Q h = -"t'.':‘.‘:?."!‘.".:'..9-:...ia'...".'.‘..‘1”.21.......' '-'..';‘:.:..m-.....=..-a'c,.;;::—«o-‘Pa--.:-'-°‘-7*,-2"- 3-. _".".“"‘-“\“l‘.fl'~l-’.'.'.\!‘W¢1‘4-".«‘!-. ;’:.X . ~‘‘ "‘.. 14"" “.1;-Jo} . . ' .¢:~a.‘ J an 3. Q._a. /‘L V-hang. ..- ..‘..A. id is .411 «.1 .a__;u 00%‘. a... . - wimnflaat -s-.. awe"-s u ‘« _ . i I A. . ‘ o 9 - ‘ athletics and his staff is: ‘ _-‘_,. ‘!‘..‘.‘..'.&.‘.!‘??2‘ 8'.“ . "'iJ' D . . ., none In ‘so go Ljé»-y L'-0"’. ...... '.-_ ,. ...'. OD Grenada’:-roaoeno one-aJu&i-. 0 49- - ‘ ‘t .. ‘ ‘ . -..—'-i‘ ‘.l'- .C:‘‘''''''.- re « "~“ ~v"1~vob a moo my op-a.s‘a-0 ab~a~U'a;bIa6-33% its a. Iron .49»...-some-_-.-g. "‘Q¢‘~4-too _ . - .4-Q ..an§aa—aa.-aeaua-qhaw . .I , ,4-we _- ,~.oi‘u.a .‘ 9*.’ ._ «.3... .. _'._ I - _ ' l . . - .- 9; -r-«awe-o; -pap-n. .---t.‘l-,.sg',,fiIm _.. ,, _... .._.._. . :., ,._‘ ._. . ._...,. ,. ., _.._.. i W _ H s-..‘-A-vtcn o--~'v:s+‘t- ‘ ' «-3» o. . . -. —.¢. . . rt HFCO... ...a~.a . _ ° ‘rt 7*?" -u_v.-...- Io. alas, .. _,'g ,.,..‘« my ,_ .. o-‘V . .. ‘ . fine i andwaahington Diffenent Head - ' Mentors for. This I _ I season.‘ . Beans‘ 130?.‘-_ CO£tNHUSKERS;_ Jayhawkers Have 2 New Merton Ath,lefic,Staff —'-No Chaiiges for ” vAg8'i€S- jg. several major éehanges in the per- . ‘ 3 sonnel of the. athletic staffs of ? lfissonri Valley Conference schools ' will henoticed now that the official ' Nebraska. and no I nounced new head coaches for foot- ball and Drake University has an- nounced the promotion of its head football coach to the‘ athletic direc- torship. With one exception the odi- : er Valley institutions have an- ; nounced important changes. ' At Nebraska. Ernest E. Bearg. a 3 Kansas product, succeeds Fred Daw- - son, who goes to Denver University. Bearg has been varsity backfield coach at Illinoisfor several . He has announced that his staff will ‘include Owen Frank, W. L. Day. and Leo Schercr. The first two have been with the Cornhuskers five years .year. Others in the department are John Seileclt. business stood that Bearg will be in charge of that sport for one year. at least. ‘At Drake. Oscar Salem. former jhcad'coach of football and basket- ball. will sum:-ed Kenneth L. Wilson as director of athletics. Wilson goes to Northwestern University. Solem_ jwill continue in charge ‘of football. but the basketball position goes to 7 William G. Boelter. a former Drake 2.} star. Track will be handled by.Har. I old Ebert. another Drake uate coaching-‘his first year at his alma ‘mater. Assistants announced ‘Jack Sparks and Al Krueger, both fpralte Itraduatcs. ' hington University athletics . ‘ W“ will be under the direction of Wil- push,” fliam P. Edmunds. who has been six . "‘: ‘years with the St. Louis institution. 3- 5- -mlrtins. Penn State, and , glcnown throughout this section of the ,~¢°lmtr)' In I_ rlaycr with the Eighty- pninth .Divisiln charnqion A. E. l-‘. ‘tflm. has been empioy"ed.,as‘ head .coach of football. Others of ti); staff ,are holdingover from last year and K. are J. W. Davis, se ; ‘White. basketball: T. J. Hennings, jtrack; W. H. Summers, physical edu. ;°8F!0¥1: I E. Eilers, business manager. ‘ 3 Kansas Aggies is the one school -with no new appointment, )1, , -Ahearn will continue in charge of Charles W. Bachntan. head coach of football ‘ ‘and track: Gtarles Corsaut, head I-‘rank Root. assistant in football: and E. A. Knuth, physical education. ' , U’ has two ap- pointments, John Soba as an assist- " ant in football, and Guy Lookabaugh, Oklahoma A. and M., who come; as vars: in 7007-5111: John Bunn. freshman . ' 3 Allphin..swim-. . Q—:-s _ _.A8K.8GlBL81WB0 WANT ; i !‘l t .. seem to use watts §5 ‘iii? E; ;‘ it ii at 3? E 8 2 ii A it 1? have nogduties but those at’ keeping ‘I ‘I v “'.'p V ~ 7‘ ,.§ ‘ ;.‘c "..I.§fl'§z" '1 .-_ '.¢‘ -" . "":"LvA ..v'- .‘ . ,‘.L~:£ ":.1k§i~.‘h"' ‘ ' ""“' '&" ’ "‘ '1 V. 2 . ‘_';*~ — _ .‘,.‘;. 5 it . 7-’. . 3_.‘-. MINOR sPoR 'r§ NOW .A.c'r1v12 Additional Interest to Be A Taken in Tennis and Golf. — Tennis and golf. regular minor sports of the University, viill receive additional interest this fall through the introduction of outside competi- tion. .uhich hag‘*beretof1ore been confined to the spring season. Out side matches in both sports are planned for the fall season. ‘ llighteen courts are now at the‘. disposal of University tennis play-. era. I-‘ivenew courts were built dur- ing the summer and the thirteen old, courts were rebuilt and recondi-1 one' of the improvements made on; the old courts, which are now in‘ much better condition than at the. end'of the spring session. All courtfl. will be for by a man who will.’ the courts. § At least two tournaments will be‘ held for tennis yers this fall.’ en will play for the fresh-,1 man championship and sophomores; and upperclassmen will also have a5 oournam 'l'be winners (1 the two. divisions will play for the Universityl tit e. - ' The Varsity team will probably have two or three intercollegiate matches" this fall. Washington and nsas have asked for date: which will probably be arranged. The Uni.‘ is I 'l'lIe‘aeeae of future struggles on M. L"s gridiron. flue at: University golf course. $800,000 has betn subscribed by alumni and students for the first unit. , tioned. Underground drainage is — ‘ ‘was (7 .-4 ‘ .‘ ‘J l a“ I. H M". g.— ‘ '- . ' ,1 - L14. S. C '_i .43, . . . ‘y 0 , r. I 4-. . 'fi' V" v .“a" ._...:_.¢ -- dlum will be located west of Providence Road -. . .. . 4-w'iI'4' ‘ "fit; - ,._ _-_ .~ ' ' .2’ I‘ ‘. l-.- ' - "" I . “ . " .. .' »‘- - . ‘ ,' ' ’ " ' - . .5-~ -. . 1 - ' 35 » ~.;.-it;-“. -. . it - e - 6% l.> . ‘la . 9 .,. ~ - « ' i ‘ ..‘._ . _-....‘ - - e '7' . ‘ _ yf‘'.-r-. ‘. .\{rVFa. .5} :_ . v I I ‘v .5 q - \ -" . ‘ ’‘ \v4‘c-Jfi._. _ ‘ . t >' """ . g s ‘ - 3 , p , ; , I \. n L 4_‘. .- V - £1‘. . ~ . .‘t .1. '—‘.“ _ — r< \ mu 1.. ya _ Near Future A ‘ g. . g— versity team will probably be mgdgl Intramural tournaments will _also be up of the letter men. Jerry Turner: and I-Zrnesthlindlin. but there is an opportunity for any upperclassman‘ t‘) maltethe team Golf. which was established last year as a regular minor sport of the‘ Iinivhrsity. gives the Tigers another opportunity to score a Valley cham- pionship. All of the last team will return to school this fall. -Var-. sity team. composed of Willtens. Bar- , Henderson and Harper, toolt second,in the Missouri Valley Tour- in ca. 3' narnent this spring, losing to Kan-. sas by one stroke. This fall the Varsity will meet the Columbia Country Club in a match.‘ and two or three matches with coun- try clubs of neighboring towns will undoubtedly be arranged. according‘ to C. L. Brewer, director of athletics. who i, in cunt, of imnmurgg‘ battle took place in which the vil- sports. has ananged all-freshman' . and all university tournaments for NT» fall and spring. — Tobacco in Department Stores Pat-is—.A great innovation is in prospect for the Parisians. At pres- ent one can buy almost anything in the big department stores, except tobacco. This omission is now to be remedied and each of these stores is to have a counter on which cigars, cigarettes and tobacco will be at- tractively ‘displayed. ' -—--Z-O——-—— ‘ Family l-‘ned luvolveslvzoo PRAGUI-3—.ln distant Slovakia. in the tiny village of Neuhausel live two families, the Drasis and the Szollers. between whom a bitter —§:.—.___. Try a Missourian Want Ad DR. R. F. BIRDSONG Osteopath Special attention given to diseases of women and chil- dren. * _ Room 4 and 5 ElviralBldg. Office phone 2315 . Residence phone 2134 red TWO IN one 3)’ ordering a pair of knickers with your regularbusinem suit you get practically two suits anyone. «We have a wide range of racy fabrics tn suitable fore both business and outing. S ' forty or fifty dollars. Campu‘§°Tailorin g Co. “Jesse Hall is opposite Us” 4-} L | \ rt ."?*.?’°'¥ ‘W’ “W , r. :0 I 4 ‘I .5‘ i J 1 ‘1 1 Welcome Students . D ? We welcome you back to Columbia—it’_ t to see you back. While you have wur vacation the past summer we have been redecorating and fixing so that wecan better care ‘for your wants. Join your jolly‘ friends at the COLLEGE INN- they’ll all be there and every day too, especially at meal time and in the afternoons and evenings when . everyone wants. to see who's back and when football and fashion is the talk of the town. Y... will be delighted with our plate dinnet-s,and ‘you will be perfectly contented to eat here always. We especially cater to the students. The finest can- dies, fountain service, delicious lunches and dinners all are the best at JIMMII-3’S,. ‘ and south of hole No. 8 fairway on the Efued has existed for several years._ p‘ held for golf fans: George Bond. 75° °‘'*" "9’ ' "~‘¢“"’ “"°°‘ ; lage folk to the number of 200 took Since Civil lWar Days Founded in 183:1’ This bank has always ex- Sllldeflt-9 tended true hospitality to And the students of the.Unive1'- New” __ :-‘ity and the Colleges and to » Resiileflliil the new residents of this will comniunity as well as to its‘ ‘ Filld A six ‘thousand old f rionds ! Here and depositors. True * We are glad to get ac- I-lospitalitw‘ Boone County National Bank quuinted with newcomers. I. R. B. Price. President SIZE. AND’ ssnvtcs I .“And It Saves Me the A. ' ‘ ' Price of a New I ‘‘My new Fall Suit?i SURE!—but€I didn’t have to spend thirty or forty dollars for it. I just sent -one of the old suits over to the College Cleaner and Presser, and here it is back, as spick and span and attractive- -loolting as the day I first put it on.” ’ ‘ Suit!” No matter how soiled or faded last year's " clothes look. inst send them to the College, Cleaner and'Presser. You’ll be as well dressed 18 Fall ;as any of your friends-—and your '4 bank account will be healthier! . College Cleaners 1 . 909 CHERRY s'r. ‘ 9 :45‘ I 4! .t 1- _»'_ s; . - & - Pfessers PHONE 955 , -- .‘ , ‘ .0-‘ 1 £.,.' ) U l C l.' ‘r ‘ _ _ _ A. l._ ‘T ,. j ".- .3?‘ - - :. .. ---- ’-. .--... .. - . ' ' in‘- . 7¢+¢-57;:-’-"".t.ZlF". sh.->ioa._-.~-— ».-:«;.._«ti.'.‘u.'_._-e':;. :-,4’ "-‘I: . . . = 5 ; " ' I