n v ‘ ~m\“.n L i I _.‘ItlvlI[lllIilI;U‘-llllllilll WWI!‘ ‘ur- , I oat-statealiotllei-a .1111? i . '- ’ A ‘ _ ‘ _ g . ffljil to be till‘ _= _ .. _"'lfi8.i3"ll.~— ‘ W 0 Jzthgh er-M-_-h _ .,. ‘_ tel . 1‘ - _ n . . x A. it " ; J: _ I 5' .’ .- - ' 1 ' § 1 ‘,3 . "" .‘ ‘ ? '1 , 3:". i. J’ >‘ ' ‘E2’: ’ .,\\‘_-‘ . 9 V to II!!! 0; _ /1 §P."{.I.‘.-- I ',i.' 1.. . .. ‘A .7- ‘. K-1. 1 i _ 3:’ 1 7}.7_V"..'-'_.'.‘-_‘l- 'g*.',: « i:. u V-1—v-vv ‘ ~ g I . . ‘L __*___________ _ A t tNl_3w5 AND THEN REFILLS ; . may ‘Kappa Gamma V C’!*07l.l¢9¢lH.~ Leopard-Smith g . . H, mm PM Cele‘ S37"-“flay 7 1 .;L Wedding Oct.11 o p ‘ U Kappa G mma soror- om.“ i‘ -‘ ‘ - _ ‘ eh ; B: itsffifi)-._ ifth ayniveiu at froaid 3 of ‘Yard 118:‘ been recexvcid of the u.:.:° iii. national c ptcr niiira in gaongr of.fl1;,—. c, . - -., Nflngot ml-Inga :ue|Jb;oPLI::- self: this is the ‘ extraordinary .1‘ Day dinner t‘ the Daniel the.‘ aororib"a &I'500Ie.;liItI¢r, at} .1. H "° °G"rd phenomenon of nature now to be ob- Davern last night. Mrs. Mar- tho chaptgv hum.’ n. 0.. to a net 5.‘. ' E O 1 . ’ active chaptt-r.:‘the ‘sixteen , u-veral ulumhde, Mrs. . ‘field, and Miaslliell Taylor. gpcron. atten _ Miss Vir- ,¢id offered the toast; for the - ., Mia-4 pziiuiaéiii Polk re- ! for the seniori. Missy Kate { . . . I 07 . in South for the sophomores. 5; Mary Blair (pr the fresh-1 « men J S ; ‘ "ii _ nrgaaizotiunxhetp is the The-’ u;¢hapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. - rcderia Westfall is the pres‘- dmt this year. This chiipterwas one ‘first weiit ofwe Missi.-zsippi . lished on the 5. They -celebrated it; fif- anniversary on flue University Minsouri campus lfist April. Of sit: original members of the Mis- golhyi elhapter. three gre‘ Still living. Giircii Bridge Party in . ’ V‘ I g-Hoiior of Sister: 'i ll>lo;l-ring h:-;‘ iistdr. .\li‘.~.< liinily Cirdwhll of l’.1\'er. 4 9 n J l 2 All women who are eli-‘ I I O Ank-:-ney entertained at the lat-* "O Ztirzhday of I)i:l: Tindall. The guests were: Richard Dunlap. Jimmy and Leslie Green, Rolfe Fair-child. Lynn Werner. and Tommy Cruse. ‘The Parent-Teacher Association (if Benton School t Ag--LII»-«g_-. _ 3 4 fial Force in Bducation."_ ‘doetesa to the P. E. D. at home on Thllly Avenue. Mrs. J. J. fhillips will have charge of the program, which will be an examina- tion on E. 0. constitution. Mrs. P. a unnirora will enter- tain at her home from 4 to 6 o'clock Friday afternoon with a tea. Mem- here of the agricultural faculty and: V,“ . .,,k.¢nd guest at me Pi Beta ' be the- pm bongo, ‘ the extension staff in §:uo.'.sI pres- ftir as it l\'l’l(I\\‘f1 there are no under- cm at the game. 7 0 . -='."‘ . "0 -. - .. ‘. co. ‘ . ‘~- ¢t..j.. .. i," ‘ ‘ ‘ UNIVERSITY News 7 _. of Robert H. Ray of 3.»- . V, City High School at V Granite City, lll.. this year; _ v ’ ith_Allcn. a graduate of the L‘"'".l‘*'5l'-3'. teachiml romance lafltilll-!€'8 at liarilin College Mex- Ben C. Symon of the College of - Purdue. University, Lafayette. lndi. David M. Warn-ii. B. J. '17. V‘-TR‘. of Amarillo. Tex., attend. the ‘Missouri-.\'ebraSk:: football frame Saturday. Mr. Warren has been fl(‘Tl\'Dl_\' btlflfigod in x‘(¢“'§pu')(|r A work since leaving the l.'niver.~=ity, “ml 18 W‘-W Hlllur of the Amarillo llzul)’ News, PERSONAL ITEMS -“Y3. U. J. \\'c;lllIel':-’, llil N(il'lh Ulcnwood Avenue. returned ycs~.‘ter- for . day from a tliree-wee-l:.~' visit in five or six Texas and St. Louis. _ Alta-t \lngdel\n bum. in former Student in the Utii\'crsit)'. has been teaching lll .\'oi‘li-orn. Mo. 5. M. l*larda\vn_v «if Kansas City. a graduate of the l'iiiver:zit_\'. \\‘tl.~’ in (‘olumbiu Saturday for the Tiger»; game. 'illinm Shu- . . ,-__E Try a Blissourian want ad. Ice (‘ream and l’l..-\(‘E (‘ARDS make ii party. We have the most at- lraclive Place Cards. Bridge Prizes -and Novel Favoiia. THE INGLENOOK Gift Shop and Dining Room. 705 Miss llazelwlTo_ffman. ll6'(‘.o_llcgc Avenue,'va'ill entertain the llurshc Circle of the Baptist Church at 7:30 ‘ Dinner guests at the Pi Beta Phi ' t were Dean Bessie Deal of Texarltana. Tex. Mrs. ix. H. Bra.-clton, 1213 Wal- nut Street, entertained her bridge I‘ club this afternoon. ,——. of Kansas City _.—... T Miss Isabel Wood ._.__..-———~ - ] '. C. Picks Nominees for Mayor. ‘ Unittd Praia. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 1-l.——The largeatprimary vote ever polled in on the Republican Ad. A LEA RN TO DA NCE BOMBAY-FOX—TROT——STEP-OUT—INTER- NA'I‘IONAL-WALK--COLLEGIATE—TANGO- - ~ - ~FOX'-‘D303-—MID!\’IGHT-WALT_Z-— CHARLES TON I;RlVATE LESSONS BY APPOINTMENT CHARLESTON CLASSES TUESDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS AT SEVEN MRS. JAMESON ‘ . PHONE 2o4a_ A . __ .__.._¢;———-— Try a Missourian Want 0 H M ausive i ' 1 cs 0 iller's W Beautilul 7Shoes fdr Beautiful Girls . Iaehlo offlmart Dds- - -. __-,. ...-.l...... \. . .- .3 3 C 4 i . o i i l E. l ! i g "E 1': . . ' -‘V, ';'i.— _ : E For Rain * } Introductory f Sale! Regular $5.00 Values — For Trademark ‘To introduce the new Servisilk Umbrella ’ to our customers we are offering this en- ' ‘ltireweelt the unusual opportunity of pur- cliasiiig one of these fine quality Umbrellas «at in distinct saving. Any woman will be own and carry a Servisilk Um- The materials and workmanship to of,.the'highest quality. i let 1. ii I ‘- I ,_: _For S uiz Servisilk Umbrellas ~ Special $3.98 “SER VISILK” on The Tied (hrd All attractive, smart Umbrellas of the popular stubby type. covered with all pure dyed silk with plain or novelty borders.’ or with imported Swiss Gloria Silk. Colors are l\'avy. Purple, ‘ inal. Garnet, Black. and White. Handles are the very newest styles. carved and ,; other desirable novelties. SLICKERS _Ancoiorgandsius--~--‘s4.95ios7.5o , ' rown, Green, rated—of amberlite and l l l l l l i i ‘l l — .._t......-..‘ —. c.....~._;..._A._... .4”..- . '-— T ' 0. . ‘o. X . '...j.‘( '' - =3‘:-,': _ . ;-_ - . . .,. i,_ , d --I t ‘f’--*: O‘-'-*3-gqgw -0‘: .‘.-». t v A '2!!!‘ oasis an In cuss Willa: Miller Ilatahm Entrance e ' - K ' A lass i the H “mm ‘ n ‘ton mu ningham is the high~i-anking man of A down aeema to he the latest problem of the Esta-Parks Dry Goods Com- pany. Twice within the last three week: windows have been broken persons end.-ring or leaving the storc. T Mistaking a small door leading into the display window for the en- lrlnce of the store. William Miller. 602 \\'illtes Boulevard walked into the display window and out through the large plate glass Monday about 3 o'clock. Miller was uninjured but the falling glass broke the glass from the adjoining display window. Miller stated that he was «near- sighted and that he believed that he was leaving the Store by the main entrance. _ Damage was estimated at $250, according to the management. Three weeks ago a negro, intend- M plunged through the wit the small door leading into the display tvindow. He also thought it to be the main entrance. Tau llc l'i Pledges 5. The local chapter of Tau Beta Pi, national honorary engineering fra- teinity. announces the pledging of —.._.--- -- . _. Your Message will i c... . V ‘I "' " rs - -r '- - __ .7-L? '‘!-''’’‘..n‘... 3» t..."-5%. .3 f . l -9., . . -. ‘son Palmer, seniors,‘ and David ~ the junior class in the College of Engineering. THE LITTLE GIFT SHOP Greets its many old and new friends at its new home, 309 Ilitt Street. Ethelyn Beauty Shoppe Expert Cosmeticians 12 S. Ninth St. Above Heibel's Pharmacy Prices Reasonable . . Telephone 1883 Making yourself beautiful is an absolute necessity, not a luxury. Ethel Raloes, Proprietreas e (1.? The‘ Store of Standard ‘Merchandise- 0 , Frederick J. dulvu. William Arthur ° Gum, Erwin S.‘ Kern. and Oliver Wll-’ Rfiach Hundred; r I U -7 =1. one “'l'W0-SE\'EI\'-flll" _v.n. Phone! you'll get good meat.‘ at Richards. l'llt1l’.Slll8‘. are entirely '.-=:iti.:{;rc- lory. Think if the trouble on-l thin.» _\‘i»'.‘l?' telephone .s:i'.'cs-_ ‘.- .lt'll\'t‘l' illl'(‘t'I to _\'uu!' ltitclu-ti in 1: \'t‘f:.‘ stint"! time. It 1-. .. rt-/;.§ pleasure to .~iio;x _ [lli.'lllt' at ltichard~'.:;:in £1330 ' i’ . ,~ , - (.~;;. veiiit-tire. . “The ljest of_lE\.*crylhini,r” K‘%"3£'3¢3(Xl3f!E33.8't¥fi ‘1..=:_}t23 ::’_;: 2: ‘.123; ;}§'‘--:: .'~“‘..7.~::‘.=‘~>‘-'-'*-i"~**.’~ '-*é?5—!-°-.“r‘-t;‘-.Zlg'l"l€(l knit unclei-we:ii* is an investment in personal comfort and good health. ‘(.'C*l’t;lllli_'i~’ no better make could be chosen than MunSing\vear—which is siiown exclusively at our Store, for women and children. For women, there are’ well-fitting, Straight-line union Suits in Sev- eral good weights, and snug little suits for boys and girls to keep them warm on coldest days. ' ’ Witt iii! If it'ii ivrfu )t.n':t~ii‘si \A' V l’-"T:l‘{fllIHrV_Vl ... . 1a"fl F‘ P‘ fihfia 31-:::it '3‘:Tr.‘.‘ 1 no shipment of Millinery faring every basement for one dollar. is a this season's a Most Unusual Millinery l are T hat Thursday Every ionurewfsax om :‘ ,, “The House of Fashion” Basement Millinery p in order to make room for a new we of- ‘sale. ‘l’nlues 10$.“-50 IiA'1'S~;A1tE - At c.AsH»o_NLr_~i NO REFUNDS y \ EXACTLY 136 E HATS g ‘.~-g-p xi 4 -CV’ U‘