r«.~.)7. ..= an .'- ' W?‘ h. . ‘ V ..- .. - ~:.-.:*~= 4 ' . ‘ .1 '. t _ .' L‘ l .1OkkhoIu'badal1 , ,., , _ the teeth: I". . 3 . ‘ tiuotrfinocanter‘pIr- , thstlt ‘good; dur- ..v1 - . Ewhiteman. Bacchus ‘and -nv-wit: to out '31! It M0“? T1093‘ 5 °f “"5 §:""' bf el‘ast¢z\Ifl':;¢°*8l 854:9:-5783. . ‘I ' 1 - -‘ all’ wet.‘ ‘ ' “*3? V5555. . . 8. Pflm ° ‘ ' ‘ 1 ; m‘ n — u.a..e.e Lmdeflmyer A“? G“". «mm of! mm A'‘‘§“"‘‘ ‘‘ ofpwthz °" fat {hit-:1 0,. actual, oa:ll|o'l!1his.nnd°v;Ited1!t6ot=‘Ifi -. . . -‘ v op ‘ , , ~ option , . “‘ ' ' ' agmgn . in, ‘town-toocbetlsnifee «nub, en Places by Ath Ainclndd linocbisanotllehrnska. can Xpenfifi _ _ Efztum by com“. u “M t mdflzgofmw - p 1 ~- my hIttor*tbaatbeold.We‘ If D°rect0r 1ter,ng-rentplaycrbnten-uticm Teams 1 H fmmdhn -_ _ .* -.1: 3.. an 8:.‘ i - mam. 9 ‘C ‘ ° ' an im ntial of . - photon: 2 . ~ rein; kicked mane the A aw‘ - ’~ 1 '''°‘‘‘ W X’ i "" —+— ‘ ' ‘ .-an’ fie:-aim-m:.'.° Smith .1 Oman Srorrrs Banal-‘rmn-B3-r”-3 ' ‘yards and and Mt ' ‘ * ' — ‘ 77°03 = SEWING '¢R~lE-l-1 dr°Pl*°*"i Sooman Cr-zn-ran Nmm. ’ 7 1. nu: Block- - « ‘ Despite it-v.°v""*‘Y-’°“"‘”"-" but the number or boys’ . t ICE! 183131, - ‘_ . - omm cc ’ . been um up by — 1 I. ‘ ' " :9,"""? 8:5-—8i:g;=; _ . - ____._ ' Oklahoma. -gun Walker. nu. Even Wm, This success.-hm of the . “ mu min: oru-lliifdtfill 9 win: regu- I‘ i [ii l 1 rad ?m t" D an 73”‘ 2 Bulldogs’ 2 taVn‘:l“Stineru:l£l:Hrna‘syk‘Ir.' Ran. the SP0“ ‘Received hgknke 13° ‘mm °f n5'- _ 4......—~ wfi. "I Y . right:-:1 article for the Couwlflattti. r:;; T.“ mu! 6"” to Dad“. a few post-season games yet to be}. One of the archltecturll gem! Ooiunibia: but 1; b) the as‘ “ ' _ . '1: any time. Two and th:-or Rwls FOR ‘BR? . . 0 QTY LOANS . ."&::{u:h:nd'°:::::;,I,1,"m "bur; van» 1139‘ Unlveraity of Minoan won Pllyed. enthusiasts. 610°? lh°_ uni owner for 8 home. Sp0@0m?,YBfl§d8. .f1l‘€P13¢eS. VET)’ Ititlctiv .. RENT_.1'm°m ‘or 1.‘, .1 time‘ ‘nan com. 5: Confennro: Half ck: spear at Dan. the clumpionsmp of the W :_ .... WRK. 0‘ S9Pt¢mb°"- 113"‘ l'*“fl ‘P’; baths, fl!'0I1Dd8. fiatfi with seven’ . 0 — close to the Univet-sicvr. ' ‘ ‘ ,- mission. ‘ .Whluman of xi.-...m; mumcu. moon 5 lnromnatelr $12.000.000 to Witness; 1 ma gleepin .po_ . Terms if desired; shown imam ‘ed Sen d‘ _a; 8663. 9th Street. _ S72 .4.‘ W H Gowsggggy ' .5 . .. er a.» e 0! 1 by Wlnnlhl five out of Ix tam W H i "3 {Mann “ms .8129 t t 2. 3 ~ all ten; - °' V‘ . W’ ' ‘ v-o.1oo.‘s .; 3-. Bocclrn of munn-i. Sloan oqlannz _' i fmll Elm?‘ , . . f. _; by appon on I an? 5199- . - Y . .. . ‘r:;co nbi:nnizlatlo;’:;r FOB RE‘h;I‘nm1‘lootuI. tueb“76;’{;1’h09§ 578 t “,-.‘x.;3u;xi.., n':zrm.;xdx.igm_“h .1r.:n::: by a field. goal In the final xlxllgy $;°‘£:1:-iiottlakiorlfitgymnEiéiatgng & C RE 00. fig ;. . 3% , W at . noun: I 4» ' ' ' -1 _ ~ -' ' “ V. J, . . .. naming, plzone I620 o;7;s;:; llagyhnd.’ Phone 1111. 071.74; 8303 Raummc ;f:f:'i.f.c(;:h.::m.f:.... Am... .-......- w.x-hyT':: :n°d'§‘“M‘;‘::e;;i;.; fnasrp(:;l‘lgn::. 113.; PHONE 27 . Exchénce National BUZ- . _. ‘ '1 . ' 0; - ‘ ' ‘ . , ' . c.’ 3' '1"-i--‘——* ‘ . .* l RENT-_Tw.° “SM houul Gun. bought, gold”:-gated, repaired.‘ I .‘—‘”;’'';;it" made m_e'fi':! § ed:::nd;1:h:f‘;i::c$ud. nants. flowers, food, and other mcin . _.~. 4 ' fat SALE—a$-room modern‘ tl‘h'kC/P1312 rooms on first {loo mod-. A Kinds “axe” nude‘ 1 The st ectians e. nu in 3 k d “fin ' we - advantage ofld’"t"5' " ~-~— » - ._ 1 en’ 7.3» "udémacco bungalow. Garage in iernhonu. Phone 1401 block. 70475.6 8 E ASBURY 22 North Ninth-of course based on his P0110 °P ‘ W0? 90 “fig °_ '3 I St” , , Fombuu has becom¢ 3 gr“; bum.-. me. A 5.1.3} 2 block; from schod.‘ « , , l ' ' - ion and must leave ou: valuable nnd;tbc rule! him in own cs; as md h“ “med a hi her mm the PlIoCD75. M67 tlf.'.-" R1-}N1'._Boouu 111“”"°d “"1 C0|'!5Pl¢“°“5 m°"- ' 3"l°t°’V °"°’ p"k°' “V9” t° six’ flfis season tbslm ever in its billion’- M * jlkht, ousekeeping or bed rooms.‘ FURNACE REPAIRS 1 Th: choke’ boweven 55 made onguading Seven points. Iowa The 1"!” M" of the “calms from. "" FQ35LE"N" 3”” ah Qua‘ Pb”. 2138 B51" Now is! the time to. :3!“ thug the basic: of all-round usefulnessfitate d£ll:|)€!'I§:l,V' scored three 81:59-‘the 1925 cam” Passed mm the; . ungal tr' y modern ?'-''''''—''‘—‘''——'-'‘‘.'—'''-'“'s k repair . 0 b ' . . _ ~- . . [.3 ' 1 s'n oments w on; . - » '5“ ::'{;“:'°‘ "‘‘’l ;..'.?‘I. .”’"..eu...‘§“:‘§"; ..§“§“§.'.",°i'l 333* thlsmm ‘* - °°“' "‘**‘°'~i§’.‘»§.’;§°?.§‘,?..’.‘.§’.T?‘ ‘¥1.§’;°‘.‘..°.‘i.“l’.§l.l.§i..§.‘2s§..5a"£....T.a°.,y‘S.."'nm.. .......i;=;;d;m;§;3;>0;;h;;=;,*;;m;;'““%,.:;i ‘ ' 1 1 in . 2 . ° . ' - ' ---———~————- ' ‘ 3 Bk 0 Up union, preferred. . Quint! W‘ ‘ho '£].l€,°wWf;§8‘Hc.? would be one of power and versaul-E LAST Mm,U,rE.BAsK8T wms larger number of games were played‘, I ' -mm -I-.}§,i lnd modern. Only out othll‘ K‘! ' P), M 59-giity both on offense and defense. , __ in college stadiums, and a relatively; ' 4- |)’. ' an 7.1’ can in a Phélnllfll Ilfll 91:1 ';v51-9‘1L The season in the Missouri \-'al':¢.")'lC"*'nlh C‘"" Dd”. pug, -;.5lsmall number on non-collegiate; . . - 3 . __ 75¢: T T Anghany SL. Sid! cntunoo on ‘.‘§'.Z gpx-oduood at least three Dlsverafcfl n"d_pou'm (;‘.,¢_ fields. 8 " S 1 I 8’ Twg gffing . wfifi 311109 CD : FRJKNDSHWA . ., on Dot. . , , .; OX8“ IUNCH ROOM outstanding ability, Twp tire c -. A flad &“¢.by‘u_;Euuppe in ()ne- a pen or Dalia. ' ‘legal: SanFtu1gcovia ' ' . .7‘ V ! ‘ : . . .. - dl . ‘ . _ ‘ ... V . "ii “°....n«*'=::..%*..:.’::".‘.':.‘.'*..::.:.'°"“..... on rm—c««-revs-~=-,,, mt: ,,;=«;»«=.,.»;-;;.,-; g,g,-;u;,-E... 3'29‘ ':.*:::::.:.§ 5.2:, ':*:: .232; ..;‘:.*.*:.'°.’:.*;"‘.::‘: « 2: t.:« ‘¢:’§i...i.-u..... Pacific hun Low.-. ,’_I. ‘ - G I. ! . — n 3 ‘n o .0 I I ' ' . ‘_ ' V .9‘ .m 1.;-¢.t.,hoQe who have noneq’ 2:: ‘;;;:° “flu 703 ';‘o,t£l , . '.k61—92tt.l:in¢ butthe bcstto d-‘raigrh 1;: Fwd" An‘ Pg‘ fnoslt crsesccntinl in a real St4ll’._3l"|fi::1P°}:iedf°|: fig, uflglif 7 3,3 3,301 the prominent colleges will Cr?‘ 3 _. J, s. Bnclnnan, I).P,A.. Wabash Ry. ’ 13- in all lines. '11 V00 '”“.p M ' , l KODAK FINISHING Lparently INC ~10 P135‘ “ 9'“ ‘”§ty:g;m¢, - ...... ithe present season «'11:: 01:: foot 3 ‘ :% ‘ » gout”. Ho" Cr . 3 to your:-ed‘ , .1" €80 *3"? oV£RCOA'l;i POUND-On we-{In our on , , loft minutes every Saturday W!th°°* ""! Centralin led 1-0 at the ,hnlI but3P1‘°f_it3_ cf leffldlllifi: 3;: m~nun“d. _ '5". ,_L°m,.«c_._, " 1 .- -. 7°“ “u ‘L I‘y°n"uw buyrm'§ ch] ‘°°tb‘u mm ‘t I“".'°"°°' S“'l“ . 3- 3- W‘ .3‘ 3 9" n‘ jun" . in field goal and I free thmf’ fiver agmnlflll of’ ldcfaild stzidigms and E C" :1 : zngamwy W '&'1mh have vhnt you ON 1°‘*‘«urday. Owner posslbly took 1315’! ‘me nnuc snot ; Spears of Drake and Wiuteman Ofllparis 3 3-1 lead before an ppe1"‘ °°*h h" ~mem swan’ ,,,,'; ’ ~:’-' ' , .3\-an-.......a-us-v-'=v=¢=~“-‘~‘*=““‘i“-“"“““"~ ' . H 7°“ °“1"wmt . 3?“ °°“" whid‘ V” '°‘t °" Sm.“ "”n'l AL co Missouri me shown up *3 ‘hi? °‘“d".began to score. He tallied twice.to ‘"50": ‘ '3 :21‘ C of mcm_d_br“k_i ~ . _ .. . place to rust and sllflld I _m°""“ . by mistake. For further Inform!-9 DAVIS C0 - in half backs. Power on attaclbtie the more and tabbed in the wm- E‘-‘"1 t ‘-' "‘°" 3 - . . ; -0 .0!‘ an evenin! ill 3 30d“ ‘'7' "ml tion write Frank Hollinxfiwoflhij Be“ cent“! Ingohm Iculsu‘ fi°.}anfl good defensive abilil-Y "aka Din! ‘K0-‘L "‘ . m‘ c;°wd:' m.e \::ge§;.fiu1t,:§;n:.?.i { I gap to our ‘fence “I weffirgdblo :1: Mexico' Mm B‘“;75“c‘n ‘mfimnhowdawb Coll {them °sp°:i“"y Vnmgme‘ Rhodes of’ R°b°rt 1' Simpwm Upivenity of ‘r!\1.fnatil‘lr-af:)’l!:n{ll‘l0 -iutlnv are not on-n C‘ ’ —-— ' Wiwm 3'°“‘' ‘‘‘’‘“° ° I 7'1 ka '. d"in1r fullbn vi)!‘ ' ref _ ilw ‘r ' . . ‘ ' ~ ' 1 I ~. — RBI ."”'”' B“1t‘m1‘:' Lola: §11z)1::“' ma SALE iv THE mwo snor ':'l:c:?pln)'“h°ll*d i:‘l*“’¥° “W” '0 Jlfiilyifiiiiiircsctxaxlauiuxilxfélir It’? ::/I'‘ 3 *”.phone 725, .21‘ rise an . ' tn kc the Cornhuslcers the n !‘u ;_ . '_ ,,_, _ ,, _ - , ' 2 V . - B00-90. LARGE CLOCK ire: prescription service. No chart’! "13 . . 1 ‘ ‘ ocllnomr ness point of VNW. _. 9 ' -.r : - we were. to any heal» InAhs.P.*'":~l‘.'. ‘ 3°“ ~ - . an re author:-I -. Lyi 1. OR ‘SALE CHEAP ‘ i for delivery. y . « - 3 W t Ad There are man) 31 9' . ‘_ ‘ Wl_\N‘l'P.D ‘ gains? for dffiée or ‘an dock ! Phone 802 «try. Bebm of Iowa State proved a‘thln8. $1’! I _ an an ‘fig 3 V hit y0!;lIlVEf1°W'n ft: 3 : owned by Mmonrhm 0,, 43,, __ ' _ _ _ ' _ ..._ M A--— A - * ‘ canze orn :rm.0 _ .'; _ oh-lJwd co ' 5 _ chuge {gr-‘town property, list mnlas n 1-‘ _ e ry . ‘ ._—— . _» with us. We also have some real"-’Fo‘"F SALE-_Engmh "mt Rh; .;, it l""‘i“” in ‘iv p'°p"ty' - male dog. Registration papers. Un-l . - . r ' g . ' 2-(m1n::Rm':AL'rrco.m-one 1:--9 mined Price ‘N mmm Jo, -___ _____ _ M. WANTED 1.0 km". .Ridj¢o.-way. ,c-o Illinois Oil Co. 72-77.‘ . V _ _ _j'_ ‘ J . ~ warm To RENT-“M *°~ “”°" S““‘:““"n °":'“"‘:.“: 0 hen the orchestra st0P8 tts sufge W“? « n "d- ." “"3 of good “den Ind, with, Acockerels, $1.25 ea: . pu cu $P_e2nc_7. , “ __. , ‘_ _ _, : , . R . . mil-is of Columbia. so Phone 39*‘1?~ ‘ “ -4 n 1 _ ‘ ' . 2 , . 4 0 lion and cash nit in letter l\d-! ?—7“,ANTED «1 h laud- ta - [ea . he Boxxx-«wot Ms . n . t e app mg coup . in t0. 1"‘ t l ;. . - . WANTI;D—_B_9:_r .17 or )8 years, - V .. _. V_ -1 ‘A3. 7 : ‘7"i RN18 FOR RENT ‘old who 1; ambitious and wnnul . . ‘ _ 2 o M K ' )- APARFM -to learn 3 .0‘ ust hnve7 ~~ '_ nu . , .m:NT mu “wee or fomlcighth gnde eduationandnot afraid‘: g e I T . ~ . iflgggmmn-fl,:f.;m;,h,d 0., ,,,,g,,,-;o work. A9913. in person to Fore.‘ . ._ —. — . 2 ‘ 7'9 .- rm: 1 . w. n. cow-hm m»e;m. _______._..__."-t "*=*°°"°- 0 “E - . h a 0 Camel ' ‘ 0 1 7 « . : "ri t« ‘ °7°‘75' FEMALE HELP w.w'r1-:n——3 —- ave 0 . . ‘xiii: EE'N'I‘—.At1ract.ive. ‘gin; pE\;:dr‘m:l-IE)’ a:el::::::, clip!” v A A - . V‘ — I -,. , .% ' w gpu-tment, 8 rooms. 93 H.“ _? ‘ , I i .— t , ' _ gnti, south front. Reasonable. 8§'I°"'d’§' lI:;’°‘f‘.’°fi°'}:: °' ;::::mgol WHEN the orchestra QV5 You cn°°re_ ‘fin ' / I ' . “ l“ 3"°°*~ G68‘ " Pam“ 3 me’ no ‘ ' butfinall Andtheco”Plc68low- .’ r » V — n“ 1 W. .\Vnshll'lZl-Olly L 380' Cmca'l W W " _ ' . L 3 ‘ _ , V “ ' “ , i . novsns mu nnrrr. go. 74.; °' ‘ ‘ leavethe fl_om'..... ,. .« 1 g--- E A ’»L§- ' 1 l u l‘ a . . £ . 0 0’ '~ ' I A ‘I ;' 7‘ $0! Bl-3NT—Good 8 room bomci MAN WANT!-ZD—(clty or coon-2 Jam the ma! fa. am until ‘ . . * 7:’ .Univer:i- old established company Willi » ~ ‘ I F 1 '5 . ' d on u‘: I ‘ r 3 tn 05¢", 5,, 31;” say, two baths. supply ca?“-al an 1' ‘cu’; . _ V‘ ‘A . f we : .. .;n J. A. Saint 1 sun. Ex- your own_1tJ:e!‘1MD¢‘:11teW“““:y ev. ‘pang ° ooenhanceuhe joyso as . - ;_. - u , I ‘,' , .' ' I l 1 .._.__._.__l N'u°'d But admin’ 3: Eryn’:-gnu unnecessary.‘ Camel. makes every happy occallon 5 '27 1.703 XI-ZN'l'—«l room house. 195‘ W ‘to Mcconnon & Con 9.8310?! _ - own chum to festive ' . Q ' t - ' ‘ u - . . A "tonne, m1d'be&: ‘W. . —. -~ . ‘ l “ vs” mg s*——--ALE . Tolcpboneclsld .2 vet-ycboieestoobacoosgrownmallthewocld: E /ms rzra Tonfinn. _ . g ', 1 I. rm.“ ;. , 5“, ‘ " . w'A1~X'1'ED-—‘tn!:it-'13” . . it .1‘-. and carpenter wor M '31- 4» lj . Ag. v,_t,_‘. .6“ DEE aw. c.. ‘w I‘ A _. I ° . l ‘I ' l . 1 17.‘) ' ' . 1 : ;-V. d I r V ‘ $- m ‘l A‘ I‘? g uos0.l3.;on'o' ‘ =5: 3 « V ' ’ . . _ . I C . W V ‘.roo'\* " i . 010-00’ I V COIOOCUIUC .. W ' ““ qbooaono aoooo .. ‘H vs Guinea ; 4‘, ‘_ . *4 4 J. " I . 9 U. .: 8 _ C31. 7 5 ‘ ' V .*-,>‘'?- -V; ‘ ‘ ‘J ‘l,;__ _‘ ‘ ‘V - ' . IJ‘ ..( ‘I ‘V ‘ . '-;r~‘i'_.‘7.‘:4_2‘..i ' ‘-~""5/-- - ‘..'.>_e_-__",,"._ ,;.. ‘span u‘...-. ’ ‘- . i ‘ e ‘u < . ' ~=