E. ..:V ‘E ‘ . boas-5 «cover -3: ..~ ,_e... .. - 9 Cu .. ,o~—e--vv-at‘ cg, . ..,...-..._.,,., _,..-, ...,. P ., __ _ ‘ ___. La _ r ‘ . t . ' .""' "“"“""‘.""“ C’-‘>50 f‘,"'0‘l-‘- ‘--0.-;-r Oat.-co. a .4o0¢aIO- -l on . we . 0 . . l: ‘ "H l l K - ‘ A .7 ‘ ' - t. f. : - = T -. «.4 g '. ..--;.t 1;’? .?‘;-§‘_..?. ' .-’ "' ' - ’ . l .- -e... .. .. . . . ‘ ".gZ . . .- ' it‘. t. “_F_ .. .‘ _ .‘.- ._ ‘..t . ’ ‘I. : .:.. .,-t .-’; ‘ .‘ r“ _ ‘ Q . . -‘ . ' ‘ ‘ . ‘ - -. .., 1- - o 0. ~- our &-- 0- ..-co.»-,. .. . . i- ‘ e T ' Q” " ‘*' " " T ‘ t ‘M880 T T ' r . 1925 - = T’ ' K’ ‘ l PAGE ‘muse .' .—, ht‘ I ._ -. .. . " -. ,- " '1 A “- . « ~-f"‘.": --_-.-._-“' I l ‘ **‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “"' " ' "“’ ‘ -.~.,. _4‘. .1 ._ A i . .2 _. , ,_ ‘.,_ «b¢t'au:'Bmope1udtheF8rE£8L‘URGES.SUPPk§8l0NOF ' h ' ' van r~ '~ ' . ' 1 " f" ' ‘ ‘::a°G:rmu Bi-uni, in eo-op- ALI. 1Errlc-on sut ‘ . I -'5‘l5fi&"“$3 - ' C ‘ ‘ ' # _, ' « - 7_ z . l with amous explorer, ‘ 3 , "._' l ' 'C Business W 1 z ' ' T i IN P" "“""" "“ °°”°°“‘°“ "1 *"=**'3- “°““° °‘ ’‘’'.“°''' 33- Sent Dr-ft T" % I ._.‘ . _ - ._ A l Min Bun-sq, Hen,“ of gas“ I __ é , _ itions project of establishing 31; Am, of Treaty on Matter to C_oua- _ ‘ _ O _. . O ,. p f . . ° 2 ' " H ‘ lcity will arrive tomorrow to epends . "‘*‘ . ‘l'’d‘’”‘ ° i-l1’l"lU1¢ 790?»? .' M °l W” "L 1 - I ‘ll’-. .T - rihwlve g..,,,,,,?.,1_,,"~';,3?'tl: nus" . .u..cmo....«:tn-.a_et parents. to.1A1rplanes Now Being Usedawmh the rcticrexions or si- "”'"“.“”'"“ . l i ' ' ’ J - 5:: .. . 5 . ,°l 14)“ Helen A_htell. lllllkhter ofland Hraxzl. A. Heibel, 1314 Walnutl - W tes f R .q. n berta. This emc. however. de- GEMJVA-—Snr Eric Drummond. '_ T ‘ ~ T ; ‘oz-' .C|le:h“'.nd “.°m°n‘ . n"- ‘L 0- A3891-lo 0°31‘? 5"! Street. Mi8a.Heib¢l. a traduate of In as 0 318.713‘ m.""d' “ lug‘ ‘”‘°°“l- 97 Cnllllal Ind “emf”! 5°°’.’°t"5' °f the L"~K'-‘ed °‘ ' ' l. = 95?! .-attended ;_ nner swan lifeline. and -hug: .Ps;um- University. is teaching physi-.', Central Asia. . 3&1‘:-at-olfwably be realized only in the!‘-‘)‘lf'té<1>rr-. has co;nmt;oseatedrl to $11 . * 1 3 ' M" “”‘"l e '. I ellucttl T "Northeast High ' ' I ‘ " “wit ' 1 ° "3 ‘°"‘ O l 9 ""0 tl 9 ‘ ‘ .. -3 -mu Calla Green eT.g,;,.,u,,,D,uu.m:, ,, '°“ °“ “ .3 u':e:lr - flc v T‘ . «T- » _ on" bylschoot ; 7 at run. Geflngn planes [med trues draft of a treaty for the 4;- . 33”“ 3503 llllfl .5!-the Rev. Luther Wesley Smith pas-l T .....'._._._‘ i M0 COW.-~The airplane it; put- The machines used ' R ' ' '3l’°ll1l0Y1 of Ill form: of hum I '. -‘ ' - "-'-3 w- st C153‘ 3033193 Hl8l‘~td' or thefia l'tChurcb. Th‘ K3PP8 Phi Omlltt. local fra-I ting the camel out of a ’job In the merclal aviation arelnwiltlllialiliellnfoclxxl- 9’? and Cnforccd labor. an 8 in ~ ' 1 -Nfillwllllll P3'Bl5d€3lv0f‘-ll¢ Clllllflhfl the oetvlnony hfiss “"1-lty. held its third annual I0!‘-xdcsert wastes of Russian C‘.-ntral ceptions. imported ‘from abroad ‘ Owning to the urel ' h ' ~ - 0 ‘ O l . :33 folloflng speeches were made: “The Eliggbeflg am gf gm”; city “,1, mal dance last night at the Daniel ? A5i;_ mostly from (;,,m,,,,,,._ The ai,.p1am.3'f.;,,,, chamcte, of are mflcnfkn-“might. . . Christmas Spirit.” byillls Ella V- “At.~Davrain¢" and’ “I Love You 30039 Tlvefll from 9 to 1 o'clock-" . - ‘of Russian ' - o - . mg a’ 1 ‘ ii“! . Dobli: “ ‘stints in Holland” bl’ Truly" Icco‘ mpanled' by Miss Bar "Christmfls decorations were wed A Formal: ‘the tclimum or bull for-8'21! 1: onsu-“awn mogul us- ‘treuiaehu ileen am not only to ‘U: i ‘ll . °I e ' o_ - ~- - ' t ’ t ‘ti 1 mo rs. lm _ .,. ‘ - E-3.‘ n".;°° 1- w“th9"33 "915 51-”Nl¢ll°"'hara‘ Newcomer’ on the piano and ll8l|%U'¢9. f¢8¢l|¢d {T0111 the ll°°7"£;m}-3r:,ekyh,,a ‘:.":,"Khi°..,'"f,',§:htae.;::g The facts regarding the progrrege 'noon’l1me!l:ll>:rs macs btielrlue bulttlo ‘hi; 3 ’ l V‘! 0188- 13! Ill?! Lucy MOON: “Ch!'l£t- Miss “Frances Alexander on the ('io- to the ceiling. The girls received , ‘of R ' -1~ .- - ’ :4, ~ - ' Com“ m‘ .° T T "-3 ma h main," by Hi” mu” nu Dari the “hem n “ mfle uarwboxed “won The‘; anyfihgpe from Ono“, flu-e¢Yu'¢ekg’£ke usslan ml ltnry mtntlon are. e Llmted States. German)’. Russta.'_ ; On] fe h 1 f f _- I _g_ , ‘.3; W - hrlstmas in Columbia":sicrwas Dlotyed 0 ' '0 my‘ aim wile silver colonial lad:r{dcpe1rld|n8 upon accident; *‘°“' “ mp‘ “§‘°"f.:°°"" ”°:'°"°" ‘"‘ ;§§"f" S“"""" ‘E‘l“'“’°'- “$360.4 ~ y a W Ours 9 t 01 C n‘- =tll‘-33 ="T‘~* -. _ . ._ ‘ - . -' .° 'tgnc_x.l ercs te at‘ ' . r- ' .d. ' _ l‘, - - - ' ‘;’'_ "'..‘.“*'.:-'*‘.:’°l.“;".‘..°°“' ~ T The -d~m-w-- who were we we -em :;:.“:*.::::.':....°.‘::; ...:*i.... :..::::"a::.. 2‘: .;:‘*=:*::;:t“.: - shovnme. we are ofienng many useful at . N "1 '3 “£1” 83"‘! 3 P"=fled taffeta dresses ' ll ‘t stcl , --—-.-—' . ~ - ‘ - - ' ‘I 1 - v - -' ~ - - l. : . ' ° T - - 1'3‘: ano solo and a vocal aolo. “Slle‘nt7,}mde,, wen; n;,,e,mCn:,n1ynpaC°t_ Miss Mary Rtfizcrs. '13‘? U‘3;;;°r"l a:,:pul:.n:,,:g3 ,:,::gr::::°m;a1ams;:§:iigrcusrizetsinllldridlfclilli-ell‘ a1l.lnCl.og1(;3‘s:l:;‘rll(ri?':tzh("'lllCXble ollnihghledeagukol " and practical gifts atvery Speclal Prices’ T ' ‘ _ . ‘t A , w’ tcrtaln wt :1 T _ _ . _ , _ ’ . r _ ;. .‘ . . -- J:rdl4e:\i:‘al ,mchn’m?det1e:;dR;?;n3au-zvsetg :5‘,-,3.’ ,,,§e;_‘::,,b;.,l ,,:,.';,. “night -1-helof tnllnsport than was the tradctlc zlal f lE(“iIlbplt‘e:’!l10l:sl;' lmptortg ‘gin Set-pic-mber,l926. the lcimxc. in on; ,' tllr011g'l'l0l.1t the St0I'€ that \Vlll VOUI‘ 5&5 .. ' ’* 1 o .- - .. , o ,- _ m_ 1 me u uteoupu croinauurates ' 1- ‘. _ ‘ 5; \‘:.:' Bum“ md Thom” A. shehicuciied bouquet‘ O‘ Opheha ms°'lI(‘;‘;€c;t°5,-'W;1{1a£ie,,.e My-i:‘ne;3gD:.Lr;:,la,,!::3icnAe“'hole network of aviation llnesgofi the Russian factories. was nov.~.$ible_ wgrld willc qcliibri ibsr ' many needS- _ ‘ _ K ‘ l L_'_/ {if . ~ venom we mm mm. e....... mu. sister new ‘:.':‘:::1'.:’.f..";.:é::;*.‘:‘::::.::f°' “'° .:::..:.°::.;".*’:.:*v r l ‘at: is .Dol!bs received a special deliverylu, b ‘d - Q, {.1 f h nap *B0!mm8- and lultllem‘-C 5t¢Pll€"3°n-l . ' . . . g ' , _. . . . V . ‘ _ “ll . T,_-1 ~ _hich he f ed V 8 Tl 9. V585 4f "18 ° 0 .1 . __ in especially ugcfu‘ in wad pemong Mr. \eshnev, head of the S0\l(‘l xarmus nntlom. begin at once the ln..l l .. ,:.~,§, P “ 5 in.“ 9" . m‘ 391° “'‘’‘'° ‘ Wu‘ Pml‘ ““°l'3 d"°" Mrs. R-Jr.-:oe Gillazpy of Kansas where ordinary methods of 1ravel"Bo,nhd or Civilian Aviation. stalled in laulruration of the measures andilcg-3 I Suggestmns ‘ V. :1” f"1’:-°|l“""‘;.‘ f'“~ “wb°‘“”‘“‘!of tiny rufles. Misses Marv Em“ 'City it ‘spending the holidays with m 510... n,,,.di,-,-,mm_ so 1...5ides;an interview with the United Press islution which are pravided roe‘ , l T ’-7-5 ' e _ . - ‘ V .. . , . ‘ ,. . ' ’_ , , .. . , _ '~ . ‘ 3 . . ‘ ' p . V ‘ '\ 5‘ beuod the cm: t’ thmim ‘Ml R039 Bull“ l|Blll¢d l-he °"‘dl°"‘.her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Vi. E. the Bokhara-Khnra line. alr')‘.‘alnes.C91TG3P0N‘l0Dt tl1M_l-lie’? 3T9 “°_“. in the tram)‘ “',‘h°"l ““'3'Unl: for; Silk Hose Silk altl \\ ool ()'t)|l(l5 jg‘- u . ° er P - ""l“°h “'9'? 35°“ ‘he ‘l‘”'- Tl‘°:I-Edwards and with Mr. and Mrs. J. com-,e¢g Bokhna with we wwn o{:c-lght passenger airplane llncs tn lb? lnltefs adoption I Silk Gl V S'lk N 1' "43 L "T W“ 3"“ "°°"‘“V- °"“""“" t flower Kirk dremd in PM W’ ‘I-: Gillaspy Roscoe Gillaspy will Tee,,,._., 0,. the M W, g,.,,.g;e,- : the Soviet Union They c-xtrnduover 1-}. an ' l‘ I - O .88 T 3 '8 'g°° 7'?’ . 9! ‘M ,d°°°'“§i°m" received cred“-“altered Pllll‘ 7°39 P°l"l" V” Bel’ larrive Thurirday. . anothzr line furfations betwccli : 8 distance of than three tllou- to cofnpllv tl.Il.1‘(:)nl>_\’.~‘. /" 5.‘ _ place cards Of the Kllests. H0!’D3v_ Lynn Ewlllfl. and Lawrence Rn!!!-.L3ib(._.k of Minneapolis’ who is here 1“ Service Sever-‘I ‘.(_‘m. of airplane accidents. There ‘,..cn,‘hn\,c been lnked N; d . h 1 Bl8Jll(€t8 - ‘Infants! Knit “real. 9-, fig: " 3333” "30 l‘°”.°5- “ml ‘l"“"‘3 ‘’''"'° 9 beau The bride was given away by lfo, ‘ha holida - - - { . - -med ° - - ‘ sen . m m t e. l Comforts Sweate ' av . awn“ the dinner‘ « her grandfather F W Ange“ , . . —.)w.~~._ The doll)‘ arrplnne sznnce betxeecn a. co. in) ' in fan accident’ somc- secretariat any obsen-gtlons which; I Bed S r d ‘V 1 S28 I :53, ’ ‘—"“—’ . I-‘ol‘owl'n8 tn.‘ ...’..m1eee ll i-ecep~l The R o '1‘ C officers will er-‘-’“°’°°“' ‘md "°""T“b°“' "“""““"°":"3"° “l‘°. ‘"."‘ “‘°."°°"’° “"‘’’°‘’ ‘’‘°-‘' ’“"‘-" ’"“'° ‘.° "”““’ ""““"° ‘°l I T bl Rea 8 * ° 0-0 arfs I t ‘ l‘ N w_ N Tingle? of Loui5i‘na' _ ‘ , . , '_ ' ' . T, _ ‘ by the Russo-German Stock Com-gsllzblt lnlurzcs durlng the prcsent=thc trcn’._\' nr.d‘t::cn to send to the" 8 e Lmen and Aapklns Knickers V " rs‘ ’ 5 U01! W115 WC?! l1 M73 5'18?“ tcrtam with 21 art ' at 4 oclocl 10-! n . - .1 ' - . 1 '\'ed toda 'to s end that K o y ' " P 5 ’ N31)’ Dfruluft. has now been func-eyenr. .nex. mcetml: of the Assembly in. l Umbrellas Lumber Jacks ' ' ‘ h°(;;a:;1wm, he,.ydnug},te: 31,5 1' ”‘°u‘°" °f the b"’d°' ‘Tl'°5° “'h° °"""‘"‘°"’°“' a“°’'"°°“ ‘‘ ‘M’ h°m° °:.-ltioning for several years and gl\'cs~ ’ ————.:._. -Sertember 1006 plenipotcntiarv dcl "l I Handkerchiefs Furs Scarfs id ‘ ha 505 Row“: Stmet Miss gsmdotndtlfiglnaz r:Ic;r;wBl2I:;:lel:1. p$‘a_;l:L on: Mrs. Arthur “llson. lfxloithc immficm tmvclcr an opponuw. SCHOOLS lLAp!\ (.O.\TESTS [mates who mu have anthem). to; ' pane‘. pillows Mmincu, . ‘ - o v g v . p . _ . . . ‘ ' —-————-- ,‘- ‘ _ q _ _ . ' _ ‘ . _ ll Jane Maulcbs has returned to her .5” " T 3°. 1 ‘~‘"‘ ‘°’“’° In}; to cut the time required for 8. \olIt-y Ball and Baseball Tourney-s;‘?"" "M "°‘“-‘ “hr any modlflta-l Bath Robes _ Silk and llztsll Blouses I l . . , . Hill. and Miss Sigmund Bnllcngcr. —-———-—-—- t f M , ._ Bern 1-mm. , , . .t,0,,.. hm... Mun mad th , . I 7 § “home In Fulton after spending a few . '_ T ch W“ be ~Chri“m:._,. mm . {ID TOY“ - 039°“ ° " , to Be Held in County. « ~ t c at may sc'em- . } , The house was decorated wxthl 111 1 a l 5, , h t t . 1 , f U P en , d(..‘,,ab)(, 8, 1 , I , 1. h , ,1 I , "5" ” the gnu‘ °t Mr’ and Mrs‘ pink roses and southern smilax. The at -1:30 o'clock tomorrow aftcmmlngsixtl . 0”” 9 “en 5:19 .8”; Charles Nortllcuttl sUD€!'lnV3"3' iuo'M of th" ‘_ rill“ ' ) _t ° °b5°”a':1 ; C ”““3h" ‘wedding party walked down an nislelnt the Episcopal Parish House fori 3°: ‘::’;l31“’:'c:“i‘:‘°;’r::“ 8:2! ‘ilipthh cm of public schools. is planning to: The U(°a‘;‘j"‘;°;’t~‘ rl:’$.91;Itl:lnnod!lts. . F , . " i ‘ .- --—-- . - .-’ - °°" i :h~ cot; tet' -ll~ll:. ‘- -- '- swas. ; . Attorncx-.Gcneral and Mrs_ ;\? '1‘. cf smile): to an altar-'banltet_l with E the children of the Sunday SLh.:ol. amid dues of Southern Russia. such:a:;epl;avgl:l:“:n§onba;t:3lI\obgwézgn Idmvm up Ly um last assembly M 8; l D . ‘ I G°".tn'- left "eswrdaymfor Jefgnyion fllulax pllnlihlfeancenirfllldle)foillrliitglblrdtt1 \lr nnd Mrs J C Carlyle of Al-‘ ‘*5 03*-‘53‘*v Kl“"'l‘°"v Ric" and R°5'§tl'lc rurxil schools of Boone Count)’. lllcsuitpofbmo (i‘"l’“i‘°° °f E"‘7l“"d-l : l City' to live. Misses IT)‘ 8?} '3' 3 "39 l . . ' I’-‘ .' ' - ° ' -: Th ,3 1 ‘toy. _ .31 t._, - th .~ te - _ Th Lord no on ecil was the principal: ‘ ‘ dint Gem -°=°==w=‘°d “W W?‘ ”°“' °“"’°‘ “"° "*° °""' "“"‘ "‘ i"°'.‘.;. ‘i.‘.‘."...‘i‘?.1.‘..,".’$.‘.2£'i. x...i".;"....".§o.‘T!\ mane route «Tm probably we 31.; ‘3.,...i ,I.‘..3§.‘.1'..°£;..f.‘:1'.‘Z2’;I.. t..'i of the v~v'°-t- 3 r All Fall and Winter styl‘ es Now .‘ 9 °““'"'d‘“" the houdum lhellwllllhe - 1, '5-..:i)peB Wilson 1111 Walnut Street. ' -"‘3l’ll5l‘°d °"°’ 50"” Cf the "“5‘ 1: proved a set" of rules for thesef 1' q V017: gt 1 . b ', f ‘ l l i’ return to Columbia to attend school. During the reception kthc rl . . . ._’_____ sparsely), Settled sketch :3 of Sib(_.,.i,:comesu' ‘Dd each mm‘ sd_1oOl_iBrU-n-“L1-rm" . op 11811!» A road, W I _ E g ’ ,5. f U‘ R mm Table threw her bouquet of pin ‘roses an Miss Ruth Coombe. 1405 Richard; in the near future. The recent .go.ld3teach(‘_x:' is‘-urged to get a com. anal _\\:ASHll\'GTO!\'. Dcc. 21.—The ad.. I’ «: , if membflt °, 9 O. .- ml°5'°f'l'h°‘v‘n0y' “web was S a Christrras party strike along the Aldon River ls ll'l‘bc - worki Wm,‘ hi “,8 as .mlnl~'trn‘.ion will take no 1' ‘l l n * ' , ‘in °“"’fl"i" mu Wemng al. ' C4"-Willi‘ ll)’ Ml” H“*'l°l G“ll‘“'- 55 Sm incl’ gage h ‘ a very inaccessible part of Sibcriaf gm 5 ms lbrevcnt American ha I: M mu to l l ofclock at Han-is‘ with a‘;l:;‘:"!ll$,’:';tlle bride left the house, unknownilast night at :3. and an nirplmc route from the: 50(;l1lr.8NOnJ“l:u:t. has also asked amlonding money to fm-we-rsgo : E ‘e V 1?? in “°"°" °‘ 9°“ , "1: _‘.u *0 thétneslsv “he ,“'°"T' 3 5”“ °’°l’°‘ The Lions .Club will mm‘ ,8‘ Amur dailroad line to the Allan: W. School, mthuint O, mood Iments which have funded their debts 5 C 5 l lg. Jlnmsand hall Gordon w o M de chlhe dress with hat to match 1 ho tomorrow noon at “3n_lSo_ {, M _,n bah! _ be a‘mb1i:_hed in . T . - "he a r 1' - ' ' l ' ' E3‘; lealrl.-..soon for Mexico. The wifcs of ‘ad a wrap of brown fur. The con_ “mi -°" tile 5 “I fpxre ) ~ - 5 class to send him a picture of their lg“ bci~:uC]‘0!;c;ril1tsed 0ll"'\\i'llCl’l have not: E " V the members will also be guesst at pk, motored m Jefferson Cm.‘ And probam’. Nobody would Double 0 31?” U _ - _, J schoolhouse and a short story about . q ' 1 3.C‘0nl:Te.‘s. Sec-_. \_ _ _ R : , . . Botn Russian and Japanese ans the school. ,rc...r,\ of the 'I‘rca-l.l-3 Mellon said; & . the q.mnu' l Miss Elizabeth Ly; chairman of B’,iE::§'£"TTi‘., Pa.‘-—A' perfect no- tors succeeded in covcrim: the dis-i The ‘ma inspector of 8 ch 0015 Mm .today. 3 -r - 1 l, - Miss Rosemary Belch" “'m ‘“".th. horn. economics depllftlllcm 3‘ trump hand was dealt M5‘ man t‘".‘“°° b°t“‘°"| T°l<}'0 and MOSCOW ll)‘: be in Boone County about the last 3 C ———'‘4‘—.'"'"- -l l l ' 3 , ll, rive Thullsday to spend the holidays; wgmun Pwoods Gone“ _in pujmn, 3}). of Jeanette in a recent bridlre airplane last summer: and the Fl’¢'lq,f December, and Mr. Northcuttt _1_ pj_ gllrnsfslfltlffftd St]:-SD31; d . ~ 5011].. H b- 9; 5 l . with_her parent!’ ME “Dd 3573- hm arrived in Columbia to spend ggmc, er cards were four aces, atxcn of '3 regular service betwccnwmes an the schools to U}. to 2913')! mu!“ and Abe Ridgowa" : °3 3: C Cart Of COIUWI I3 I ’ L John:-N. Bclcher, 1315 Wilson AV-b_u,e holighys with her sister. 3113- four kings. four queens and althe Russian and dcpanielstcamagllltg all-the quirements for a second- 5103,; ,,_r hogs to the Nmionu] , I . cane‘; A p R, 1., Hill, 706 Stewart R080. jack of diamonds. lvmuld enormousl) fac ra class school if not 11 first class. zymds. St Louis. ).¢su,rday_ H l ifi::_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ :_ __ __ __ __ _‘ _ :.':~u ‘ - , ~___ ,--, . . 2 ‘ “’ ' 1 -- . , ' ' ““ ' ~ “ “ “’“‘* ‘ ‘ *‘“l"" '“ ‘V T- —T- ~ H-T ...-.----- __ A,_____ __'_v _ , ' - ,,,—- , . , __ __ T _ __ , _ ' Q-'---—-—-....._...._._____ ‘ . "’ ' ~» I ' I " I I I‘ a IV‘ I 7' 1' I p 4.. 0- _ 1; 5:-Lg-m _‘ ‘ V 5' . - v—‘ ‘ "' "' "“"""‘-—‘VII-Iva--qtwgugugggug _ cg-gut.-uy.-g.~.—...~....—.._(I~.’.-.’ 3- '. - ‘ T ' . *2 - -T ‘ 'si; 3 r- a '. r- , . pl‘-' . '. ' . 4 l ; ;;’§; l ‘ ' . , .1- : 3 : ' I - . 55*. i_ ‘ = .~ , . _ - C v J's l ; . .' ‘ - 532 i 0 . fit ' ; l .‘ 33333333133313:2$13i€:2i€€£33§3€€3€$;3C€€3CCCCC3333312133333Ciiiifiliiiiiiilffiiiiitfiiiiiifiiiiii51€£3£€i€$€3£2€3€£i§313323121I332§33Z£€X2£3i£€Z:{2€ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ““"’*‘*“\“--‘-----‘----- J - - - - - - - n - -A p. ‘_ — t V ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ~ - ' ~ v V V-vt--vv---wv-Vvrrr-r l -‘ Davenport s " » ‘ii I 0 ' ' e .. l ‘.1 ‘ables at ~ I I , ,6 ,:_ 652 T Every Price The davenporl;"_table holds a place of importance in the fur- l ‘T4 T nishing of your home. We are . -L showing a very attractive line ' I ' ‘ _of these pieces and priced at a - -.1’ .6 _ ‘ff; ‘ special low mark for Christmas 2 A {-5 .' they range from $12.50 up. .1; 1‘ fig? ' l "1 l i3 ‘ Odd Tables <3 *3 :. . ~l-. F . § ,. "3 Us -.l f; . ‘ of To make home more livable, more beautiful ls the deslre we Tan am... that the... ca',,,,o,_ be too mm. mm. :; . . that comes straight from the heart and prompts one to select lamps in the home. For that reason we are 'ol"aoo>iog in’ : c _ ‘ Every gifts that will give comfort and pleasure long after the holi- more than ever before in tasty lamps. The-.v come in -. ' i days have passed—aft;er many Christmases have come and ‘~‘"‘='Y SW19 that an be f°“"d 0" the market and we The end or odd table will make have offered them to the public at the best of prices. ~ . the most appreciated gift that you T ' , _ ‘h ' , can find. for such little money. ' * They come in h dreds of sizes gone. c. ' - Our entire store is brimful in Christmas readiness, a veri- Bridge Lamps range fmm $ 3°50 ‘ll’- '5 if T 3;; . and styles and at he very lowest _ . _ _ A g ' gg garices. they will surprise you , }t;9.ble tl':?:&aS(li1l‘e-l'l011S€ of artlstlc lalrfid goinflortzble filffis for the Floor Lamps range from 15.00 up. 5 . — ~ « ii I l ’ alllgepriceg wlgeaigeaglliiggbiou W1 e e 1g te M t 9 reason ‘Table Lamps range {mm 10°00 up’ g C u = i“ . t ,. ' . ’ ‘ For the late Gift seeker‘ we still have afew bargains left F01‘ Lack Of 313306 We Sl18’8’éSt3 " P4’ CT —.t r L T T’ e p A up ' T ’ ' ‘in our special Bed room, ljivingfroom and Dining room suites. Pmpm I Table Munch . H y p * ' i . ‘ y " '- ' Plaoq es Doll B ° - ‘ ' Desks of p th Thbiyf are—exoe}1)Jtional bargains and we urge that you see T 'Boolt uEndsin V 3011 ilziilezets .. g _ C . T em ore you uy. ’. . Selvlntcab 8t! a over Bowl T . _ "T Rare Beauty . e i ; snloldns sum wept... Scieens E 1-loroplaeetowriteeod keep ' ’i "T D“"‘s°“ " °‘f‘”“"’°"T “ «it all her personal the aplnet ' ‘ C C A CW“ R°°“°“ ; . ta _ or wall desk is most uglmpl-la Nab of “bid ' Humidors w-um Parker F llrnlture Co. ~l=.;:,;;-:;;e . ‘ come at most unusual prices. Spinets O . v _ , .‘