-._..wq.-.-...—...— ... .9 - .-.—. .1:-Q4-awcowooo » 7- . _ . | _ ~ 1 - . . -o-not-on-—»~. —r - ..c...L -vs.-—o—.._..- rs. .y..... o . ., p. u‘ - - 1- 2 r- . ~ .2 ,. f l 4 J 1 ~ ll‘. ' _ l ‘ . p . . . E .‘ ‘, ' _l_ __: _: __,' . ‘Q . . "Ti". . J. R ‘ : "‘ -' .>..;::‘_,/if 1 "_ f in I c ‘ V ‘ K I . .’.~“» '~.:-lismii t ‘ it ‘ .' J. ‘ l " '3 " l « S ‘ T‘ .. j . PLACE C‘ r _ .... . , , __ _ _ 1 __ , _ _. _ _ A ___._____:?.._--._:____—; . :2“ ......_.. . * - c T0738? "‘°°1‘ll..lAl-l—|0=N _. p , ’ . l;:*_f;;-,§-‘gees-‘Mum. 0? r Sfian . ‘s P. no. A. .. $5.... van Zn. v ‘ —- 5- ' - l . ' - Gathered Over I-Your Period. '~ ' 0'!‘ ’ , - V ' " Ham ‘I hf” - , . A‘f3ur-season psychological test . ' to to e t m"....‘°'.'.::';."°3°‘.:,*;:..§:,'.*:";::.‘.=: TIGERS START ‘ROLI.A'l‘EA1lIIs m:u.somw meunmemeumo--a or g _ .’ C: i . ,l:$aEb a roomffor when hevvu Av , . I '1 UfANDDowNT}{EF{E1D I. - (‘til condition hof tbefDU:‘vlI:r'alt_y of . 'A_‘ _‘ ‘L I » I ' Gin-\. W. or fl" I ' M ~ - " , ‘ - o .580“) ft! min. ‘ ° ’h'_,,?‘ 3 . ...;..;.L._. '_ no noun.’ phone 1a‘"':°n.F.:;5_.”. ,.,_.,,.,,,,u,.,.,,,,,,,,§,‘.,, ‘ , gt E 2 Cm Mm new pi’ W W», A STRONG ONE MISSOURI 9 to 0 :;l;&°k3::g::g_:>pc0;i:r;rgn$: ' 1 r ‘ .1 , ‘ “ ' ' ‘*“ T - ' 3 —-—————---— . _ tralgln . at mialnb j _ b ‘ °‘3:fi the ”t'bn’t:’d.u‘9Pi;’f lg" 1 1“! I113 790111?! hard this week. He; _ 4‘—---?——— 3.”). Lung,‘ mgmnt Tin, school of education and the depart- adreulol . his collar, 3 .5 FOR RI-ZlllT—1-‘uruishe,dflrstfloar' '° . " ll” 3°” . ml.‘ ° H3“-., . .. - _ ; realizes that a little rest and letoupo M1n§r3~. A Detgrmined to "M coup. i, one nu, who can uu ment of psychology. The tests were ° :fl~‘.5.:r ' as l"Il'!':l.5:I’. . “banana; in modern home on no“: stalled °.!’ 8 “E” ". onthe hard pace that the)’ have beenl ' l f the -mtg" how ‘am, from we R01_ started Manda)‘ night. and will be '1 mm“, ., ‘. u_l°":_, ,3,‘ mary.!8 rooms and sleeping M15 II: the P; F .- Henry ‘IS Workihg’ Clark 5 (cling will keep tlIan“iru',¢t'ter shape! ‘I / 1')’ 0 p h at nine, “wt 3,, gm.-n‘ to the men during their four . ,: uutazau has-ins Iu,w,c,-li,- called to. I liarast. Rent reasonahe. Man an , M pqc5u"“d= mth°d,’"d' : I" not mike them slA.e- l v 11 Years Ago. knows. for be was playing center on years have at result!" Intervals. The ..,"'u_IvIrllaeIIl:£ ta. ; wflfe preferred. Phone 1797 black; tut‘ {£0-r. l huvudn" and Other at Ch“ l * th. 3,-“om; ‘am in 1914. when the results will b:- anncnlnaed periodi- P ' "l“‘."" "' l . *3". u‘ ' 1 ' ' i.‘ V .C37-41!; tfixuhlmi in: methods and the va- Passing and Carry- turns in the hackl"ield‘hlassl9tnll‘r’:t‘.‘ lldh tooth“ tum! “inn ‘on 0'” we Titan 9 to 0. any. ‘ '''''’’.. '_ _ ‘ l ‘ D ' » - .. ~. ‘ i , . v '- wi meet tu y for the first “It was a great game. hard fought The tests are givcziin an effort to ‘ ‘ 1 - E .REALTE l _ . i F0! mT— onblg mg] rieliesof rice. ; _ ' m Ban Scuberwasat quarter and Clarkand - i 19“ wk Ron‘ dd . h‘ B." D ck 1% d . . . - h _ the ! . ° .4 1? 3'5"“ 7°’ '“°"~ PP°'‘=1“I|' 15”‘ "'3 "''‘‘’'i “'9” °’ . 3:1‘ J): * ' ——————g iW’“‘‘?'°‘'.‘ '“ h“"°'- , Will! "W "°"' Sclmtlfenclfigen '9 ujno, with the; x?nr::k and Paulusnhe; o:'eur:,:i:~rg-sii‘;-“lsr:“n1locts ?»: l 993 PALE 3°: $23.‘-'5 mom? 'hm‘u ‘en 9”! mmmmlotid ‘$103: river PRACTICE ON OFFENSE‘ comhmmon th-eye ‘nu be “lo ‘hm’ @095 - 0 ard and ‘Tubby’ Ch-ayes were at age athlete. It is known that a ' llllllfllalfr -rnodtrn. 1' pllce $8750. . ’.233~ . D9-til. bl’::‘"fsl.‘:y«md 3 so" of u'm'fl.Itu_ . ZEYOIIS passeraln the backfield. Little is known of the strentlll of" halves. The Rolls team had a won- Bunker. n Blumcr. or a Bond may ; p , l ' j - ' C b° - ~ Co ' i ' E h H -.1; th, ‘1 ‘he d°W11'l¢ll€ 8¢ll00l- Colfill NC-A derful offense. but the long-distance uttain great distinction on the ath- "‘l“‘* "““3“°‘?'* u.§.°§o§.'i§oTI§ n':§eeo1r:°::oorfz N" f°‘""' '" "'”°""'"'t "—".h"'~d -3-ch.es. Expeit S°.°rmg 0 pm,-9?. .,.,‘;'’‘‘2,. ;:.':t?:: ac; {$3. Collum has been priming his play? panting of Shepard. and the good i lctic field and still mo in In. schol- rage, price‘._‘.n goon‘ 1’98l0ll- . Ability Of-Mlfillfl to 1 ,,;,,g_ The ‘at before the Nahum era for the Missouri battle since last’ defensive playing ‘ of the Tiger astic work. And while the consen- K 5.’ 3,3. 33' '5 1,‘ $50.’ ' ‘ ‘ ' ° pfia‘ Tm“ Rice hie 11388435’ 5'59“ 3”“ ll‘ - ‘ s rin Th h v be world out In the I’ f om %cor- f ‘ ‘ ' that it is onl the .. T -nl ..Btoad dlilttstreeta . - ‘ ~ BeMullHl lmcameh hadtonelect fl’ ".°”‘.° " "‘. °“‘.-. °l"- “‘""..‘ ’.‘““’°"""°“"‘. " . _. GM15 roam lhoulflp. price 8300,’ .nl'd°§e93& “gm Missouri to a llnutcd c_8tcltl;- ‘ _ (3 gher « them in 0:2!" to dewfie mosfémsnte late at night. trying to perfect their in‘ V); the touchdown route, Lang- mg-1u,.,m. of the cmcge, mg unmm c ' ‘ rear $.19"-'.“‘°l‘° “Pl”°"""' 5 as Result. ay. and should come to Columbia‘ ing said when telling some of the that keeps one of the football . ' iv ‘_ - ‘ta *1. N I h ' . ' pl . . , ll!’ C0-V m3‘§5.Fm“Y Bldg-l ;I"0R RENT-—Nioely fumlahcd 8°?” ll‘ L”‘°°l" C°“”w' and “'0 -—-z . g_l,¢,,:su:;, chuc, t§:,,,ke,_. ';,,§$‘_""f S8llll‘d8l' Ill €83)’ N°V°ml’°l' ‘°l'm- 'l players about the old Rolla team. stars ln school. only the men closely? one I 48. l 2 in in apartment for; 1 or 2 boyn. fields of fort)‘ “'05 “ch "‘ Si’ Coach Gwinn Henry found more‘ id 3. - Coach Gwinn Henry is not over- in 1914 ad 1915 Ron. was ¢onne¢u.d with University athletics « . 1 pperclaasmen preferred. Quiet Charles (bunty. V!-‘or five coufnsetlluua work forflle Vlflllyg to do lasti:a°u]§np,.J£f:1:.t:.1:g‘:;:‘e::;:fo:hfih!:,gznfideut as to the Tiger strength. combed by Tom Kelly. who later’ know that every Missouri athlete s_]-‘OR B.-1.1:}?-Will’ turn over my‘ and modarn. Only one other per- tire years rice ha; luccc ll night during practice and they end-f second Van“ team f l Willie! tlllt the tulle is B non-. conned 3; Miuom-5, . really makes. at least on average ' home to one ‘who will buy ‘fur-l_ spa in apartment. Phone 1845. 1405 grown in some sections of Missouri. ed the session with a passing scrirn- ,y ‘ . l conference one, and will not play. - . e _ moan" w“~ made if he cornp¢4[9g on 3. umouyi tine. Rent re-asonablé or will selli Ilnthorunst. Side entrance on seo- ncaardinsto Pr°f- 9*‘-"lh muse -cainst the fmhmen. 53;‘ Rolla will send a large delegation? any cripples to v~'in- ,_ ed ,“,’,e,,,,,,,,. ,m,,, the ...,.,. gt" team. - . -. . ‘tore. separate. nddress Bcx’R.'_ and floor. - H12-tf. _____‘ _,., __ -: :3!‘ E1316’ Itiml saint: Ioiked good: of students and townspeople to the I"Il"hcl‘ffense the ‘Elects offevuir :1 :0‘, The oldmm, of ‘mm. W... Ch B~——G-6,»-‘Y-1; “mm” L are of Missourian,._ ' '37 ‘: . W‘ . - w le e year ings new ust me 3 _ . - ‘e rats a was imper act in several 3 '. ' ‘ _ » T itallo ll“ 3- - '3 l . R: R" ' ‘ 1 ' M13118 FOR RENT‘ LOST--Ladies Platinum Bar Pl” what was coming in most casea.they; $9, v.h:::ri:: u.:.?:‘;‘::0Eletm::h£;. ways, and llenry thinks Saturda 1 mm‘ 1"” 91” ‘md le“ °pe“ “dd 8: U iled r . ‘ . Y . ‘ ' ‘_ I] ‘ PFC. . . FOR. '‘.!.!L 2-33 l-r'oonltl'le and‘ -*-—--'—--W “i “'m‘ d''‘'”°"d’ ""1 park’ he’ failed to keep the ends and liacks;¢,¢u,_.,;.,, rate to commbia and 3 Will give the team a chance to tryi """""" "d we “nu ‘luck W-“T CmC"‘G°"‘“‘°““’L"'° “"'m’°" '. . ' : - __ ' ' ° d WI- . . . . . ggmgthing new,” Lansing 88 - ed h 600 ‘ kg Chic‘ owigl. . - til min odern in‘ » ‘'93 33“ '‘'‘°° ‘‘?“‘’‘° ’‘’°''‘ t'°°"-”'“““3°.°”° T"“"" “' from main o as the: - - .- - v 1 -f n d signed to u . . . puss t c m" n 8 , .:,::°ml:;F‘_]::;' ncbximqgk ad; fin-‘boys, phone 051p white, 12 _Col- mg: Depot. Liberal Iteward.G°I§:i- thou,‘ D‘ connec an M fgpegmrzilggin N“ be run If the mm. t!l1l:‘3C:!’ln1?8‘I:t!«1I'C'k.e Y“ ':‘:°’;“(;’"dtheB":';fi)' the addition of four deaths during 3 ‘ ',u{°'c,, ¢.,,,,,',_ 1-,", j mag. {top} 191% ‘ . 53"‘ turn to the A. I-‘. Neale DYYNSO4; coach Henry is working Clark ; ____. 3 Boy Scouts and school children “must hfifbuki {hat I hve were the ll»\’9!‘ll.?'-l0l1!' l_::urs endlnz T305- 0- ' ' passins his well as a half doaenl Two members of the coaching from surrounding towns will attend‘ 3'“ - 38)’ Yll0l‘l'llll8‘- TM’ Wt“ *3 17 school. Price $8800.lhIaIl payment? . ‘ ,rRm_..r__0 I . E Bob 2“ pl“: minois ' _ , ‘ ce by théglaonth. _'l‘cle-3' £055 foam‘ ;me ‘:5 $3; —“—’—G°‘d‘w‘m ifvenhup Pena-1 otber_backs who are equally good at. staff will go to Lawrence Saturday the game. Oct. has been t ‘:31 gar wuching I ho.” wd far a _grca‘u-r number -than at the ‘ P5039 1331 '95- '. .‘ T’u'; ‘ r-imwm commém . fummwd on Sept mm Mme canned on carrying the ball. so that any of hisi to wazch the Kansas A88ie—Kansas‘ aside by the athletic department as_ c m'phy' in 1915 said ‘mic’. W“, same time in any Previous year. _- u V B‘? ,m‘;em dhiubk Iorlsmdems hr’ b‘m1_ finder please phone 65 men Phescnt either 1! runnlnr « or time. The Aggies regard Public School.l)ay and an attcn-I one of the ‘mama of an mm‘ ‘H . .AP5‘RTMENTs F. R ‘ . = ’ _ ‘ Minourhn Office throwing threat when they get the in the same way that MISSOUYI does» dance of 5000 ls expected. Unlver-l ""—"-1 Ff: -~ .—_—a,'-g.‘ “ac “' 36"!‘ °’ "turns ° m. ‘ad 5 P m. oval.. All of the Varsity work last They would rather win over the, sity officials have planned several W933 __ ___ {:fl:?.£5E:u:a..‘-diIg=::m705apMis- -1-‘on n'l:\"r—.3 or 4 rooms for< gaff: L cl‘:-u. M8“; was offtensiirc W5‘ nndbfllhel Jashavdaers etfhnn uni’ other team: intczirestinx ieallxlléfi for W yillgg emvrrrzn T0 I-‘OOTBALI. mm-: 1‘ , ‘ . , » . ‘ , ‘ . l ‘ coac es expec t e acorin a ‘ ityi th ' h ‘l . Tl T‘ . v'll tu ts. lncu ing conce s ' rrlm Ave. l’hl~nI: $203 K"-‘g‘é__ “Km h°“’° keepmg Or. bed m°mB° LOST.— Gold Wahl live-rsllarp~ of the Missouri team to :0 ml1Ch.‘x)l‘l‘eeteiIhe1:l‘l at fill 0]::)0l'l'llg::qtl‘l'I'1("flflntflnfrom Jefferson City. 900"‘ School‘Chilt‘-r . . . . ,2 . « ‘hlfioffitrn- Phone 850 urhllfi. 80;. glililtl I.(,,,_.;1 on Sept. 19th. dname‘ en— higher for the rest of the year. = nu; week for the Aggie,‘ “.;,, 0,; villa, and the R. 0. T. he lC{¢I.lI\D;r tl-;rr:dad3i;eflOr of h’ ‘M, . . e ‘ - . ~ ' ' o . o" . 0 - {L . ‘ ' O fifi ' 0 ~ '‘‘‘‘‘V‘'‘‘‘'''‘‘'- ‘ i . . ‘f.°‘°“s§“ ."‘.’.. "m f.i".'i‘s'...‘.’..'.'}'~.’$. ..ro."Z§f§f.f‘m°..?‘f.’l.".?§..l‘iI“23’.§‘.22.1“"‘i.~°~‘°’ "’ “i 7"— h°- -"°n'- T ..fiZ’.’?...: Keml=er3li1i‘~3*." school. E““‘3‘°" -3‘ G“’‘’' lfilled. 90”“ ‘ FOR REl\"I‘——-One nice Iroom in l 009 ° .C0l'l lilo“. 31611211) U‘ P 5"“ 5' to. Tiger team. because the Nebruk‘: has invited all the sch..ol cnildren f .4..-‘ . _-o en of 3 Counties Asked ‘ I-‘oltilill-‘..‘."l?-T-lltig 0 furnish‘ -07. ‘U U . , d 5 _ - . ~ . W . _ , _. ,_ _. _. aarth. \\'. Gol -.berf5‘.G§h:>‘ne. Nowell Bldg. ‘$10.9;-r month, hot ggggerdljcstuccn 8 a. m. an gourd séiillsfi Let the Tlger { “main fought to the hm whi":le.. of Boomvmm and Cmp" and "ow. ‘ . g. ‘ uns were in order and the freshmeni K h }{;u_ gluynni ,-cco,-d,_.,. and? but ll"! P°“""’r“l °h“'3°5 °r “"" 3,-d counties to no the guests of the 4 a : ? :.-..- *.“.‘;':' please re-' ‘ » O . 37s_ ‘L . - water, steam heat and lights from ______ r ——-—%. i ._ . —"“" Phone 170 at 12 noon or after 5 P. LOS'l'—Ruby ring Oct. 12. PT°b“b’ ed . . . _ L denmeyer and Coglizer stopped the .1. V b I ‘._ -L f Mull ‘mnm FOR 91*“--"*‘-T-= “."‘.”“'*“‘ “Mg. ~ W-="*= 1.» an east Anmurax mas. Finder iii“-}“.‘ ..’f°"“’ “"°"“ .“—.§§°’.‘.‘..’.‘f.’f’...‘I.°?;3$.§.'..'”..i’:’f.i..“f.;i denmever and °=w==r -wvved .'I::.?.‘;‘.’.’ £§.§f..£§~.i.Z...°r.u..- o. PHONE 2100 :’.‘:lfltll:r.dmt‘:r:lll:: .nl§ l1zt.‘dr;5g(3e'b‘l’fl,C:. FOR RE!\"I'—Furni.8llt-d rooms and N955” ph°“° 66' C3748‘ ‘Studebaker. whose inJ'l1,”' ill the St. "laouis the week of the Wasllllllf" fife big uakkh‘ ” 5:33;“ emoon at Boonvmm . ' .Ch‘:u Gmjhn‘ - 1 r ‘ Sfl-tf hath. also ggrggy at $25 per month. hos‘-I-__Go1d Dclphian mm trgingle Ilusker game has kept hlm in the: ton game. Mr. Hill has planned a “"3" $0999 halmd . gum of_. The game in being held In con: Vie Irons and Steam , ; ; . tllisrindudes fuel. water. lights and shape Win) Huk mum,’ 1,,-m.ee,, 3-_ hospital until 5.¢\ptt.rdny, was at_theV big p,,,ade_ mm. dud mass meeting’ denmeycr (gut? plfde hl:l‘lh¢i)m to . I Mcfion with the“ Gem“! m_wun ’“e D“, ‘M 1-‘ORUERI-I!\"I'-’—()ne 'l1Pl°¥ 1”“ ‘telephone. Pllone656 black. S33-38. “_ C_ A. and Union Memofial ma‘ gymnaslum cn crutches last nlgntzfo, the Missouri Not,” before the fenslfie ran sip ‘ltien the Round-Up. which will take place at We Alter and Repair. on ~Uni~°<'r~:i'~Fi «‘“'J‘“°-5 ’°°"' U . rlione 1179 red. wa7-3a. 9"‘ ""°"‘°d am ‘he Nd 1".‘ “'“~ game. I ""~‘ “.5 °’ """’°"‘ 1 I ” 1,, Boonville. Oct. 15. 16 and 17. and All Kmés of Wear. modern. Heat and hot water {En FDR. RI-.‘.NT—I-‘urnlshed room; vnendlnlr rabidly, while he will not‘ _______ ‘ v _ possession of thc.bal .'h twwaznnc follower” of the Kemp” squad H. g The work we D" nhhed‘ ~(;lcnn Df\‘is. 304 Guitar two windows. two closets, Private MISCELLANEOUS ~ be worked before the Rolla game tllel Coach Cranxle gave tne \arsxty hlg blond lrflssounan M o as b k pea it to be a h"d'{0ugm gam(,_ books hm “kc N". Bldg Columbia, Mfisburlg 5°‘-L‘ hm N° °th°' ’'°°"'°’‘ ‘“ h°“’°' "—" coacn nollts to have him back at! :1 lens! drlll at blocklnz lust nlR'h:. ms: to toss the Husker quartet 10 . .___.. ' The work 1. A“. ._T#_ .' ‘ y T““'. C1098 *0 Ullivefllly “NP” Md 5”‘ FURNITURE 3395“! tackle in the Kansas Aggie tussle n r The ‘Nebraska game showed them to when he received a punt. Tberei would Delay C. H. S. Game a Ila). we Ask 0' You . % «Fog Rr;N'f__.Nqr ly decorated, iness district. Phone 680. L8-tf. We have acquired the l\orthup week 1a,e,._ -he rather weak in this. department were some great tackles all llolllns.» The an-actor of athletics atFth1e ' "Ii ‘ht hllusfi R9491“! Fl,"’t“'°”t'-r'5' KEN.‘ Pf‘°P°“5' ‘‘ 100 D°''''‘°5' 5?‘ ‘"6 The School of Mines at Rolln V and the coaches are anxious to over-4 I-‘leld Saturday but Edbe ¢'-“Th Va‘ Mlasourl SC.l‘l00ll0l" .hc Deaf at u -r -_-~—..~-—~---—-—---—-a-—. . 7", _,,_ I. 11% S. :6th St.‘. " , " A"u' ‘DOSE FOR - “"11 °°"d°°t 3 ‘meal T993" and meets the Tlgers here Saturday for come that weakness before they smothered tllfl €l'0Sll9d_ 993‘ l» 9i ton has written Miss Saldee Steam. - ' _ ‘ T 1 ' _ V ‘, FOR REN-r___7 mom -muse hard llPll°l51l’l'illt: business. we B1l11°- the first time since 1914 when the meet the Aggies, Tho backfield and work of the Tigers. Stlll an all-star principal of the Columbia Hlgl-. . ' “ FOR m":‘\.T“"\“° '1.’ furmshed 2' wood goo;-,c‘.m"¢, 2 3 Qua 4 95°99 1501- C3" & T"“l°" Miner: took the Bengals to a se- ends came in for thoir share of P133?!’ "N51 Suflld the lflfl ‘ff ‘. ‘"11. School. “H”! 10 <‘ll3llZ'3 lll‘-‘.ll' 930“ For f . 0' room a artmcn’t,_prlf_\'a:e bath... $25.t mom ‘Lents fnmisiied or “W 3:65) Vere 9-to-0 trimming. That year. blocking. Much time was given to season. and whlle I-Id “elr is a vet: boll game scheduled for Fl"T(l8_\‘, to - l’h°"" 1 2" "’ ‘ms’ 5 F0638’! turn‘ bed. ‘W C '8 l h Sta (1 d ' ' Tom K€ll<‘¥- Who 18%|‘ Clllclled MW-1 taking out the interference. . f°""‘ °f the same. “*9 W5‘ °f "‘_““’ . Saturday afternoon. ho flcllon has E -—-——w'' i . | ~ {_—, hm 1; . flue.” c2303!-'0‘ 4;,” DAVIS GOA)’ 00' ‘ souri‘s championship team in 1919.‘ Uh“ ‘ § l-‘SW08 l5 5'9‘ 10 be N9‘ bl’ “*9 TV"; 3'91 been l-Ill?“ Oll the !'9¢ll"‘~‘l- xpert USED cans roll 8551-3 . “" ’ ' 3°“ °'-’“‘'“ ‘“"‘°‘‘ 5°‘ ti \ was the Ron. coach and a dispute: Casteel will probably not see sen’-~ ,.u,,_ A _ p A . t H _ "“‘F d . 1 yo]; slug; Call 478. Dlgpoclfil W“’”” 5“ °' us to the eligibility of some of the? ice_in the Rolla_game. no badly Am ;_‘.‘___...t..l_3_.‘k “ p Shoe’ _ F0R,S.\.L_E--Cu.}df1“l} °"_ "‘ - _ _ Fflllkllfl COW“? 0°“ Rona p13).,,.,; resulted in the 3.;-vet-- bruised shoulder ls still. ootherlngp Th , b‘;':‘u‘uu mnmdhof Ash- _ . _,goo:l (1»llc‘llt.lo:1 filth, 2%‘ BARGAIN.-—Sorne excfillcnlf dis}; . M.,s M EETS REPAIR SHOP - mg of athletic Elation?‘ wit? mt‘. hint. Barring another llljllb}. he \\'lll: land fade)‘-ad ‘heefiauwme “am. 33 E I F S up. L t la r. or .. ; monds. one fourth to t rec .ourt hr, Amhon 3“. Phone 2343 “hoot Axum m 19;; _ 1“-11¢, hejrendy for the Aggles. g 8 R H .11 I t ' R Th B T T R J I .G'~'Nl'}' pl“"“° Pllbnk 3B.u'l¢l1‘1l1 8519- ".l.'W"°"“’d wnw ‘O l':tll"lIllll!'9 ‘aclccusand all woodwork. ‘ccaclled the Miss‘ouriiteam~ for hall - whn C0“"—"“"'h Hen is not under 23”". ntrukgtiim 23:; dgfztéd th: , p r r-:—— ' ' - t . _ 0‘ , - . e ' - I . Us ED. CARS ‘Pk SALE E Box 0 care of llsaourlnn. '36-ll Everything guaranteed of a dlsaatrous season. after which‘ man“ we Sven“? of the Rom. unnsvim “mm. 13 to 4. » Johnson Battery CO. . 1925 Ford Sedan-— .5 : ‘: .1-‘OR ssLl=:-—cern'.un Police Collie 14-44. he was renown as :1 c°°°'‘"‘“ l,’°‘"“ ‘diners he is ‘meaty -1» sum the? . . ,1}, gt}, 3, j1g\\) “; 1923 Chevrolct‘Oougi~o- - lliillcrest. . 3" -_—-" and late!‘ Bill ROD" “me f‘_‘°"‘- Jwcond '\,-an“ gaturday If he doe; R01 Al. ARCH MASOhS 0 ' ' ‘I 3 ' pm . THE DRUG 930? Princeton to take churttv 0‘ 91° “Ml ‘ y ' - ' - ’ ' There will be sllllcial convocation ‘ I . ‘Q21 liunld A C l l SALE—Good SECODG-hand lJl- Pal‘ prescription lBTVi&. “O ¢hIr¢9 dri" 1-C- ‘ho Jnyh‘“.k(,r gnme_ l'l0l’. do that he Wlll SKIN 8 mlX('(l" of Columbia Chapter No. 17 of the R. OUT b.8ttCl'l88 81‘? . I :33 §1:.d3'..~°u..i3lm ’ ;"°1°' Ph°”° 1893 black‘ M25“ ‘°"m£‘Jl-‘W1 ssturdayit will be a strolls! R0111: lf]"‘5°::dn:f°::‘;t‘°:;:.",n:;1 A. M.. Friday October 16. 192.5 at “d 3° ‘9 °‘"' 5°""‘°°' WC can f0!’ and ' E - ‘ = ' ‘ ‘802 - -' la'h 6 ‘hi . ° §~;- . . Mark M d . ' ' ' " ‘ ' TAYD9R mlnAG.E 3 FOR SALE-—Good winter apples, A ' P M sqmd wtllch “km in °,f§;‘;»o:tacu.: ln the name who has any sore spots, ‘ 30 “Tm” wALD8§tflH elfme _ Phone 96. D€1W¢1' l V mater? P 1 per bushel; culls 3 bushels for :1. KODAK rmlsnmc :.t.r.0en;.osC;;w3‘5 ms scam‘: Saturdays game ‘hows that J. P‘. DAVIS’ 5;“... . . V ‘ . . . SEE} THESE U SE1) CABS "vned Tap 9"°h”d" ‘me "mes '°u.u1 tn at am: deprunnk kn their scores l'I8\'¢‘ been “"13? ‘md fa’: Cogch Henry has the men to step: __A ‘ _ fi_«_ _‘ _ -___._ __4____ __ _ _ _ , __ A ______,__, t » - an Mélialne Road and one mile at 8 a. In. out at p. In. . . h Miner team gum,-311,», , , d _ . _ 5“°“l.5‘l“"‘ --’ ---- 12°‘ "north. Phone slrs. .R2l-ti. ~ rm: have suor ~ ‘°'"‘8 ‘_ "bee mm d '10 this ‘met mu; the places left vacant b: m -t ; sur nmfinz : . . _ . U. _ _ _ _ . N 25000 i‘ . . . , _____________:__1_.I.b.§__._ they hate‘ d it‘: tzopecia‘ prepanmm: nation last 3-ear. One place ttl:ol;‘zl‘lt I ‘ . i . 1924 Sim» Touring 3 .1. . 350.00; pugmrrugg pop 341,1; UOAN ABSOCIA “mica” and. *0!‘ 9 ' - g to be a hard one to fill was t e o e « Dddge ‘Touring 1 : FOR SAL h * S u “I0 30°99 an 501' ll» __ _______ :lcftHb)'b1ll€ rl‘0‘l§l’ll:\lz Van D)lIl¢‘;§ . . . - _i'_,‘, ,,, 50.00 E"C ¢iP- ma 79' Savings I-4°C‘ 35”“ emgzr tac e. ut t e us‘er game p 0' l A . < . chumht Tom-In‘ " ' $ gfrigeratgr and a sectional book case. flortgage Plan I-‘OOTBALI. I-‘OES T0 ' tut this place will be well taken 0 , . FlROCTOR'$ CFNRAGE Phone 1980. . 3641. 200 guitar Bldg. W. 8. St. 0112. wink” u,‘._,“ “,5 Westminster; mm of this season. Lindenmeyer . raw £8 a _ raw _ : f I . Tr ' 7 , ' ' I . I o d 1 f ‘ . i cm °'e°»*“+s : re -W-A» we — T ———“'°""" 21;: :2: 5:.:i::;:;' 2:59 . ~ . . ./ 1 -Baby 0\‘erla!'Rl.TUlll’lIl8 . .$l00.00_ ll? slae. in loot! condfllon. will sell ' IDDGB NOTICE C “ll . foam" teams "in meet‘ “cod 8 mm who was supposed to be‘ . . . ‘ ‘ ; ‘ 1 Fwd cw” ‘.5 ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ""35'0o3 flap" C“! “t4 520 Cone” A". ——;6ACIA LODGE. No. 603 at: Ffilgllison Friday afternoon in the! one of the zreatest tackles in Amer’? 1. 9 0 1922 Cllcvrolct‘TdI.lrl!:l8 (G005 .— Pl‘°"‘..255‘ 831.“. IA. 1'3 5 5- U- outstanding game of the Missouri: ica. He was first choico.-‘on every; _ . Condition) ~~'---‘n - - - - - - --335--°° ‘ nI3cn‘LANEoU3 4;; stated ¢o:nmunl¢8tl°no College Union conference. Botll1all.American team last year and al-% a 4 HQ.‘ f T '. ‘920 Fwd lsmfler) ‘85°OO9 I - . Tuesday, October 6. 7:30 schsols are strong contendersfor’ ready this fall had added more 810?)“ - . . . i . fl _ Ilgin SB; ffourulg . _ _ _ «WANTEl)_—Used kiddie kourl. . p_ m_ the conference championship this‘; to his record by stopplng Grange at. - it v p i .1‘ Kan.‘ T’“fi"3'(G°°d"C°n&m°n) .‘°°d °°"§m°n“ mamngme ‘mu: Annual Election of of- season. Westminster won it last lllinols a wee’k.bcf_ore. . k ' Easy Ttlllrls " ; Call 2284 green after 6 p. m._ {inn year. \V_'hen Ed Weir lucked off to Cap.. \ - noon: County A lomohile Co. I T R3l-39- J I LOXG sea.,tu.y_ Westminster lost most. of ‘last. l\ hiteman, was Americas rill K‘/r 11°41! l='-°- 3.“ ' 5 ""’°"" ‘"8; lmsr ydhr property with FLYNN .' ‘ '30:? 11. wulolrr. w. at. year‘: stars. but Coach Jim l"*"~’°l “““°' W “ -en t:e:.n§l‘:t‘t;:: the. ' Packard h b lt a strong team out of he had met his ell 3 1;!” "I" t ‘. T ‘——-—‘?REA.LlTY“o0‘t°W:n in mi?" 3 '1". - {_—- ti: any ;lI:t.erial this year and a mighty man Weir is not one of the: ‘ ' 3 ort o ren can _ . . . - 0 DON? THROW YOUR tfurrlish trades if dt'2_-sired. We I _hard~faught game ls expected. gamest players who 0-"'9" f‘°°d “L . ._ tires a1l'aY- W3~:“'l1_"“‘ ‘ m’“'°-also write all kinds of insurance. _— -- ___‘ g .al allonrance on new Ltirca. . lfire, .tornado. automobile and life. -mt-.313;-s 351,1-3 xoncx Gllltlf _Bld8. Phone 162:’ "here-.as. Hda: ‘dw‘c;V!t1.1‘:!d-h’l‘l’0'€1'Jf:l‘:n ' S‘ I ‘ I l ‘ ' I . ‘ . _ . ~ :- _ v v ‘ ‘ . a , ;. 615 Bnbadway - F‘ . Phone 583 1378- _ . ’ :1‘; _‘;‘d film mg". on‘ Rm“, We Bold .\o Clearance aes H; E , ‘ r ' 0 ' . '. V A . 2 l . useo can nnr.cllns- ,,;:V‘f§fel:§:;T';fhl;°;; 3313; gogjlfi :,;_,‘;;,;’,'°;‘,..:‘,g“:":{ .‘2°.i“§’., ’.‘.‘.."‘.';‘;’..‘.‘.‘.'.' g College Man _ 1925 and Coupe» ‘ — i 1” “ch. Etryufing furnished‘ the cinder-igped: II trustee the allow an I I S ' ' lo“, q‘ ‘Eu. tom“ godern .ll0use.“i’l'lone 850 whittei - - . ' ‘ ' ‘ " :7» Moves F0 So 3 P0333” . ‘o H dffi N 0 ' e 3 . ' 0 ' ' ,' Bally llrcrland-tourP8..ncsrn_o°.0o 8.5 mm - L ; P3 l*l‘l:e°l8.':fl‘ ?§o'"'.'§.1§.'.§°o :21 of 1:?! OD l’.0Hl_()_1_’ TOWS express we Wlll recelve 3.l10l’.l'lel “nth the advancn-lg Strlde V ..’ tile: new';1nt't»et‘!E.:...... . MUSICIANS WANTED-—Hot pi- Three llnna.-ea rlm Eight ass) ‘in e Shi meat. of Topcoats, ‘; ' % .,\ — - 1'- .“ B00 l\'E 0OUN‘!'Y_ UTO. also and banjo plnyers'to practice 1'33"?‘ C;::":;"“'“.’; , p 3 of style We have 0111‘ " .l 110.119 s. 8th St. I . Phone’1068r with orchestra new organlzlng. ""“ . ,5, mm. . ' i p . 4 . the Southeast corner of aid Lo I _ I , _ ‘~ ‘ Chrysler-— Ffiard . 1988 black. 4 -313 we-atalanl the South line of lots ass and ass / _ - . .; p of t-Dpcoats sults and other ~* by "~ '- ”'L._-0 "‘.?‘——“‘——” "" " °‘’* °'‘'“ '*"" They are entirely new K .t . ’ 2 roll SALE. erllas been the‘stamdard.for thr l . $30 d 335 wearing apparel according- ; ' r d ,2’ pant, ‘pod generations. The Singer sewim ’ Pnces ' an i .3. ' "‘ ' p t T "2? ‘°’- r f; .3 ,,.,._ - machine in today is the result or : ly. You are always wel- ' 'wc:'me gate: h.New tires‘ " "°°‘ "°"“"“"1‘ll" Tb’ If you want to see a real ‘ "‘ 7 " ' : X 1’ , ' .' . . K 1”‘ "‘°“ ‘aw, ‘i 1,. ~ r- ‘E*lllt¢8_‘.¢°'lP1ll!§!|"l"Y'P'°"*P" . . , . ho id ! come at any time to .- ; p 3"‘ Pflut‘ T. . F°l'd1'.h*n' ‘bx hy any ‘improvement that ad ' 1139 °f Olercoats loll 8 u l; » l ‘_ 1:922, 3°d3° ‘until would make the Singer run easier. “E” "' im’e8tlZ8t¢ 0 U V lmmense ver our con]- V 1 ' ’ Ind ‘ _ : 0 i 1 .. 3° Iastlongerordoitawork better-..,,,,,,,,,,,, - v. -. - 5- * 1‘ »l‘‘'““'°°‘ - ‘r C .s'h'op. 1l1KNorcn9i,n St. ”?h°w'"" 5 lte t k_ . . ‘.1$e17ll. Sew.-ntll;Sl. rhoneaps §F',,,‘,fm,d A . 2,4,. 0‘... f De .506 .. W _‘ -. ~ ‘Sl'UlIIElll\KI'§'ll? GUl|¥RAN.T3E 0 oanfi sl.'l'E.3‘"G’ Don't fall to visit our u E e A‘ 4 “-350 (:lA38A . (fi nmwnmwdd9- istaifs suit deynlftmellt l . c~ . l ' _ i. it .335. coup.,: . _ _ aowdooeatgthe 8lng:r‘8Sl;£: wool 8.1- umnued 1 1 l — + flltkQl"C1|lIPG.'4' . 13 Nllrth 9th so. rho" 0°” f _ p t ' ; ‘ I T ‘ '. _. ’ spectacle . - 7 ~ ‘ 7 . .5. 10th 53- fil¢n!lII*!I:I°d§:l.;-“ V ‘suit deputmv : 1 . A g p :*“~W *” . JACK DAIL 'Y’S gm-{,'B":ob loyal ' i i ‘ '-if ‘ if 1‘ .‘ . . f~ C ' '. ‘ i‘-*”"'.3..‘.lb l"..f.fi‘°"“.‘*“°"""""""‘o.s= ‘ P 239°.-99'. U . . i , ~ "l‘°—"9 ‘F’. . T 0}! M2";.!_ -’ itojanluqnarii Jzcwrg-4. _ ":._ ..-..‘. ‘ ‘ "" . “' . ~ song.‘ ’ .- ‘.09 9 __—__ - _"7 '$_r-Oqrlffiri; :-12‘ _V. e' _. . t. , _ c:.:.-¢_-—:....-—._. ———«. a .. .0 I I o '.A -_ ‘ _ - :- . . ' *: .~.:-=< t - ' ‘ ~ : .' .:»'o-. : _ .;~ ~-A :~ ; v .. . ‘.' r - . . . .. : 2 2 __ . .g. ,_. _ <_ .‘ . _ o F‘. g_ .. _ ', ,. __n_ ‘. _ i, _ ) , .‘V. . _ . 1.. ._ _,__ ..g . __ . . _ ; , , , L . _ _ p, _‘ . P I <_ 1.‘. .. __ I 1 ‘, t . o .' .-- -.."‘.i§".'P««.1.l§u!~:.7 . 1...-..,_...')_;','1' ‘I {if 2 ' «‘.. ia‘ .A-le'-l-a» } i#L‘—a "-5 ’ A v *1 l ‘ .. Ih——¢- I ~ :6fl—v- :3‘, La IA ..".' '. "‘ ‘ ‘.'- ' n 5 ».. 7‘ .A_.o\.fia. . f I