘l‘4‘3?ff l“<‘l1’-"1‘N‘T ‘"11 *3“ - 3 ‘ - 39 r_.,..¢ ,',,., ‘...-W1; .1 . . F TTTTTTT TT TT 1- T____,;. TLPTDITV “.35 hidden um: pion5hip_ 3 " Stat.‘ are \;.¢.ll‘::.11;-. Hus ;tn_\-t,:~.s;- hero f we Chm ‘O K: yum .— '- ‘5 , .~ . .~.. ;-..' 1 ed to - ——~—o--- - I . ,c-vcr lxturd of such an 1dc.".——tn be carnccdI.\luh..u:lArc- . . . . l”? "~ " '*"“' “" "“’b cam ~ . . . . . . .. 1 A rlc Mow mo ALI. W t r ; F .‘..__ ‘ T i 1 301 fur tht‘ carriers.‘ {Tu-(xl:‘,.;TtnT(:T\\Tl‘.Tt't1 l_\.:t. .i5l.TT.'. cIt‘T.11;f‘l\l..T(_.lTT.'l\.T 3 “T; (HTTOTTT Nd‘) "_ 3 C I Ti‘. TTTTT . Hi T_T_T,T:_T Thar (”m"._T Ta B_ ~ ;o.n11:1»:T.-.-.u..x.T \\a.~T .3» UL ,» , A I d 0 qum M0630” “wt T ..,e r 3;. ;. -e“::1..—to-r of Mexico. .\lo.._ ? 1.!."'1 the null” 2-‘ll f“"" ; ‘fogps: u,, Mouton k" .7\: ,< H " \'t 1 l‘! 7 Q 41) ‘A. :1. 1:3. T‘ T . II£"uflI gR‘ ' T I . f ‘ N- ‘ . . . _‘ . . 4 l " ‘ .,.co' '_ . "Y . T-_ V « « 1. T; Tl_;T;n°..-‘< ;-.... ;:.-it c ;:n;nt.~‘s:c.r:t.‘r. the nd-. ‘ " % Tm‘ ‘m?"{’l mm " Lf1,(L'§mrd i [ Stark”; Delicious k box "" =' " . .l I .‘.:T,T:.T:.Tj}-_;_- .-.‘ g.T.;..Jn‘,.._. p(.,-,-,,,,;5,,n.T T ‘T TN”, T ~—- T ‘able to those who llu\-Q10 use l-Trc::ch ‘ . . . . . .o, . D . . . (I _. .T l- fz r-~='l ==='““"“‘°~‘ ‘~° I.“-‘ ”’1.6'.‘\~oo'.\"‘.7‘_u. the tin)‘ star t....—..-nn°1°,Ph°m“-*- ""° °‘“‘ .“°“““".“‘-" °"' ' Jonathans . . . . . . . . . . .85 k. 3.00 Bu. Q r . - x \ l 1 . I d l - 9 I B’ . ‘.:~.' l‘.‘.1.';‘.i;“t‘ z::o'.'c on :1 sta.c-wtdcms thc.C,)mp3ni0n of Si,.iuT_.;,_di.T._.m._§P€’T"‘DCt5 UNI.’ (‘-335 I" IIBUITIT-it C I G . n‘ T k 2 Bu C ~ -' T..._.3,._ by Aha" Clark of Xe.“ YDr}:'(»})c!‘a1Or, wmnst num'ocr.~ omng t.» 4 ’ Times G0 C . . . . . . . D e . . 2. ‘ T , .’('t‘ed 1 kn _' ', ' . 9 . F.:,. h ,T _ 0 p p » ""."W"""'*“" "3. ‘ho rural man’ in lS62—.he universe lms LJ :n.\‘:-it“ .‘”‘m1‘mt"_“f W7") ‘ ‘"3 Txu f Yflrk Imperial . . . . . . .63.) 2.20 BU. ‘ 7 slit"; 1.. '1 1-!‘ 112': ‘"0.-‘!0f{l‘:(‘ Déplfl-’ - bod . of finch u..,,nU,dU. llllcncat -""‘~3"d-‘- Cu-5"" 0” ("her “l"' T x‘ I‘ « \‘.‘:.-'uir.x;:«»n has bt'€‘X'l 50- Esrofimor m_:‘imtiT;n thdtl; n"m"h:vi-r~‘::ti(.::::. (ll‘.(l r-vcr_v other (‘H!‘.U'l\'- [ haVel Orangfls , , , ,40C, 50C and 60C DOZ. 7‘. . - i . . , Sm. . ' . ‘. l. , ' -. . . - ) l).‘g . "'-"“"‘ ""7" “’“l -‘ml’ M 0"‘ Ch"’u“”-§thcrt- would wci$'.'h sixt)‘ l10Ul‘d-‘ fllidldbk 1h“ng”;mm. It li»h.f,;\f:ll.- ' if 0 d l D 1. ' :1,‘ -T‘xr.T~-;= the authorization that‘ go” wwreign would ‘_T__T_i£h a UmT.TcTn‘:1‘1;v mn. ~-r .m 1 mt. ’ one our 1' er e 1‘ er -0' , .“ " V T q ,1 e -,,.. . ,.._.;._,,,T. of ‘h._. cm.“ L. .: uu:-_\ .x:rn:u LT au.o.r.1'.:...1l) I (‘Tl , :..,,-< '51“ “rec "f “rm”-‘ " 20O'Ua‘) .t“"‘. ‘cut off _\‘uLll‘ phone for it couple of 1 2 g - v..'.~: :t:.- ;. '‘-Zu»Zll of the postmastcn , . ~. . . _ . ‘ "ha. of the earth though us .~2-~.~ 1.. . . .. 7--T. .g LT ‘,;. .133 ‘b ; dd ‘ 1,‘ ‘ . T , I lhturs to dt.<~1p:xne you. The ‘(~l:-- I t ‘ 2: a a ' t ‘ ~ l ‘ E. - - 0“ We 9”» 0- ‘¥§t§t§wB:%:5:§:%:§t§i3z§:§}§:3z%r3:%z§:§:‘.. -: ‘ TT 3 . - l .T T TT T T TT : S". Ohvfl. Lodge. “;.,'mg ml. -«nu,-- E phones are 2O\'T(‘!‘ll!lltfT.'L controlled I -T l I‘ ""“'l* ‘~";_“"' "'h°r“"‘° ‘”"’°"" m°‘"'5~.ley Lecture" before the (‘h:u'in,".',z.nd it is useless to try for !‘Cdl‘t‘S?'. My - _ . 1 of .1»,-t.l!‘.t?.N T__.:T..fi__ ' Hospital Medical School. clttzilih is little wonder um; MT Lnuuume ‘I ‘ ‘T ‘T ‘T ‘ ‘T. ‘T ‘ ‘T. ‘T ‘T 3 l T‘ 1 .3 is o-TI,‘_\RK 'r“'.“':\' 3]A.\'” “thxsdTall-pgtverful lgtélt‘ l.“‘l‘fiT‘-fixblitlllillfi-4‘t'# T WTTT T“ T T“ TT TTA _ T T_T T.-_“__ TTT__T__T __ _ ____ .’T _ Afik [BC dC8lCI‘ \\'llO '~ . g )1 13- _' '..~~ """“"" " .T .T‘- ! A i ' (£rm't'-.- 3l:1Z1nlTNt~n' Histofitll 50' golostugrolngthhchcarail:-‘. Sirius. ml d1°plaY° an” Mg“ ‘ ‘A k ': Cllif !‘i‘Id.' ‘i315 Tiuf. an exnmpie uf one {if tlli.‘ .*:li£(‘S l-II. o " A . .. x T-luhan of Hannibal. 3}“ the nt_vstc’rious e\'oIutfm of the un:-} ,_.‘ . t‘ - .':»;tt :1 1‘-re.‘-_idcn°. of the Muse \-gr“, ' 3 T } E ‘t L - :..,:t.-, El:-Lnziutl St>.'ict)' at the all’. “The beginnnig of our owgt -lzttlcj " ' mu . 1.1.-tfmz held here last Thurs-[world was the formation of it-.~l;ul.tTr‘l T T T T ll?‘-‘T 7 E." ' nwxvu ‘veers ago." saxd O”-l < C > in on. mg in. on Iug mg 1... 5- mg n. ... g n_ mg n— I— D— g 3 1 -g 2 2 up in T .7 «jg;-; '.‘;v.l2«:'-3' u- the “Mark _TW8m;ver. “and I may add that his daft-T fig :_:‘:‘:.‘._‘_ .. : W W T ‘ T T F T ‘ ‘ 1% [ . . :;~:.:;‘~~ ’.,....;:u.-v of his interest tn prc-gig no men. m,(.sT._ '1"',,(. pm] ,,fT my - ‘T -' _r ;. . \".:1;. inn thznsts !"(‘l.Z|19ll to thc Iv,-or-1d will appan-ntly be the dt’-ztD;l g f ‘ 7~ .:r ‘\:i ..-‘.;':l writ:-r. lpearance of all thc-.1'an1ilinr;nt.'1ttt-rT . . .‘-.* _‘s't:-.I~.:r;-, l n»‘ ’ . . - ‘ ‘ I ... - ,u 9 . -\ e V ’, 0 T l ' ETTT T ‘T TTTTTTT‘{T.;TaTMTat A‘a\e!I% T M {filed by an z‘.udt(-ncv Tof ..lTn)n.ouulv N wozyt find acombinahon of (mm-eerv¢TccLc:mTi I oft, no doubt She hlghn fol a uhehnhg hand __h0m(. ‘ T F3 ' l\'.\X.‘A.\' (‘I753 31°" Dec‘ ""‘_' “Vb d“3"- This ""‘"""”"'°’ ‘l “m E ’ tcre t. aasinzthe three Dixiea—t.he Dixie FlYBr.Dixxe um I ' 0 .v ‘ . . . ' « . - - - - - "l " ' -h:1.«~ W. r‘:\':rk>"'l -’-"‘~“.°‘"' M" ‘W’ °‘."‘° “'‘T'‘‘’''‘ ‘.‘’‘‘‘l "““'«""‘*?""-Z page s am-Band the Dixie Route.toI-'lorida. All the ‘lllmenlf or com ‘ I . aid that “mild gne hm mow time fol lebt ‘ind lecrea l l E ,1‘ g,..._._-.-..g,w..rth federal p!;l-*0". Q3’ The d.8ll_\' audience in Um--g p1eu_=,enjoynhle travel arehere. Comfortable. atnootb-rn!_mI118 U'8}¥13-b§‘"~" I tlOTl. T ‘ ’ 3 T T ‘T T._ M ..‘_(,m:ecral1T; mT_‘. fluture To mas are TestTITxttntTmT at -. tT..vT . . Rhoda} Deucioug meg]; in the diner. Attentive service. V\'lnle ore . _ , T , E A ztrnr-:.'.r:'-1' -mm insm°£"’;*T- }‘°. 7"" The ‘(ifs “:'**l‘"~'N**tF'1*!'_“°"*'1 .\ ,«mwi§:a'o»-pa.u.mever__,- °__, -‘k~---H“-"" ‘ - ' See that she gets tt—-yes. make’ her radtantly happy—~ 1 _ - l".(‘!‘o§ ‘VH1:-'." in a ('UI’§'“‘;: ‘B er. puny? r!nu"'\.S rages nu"-'0 ‘fin-F e 0 o o 0 o I . o - I l T H ._._.: 31 fin. Knndai C|t:_- u0UY'flll- u-rpnse, })0S5CSF(*T~’ 130 ;ll(;l1)°.(?!‘1;-]_n\v,T‘1ll°’, . V ' by ex__ ‘ ." 3 a seating capacity o 1. . .—««-r;T _ T ‘T T , - _ - T» T . 4, - 7 ° ‘ v - p .3 W -...... released early 4ooo,oo0 at one mt... into ..T.T.~...T...-.» 1-,)"-i‘._*~14°°.*.'k :;;3ggT_=;; Iv§;_u=~*-_ ;gg;T*; 1 T: ceptlonal a1'ra,\- of hlecti 1ca.l HO11.5(‘:‘l'lOlCl Appliances. 1 l E ,i q to-.;...v ;;'.:::~ .~».-mil‘-l-t all but ;9“*=51l‘; thoh numc-mus pvrfm'rn:xnc't' =41‘-1!'Im~'l ’5."',‘f""‘,':'°°" @5132 M amnu ' :33‘: I Such 352 ' A 1 - ‘ n‘ t'.- 1 ' -year rm ° ‘ ~ .v- ‘ <1 - villa 7:15 . . -- 4—~++- . E .1 .: .2 -”$'(lh(t))()00 New Yorklm n= W-———+—e A e I 1 " #33" 829.3-.3: *:"“‘“"' ' 33'3"" V > ‘ ‘§8 00 U “ ' T,T_T_4 . T ;' l‘2ll. a.lT. ll Jo T . . IT b.‘ T . T 7 T ‘ Rffggpi 390,4‘ I _ _ _ _ _ . _ , ,9 , p ‘ t " . land illl‘-I: tn 11924. is GXUTV-‘Tm?-‘ ‘ ‘l IS O\'ER“'HEl.3U.\'(iL\ DR} __;_35!-"in 6:1_0_p_3n A18: ft-te_rIbnr: 3'15!!!-. I ‘ V A, 69-’ ' , :.»y- .qmi;;;t tlw prison officials after! i_____ E]. ‘ Ar 3:. Peterubur: 6:00v.uL ‘ W35‘ "“ y HOOVQT (.»lC3fl€I'S . . . . . J. I T ‘ .. . «. -. . . - ' I d R ' Pl t infant:-,. .‘ - - '. - ..-.o...‘ it ‘n . ‘ " E W ‘=' -‘""°""“ ‘°“ ‘"‘ a ’‘‘-’‘.';':°..»..§i.°¥;‘.’I.~....‘'f.....‘:.........'.... »; *".;f‘.:'s'::.:°:: %"...f<.*::......,""°°'.........‘°..;‘.:.:.§§.:;.:.§.°; : wame Irons ... . . . . . . .s1a.Q0 . 1 ... F P ‘O . :‘.—‘..—:‘-:_ El"€7,aiw Pr’,T‘E' V qdl‘ _~ fOTTI’:p'.‘-K ‘nu. mu. Dinifll 1 V 0 '. ‘ ' ’ ‘ r-mt in "mm 0”“ -‘”.'‘'‘ ~ 4 ‘*S‘*”>°“°- ' 9° ‘Z’: *......"=-<*"”';:.‘i.°.$‘.*..':'.:.'°§.°:.:.'..."“‘...o..““‘.. mom-mm. com... 1 y T t $7 75 Up ' TL» 1 ‘T " k \_ ncp."meM"m R‘. gllouse \'otedh(;:\’?\'helnun:l(_;' Ttzry o..i - an I 035 ers . . . . . . . . . . . c U T 1 .— .33“ .-.~*.nV)’ :' f‘ 3, votct ax. _ . ; .. A.Athta r v.m- - ’ .'.',‘. -«ind Actioo. However. lnsAI" txfgsdllntingato -the trdnsurx‘-l nib Dixle ‘an 1t1s:3¢g:.:. “' .a.¢'§..n«ns. . 8:00a.m. I Heaters - - - - - - - - - - - p . J B l‘i?ta.1l‘rcv-a - l ' n 8‘ ’ ~'w b']l Ii‘: l Coacl:axidl‘ullxnanm'1'§coI'!Id!il|-5'~—U’“""""‘°" 93° 9'“ ‘"95 , ' T , vi .. T :1 -‘;.“/“Tr P“. A Dem 22,_..Gen, .TP08toff1ce‘:€)g)33grxattJn IT e E [-355 wnvme d”w”___,, ... . _. _ V W .. A .1‘- I T._T . ‘ ,. o ... 9 T , . ,inauT, 3 _‘ . app;-gpna 3 n u " ‘ . T __'_ _ _, ‘_ ,_ 1 _ LA 1- ......‘ - _\m«H‘».i,}. 1;_ [T;ut.g.-r. tod.8)_ nottflieél h T f :d b_ fed rfl pro_j 9:30p.u..ewensnChe!ored¢lIt:1nro.—.——. I I A 1 I ' 7"93""‘."“"‘ “M; of ”"l.'I-di1§.'l§?.§.h§§ u:;e:i:s: vi-iiodeloatell by 1:35.: ForIurthrr£nIonaau'on.iUuatruodl£ta'ata~. rancid;-:<«A”‘;"c°‘:;”L R 1 I ' ° I l‘.cT inn: lbw‘; dindor 140 17_ . i C.Eu}1TITINCl DIVBHIII P1318 Q “.5. I%lL"‘.Tu. .. . . T . I. 1 t .. ;t.TJ‘.T‘ --5 ll ~P ._....—.o———-T—-- . . fhooefleltfl .. ““flT|mT.Eu°T I of ;—.*.»lw salt-ty. ,. Shenandoah lII(|llll’_\‘ lands. ayfucuotna 31: .\.aauvrn 81-1-0013 75-005" ll. has _re;~.m*.¢-d to h:IT\'¢‘ rT1-cewetl 3, United . ~ T W .Q.}';u‘ 1 i an...‘ . ,...‘..l . A - ° ‘ _ - ‘:1’ .j ' ‘serif his st.a'JB!‘T Kl Igsendahl‘. eehtitlsr aur\‘i\'int off : ' - \:.:.-.;iri l«.- :'::v‘. of a retired ogficff-T cer of the Shenandozgi. 5}IT!Ilil1l1_(_‘*‘l-§ ' 1-.-_».-,;g-:- 5: uz-.:ic-rutood to Mff 1"’ William Mitchell an ot er QTIKGCTRT f . ram-«E t‘-ac :na_\‘ur that his the mxal coun of inquixiy lllfkl NM! 1 f - ' ~ - . . 5 god.- ' _'nv:-:~~ '- v‘ ‘ bk up ‘D .‘ and :'ta3sc-0:513:-r :tri— 1 ' T _ .\: ‘_ «canon 1' _ T . _ ' ~. ;:«.~..:-rallg. he-.xe\'cd ht-re.thntT‘.§”mem‘ ‘T . . 3 .~. '.l:t- g:u:oratl will notify the Navy Dr-,. -—T—--0-“"7 I 0 - I " - Hal-;:v.:t-nt _1-escinding the action andgn U “Ibo Lee of Tel¢Pl'|0M-l ‘ - ‘ . _ 1 , A. _ l T , ‘i ' _ . ‘ . , « t.T.rJme tl.sT command ¥o:'hwhtch :T;TrLaxDoPrI-uNT_In 192‘ m TGR“ T 6 T & T _ 1 ' 1\—;?.2s !~€l‘l(‘dLlt?1‘.l, ‘hit ‘0 C mI!'i ,Bri"iu ‘ad In only . m g ‘_ T ‘ . -’ s-. . s ‘ , , ‘ - - - v ; " ‘.*'f".'f“?..—‘~-it - :2» var em or we . u-ed . ISVI L LE Er ‘N H |L‘LE_ Ps.R. * - - ‘..j.- .‘ I1‘ you want to buy or sell Mm? »the.-'¢¢le9h°M- ¢""*P*““d “"35 ‘5‘° ‘ ' - ~' ‘ V V -\ . l .5 am; try a Missourian Want Ad; ‘ per cent in the U. s. .5. In 1921. . _ ________._,___T _A __T l . i _ L , ' ‘ } _ ‘ I‘ . C T T T .T T' ... .. 1 , . . . T’ _ . .~__ _ ‘T TT TT T T , . 2 g . . , - . . - -. : I ' “ ‘ . . l ' ‘ . ‘ix . - ‘~ l.- ‘ . ' .' l :._l r‘ ...-..$. ......Lu... -. .‘.1'.. ‘'«~ ‘‘ ;.:"a"li v _. ‘v’ T r . -5'“ -' 4 T ' Lg ; V .. . ; ,'T_;.-..:..’4 ;-:‘.~‘«. -V-“V-*»'~ " ” ‘ '+'-- ‘ , "“°§3~'rJ.'7¢‘,.‘"' ""“ ‘N ' V. W - ' . ...‘.: « 4' _ f -‘.2 ., _'-- . .. -. ‘S£~....‘. é¢..?«.. .8 . __ _ , _’ T L _J ____________'g, , ._ .. A T T _ T. T__ . ,_ . . V T T T I . . ’ "‘.’"l'-"'-‘. . ‘ ‘- 4; <2 -. ‘ °* ' ‘ ’ '. 5" 4'. T.y —_'r.a—- 1 .’