.-._ .wA_ »_—- ~;~ ~: e- . . , 3 . \~r - e._ _' l . ",..> . ‘ ‘ h i _ A» ~ 1 J _ .1 ',‘ _r 1 i - I 4.‘ “. .' ‘ 3 " 5 . ' ,_. " . ' ...| ,' ‘D \ e , ." VI ‘ ~. . . -- ' ’ - '. _ ° .* - _. -;-.-‘.‘_.’.!..5‘,..._.§J' .‘”.'.3.. ' Lt} ; 2:. I813 _:_._=.’, _ -4-...-a-eunfi \ l e o . ....- ~ - ~ ' —. e -v- — , Efii atenlljaamt.-.:..-.-c :2. an-.v:.~'u:. ‘PAGE PM-‘. at JI " 1 ;__ .~_ .| , _‘§f Vkl. 2.?‘ . ".3 ' fl . . =~ ‘ ‘ ‘ -' " I -- » ‘ .._.:-.’"u:':t.1':~. . ~- . ‘V C _ ' ~ 7 7’ l-— " ‘ . . . . . ' : _, . .' :«.».= V , V _. v -e _ _ «, - _, :7. . ~;.--.3. .. .2: ‘,4 o,-.__;;:,:.-__;~. _.-l, o—. . A « _. . . . ~- -- >- - ' ' ‘ ‘~ was -inter!-milk in that at 2 - ‘ ‘WM 2’ Vi '3. V L2. I43; Ht '5. “I .1? ‘ _ _ ;‘~'~‘ ~ . '-"~"" - "" ~- 3'-9" 3-'7'l*'~""‘ " t -‘ ‘- ' '- ‘ - l “ ’ ’ ?'°""""'“""" ’ " ""' "’ ‘ " that Valle)‘ football and Pamfle 4 ,'(\. -: %v:1_e _r_ . ‘l‘ , I ., « -. ,. . 1 ‘V .. . . , .‘ - - ~ . _ . .n . . _ —~ vi . . .. - . - . A . A —. Gouetfootballarcaboutonapar. - 3-1 5 4‘ D‘ ‘ . L ‘ ' ' 2 . “ ‘ -‘ Z . \ .’. - , ‘ o - ~ - ~.»_ ;’_ " - i ‘i «..~'."‘ .‘ , » ' _ . ~‘ _ . .. -. ~ ... .- 2 ox ~. , , ., . . , WA .1‘, ,__ ‘L l iaaourl's ilctory otcr Rollo, - ‘i ‘ ‘ .‘ ' _ , . - 9 . - V ' * ’ ‘ though expected, revealed, several ; .teunRE " quicklyonthenextlnck-offandl ,'e\Notr; | Um _» « - -. V _ _ _, wllenthellinerreceiver rumoleaulol rhe unites-ilty__o‘t M1530 - AND '°“"“ T” M" '“"”"‘“‘” °‘”" l _ , . . _. M ~,‘ ‘-z‘:l‘v.i:- 4 )3 -~* “ I ' ,. n_ _.‘ 3 -v.£:§‘__ ., ' '.>'! ‘ l“e 2'} i 1 5 t .1 E ,. . r r; mwvr -1. rs .11-.9w-'\'vs—a I “ is or 9' “'*‘«“*'- l ‘ ball-' rolled into Go a sleek; seems to are -.h..—=.=~p decided - -~ ~- ' 3’,,’°°‘“u“I“,h "§’°",,"“'.’§?' ‘M ‘#3’ ‘ 7 e.. _ ‘ . . " ' ~ . ' -t . nets.“ :3 .,tllat: foam beat ioberlynt , ‘ latriped arms. From the 36-yard line‘ ‘lack of tact in def’eatln"¢ Ne- 1 ‘ I n” -‘H -3” 9 3 1;, fin. « _ . . . . . . . _ _ . _ ,_ _Rolla «true at .he mg no 3: of fly, p :__‘,;.f . h V Z. « , .' l - » iwirflle and 9'S|iIiran banged the; brllkl It footl,>all.—-South Bend i e ,. . lgune Md the’ fist.” bagged fa‘, 3 5 uoberly 15-lvfilnl-y I line. for conslsteét mm was and? '1‘rlW-¢- , , é ; V I I E free minutes llu: they soon stiffened . ' again in fill?” . . i p1°:“fh°¥.’r flmm lhcsgzngi 4 “ *‘ ' A _ H’ and after that the Missouri goal was_ i j " $1‘ to ‘ l , ‘ e i -2 .”°?.,»,,''-"‘ '’ ,'‘;'"’’, ’’’’‘,’;'° ° ';herdee: man toigetorthle feet or‘ ———-; 7"°"" ‘.““‘¢.°'- _°"’.“°“°"‘ °"“"‘ ‘ Tiger Subs Showed Real, with ;:f,"’‘ if”, °',°"',:’ mg any out they land played against? Drake IslPractlca1ly Out! i‘jf“‘bf;“"’!‘“ ¥““’*°“ *“"‘ “’ 3 °°'“‘ . 3, d ‘ A ill which hadll opened life inane; ‘11 Emu‘ i Of After thfi ‘ I 1 fkmesxthe bnly othc: undcfcutetl’ . m’ i __A. - -. -took‘ the field fafipin and opened up; T31.“ won ’ ,, Sgtn1-d‘y. -1-his - ‘team in the ‘\'tlll(‘_\”o 1.0}; i; easy . e p 1 , : U1 ‘ i - A 0’ m 0 _eap;a.ssing attack which failed to pro-? time over the iuillippi Agglesh Oklahoma Vmtory , Saturday by j1lu_\'ing . game with 2 ; . . ‘ ‘~‘ : 5, l .1. l . , '-3°” ?°kh;o"i°d¢‘h°.‘n’:"?afe?.mb“f.: . Wit]; Ease, 'duceascorc although it gained reg-‘i the only mm M1,... mm 1.3;, . on Saturday. ‘the tr-eehmonfolou-n, whiz.-orinoell ";,REM" ESTAIB.‘ I 0 “I A ““’3.m.E]'r'r"-'3 399° "°' . {°‘' 11* is °.'n°d"b. 4-1, :0. -An ' ‘ --'--'--— tub”? in mld‘fi°‘.d— . Year. All cits till be centered on —--— 0 ‘1‘° Md "° "‘3.¥"‘" 23"“? Mhfdulfd-. ' ."""""“""',,-nm1vn+f'-;~'o"?, w. . 1'“ "3 “*5 ‘9 '~- - -- ’ '°..;,,*,,,;j . TARR RECEIVES INJURY" Summary: Yalrds rained from. the Tnhne-Nortlmestem time -YAGGIES OUTPLAY KANSAS The Piom-*m_“‘i11 plus‘ their first- OPPO l realms. -Reasonable ”."°”' °‘ml‘3 '.t‘°°k. ‘ 3°” ‘ - - o q E )4 1, 4 lalley game of the «canon near’ St: - . F05’ '°“n‘- -*-‘*-‘- 3 lam-‘inn: and antsuuu #55’ ‘"° °°V*°“°* - ” -i - "'*""" * ’l'=°l-"'”‘§‘l“‘H"i?°“" ff?’ “°"l‘i.“§'1-"""°e'€ee"°"§'l'e7“' °" '"’"°'"' - “""‘ -o ...-o..- .-1.... am ...‘...’w...-=rIe‘~...1 _,.;_t.;._ _ rltor _ 7 ;. ' _j. ;;,m_* . no.3, same to the midenlyled, in Mlssdurl End Loses Three Pe;s‘tm::'_;_:;{-;w;s:ousr;;:;al:.oR0m;, 13 em: to _ Preparing, for Tigers: _,*~_-.,:,. __ - *- ‘W03 B¥°"*"°*E= '°-"' ‘;:*°,,1,;Z ‘NR .‘ ‘ .. .. ,.,,,,,,,,, 3'_::‘-,,,,,‘,"€,’;,,,"g,,,‘;*,,,'* .§;°,,°;;,**;;* Teeth When Tackle 551...... -‘ " : -n.. meg... upset .. the v.n..- Will BePlan of K. U. ; .—— « "¢~“"=-‘-‘--'r‘ —.._.’=. ----=--. ‘... . ’ -.-. 7 tholclah -Dralt .Th . ‘- T ' ' - 0 ranch and income rm , in’; row: in apglrtueol are 1 or 2_boyI. portant that this information be Falls Short of C 5“'P5“‘“"°=*_— ’f*S°°;"'-"fig ‘jg’, 's§§,,.,§ .0, ,3? 3, '¢,f;:'f,.,,,§~ After 14081118 IW0 0}‘ OTHER GRWRO-“*3 31 California who leslrea to‘ Upperdasal ‘ pceerred. ulet furnialled,at once. ,N..'f‘. Gentry.‘ Runner Oclzer. ,Rosxtsix3' 92' Stat or .; score‘ um um‘ th M f Bah Games A I . . l . ~ - - 4 ~ ' ‘~ 1;}; 0 Morgan for Glenn Smith hleff for» , ‘ " 9 ’“ ° ; _ ' - - - some for propel ‘Ill tltfi’ and rooderip. Only pie other per- Room 610 Guitar Bldg. Colum . ' __ Li d W“ f .R_ h 1 we Owen ‘bum ” strong .3 there _ , . Missouri \aIley. -i°‘ °°“""l““:‘°’*' P°‘T°"*“. ml in III!"'¢W-'"‘~' W ‘“5- W5 * ' . . ; “'“"-“"°‘ Althouxll the Bella mud-battle uil1'mMm' iv " 0* w cr5°“'E is in the volley. . Valle!‘ Standings. ‘ Missouri 32. Rollo 0. 5.333.- In arqwering hdjgive; Anthony 81:. Side trance on aec- ' hen sand”. ‘ad no and on the h for \ -alker3'Tarr fa‘:-V83?‘-3 W. L .1.’ pct‘, . gnu“, Agni" H. Kama, -‘-_ .. information in first latter in to. mid floor. . ‘V: .1112-ti. W wi.hC"w‘thu* our hi - ! ‘ad "1 "C m_i.v.uey sundinn, MhaoufiEfiogfiélnrimgfiéliggn .;:-)l.st\>:l';mcl':lm The Tigers ememed from the ROM umouri _ _ _ ' ' H 1 0 0 Logo. qklahoma 7, llwkc 0.‘ ' L - - 9 P599} l"l¢t°"°5'°!"l"“°¢' ‘"0 ‘ {——__§--——— “ ’ ' 'Imdus ate lied into the Dlacei 4 " ‘ r- ' . ‘, la game with few injuries. James‘ Am-es . . . . . . . . .. 1 0 0 .000; ""b*'“l\'3 6. “ I-"h|7ll!‘l07l Slate 1.. $.51’ .0“ ‘ad mh" dam t-M:-owmi _ ROOMS FOR RE T neighbors Vholno asst the th I! h virtue of Okla-om‘: den“, Mouldcr for Stubcr, Ge-41:9 ‘Smith : Ta" is ncovermg. it w“ thought Kn‘. Ag!‘ . . _ . H 2 I 0 £67,‘ 5_ - , ‘ E‘ . ‘knwtmmh yomflvpdtyml jllrwdch n‘“°.fmni3he'd W W. offltuxfl l:1‘s'ba::lu and father. of Drake and tonixht Coaell7*G1'vlnn g:.,,:§:' ,u::'°;’)1%':l1lif:£n at first that hiapelate had been in- Drake . . . . . . . . .. 2 1 0 .6671 Oklahoma AzL'i'.>‘ 0. \\'n<|ain;rtnv. 5 hi-.‘”‘°m‘m‘. “mu” .‘°*0ui~-.41‘“""1t“’“i.‘h°d- ‘tam hat’ wt“ "fry Also with to express our. .p. new,» '5'“ 5:”; pmpmgon (0,. Q": {N “cum” Edginmono ,1” nicks jured. but later V-examination prov.-ed Oklahoma . . . . .. 1 1 0 .500, . ‘ $°F‘.*""'“ cddamh R5‘! :5“? E‘? 1°" 0”’ "°°m °r ‘"5 "38"!" 5 50" ndnaon {of the begutifnl floral invasion of the Kansas Aggie camp} Rec".'“ for ‘George gmnh‘ (.Lm;. tlln: only two teeth had been st Kansas . . . . . . . . . 1 2 0 .333. Other (earners. ‘ 0 " . _1 ‘M--’“¢3u°"o 55*“? 591“; '55- L55!“ ‘h°“i'-‘k°°l""¢ ‘{ 3°“ rffefinx an nouon, in the ,f‘u-st of five -hard confcrencei fa, mnmmmk Kh.1._: 'fm_ 'Ree‘.eq, '. and one more lnjuredsliglltly. Mot. Grinnell . . . . . . .. 0 0 0 .000: Mfb"'“f1 P0})‘.0. 'lt‘Xa.~' -1.. 38-194% Pacific.‘ Southwest Buldlnz.‘ with. M . ‘I'M Ed Bthtnn land Funny “mes - R. Ii 1” of V51 ' G J mm was the only am“. Tiger in_ Nebnsh _ . _ . . H 0 1 0 _ooo Baylor .3. ‘Trinity ll. ~ Loni: Beach 0 lifor' . 2 no-47.‘ 2 J.A. Stewart at Sam '°‘“‘ ’* _ ‘ ‘ . . 1 ° “"“"‘°" “’ * "“"' : ° ‘ jured Snturda . He hurt his sboul- Washington n 1 l .000 Brown 48. Bate» 0. , , ~ ' P ' .= - ~ 7 . - . “V41. There Is no 0l7fl'-¢‘0n“d€T|¢¢ 3!! U"; son for Bole!‘ Roberts for (Il£ld(l('ll.« , y cal‘! ' -- - 4 ‘ ‘ 0 i - E3'~'h"'¥° 1”‘ B‘“]‘ 3”“ ‘ _ . ‘ - . A .» " . ~ ‘ der and will be out of practice for Okla. Age. . . . . .. 0 1 1 .000 ‘ 07”" ‘L -‘L M37.‘ -“ 0-‘ F‘ .19; 3_g__._£ 3.3='._,‘6.m6m ti“ -5.}, ‘ 1 _ ’ .. . - . i— Miaaoun team starts in to complete; blclen for Lemon, Lowland for .\0-1 the wéek okhhomfs victory over Duke chin“ 5. 5-o,.,hm.Su,m (L I$lW5Eo7blIiI8llaV. s'tri:t1!’lnoderninl F03 ltEN'I‘—Rooms for light LOST; ‘ of Bmhm _. ‘ikt; tachedulc and themglggaj Ll, Bolen for Ilollt-r‘..-=. Lemon for . 1: was the ommmding “put of we Come” ‘1'Rumcr§ 0‘ ' A !"¢,K7:"I!.. oiik fl0°"'- T“? “*5; }.'f’“"°“°“””’“ °' 9’ ad '°°ms' fur‘ .5. yaunulg pen between now 0‘ . ,3”; '3," nu, cf ,3.’ ° _....-_ V The Tiger foctballteam will leave week in the Missouri Valley Con- C°“°!>’° 0’ Emlwwt 15. “aw-hbum |dado.mw‘l.‘.l:-t‘i".LI3800T'osnfl1Vm°ck;8Yfl¢%: Or unruryshd. Phonteltll.-‘fix Inllry ind hi. Auditariilm 1510558! o‘5::ru‘ch=;Ipio:IhiPc rig:-y will flndil ‘—“"' ' "at Friday ‘M Mmhfium where mute’ Amman the Boom“ hid 0. Dartmouth or ‘.1 rm 0 ' go , . . - -_ , - - - _ " . -.»..:l-. ‘ by we month :1-,),.f _‘,_-__ ‘ _ morning. I-‘tnder call 1115. Rb “mug eonundus m um Axpes.‘ UP AND D0“YN THE FIELD ‘l.l‘l.(“TIflE!13 will play the Kansas A2‘. fallen before thelianaas Agiiiencrmcg Georgia 2‘. Furmw ‘L t ‘ - n 1.tf' FOR Rl-7.NT—Comfortable fronr ward. . . Vt‘ A 9‘ ‘Q, is flea with flu. u,,,,w,~§.' , fi"~‘- 0" 381'-ll‘d3). 063- 24. A Pl“) were beaten by Drake. t 5 . . _ T ‘ M __ _, pup." 1821 red!‘ — ~ ' . room for two zinls. ‘:03 Missouri ' l m ' 0 L ’ of about thi"‘y'fi"° wm "‘‘‘‘° “W 5°-Ck Wiih 8 SUONI offense and car- (I‘‘°’'3”‘ 9“ ‘~ --'- “‘"'d9 '- “0 U *~"*‘I‘Os.,._,,°,,,,c,, s,.,,,,,.e ,0... team {or firs: place, and in Okla-t ~ - - -_ . - Ilarvard 6. Holy l‘r.ss.~' 7. ' z&“n.da\-'5 ,_.,,,,,,. ,},.,“-,.d ,1,“ the mp. lncludlnk the team. coaches“ l-led the ball through the Bulldlgs . rear of Jesse Hall edneadaY- h°'"“ ' ‘_ =.,‘“,AR.n"$n~s pm; "[11-;x"r V ‘__.§ve. Phone 914 green. I f 0 L _ . ‘ __ ' Reward. Barney Baxter, 99 Willis. < -ton nr«-'1<——~"~c**~'= W-0 . iii‘ “SL1 E.‘-‘:°.:'.§’."."“:»'£’~,‘:.'l'3 me me. . . 5'.‘ P e 0 ’ —-C C?‘ S;tnrd"yi' 1;“ ¥-0‘-st ac_cident c‘!nde' W played practically 0‘: good foal- 'Mflall.'~Phone - V‘ ' 1 . -- - -" ' ' IIIBCHLANQUS ‘ en mine arr. reserve on ,_ ” - ; =. e ' 1 - pg}; }u;,\"r.—Mr_dern ‘8rd- floor "x1512 ROSS STREET—-One large made a’ late tackle and a Miner‘: 5*“ as the roru1arvar=*if3‘did- T310‘ '§ ' run all rivatc‘ bath. furnished bed room, one two room . ’.‘.3§.""i'=§'f.e3’inn (btlatkiii M39.-.1.‘ ’”3luh‘°"‘- °°mpletels' furnished. "°"' H“ °’p°"°"° - - - diana 0. S\'l‘a(‘ll'il‘ lit. _ . W - L Th _ fl ‘ 1 C 3 h G“.-m, I remain in Manhattan Saturday night; touchdown of the game. . _ _ , ,- _ _ 10100!‘ -‘5fil0!'598 "1 the W399 3'9"! “:33, Smftgatg 8);; Sélocnd q,:m._9 after the game and lulvc for Co-5 Drake's defeat practically ellm_l- l°‘‘‘ 12' m"""“ ‘"- l ""—— - race as she has two stronlr ltlrnes "'“.""‘ n"'“'‘‘‘ V‘ 3’ ‘Q"mh “km” 0' m C The Chamber of Commerce of Ex- looming ahead with the Nebraska ghm 9' C,’f’]”)"‘}'_"", ‘L “-}m(,_' celsior Springs has extended an in- gusken ‘ad the Am“ C).c19ne$_ I,‘ regon l... I aclfic 0; wallm-:o—worl: bi hirh school heel deprived him of. three trout? °"‘3' d‘“°“'"°° “"“'~“‘“ ’"’ e n ' ‘ah ‘mm- t°°“‘~ 11.‘? ‘'m be 53°!‘ f°1" Pncfice, fntfiilxgfig ::1::§_)::la::0r(_ m,,_ i vitaticn to the ‘Tiger football team ,3;-ms hardly probable that Drake‘ Pm" 5"“ 13' Mariam 0‘ : , . _ _ “ _ _ .~ d .- * . t -11' _._ ' - 1 ._ fa th _, 10 Idaho U. '7, \\'asllin;:tl:n Stzltv 6. . L 'l‘h¢-Missouri team escaped all but» Titers lune a “(dull of rt.-nut‘ ma "“ """"p°p°"“'" The ‘mm ‘V’ !°" """‘m ""9 pa“ 1' C 0 ' In . - . lumbia Sunday morning. luau»; -her from the championship M°"u"“‘ 14' G°"“‘“"‘ 14' “ . . _ in, dgfivcflng papers. driving this wig howefcf. ‘ , ,,md P81. of (inch 6 ,_ in ,5 _. ,. ho h d th , ,-H: Pittsburgh I3, Gcttysburgfll ‘ ‘(Tr-_-‘ m tern, deslnme far 8mden§‘t3.4°1r truclts. SI-03°!‘ "°"k- h“m°”mg “A sumxnar. y of the game shows‘ ("mm (m offenfim‘ lto rcmdilli at that dftymds 1;; can ;',‘,'t.l,'{.',"i..o§ bo‘t;m;:m:: if P“’d“° '"' R"""“ PM)" “V d‘ To S“‘I:‘LR“‘-;'FJ({i’?ic §°5h:£:..mri‘t:em 1 . h°""“ ‘'°’’‘i“‘ "‘ "°°,‘.':" ‘”°’° ‘“’," that Missouri reeled off 244 yards; ' 1-‘lammzlclz and f‘ol'rr:ln in tho‘ they wished on their way to the Knn- to think or finishing: as Valley cllam-. §:°°L‘3: "'° 0 due!“ in 0 0 “S m. ' m ‘ M. ’ R RI-3bl’I‘—I-‘urnlallcd room‘ "“‘“i"¢ ‘“ °'°"‘°"; ” xi" R ' of 'gain from scrimmage while thci .h f-. . ' - ‘, . .d. V as game on Nov. 21. Director C. gong 1. ‘ ' “"5 ‘' ’"' “"5, ' l.‘ 0' ; O ' {Ur s “.5; Umc A 3.1!. J.o P ' 1‘ ‘ , Ga” mg , 9 ‘ , . - _ , Sewant-(~' 0, Alalulmzl 27. C37,tf- two windows. two closets, private ¢"°“°¢“- PM" ' “kg. 30"‘ W“ °°“l,d ,"‘““°}' W‘ 92 33'd“- looked good. l-lzunnmvk has been on El‘;OuB;:"t‘;;t.3:d.ngtfiiozewohtgdg1 Last year tbc_l\ans.a.< Aggles boat, vpnhme g5_ M‘,,;;~gg~...-ippi A|.riri(~.s 3. . . , :-bath. No r. roomers ‘in hotuae. . A _______ most of that coming in a fiilectapuvz the sidelines for the last lSk:O \.-.=¢-l;.:-.- amzwd It isiflw (omen; of R U. for the {mt mm. “no? 1906,! Am), 27. Nam Dan", (L ._ FOR RE,“-__M,,d,,.,, gmmmngé Close to University campus an¢:lm.I1t8f- . Fmmnggg 33:513. lar march down the field nftervtncys “.,,h ,, bad Shoumor ,_.,.h,,,. $__.,m.,,, 5; 0 mp“ .of h ac ' Trfiimr and it must have been an exuoyahlcg NW}, 10' p_.i,,,.,.,,,,, 10_ -hnlnislledg 0!‘ unfugzhed, sgutll? “'9” wk‘ Ph°”° 680' .- ‘ ‘wohgve acquired the North!!!) "°°‘“'°d aw k“k'°“° The ‘‘Rr‘'’‘ 19! hid 5003 lmublmir 5101- T-"4" P Cu“ "7" occasion, for the “lldcats went to! U. 5; C. 9_ Smnfmd m_ aide. ll’. lit Col 17)’. ‘:9 03¢, . fig; g ‘ _ V037-.42.. ' . ' » H » » ' - . , ’I-‘allon. and Director C. L. Brewer ~ - 6-,, the “me. , . , ,. ,_ V Pmperty ‘t 100 D9,,’ 3;, mad wen: at “first and ten .tv.en4t)-one! tgdgfggld oomposctl of ‘GOT!-'|‘l8ll at ' Lawrence this year and l_ '5 , \amk,.bm1, ‘,4.-1-cnnfiscp, ,_ ' 30935 F03 33"‘ will conduct 3 I'M?“ N-‘P“'1;“’ :’h"‘°'M‘f "“.‘°’ “‘§"“““":~_k:3‘_"§; gluon» \\dmFgil1e nmid~0 Su11;~'=11]!{mat in“ ‘he ffgsitzf i:°t:°ge; 3:: thint. The Annex‘ 14-to-a tr:umpb= Vanderbilt :4. Tonncsst-6 7. I ;-, - - . r . - “,1-,,,,,_ e esourl pun on ‘e 1 v _, ' - t _u c‘~. 3°°d' . ‘f. ".”—SR‘*RENT¥-3 room furnished FOR DR‘-u"T""7 r°°m'h°u5e' hard Carr Tffixletr c‘ 13410113 of R0118 US’ In OVGIE1‘ 01' . ‘vfdd The c:aTl$.: than: they are. "‘>1h°”' “°l'"“‘ °‘“'“‘°“m°“i- o over their Mount Oread foes was 71 Wisconsin 0. Miclligan 21. . , s_l_:o clear-cut victory. It was only in Y 1 13, 1* -1- ' 15, " .1 gm “pd bath," also garaxm; "°°d ,2’ 3 _ _ I500?» 13"? )‘ll'd9~- PCMWB5 “"1"9;rendy for the biz promos. Conclli Tickets for me Mh'on.fi_Ames the final quarter, just three minutes‘: at girlgfinnlfn ' $20 per month. .Phone 856, _apa men . Ilfzlshtd o and . even at fifty-five yards each. 1 Hbnry has been hesitant in start- 3 mm went on “IE ' ‘t Baum before the end of the game. that the _ KEWPII-ZS DE} EAT St. 09!. l p . U 52$“. ‘bed. W. C. Bel: er. 1 _‘ DAVIS COAL %- Looked’. Bod It First. . I in; new men in the ‘org games. fear-, gen Gymnuiun; A1] isona how, aypawks were able to scoreon their‘ FOR DEAF ELEV]-.N. 19-0 1 , ; , 3. MG. Phone\?°0 or . Beat Central Illlnoia Coal . when the battle opened things in: ‘bat mg“ would cause them; in season “doe-ts ‘NP; “and to- oppom-nu, ‘fluid’ Field nmdiupped m”_fl_;_ E - B “M , C Coll (78. %P0UlN Biol M f0!‘ Ml380lI!'l ‘S gold» to fnmb]¢_ Sat“;-dgy'5 game g‘ , q , _ Am A!‘ St!-on‘. l _ V ' ' ' ‘ FOB SALB - » take them to the in and hav seats - es Milk In Pint. Third = e - Avenue-‘-6 roo!nI.§ ‘_. . ‘ ‘ Franklin County Coal sweater-ed Miners tock the luck-off Rue.-e me each or 1hat thought. 33 . °. The Aggie victory makes the Mls-l ‘ I A ' . - Hat, ‘nd hot ‘. fa, - t . reserved. All seats will be reserved ‘ ‘ atc : » F _ u - hi - _____————-———-—-—- g 1’ 1; short of-mid-field and began‘ b _ G-.D"'i‘-gs“ F"'“”§ begoaand .‘P'h0:lee ' P- M- 83.3313 REPAul $9?“ I igmnrkable and startling march , The Tigers’ forward-pass atulcl: £0’ “*9 5m°3_“8:3"9- Thfi fl-“em: 3103,1133: .ni‘59“.fl' f 6”!” ‘ .' S88-48 1317 Anu’°n7 3”‘ P50” 22 toward the Titer goal. One firstl pleased those who saw the game; ‘~’P5‘'m'‘°”t '‘ 8*“ !'°¢°W"‘l 3P‘ , . V th . ~ ‘°“"'A‘m‘° “me Mn. Saturday} The l{¢g~":l:i:-Zndcfeated ;:"‘:h°e“‘,;i’ °”° 3; ‘:‘§e:’;f"::’f“f,.‘§: the football elem. of the Missouri LO Bldg. _....._—W , , . 3 2 ~ lture screens and all woodwork d‘ . bet _”,e,_y.;;.;-¢);ampionsl.$5t1u'day.‘ More than half the passes} Dlications tomorrow for the hfisaou- “alduu h I “ad “I i aide lmd School for the Deaf in Fulton Satur. '~' ‘ ' ‘ “fled 0 FOR 5514.3.--G005 Vim?!’ |lPPl¢§ ‘“”‘ns’d " Z to loosen up was I103’. that {were tried were completed? "’ok1‘h°m‘ K.‘_m°_v (H°m°°°mm3)' *0 théy will b::;"lg(l)x:ing dfisrpzrately L0 birngicgzft 0; l3‘:0;, ;3;:'h .' . 1300!! 5001?“! ‘Wm L '3‘-lat University Fruit ‘F8773 6 mil“ ' ’ ' ' “'3' su ri but when it bealule two‘ Even the muddy ball didn't seem “.5 '1.” Mi’.s°unJ“'mu ‘flu?’ AP’ ate in the runnin for the cham— . ° pp” ' .3’ - l ‘P """- 1 15¢ .1 o Y ‘ field Coach «lower: of Columbia 7 T!‘ S. 5“ 3‘ . .. 'fA"u':!'-0111?! ll!‘ “C335” R0“! 5- T° ’—j* ‘ ‘ and then three and the atill ap—1to etop them. Whilemarl. F1801’ p '°‘t’°ns ""1 ‘wepw "pal c.t' icnslli . Kansas, being out of the . ' _ ‘ ‘ » ’ canoe Y I '08 be u. llbe P " sand lfiowflfl. phone “Fl. L 1:138:49 ‘ V THE DRU . peered unable to la! swpped. ‘Pfizer’, mark. and Windle did most of the, -_ )1" 3 9 d°P31"m9m V‘ IN‘ mnninm ;, expected to dey-me moat‘ ‘ _ l _ ’ 0 ' ‘ x +““ ‘ ‘ N--S ll t di . °" ""3 3° am meters began to sit up and set in-: hurling and did it we l. ““““ “"° °"'°"“° of her attention to whipping a team: .S‘°""‘ “°"’ "““'° .'" umlhglt. 1 3 5.; USED CARS Fun SAIE -, BARCAI ome exce en. :1’; for dellvofl. tanned. Cum Whitennn wok Lime " p GLENN ‘wmcur To VISIT -mm shape for the Miuomi game, third and fourth qearzcrls. _. u t g A I I monds. one-fourth_ foo. three fourt Phone 802 out 1,“. it dgd not seem to help much Bill ll indie kept the crowd laug‘n- . OOLUIBI ,l.O”oRR0“. hoping by ‘ ficmry 0,." the Titan first quarter, -the touchdown was _. Gevrolet '=> 3 ' zunt “- igumled ‘mu ‘O ""' Ax Pmmnmn ‘ {cf 11,; much mminugd, win, 1,99,, log whenever he tried to punt or n _____f_ to than ‘ di,”.J.w, “"0” into 3 made as a result of a pass mm .. ‘ I _ Fwd coupe_‘_. _ g ; [Box Ocareof Missourian. 36-41. In our [OD run. ‘at udford and .N°;en hmfing big; placckick. windle is lcfthanded and ping, sjm-gg.,p_ iron." migoufi success“, Om. ffeffltfifrdto herlgl. .'{‘l‘.‘l!'ll€1f5.8:£-l:(:{)f!‘I .4 ~ 3 . . ., owndepllflflfiflfi . . ~ ' _ o . w: a - 4 : _ nod¢e1'l‘ourlnc- l * 5‘ FOR SALE_—Good winter apples. , 3 ._ in. out at 6' 3:. an hole: through the Missouri line and‘ it naturally fags’ uron hug: $0 student. Played Bnllinfl! _ Both “'ashlngton and the old» ucm‘p‘:i,f‘_‘m’j‘ in the M5‘ mmd. i ‘ i 1?‘ smagbfiu C'°"p°‘ A {$1 9” lm.’h°l' mu‘: bushls f" n‘ . TEE DKUG 839’ 4 “*9 3°11‘ ‘-°"""'d" l°d.by C‘pt"Mc-1 lcfubaclc .k' ltwtrli Umcfwde wolllld: "3 ‘worm h ma Ag?“ fled to break .mm Craig crostzcd the line aftcriratch- ‘ {.1 ;‘ TAY303 5535.53 "Red Top Orchards. nine miles south __.———————-‘-—--——- Bride at tackle. charging d°“’" ‘?‘?'., "°‘ ~ ‘C C C: l t‘ ‘ Glen" -“"3” ".°"”°’ ‘h°"““°" the “W0” ¢°‘"""‘ 5“‘“"i"’ .‘”""' ing a pass from 'I\xrner. Edwards. ' Dealer, Ion llcllaine Road uld one mile , LOAN ASBOQATWN- G913 Mg 3]“; 53;} opening mg‘ start togppluud. Ho ,oo ed mm, of we pmshurgh pa-me, ma 3 for- they {ought to . 3c°,,,;¢‘,_ be at . . . , , = $ “ T Ar‘ fnorth. Phone airs. ‘ 1121- -fin '5' go... at guard and center. ibr sewn: 1*“! 80"” W04 P""“- rm" student in-the Univer-itr of St. Louis. Bcth teams resorted to °°'“°'-“'23 ”°:d5-'“’t°- W‘ "‘°‘*- , f ; THESE V939 cm, ‘ ' *- sovtnsu and Iain A-°=*'*‘°" For use minute tlléy coutinucd= . --—-- ' h Missouri. will arrive in Columbia . punting attack and the ball scl- «$9 50, “,§?°. ,,“"“"' ,;,_,,,,, - < i 1725.00‘, l3_lIBNlTL'ltB rou soul 11 ’ Plaa their '10" 5"‘ ‘"3’ "'~"d!‘advance, Coach -Jick: Crangrlc and CW zicnlorrow. , dom got close .,,,,,,,,h .0 ,,;.g,., 30.1 e um in 110-39. _ C _s= ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' 5 00 ‘ ' Guitar Bldg W 8. 3% Mo - - . de -_ Han-v Lapsgu: arrxted home {Wm \\ hxle here he will be the guest of 1; min obahle The 0k- the ‘mu’ ‘O 0”’ mg’ 1 h Tb“-mg‘ .-”"‘°"””i25o. ' FOR SALE‘-C593P"'sm‘u 7°’ -% . . 8o¢!Ihl7- mio Tue!-hnd' ‘mm thew‘ °epn;§l11“T.°"°5"V€5te*3as' ‘me’ “'‘“‘hi"“3 the Della Tau Delta fraternity of lohmn etc‘: vfaewsli htl. the more 193 "'53 C°,"‘°1i’‘‘°"' '3“ “ck”: mu’ - sh’ T.°“'"¢ ".“‘.' frigerator and a aectionalboolt case. ——=——- °"”’u'°“l d’i"'°‘ "Ed the.” ‘:23’ 2 the Kansas.-Aggie game there S8.'.ul‘- which he is a member , ' ‘ °m‘sive ':m C‘ Lgu‘,’;,.‘ phmin‘ simo. left guard‘, Edwards. center: 5 1 I“ « mm’ P“°*’°;‘93°' ' 8“ ' Looms Roman’ ' dill? Miasou:i‘d29c;:?dedlir::¢ It “:2; d%>'~Cw'F‘° 5”“ ““‘° -“‘*’*~"°$ *““" Wright. who attended ‘the Uni- 2:5? (316 Pikers ouitoqf danlrer. Cnknlm rliiflll “mil; H‘c'lm§‘?l:nn8m ‘1 ;?‘?j‘_; ‘ D - g_ ' . - ~' , ’ - 2 ». . 1 . 1 . - _ . _. . --.-. . tg- ; is,rig ten: . flier. ; E l_- .~ lPROc1‘O_ 3'5. GARAG/o : MISCELLANEOUS , m LODGE N.‘ ‘O’ I there that the Tiger shook the due. iguftfotlfflfhetzlirrllno “Elliot “pexgilleggzi Lflziletgalln il:2l£°:-ttlzndlhls Close gallltetualt Unnegtlngt U“- qu"”_t°a_b‘.‘c’k, ‘upuim; Mofignw . ; a BI) CAR BARGAIXS ; . . - p » ACAC .u. from before his eyes and settled on a hard time go beat them Su,urdM.... ha bans d t k . th 1.. Two powe u man U _ "M ‘Dd Cmcnm hufbaékg: (mafia land ?To'erin1; .31oo,0o_ JUNIOR in University want to‘ A. P. I A. . his hunches to stop the strange‘ - . 5c .1111 rate .andwaa eon 3' coin Saturday when} c nlveral 5 ummckm . 0"’. . t . ‘work about three hours a day. no . . - - A 1.-led. d ,.,m- member of the freshman football at wuhingzon Huskies and the Ne- A . . l E 3 . Can”. ' "‘"'"""”;'‘35.oo: ‘'3 Tl‘ C5939‘ Adam” 3°’ Suited °°““'“”‘i°'u°n' mud“. ‘ lt ’ anion : ' Scouts from 3 "umber °f s°.h°.°l5 team to run through the Vault)‘ for hraslta Cornliuskers fought to a 6-6: 13”’ C°1‘"“b“ Hmh S“.°°1 tn" '2‘ l|¢V1'0lit T(ll1538‘(G I ixyz of M’ . ° 38,‘; ( 2° r-.30 W” ‘topped’ the f‘ e €n”'cr°ss'j were here Saturday. The mnJ3l'It§‘ touchdown - Both ta ‘hibiud ‘ dad” will Pit)’ “W M°b°fl)' H13‘ "°"_“ ' .. 1,5”; . ___;g5_oo2 ~ , nsuurlan. Tuesday. October - ‘- which had been so effective before, of mm Wm mm, ,0 ,,.,,,c,, we M,,,._=I U l _- uh - » he '”- ° . , W, .,, at Cauthorn Field at 3 o'clock rn. = i '-'"'.'° ' v '. 108*-81lti°n 0‘ °“l°°"" found hfisacuri tacklera waitlng to‘ . . Dun ,n,._ P00 emu; 001119 p1l5’¢df_0!‘ in: attack. but 50111 “ff 9 “ '3“ ' “ummn. _ 0 ' ,- , _ ‘Six Touring. ' . j "i_'-3}‘? |T."l,’”°n" c”m"ng'5gohM:.?‘s ‘LONG sunk" Mine, gland find ,0 Wm; 9"‘ "f'°“‘d 3h°“' °"°’-‘t':“‘““ht'hfI}i ‘hi? Blues. after which time he was sold Husker touclndowrl came in the third Exclnsfie Amnts rm. Gm»,-Le - 1 .. CO. -rho“: 1 1 Jo flu E W. E duce an dam. ’ In an Cffflri ‘O 3. l 9 ‘:0 .4 to he h’s fonoflng the move” of .’c.h°c°!ntos' 1-aver“ Drugs Sort 2}‘ — - Terms ff ' - -E « l ' . * .- . 3°? -"-‘“"° °" “‘°’“- for two successive years, the dis-l Washington fun {while the Wash-, A ndr. 41-13 ' an A,#., ,5] 3 co, """""""""—? g,, 5 —'—' ’‘‘'''‘‘-’''—''—__—-—I_' A degrmined Tiger tum look ‘be’ ‘inction i’ being the be t all rtst pi ’ 21.0 to hd followed the com ' -——---o-—-—- -. .5; Vcflflfl-Y . " . ‘VANTED--“’0l‘k Of thy k I! ll ~ - fin ‘nd like 3 ‘.en_°“$ m.chim._. d ‘u: rrst four ways of the . t 0 . 8 0 O In n uc 031! '; ' . O W t Ad. - -O ‘ 3 ml‘ 0 P5?” "68 the ‘n“"‘°°“’ by "°m""' mm“ P1°Wf5d 9170981‘ ‘mi 5“ ‘wet the’ [forge S{atul'dn)' the Miners went‘ “I mu” ‘awe!’ pkfion 0! ‘ 301'.“ pau'.1.'he.:x‘me. fifty.“ g".“°°'.““ ‘m , ; _ A bier . ‘ 2262 white. 333"?‘ — lagatlgy Gold team for gain atfhtcrbgaiflil flu-ough the Tiger line for more than ' ' .—‘-.——v~ ; -, A ~ ' V ‘~~-v- -W - . 3 ‘ “ ’ . i ' . v ' ‘ Noflcl l Whiteman bearing c run ;fm.ty 51,115 The peculiar offense - ‘: W IIIBOW UR‘ need REPAIRING AND AL’l'ERI_lNG- 1-ausunrs lulu M . , , (if ill? lltldi 3313 Cm?‘ ‘"15 SW59" and plays that the Miners used» Y1 __ . WWI‘ flay W598. ‘I7 °'"" _ . I ‘W M‘ ‘ nu" g:e:l‘::;'::;m::"t:: deed of mm dated so nth day 0; ’''‘3'- giving him ample support. the Tim completely baffled the Varsity until. ‘ . ' °°°"‘ 1' ’ ‘ ;:’ . 730590.05 3- ‘ . ~ ~ lazz. dreefirthdll °'"‘° . dro t th Rollo I’-yard the ' bl ll 2' t 4 ’ ' ~ ' _ i e r. '1: ; ‘P;3DcT9B.8: ‘mum?’ . . " °:;"to:[ 1:’: .2: :3; IWYCQYCOPE; Jackson skirted ggkétfig‘ :h:res?tu:£:ncaO‘.e:-fncglllc. C C A ' 7 S T Cl : . i '4 « Ifldwll _. ' -mm’ 583 SEWING MACI_{IN.ES-'-The $1118’ Zinfsmlnd as trustee \hQ"¢u°*l3U end for the touchdown. Shortly aft- ,.i,it°,.,, and been mm by their coach, . , If _ e p : . _A ~ — ‘ms . e er has been the standard for three .,_._."n.¢.a meet. Home county. Ineeourl. or thesecond half started the same ,6 use an 1,19,, ,,,,,y,, 5,, an effort - v — . , j.-. . »'$‘? P53 was ‘ generations. The Singer at-win: lo.-rll: Part of the out our; 01 WI ‘:53 tacticn. mixed with a porti_r.n’ of ,0 More dming we first mum.‘-, 0 _ ' - -- ' p - " Y '-3“--‘- —’~‘"9 T‘?‘.''*'‘‘ ‘No machiaeot today is. the result 0‘ "'" °' W flfimfi ;m of lo: at-rixl mnneimrn. strain took ‘the ’ ' ""'N ""' ' ' ‘ A 5 A . "#313 'n0lP‘iflZ‘'_Gf’°d ‘"4" ‘experienced workmhnthllk “*9 $1-.“'°,...‘;‘;”..:¢r;‘ruu Ekht less) in the.‘ ball to the shadow ofthe Miner goal Jimmie Torr was injured when, ’ e o , f _ ' itlou. $85 . ' ,3 ; . . Singer oompauy_ IJWIYI Pmmfitr alglhel will (our Club eroeluuhla. ll: gnd again Jackson slipped through ,;..u-g-g1 teeth were knocked out but; . . ‘ ° f rom _ '50,-J,-4-:4, 585:; 1, “owed gny img-ovement that znrl dun.-rI;0I an f:1:;= .1:':"'.""". the hole which the ‘fixer forwards “.331. probably In shape to pin)‘ ‘ 3;,‘ 1ro,,fi..gl__ , . _. would make the S _ run eaa r. ‘A-‘°“5“‘.b“ ~"“"s°w. 1,” awn,“ 5. ope _ Whiteman lucked the‘ 1:08‘ a1::llnS’t.lhe Azalea ts:-vvrnl 01h"-*”~ . V . flog-a (j¢mpe—o_:mplettlly equip- _las_t lancer. 01' 3° W‘ '°'k hue!‘ thodlataneed 925;. tee-l.*theaeeaarthoan|- just as Ilenry_‘ae_nt in a full new have minor bl'Ulfi(‘.-‘V. ,; . ; some ~ ~: ‘M1 -"I J .‘- ‘ 550083’ 1'1 Nmh 9"‘ st‘ lelIriththe'fc'eat1iueolIeIR35U.1’5|’U3"" team for the Missouri veterans. \ -——---~ ‘ _ g ' ‘ ~ 2 - mm’ s....__.‘ L. ~..~ 5,... 'l:«|8red. 21% out 07%! :3 3*'_';';;;_"~,';§ There is plenti totell of the work The Rolla team made thgutrilphtol People are , , ‘ lJVIll ._,"-V ‘' . H ' ht . _ P » . . ~. o ’ o‘ o . e , . »‘.. r°P1i.*!‘':‘‘‘‘3‘‘> '1 °' ....§ 0 0 ’“~’°""““ wflm % “".....“’.."’.i '5p'.Z§fl"no..“ "‘e...."""Zie".'.'."; °..§..“‘.§.‘i5..‘.1‘°“'.i..’°.‘i'.."°‘q...“‘.i§.‘I.‘.§.".Zi l$l‘§':.'."o:’.f-‘o§f.‘a‘l.'e':'7e‘3§ol'."i).:§ and Rolli; . - . like the hare that , _.Md*'I-'0"-.. . *‘“"‘- ., i -.w -A oyoehg for to. am) e... to my e-em!-i t- bl; oeoe;._ latnmaek, am Windle. and it was‘ me: midnight F""”'i ' ‘ i lost the race, while ‘I, -harm. * . _ roommate, .fhone1661_treen. do-‘ll. 1Ia‘I"""'“. ‘reddrb-sollivan.and Charlie Gran- when they arrived. . ? ‘ others are like the Snail’. -tOoLINT!,’;;dtl_3‘.l‘ll uoannzu - _ 5 4.159. A 1'e'.'§":.L.iI‘.‘,o}'.".'3Z‘e'o‘.“... 7.13:3 ,m§_f;;‘,‘,’,,,’,‘,’°u§‘jf,,“',;,‘,‘;‘°°?,.‘,‘:,;°§.?.”,‘;E » 0 just a year or ‘so behind, soiwhy; ' -t. ' ' ’ . - 0 , ‘ _ ' - A ° 9’ ' ‘ '3" - ~- vi Ml-win Umr """‘ ha. i ’ a.e.u:..:.. uleeea together in the‘ north‘ . not “snap out of lt. Instead’ . of my; V - ‘Phone hilt . soc. III-II" lit . . ,4 JR,._ ._ _. . or between .‘u ....a.eonat_;tIpr-n-t. thy gtendaaadyelledfortheirtoamatl, % . . td in and — ~ _ .. . 1: f { a.he’gaud:ReIunary. Glaaaee and _ue¢ 0] eafl g.,_t_h ugh the game’. Many visiting; ;dr_opp1ng Ollt, Jl.lS 1'01) ' n .. « L ‘«*i‘.‘°« I '’''‘'°'’ "'37, ""'Z1‘ l'‘‘‘ A .. the ggroscovt-5°‘!-°d"'°."°"' “°“°"" . l " buy thatmew “J. D.”. Top- . 0 " if you t _E - " V _l ‘f"'“"i 0 ' **'*'* a'‘'‘'“'‘’'' ‘mi ""“ ’°?3’°" “.’f._‘_’_"1.§..'°°"’. ' e I . ecoat NOW, or one of , § so «lléclnn: ;m;h,fi‘fI-;:n:.. , :acl:aon.I_:la.yiltx§hh mount, A n A the New pom-J : A ‘ ‘ ya’ I ll see one _‘ ‘-" ‘aft ._,_, l'.'.a'oa-deooomuckte-th-n-"VFW ~ coats. $22.50 , 0 ._ - vi ' A . '. ~ _ 4 , ' . _ '~ ‘ _ l ' ‘ . , ' I ~ ’ e , '55 ''‘‘'‘‘‘,,t,.,. . _*'°"''‘:':'? . =. l. ho$77.50 ,. . -“ z -- “-3. ' t'tlu'Im¢h? ; * , o % _ J- 3 r ' . ;.‘§ . " 1’ ::- m ‘.3! l I I‘. ~ ‘; é 9 ‘H .7 P _ ‘ , V , V ‘ ‘ . , . - '. . ' ' . ~ - J I . ~- - ~: .. . 7 0 . JACK DAILY l ‘ - ‘ ~ ' ‘U 5!‘ - -.'L l '- -- .~ .. l '4. g V 2 H‘ V n it -zzéozslhl .; x. o no Plione,,l-3 s;\ ‘ ‘L _ , I . . 1 ‘. ‘ 3?-; ‘Wm. 5 ' " ‘i ‘ D - .2‘ » . ;,’.i 9.3 r ' J 'V. _‘ ‘ .‘ ' _‘,‘ ._ § 5 3 ’-._1“" “' ,' ‘ ' ' 7 1' “ Ea.’ < _i'. ,~ ‘.~. _ ' :.;_~,~- id " *-' ’ ,i ‘f V ' 3. o‘ L o ' ' L . : -3 ' 1' E.-. ' -V ‘ l,‘ afigg - r -5-' 7‘. »'__ ‘ ":".‘ . E 1 us‘ _ 5 -«~ 5 l - A1’}-‘:'-, I}: t’ * ._ ;'..' _ 1‘ .4, ‘ ‘g’ l ‘o . ‘ l ‘r :*":_.n. ‘ ‘I. '. '.._ . I "_ ii P. E“ j e I in " C’ V “ 1. — 5 9 ' .4 ‘- ‘ * W." O V K ‘ .¢..‘—..o—. —o. an-3 -