».-on-rr-»-vv-aw-10*:-.-» .. ' J -.............- ' ..,‘,,f ,. '.; .. ."a ... ‘-. p - .:.- ...__ A Al‘.I.‘ "’ I " _.; ..x. .- .. ’-«'9 "7un¢_».*.x.: ‘.3. 0 ' "4 i-J} :- .,. . ‘ ‘ ,'?; :.':,. V‘-tat-5: . . I‘; fern at {It a Q I afiss-dais ; ".§'*’i— ..r‘. .!‘-.I-' o l . I as 0 ‘ " l:W¥3' 4 . ‘ ‘I '1‘, . ‘ £- ii r'."i§V‘, 1; ;' - ; -— - “ " -‘ -.-r‘:‘:sim'u'-‘;:“‘»" ‘ “,3;.‘;',:”**"" —‘*°‘-‘~*~ . ‘ . " _ -3.5. -«v-v’v_-._ gram 9 ‘.p: x ; ‘ . .‘ ' ‘ I ‘I l r - ‘ ' ‘ . F . .- I ~ i v V: .o '. u . - ‘Phi Kappa to Have a Dance for Pledges Members of the Phi Kappa mm- °" nu»-sue, mum J , 3919:‘: Swim. pe 8“ ry, Ho, and Ira. ' , ’ E‘ :‘ ’ I c‘.‘- - a’ l ' x ‘'.v' ' :3. *3 - e 0 e‘?='?2'%7 ~ and: " 1 .."- -u. . .9 :»l' to Iajabnual i"""?"o""‘ at ...§s-S‘-'0 .:::-....°°s 223:. 1,“ . ; _ _ ' _ ?‘fllIeh“mk“§l_aee Slhfdla. ; ‘l swig... ;...,;._.« but-hum lll1.1_n¢ta8ol-f .'flx-3. ‘firmer-ly‘_a btu: ;!n:n‘9t:o12o'cldck!nhaIura!_theh- NI!» fioterhinc Keith 3568 x''de'at in -zhquarm-ity. 8!» nu‘ ; Pl0duI..1lr:.EllaD.'Iay1or.w£ll Jfli °°°°¢'-V9fj:nanherntCveII.vf¢Iid!bt0f1icf' ehapcmn.-= 0 r g I 3484. 3°01! 55-; Fomniud a.Tprepntative on ,w.: Ha:-y-Pose 0! ‘Per-5 pledge ‘nice: Pl mm. f‘ :1 Albert shu-p atgnu, 1,. = ~ o!'theBdI 1922. . '» C1-C0! Q ‘ Chisholm, any Elizabeth Jamaal‘, ' ' Corbin J ’ ‘ . ’ > 4 . . l . l -p .N ni . ,. e um!) of Kansas City. and Ilaybele ~ 2 ‘skim. "E... §2."':.‘,‘...- ‘ii’; 2' 2* u»i’¥»«‘»5‘~“:v‘li.Tn‘:‘”£;‘:i‘ ‘:22; am of st was ow l‘ ' .. .. 3 . ' '9 o'clock atithe chapter house in hon-‘ '7" be Fnwick saw’ °f A"‘"‘i in « r ~ ; ' ..,.;.._.s ' -0 S - or of the pledges. «flan. lab:-tn; T. tgiatii Jr» or set. 3'15‘ 4 ~ . _. . 611011 it!. I‘. .a rs; Thomas L?°{‘l_CI.“b _H°'Wf3; .« - wfiglm gill be-Fibs»: far‘-fidhnn W‘.Pa1-ry of Centralia. and Joe has. ls ‘ V2s1fuz. folution in co _ _ gthirtylfifth anxiversary at .pu‘s'ne La and_ were % at the(. recep- Helen JeIl‘ep'. _ Colnmliin Kiwanis ,dred Small! Club in honor sit the viisiting Ki-‘ Florence humor, Catherine Carroll,‘ 3' Armstrong, Mildred Edwards, Syl The chapel-ans will include: Mr. nby Hulen. 3 and Mrs. J. H. Hanna. Mr. and Mrs. ' Countrk Chb this: Mar -. I and ' ' 1 Mrs. A. Linfin-“l'lydc fi't1l.givc a; - » tall: on the history-and purpose of _ Ame icap Rev- ‘ fih of the to . ; founding of the‘ rganization at in ; meetirjgatthe . of:_ Frank ,1; 5 r : ,P‘ape.d;oo3 westi roadway. ornat- <‘ A .p ' ‘row ternoon. , -* « .- ‘en, Mn. 11. 31. . ‘...‘ ,EW.‘B.‘r in -' .. _ p '\Stone will give fr: \ from’ '4 .l ,» ; the convention; ‘t 4 in i*_wni{-he insist» :, i _ Jack ‘ , Margaret .Wilson. Harriet Hilda Humrnel. Katherine Morgan. Jannr, ________ 0 The Knights of Coluxntzzs Stu- , dents‘ Home will entertain with a dance at 9 o“cioclt Friday evening‘, Oct. 9. The guests willbe: Misses Catherine Manxan, Marie Fettera, Helen Hapke. Anne Whisbon. Janet‘ Lane, Helen Hummel. Denver Hod- gins. Deldee Myrick. Beth Morgan, Hertha Beck. Mil- : t, Adeline Turner. via Howard. \ ;*r*~,:-is ms’ 2; ::.W **.::‘ °~ 8°" % -= P» rs A .~ We. 8- ‘D n, We! ‘.a nun rs. . . rzaret rexo ..a e la, a. ’ & Glatchen. Mn.,)1r. L.~Nu-lsol. Mrs. H. Rucker * Sylvia uuh.-5oh§:,y Ernestine T:xlio- 3, R m a "* “" " 8.-1'5‘?! ~“ Quaker Oats Ix. zsc L Kh.d’n.r.rf_)u.:. ‘heft ,?_______ v ‘ era. M‘ri°n Bowen‘ “.inifred II III. dot. ...C7€: Grape NI“ .....17C 8...’. Dov‘ Mrs. J. Kelly Wright. lrs._ Glenn‘ Fftdefick W- Shoo!) Of Abinzdon. Smith, Dorothy I-‘ernbach. Isabel 0” ' ‘ ‘ ' "kl C- Bill. PIC. 2!: Hour . . . . . . . ..35c Dmns,)lrs Il.1-‘.5'!'lI‘rstpI.8id M1-s."ll1-._ editor of the Abinliloflfiodlk. Levi, Frances Young. Martha Wil- s"""“>' - - - - - --45¢ Knox Gelafiu .19: paw.‘ C5,‘; :9‘ ’ .§'l’ho_ 1‘ -j 40 '3"‘“'¢d 9153 -’m°!'fllF,l8 *0 ‘Paid the liaxns, Virginia Venablé, Aflenc WW)‘ Soap 7c not-lick'I Ililk H ‘‘ Mist llarjo lfll ' .nnd Wfiik-€!1§ his brother. Duke. Tipton. Lucy ’ptoa. K. Springer Oxydol . . . . . . . Wrigley can Po“ T°“u” ’ ‘mc 9 , "Shore "will belnllkical nu‘ bets givenl ill the §183P;"Chi:°“5°_- 517- S500!’ and Gene Kestcr. R. Turner. Orenes Floor Wax. 1 lb. 59: 03 for UNIT’! COFDNI - A may the n. 1 "“ “ °"'.' ‘"’ °’" "' "'° S°"°°‘ Mitchell. Marshall Lockwood. Men- 9,“, 0,," 5 , 3. , w.,,,,,, 9. Beef ........ ..25c ; - s_ ' , 3- _ " '~t'»” of Journalism and a member of the ford Mal)‘, Merle Woltin. and Turner G M ' ' of C ' ‘ ‘ '8‘ Pui “ T 2 D. A; R: to Meet with sizmaochi rmwmity. ‘ cox. ', ”°*'~ 1"" 35°‘ C*-P*="‘- 8-N Ike “K"‘ ~‘3¢ ~ - ; fir“ 3 ' . V ' Sun-Flush . . . . ..2lc l Post 8 I-‘lakes 18: Motion‘: Salt ...1lc ‘L - fMrs. Fran!» — ~~-——~v - v .‘ , ._. ¢»~'I ‘I ; ' 3-Q‘ Q‘;- Plsm wzl3ce:.Y COLUMBIA’S noon srons Where Houselteelgzexjs Bavg '2 _..l.§;....;.1 OVER 1.000 OTHER ITEMS PRICED B_\'l-IRY DAY JUST AS LOW . F — r _ \_ , ~ ~ ‘9 3.‘ \-_, c,“.*'\:"'*.' :25. x-1‘-:-..-"\‘ ‘E; , . 3-1-- 7'l'{(- (I (‘ it . Many Dollars For Saturday TRA oRmNA~Re¥,7; pslifthth 14°BI1I.ll«I!'Y31l1?."i!- K“"‘“C”5" , ’~- .‘llr.andflu.Rydez-will be;.g V _ % rims Bnrrbybnrothy Dunn. Do:- v In Lulu Hnhhurd.-nd1lrI-.C- F» home afler 06.15 at 7725 gain... * iothy Lee Kanpur, Olivia‘ nun, Psrkshire. will chnperom - ;sti:-cc. nnuaucy, , ; A rB¢ttrGd¢r.I-Idl1e*Botiteb.l!aw’ s S S 5 f .5 " ‘ c , . V‘ Gordon Carolyn f. n, Ber - Judtc and Ma. J; A."Ste’urart and: Old HR. NI! Shrier. who: 0 ‘ ty Baxter. -Pauline-Otto._-lllargarut lira. C. C. Bnuerveme dime‘!-gI|astsi,h"'¢V5°9" V5533!!! 591?. left )'ea-- ;-"b' n.‘u‘hhii)"".x'li‘;3"7‘f.'f.'i.. “* '“ 3"“! 3'"lW°‘"°°°'F- 7 -' . 0 - ts:--u-an -5!-ufml ’ . mag’. g 3' gr man ~ ‘V - ' .‘ . - ‘ . 9.“... gum, 1,,“ gum .--- _ 4. $19.95. Every One New and the Latest and Materials, sizes 14-44. ' ~. ” l.) . l; Special Priced For $100“ See ThcsesDresses in our Ready-to-Wea Second Choice of any Velvet Hat in the Storeupf $7. ' Black or color, dress or sport styles » For $5.00 ~ f . ltfilfiqliergeri % “The Heart of Columbia” Floor 0 50 r Section ’ ... ’ - ‘ «-‘_'_.. ';. ." arc " _‘_ .. .. “.-‘vi ,-_:. ‘u- 5., ....~.;-( ‘ pi 1»: J -"J 5 ‘.4 . ,‘ $“‘ :'. ‘ I '- . . . I - " . .' " ' - ’ " i’.."‘ '.:--3'3".‘ ‘ " ., - v "z ‘.51 ’ ‘W 1 .31“ ._o - T. _' ‘k h 1‘ S 1 -t- . . .- -l. ~ ‘ -;: ‘.,‘ _ _ > ; w 4. vll ' . .- I‘ ‘ " -i’ . —.‘. L .4 1 . . - <7 A _ ,, 1,‘ .4 V , ;l.'''. V ~ - - ' ~ ' a-iisF,:ei‘si€s’iisuI::ahIn'.s- l ’ o—:—n to---oc--aura-¢-v—r.3~ ~c—-— — ,._,..j_u_,....._:....._——o-——oqn-1:. t A I w ----<. : I ‘r ‘ s = v v .e‘ "I~--"W!!!-‘z r.=..~ .»- '= -. ‘ ' “H I .- -, . .o 1 v ~ : - fl ' - .. T.. - :.. .-.,..,» . -- . " '1 .1 2 .g_ : ' I l ' -‘ ‘ ,‘-' . . - 1 ‘ — . _ - «__ - _V o . ‘ 0. : V ‘ ‘ . . . ll‘ ‘ ' ; - ‘ . " oi : ~ I ‘ . . _ . .-. - ‘ ‘{ ‘ow .1 ' -1 . - ._ . . i ’ V . ' . .. w . . .. . I _ ‘ A .‘. 3 p ‘ , ._ . , . ~ no K : ‘ . o . ' . ‘ I 0 . I They are Good Values atthe Regular'Prices $16.50 and St_yles,Co1orings l r FREE. ZSCPALMOLIVE ' '-S.have‘T_alc . . . o . . . . . . - l .- 0 . . . . . . o . K W-'~§a‘.V'.: J-‘ff f ‘ 7 ’ ¢§| «Q .4ucQoo-v-jg.-spfl»-a tgai‘¢\A.‘—‘ .. . " . '- I - ‘ ‘ l « . ' _ . ’ . . . _:- .-_-.r,:~.-‘dun NV-"' ’ ._ , - , .g-w.¢('V-‘' ."" '....p.~_-. Dunn --.« — . . I" E 0 ,. NA‘ - i’ _ . . A A |Q.o . g- ‘ ‘ - .-'. .... .n an no 1.. .-... ..I a ._.uno-'_‘ - gnmsticauy Reduced for _ E Saturd ' Selling A 100 7 ‘ utiful Saturday 0 Basement A Purchase of 1600 Hats for the Hou—Keld Company’; ,MiIline1'y Shops make this price" ._ possible. Let us show you what quantity pur- 4, 7» ‘ chuesrxnake possible. Our share is 200 hats ~» I -S; -. , ,,_ to be offered Saturday in our. basement at, J . .' I v '7 ,' J—. n- ‘g is . V . “The House of Fashion’ 3 Millinery Depmmqejzzii p ‘ 2‘. * Saturday Only \ 7 i 1"- -I twill chance.‘ of. 1 . . . ' ’ 0 . ‘ vn ' ' t .' ‘ = -reatest M zllmer Sensatzon . .' u....._.. T ' - l I :7 " ,; E. l:.¢BI%o“