. I‘ ‘ ' ' _ .a . ' c , . . . - ‘ “ . ‘ .. .._.........e.4-.-.-.-.- 7')-If-rv.'>-";2.i'.V;#‘3C‘l$.J&. . , .‘ . ‘R ‘J _ .0. . L 3:"- in P r O ‘ '. 0 3' ‘i‘‘ . .-‘ ,- '. ." .‘r.‘ ._f 4 -‘ 3° 0 - _-gr - . . -~- -- ~*‘ ~ -~ ' . ‘'..-V lo‘ 1- .' . —,' '2 I‘ 1 . ,, . . I .0 ' ' ‘ r r I which the things that so into - kitch- en were made into a design of an old woman. lltss Searey was made to unveil the “goddess of the kiteh- “ en.” - The guests were: Misses V llc.A‘lester, Lola Hawkins, Ruth ‘Cu-ryer, Virginia Boswell. Willie Crews, Helen H 3. MIT)’ Pyles, Doris Rhodes. Mabel Vanatta. Jackson, Mich., Mrs. Justus Tyler and Mrs. Paul Howard of Boulder, lo. More Fraternity Pledging Announced The following names of fraternity pledgea have been received since yesterday. Delta Upsilon: Willis Roselle of ' Columbia: Clinton Davis of Willow Jr. of Kansas City Lois meat. i Kappa Alpha: George England.) I Sigma: lidmund Christ- ‘A enter-., adanoeattbecadnury. r In. John Nowell entertained in-ll “flies Sara Searcy who win he mar-ii-cunt‘ W ‘mfum « of Blisafield , Hleh., who is her‘ coaca c.u.i.s FOR ENTRIES Hay in sun on Baseball and tree.‘ nla ’eeli. e eaepets to have bothten-1 nls and baseball underway in anoth- er week. Any student who has been) previ-' ously enrolled in the University is eligible to enter the upper-classman tournament. All fneshmen who wish to enter are asked to sign up with h Bond as soon as possible. The baseball tournament will be the same as it was last year. There will be an inter-fraternity league and an open league for all organiza- tions other than fraternities. Frater- nities and other organizations are urged to enter a team at once so that the schedules can be drawn and the play started. H Church Meetings Here Close. V. M. Gilbert closed Ra seventeen- days meeting last night at the Church of Christ on Hickman Ave- . both its House of Peers ' Railroads was visited a fresh disaster ‘thir afternoon when fire raged its Parliament buildings destroying‘ House of Representatives. Firemen finally brought the fine - under control toward evening. but ' not until damage estimated at more . than $1,000,000 had been done. Val- f uable parliamentary papers were de- stroyed although firemen succeeded in saving a part -of the records. Troops were called out soon after the fire started. After \\'ret‘ltin1.' the two houses of Pnrlinnic-iit."tlie fire spread in the "late afternoon to other buildings nearby and destroyed several of these also. 'l‘ok_vn was visited in 1923 by a qunlzc followed by fire which swept hundreds of structures away, eating its way as though through paper. More recently Tokyo has had disas- trous floods. RESORT BOOM I S CONTINUING" Prepare‘ for and the am, dollars in the last year. tions adjoining the . _ Oceans. the Gulf and the Atlantic Cit)’ Inland waters of the country. Pacific The boom in Florida and Califor- nia lands some shrewd operators. They. say: some people who have seen and California and havevchecltcd up on increases in value there have de-* cided property in the vicinity. of‘ their homes have been placed too. an ‘‘In my opinion.” said Joseph P. Da a and resort properties, including the; disposal of ‘Iiid’XiuissTppi—eoasts have been‘ one-eixhth 0’ “*5 ‘‘"’‘’ withdrawn. . leading realtors from itiiday that the value of real estate checked this buying or building. in the ‘United States has ;been aug-i, Realtors admit freely that ‘°""° mcnted by hundreds of millions off the price advances ‘ ‘Nils in-; of all reason but they maintain thlt crease is most noticeable in sec-‘. the general level will continue hish and, Samuel P. heed‘. president of the Atlantic Say Land Level Too Low. for similar plots in distant sections. 1,, awn‘ up moi“ of the mm.‘ Elie?!" wake _ up and commence to ‘ u . meree. in outlining the situation for O The passing of summer has not of ve it out Chamber of Com- is held responsible by 0 Florida y. who has han ed the sales of tremendous amount of suburban Whole towns for they IT’S TIME 'l‘O-.FIX YOUR ROOF Inspection and estimates cheerfully given. R. M. MORRIS . Phone Day. 12: night. 43.‘! EACH ‘CELL MUST BE RIGHT t -'.-:3.’ "I ii". _.o _,- - I up ' . i . e: . _ “ ‘H .>..~“.&- —' “T ‘afi'..'2.1 -'.r-i a. - '1 um“ . .w- - ». ",‘.'~."0"'. "7" V. T“w'.—"' l ‘I ‘H ‘F C an. I R:-in ‘ll? ‘ C 1*‘ ‘vrniz-7 I. *-t . J" : ' ‘wv H K I _ .- (we "r .7 ‘V ‘ U I ' ..._. . _ o __ _ I‘ V ,.-.. .. ‘ .- ,‘.;;;..___ , 1 p ‘ . ‘. .".- 5"" I’ 7 ‘ .' 7 H ‘ .‘,/»_._' .1“-;’,—. :..:?.‘_h_ ,4}; it, .. -;. ,:_"—_ “h4‘_w_ -. pi‘? . ' , , . . . _ . .. , p . . . . 4% 2- $1 .. Q :3 J: :.R"RIi‘R‘-“R.".'”"*".v” 77 ',‘::'*_“'*3i :4 _ -t 1.‘ 1' ‘:;-i‘'. 2 I in:-;-'t£.‘.f ,« 5' ~ ' R “ if . . -. ._ _ . . . ~ -A -*— _ V ~~~ *‘__> R’ ‘R— _ - ‘ -- ! : «gm; _' 5 out, » . WEAR-EV333. A ifbere are a v ‘ .."'~}.;,_ ooomo FIRE '°-~=-R *- -=i-eh -- M R R '=- » I we .2. .. .. ea... -:::=‘**'°...... mumps .s»--as . — . L O , - aehadulea have been ‘wot-bl out to real eltih MIMI 83 “I3 33" uh.‘ Donut‘ my 7‘nythin‘ you. 3 quart, straighhllnce P89, ‘ml’ NEWMAN HARDW /i i C A-.“ ~ V ' R’ :0 late effect in October which aor-- i l‘ ‘h’ “" an-t be sure ihat you aluminxixn cover. 933- 14380. dc!-‘Pd 904 Bmmw. o 2‘, " . 3 A mallyaienotataraed nntllafierdli tioll ‘Mt ‘Priced have been my ‘I “IR” yooghlnk you are buy-: pie plates.-2 for 49¢. 1 3" _ 1 .1... ya. ~ »‘~:«-.: I too I compared vithlmofl 4”“ 1 R .3“, go, ".1 "me in. nnwuas HARDWARE 00- ‘------.~ .. - - - -__ " -"Ra ——-—— The extent ofthe interest of land . om isresemins no‘ more 1039- 1:3, Yo“ chime, Atlanta, New 904 Broadway‘ Phone 234 - -- 0 eventual-3 h6norida‘z,'l)estroys Two Houses of seekers in Florida is showII'Pbl«:f:“:ord“ fo\:°:l:::'lfll’°£"'ufiki°:n|Iiiflt.l:er Orleans. } I-poeiae, California or _ , -‘\d‘’- 1515 Lgvy-3 3308 mm-*..;?’ HI?! “fill!!! 0 I - t- lyh thestatementof Kamchatka. RE,-R‘ I E-gngu i . l. I I E’ ble thzfgoogmedor workbuut { ' inn ‘hc’lE.he to obile made trau ' ‘ g),¢‘vo"i“iiri'i.t'i:T‘of the‘ Alllrefrigeratfrs in otigftoek are PM“ :25 8“ 5‘ ‘fit . ‘ “ an m ’ ’. comm , '. -\“—-. ‘Papea__..__.r8 urn ripen to‘:n:7oinp;ialicstate and the elers of eV€!'yb°d!- Wm” p°°pk Sogltihmearf.-fu'orried at the migration greatly reduced. Now is the tiiiic Work -Called For 3;‘ . ~ ‘“°"’°°“ ‘‘ ‘°‘_ By tifitag ' announcement that all within} return home and find it possible to of that citizens to Florida. to get a refrigerator at a harga-n.‘ = R . George in-. TOKYO. apan, Sept. 18.-.-_'.[_olryo eh... pile. of the Florida. Alabama; buy building lots at one-sixth to o o man Johnson; Jean Harlan, Kansas . H 1 , d , I J _ . . ‘\/ ‘ City Charles Custitteig. §!hJ(;e3::)hb‘l nu; w ex-ee‘h‘ee5lsul0a)0p0(l)lr anaciillicfr ' Winter Earlier in your radium‘ or it will not ‘ A h‘ G‘"‘d"‘“ d ‘I; u° Sh hi: revival next Sunday. Mr. Gilbert Than Usual. functjcn one hundred per cent law lllldcllirflilzld _PI1‘uler.Rut¢£on plans to conduct a series of. meet- __________ perfect as it should. we go "" "3 _ , _’ H188 throughout the 81811‘ In the c....,m.;i.: loyCr-nsulidated Press Assn. We, “ch of thou, cu-ofuny, mbia Leonard Heync and Den “ex L He got fr VF“. YORK _Pre r tic ‘re I ' s om . ' n, arker. Gentry, Ark; R ssel hmupon to the Union Church of a;,.1.,,:;t- order ‘way t? fitarluau - mendnf all breaks and lealts ..B"°°"‘°v B°"°- 5”"? “‘"°ld w"i3h"' Christ near Centralia. mcntcd train and steamer serviicre md» putting your “diner m ’Carrollton.R in Southeaswm and wumweuem shape to be trouble-proof for Goldsberry-Hodges All brass. bird cages with closed “'i"‘” '9"°7“' ‘""‘°""‘ "h°,"°"’“‘° ya" . of traffic to the summer tacation Wedding sew. 26 }'I.‘i"£..§“.‘.'.§‘.’;..§Z“:‘.i’..‘;“§.‘f’.f2..2°.‘i.‘:‘.i: - H~ 1- GRIBBLE ,. The wedding of Miss Lillian 1y iow pr;oo5_ pgodiom size 3345' mm" 2“ 2‘ N’ 9“ L Goldsberry. daughter of Mr. and : 13;“ oi“ ;4_43_ ‘ Mrs. Willard Hall Goldsberry of Co- i 5;gts'3(Ax gA[u)w_uu; (*o_ ' ‘ —‘ lumbia. and Dr. A. ‘ Brownley: 904 3;-ogdwoy I phone 234 — _. . _ Hodges of Norfolk, \'a., will be an Adv. 15-16 Mt. Olive—-Illinois ' oole re V -, 6, d -‘ll! ———— . . b€l' ',f‘,:’o,fi,",’§, 31' $2 62;, R CASSEROLE SPECIALS Clean, free of clinkera' 8’, and R C Shepherd, Meadowbrook, Norfolk, at ; nig;I:utfIrf:':ene;; I:-ttezg; Calsserojc. 35,, pe, bushel _ any , d' 1 1}, ' e-13¢‘ l _ . 3 pr grass in- < 5;; ’a.c::r set’): wet. lpht: briiixf set, complete $2.40. Glass pie plates Implement N0. 7'9 N. P lI0l'lC . elect is a graduate of the University 5 °°"‘Pl°“ "ml "““° 31- S3"d“"°h _ A _ i °' m”°'"i' I ~ iphnnviruan HAR.DWAItE co ’ ° ‘ S ial I The marriage of Risa Simone Ce- 904 Broadway Phone .234 3 Phone 891 8th and Cherry Pee _ Compound lard lsc ii‘; ".i';".I}:I’.i.'..."'.?.’-‘.‘.'}‘.‘§.§ ‘;~‘..?.‘£;..."2.‘3i _“ - Cash & Caro Pggehrgg-&{9;{;; 343- wt; ggcc ''roki..i ,: Ph'll' J lcSteclc- , ~‘ ’ F088 or I38 shrriinistcd Oi‘! "lPues‘tlcay. Sept. 7 3‘ m 2 lb- ‘FY1390 BUHCTINE - - -45¢ 15 at Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Fleish-l R to Hog liver, by pleas, lb. er is owner and publisher’ oi’ the 1 P- 31- ' 7 J a ' R , R» . i : .:l’''.'..i‘J.'i‘2.‘‘‘§Z.:‘..I‘L°‘3‘.?..3.2fi:.'i.'; We BM Augav guess is W Zwk be It’ . ‘ . . . . . .. c rysa . . . . .. _c _ °° ‘”“"" _'° ’"‘°‘ j Chuck Steak 2-lb. for zse on «name: ...... ..22l/..c A film 6- 5- ‘towns of Rocheport cn- Fish Haddock .. . ..'.20c Sirloin steak 26¢ R tertained two tables of bridge Mon- l Buffajo 22,25‘: Chuck t ° ' ° ' ° ° day. Hermgucsg gercet-h.Mrs.mW. T . Dressed 30¢ Cream ztgaéagse . . . . . . 3/,c m son, rs. . . inn, rs. ' , 1 ~ ' ' ’ ' ' °' _,_ C2,“, Mm .N°,,is Mpson‘? l fllétgns ...... Muntlton roast 151? £2;/3: ' R Mn. 8. ii. Rawr . M’ Rhoda‘ . R - - - - - - - -- .. - : Rawlins. and Miszinlicss Asrigell. ' I the I'OOl'I1y' . Beef Ton .9 ' ' ° -1 ' '29‘: 93] 103‘ - - - - - - - - - - -15¢ _ ————— I . ’ Sugar Cured Skinned Hams or regular (Armour) A meeting of the P. E. 0. will be‘ in a Cc that oes Av held in the home of M1” Addie Con’; C357 PPC3I3I1 _ g A P R egage 8 to 12 lbs. (Morre . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .27!/,c 2 ~* 19» on ssmnwnsnmf Street at fine; so well Wlththosc comfortable Pgjk chtggi‘ ............. H‘ Eavgggizbs 5-cg;/6: co j’.°'°°",..,, SW, 5.3;, ';§f’;',§°';'”im‘;§: 7 10056 hangilog c1ot?cs.A smirt V In tSkinn3edlbP<;_rk Hams if ............... . .22r.§.: \h°'I*°“- ? Ftoasmzim rogue or mcnw 0 ea 3 °“" - ° 981 roast l2'/.-1 ' . t k.....20to30c S‘ ’R“ "'“R‘ RR ’ . liccp PZCC Wlth COIICCC Stylc. Bonekszsgacorn beef _ _15c Czoetfédlzcom beef . ' » ' 5 lbs. brains ..... ..60c N t b tt ' .... I ~ Star or Pride box Bacon ....... ~ _ N9‘? POW‘-31‘ Swift's 5 lb. box Bacon, Fancy . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .$l.90 and .Pep -. Sugar cured bacon. by side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32|/,c F9; Your Motor Franks. Bologna. Wennies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l5c ‘ . " m.” mm“ ‘M an ed’. 3; Fresh Oysters, direct from Baltimore . 9:: ::.-:':...'.*.*:':'.‘:::.:..s'::::.=' 1:‘ " é...-2;; .t::.*:':*.°:.+~..+.::..-ii ’ fl. ' I” ''''' Ii‘ W‘ “R , I C -O s 1 _ ' .é;__§lInpLc_u_t_5 LOO Out Folks. cymuiee Grinding I 9 I x 9 'St:t.ion . There s 21 Crazy Man In Town c7llI‘€|’ Irladlng is as lxapgg-gag g. , ‘ ::.&es;’m:m".:".;e; at least they hsay Im crazy for selling . """ "‘ """‘" “*0 UNI!-t 0C€rl€S S0 C a . b R . :-R- { _ ' " “ "“-"-"3-v-'--3-J”-~-A5-‘ Rs 1.7- 1.... -Q ~' ...Q‘:'-: )’‘''‘C.&‘. ‘ ' ..‘.. . ' 0 _ :yDon’t Ask for ‘‘Gas’’-—: Bed Standard on Company, -00 ...o. Buy 0 e . Crown A Premium Gasoline I There is as much difference . _ between Red Crown and the “mine run" of products sold as. gasoline, as there is , between ‘ _ day and night. _ R iii Red Crown is a superior prod- uct of dependable high quality an guaranteed uniformity -— A Premium Gasoline at a standard price. Red Crown is the cheapest’ I gasoline ‘ you can buy because// ' it gives you more service. Judge :4? by 3.13 P506 per - mile -_-__-not C" the price per gallon. Use Red Crown and Save Monegin the End the following Standard Oil Service Station: I! - 5th and Broadway a... -.._-.._.. (Indiana) V Colunibia, Mo.