_ -.. . - ;>. 1 A -. , .. 3. ‘ 4' e ‘. ‘ ;~*~; ; ~%— s ».‘.’E; 2"’: - l at a >3 -:~,*.,.’"\3'«&7:.«‘~ "i-4E‘. 7 ti‘ ‘ "3 A ' ' 9 ‘ . — 1 7 -4; Ha: ';“‘l-9 .-°" «. '- '1‘ . _; » ‘.501. t ' - _ -. — 2 . . - . 2» 4- » ‘ ..;’?* 1'7‘ -. '1‘---.1 ~’9‘_. ,»‘-I Ar‘ -'-A ‘~‘ v ' -'..- a ~ - :_'+.-;‘ ,. _ A 7.:-t ."-1* ;._‘s: _- 3' ' 33. _. ~ - a a.; .;f..' _% - . * .. * ' - ‘*=. l,%s:e~- -' ~.«:a-fI’.~‘=”-- r, M: n ~ ~ 95- ~ "-* “"'*— *3‘ = e’ v,., V -- .«a'<:»-W? e r * 2 k 5 1. Q. , T - e~i in: > '1 ‘ ._ ¢in!.ti4l<*il2*°‘l!°‘s“““'*'““‘,‘§“'fl,j . t. ?g._.... nu taste. but i L , _ 3. 4. f‘ —“‘ ‘ ~ ' "-9- "°""'*"*«.- ltesaltaWlllI'e"lled»U! ' ““‘*"li\?tlIe;nflInreot.oollel0|5 "-‘“‘.+ + . ~.w,.°< : « _. « . Ia - h gag‘; [Rf any 3 _ .3 t _n vfied . » s‘-. 3:} ‘"3 .0 H E .__ ‘ .. .‘ _ .;., --1 . n T _ <‘ 4 H .4 » . t u e 8sIiool‘i¢*ofzlue‘Bl-Ywillhe Q i "°"‘."’ ¢“’"'°°"' « -u 3.; mguu nuuanqg suI_.d»'nuo Is; < .. . -. - ‘ ~ ..._........——.—— -azloocloelgallfredulnn lo. , The of fishnet. 4 . _ ' . . _. . , . _ g ‘ -. farmed gm-Y club septllhI.£.I‘0lI - ‘ * ’ ’ "2 ‘ ' ~ l ' ..the auditorium 0:! Jesse Hall. 150 nbta Vial wm be certain required and they be amused _§ ' ‘ ' ‘ ' 33 ' mm fi ‘ ' "- P. M. 31111 . W0 ‘W ‘ , I ’ V ' . - ' A ~ ‘ ‘G u'*’""'“finuuouu-an-ace‘-h° - : “Wt ,. ‘,7 PllBrndnagrsduauotthe«tests,.the1enlts.ot.wIiehwillho1fn:naI-¢herelaseeuvraetlvltIegul:InGIIl‘''‘'‘‘‘‘9?f‘’ .- ,‘_fi . ‘R r-aha an (or the Ian 5°"°°“ n‘~”‘° ""' .- at Ag;-Ieuitm~e nl’th¢’Uni- used by the deans and ailainiafra-2 for the remainder of tlilvtftaliiloflfl-".’fl3°ll'._‘-'?.‘€';“l’ .2:-I ' ”‘ ’ ' ' . *1» l "‘ h""b°"""?“"q°“"" ~ - ' ‘ «true i slstant t at otfloers'tn"aIhrising and'proper--‘lffor our:-anon they are nInl)l6‘.'O§l"."".‘ ‘.-' ’,"‘1‘-"“-. '-"l ~ .5‘. us A Ila. r.v.'lIar-9“ eaflutvicbedtom both.Ie§n%W“l n""i,°£z‘;d1l‘um{ord. tsubere for 2 tn - 1 ' ‘i * " mu‘ dd?"B.. Fm‘ thug, ,:e'p.,.”:,h:,..‘u;n¢,°on: test days. Mr Brandt is now in " . ~ l ' ' ." 35. :.se.nunauun-+0-to-H--‘Iv-'~ . V ; * .charz'eo{thedIlryd9Pl1‘t11*¢3|t in W4’- , ¢ vlahesanewneielilevltorneoonhb l8l1¢lll8.t3'l9d-A .» ‘ tin‘; ._he’Ca“e‘e of A‘fi¢u1tulm‘tco,-. . pg‘ lab 1: -5' no." ’ Nlduoht will so “Em” boy.’ pd“ mt‘ m:o vallis, Ore. Be is here with his r 1;‘ ‘£33. in mm the middle 0:. ‘'"'‘’l’' Hm» ‘ ~ " dairy 5 in: mm 0“ the ‘VI? 1° '. ~' 3.. t '__ gut; “"“°*‘°’-"""‘:3"“‘”°“-.“'° the National Dairy Show at Indian- ‘ mg fisagpvlsitnd Columbia 3 .. OSWC 0,‘ ‘_ ‘ of, .. F’ ...u‘..a:.n£.¢.s on can Ines-‘int of ' .1Jo}’d. John Phillips, Sidney ‘pom _.__.__._.____ . -.; ,-. = ‘- "" -°- -. ° ‘ , H lvert,‘ Junior ‘Prov: . an gmuucg 351,3 f we #5 . oak. Ia-7 eel: 3t3“9t°“ 93l"'"'t- Tm’ “hm” *3” The Laura Evans Sunday School .- ::“‘nd' ,éui,,,g 3e 4gyf in-» “.;_u;,T:ug':i, ,,....¢ . g... 5,. gm. loader. to meet every week to plan f0!‘ 1139 class‘ will hold a rummage sale in d’ a ge’ mt eorciute week In can-an rhltba bet sun. In « I-550 3'9” ‘I’ °°‘"'“'*' '*""‘ "“" zcnerll mcetinlr Of the 43105 WHY Luge basement of the Broadway lleth- , bi‘ ‘Thu 4 ‘ ' l . ’ ‘ N‘ ’"""‘ In "M “'0 V-’°¢k5- , fodist Church, Saturday October 10. ‘E ' ‘.T...'.‘.*l°"...f.°-".‘.'.' 3:; cs....’.. ma. oecoxumau muse ‘here It is the plan of the newly or-1. _ .Adv.32-33. f 1.-um. - ' . - J . Z ‘______ __ ~~~-~ g____ ___ ; ,,,**,;-~-,,,.,,-_-‘-*~.,.,.;,~*:*;;;*..,.*;-:.‘*:..~--*_ ...':':.:';“‘:‘.': '.:::.*‘;:.'::“..‘::2»°:::.*.‘: 3 5,“. , otunvr.c.'r.a.m ".1 l ' 5; -,1‘ 1, mp,“ dagggfigu. Kr. and fin. ord I and oh ldnn _ . “_ ' «;T,"-'«‘?"-r“-«'-- *~‘~°*35-~--n-n~~°'.°.*m.';:~....,.*'~.::-:.-:;. .. -W‘ M , ' nfn It-007 and -um. nut 1.1. was-; M It the Co--Vault! 3-" on Prid-an ear 8 ~ ~un-‘fie. . . S ' .'. ' Q.‘ .5 smug,“ 1.4“ .3‘ '.¢g...¢“ Ir. and Ira. Wllhln 0. Setup Yleltad at _ V I .' _ mm. with in. and Ira. to P. Dkiu eut.':‘°° 1;:-tfvn d d M A _ to the Game . The “mists v f d.”'._ rs. urxfiy an an: or. mu . , - 3 ‘ 3°. 5 .g,,.. .3 ‘cud, 5 wag. Xarie. cl Colmnlia visited here last week ‘V Del];-gr _ ‘ 7 l " lag '.'r.-4.:-as 1;: nun and lalnllx‘. _ e 919 Broadway . en Ber.‘ rim-n at Gall!-;h :,e:t‘m1 Cantu Alpha Chi lakes Plans. " $ “"73 7:": " .....“‘ .n.’Z‘:.‘T.:a‘°:..‘..”° °°“‘*~‘:f.."“;,““.’.° “So It Wu: Flowers” l ». ununan ' comm: swcao -‘ . 2:5’ d“n7"‘°f°?‘a?'m“° Then after 3 in :sg;‘fl:I-it was no». and In‘ pointed at the ffirst business meet- I y ~ 1 ' " . ~ 3”“ ' ing of Gamma_Alpha Chi. women's . ’ l ‘ NOW 9313 u“'9¢am"‘ “N am 7'” ’"" 1‘ " .""°°' ' t" ‘"5 advertising sorority held in the l 7 -Stsnx. . and W5-mll“ 3°" .:",{'2§.‘,',',:,“,',: '°°"§ counen ,-gammy an} 1;, mg: 11.1‘. ——~w —— , ~ 5 W“ ”" . ‘A-~ , ,7 I ll‘. on‘: ‘ Ii. DIRGII Bftflol ll. imwvdng Iron? ye tel-d v ‘fug-noon. 11 V‘; de. 0 0 ‘ l ' 0 Q ' ' v- ‘ . . — ’ i _ . . “*3 it B“ lb‘ bufnk" """‘°"" m“""‘ . .- ‘ e‘ ‘ed th?t regular business meetinfl Collstllmlilon make’ ' ‘kins: 9! 9 l l ' then 10110031 Cw‘ ‘‘ 3“ " “" """' "" °‘ °""9~"" ""‘ Q A will be held the first and third - - v . -3 . l - ~ - n ‘ "**" ‘M ‘- We -°- -*-' ’"'-' permanent relief mtli ellogg s ALL-B . ' V « . - 'I\1 nda { ' th d 1 ch- rnalfllnl , '.0fii°"' ‘"'L‘?.'“mi.. and son eatvoed a csrloed eorfs til: :ec?;inal1nd°gfour‘t!l‘i T‘l’I!l1l!‘s- 5. h V “"5 Q, - heflm l ' ‘n°"‘d m “ape 1” . °"“"”' """‘ 5"‘ ‘ da's. The diairmen of the com-' "' 3-ll}. Kalle up at " 1 In. w..+... at o! Loo Angela. 5 . D°'"* “"°'9‘h' . ‘ BRA”: 3°’ morfln 'l5m'!m¢“"“.‘P°°“ e - a~ ~ - itis LLBRANi .. , . "Q, .1", an ‘N ,.,k “Q 3, ud. mittees are. Homecoming, Gun )5 ’ ht,‘ ‘fin’. cause , t is 100 he heard thgirureanlg-_ In L ,,_,,_,m_ ' ; mm; g.,..,.¢.,.,-5 4., banquet, Del- "3. ‘. oenteflective. Only ALL mum tion wile! ¢'?4"1"'°‘ “' nun. lure!-Ithaler .« ca...» spent? 1. Matthews; publicity, Elizabeth ‘° ‘"3"’ "' 9°" W?‘ W" "3" l 50311 W dllfllfi SUI! C111.” t° -the tel:-end with her parents. Ir. aal Hal whiuon. ‘odd Edith Cunpbeu gygfggg. I ALLBRAN relieves nu Angeles and: boarded a trans- wmuu ummmer. l 1 ’ ' ‘ the cluaomc easegugi 1:31:51; ‘ Cu‘ “’°m5"‘ Di‘° 7” twlpu lI;u;ek:.'|:t:o 5!: List: Kindly pay Missouri Utilities once! you?‘ ngoer it ll!l?[‘B!’I,__fi‘D 3:; Eat at least! thetafill: to 1309‘! I33“ "3 ‘sh uh _ Is. and Inn. A. J. An-her were visitors‘ Compgny bill; on or beforg the 10th T 9 I Q” Q]; d;i]y_ " "\-—- i and then proceed to their In causes. in: Irefi with sun. Iausiel of “ch mohmnd “V, the lot dis, your body,-poisons which can x ALLBRAN is rad)‘ . ‘ . » r s''» 4 up chestnut eorrel colt oz1°°‘"“ °" 3” 3' " " ’ taro 835008 ' like its nut—like flavor Kellocfs 6 “We allappreciateghow the Ante?‘ rue: Aabury man my uucxy any the I _ The destructive work of eoulti- ALL-BRAN is made. in Battle ' lean people and about us.” 9834 the t " =- --r we the rm‘ tion shows inthe Creek, llichi d served radio opa'¢or,,§l*€T‘.h¢ am or a 2:-gg_.::k.... 1 I ‘ Know cheeks. circles ‘ ‘goal 3., 1,. °’ ‘“ by 17013359; .. °§:b9l"3.?°" an-o'wuaasvr:y°lm:e vlaec-atct‘l:.(2.e': ubdn“‘"yh'k‘ °'“"”°u A‘ « ' 9 gained at 3'-‘Ut3.fi,‘_" ,9?‘ strut air in a ring or treaty-five; balms!‘ the u ; Wt ‘ha 4 ‘ ‘ ~ by‘ Jones and family or Columbia went: tells" you ' over again . suns: an-noon lth -use I in ‘WW9 5”‘ fir“ "'5'" -h°°.°““‘ Kasper nu Jim J:oe.. m 6 d N“ earxng firr . I our aim. Little 1 and . chosen In Jerrdngs cl, Ceflralle spent Sunday with Int Ella Pol.’ II 5:. Tee Bollavay and daughter 3 ng . dl_dn't come from HP of 3:: :;‘:a3“:‘”‘°~..;‘"“.,:°‘* t --my -«=- -« -« «~31. sleep at night, : . _ ix “lib Ieliride or Columbia uncut suoay_; “u v» -3 .u:.?*'...,.'°";“**.:.':::.'.: r we 003’ '4": yg;gs4_qsa es. notht. um om. Coop.‘ home to spgnae __neatthlrtr:ifiI!l-+ u * n o W ' I700 '54" in blils aodghapr pith wlflaind l . an Walton i gfuk » Y”’ ‘on be“ ‘s_ 3 I see countless girls who could multiply their beauty if they would. erywhere who, by ~proper care, could look like girls. What a pity not to do that. -ri ' I2. . . . non umusa, nangztwanumc. 4 4 0 «r_‘_g " 3 A"'.(jub I cultivated beauty as a girl and “ “..“"-fibula A"““‘n = .°m-1 so . _ ~ I .-an-=»e~ro~or=-rsl -11,. G“ mime.’ "R-la_"x'-""m'"_ it Q ’ l.:§'.7o‘l°ta'i.s..u°C'yl.".°npI;'°’ld.,3;'£?§'§» rum 9 . ,_ g ‘ - - , , . em-1-i ms t9'°“*'-elm‘ ‘J... U. ‘J °.».!£‘.‘..“°'.:..F.2“ ‘*:;::, ":2; -' wbebd‘ 1.g;¢;p_- - W‘ w_i“_ :0" Z 3‘. int er (1.. a saw ow tau '.‘- V v ‘e g 0' ’ ml 899 HIE xly on‘ at!!!» 5 I C ’ _ any wdipfiu _ . _ A 4 beauty. still a girl, largely because nlga: j ;g fNp_.s Nonasixta ~ -Phqe 2212 “S ‘ ""‘f'°‘ “‘jfm’:‘_°,° ,__a ‘a’ ‘ m 4. I . . -_“v__ ow e r e c:..a....,.;~ ch fun ICYCLE REPAIRING 2:: '.‘:‘.‘‘.‘:.‘.;'.“'‘‘;.‘J'. ......, 5:’ .°‘::: telnet: ' tl'p_1|l‘P0 “°'1o,_ 9”“ C All Kile-—’-Go‘§'d-Wa'k$aal|ip.. ""33"" "4 ‘°““ °'’‘"“'‘’‘‘ fit ' 9' d A ‘Wort. bean: dds. ‘ :1-r??'..u':'y‘::r “rm:-ml Q’ “duo 9':-y r...'&"'é ‘M "1.:’e::t.a::. -' - < -.- ruinous otthemarevrob ‘D not: Q the bed. help: select known to faster, teed ' . “cm on‘ ‘1.;';""'* ‘W M f T - I _ crest: and ranisldllc. I one one at bed- ’ ' ‘ .. tithes: if" I?r::;:~l1k no! sin’ . _' P.’ 3: H011‘ my . lleh contours. my rosyeblo en a. JCL , ._._____uu-m-Juana.“ .'!‘he Offim-l-0* “'9 Wll;I;A“RD BATTERIES ”° “" °' """" ""°. '""" W ~91" ‘re ‘man’ Tom ”.A“ ".k”. '11,“. v.1. will “-30 ul xouth Creun. N6 cream to unwar-. tube 9l3‘.3'll"‘P.'Cd'! N°l".”‘ T Generator and Starter Re treasurer ‘g 'drh‘. I V 1, - r-y‘ galil, . _ 03*" 8.101;.’ an: hwltrthe maple n :3: Young; igeetstant . . ; « -rh-t-re-v ovnllcatlooa do. I: lalotbeau. u¢uufa,:T ‘S ‘ , ‘ COX Bffio prieehnhnterom '11..‘ _ _ hanvilfihfiaad Broadway Phone 100) - a six pidafl ’ 1593 ‘ - ' ' ' . t ‘ _ The p . outarbetttarnosl in *1’ t . _ ;:.’;“t2.'1“‘s.‘.2‘3:’o‘?;;'i‘3“a}};i'.‘:f".Ei.‘:!*'* ’ _' _ Oclcr one r. s;:., I nl ch“ 12.‘ P793" cold rather. l_waoI t‘:tlr.\':u:la ~*~,,..°~.~,':;:g-:'::.:-s,:::;“ i "“""‘°"" M S o -: .- , .;" _ ’ ~ g -Mgmk ; Gnlifo, A .17 . . . x ' . .. a monimm. Q, gngo f.$l|e1'ry8_t.l!‘.K_.&'l‘.Yar¢ls ' _ j a lhtryifixtioallieu-:M¢|_ A $85.10 T ' V ‘ . __ .. .; 5, *7“ sts=€aroosn'y_ g-5% on south V I t r ’I‘ ,, 9 ' ; . ‘ . I ' . ,‘ Z. V . I = 14 : cl . ’ - 3 .‘. . ‘ 3-~ ' I }.:..': '.n r ‘. s ' ‘E . ‘ I < 1 . #0" : V ‘ ' 1 s‘ -1, ' ,-e._ ‘J,’ 5. Y ‘.‘ ‘ ( - _‘ .,- .. _ . \ v_'. .fl "4 ‘ ‘- 5. j---—._—. WHYeH5Ys SYAF» PRICES ? s “ ’2{iIlionjs afpounds t L. used law t t —-a piece in every Here's a new idea- ..:a _‘ ‘ "10,’! .-é— ...i '. Oats (Alumi- In every.pacltage of Mother’! . . _ nurn Brand) you will find apiece of fine alum» . nun: ware. n . - ~; . Perhapsyourfirstwillbeatan .‘ mould, a convenient long-han ‘ . handsome sugar 3 . “"35 .7 table and kitchen luxuries tn tlis clot!!!)Gilli- So you want Mother’: Oats. iortworeaeona- for their quality and to set the ‘NW-' Remember. besides the piece‘ aluminum? guarantee. Also. RADIO accessories. l¢W¢117-Vlmbflvw etc.-over l50.in alh 800517011 on postal for , Catalog ' Ask your grocer Aluminum 33115- K A 0- ‘ ‘ —-<'