’r'~'wr.*.-" . 4;,"‘,¢=. .'I. I , ...L 1, V " l sieitcr ..- .' hztppin ‘f lance. the ; — INGCIZ ; I i. ';i nluqtion V - :hestra ‘ l N-.QF,-_1 .5 X , mus ‘raj ‘. or seats’ ' l . I L FICE’ l _”::‘x“ ..‘.‘.4.:. I .' 4 v: , I 9 ;:g;f\v .4._.,‘;.. I s j..'.- .. ., u.-... ....‘ \ . . , ..4,..-..._.......g—.-- 5 ‘ - ' . - i - i - l -’.V‘_.\2u ll .. - . .,.,«.n-T _..‘v_...‘_,-‘.__’,.v““‘.‘,fi.._. -., ,-.,...,\_.g r__ .. . u , T ‘iinm s.1>n>u.s 1 ..=chool of slch a community - -0 OFH4 nu: OVERAGE Figures on Replies C From 300 First-Class in certain ln . - A I more wandering through ¥u“t'°"“7 °b°“°“ F”d'a °"”"fall the Russia. The covered wa , . gon. SCh0OlS In the :'l::1"‘.m“'“;7 IE“ i” ‘."7‘the swarthy soothsayer in brilliant State. _ to execm:'n"hi",c°" 3' %°"t"l‘:-;:-age, wild gypsy music at the road- Mosr ARE 16 YEARS Om —;’_I‘abulations by Prof. D. H. Eikenberry in Depart- ment of Education Bulletin. T‘.'.'mity-eight and a half per cent pf I‘.-!.I‘..~‘3 boys and girls enrolled in :;im first-Class Missouri high schools are oicr ago. according to data sc- ('.l.'I'(l from inquiry blanks returned 3:; hi:-_h-school principals and pub- l.shr~d in Bulletin No. l of a series .y‘tr.e Staze Department of Educa- t-on. "rho elmpter of which tn; am is ,...r: was prepared by Prof. D. H. lII}.(~i1l»crr:~' of the School of Educa- zzrln of the'University. The ages us:-d were those of Sept. 1. 1924. :-nmginted on the basis of a table :';xrri.-"heal the principals. :-Ir‘: U'\'L3r age while the percentage to l.’t' nurnbtr under age, however. 1:: this tnhu1n.ion one notes that 15 _:v.r cant of the boys are under age uhile 18.8 per cent. of girls are be- low the normal age for high-school students in the szhools considered. Ages of the students in the 300 high scliools vary from those of ll ycars lhose of “ill and over." There are tnree students enrolled \\l1u are 11' years old and 228 who Of the 34,383 stu- dents whose ages were eortsidere -fin» largest number, -3691. are those ll‘. ytzir.-‘ old. In .~Lud_ving the inquiry blanks re- turned 'r~y «H2 high schools of the :r'.;i‘(- and reports of the North Cen-_ gtral Association for Kansas and 1 lo "$t.:Rl(‘|i own f a i You L038 gypt.' In 1'.-.9 mug}, and mmhlt. lllaitri Press sun co.-zc-poadcau ' In ,~, _ . laniruacc ‘EK)'l‘-mans‘ been-nc ‘STD’ lcovyfisu 19“ by L“'"‘‘' ''r.'‘’' -*""’/""« l 1-‘; ‘ P 9 $59,; The French 1-0" mm “Tor mg. BERl.I.\.-—’l'hc ‘Drusc tribesmen ~_ ‘-{i _V ‘i and their mistake has been truns- 3‘ 55"“ "OW Wbcnlnfl 333135‘ ‘'39 \ W "' *." . plamed to Engfigh Thinking mm, French want the foreign yoke taken I . Q i.‘ ‘~ HQTC 5 “I9 S-‘.ll‘(‘.\'l sic; (‘any_- from gohemin‘ 11,, p,(.m.;., from their necks and have made un- E . .- ‘ 1 I , P V _ i called them Bohemians, With the {W111 Detce overtures to ' § 3}’ 0‘ Accping Tl‘~'-'"-l- Hg '3' became d“-3,1: we have 3 18, French looking toward l‘\'anee's re- It gets“ I’ C _ V . _ ' be} (0, 3 -|i,_.§u-‘,(.ant.d. wphm;(.m_ linquishntent of her mandate in 5}" K l,,.,_.,_,_-,K5 A Glfl ll ortn “ lule ed man-about-town.‘ A lmhe-miazn. ’i“- ,_ _ _ _ ' D9Yf0l‘\‘t. is a ‘root’ relative to Bo- This was revealed t3 the United ‘ J In leather case W!lh name (in hemia. the eastern knob of Cu-cho. l’re.~:s in an exclusive interview with . ‘, l 3 l3‘~‘"CllS fwd Nimt‘ 011 1'1!-"3 5-3? Flovakia. W 'c'h is not pzirticularly Emir Chekib Anrslan. delegate of the ‘. l 6 in leather (‘PS9 . . . . . . . . . ,‘5l ll;.lfl(t):.l‘5 ;for light-ncartedness, so- Dru.-es to the Lzague of s\1iLlDll.<. 3 3 in 3 Haj“. "03 ' . _ _ _ _ ‘ ‘ V A__-;_-,,\. p Lat?“ .0’ mu.W‘b°"M°w"' H“ Oulhrwd the Muses‘ terms \_ 6 in :2 Hull)‘ llox . . . . . . .. .m.‘;« i The Soviet edict was probably thus: 1 ‘ 12 in 3 non‘. Box‘ ‘Mei d"'_"““‘l "‘ ll” 'zll33“l-' Th?‘ l1"Df‘1- l. The French mandate in Syria ' l i . lation is far more accurate than mu_.1 3,9 a§,0“_qu..d_ L V_.__. I Order ill once for ('hr:>’lm:‘.- presents IR7GI.EN0 OK g usv\Ju Syria must be divided into two Syria proper and \.\?.i:l: would in rm-:nl=«~r.-A of the laaguu of Nations. '1 lrrizch garusnns would not be 4- .4“ 11.31 31,}!!! Ni! ii l.'3l 3‘ 7! in: I: . ..—. - n_KFiR A = = =1-‘='~ ..._..«:."::;.' ::_::.:£": :; 2 ~,- :. 2-. 3. . Sales Exhibition of Ankcney Paintings Taylor’s Music Store November 30 to Dec. 12 The artist or his represen- tative in charge daily. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 One hundred paintings from Nature in oil or paste at prices ranging from $5 to $40. rrrrrrrrrrrri. AND EAT Just a little finishing touch to every service makes it. so much better, makes it tasiier and gives it, somehow, Harris‘ foods are so care- ll served that folks come again they can depend on these An appetizing breakfast, with good coffee, st.arts.th$ "Harr1s' Breakfast Habit? HARRIS’ Millard and Sisson O :- cost of 7 cen per experience pnoves t and comfort at a m ln"g'n"n'u'u'u'u'-'n'u'- 'n"u - -‘ - :-:.::-.~ ‘-'.'..§'-.'.‘§-.‘.' .'.z.:s? Can You Beat I t? The Home Insurance Company of New York is one of man)’ Dat- ional concerns which have proved that STUDEBAKER cars are the most practical and economical automobiles in service today. Of the 232 automobiles operated and maintained by that company more than half of them are STUDEBAKERS. t year the company kept a careful record of operating expense of all its cars which showed the following: “I18 Studebaker cars were operated at the average cost of 6 ‘ at the same average cost; and 73 cars of other makes at an average le-—operating expense including gas, oil, tires, re- pairs and other incidentals." Of course. the STUDEBAKER is slightly higher in first cost. but ' fact by superior per orm operating expense to ‘the owner. Records prove that STUDEBAKERS cost no the ordinary 4 cylinder cars, while offering you superior performance and comfort. ' Get .A STUDEBAKER for Christmas and Enjoy a Happy. New Year. U11 but it is more than of inimu They Are Sold By ‘. cents per mile: 43 four cylinder cars BJICC more to operate than Columbia, Missouri \ .5 '5 n I ' H i .3 . 1 ;; "1 ' 2“-‘ 5,." ~' W «.5 .-... _~»..*.“._'-‘-".~."-'. z. .-:.*r*.. V 1 . -1 g1 ner. Thur l'lt(l‘h;lll(.n}Il nanu inc} not have ‘(’.~€:u‘ed the English !nngu- ‘ ‘C “Wu 1120. for some authorities find it in I """"""""’ *3 011!‘ Word ‘tinker.’ Tie L'_\'psies were the Pdlil‘ 5 X‘. Li lie "3 ‘mi -- 3 ' . . ' 33332.. 2? 0:’; i;.1..-..'....".‘.;.?‘.;.f§.. Beautzful Shoes For Beautiful Czrls D ’ I L ’ ' ' 9 i GET THE FACTS Isnt It Real Genulne Fun To Buy M11161 8 in City Manager Government Before Yo Mak P ‘ ' W M30“ M; u ps, Oxfords and Strap Values fiom VOTE $8.50 to $12.50 at December S -vimav, -- l -_ Patent Leather ‘ ‘ Satins For the hr.-‘t week ll lS Quality H1211 Suede Onlv‘ ‘ 1‘ ts 'n meaL<—l'.n\'- -- . , . i .zi):nchoicest foods on mad‘ ""1 Millers 0fi’e1 these Suedm . uhe u.u.- to time wonderful unheard Rm,‘ Ca” ”""'.-" . "“"“""" °‘. 3"‘: of values in broken fum1l_\_ Tender. JU1C_\ _ , steaks, tasty chops. all llnCS. are of uniform hiith Y r . A . quality sr from RlCl1- Vie n1a)_not l&\€ ' ~rd=‘- YW ‘~‘*P“‘$t' all sizes in any one OUY mar - Y Y right into your home. hnlifi. 3031;]: Y0 ,.,,,,,,,., of this lot. “TWO-SE\'E.\' -( lli " [>31 "1 Black Calf H g Sam; Tan. calf or hid ( ' Black Kid Black hid Tan Calf mad‘ and. Br.°‘."‘ , Black (-31; and Combination a i_ Suede. ‘The Best of Everything" ' J & ‘ff DECEMBER FOURTH Flonzaley String Quartet . AT THE UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM* ‘ATSP. M. V TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT MISSOURI STORE (or:-osmz rm: LIBRARY) AND , TAYL0RvS MU31C_gvpogE(mNm AND curzmm L $2.oo+$1.5o——s1.oo - s . i - ov~.._-. . ...~. -. ...a 00-9.. -....-...,.§..-qg-os,"‘“"""'... » -O, ' ~ . .¢4.c.>QoO-J. - .. . .-