in &_ ‘ j 3 \ . ,. — . -— I — A 0 'I.. . ' ‘ ... . l ... .—;—.—-»-:_* '-" '- ,-"""‘.: =' ‘-.‘.' .. - . 0 ' 1 V I . J‘ . . , , . _l 1...... ..... 3.:-’r:::~: t = . i A I I‘ q - O E '_ ‘ ‘lg; -- pm . g *1 . i ,3 l r - THE COLUMBIA mssomuan. rnmav, DECEMBER 11, 1925 ' _E W ~ ' - :7: . u t F“. '- . . ' l . A ' V i 7- L’ . ‘ ~ " — ‘ . E .,,g,,,,.,“ ’: » diffs.-.nent'I"0S'l0l'-‘I-‘ICE Dfl'AR‘l‘llEN‘l‘ . “Parka f local del‘- . " RUBIM.-\(;lS SALE 1 Don't be satisfied with a llfclctlilfllvvvv-— - v - —-r +-- ~ —~ ~ . ' ll ‘ 5A~N‘TA C-‘i"“.4l—'S» . i'«§1ii'''u‘i3caes. willhediatrib» ASKS CAREFUL WRAPPING :55: be in thie;1lll’rlJ)"Doc. zifmyf Come to the Ruminilte sale, sat-lblnck and rwhine print: to buy :1 ‘ . LOYAL BACKER5 LN -nted on En. and win 12. at Vanatta Tin real picture 110*-,Afll‘9MY sales. A _ """""“" "A \ hixktmas package that’ ar- "'d”'- ‘Dec’ . . . . ,._.j i - _ ' 4,3“. Commerce Advisory BOON.‘ G570‘ , . . - . - Sh , N h 9th S t. d , 84-8". xhibit on this week at Tayloral .7 _ 4 ‘““'f°“ . u“ 0! sn‘“_6om rm, run rt or Christmas in lost a °P °“ "'°*' ‘ V " 9 ' 82.86 Home killed Meatsh ‘-. ~ @078. , Chrmnu Maw.‘ '.;.—r.-.'.t -'-at of its .°("'lll.'ll‘n'.l. \‘2llUt’., -yqfync-E Music store‘ i - ’~ —.—é_ ‘ - ~—-~+~~ , . : . . - - ,.. - _ !- "‘ -‘iignp. Jimmy. doeuit the 3;; mu, zuvgminan rm’ 3.“ you ..-._., mcgvcg . Christ- ’°1f";””“‘ ";‘"' :j‘''’- . A new place to buy gifts and fruit ; — - ~ - A ~- --' n n W ’ ‘ boa "'7, make you think of ciu~i2unu.”. - .. —,'—— ‘ ‘ ' p or condition‘! 6 camp of ices predict this year cakes. Many different articles. ; 1-} S a t T . 2 ed the to-.-ial worklr as she neared Freshman Ilene‘ Club to Complete mlégaffgfiia gmgmcfiom “E the a “owl”: mzruu in thc use of Something new e‘.e,.y’d§_‘.. can andl LE‘.Y.S .8308 REEMR WORK I bacon St D , 1 ‘ 3 l we 53,311 frame house in which Jim-' ornnintlou It.DlIl|8« run“ of inioniwion nude kn Christmas teicgraphs and Christ-.sce them at 14 N. 9th Stre:t. 85.} ‘ _ _ 5 “)3. each . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '5 . ‘i ’ . my lived-with his mother and four ‘.The Freshman Hens Cluh. IP90’ ye" by we pep‘,-mum of com- mas cables. ___...___..;___ 1 Work Called for and Delivered l -, 54",; t ( I ‘"3?’ ‘Em?’ wued Jimm Dull ‘Z°'§.di.iIz':i: ii 'slci‘iiiii.‘£L.3Imc;'.iv.5 mm Ad~'i=°r>' 3°“ *" ¢°'°*"~'“' » ”" i Fine home-baked FRUIT CAKESJ mm... 325 805 Broadway ' F1’ 95'‘ Sausage ° ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ’ ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ‘15‘’ i l p‘.‘='-'* 0 : . ' 8 . ' ' ' ‘ ' ' - - , '_ " ‘ 4 . V in h'{"”.‘:'t'cd“:°m cbmmzfi his mm “. 6:30 cued nut y tion with the POMOUICI‘ ~D€P8"_"?°"l .1 you want to buyor aell some-‘lbaked to order. 81 per lb., any size. I, ' C La d 7 b 7 v .€ __-f,..._.. 1 .\m! y. l “mu. flkh “ we flm.°,- ‘ u_ and are now. inade put“-1-19 ‘to. 1'1» 9;" thing. try a uimumn Want ad. Phone 1495 ujliite. B79-tf. ~ - all I ). an 1' . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ .90 _ 7; em] if ’hy, Jimmy Al'n't you Pk"-‘S593 °fu§:”' :"6“¢:n:°n:t,h:d fizeesfafc emery of “Ohm H‘ - » - v ~- e~~— — —— - e I . - .. . .- . v i P . ' Usual " l_ l 11,51;-in ninz for Christmas and S81!!! “ {W '9 *3” . ' , h u,. 1;; d ‘=='='==---‘v- ““" ‘- “ * ": ““‘i “ _ ‘-3 “ ‘ ‘ let‘ W l'lC€S 88 . r . " ~ , ~ vfigll Clams?" Qucslioiwd the worker. co mg to A statement Issued by U” ""°"" t ‘"3 paper‘ t n i l ‘ '- ‘- ‘ha’ . v ' ' ' llull’ “ ‘ K m R hand” of the Y_ M_ }0ll cannot easily punch 8 8"‘ lmwerltom me am‘ C.u.:,eu'ho isuasisting in the organ» u’"’°"Kh "ml 5'0"’ “"3"” C."““‘ '"“h‘h"°‘ "f;‘:°°m’°fpm:etm!: ization oftlic club. Use pliable paper. the kind that year. ‘cause c-can _ e. a ‘N “ . ‘ . . d t k _h -t -_ {id ,d. “SW”. ch-Mr... said Jimmy mmestfl This organization uhichvis now oes no crac v. eni H o ( ly COAL . i . or III’ - ‘ ' . ~-._ i ' I-‘zit Milk-{ed Chicken Hens. ' . . 36 J PaCklng HOUSE Lririze size Dill Pickles 50¢ per dozen. I . IMPLEMENT H A ‘ 1. ' u'Amc"oMi~ANY i ‘ ‘ Phone 89l—8th & Cherry 3 _ l e I Z, I-I.-.’tra Fine-—'I‘wice ground Country Sausage. "being formed," aaid Lancaster, “is New paper is ‘butt-r than used ' ' ' ue in that, so far as we know , . Q .a-Jimn_i.V. tell me» what you want :11: the only one 0‘ its khd in ‘ht: Wage" used paper it wmmy"! it for Christmas. and ~ l see 30 3 - - ' ' ‘ .. . - - u l-"'l°d Sl"l'°’v whlch 5 Mm‘ 97°‘ must be free from hole:-, cr;ir:..- .-r S‘”'“‘ m‘”” {”‘d‘ ‘.’m “b°‘"’ ‘L ,mote.l by the freshmen themselw-a.”_ tn”. ' «Ito; «too late now. '¢:iuse he lives » 1-Om Carton of Kusu City. tout Th _ ‘T I. the 3 ‘H (I and “W ‘mi’. "-9 ‘M the Norm Pole". imflter for -‘he. evening’ ’§ld:..'me El'€Il:‘l"‘lel:lx'.'.§l~l:lflC(?llk ii ll.'t\T(-Al “But, Jimmy. 1 know him. Wontformntxon of thisorganization is the we thick” the mp" shwm M. ‘ .. '_t-0., gen m.. what you wgnt him to result of :2 meeting held about a _, , . Omngcs an “mes. . _..--,_.__ ,, W e - A ~ — fi——.._.. ‘ . ' . . » .,.. . I . Univcrsgt freshmen The twine should no ~tror:g :1’ ~ . . . bring )uU and your little sister. mom‘! 1120 b) _ I ‘h Md .0 dr w any b(_ _uSZ. I‘ “Will you really and truly t(*ll‘Who had <30!!! at-Y _W0rl: at home. h ‘’’]d“ "9. J; H‘ . :...h:,..‘., L mu“, him 7" a.-kcd Jimmy. his eyes bright-gln the new ’orzImntion We are car- " "* '" °'~ 5*’ ‘ ‘r’ em": up_ . r_\-ing out flu game pug-posg gnd Do not use a pencil in marl; .'ul- S“ Jimmy mid 15,9 33;‘; gm;-k¢r;id(-als oi’ Hi:Y work but placing it dresses. Use Waterproof -('T1i.\‘Ull, _ of his dreams of the newbaled thiitlm‘ 1} ‘"""U"“Y P8933-"V ml‘. 0? stencil. and mark plainly. 1... "i§l_'l(-d sang; chug Vllien h.*ked tr.-e number expected The "Mail Gifts-. I-Earlier" czim- _ him. and walked away whistling, ".0. be ‘at the banquet, Mr. Carroll 1.-aign is emphasized Slrt‘:'u«‘t1Sl§‘ by The social worker went on with: ""d: ‘W9 C3330‘ tell. as Yet. how the iiosimastcrs of the Nation, as it '1 },,., War}; Of {gaging than who 3,‘ iinan_v_ will attend. However we are it nredi-tea’ that the tmruz.-v of in "Pod. and m,,,._,, to whom Cf“-i3t-.fl$.'U!'lflK ‘on about 120 plates." Christmas mail will exceed that of nuts will fn(‘||n liulp ugflggg sanul I-‘ollowinir the banquet, the organ- any rrwvzous year. (‘la ' really visits them. During iutloh '37 the ¢l“b‘Yl" be °°mPl‘-"’~‘d “Ste Ciiat out-of-town L'lfl< nre * ‘ . . _ ‘ ‘ o ’ O the oliday season there is so much “ml "{fi°°"‘- “°’f”“3l°d ‘‘ 3 "““"‘"3 Mailed by Dec. 15," inc p—,,~.m;;v._.;,-r_.- ',:....»’.,..‘..,m.m.},x,‘. _‘._. . . .- .....-- 5.- -- i A —» * 4-ggp. ' ' of the spirit of Christmas abroad 1”: ,Su"d‘y' ‘nu be defied‘ The __._¥ ’ m V W L m J H . _ e that all the l’uhli;- Welfare Aaisocia-l5p°“k"5 {M ‘be °"°"l“3 “'9 P"-‘*5’ ' if T A‘ * fi lion hail l0'do toward being Santnidem W°°d 9! Stepheu C°”°“" ‘md :71 , }¥J§.i3'.fl‘’Fl-I‘| II Illldl Blcdiuni size Grape Fruit. 3 for 25¢-. -‘,o cw.-—;i_;. ‘ . . -i V 7 (‘ounlry Sorghum, large size ‘Florida Pecans. 1;; o Apples. celery. lettuce. dried fruits. canned fruits turd vefxetaliles. \ A5‘ 23! ‘(V ii‘)! 31)! .13: Kt?! R’)l’3t:'.3’f3!ll3a'tt'l£liY\1)lll3t'I{‘§?'l'!’ilT)i’:!’i2 no 1 20' South 9th ‘ Phone 2503 it Ill - f or-it-*' (guns to ad as 8 connecting “nkl«M. .\'.Ch_risten.sen and Laurence Brill, bctiiecn those who celebrate Christ-iboth U"""’r3it5' f‘°‘hm°"- ans.-°‘ Sixtl’ ‘tane9°'“ nkl .. flflgdholll f‘ B s ::::::.*:..:*:::;.::::::::;.;::.:;.am: 1 (f()| |l1\/[BIA Monday & Tuesday 07’ 03’ i . »‘ . . toifig _ gnmwut we ‘Christmas spin: of; Rani:-da,-, Dec. .12 at 8:1 .t\.,;lnut Dec. and . .s..3 - ‘ seeing that some one else enjoys ‘ "M d" M 85' fi _ i o_ 0 _ ::“:.::.::”..:: h r mm c Knlcker Suits i i W . . t _ “. ii 9 3 D i .. . rue i- b\ the lbs .d uitin ‘. ' J 66 '9 j . C,"mm:suum:rsh:$;.nt:e :h§e,‘,‘.. _ The Uiiprecedentco lopular Appeal of ABIE , Has Amazer. _ _ " ruisfi ‘recreational without an)‘ emphasis . the Universe. Most all of them with 2 par: 01 trousers W. W llpon poverty.’ said Mia! Helen Z Iummj - ' Shipps, cxecutiw eecrgtary of the > ark, dm " x. Y..' J 0 Public Welfare Assoc-iiitian. I t College groups that suggest ‘ 9 Christmm: parties for children have ' \ _ la-en aiilgcd to arrange to cooperate l _ i Tire S316 ‘ pRE3ENT3 AM£RicA’s FAVORITE COMEDY 5 ' ABI['S|ll|Sll loll us} Don’t Miss This Value Giving. i Higbee & Hockaday Clo. Co. ‘I4-e School. A Christian Colleize group is giving ii party to the first grade from the Eugene Field School. 30x3‘/2 Fabric. . .$8.90 Many Sunday school classes have - - 'ai-rancd t bc-Santaclusto .‘x . . . . .. . " Wmbgr °f °°""dm'- a 81 33x4 Cord $14 75 - One Price C 'is‘h Clothiers ' ?,'l'he Kiwanis Club does a large‘ \ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' °‘ ’‘ ‘ ° Santa Clau.. l)llSlllI.‘:‘.!, This year they have uslcul for seventy-fit-r Rep- _ v- . inrnts of children for whom the;-_ ‘£2!-):la 5; hit‘ will provide clothing and gifts. The g r Sue members will be given slips upon A If you miss seeing this Famous Coiulcdy-Drama you’ll al- « ‘ unik-is ‘« 'tt th mi. - 9 ‘Z . . the child.:ii'cl ::;:gi::