‘C. ' ..: lne.Pa-.' FIN Foll '!'hls5actlon id 033' . tnrin Rome, and to effect ‘* lliatlnon . between Italy and‘h°t- no-rufi Lnssfiior cmunnnn Lam use scnooi. hr 14; . 1 W I0 . c children's; bureau of the labor department injtbe rnnunl MKS Ahlbqlt. directo new civil mm ._ Statislcs. hU'_t'-‘tn’-*‘ fail to give pace aem;_.m¢m_ _. R1«:sEAiicH1s S IMPORTANT IN SCHOOL WORK” put the schools there on a sound loyed . children emp . V thd trcquency of illegal “ employment of cldldrciz ' ' in the it below are: tate laws. 1. iiirt:.'-five cities on -1 Reports from t 1‘ school grades at:-n'l:d ‘before going, to Work showed only _seven:ecr‘ wlrre a majority had completed the xi" th grade acl twenty-two w rtiiec has-ins: attended’ tthai c or lcxxcr. The percentage ix. cities _whc~rc to ‘CTR the obtained at 1.4 and basis u, even. '8» This division’ 5 years were: J R~...v‘.; 12, Pa, 49 per nwdox “id, in the own‘, of ,¢1,oo1 cent; Ballmore. 79 per cent; hen am‘ h” .1,“ Cubans. 69 per,ce'_I‘.: Pittsburgh, xjlr cent; I\'ew¢l3r.teE:i. Conn., 61 school fitei rv.-r cent; Birmkigliani, 01 per cent: , rg, l'fa.; 5‘: pc: cent; l.ouis-‘ ville, $7 per cent; Waterbury. Conn : ‘ per cent; Los Angeles. 191 her cunt, and San Francisco, 14 per cent. 5 ! .. e.-.ia. “Teacheu”_I(_ir;'the St. Louis 1951853 F1'0m,sch ls are selected on merit and O has‘ . wing Rebuff: J. iii. .o§in.bn1'ion 1 1:! I: ‘ : ,.oa by a growing both ' ’I.oT:cheur' harke . ....\.“;\- _ - Parsons OF .t.l:E SCHOOL , 2 Dumb Sept. Fir? A. Meetlnm; , ; A ’ _a._1_a'z.= :2 22 in m 1‘AK8.AC'l‘I0l\' Ition for New The definite programs for all of the courses will some time next week. V will also be a horticultural in honey and bee products era’ ham and lemon a7—:'r—1"1T8naN'717‘nlu-‘usani "M "' "-with 7,, P", B: Unltd7’l'Ont- .. :l. 1z_A b . ‘Cent or failaroo‘ Gcttiaz ,‘,°,‘I,c”R,,US,‘?;1,‘,§:,‘{ D ' ”' ‘Wonk Pena tn. « a T and a tate corn and .. , w re _ v ‘ 'WASHING‘!.’0N.—-An ingrense in inbels had prufic-‘fly ‘qnmmua ‘ I 000 . Damaséus notables are nepo report of ‘O I ,. . 63 aid in the matter of purchasing University’: worked out in advance to cover the an; next fifteen or twenty years will place an eleme tary 'thin half I : child in “In every 0! our work we are using research, and for that reason, I am one of the happiest men in St. Louis, Mr. Maddox said. ,, “I can, by means of the division of research, furnish indisputable proo! of practically every statement I am make." In concluding ' hie address he I if-7 ’ '0 tofu-mi-' tioo ‘:he“Imprison-o rl{;"§"°'°" .?‘W.*°' .. ‘'“*’'l‘‘'‘'.*h .‘ ~ .~ : it” of Popes. § « . not A. «sector or ‘1 __.F . “l we chairman of the ten 5 .°l"“ "“ini.:.w_‘ I on ‘programs for to‘ y, looking toward nothing will I . ‘ ~ tended -¢.*"l,.?.51ItheprlncI,palotthe,$lI5,060 1_h;;“_,”;‘ priaonment” in theuntiltenyeariare 3"“. . ’ . .. engineering. since the aepara-ybozrds could be - -anal _ dairy . _ ._ , beekeeping and pest control, home fsprings. economics. horticulture. poultry . husbandry, rural ortaniaation.-soils um nfidfield crops, and veterinary sci-, . f Butter, 40c. . ad Grain—Wheat No. Pr{h Kelller Hardin .1-‘ruler. Joseph Bannes W. e I-temper Military i Schoolat Boonville, will arrivephere Christian the ,Sa,hu-day to spend holidays with their parents. u——:-———Q—-——.—— Gathers Local Industrial Data. Roy B. liinkle. labor commission- er. has written to Max ‘Pruitt. tary of the Columbia plug out questionnaires on census ,1): Uni rs and wage sched-~ ST .2’ iulauéoasc “lo-l= _ . on up‘, 20¢: ,mm.8iw'fiite, 8695c, ; 3 1‘ ' "°“" *2“ °" ‘°""' 25°‘ 7°“"‘lwnino (2l6@48c° No. 4 white 42:. “‘-,'§“' §‘j,‘é°“’ °°"“' 3.“ “'3 Wheat (future)-—-Dec., 31.71%. ' a_ ma. u;&t'&L' ~,'ci;1i@1.72is; No. 3, ' ‘JSon!e lfamilies seem to be proud bacon Dec. . ‘I000; I 81’!-ll’ imarkct. stein ,s7.7s@s.r5; 9 Betalcr, Wil liam V. Hirtb. James I-‘. blewton, and 3 J. Bernard Van Horn who have been‘ ‘her; hafivj. 319 @ 10.80; medium. 89.75@l1.05; f Ilg t. 1@ ll 5. 1 ~ _ ! sheop—ne§neipu. ssoo: I p 9.75; canners 705 Cherry Street see:-e.‘and cutters. $t.50@5.25; wool lainbs, Commercial 1.ouI§, M0,. Dec. 1_5.—-Elglg-— the Stgtisticgl Lgbqr R¢.’Firrt country candied, 41:: ordnury 125. l3‘UILDI,NGSMAT AUCTION bask uni . at In order to make moregplayground ‘for the‘-Lee School ool Board , ‘for ,16 conference. games and two contests outside the? 1 Illinois comes to; Del; Maine: to meet the Bulldogs and. Drake journeys to Oh ' ' thdllaroon live. - _ Remington Portable mum an ideal gift for students.‘ See or Sunshine, 850 tic . lease to play ‘ move them and someone The sale will take place. white forl at 2:00 P. M. on the gro ‘edv._89-9l.i " ‘ ’ J ‘ w _ I . V v ., . ' ‘ .. ‘ . ' . C -t',r-.ag' -oc:——u—. —_—»¢~_ - o .. . . _ , ' 4‘, . , I“ ' ' ti oldgsrrinrt. 85:: inch. 22¢: eeue. 10¢: , augcoeka. 18¢. - ' - I Cheese-—Northern ‘Tydns. 24366: o-—J—r-o—-————- Llvestock—H0lI. 50: under BL: vs‘. Lu“ Cu‘,Gnh_ -,,‘‘‘’u‘'‘'_, -61}. toms. Ho.,'Dec. 15.-—Corn ?— - }—-No. 8 ‘white, 75§§c; No. 4 white, l’I2c; No. 6 white. 09@69%c: No. B 3 Dec., 765£c; llay, a,ts—No. 2 white, 43¢: No. flay, 81.6996; July.“$1.l 636. _' Wheat (hard)-—No. 1, $1.73; No. 2, I 8§'e‘9o1'c$7e1'6°'.3l‘.80@1-L38: No. 3. 31.80. ' ‘ Wheat (red)-No. 1. QIF8; No. 2, $1.70. O '*; _ 7 ...‘ ‘A I V ‘I ,V‘ ‘ : :¢.-- - A u‘ . a‘.v \ 0 ‘ y—L ‘my I I I ' . _r.:";;_1"-..__;,,:,',', L oh‘ .' the Building.’ Vfiront.‘ I dc endant will ‘be on the bench. Lymnu 03",: ' I‘ * 0 fora-o pmotuz will be n-ddllclluil-n*iuikd‘i_1erw-rd Loekwoéd and For-enia\n.' AA £3 ext:-a_, 47c; akin; 44¢; firsts, 10¢: Ieconds. popped‘. Poultry-I-Hens, 16¢; turkeys, 37¢; the new car because they. can't cf steers. afford it. * no sale on’ yedrllng ' 3‘-59$ _5.50; canners and cutters. $3.'I0'CI:, ' .-glIYu:' 312; Enoch" "Id _feedd." o'clock tonight by Delta ‘Theta Phi, ,1." Students to Hold llock Trial. A mock trial will be held at 7 :80 13,500; market. . __.._-_ -----_--.--———--—~. ~-~ ‘Pin and Furnace Work ‘;.iZ8’7i3§§’2if‘ C. W. VAN.-t'I'I‘A‘ Phone 1474 . Guarantee first-class work at reasonable prices. _ Repair work of all kinds. ‘ T 0 every one who purchases a book priced 50c 01 over, we has ordered me to sell ‘for them at Public Auction what is.lmown as the Lockwood Lowery residence. and outbuilding, "of the 00 on time willj':§)e given the buyer to wreck or is likely to buy a great b8l‘83‘3n- Thursday December 17th., 1925 und. SUDEWART. Auct. fig __ Ecallcd upon to ‘ - - V . ?‘It is cur aim'to get the best From C9"mm‘55‘°”- ‘teachers we can find in the United n,.u‘,i, ,.,,_‘_"""""'— " }Stgtc: to tenchvin our schools. We ‘PAB18,Dec. I54--Finance llinistcr . now havcon _tilc sooo eprlication ‘ in teachers who_Vyant_posit1'_nps in St. Louis publieschools. Out of owed a new rebuff .th2s number we will select those nee commission of ? wlio rank highest in scholarship and oerience. other things being equal. en we will call in those teachersi 0 have been thus selected for an i tonight. Prcmieréfrg he rdilgnation. :th ich again spurned_€I1» ranc tax prcpo-;T’h ‘goal undfinsiated rupon returning itgwh E tn_hlm"Il they had already voted to ;ori ‘do lad: night. ' ' “"4 ; ‘.'Practically ail;-of our elementary It to molify the f school-teachers come from the Har- 1. ‘Uni Vlxvdr. IPIIITGG I ris‘ Teachers College in St. Louis. l.iIfIél.l0Il with ‘ye amp] his v vroiect.’ccho1arship. Tb . , . n to his n_1£te8t50!18“r.re' hired first and given the best for uhmtion via» his plans that .' poiiiioni. -We think we are making Hhttfifil 810001“ ‘ much progress in the matter of ' I iacientitic teacher selection." .»a SE3” E"‘wEFl lnunjao W’ 1 Old nis 9910‘-912291’ aamadioay -1'*’l‘ ... «a 1' ‘ CHRISTMAS SPECIAL . cH1usfrMAs SPECIAL ‘\__._ T‘ "We have prepared ‘a ‘very large ‘ahsodment of box candies of the finest chocolates ’and*a‘~'vnriety of satin- D» .6 ’——-4-l‘- I ' 2 filled candies in 581%? which we gallant a very low . ‘l".'- 7 . profit until Christrnasn We hope you will not buy your Christmas candies until you have seen our stock of Box‘ Candies and Novelties. N o te The Prices; o o n o e I o e o a a o a ¢ u o o e e o 5 lbs. Assorted Chocolates in Christmas Box, . Special ‘":- ?fér.?’;'%*1°.*:.‘:‘??‘: ...... ..... ..$1 99 DEC 5 lbs. Assorted Fancy H Special . . . . . . . . . . . 1 lb. Assorted Chocolates, regular $1.00, Special and-Dipped Chocolates, Regular $5.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...."...........;... 0 . .‘V e a o - o a o s e u e e s e e e e c o n - e n o o o o oo‘o'JIOOo‘4e\aoooeoooooa . 1 lb..Assorted Chocolates, regular 85¢ Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Working Baskets. large, regular $1.50 value, . . Special ' - 1 lb. Satin Finish Hard Candies In Jars, regular 75c. V i Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Small Jars'of Lilliputs, Reg-ular_25c valu"e,i' _ A ~-’ Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V A fine pure home-made soft Christmas mix, - ~ I ‘° Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Satin finished butter cups, filled ‘waters and others, i ' 29¢ Special . . . . . . . . . . . . .. E ..... ..89c Come and see our fancy boxes and imported /‘vases. Special attention to church aocials and school treats. Candy Canes made to order. I 1 x . l l "‘ Other presents may ;do but therd will be no Christmas without CAN A candies besides ourown. i ‘Mavis French Ch_oco'lhtes« Foss A John a pinion sruiord and pain‘ ~ . .2" ii ‘_ ' 4-e . ' - _r_..r.-._" _ _ '___ _ ‘ 5 , Wei carry 9919* I, ocolabes f iI.owney’s‘ ’ It i .3 I 33.5, - t n‘.'~_ \ 1:1?!» n ‘ 5 la -'7 Q". " K ; §.i'‘U§‘ . ‘J . V.’ . v no’ 4 —:—212j - ._ '.Everyone in Columbia should buy at least one 50c book, and we ‘will give FREE a $3.00 Edition of the Life of McAdoo. One ~‘. . "5 . .. - ' ' . . ‘-. 0 , I ‘ V-. 4 . .. I - . .. < —— - . -. :4 . .-; . ‘ , , . U ‘ V. . '3‘ '_ ’ 9 ' X u not as clerk of court. é*:~«’.: will lash will act as sheriff. - ‘ ‘ ‘ O We‘ read somewhere that every store in every community owes to the community it serves a certain service. We in the book busineeshave thoughi at times it was our duty to encourage certain kinds‘ of reading. The general opinion of the best kind of Literature to read seems to be Biography-— C for it tells men whathas been done, what can be done, and what ought to be done. To encourage the reading of Biography in this community, we will give away . F R E .....4 will give FREE one copy Life Of McAdoo The inside story of the building of the Hudson Tunnels. the contest between the 'l‘rcasury,Department and the National City Bank. the establishment of -the’Fcderal Reserve system, War Risk Insurance. the Federal Farm Loan Board, the Cotton Loan Fund. the Liberty Loans, the legislation for; the Marchant Marine. the presentation of war revenue measures. the direction of the loans to the Allies and that - far-reaching effort. appalling in its magnitude. the control and guid- ance of the Railroad Administration. told in the authoritative biography of William Gibbs McAdoo, with important letters to the President. during the war. - 'a 8vo. Cloth Binding. 355 pages. Published at $3.00. 4 We have 800 copies of this book to give away before Christmas. book to each customer. \ Missouri Stores ‘ 909 Lowry ' Open Evenings I 721 Bdw’y. \ 4 I I " ’, , 5‘. 4/ 7 ' ‘X A‘ I . .9’-\-°_—=£._\\' -2r\*'.'.f~ t ' \ A 9.. ." . \ I3; , -on .- 352:“ e ,§n.‘ 1 t'§oi‘ll