. . . or-arr-.-'.-..s~.~aa;.r:~-a'—2.-'1"? ‘Te‘l=“':'-'-""""" . " ' ' "‘ '- ., ‘A ,‘.., -T‘ s .- 7 q.. . ~ V .. 4 '. ‘ N ‘_ _ ; _. _. _ .. ,, A 5-,.-_. 1 F’ '.‘ ‘S r. 53’ ‘«:L_.>"‘~a H~.. I . V 0 0. .' _ . ‘- ,‘ '. -_ y.;3...~ t \ - ‘ . . 2. , .. ;-xv .. .~ . 3 - -~ - "' ¥" 1:!‘ l‘ C , ‘ ‘ ..g"“'~V'§ . . 5. I I... -.. ‘ -- J n I ' . .‘. ' ‘ ' . ~ I - -Y-D a~g192s~ ~ r- V . - . an . . .- —.« . - v r ‘arr ~ . A ' :- " '“ o " ‘i ‘ tion otno';.'-gtuion Ilertls ‘V-adj 9-rt: It the 3-tfittim donot read aadaas f. - .o' v1caA1‘c.c.. cam» . 8“ . Church tor flieaaoond trade ‘Lee wmt Ad‘. .. I. Uaioa Holds ii” sehoolpupilstroml-6 °'dxk'\uh - ~°---- =--~- W" °*& *3 ~°“W-rm-- ~ -. ' _ 1'ao,acodoou'yaeir;iom Union . an oomdd‘ M r__._......._. 5 -'1 Ghflstn-9 unsung myhs 7“ I 0, Wm Ampwuoi noydLoa's,Jr..1-pom. 0 Camoaurn Captains and ”°"°{ °""’°‘t‘f"‘“‘ "’° tog?" aiuomd p... ; E Boyd noon. 12:. son of Mn -and z... Li t ts, to Ii Id su'°"°°& hm I Chfifihn 98° 1.131-:a'rY. lto.. Dec 1&1-!"i.'e gun. aoyd Lucas, who is ill main or. d........s °,"tj°’““' Z _ 0 ’ “'°"h"‘ Clllfces involflns "39 lllillldfll '¢':pneunionia. is improving. ~ Meeting Tomormw. "IN. i. . ,,- -o , _ ‘_ -L’.....».‘.‘.'.»'A:'_~a'.:1"."“.*.-' ' "' 3 B 3 - - ."r.'.'.“ v - . I - 9 . 1 ‘ . ,. ,. fir’ !-‘~.. ‘. [.1 .-.1‘ 0- The was decorated with ceptance of money Iiere filed in die: 5 sum. r1iraa_pm.u ‘ . _____..__——.. _..___....... "d *"'th" “"41" ‘ml h°u3"- .1“! C38)‘ Cflmt)’ Clrwlt C00“ Itiiflfill . ' si ortunities if stunts. . .. , . K “mu.” ‘.0 d” . the eonoero! the stage was a beauti-j Ray ciimznins. proaacutins attorncyl You '" ml’ "3 °” “"“"‘°f .- s _ ;_;- v. . dug W 11,00,000“ .,.;,a,,‘ in h .. gully decorated Christmas tree. got Clay County and M. L. Swannenf v ‘ -- ‘meats costing ‘mmious of campaign of the romsowunn Min Marcella Stamm. who revro a Justice ‘of the mace. ‘ x V e. . llu-s ';-edl.-ntly havebun ciety has been called fcufl o'clock aented the Catholic Church. .playod§ One charge filed on; bad on (kc; — ' . or are in girogrese in cltlesenibraced tomorrow morning in tbe‘®mmer- while the students-"and~ faculty handling by Cummins and Swannzrl try $t. Louis tradc‘te1‘l'llD!7o.§C- cial Club rooms by_Dr. C. W. Dlxtes. marched into their places. Miss‘ of the investigation of a houseboat: ‘ cordingptorcports from officials-in‘ general chairman of the campaign. Laura Belle Meaders. president of: pgny 13;; 1.11 5,, which um Romy - At this time plans for"the cam- the Campus Sunday School, presid-’ Cuxnmers was kill Frank Goerake pain: will ho. discussed and the ed. After the devotional mvaccsxfwho um in a houseboat on the no-1 names of all canvaaaers will be an-‘, Miss Meaders introduced the reprc-;¢;- wu chgj-‘ed with the mug“ bmi nounccd. Supplies to be used in the: sentatives from the various C/plum-;u1¢ age gr“ di;mi..¢d_ - 1 Creamery Butter campaign will also be issued to the bia churches and each one extended Recgntly Cummins picadcd guiltylg ' - . workers. greetings to the students and the t0 two chutes of accepting un _ , 7 " Costs :1 little more but is more than a link; better— -. ‘ A I hcsc . I This information covey the tw- \ rtruction of new homol. ichool ll:lld- ings, indunrial plants. and improve- menus to buildings. in some in-‘ stances. 'Whilc a‘survcy_ of the entire ter- ritory is mot yet‘ completed it lb- clurlt-s,_as some of the' oatstandint! features, the following civic nepo -on buildinat activities: - ' Alton. lll.: New high‘ school to’ be 4 erected at the cost of$500,000. Since against I Captains for the business district‘ faculty from their church."I‘he’girls ‘ earned ‘cu , vc born announced as fgllows: B.3and «the churches they represented ° —- 1 lnliunbd Péfilgon. Gcortre :'ctre:,:iiss Jex(i:i:fl;Alnthi;el:Ep-, Kc-wllle Caters to TIES vgcation. ' . . ' , F’ 3 K53’ }’°"‘° . .97» 0' Beginning Friday. the Columbia‘ .'- _ - “_S_'P;“::s {fr éh°;?hll’d°':‘r:i‘St"‘°It d“E3 5?“ Ah" Lfwls-~ P";’:3"f"° High School basketball team will not i -:7 1 .' lndzmaid liinfudiuod Lipscomb. End M3” Fun": Wiinfm Cowl" ?"°“°° “"5" “"”"‘“."“~"" ’°"°“". :V i and Mn. S. Bnnlnm ‘ S3‘ "W" “'9' v "5 ' 91-’~"_'.‘_".nng the Christmas holidays. It has r O ‘ “°“’lv J'3“""‘l‘ Cl“"'°l‘- M‘-“;also been announced that the cap- ' Dr. L. M. Defoe is the captain for Au N ’ 11 ch ‘ t‘ s ' 9;, - . '; o a ' l mu». Mi: .;.:;:::.m.::'.:';’.: ‘ Whlte Ea le Dalry C0 * ll. - D ' . ‘ 0 I -.._..r i 1 '1 When you buy Butter Specif EAGLE. Made fresh every day. nation-wide arapaign President Calvin Coolidxe helps. in l the tnbcrcaloais by purchasing the first sheet of Christmas Seals , host April, ‘.108 new‘homea have been to beaold in the eighteenth’ annual campaign of the national Tubercu- constru . losis Association. Mexico‘. 'Mo.: p1:0:::Ilh:°Y ' :a by p Z __ i Z” .. Cb . Ll ;300.000'mrw school issue Ch = ‘h . f h i Women's lleadcrshil Group to Meet. um year‘; letter men are awarded 1 hl'Pl’0\l‘¢l ll)‘ ‘:01-c_l'8. Oil!” lmP°"' ‘ ‘ ';m:"::tn : !:,t:f::g:Bmmc:’:}:r:tc(:} The University Women’s'Lcader-3 A PPOZPIN 0T_Cl1r|st_lm1S souirs sweaters. These awards will take‘ 3 l mm conmumon work ‘I m AL the medical hrofession unrln co- ‘hm Gm“? will meet at 4:16 o'clocki-"ld P°°"‘“ ‘"5. the" “.'"m whwhi 913°C "‘ ‘l‘‘”“"5'' ‘ p”g"“' Ummul “filmy "1 am ’ ‘ at 1 ti ' th Chrl tm gseal tomorrow afternoon in South Rail ‘$0594 with "S‘l""l N‘¥h’~ H°l5’* - °—---+-—---- 3 ’ ."_l’° " °” "' ° 0 ' ' ” ,_ parlors of Stephens College. Miss Night" as a reccssional as the girls _ Zeta Sigma Gives Giristmas Party... county in construction of new 3 - ‘—"‘“‘ 5° - Nellie Lee ‘Holt of the de ' ' - - . . pa:-tmen: left tllt‘ €l1llX‘l- Zeta Sigma, honorary inter-soror-1 = Replesentanve of The mm“ for BOOM County is 07 Eflxlish literature will speak. The program was under the (lll'(‘t'- ity. of the University, gave a: _ ‘- I Missouri Tuberculosis $2.500 an?! 3500 of this has been Litchfielil. Ill.: Bids pbeinlt asked - [or 850,000 new junior high school. . . _ . raised. according to Miss Helen K. ~» -»— . _... _._..-_.. ,._.-.._._s, -- .- z -7 ~. .~..... .. .- . . - _ _ - , . ,- 9 -_ c _ ' MW Assoclaflon Is Here, ’AShipps. tSch'ools 3:: the county are ~ I _ . ""‘"‘-' ’“"’°“ ""°“°l' 5 h” Miss victo;1TrTns field rep-"w-blip"? im{‘§.m- g. 9 “be; ' T‘ ' lwzun wort 0" “R000 ‘nun’! build- rcsentative of the Missduri Taber and "nail: ‘Ilsa’ 8:: sfillc 8:3‘ ~ I mg‘ , ' _ culoais Association, came last night storm in Columbia, ‘ . ' _ , ‘ ' Bellcvtlla. lll.: City plans to ‘do w “fin the BOOM Count). Tube,“ -___ ,V,._______ _ i 0 ' University Student Goes Home. . f - about $200000 worth of new paving 1-“ An”:-. - - Ch ~ 7 agld to apdnd $325,000 on draimurc S3’! gde. In 9": mamas, projects. About $250,000 is being A t Mi“ P “om in 19.,‘ ‘ . a‘ scent for af mooring mast for dirigi- th °°° mg fit. . ‘de f " " _ bles at Scptt ‘Field, and the .gov- E" . "'ty"”‘ ‘ ”_ rm," . _. . .‘ . , _ ‘ . . . cmmm. h ‘S “pmved pun.-whet? tuberculosis in Boone. County. This 0 by several imillion don-rs will be ;";“;; ' dfofog“ °"PP’°‘:,'”‘.‘°,;"ro.ni.;.gmng suffering with a 59- . FD?!“ f°l'~l’°?m"1_¢nl hulldlfltf 835 31 lacs‘: ta’ fro” tcogneparle .wn{ Vere case of pleurisy. Mr. Davis ' Workshops :for aviation activities. ‘’ V‘ "1 '1 e '7“ °‘‘‘ ‘? twin 1 ‘.95 f d f h- h “ - paragon” Ark‘. I.-1,30 M 94 for the whole United States. This ‘ T? gkkewa ‘V’ id“ :1 Mn: » 3. . Chu,.,h_ 0, ‘to’, 3110000 no‘. 0009, death rate indicates at least 334 ‘m us?‘ , ° ‘ ’° "‘ 3- _ . . cnnr-trU"tio!l. New bani: hulldint. to lctlve age; ,0 30009 count)’. if f:g',:::,',‘f¢°l,;:h:,;:,'§::d xmafc cmt 850.009. now being built. High Miss Parsons explained that out A Univeflity _ . . - school iust ‘mompleted cost $150,000 of 100 children who are 10 per cent: ’ " _ , World a few years agO a nest Of and a theater required $60,000 more. or more underweight twenty .have f L’, H, S, 10 (avg c1“-35".... pug,-_ , , , . . , only the outstanding tuberculosis infections: in zlands or The University High School dl.flOSal.lI' eggs ten I'I1ll1lOI1 years Old, aI‘I‘1VCd 111 i“m"‘.' l l”'°"°l‘l°3l Wlfifi This Condition . Christmas Part)’ will be Riven at 7 :.'i(| — . . . ' ' r-m~- m-= ‘Fro new hisb -cnoozs yields to o....._......_ and very oft_cn‘o'clock Thursday mm at no um. a New York on November 9th from h1s Thlrd . - i) being tgrcctod at a ,cost of about can be ‘cured in ninety days with . varsity High School Building. The-rr l - ' Parke Dari.-,' a student in the ‘ . - Univen-'ity and a member of the . .Delta Tau Delta fraternity. has been released from the University Hos- pital where he has been since 5, Dr. Roy Chapman Andrews,»who startled the: proper care, she says. The sale of . - stamps is being conducte‘ to ob-¢ .son attending is to be a Christmas tree with :- prcsent on -it for everyone, each per- being requested to Asiatic Expedition under the auspices of the American ‘Museum of Natural’ History. Other important construction work min fund; to ‘age are of tube;-cu- ’ . 3?l“’l"°d' . ll!‘ P€0Pl¢ ll! 30030 County. ibring a present valued at l0 cents or — V During the last month. four chil- ~le8S- ' 1 V . l dren «in. «winning tahemuo-as". . V _i Again he attributes much of the success of his ‘ . .. have-been‘: ’ a_ttbeBooneCoun- ’ ; * , _ ' _ _ . _ OZARK RESORT 2::-2.’:-*.i.."*.:i:.;......... A ma non eXPed"¥9e‘°,F1?°.%$t°uPd?ng-.P<=rf°rman°° of his . . *i--—-- ‘ use-‘while they can be helped." #35°""E1*”|‘ (CW!) _ fill? B3ClgbBr0th'crs Motor Cars. o Ca1npa1gmersHopetoMa_ke aazdféf. Carter, chairman of on! TO AND rnon 'l'HE\l..lBRAR\ - . .‘ on‘ . ‘ I - o a o a a l - ' ,- V ‘ 0C°“I§;:;’g‘;o1;‘:3‘°¥‘1 Dr. R. 1». Robinson of gnu...-u.. “*3 ’”N°‘*E Followmg IS a direct quotation from an oflictal , , u o c . statement by Dr. Andrews upon his return to -,- ‘ A .. *...'.?‘.?l’af.‘..‘‘‘‘...‘’‘:..7’.i1.’’'.i.’.‘'"..i.‘..;.‘‘. ; A ' A America: ‘ Ozarks the summer plaiuound of ; - 0 , ‘ The Gobi Desert in Mongolia is the most 0 « ' V, extensive undevelbped and unexplored re- -A . cswaslaunchod-be!'etodaybJ' I the bundruls who gathered ,- first annual convention of the Xis- ':' sou:-I Ozark Jlfhambar of ' ’. -Z ’ ‘*9 '.‘ 0/ foundatitlin waslald forehead’ glob now left in the world. ,Until a few ; "/-x 0,, 3 years agodt was retarded by the impossibly ’ l‘ “ '"~"“°*°‘% ""1 Ml‘! *1" WM’ 5 . slow traffic of camel trams, the only means M‘ 0"‘? "1". N0“ Plllflllll’ l>lIY- 1 A . . o one-of the riqhost um. f M ' of communication. in; zones iajthe country. ' i if . 0 0; . . _ ‘ . . '_ ' 0'!‘ 5° ; ‘~* But now it is being crisscrossed in every _ ;,.,.,,,,,“mNs m "31. , A1,,‘ sf _ direction by motor cars, or, more correctly 0 1 L , ,,,,,,,,3,, ‘ a 8",“ G.m__- t by one motor car, the Dodge. Sixty or ’ i seventy Dodge Brothers cars are making regular trips far into. the interior of this vast us ‘ , 0 ,Y,'.",‘;";‘i§f :’ '}°m",°‘3‘f "W 3" "°" e ‘ ’ waste, bringing out loads of sables, precious ' 0 . 0 g _. fiwtmmw r; the Y- )1. taxi = ‘ 0 y furs, wool and other products. . o No other car except the Dodge is found there i AppreciateaGift A -_it:,atas_ shoul omeauy rooofni . _ -'9'?“ Itxrrsztg» 5: because we have tried It out on each of our will be ‘supvgmoa hylaitlonl ‘ '. three expeditions and have had it demon- ’ ""' "“ P“ """" "“ strated to our satisfaction that the Dodge is the only car that toillstand up under the strain of the roadless desert and do every- thing we ask of it. ' M -W F ’S&B’ Martin: 8 lerantl ‘ woiitt . 0 ‘ an *~oer1a-tin‘: will be given at this 3 - _ S _ . meeting by 0 ' 0 0 § . _ ;. Iihicti-ol‘!'lIdch wlllbeannounced § ' - ‘A 0 v..;.u ;;.,..,.,, ,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,i,,,_ ‘There are some of . the things ’ ~v:¢l chairman oltbeprograln ' ‘ men need now. are always -Lee «mo. colt oftbs semester Few people have occasion to subject their motor ..m mm,-A-.3-fly-f-5.-‘-,m, tuneful gifts becauée of their use- ‘ _ _ ___ __, _ _ _ _ _ - - fu1ne5s_ . . - - cars to punishment of this seventy. It 1s reassur- mneu--no to so... am. _ . ‘ - . , ._ , , W mg? E‘uo;M1uu.‘c°.m ,.'m M 0 by Silk N » 0 .0 .0 V : mg, however, to know that in emergenc1csDodge ,’;°'3,;;;;g§;:m“::-gnvgg 1. _ W 9 Bhnk°°1‘tWR::é ' ‘ E 1112- .'i:’ — 0 \ Brothers Motor Car is built to,mee.t the test. Balld1It- Ci4Irlie!4'on'gis_aou_uod e ' - -. up.2~‘-‘- ; ‘ A - »_ »' _; 0 0 “.'.~.::'~'*"'§‘.4:~“-'r'%«"i"-»?~‘-Ii-f?‘-3“°-t xo.o.....o.... . — ,'rh=s= dependable and SW1? nuances also ac- . * ‘¢“‘;;-.803,“ ha, I“ H,‘ fig‘, ' ers,“:;éatem__“ W i ; ' ‘ count for the fact that more than 90% of all the ' A ‘D 17* 5 motor cars Dodge Brotherfhave built during the past eleven years, are‘ still in active service. JOHN % N I AYLOR a , O‘ I. ’ - ' I ' , I - , l ‘ , I ' . " t . ‘ .r 1 ‘ ' , l 3 . A .. in 2 Q ; . K es , l l ' ‘ ‘l...... - o . . E ._ ‘:7 0’ 0 .: 1 ;~' ' ~_ -. . }~:.v:"‘_'.‘p_._. ' _ = - ;. f“!&¥n‘jo‘ }_.~_-;f§~_“’__ , ‘ 0 i * "Q . Q « ,/—' l I V