J‘. t‘ — ».V. L ‘ ;_ . ;....,I . ‘C. .‘-1 ' , . . II ‘" I l i V . !|'.n ‘Q V l . .’ "-‘.-:“..:~’.~.: »' .,....—_._,.: if...” _ 7. V I ~ ”i"‘T..‘f§".’.;i‘f,g.,i. '31! ia.c.i9s;;i::::fi*',ff'::°f"*'"** i s-A-~~-was ram ' 2 .,- . ' C ) 3 Y0u..,l! Always. Find . I It s New You 11 Q . ' ' '. . Sf We land . . . '- Ctr Find It At C0ufie5y.Here . “The House of Fashion” ESTESPARKS 1 1 C it it E I | E1 \ . V 5 ' There's new life in the air, each train brings more and more Mizzou students. -Our whole store feels thenew fall atmosphere and every de- / _ partment is brimming over _with new fall merchandise. Autumn is just \ around the ‘corner and now is the time to complete your new fall ward- robe. Estes.-Parks are ready to furnish your every merchandise need. , 0 ‘ , ‘A Sensational Two Day Sale of Hand Bags .. 8' t d The buyers for the Estes-Parks stores were very (blumbza » a ur 61)’ fortunate while in New York in purchasing an entire Sdfllfday is ta] about .. A - d manufacturers line of hand bags, including samples. g I ‘"60’ an The Columbia store is offering our share of the pur- and B - th " ’ , chase in our greatest hand bag sale. Truly these are 0 77 an ' ’ 8 of. Monday the best values we have ever offered in bags in our Monday , [ndzmduahty ‘ Columbia. A purchase of several will be an zdgal frock for l...%.. .§‘23.”..:£ ‘ a $1.00 to $8.50 Values to $14.50 school g‘ each one chic. wignsome Colors . Styles Leathers ~. :_ 8nd . l1nU3u31o‘ "1 3\_1C_h Black Under Arm Bags Paton: Balbriggan is supreme !. 873010118 shapes. allurinz Gray . pebble gain for the sports and 3 colors and rich fabrics Tan P‘""'°l°p° Mngum school. These ensembles 3 ES l:h8D'(|)fW}f1Qll£ Brown Pouch and other suede are in theh new Tode, ' . e ~m. __. V (,5 0 , .- with the new mousseline G n U Moro“ hf§,§d§' t,;‘£,§f§§ trimming 8°15 $t_i.t¢h91')' ~ the bottom of the jum- or smart self trimming per, collar and cuffs. and velvets, hatters ' plush’ Danna ‘End "e1°‘":3' .Smartl_v tailored. In 3'°rg°9“‘ly .t"mm°d' m turtle neck, crew neck every fashionable color _ and in the new student and block. neck styles. New Autumn Shades O W . P . Estes-Parks ~ Beam STUDENTS. 1 as e pe Have the New;Gym ..g- __ L W h I . e ave a comp ete department , -‘BE These beautiful silk pillows will add carrying a full line of bedding. W p . - f’. ’ . that last touch to your room that com- , ‘A ‘ fortable homey atmosphere. Here We have always been considered 1 » ~ - Of course you’ll. need several pairs they are in oblong, square and round student headquarters for sheets, ' I . Students‘ as wén as‘ hgusewives of the new gym bloomers. These shapes all covered with changeable blankets, comforts and pillow slips. ' ; will be interested in these attra'c- bloomers are made purposely full to taffeta and lace, $2.95 to $3.95. This fall we have a most ‘complete. : tive waste paper baskets. They . allow for freedom of action. They . Also a line of cretonne and velour line of blankets and special prices ; come covered with cretonne in ' come in all sizes anclfin bla k, $1.65. pillows from 89c to 83.95. will prevail this week. J . : many colors a1i:nd:.1alit§i;c.wtively' bound ‘ . ., ~ :- with lace. a , ‘ l 1s_t FLOOR ‘ —— l A s ial number in waste bas- I ° ikets till): will be of special interest / A 7/8 to students. _ sturdy basket . ' ' 5 made of fibroid in all colors, 69¢.‘ This“ the time tofchooge. T _ BARGAIN BASEMENT your new Draperies or t ‘e i . ' th . A tumns — _ ' l . V With changing drapes gggiiiéis lrszightfiiis the! charm Hand in hand with our “ r comes the need for new of heavier colorful drapes. (impedes is our drapery mag- _ shades. Vile ware carrying I\'<}iw mattefr what the color mg department we akre no: h I : ‘ e new co ors. sc me 0 your room you ° 1' 1 ma an ‘!(E.‘.o!l‘c(ii?s.% ilir;cabeige,tans,browns will find ,rich harmonizing/ l},nan:._£3:‘,-Kfinging, e and green. patterns in our large sele_c- = , _ llnlg. DBeaut{ifu'l‘ drapésl tan .4 ' s’ s. mas . erry 0 s . Of Fine Rleppo azhd Cretonnes. A cost that is" once a ' luxury and splendid. 111- ‘ ‘'?3ml°’{t 13 the °h°‘°° ’ f Autiim_n’s coolness heightens die the ;wisest and in L charm of cozy firesi Now i cleverly women-A A come the days when Itugs mellow Wome-n who ‘wear 0,11). ‘ with oplor may glow in the fire 8 .. . . Andthuefm. flickering rays, creating an at- r- wakflam the angst; .ex_ mospliere graciously warm. ‘ . quisitiq 25 ' Axminsters, lovely of tone and . . _ t,_ ~wwswWcrr- i ‘ass!’ ‘I’ ' 937 W‘? “E3 In 9- ” wh.,.a,,5,&m , . lightful colors and patterns; all 5”" - Q: i . . . - lnroomsizeandsmaller are won- * V °f 5" °°"’°°““l"’ “*5 ' ' ' ‘ |Suede far: uettes Curtains 1 ts ' achiévi th ‘ be ' will ' tothe . 4 T . "“ "9 “ ~ u 5 Bull)’. airiml - - ~ 3:. Read .made curtains in irlendllness that makes aghome. « _ T _ . Suede. s rt coats in red, .. Y . i T . mm" ‘ it llurlile andpozray. A real eol- ‘la whiteaiid colors. —Well~niade . 1 home for-thewmtcr. legiate sport coat $15.00. ' gm - i _ ‘hi- ’-~..‘z-;.‘.»5D5g‘i5- '. . ‘..~.« 2 ~ -1 . i »« ~ ~- -l"*>-»5-- *5 -'50‘ ~ ' ’»’-.- * Lt ‘ -=11