leek l"“‘2 ‘:4. , an-..~. - .‘~ . "- l _ if found vouch;-.£m uherollr into In ' “ :--9"‘lh>Q-Il"K'£"""‘l\-'0' llelves. V _ u . A « It seems evident. then. that who are inneed of belt, can rbestte- ceiye an theflhondsofmn organise- tion designed; for-Vthotf purjiog.";_:VlI - n3;begVg_nr_is not to apply'_’to ‘;;_ llieVtbeiet'y,?theclIlIcq ore’-beer Jhe is not really in'noed of orgie- irttaested mainly in living witleV',7_Is little effort is-possible. 3+. parasites on thecommmlty. _ - J eduoefiof this. wi: should co-operate with the Welfare society in agar- fdrtos‘to discourage‘ promioctpus ‘gmgrinsz I ' 5; U'—U‘-!V."?'l-T'- I rnnkuooxizns ’ Anierican pooplil one fondbot 3." game: and omnxzsuub, but ' jl in V , ‘ pain In other ,1 Jrords o clnmqiznapihst kn '_’, We hear a and we all hnYe.n.‘¢eIIV&Sthit;iVilp “ are boosttirs. .1Vrhen’al ' V I." the my people .-;, hu'ctn&7HI.-throu¢l£_ l mm the. 1 tourist corned througla‘-It V ' Fa-d ce\weredurith|_n'nd- .'7’totel!nstlIot‘yreIn1V ,1.i‘ncodointhecVnlI1lttylnd' J able-toirnka oIIli.QVh ,.lhst'0lI¢.'ihe salle-ititlef.”mite+_" c . ” atf1'activVe to you. -Respectfullyg, I J. A. STEWAR1‘ & SBONS f I. Bhone 74 5;P!'9P'9'1“¢l':VklI°"lI-‘H H; ' * -. ;‘.._ -P1‘ auto‘ ‘ 0.3515 Pi,tota._ ‘ 3 lb‘ monthly’ Y0“? Plllillé Brings ‘Nowell’s to Your Home It you want oonethlnr ‘ In ', ' mgm m$x‘Lar's'-iii; ?:1 .l3§.nl1'§'.';l % t _ oven’: -nullity till Exch‘agpgeNaL Bk.Bldg. ..- ._- ...t . .. , , < 1 Offer Special NOWELIVJVS S E SNOW GROCERY 7 Plidfie 591 VT, . _ _: ‘ i Flour, White Rose ,1bu. . . . . . . . . 1.76 Beans, N avy‘, ,_ Coffee, ea Rhone V ; ifi§”'s‘r6i1" stock of __ Speciia ceston Dried Fruit, ” Friday and Saturday . . . . V S? A ’- Prices on Coffee under our labels Unlverslty run; U P M , CALL AND SEE US——VWE *n .‘r‘ ,r '. CASH nun PAY Lass . . . . . .iV. . . .§'.s.1.oo ; Company ; SPECIALS FOR TOMORROW ‘ Colorado’ Honey Dew [ _Melons . . . . . . . 15c apiece‘ Michigan Dwarf celery, a_ Sugar, Cane, 15 lbs. . . . . .V . ."'. ‘.VV. .‘ . . . . 1.00!’ bunch _ 95¢ §l§2‘3§§‘3eS,s——%,:?‘s_&; :S: : : :3 1:31?» 3 Single 351* CW» a "“f,‘S"é Salmon. Standard,"6“cZ‘lI!;".‘.“:“.‘;: . . . . 1.00‘V:ig* ' be lot ’ Tomatoes, No. 2, 10 cans. . . . . , . . 1.00’ , keberg ettucela 93 ' ° - - % .,. l. 1.00 lr..4L..t _ , .?*:.‘f '0! Ibo e - - .g'’;g'.n: ‘-'e 1.00 . v ’ l . ‘V ‘ . . '1 I HOGUE mm 1 ‘ ~ l03"Se3itidn Road. ‘, and20c§ California Pears, big size; ‘ apiece . . . .-.. .. .».:.~.-.5c : §eedless Grapes, (Califor-, 1] nine) a~pound S. ; . ._.,._.210of T okay Grapes, a lb. . . .20(-fl; :' ‘South Africa Grapes, a'lb. R ““ __...,. .‘ . . . . .._'f..,_.....‘....2O "_ :; -S W “ , e White Malaga Grapes, 2;‘ N " ““ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' pound . . . . . . . . . . . .152 l ' ‘‘'v = Michigan Concord Grapes,~V e Grocery C0. = , hm .. ........ .. 65¢: Bananas, a doz. 30 and 40c { 803 \Valnut 3 ‘ Oranges, a doz. 50 and 60c"’§ argains through entire ' sand vegetables. W 0 Uelibcz‘ Anywhere _ :. ll’lzoIe:3a1c and Retail V ee at 53c 53c; at 45c WILL SAVE You. MONEY. -- . g Company 5 ghone 815 921 Broadway Weight Over- V ( I . ' ‘ J . I. _ 1 ‘~ - — ’ -, . .. a ' . - '1 V’ ‘V ' I '. ‘ + ; .A. _' . ' g . ‘ . I V _ ' . ' .\_A _ A _ .N L V Ih..A., ........ ,,'1:;5g\, ‘ . _ i:“‘f* 999%-—-snooooo¢~“ - 'S -- *?' Bfiijifi.“ . I ‘_’_ > ~ A: ‘I .‘ . _ , p '( op _ 0 05¢-n-oocooo.g' _ ~ 'pJ- _ 1 . _ . _ ip ‘ _‘. l h - c '. _,, :'V‘.V " , fl oooooécuo in A - ' 2- U ' ‘ ~ - ‘ 4 V ' *0 l'-- :-_.‘-' ‘- ‘;.4* ' 3' ' 1 .~ - " ‘ ' ". ' ' ,.‘ ‘ up ’ ;_ I s g § , _u . '._ r .3‘ ~ , . . . n '. ~¢~§ L3 — .-.-gn- .-H’ ' 1 J - 1 _ , .,. ‘- r, 3 4’ . .. ., .' I l ._._.--_._.- .., _. ‘,.___ _ v alls $1.19 _-. - . _. _.:. .Vv—> rt...‘ T - : 5V j_V~.-3%.’:. 9.0. I Say, V V ‘ . 2 ;___ SSizes36t_o46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._. V n No. 7-9 N. 8th‘ St MEATS Phone ‘375 smw com V it-rd "°*“» °°" $1 69 I ' 1 p _ f A S - style.Vmixod'ootLom and wool ...... .-. ..... .. _f..,.,l 39.31.} 1 Cagh & « - - - - - ~ ~ --f ' ' ' ' ' . , ,imitc1ip.on. An ucepuuulvaiocfhgeetpit _-,. - * ~ 'g1fl.‘“. 8.“. ' ‘ ° ' ° ' ' ° _ :-' Men‘: Sw'enter—"-Shaker lcnit and rope stitch. ~. :_,_ 71'," Oouooind 2'b,a:;,?.r..:::16c VV O ‘W’ ‘’‘’''’a °“'.°"“ ° , , * . . l 4 en’: Sweater--Sli_, ' on. sport st)‘ woo _ _,' ,= 1 F‘ m’ 8g.”$ 3'.“ ” "_. _ in fancy yenves, oewell as varied color: '. p _ y , Aaoofrir emcee , ; , ; ,* % Meui'4.Sssg‘i§ter_-+sup.¢nvneék..;1_1.wdoL,e£ti=:q S ‘_ , Q l Plate —Bris‘ket .... ..':l,;'e ‘omen steal: a lb toresc . .—. - . !E:‘t¢3T,1!&.:glie__r)ew may colon» J 3. " ' short woo: S i l " °"“'f""'%‘F"“"'*°"."~--~~---S-r~---* Chuck-Boast . ‘z_S-lbs. for 25¢, . . ‘ ,_.- lloya’ rope stit:ch'o_d;- ? Ilzrnbi stew 1‘ S , up - ‘4_xit_atyle§VsI‘eot;ero-.-acoat style. extra value to S. is lballu,-.x:z I: '"S7"l ° . r.~’;:S - , r 3 . ~‘ - VV a 16 ‘Mile ~’ int. ' ' '3 . .3 :,~.=,.;t..i.:,..,1s.S‘% ' -- ,. A _ _ _ i‘>-.’r » 'f."-“re "ll: i7 ‘EV? .. 7 T l *‘ S _* »,:‘.i‘ ~+ ' _ ~ ‘ ‘pl j , . ~. ,.",7“.:'l"'V 3* ’ I ’ 1’. 9‘ . ‘ at P.‘ ’{ S. t ’ ;; ”." - - ‘ 3. ’ ' oVa-1&A_—‘ : ‘ 3 _o,‘ .4 , .S {_ '1 _ .‘_,.. 1 ‘ * ~ ~+S‘ \,‘f.:iV~ 1» , - V ,_ ’ lv¢ugr..4n ls» wit-1 .7 H‘ ,3; ‘ "* '5’ ' c ' ‘. .1 .- ‘ {.7 _" .2 .2 . . :_. ‘V f .‘ ' =r.. r . 1,.‘ - .9’ 3;.‘ : “fin - '1-‘reel Slginned Home whole " Men's Sweater coats; fI‘8)'.Vblu¢. roll collar. L . rK3d‘die.s' 8n-eaters, coat style, an new‘ shades. . l VAge2to6yearo “ ‘ t 1 am‘. Wool SI'enter—Rope_ stitch shape, .. e S g h i " 1 , 1*‘ " ‘ '-"V‘!"2" g" S - . ' ‘ I‘; “I . ' '*t'v ‘A . ’ 0 V O" L _ - .Y’ 5-. ‘~ 341- .- '5' I r "W. ‘ "’V ‘V "*3 -‘vi .‘ V { 1'7 ‘ :2V‘V_*“.-... .. 9.? T’ . V V;-".‘75:”‘ ’ i“l‘V.‘:"3 *‘=rV ,4 ' ' V ' o’5 }..''‘I “: "1,’ ‘ ~‘\ .'-.. V: Vb‘ ‘I. - V I O T l - ' *umV~ ' V I , . . toouasotingot, V .V_ V, . .. -rV ' x : ~ °* '? ‘ V"!anz..5m.“*“' 1.’-=?llcr.“.i.==lli‘-"!=*- 1-aw: .. *°’ l ll-ls; , S w ‘ - mu; ' 7l'.lfi:Ul.‘lr‘§-‘VF-- .,!~ i '3‘; I . ;- . " c Tlilizobeui " illor.._ -cueco Aveannggj . -g j K‘ S. I ‘_’'.e-.‘. A ,_t- ' ‘ ‘Lu! 3 , . I . _~,_.' , ‘ ti. ' n ' ., ‘ —’ Al: I ‘ V __ , ‘ ‘.1 . 3-I. ' j 2. , :. .»‘.;1’‘. S '3 I." V Va «l.' S ~‘ r . ,. ‘Halls M‘ ’KtNV~d?f':*t'{fVlg;l., 0ne_of.fl.*:5‘clIl scum!‘ *°- - ‘._’.;,_‘ ‘*_ ,; ‘.;V”___1_ S 2 ' . ‘_ .3" __ ,....:.. Prov -Oflman‘ . -gt ,1 'yn§‘mS hu,,ope,§§;‘_n; ,,_ ,. ._ . Kt‘ i, ,5 *4 c ; ~ ~ ‘ A t S I non o’! Kan-j-s Git» ‘; ‘ glipui. atrienhrtx Hall.‘ at: hall S? . W9! _" ; V ‘ Jail IL. VUo:V_ V - V ' : ' . ‘ _ p .. ‘ _. , ‘Th’ °‘“_ “W §‘.‘°“’d"‘n n":d’;will be dec'- lle is -mendinsr the Emma; ‘ These Cool Mornings u W3‘ 5‘ ' "““’ "'»“*'°'” “ nadir of use colunlhu Presbyterian °l‘°r ‘ht Wilding‘ ‘More the dl,m*°'- Wylder and mu Nelle 'l‘aylor. S ' ‘rm. A' musical recital was} °°"*'¢'"ll°n- ; I ' 'V . . J '3‘ ""1 '°m”§':!b° Church are the invoca _' .3. fonr:0“”‘: di""".“'""’ ;";'.’d' C I W". M § V;l’\‘en by students in the auditorium. ' V"- 3 ' . ' , ' - ; V V " ~--- 2 inn,-Ed for.vat'iclus 111%. VI: Auvu“. 1- ‘atom. “"9 give’, an .spet‘i mllslll‘ M115 KW‘-‘ll 1' _ “f5 (ITO ‘l/H G7‘ 0 ‘ ‘ "“."‘ 9 Q0110.-,4 by . apgech by John F.’ Dinner guests at .he Alpha Rap-' V . IV; for their food; and wt. nub ‘Lama. wash“ of the ad,“ “yen, in charge of the violin Entertain T cup”. of st ;o,¢z,ph. A panoramic pa Kappa house last tritrht u-ere: ,- . , % , ; n and that {hr tel"!!! ‘ Columbia K mus." cum. and w. u Palmml . . S . fyictnre was taken of the group. lllw Helen >l}==w=- ='l- 9 ll<_'>'t_ and: l ' e _S,... ‘ : N " Lu}, more in}!!! N51; on, eongreuman-elect. Ree‘ Mrs. I-‘Agar D. Lee \\-;_,_I toaastmw -Miss Carolyn Parks entertain . ‘ ,» -. Ky, (). (Snodo-in‘ of Ba):teI"..Spnn;:.-‘,l h - - _o .~ V : _,. W. m"”mh”!.w pi” ‘Ra logy" 0‘ n‘,5u_ ‘Puma mu,‘ by [éeut._G0‘.‘_, L,-L.,,,-,_ -[~m._‘.._. . in.,-alpo_nder:d tn :lth'8»!(§£l2l;('(“"t_ll)mOr!AO\\' night aht her Szgma Epsuon ham. and Ernest Glnssrotlt. S fir A l7 :‘ih5,_. wd{”.,;go¢,¢t, nu, [), A, K“-clmegr of l\an- L101):-i ‘mere . r.‘ :{ .“_ \_-9! n» vi"; the .4 8‘: “Q. . Mg 3‘ I h s_ S A] ha Mm: J(‘.~.~K‘ B.urrall. will entertain, L . _ ._ -5‘-_. ..,., :_ ~ - arc-an-aw ~ we» we" “S - , -‘::- “halt; :2; 8....-.. *' ‘ '9" Jr *,i,:'<"‘:..rm':.i,. - ’ - v - ‘« S ’ ’ ' .' - -- 3'. all - l‘=‘- ‘ - ' ° P3 On .1‘! 9 ' '. ‘ at arris.‘.. 1- guests W! a ut‘____,___- ' " A pan” to éupenu chmy An" 8 “Jon of at M“ M fillll Milt 3- 5'3".“ Wrllthl. llld “'1 The guests will be: Misses Mar. the members of the active chapter 1 f H bilenl ‘ fee - r worthofmooorcarforeveeydollaroftvveatlneels _ 'I'l1io¢ar%tl1endIvaxi1geofnVI‘I:§.eI'n.¢_Ilif¢l! ‘ mun tuirinteq-:ivIl¥_="P‘! ‘ :il>‘l::valua‘-oco:reatastobeo1uI9§¢.,"‘F'T.‘."‘3‘., an.’ V’ ’ ,1 ‘V ' 1'. £ie.u.e.:”“’““7"n§”f-3',-."&'-'»'e 3r'si~'e°n"33’=-to cu. .3 _ , _ b .' it o H ‘T '- 31: goon at-iknte n_op_ec_'_nIIyeoteeIned ' ' "' ‘ S’ ‘ nce,‘huio,;it rival} costliest, _ liiII0i!}1PN“5V¢i§|€V¢'X;Eh!‘.e..°‘.“‘:§“‘ s drive it uh: want rt—ao any owner \' " ' C or.‘ .‘~ Ill _ -Vr.’, ... , . . . _.. Hnynooluielisnol ¢iV°fl't9 , ‘ car Uhlhlt 3 tlun¢onrtofit§d—ncaryoncan ‘S only when you come in an S invitntiontnadrwe at . _ p . ‘ ‘.8 .' - - -. "CV “ .‘ ‘ ' ' I 3"-T-."cI'.‘!""3.n':'-fife I-' mu-".'I,'..&._ou_nye:.-n-z,-0-. .7 " Bros. Motdroo. Phone 778 , _ 713? .- .: V J‘-' . . -o _"O I . _ 3 1 : .’. - s. t "O L‘ f _ l I ‘ 1 . . 1.39 c . . o n o - Q u - - u a . u o - g - . . e . . o no .......'I. -...5...- 4 _. , ‘ .. . .3-2.§§se.§ sees. in. «-,. F" 4.332153%: