1%. Rich. Sand atleading hot:-ls and restaurants. Sold by all grocers. ii-'_j;'.' - ', :4f...?._ ,_.;“._‘_,._v_Lf '_.:'. “ . v _ .7. >1 _ . ‘I ‘ l I H ‘ ‘stw tr .: '.. O’; " 5;. >.‘ ‘,4:'-O‘? V...’ o.’h.oC’0$' .~. \ at.‘ ‘ , _ , , . .__ q ‘ ' i -ran conuirnm HIBSOURIAN.-FRl1)A . mg n. ; o o . - « l ’ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ g I g ‘V ‘ » A I ' 11; 19% _ , . ‘ j. . ' :, ‘,,:._.." . toys’, > . _‘ :. _ . 4 4‘ ._ . ' .. _ l f°31{Nfll” byaiine puq_ .gt NI GRADUA'l'as»wu 1315"‘, of the1hm;‘ mm} . _;. _. .l _.y_, I’ I ,4.__ . ._ __ ‘ . ‘T Z A_ ‘ , ta octe the on... ' ““°". ,,,,'“°.;,N,,“="°" o.«.;,;,~ t -————,.,_,,,_ hers. non. ... mm". o..: Afler-~12 years’ with consti ation »~ . ~ .~ - .........:~r...~ ......~- E... . ..x¢“...... ......~= W...-M an-d~«»««»m ’ x.u..g~ - " " .s :_: ., , g _ ,-o .,i , , . Helen Aiigbll to Wed Plans Are Made for :"'l5I|:‘:lorriu lgdru. Bel-id 3 one laindred fifty .......1,.,. mAn$her social event will he on? ‘ ‘ 8 hrought lasting relief ' _ _ , - ‘ ._ .. . . , , _ _ _ W cl. Dorothy tephenoon. ,. #8391 School. faculty, sun. "8 boon for the club. accouit ; '."— f “ ‘ Xel|?g’a ugnura win 1,‘ . saturdaym Al ur",,’,’;,m¢*lt D.ec- 2.! ’ %Annna1 St. Pat's Bou mm-“$1.1 N-nor-Aanmm Pnaisaigvwfip -tmém an iron: s. n. wcjrna 3. mm. ammo ozsii: *’ ' mm "up: §".:?§ ‘2.?°°n.n..’““a“" ‘F “‘.‘.r”"l° the zeta . P . . .: . ',Ancell. da te ' ‘ -. 393)’ an Addltihntl rues?-I or’, omen’: _ ymnuiuin Wed - soc’ couimime. . i -. E 3- 80 Gt cm of h ‘Rh ‘ ta‘ nn ‘,3 c AWN", ha utuihonasla Pl:n:tf:rm8ete.fi:atsof (11:36 gene the line plrtv were: llisses Helenlaixht.» I ‘needs: ’____ ____, :. I‘m!l¢k_1nodthktdoctors - dad Saturday aft:er- nae, 21, at thl date for her mar.’ 30836 which om, {cm i th 3:‘; SP¢M¢T- ll-!'tI!'¢t Thompson. and, ' Raémond L. Garnett. president of B“'"l¢ Acquiued on Perjury Churn.” it oatteaberg-‘"- ~ v! we ~°h'P°°°- we to 39-evil aiénenank nnnno n 7:15no'ci:ck if... 3”‘ 9”” ._____ ‘;??,m;;§;m School ,e.5nu_s;_sce or me peace has. an imrch-so orig: mu‘l’»é ~ : ‘ ‘. _ add:-e ' ; - a a * - , retained ii grocer. - . ""."‘**** .:' '_.‘:‘-aI'.’1:Nan:‘I::c’k no ttiitelmgliié rono-vi op ointlnents ormc-{hm °‘ W Znm ir:1“.*‘vh=:nin¢ inom the sign; of if "=4 on a purity cii’i'r:e“T'cqmoesd: l ‘ “-1. *5“ M " ' ‘om h aw an of Del“ 5! the Rev Ilnadc: \'lr'illin'i'§ Keir} ‘ti ’\l’°nl’ ‘nnouplic ‘ C pc “mg oi'fi°“°f SW35’ to graduate students by ‘ 9"“ 331')’ in the Monroser‘ E“ ‘t ‘ufléito “uespoonmls _. sh ‘ tog" md white am Luther w.'sumL .} SL Pu.‘ Ban‘ S_ d‘ .M _o . ‘us rances odizc of Salt Lalcczin the University Bent“ ' Countv Court. Bown . - Call -—in diron with e\(.‘'!'\ "7 '.'\‘. _ male nigh, Mi“ =A"ien.~hu man T th t;a 111 If lll'_€h. chalr- City, Miss Florence \\‘oods of Fan la“ ha been con ‘ted °"° f‘° ‘he cimr h \ 0 “S8 held on ~_ ‘pr, 9“, nc; 2...“ on the ' .1. ’ ‘ ‘ad . ¢h°.Cfl ‘IE!’ Ill-, 0 9 nquet Commtttgg. \.‘-‘yum Ind.‘ and Non“; I ‘ X on the '8oC1ll m h K9 33 3- E 1:880“ of tefli-‘ AL],-3x,\,\' is ' Loni‘ , e of the graduate students in the °"-‘' 6 had given in the case of ’ nature’: qr; ‘nay h:1fB(“l;3fll!1;', iii: ' 1: Crew '. thezuem nioiaoriioaoundniuoo uoion chosen by the -rn ‘ - .~ _ . . . gineers Club ——-—-—o—-————. . _ ‘ - ‘ ' . . Ly Irma n._Roniola Walhr. Helen Boosnsomctinlc in February. .- The War Mothers Council will‘1""t f°"fl"—“fi"t time 10 tomluct 8 Tue S"'1°~‘ C“? “'85 has 9'33’ ° ' fcu°wmg.M|"8.s§tr1Ron 1‘:cndhi‘i“"! Pei!“ K-'§P|chniidt will; “Mold 0. ziebold and Robert H meet Monday afternoon at the hom¢""°5"'|00d0d.‘and I believe a plea» A“d“‘i" C0371 and Bowne was held’ Id: 3 hire.-shard“ 3 ~ ‘ ’ ‘filllllllh. Dittle Betty Lee Hunter were" appointed freshman of Mrs Victor Victor 1616 Can 7'tl1‘t’expe!'iin‘eht." ‘ ' ~ there. He was granted 1! change of """ “‘E"‘ ‘ . ‘R | m. ‘ thorn Avenue. The new ®|1ltltBfi0ll! speck] numb.“ of the program ‘Tnue. however, and the case was; atzlfbeaitahao Inuevcuxe-I ’ “Outfit up in the Monroe County] 53*.” ,-fig", ‘._ «' *n"° Ililalarflret Angeli, to pgrvg The queen for th dan ' ll be an e ce wi of Si. iuniversity. This evening we have “W? *'5- Eugene Stiles, his nephew- in I B°;‘i° 1‘é‘d'Pdd"1¢§893 ‘in as the flowerfmcrnbcrs of St P ’ B Hehl, Mrs Marc» gm, .94 33 “S -u“- ‘M T ' _..‘_ 3‘ 5 °”‘L . . ' _ Mann, . , on I0 .. . for the organization trained at thelmlfieh w,“ in chug, f p 1 G _ . .»cntn.. no. :. :‘.2r.~.....‘‘°”°'‘ §:'"......"‘* ‘.‘:W"? PM Beta to n-mm-I =°=~-e-mo» m" b- -«L hm» -.~.....n,s". '~n'I.‘..’ mm - s ms Elle V~,°°“"+ inoznen. Toni Taylor’ of cn:-:"we 7ea'D‘1"€0 - Mr. and Mrs. John Guy ciboon;G"—‘ G"d""‘°' 5." "“‘ “”F"°‘ pour W1“ 5* *1" than will be best man . Members of the Gamma Phi Beta and 157- "Id We '1‘h°°d°?= 05°?-'lC"m°; ‘M ‘ Chm" d‘"°° b" ‘MI L " ’ - P3 ‘ V . ...__'_ sorority will entertain with a Christ- "““ °f J¢“¢"°“ Cit)’ Wm Ill-Chdlgiau. Fem’ Nu‘ Yv°"'n°' ""1 D‘; 1é'*i‘v I5‘ Education to mas ten-dance from 5 to 9 o'clock “"5 53353 Chi curl“-338 Dirty $0-‘dine chorkon’ Prof‘ J‘ E’ wrench h.1rs..ISt.khenoClair!’iII0n0r Supt. Maddox :,‘;:"‘;:§;;“;,.°:,:';:,"t=;,, ,$,;**i;;;g:;fig w . . - _o-ac...‘-pa ......., < ‘ *._ L _, . _.\. -...-g. , ‘ ‘ ~—--—.-... ..._... .‘. ." .. . _ n -,r‘‘‘ .s''- .‘ ;'.o _ _-‘- . . - . -. - l -. '.' ~ .‘ v - - - -. - .. . . . . . ‘ ., ‘ . . < . . . . ‘. _- . ,,. _ ~ . C l p Jimmie’st,tlie place to select your c _ V ' ‘ A 1 * Christmas candies. . ‘ V ' _ ow and miobAniioM: . ' - 1 .' ’ beak,“ den“ mu"-an -. . — .. The gift suitableofor youn and “Y ideal‘.!g'i‘e1i-ryto:"“hl0lh¢?a?'- :-.ot-f§'wee’t|Iurt- « o i ‘ T i ‘T . y « T ; s " T 3 . old-. Finest aé80i'bed' chocoates. "elm. ma. 2: » l ' y f ‘V ‘ ' = to T ‘ - . Strictly P1i1‘e.~.8-Dd f1'e8h.':a11 kinds . - in " 'iooot,nowbIona.'rflI;!tnniae. sunmei-I». ’ “ - T" T ' ‘ = .- a ,Home-hiade, ;.. .; ' 4 , rope cannon, mauve taupe. IIIIIW. mid. corners: . . ' 0- i u o. . . - - -A - .1 . . » . ,. ' . _...:——-——..—_..___,._‘ -. -. . -. .. .-, . --.——..___ _V_ _ . — """‘4-cv-on--—-..a:—-.—: I - ' . ,. I’ V A 1 I ‘ 1. N i . .-.-1: " - .. . .. . , . ‘J-...._..,-,_. ., ' l » i it ‘M dig‘ 32.50 ‘ £3‘ saso Special Price On A11 B02; Candies. T 3 T 1 A_ ' .‘ ' .«.i' - . . .. . if I» \‘ .‘ , ' I _- ' .: ;;_:. . _','v"GlV¢lBI8kEl of Food_.., E .’o :‘ _ L. . .:'-‘, . " -' -I '. ‘:7 " .$ ‘ ' ‘N .4‘ -. ._ .'.‘ A ‘ V ., ‘ -3‘ ‘''h:' . ‘ 0“ >¥‘~ a isnliiollege ‘ » .. - f . . _ : 3 9 . t. W _ T I l 5‘ ..g. __ A A Ltk « A ‘.3 ‘I I