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T 1‘ an ‘izulu = l — 1 ' ‘ 1 T T ‘[5 ‘T’ " _ ‘. ‘T }ph!T‘nIIi_l "ca ‘thtimeeadfll - T. ~ ' T 3 . _. 1 V. ~ _ . g..W(l)ullns) 21.’ . ifalley % up ‘ 31,335 gguntudnced (orig: -ch;n‘y"mll1hodes. tall4aack,1hyed§f)nnd:‘:1:,r the ‘tn’. 6"’. ad ' ' . Z V A-T_~. . _ _ -T2 T =“_-. e T - 1T T _,5_u 3 1_rymTW_0 tn "*""“‘¢. ‘°"°“""""° "*1 '. °- T L _nir." Q 1 . %; , T W T’ . T. ~_T ',‘?+*""-T""' "9 ‘Q ?~m.un.Tnapum“" :5? :17. _‘ seasons. '{n”‘t§,;""'fi,,¢;,f'1;'fM°"g.a,.,r"'n.,.;.¢..fl" awn JAYS win, 19 10 o.-V : rm debtor; be inemhen or . T T ‘ ;T 1 T T: T‘ V T r i it We **" "‘“‘T ’°""‘““?"l* "“‘:"‘° “'9' ‘’'‘‘‘'‘° °''“"‘ W ;+s*"§§'u msé W mi-“T ,,,, . . ,T, ,,,_ cc-mu co»?-‘i=”'T5- ‘Tom-*T.5.T”:e‘.,....:f;..‘:;‘.F’.:r‘:”‘“,...ls.’““"”.;.l Tk End, Hat; Shots « . T». ‘. ‘ v _ -_ . - . 5 3 Anescdired seven Pom Playodinluinat Fulton. -hex mthcmwrudn g ghm- T # 2, A . ‘ . H-arylIH.lIIY°'!'l'“"“"""'lT ’T°‘!'T‘3-“.LT”3~T°“‘U'°' — T - T --————- "r as game unwell underway. The W tm‘ te college.-T Blue" °". T ” ' ' i '—- -T ’ T ‘ l l ‘A T‘ T ‘ ' 538 ‘‘*°°‘.fi°9.“’‘n K .'”..annt‘es "‘((‘;okhlnlu“x.u‘nU3é5nt'.)kl.:1‘i<:eulnlkI::ries o bfaskai Cl'“3h95 N°t'r°!; :1_.:n4:?“?8 ‘P938 *0 ‘N- .3"‘”‘ :3‘ Just‘ mghedulz J.o...T.s the can-:::',‘l“;':;d ‘fig Tm o'er‘ J _ ._ ; l T . _ £1 5 . ' M’ m.ei’mnuuamii:Toiiainrh- hytl -,Ausuj‘i2. Ki°n.'Axties 7- T Dame Eleven~17Jto0 .§ -l§a°°‘:”.;.h‘f'J{"‘:,a,§:fi_§fd,:,",$,bI ml T3*8‘°‘ ';* ‘*3; '““‘::§ ! 18 ~1bS_.Sl18'31' -- - - - - - ° T‘ ' ° ‘ ' ' ' ' T T’ 1:‘ T'°“8.-.T ..a ‘ 1;. T . T * We - - Thank-thin: Dar °°.‘ 2.‘ . . ~ T ‘J ks ra Pork and«Bea s;_25c...z ,3-.md{n‘_,,&n the or Bro¢!.7No T 0 Before Crowd Of ghoflfi ‘ “"3 fl’'’' 1”“ played" .yesterdgy at Fulton in a§ Puck what you want. - Kaine: M Q - . ;_ . 3 t ‘ ,,;.,. ¢..‘.1.3.9 when the ca 9:‘ r st. Loni: n.;7. qtnontb . 000 ' W,” A .,, were Tannin striking damp”, 9, mm _ t - .,.m_ sell or exchonme. Also. am. No_ 10 can, Saxet Blackberries . . . . . .750 V‘ 3 ' the 58“ 515 ”"h‘d °”°'°°"' ' w"h‘““°-Ma’ Gnu?!" ' ‘ 45’ ' ’3l“3”°° °‘ u” an” ‘"1 but ad‘ W mi 1 red touchdowns inlto trade for houses and houses for A :.T 2 T~ ' -- — ‘ . ‘ W(s::l:igbmt;h fle$ iécng_19g,'f';“::::m0b Th P“ rs-7-E‘-$3‘ flew”, mm,’ time were thrown hick.‘ . the ?uf.Lfl:elc?: ‘M fwnh.qu"-!f”_ms. . T" oo':P‘ANY 4 R3l3Il_'$ . . . . .- . . . .~. . . . t v‘e°"lr." T 1 ° T"'.*"'T' ‘ ‘ T ‘‘ ° ’ ‘T .* lb‘ ' I ’ .1uonnn3AL * T T 1 P’ ,qpe¢T'n9t lid? ti‘: _w¢1°.9Iu.l,9. Willltm Jewell 0. Grinnell )'I=f~terda;- was the laiggc-stVow:h:fiSd0i0r::.I1."I:m,°d dwogmszf 3:, ,”::$;,,cin;1::r:,:1,; 1.30.}: r 1; chum “flow Bulk Bu‘. . . - % Ela:1e:hn“"' inmnilloiy 'l‘uII- Wins Pistol Muclxi‘ upset 0! (lie 1‘nrl:;)‘ }l)a)rl:r:d fox-T W An-3.. by 35 to 0. N ‘we phyed a strong defcmive game Phone 479 red T _ 673-103. A Fun Llne of . , . , “um - - .1 ‘ r . - mgrk e o 01 flaw, - T T . T _ 5°"°1°pl“ mp‘-“do” ‘M “.1 Ttchll °:~i:r:M:1fem§:- tcotrfi whllil‘ scuon tinetlx-= Missouri Tillaxgzrgguigam 0 was :5; 0‘ :lfl!:olx;‘el1t‘;ufal::‘ ilgmlixfgolateiffsluaz . "°“°' °’ ""59 '‘'''n‘‘''’" T . " 5 ' 9 ;;‘*b‘f:d9‘b:¢‘,f‘{.”d:h:°,:—;?'.km.ayw§l:;try team Thursday after"-”°" °"T {Ell-ll’e:'0O X l E lrscooo roaumn am at Lincoln me. ,,,T,,,m ,0 ‘N’; % fljfjgfa ."_,,,,.,""".m.' °l.;.".';'..£‘.‘§.".:T Phone Your 0!‘d¢l'- W6 D¢h_V§r° - - In , ‘ . ' v _ _ '_ . ' -v 9 ‘_ '~‘ ' T " _~ . ' ' am the tales of like P°‘°m‘”}3£e‘Th:_::‘2:,"°:,f§'§-E“; For the rim time in two years; 'f*°*’*“ 3“:‘“““ §‘::t':"‘;:ck:.".L ‘ , ___T:____T_ , T, - ‘ A T l d. - T -n fillzsi-tix1€'hO'n9bh0tlhl¢ we}?-E. T T . , T -T - “T” ‘T " T coo’ ” ”” T‘ ‘ Delmonte Peaches, No. 21/3 can. . . . .330 ‘ TT T .¢-as--i tot) ’ ll’ 3PPY'0Pn‘ 9 —'< . _ ‘ . ‘ T E-lollege-Tuontt. V :_ , .- ' , T, _ T Summer Girl Peaches, No. 21;-_» can . . .30c . w . . {H ' A Ch ,3‘ . - .'\ "hi ' . “ .‘. ,, o 7 " nrxgislr”-“$1125: §’....".':?. ..'..of.g:T _ I-Iudson—Essex World's Largest 5911133 mxes C01 n. Collhtlfy Gen Lleman . . . . . . . . . E '*:‘_°f’°‘.'§*'"*’uf:°g"’§’- m{‘,‘fi:‘a'x;' _... -. ~ T Corn, W1sh Bone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . T c e s lupin on as ' 2 _ ‘ ‘ ~T T. mwdutd;:oo;b_" ‘xm gh -1:: d:_ . _' . gm, golsée Bulgil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. form -hi c 0"” °= “Pm ~- ’ - : “ rn 0 en ume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -'T Tvwwn ‘~*'** 1 G ‘I‘h V 1 me .- . . «:5. in his :luio:.”l§‘m exssgf '5 T lty ls l O. 11 Cranberries, Le‘tuce, Ce1e.ry, Tokay K The mp ‘moons " own? T T ' 7 rapes - = 4 h Harvard," Princeton‘: 1 h P , ' 5 » A __ -._ "‘Ts5ter.‘~.Son¢." ‘Lord Amhnn-m’jT O IS I‘ i Sw1ft’s 1 lb. Box Breakfast Bacon. . . .57c :, , « _ Q - “On Wisconsin." nnd “Go Chicago.‘ 3 ' - ‘ I ’ ’ 'T “ , T" ‘l 3”” . K‘ T II" I! E! H2 man: the benknowu but all: _ " xT _ -~ _ ,— _ TT-T-T‘ T TT ~-~ "77 bejtruiogl :0 other than oriflimlj Qualgty has made HudS0fl' ' $ T > _- _ ' _ _ ._' rc l-. as 1': er. . i 9 . ."m}1leereco:z]:mendc‘tidceg':‘nccbr‘:o otfort, Essex for years the T_ 5 1 1 _ l .. ‘- _ TT 3:, 1 re: 0-: . - - cars '_" ;'!:::‘th:°¢\?:l(iItlon 0! college sonzhi , largest 53111113 6'¢'7’11nd°’ ‘ V _ ' ;’:"'°",......§'-3, .'.i‘.‘.’.,‘”..;‘.‘.'.‘i‘.;'.“.’.‘.i',.‘,';‘3l Without such volume. these T HUDSON COACH % T I adaptation of old Ettllsh drlnkinx; . be - L _ -; ,u,,,,_ T Hudson Brougham a.__ T . . _ . . 0 nal‘ _ ‘ . T n..u.-‘gs.-agdl=|u humour T . * ynlcalwtreyi ' And wlthout mcreamng q Better Buick operating I M noun :7" ' T '3 . i‘n'::‘s_crlbin: tiae.:;o:d 1;!“ 3036 songs rty such volume woulfil never _ mg???’ Va, 10;, 11.33.. mg; _: 3 f v I - 7 ' ' . wn, . h ' W _‘.'c‘ T‘ 53» h°di.**W-T°-‘'.*° “* W" be mm “W V O : “"459” 7'P‘”“' S°"““ and in ¢me}':hn» - T Aha i1oiv.theTBnick on T 1 '. isflwiw-rtT°.I*'~ ‘H-n-=9!-V-"5" I‘ as think of Hudson not in 5 . T . ah, -Raga,“ T T dialog! sad the lnhrlnlmon 50' . T ; o ‘..Buick_dcsign procecu all - TT . T on in’. T T tween halve: coupon! with-the eno . terms Of.d‘lC PPICC Paid: lgpcg-gig; pan; from dust d” "R h.“fl.h. _ , - W‘ "°”"“‘.‘ “’° '”'“"" 5°-d’ 91”’ T b t in the cosflycar qualities, 4” ”"‘°‘-'"‘*""“"" T""E"'°( . T T 1‘. 4 "s,‘:'.f“..;':'ll.:.,"..‘*‘.,.......... T “ T - ~ in ‘°'***°°°.c......«"T A 1 . ' 5:31!“ 5! PW'‘‘°d “"0 ‘S9 performance and ‘rehab ,ty t!?:ymcny be and convenient terns T“ public. 2«'o‘8t8l'¢ Pnluautlon holds - whi it ‘continues to glve on bthn - ‘ anywhere our the puhllc interest ( .. _ T and nnthusinsm commanded by tho T long after price 18 forgotten. Li‘ football games of todli‘ 3"‘ . FURNACE am: ‘ 5 ’ lpresifthat enthusiasm.” % , ‘ ld, t t B ya I l"'&;:-;;'mm ma?” K‘H,,K“_ S u _ « OU are delighteciright at _ _'..a of mu... ‘mi. at. cm ax» Everyone Says It--Sales Prove It T the start With its small. ' _: T . T e T §l“'¢"1'°§.7u‘:L‘:‘!': . T A ' - If '.“,m,tcIem even size--itsabsolute free- T 00 A T: -. 12;:-_,,%,m,,,,p,,,,,,,",';7g‘.;,;,.;,..,, ' R ..m.tC¢,m.ne dom from dlft and slate--its ALL ‘QT _; J - A - U . . _ T ————.~-—;----- . ' ‘I’ ' l T ' . even burning and the stady, ‘ \che , T. T "I-.:°‘.a';”ITmc.min » - comfortable heat it furnishes. T " T} -T . " T ” T °*“°*\°°*""W"“°: T . YLO Pr Columbi Mo . Furnace Size Cahtifle is that ' A ‘ A‘ - toot-r 'l5°_17 North 7”‘ st‘ JACK 1“ R’ op’ ‘' ° ' “ l long desired '8.1’tricle--Ca"really ‘C l u I . -the in lab _ - .- T .~ T - V : ' V ‘T I‘: T? ,«,”~‘?',w.,_“',,»7” in . . - . ' T%‘:‘§‘;.,°‘§§§1:‘,‘ ?,§,°,?‘3}§,‘;i”.§’§‘?,°g - C0 . _ - ; . . - _ - ‘ T - , '. ' . . , _ - -" following dealers: s ,;T T 5-T T A ;.;;,l§,‘T. _ T T .r - . . ‘ , T . ~ . _- - ‘ TONIGH'l,‘and18_i)~ AY 1 | 4 1 V 4 l 7" ‘Q -‘Iv «I ‘ ‘l ' * . ,'~o.Q. . u" . W o n )0‘. I‘ ’ . 3 I .- ,- . on _'.::/-‘k. we .-. -7- -.3.‘-6.-': . 0 V ’ . £0 . .‘ 9 ‘ . . . ‘ _ _ I.‘ I I.‘ e V. ‘ ’> . . ‘ . . ‘ ’ . . E ' ‘ l t i '. V s Q ‘ . . .. ‘ . ’ . . . - _| ‘ , 3 ‘\_ ‘._ I . - . . . .. o - . l l T ‘, A . . t . ‘ Ml 7 . O _ ‘ ’-‘ j. ‘. ‘. ;s.o_—.. _ 3. ’ ,. ‘ 9 coL‘U MBIA THEA.TRE.. , . i on NIGHT ONLY, wan, mac. T2 % T,T 1,; . A . O - _‘A ‘ v.; ’ '> ‘T’ me ssas ” lluatmzu or ~ l ‘T l V . ’ . _ I ~‘ ‘.,- -"_ ~ ' ..T. =1 T suuefi T T ..T :T VEI. T ° , T.-._T,.: .T T . ANNOUIJEES T “ i - lwAQQ\|N T‘ 0 ~. :.-~lu ', ..0, .‘ :1 I ' T l ' ‘: 5: ~.‘. ’ s? T ‘T ~ « ' T .-‘ 4’ T :4;-Ta; n ‘fl 5 ' V ‘T: .1 a . . : ~ .‘ - 1 T . ‘. " ‘i T ..’ u ."g ‘ T -1~‘:...'r'~.;'} l \ ’- '1‘. v‘, of. 61.‘ - ._;" (‘:3 f ~ I.‘ v:, Q l h’ .‘V ‘w?;S..$ T T ' .=. '3 ,, -s_ - ‘ ‘ -.. :_ T" 4 .-iris . .; «H, T ;" Ely‘. .;?_‘-T" T-Til’ . .¢. 0 l "V ‘A I‘ (' £ , ‘ ,‘ . 1 .7 ~ ‘,. ‘ -(0. - ' I : }\ A ' ‘ ' .‘ _’ .‘ T A ‘ V:_ J 5 ‘.1 V. l . h “ I . ‘ l E .; . o v -( if fig T’ q l .« =iT:s- ~ ' L‘ 2:. T'''‘ ~ A _.;, f‘ .4 ll-gi: '3‘ .T ‘I ~ .'..e':-.-‘~ an "” -9-. -. .“ r e -;""’T-TA‘. _ ‘Ti. e ‘ 3