,2’ iv‘ " ‘fa ‘- .s , l l l I I l * l‘ _ V __ _. , , 33-; 0- - _;g_‘_,-..‘ _ ‘;:_“_.".-3 2L.’v.‘C.'.3.'.'<'& . ' ‘ - - .‘ .. - -. . .. '-9.. .1 ;_ ‘ M‘ _‘ , . .. ” ' -— > ~'~‘°' '*‘“’"“"-'~.r' -“"‘-'7' i. , . . » .3 ~ 2.4-. v. 31' .-“A ", RV-7????‘ *- ~ '. .. - . ~ - ~ .- t , , , “-0 t ‘-~ 1t" T‘ ‘ ‘v t c ‘- , “‘._.': ..' .;"> fv. "-' . . l‘ .> "l .' ‘._ 5 l I l. l . _; _ I V t l V . D . 4.» 7 l’§~'-.l..'I.-' f 4-’ "3"" }_.l Ell . . ' ' ll - e -57 ' ‘ ‘ “ ’ . . 4 - -,';.x_ >' . - on 4 3 ~ 2 f ’ TEECOLUMBIA WEDNESDAY:0CT0BERo14,~1925 . ~ . F o _ - ;._ .h p _ ' ‘ p .‘ ugh : v at I - i '_ ‘ H _ _.. K i * ' ' " JEDGING 1"EAIlTPI.'A(‘$ Nth flair; in th;'hcn;,"."”. . ‘i — - I 03533 9“ ~ ‘A ' . ‘nfiunuun ' ‘ . i is c c ' . _ _ '1 fining’ '.¢aie_-xix mi-.1!’ re» mm. ‘:Po“°°’Me: u__hw'“°"‘§_”“hod*"‘;::: Y nenému mud r of u_e';;m‘?’:n“I§‘;d Pgum “- .' _ 4.1.... At. -A_....l .. _ ' . _. . mi ‘ ; 1 A . ; " _ ‘ gv v.v._=_-u_-——--— —— ‘ -‘- s as“ fig Lifl, of Sixteenth Didtld, .0" “flu! ma ”fi'{.do',y_». _ . _ Th d . _ bu“ hdzi-ng {um 'l'r.m‘c.e. John llatthrtvs and A3.‘ .~_ - nial t.Qa.¢zi_:rl:::el;. nu '”'t“e5eA 17.,‘ 3;, .¢ _ . , , ‘ Local Ilarketa. ‘ 81. Louis Prudnge. ' ¢- _‘“'§ _, , _" h ._ ti-.ur Stupp- - - ‘ _;__ ' _ _ . 3,, g gfgulupeing. _ The Episcopal Church: plan in to u'at°ck_~_3o‘§_ at under 5; By United Pr:-ts. from the Dniversxtg p ced .oIr- _____.____ A f i '5 15" 3 . °"'-‘ ’ '-"'9"? ‘ ‘''°‘''* 5° 3: u-ii-H-n-. prepare religious in_strII}'°°“ Louis top; cattle,6oc imder St. Louis ST. LOUIS. 302.. Oct. 1_f.-Ez:s- tecnth _Imont W¢n_!l“-_f°ur fill"-‘: W. 1. Oliver Goes to 3:. hole.‘ W2 '3. '. b v . . any stretch of,lt1}eilDI¢' '67. LOUm.Pri:)..-1'. afmwwm on twine” mum - . aelfi ;; l Man .M3_ . I present tax law, but it our’: change under thecontrol of Lewis ll, Bggg. be answered and return Q with _on- ham -1“; he“; ,,p,.;ng,_ 19¢; Poultry-—Hen.r. lac; turkeys. l.@ C. Rag:dale_ ehainnan 0 me 812'} NW high_Sc.nod “Bab "W3 3‘. 1”“ Fora for At?/331.0? '5' P'"¢"‘ *0’ °*' '".‘'*''*'‘'='-* "- °."-W9‘ " °‘ °‘“°'-'5» €""' “"""""" “W "“"°“ lightsprings.15c;turkryhens,21c: soc:>prinss.21i=c:ducks.17@2l-::,Department who is ammdmir ‘-the “ " . - {I § '1 , § ‘* Irluine cnnllnnl principle is thin the which probably will go into eféect lines. . ad tom,‘ 17¢; yam; jn¢k;_ 12¢; old geese. 8@‘l3c; cocks. 12'ac. . Sh<;‘W- k dd ‘I - . 7 " '-'. :' Bod lans so whole is the sum total of its-parts toinorrorr show: several tam lair‘ Ln“ Noyes lug instructed seven] ‘.1 éh gt. 5 (_"m-est-—.\'orthern Twins. 22‘éc;3 is te gram a s: “. issouri m— +— '.‘ 1_ V..(;- y p. . . ,. 1 . _ 5 . - . . 0 9 - ‘$390 c- _r _ 7 . . ._ .. ‘ .y ' _ E .' " l . mgrenchmalt . and no moan 8. mu’ . L lltzedemmiaung and a number rt-- hundresd C‘:llt‘l(ll1‘eX(lx-:'I‘l.'liIllCl(’J.!!l])ll‘I.Xi::‘ E‘g,___35c; cowl”. mum.’ 49¢‘ ‘mung America. 221‘.-c. ‘ : l;§cc:i::l£adh¢1>§£\;bran.nlaa.o:\h;:;-U232; BeuF,Mpnm,,g_ .1... ‘ -l t :4; __..._.'_- 3"‘, .. . . |'°‘'‘°l ‘ ' - - ' - M Grain-—Wheat No. 2. :i.i7@1.'>0; St. Louis (‘ash Grain. i 2 - Sr -' ' - —. "‘ ‘ “"°' ~ .i. . -» r -. . . - .. 3. 3 vocational hl ll- . ,;_ ~; - . W “gmhoay - ht 1.. 1-‘. Delllrt, former prohibition extend the plan this fall_and.to _ A , _ , tam ! s0lm_ _ _ _ L. . , ,_ . ll; 1.; ; E_)‘PERT_:[ BE ginppdmd‘ .;‘:h;',‘:‘,-gall?‘ ii director of lfiaaouri, and revocal.ion_ mnke PC1150 contacts ‘nth, the “us 353336. 00111. 33@90C- AV’ Mo” Oct‘ “._Com_f ;'~'cl=‘ool tgam ‘at l~.e)'tie:-ville fxnuliod ]_ I ll H. l: in V ‘lb C bl Ma lack’ fill! en‘ bod “’ Dawn. and” we Andrews. pun’ ‘B chddun whcne-vet po“1bk° Eu‘ &‘ l‘°'i‘ [‘i"°’“‘d‘° No. 1 white 87¢‘ .\’o. 2 whize 87c'l int wt .elm-neon u“m‘.‘- CC-mp‘3.1mx' ’9nick Printer ' ? 5 "i~ I :- 9: . ‘ l 01', 0 ml Y mdufidni -n , ‘f n to g not inc in the new lut of of» . . . '_."""'°""‘: By vnltd Pram. . .. ' .1 .. ’ '! 3-150 hi‘? hllh TM" Vlmllnlr $400 t a .9 -if ~_, 1,. '- . _ ‘ 3°‘ 3 ° ‘ 5' "‘ 1.. bk hi“ A‘.\lA_!\S PRAISE B.C’. lIl'.\"l' ,‘.A.nOVAL STOCK "HID: m ,.!a:»'. 19¢‘; Dem; Mac. 2 “.h0|a,.5h;ps_-- Phone 2249 911a Bllndgqf ’ ;' Ha\lC Llreat 0!‘ much II he wants. lt “GU11. ‘c _____._. _ ‘ ‘ . -. "v " O:._._,_ :".;_ 2 whiu.’ .1055,-1c; _\'.,.Y Prof F I. Fl . . _ _ - ‘ 4-. . L _ r. Nasmonal Political that there will a sub» hank p . general agent in Discussion oi“ Coin-ent1i.1:hls 061-kfll4‘~o:f81’;110.—3l?¢f*lP-5-V 5:000; 3 “-i,g;,_ 401.5;-_ . ’ I - -“"1 - UB8. m.=.ru<'tor in . J9: .' . £; . . , . _. stantial reductiori in the normal tax as City, is loo . Act- fleld'at Ichenn 3'. "'“" V} ‘’ 5“ 9°“ “33“"-‘_ "4 . A, r __ _; f -« js. . ' :1} , ‘Situation, nu, 1;“; .‘:§1i5v.:l .0 iwmw ;,,. ing [)ep1;t!:'sAdn:|i1‘]isi;"!‘.ol;eI3ll‘lO1'§}(‘)f hf. c. gem,-1-:l£uln_:ua in gt-ers:_s;ar1;2§ st;:r:0z(z\n§i_£cv:::rrs. ml‘ ";f50,“‘““’-"l ~“"Y- 5‘-‘Wig; 4“ — » ‘ - .. of ._.- .. ,.._ _ _ *_ -1: . , V . .._ 5 cornea, an .‘ naljneouigg no eastern ‘ souri.is mo 0 t e c rge 0 t recen runs cone 5°C--~ : ‘S. . a«.i.; : n ‘‘‘;'h ' ( \, n l__Q .; , * ‘ T . 5 I l i "7 ’“““’*3“' "‘°”"“‘ close toindividua] votes nndtindirid- rank of agent. No successor is tention, was eulogiaed at the IL hers and <‘Utl01‘9.82.75@3.:'r0:c:1!\'0S. , N" " "‘ ‘," "1 S "" la,‘ F O R S A L E ‘r 2 ,‘ ' : ,(-.,.y-rubi ML by thecou-ehdaud he--v nu ‘mu’. ‘m decide the . , mm A Wang, wee ’ mnghgon tdgy fiy 312612.50; szoclcers and feeders’. “ h°3‘ ”'””dl‘-\"- -"- ‘L451 7’; ‘ 7 : ‘ b .‘ vi-=* ca» ~ ° °°'"'"« ° % - n o »e »- » »-»~ FORD SPEEDSTER 5 .» i 5" 3” f°d°7"‘.‘! '"""'-"'w“-",,:."mn': :vcitl'lol:.r-ern ist(t‘;xteoorl"efciB:'uJu!:::t?I'nm d;lrl’:r2u:i(.imlil:s Mn Hunt :.d:xree Hn:s—~Receipt.-. 14.500: mark:-!. Try ‘ Mlmumn mm M’ ' ' l‘ ' ?‘:1:1gu-liefififn Til: :'-lIl‘):InID‘d mg; ‘ 7°" 803 liltle over llenmsm ' been demoted to agent ivith no suc- his 6398115985 in muwfint C0!I%‘I!n- uneiven. weak: hen')'. $11-40@ll.80: ~ o § Torpedo Bod} . Good Tires. A Bargain ' "1 ‘V .v In . - - ' ' '-' T . . :- .« i Wmnfim_e ‘mm mm, we-%,_b,,_, : 1-,, ,,du,,;,,, ,5,“ win he ms,‘ t;sso‘r"f.ni!i:iei{‘l._ Char‘-les ‘ion tioln det.'a.lls.' the U0 if llgzl. ls;1:1.:3oll;g*rihit.fi.-,:._1i;,?d,@slil 23:.» Motor Cycle Package 5 3; . one-,~.pi:oI ill to start {raining the m)';V_fl')' memory‘ and lhmen mglowie F.nno£-incirmnigiaum “sis: h5tri‘r:et'l‘e§rrlgHum :;>il;V::at LE}. packing. ‘mu ‘9_.‘_;_’6lj0.75. pig‘. V Denver). p T o ,5‘; 7- e: - -.- l.ilLL A ii I us: very * 81'! ton! to lure the - .' ’ ' .. ' ' ‘ . . . ‘ I‘ ,' A ' ‘.’.. '° I’ ls .- Del" ed in '>- 2 I‘ “‘ 1 lx:'il‘e\Llin gimtrluca will be‘ lion aw coin: to -tat.-e no changis :9“ "‘ ‘Z233’ °ft ‘M gimml °€' ;"“‘.°" 5?‘; °;‘3”°”°‘ "‘°'!'n“““& s"qf2e€:_'§°£_' .12?-"' ‘,‘:0%‘}"“" R t u l.n':;:r]o ',l“'° “C J: J l\. .' . v. " j. ‘ _ ‘._ . i ices, are uced 0 82911 5. action wit 1 arrangeine an - 9! S. 1 . mar '2 . _ '. ‘ ‘ ° _ ‘ V '. . A . . l ‘’‘."“"z 2: 0 20:2 n£.{_mfnu:hTo?a£e‘(?{ni:%1i°‘_‘i?u?:l -rhéne‘. 1;“ mm‘ be named by gene“; candncteof the meal; weak: ewes. $5 7.50: canners and Quick Service E; DBBICPS Ill Dodge Bl'0tl‘l€l'S, C8l"8 _ ‘ mute: "' r "Cruz ' ' - - - ‘ ’ ' . . - _ . . " L50 4; . I 1 hi‘ _- ~ ph 2032 ‘,0’ [V ___ _, i I _ . lvmmm “Tiiteh mm we ML d d 1 inter, Andrews befone becoming: effetlhe. Eggiiyrliietnilicsl ;‘gt;§r- 5 (75 two am s S! {Q1 1” V gflmmone Columbh “O lxggxX_“.,¥.xx‘x;& :‘::::’_ .\Imvthari_ionc’hund1'¢*d in i*‘i 31 TE, 0 s - ‘ ““’. cguicu 31~',\gA1L is p[_,g,\' , , . ‘ ,- "' ' ' ' ° '. ’ '[—* ~ — .— ..... V. . . V . line-<‘ of ¢-n5:?rnriu- have threshed . ‘Ls I’ ELROPEA3 F5335 .j—-——"’ ‘ " ‘_ '“ork m cunjmg mft ‘he V V W ' ‘ * --—~—- _ li{J{'§73<3€11_3€X3&7-!X§3§?.'r7‘.§'. :::::;::.-; .~.;.l _ .‘ .11.-1:: zmrde ‘res l!'|1f'l‘l’3KT3m-"3079 Jolui Ashton Adam”. 31.“.-.¢;.¢ Evin-we-I Church of Clue-to M-‘V 7”“ ”?‘f‘_"”"F “,"‘h°"°" °.' 3 _ '“""' ‘ --_* -~ 1 L -3- -- ~ ~ --E. ‘ ‘ 4.: iv“ 1-laeiéc and "of $l10!‘1. or te- - flea‘. (jab mums Novel Plan. 2939781 dl><°.‘5*°” f‘- 11 9 ¢:'3§"n°°- I V T ‘ .*~h°d- £‘.i‘:.‘..:.‘.o":~'...’:i‘:.”..'.:‘:.’:.‘:‘;.‘}’.. :’.:::‘..?‘:“f,:.‘i..“.".?.:?:’:‘:£.'i“.‘.‘:‘;. E:;:}'.° v ....... ..‘.’.1“...‘“..'.’;‘;°...'§.’f"..2...:““" ' " '”‘""" '"*' %. You Work Hard for Your . .‘ :}’p(-Wflllttl and printe papers. ist en's Club Monday night- Mr. ‘ . . . ' 5‘ . . ' ‘ “- , I . l’ ., _ . p :*"- ‘ , 1:‘ ‘.2-lo m:nun‘t:ce should dc-vo.e to Ashton stroke from personal obser- h‘b""m§.°{ Puuyln‘ ""1 min] ed‘ "“r:‘;“h_°rKr.°‘°!u}'°n,°xpEl:es'Belri Wu R:di:r:u.‘;:__' L; Kalb" (‘""p'''"' ’’'‘’d‘ °f —.. the «nu:-'i.ler'&ion of the programs \‘lll0!lS.Of several European coun- ‘°"‘"‘""""°" _ _ ‘ _ _ .57" ‘ "‘ '1‘:'l1n:e"c ‘_' f .u 0 S k 1, W l' “F”? u "‘"""."' fir‘ . " - all the time their makers vn.-h. ILIXHCS. I _ ‘In the opinion of_ Miss \t-ra 'v‘=dbeb0¢‘¥l W13 K‘ fins? 0 ‘_"‘ ‘- 0"’ 1"-'°"“' 7'¥‘""’-‘- _ _ . E ’ w.,~_,‘_-g 5;: for we-1-lo is-ithou: doing c_ A. Johny,“ gang sewrul sdeo 5.03.95. dm_.,._.m,. of ,.¢i,m0P, “gun. to k‘pr‘es‘ent...- . Gsta lag $0 efo “c d) hcase mini: and electntnl repairinlz. ‘ E "“‘ no-as ......w or W ":“"~“ °‘.°“:.°“:.~ ‘*1: :.*:~“:...:,:‘“:..:".°.:;....‘:.::~.:'. .2“? 2 2 For You . . llullfi which business int;-tests 00 "-595 deg-,;b,d by ,\1r_ Aghtom plan is the so vntion o t e c.urc ‘H ‘ . _ ‘_ . ’ . ' T 7Q ‘ . bt:_"n_ it I. . _ in speaking of the ma! Wopks in the“. sec on,_ §(’1~:lk‘l.ll"(u!lCluSl0n b) beatlnt 59- Rm liafffiédsnfllghy v ‘, will Aim tq Hear CM)‘ 1"-‘P973-_ of 1-‘,ump.;..n i-oum,-1,5. 35,, Ashton "The rural church as an institu- '3’ ‘ ’ ”' "‘D’"““" . 3 01: Wnrlc ll{ll'(l Ml‘ }'(lL1l' l'll(L’lt‘_\'. Does your _ .‘ Tito i't'-n‘:Inl!!¢‘t’. ‘'7 'l‘°m‘9‘-'- ‘_“u said: ’ tiou is rapidly passing." Miss Noyes -_ . . -2 A ‘ "3 ’ ’ ‘ v ‘ ‘ , r * fi_ _ .- :. ~= J A «Z: _«‘ nl0ll0_\‘ \\'r_.-3-’,; just as h;ird for you '.' a-lop. no svcil lime-“'8$*i"K Uici"-“~ --11, - ' ' exp ined. “Modern conveniences, _ m '_ o _ ‘ . but in View of the widesprolid of Iui‘,f:?§s‘_l:n,th£,:?:he:;‘n such as the nutomobile.ha\'e.doorned 1-"REE HA!BL~R(;ERS FOR T If ll (l(v’.‘S‘ll t.'1n(-:1 3':-ll are not getting ‘full daszrial. commercial. and fimmcxa farm Eh? peopk are doing much it We must find other means of H, CENTS I \‘zllu‘.f out of l:‘:.‘- izollzirs _\‘«_.-u put aside ii-om YOU!‘ in='~*r~“~ in k‘-'h<'-‘°*b’:t I‘*“‘=?‘u‘“° "‘-" mm than they did ‘before the war. “=°*‘i"8 ""9 °°“""'-" ;°‘k h“*‘° ‘W SQl'ARl-I DEAL l.L'.\'(‘H R005! ll °8”“"L'-‘- . cu: will ta'e, pro ) 3‘ in 8PPCY' L~ fik A - h __ 1 ._ not touched by town c urc es. 0 24 he . * g _ . M _ . fl _ . ‘_ _ _ l ‘l"“‘ ""‘“Ed""hl° lime 1° h'"in"ad' ernsdl forx‘gl::?trll5n.rit ttlllfesgiipog 2:» “Mn” luv? ‘ccbimed “'9 radio Phone “:0; Broadway »(m\Nlll:—M(ifI;u\4I£l‘ ‘Hm mm‘(.': l!“(r“'ud 1,“ ( luvs Slgnuce Pm’ 3 V.0€_-‘"9’ "l W‘ P'°F"3"~“ "°"‘ ‘"5’ duczion, For gnsunm fifth“. c‘n" as the solution. This may be a help ! C 3 Fa E «ii : ferret! Sim-_l; 'v.*_lll t'iil'll :i lull-\'2!'lllP income for 5. l iinfw “T °nd*’=“'°'- "W"? "F" sell their wht-at*ata[:rofit.the.v have _ _ _ - M - ‘ / E _h,. (5. *, -""-“'- Md '1 Will be safe. 1 I to _ z-‘i~e:;-ptati».-95 with ideas about tax '7’ I’. ‘e ' therniselvt-s. H _ ' M - ..e. .' -. . ., ‘ Th._ _. _r r _ A M.‘ _ _ W — 7‘. 7. tduruinq which: wnnld hfncfit the" Tb’? have adequate means of star‘ e __ ‘ _ ’ , ’ ' . . l:~ - fill till}. _K(-‘L Lll Lt} L-Lin l(lC'.\ 8 Sure. $Ul)- _ ‘men’ Pflrticulai’ induiltries will line 82,: ‘ i ' - i I ' | ' . ‘ f stzintlzll 2l:m;izll-4. n1 ;:!.c:uI ‘. I 1' . Plus unusual . inn in force and prhhahly wzll be “The ham“ are ‘mm in 8. rec. l -7. ’—‘_ - f ,-N; .<:‘..(“.}' for 1116- ::‘.;«:1('}' }|\;} mi-L-5t_ ;r,-E ' Ill;-ard, eve-ll with the most careful um le ‘form around 8 mart The ‘ Y" r . V _ ,. '. I 1 _ fl 3; - f tpaxing down gr the lists. by the . F; n_ A. 9-,, GASOLINE - gm wt sum _nm, 7'. fullg:t1'Io!l,zht out propcsalsist ii:o id -1, ‘p d. _ "h h _‘ E ‘Q J _, .__‘ _ ', . . l . 1 the fifiou‘ Mmcimion of Man“. Sifiiiim‘ ril:tb!(:l::llloSn thtflslr COURTEOUS : Q ..io.x_ }.)‘tl>.]L.-.x-. hon and W113 Cities _ 5 1,m_'mtm_$. Thaf rflfluw om“iu_ - -. .‘ 3 st. . . ..(3l\.l’.t‘ . li?fclft~il btucl-. provides a safe and : ti 3 lion been qontidering the pmsi- 'm:ri‘;:‘2:"§:_a3: 'd"a‘;? ‘h_€,h{i':l::;"i‘E v _ L ‘H prclllzililo? JOl) 14.1‘ you!‘ money. ’ ' 1}; 3 ” llilities of tax -reduclim for many , , - i . -‘ e -4 ' ~ - ‘ - .2 less than an American dol- To t . : in-dc«-'. It-IP "lied 8--‘Pflul W‘ " ‘MD . h h - . A DESIRE . Mail the coupon and gel the facts ' ;commi¢_“* 7-° ‘."°'k o'u'_ 2» ivrocflm ’ “F” t E M‘ as mi: * " . ' I ' ‘ 4.; § 4»! warestinns fa !_ 3'1’; ""g‘m3j: ::_?;;;;.mm°O{;m PLEASE. i , \ . : g (.‘l:STO.\lER ()\\'.\'EltSllll' iii-:P.uri.'Mm"l' ‘g _i - ‘ e - .2 n c ' . . . ‘ ~ .—. ‘ ‘ ;f::¢:;.g".: E‘-fiiries :,.&‘:.;n“,m_;:I: result from their wcrk. to which ,E: _‘ -.. .-. - "77’? nr ‘ Q ‘ , ‘_ _ .' ' ' ‘ - . ‘ht-v ,.:_ ugngngd," . ' ____ ,. , __ _ V _ . E ' ,_. . 5 are r-3 ‘Tic S‘ W ’ Chg\'fo|et_.Bu§ck_-Lfarmon -1___ _ ’ Lo & C0. ' ‘ .{ gsatm to T," ,,,_ -rm I-oments of ‘ Motor Cars . HERE 0 I CANTINE _ il. !\. Allison. Bonded Representative’ A A l the _Pl'V0Posal have been carefully —.~ _ -_.--- , _- - - ‘~ I C thls or} y one . * 216 Gmlar B]‘lg- ‘ Cohlmbilo Méo ;‘c"e(IMd f,-0yn,FRyb]Ec \fieu" bul _ --—— _, - ,,, _._ ,. oa 9 r ’ r. {be released. i1 is underrtood when Deaervea to be gushed by our _ " Coal Company, St. Louis. - . _ ‘. jibe committeehmeezs «aloe: 19. experts mm their cornhinatiuon L TINE is the copyfight trademame m:.\in 1-. DOHER- J l 3 !n ddit.ion1o't'ne blanket TPt'0m° air and inter system. of £ - - 0 of a moderate] - A TY & ('0. \' ” . -. . ~« . ,.. . ypriced coal ofa . dime . . . . . . . . . . . »--. :. lpgndatioris, veins of various dis- hm“ {rpm It dun. bag. in A . . , , 216 G -t Bu _ y _; .- -.t‘inct lines nfumanufxj-tnringaeach "de a‘ c ' Iii‘! i'ui't Clean, dean“? qlfa-htY‘Qu3~11tY Whlch C831 Colu:bi: M0.“ E - ~?_~E ;-. I’ imamrnoth ‘in la :'u-n,.;':r. .; « Prom“ ma “WW” “"5” e 4 to, not Cantinc bemainrtfiined for over two hundred mafia Wm mo 1 Afhlress _ _ , __ _’ " ‘ ~ _'v~w~=I.M4-wPI.I=,1 )1 ' Us 1 9 10- - . .~ ' years. ere is no such designation " ' ’ ° V ' ' ' ’ ' ' ° ' ' ' ' -?~ . l. ~ ‘.‘’"’‘’‘’“° ’’“’‘°" """'.""“"5’ W.“"h‘ “mu you n . v ‘ . A Dlsplay of the 5 i h» F in coal mining as a “Cantinc Dis- ’ 11.‘: C't"n{m;-won l 4%’ ‘ 1 ‘ **=¢*°" v"Pa'*‘ =° -‘W’ W" “°*“ Wood Service Station - « - i V‘ - -- ‘ " '‘°‘ ’‘'‘°'’ ’ Citv :7" ‘g as to the wistom of continuing the ,,n pm‘ to pp”? T . ~ ~ t trict —be careful. therefore. not to Preferred Stock. l .< - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - -- “f l l mite tax or; per em on their ma‘ 8 ah st ' be misled by offers of “Cantine ‘ i -wares: the 1715 5*_‘**=l"§'. fldoms 134 ‘ — - , - District ” Coal —— demand genuine £ i ii %;':.‘§’..‘1’l.'i’§.£f‘.‘T'if...I1‘.l‘..£.2.o?J.liT - » ~ M . . 1 cAN,,'rINE—:*”r.he Hard sow we e v t the ‘mm: 3 M nuim“ W 0,, mt J B COLE adeo to the individual measurements. , . Coal, and avold disappointment. % ~ ’ A .3 ; jg ‘ it'll-hp: they-h‘ e to sell; and the ' .‘ ° , ' ’ 1‘ "77’ _ . - V gt, ‘r I,‘ Q at Wm b dmmtw , and Samples ‘on displai at the Jungle, acro_s «; 2 I A » Mr -; ! . penm by men in me theater and DR. FLORENCE F from University L1l)1‘al‘y, afternoons and. I 0 J 2 ..mm‘m ~,llc~.ui:~ ‘business, ,5 well as FREMBES eveiiin 5 M01 nin q 3 )en fol 3 int ’ a Oa _ THEATRE 0 L : ; id '. I ‘ ' o o o . ‘ s- . ’ ’ . 7 t l L‘. . in‘;:._::":.,.m ‘O Pm“ um Ostgmmc Physmm t g g 1 Duo 1 . om: NIGHT ONLY C . A. _ , l ; Then.vtt,o.'Ihe bankers expect to Exchange N831. Balk Bldg. men ° . x‘ /_ ‘ ° ‘, ; is .5 is-ave m'n-mains which they win he Rooms 308-311 — 9‘ . ,- . 5 ",i‘r!'e‘pnm-ddto snb_2;1i:d_fgI;etdhe 1".0ml‘l'l.I‘- office phone ‘98 M R ' - - ,| ; p .‘‘*f K“! I"; I 13!! 3} f 7|)‘ Residence phllle 341 o CDPCSCII ve -< — —~ — W» —-~ - ‘.‘- - - .o__. _ _ ’ ' ‘ ‘p . . poo i-em_|’5anies have tfrtnin definite Residence phong 2230 buck ’ . ‘- .__ _' 5. -, § 9 ldfas ‘which t cull)‘ be made phin . y ‘ . ; _ _-_ ll 3-4; A month: coin ttt-e; e, r ‘ _> ‘ ax _ . , = . _"~ ‘: I : '- ‘ tax u‘l'll.<‘om§Fl: f:r_‘an overflowing A l p ' " ‘ I ' ‘ . .. _.f ~.. E 1 ' V ' measure of union nnd the capi- ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ o ‘ ~'_ ; ‘ : ‘ 'tal stock iaiglikentie will be both Fireplace wood. stove wood ' - . '. ‘ ,‘ tad;-ocnted an}! opposed’ in its prev and kindling. Best Boone ' _ .. , . z 1. . . ~ 3 _ em féfm-' l '- ‘ County coal. We will fill - . i . , .» Sucrruned up, every gbgdy is e ° and deliver 3-gut 0 er . Y ' ' i '. . . . - . E" ' . in: onirresa to cut is parti r _ j _. _ 1' ‘ 3 . 3... s...:................. "'°"“’“’ . _ ou Owe It Th Th P I f WM. wvrmwtwaor _» tn: the appaih.-ntly impoisible in the . Phone 1319 p : . ' ‘ 9 u O ' I > t . ' 5 way of tax lief. ,'l'fiere will be - . - . Y. o . l . . V i 3,. 7 available; it estirmted. not to e:- ' . A , .0 ’ . _ . - X 0.964 me o. .............. Smarr & R1 . ards our utomo 1 e . . Any Commumty-- 5 i . e . J (mid vrobuhly-‘no: more than $35l.- 208 N 8th St ' ‘ i i ’ , ‘ '° . t , a ' I ' " L Sf‘ . . . box the coming cut his - ' ' ’ ‘ , « . — ‘ ~ 5 1 1 V;_ Seen so wida! advertised that the “ l ' ' K "i ' l .“ z : pl} demand for x raluction will be .I_ ’ ' ' ' ' . ' . - ‘ 3 5 _ _ E H‘ ‘."fl_u Wm he mm. beyond ‘E.’ Tune up your car to C01 dmreather ’ A1 belelt ln.ll.~ banks. It is there . V, 3. _. . .‘§ conga, an 0: “my . d , , _ _ that Its periods of prosperity are \ . ;» 3 Jhm ‘mu t opera rig condition. Give it a chance to . reflet 1 d h - - \ L. , .—: .i. .. . . ‘M33’ in lienrtndl del. . I , , C e_( an t ere that its depressions ‘ _ . ‘ ’ -_ .3 I i. it X b r W_d._-_‘% - t Iver owd cost miles tfhrough the extra. l.‘ are l‘elIe\'ed by advances of capital; _ .. ., .3,;.§) :2 l .‘ of -‘ ’ ‘ ‘ " 8 rains an stresse< or winter drivin t ‘ 5" ' 134% ' ' -7 . . .' ' ‘ I ' - - . ‘ ~ g‘ . . . - . ' ." A « , . .._1 You. will more than save the cost In . Because tms is true. the officers of . ' g,5§.,1 H‘ 'r" :r; .-;i .91.... an; fi¢‘y.ag.,-, service and supp1ies,‘not to figure the sav- ‘"9 B°°"F’ C°“"¥-" .7"!-9‘ C°ml>an.v have ' J ' 49 xi -ll‘ .. . ll . . . .. . . . . . . , . wt‘ - F. ; .. ‘V »_ E _ _ . mg m depreciation and protection from 1 alua_\s. gnen this institution to the ut- .v.‘ _ um; ‘« - .. . _ 5:’ .j K « a loss Of. . 4 , most ln_pu lC service. Its growth is ‘ - / ~ ; ,‘ ~- ’ ‘ "f, ,_‘- = "3 . ‘ v . 1159- 5 ahre{|ec'tion£f an uttiselfish desire to aid ' . /I 39/ ,1 JV; 5, .4. l ' = ;'} ~_=. __ L . ‘ * b . . - - i t e ies in rests 0 Boone Countv and “ . . .- , ' '7 3;: .-.'_ s p . _ L A He;-e 5.3 re sen-ice 5}mp_ Drive in its citizens. They‘-e is no financial matter l 5 " } L- and let us give y ur car the once-over. If- 1 fgsfggtiloz ':°f'~"‘i: personal . f ; '. I . -- ' ‘ ' . o r ‘ ‘ ‘ . ' . . c ., it Idoesllt need a ythxng we wont hesitate : mu, pmmems .0 In “ ‘es 3”“ . 5}; 3 ,3. . , to tellyou so. , . ’ ' " . f g} _ «az . p _, i . i ‘ . e A Service-built Institution ~ 2 " A t 41%.; . ’ - t -t_ p T _3._ _ _ - . ‘I r I 1 " . ‘ 4 V .. — - I ' V " I‘ *' I, - ~ 9 ‘ '; ¢J15N.r,ihsi.. v.—. 1 Phon‘e363f.,‘v t e ~.. -L 5? iii "' ‘.°‘.‘l'..:..'.‘ '- -;'. -*T.............."“‘ l ‘ .. .. 3:? l . . I J ' A ‘ l.._‘‘ , i g; . v". K29 _} .. '5 t J’. . .: ‘ ‘i 3., ' . V ‘ : ‘ ;.. .. . .' V. ‘I . I - - '-‘ ~' '1‘ ..* " :8 ‘~ ’ ’ - ' c '. .1. .;..i-.: I ’ if