. , . 3 ' r u 3. v ' 4 ger i-halnpionsliip of ‘ ds, the tea _ pf the Missouri Valley Conference: men 1,, ‘ ‘ ' I11‘ Pill-link Kyland for the preliminary football. D‘3lf° ' forth their most strenuous efforts ' ' ' ‘ 88 ‘-to turn the tide in‘ their favor for ‘.5 ‘the approaching football season. In ,» the following stories from each of ltheir hopes and L. -O . I 7 w A ,.__..___‘._.. K. U.‘ Coaches Ansioos to Start. __ Kan.--The football minds which will rule the Crimson and Blue warriors in the 1925 cam- gn have begun to work together. No one is more anxious for Sept. 15. the date when official practice in ' _. the valley starts. than head coach rge. (Patsy) Clark, who has just turned to Lawrence from his sum- in Colorado. where for a change and recreation he engaged in the management of a e above men- ;tioned date all Missouri valley elev- - tens will begin practice and the an- '¢as coaches will trot their men out e Coach Car_l Schlademen has also V .return_ed from his vacation and John 5 ayhawker coaching staff. is on 'John Bonn, . scout. who has 9 ' attending the coaching school lit the University of Illinois. has re darned and is ready to take charge . zgf-the newcomers as soon as school ’annaou Tackle Washington First. ‘ . : We the utmost confidence iii Coach . his assistants, the? board of strat- has a real job on its hands if the e eleven is to land up near the 7 percentage standing. , 15!! have wound up in recent ‘years. 9 "*9 30115083 will open the season . :0ct.‘.3 against Washington at St. ) "“"“".-g‘-.- -oo....... ..._. ' . ‘ A A. i. < ‘ - Sooner staff to wens. . . Dflke toes to Gn'nnell‘to rs in the homecom- we -fl .. . . aa'¢J3b‘iI’as‘ud'b's 0511338 Will furpishthe stellar "hat the dedication Drake stadi . This ’ ‘ ##3## -e-Ivgbfa I o-a-u.‘vo.s o-s«o~o'o.5o.d-‘J-nior. . A . ~ ova- C i ’ - is E fig. 5?‘ i 5 2?; till??? ,3 . ., . ;.;._. .* '- p‘_ . . O0 3 .3 - ' “ ' . 2‘:-'--4 ’m riingfor _ _ Tiger DRAKE ro Flour Plxslls lg'iWasliington,, finder a N€W"‘0Hahoma igli Aims, . »-—Kansas ,3 Aggies faces the nal game of the 1925, season is with; Try ts,‘ want ad. ._.._*-_ _ .._. -. ..... ._.___...,...- —¢z__-, . ‘g. . ...r hi - to win; ,————,-— , :;oo . prenatally: To Assist in Football; coil ' ‘_ 'coac ..:.".:.'z..=°.'.:‘*.’,';.. *' '''°‘' -. ;i i kfiqld poai 18111! illq ping the list of andidates is , who is ilmoat inevit-1 nigonfi “um 351 gal ii? The scheduleze Sept. 26.'K. 8/'1'. nois to have the distinction of win»: 1 bl‘? 990" ¢’"°U8 -n,;,.t)._5¢,.,,, C. (Emporia) in Manhattan; Oct. 3, ning four coveted “Pa” in football _ Oct. 10. there. Conference officials in the P!‘315°d- - _ - p . 1 h ' than impressed m n Des Moines, Oct. la. Kan Big Ten placed Crangle at fullback 2;! I ::’\n€“'_:;’ll";‘)IeaMd with ‘ht tyne of men that I will have to work with by each mike’ Oklahoma at Manhattan; in Lawrence. Oct. 24, Missouri on many of their mythical all-west-i 6 in Manhattan; Nov. 7, Marquette in. ern and all-American teams. , _ " Milwaukee; Nov. 14, Nebraska in? _ Robe:-t Zupplte, coach at the mi.‘ 1111!! Yell’- I aogmuihinuke ‘ad wood. “cu anhattan (H0m9€0min8)- NOV- 26. rois school, in speaking of Crangle \ ,‘..‘__, .v,'_ '. . :7‘ , .5.’ i 9: .j‘4“fi"f_. A "El if ‘f/‘:.:' l I “ "lit:-ifivm Illinois Crangle was the coaching staff at St. Viator 99¢ i l the has played forthelast two yaara.. huehgu coach. Cr-angle was grad-; Rockne, world famous coach of bio- Othtf ° ‘°1't5¢K°|1"lP°'i uated from the University of Illi-‘ tre Dame U_niversit)'« ll‘ Sllcalilllfl . nois in 1922. During his four years of Columbia and football prospects nior letter: there he played four full seasons of } Crangle said, “I am sure l will like . .. efield. ju-I, football, receiving four letters. _ ' nior: Kerr Whitfield. Ness Cite‘. 511-‘ it the time Cmigle entered llli-‘ oryono has two“: "*0! W“ 1. “'3: ‘:2 Harold Dayhaff. “oi, the our we; on gnd an fre3h-_ old Missourian an on y commit 81' e‘!5un’i:.ir, letter man, and Clay men were gligible to play var-sityf for a-‘visit. an . A 1 l football. l-E Jgck cg-gggle of the University of’ « Crangle arrived in Columbia last, Clip‘-1 Illinois is the newest addition to the week from South Bend. lnd.. where’ ng staff. He will be; he has been ‘attending the coaclung rixhtzunni. the position than assistant coach in football and lu-ails’ school under the direction or Knute ; it here. From the day I nrri'v'cd cv- l have always heard a ssouri spirit" and h of it already to know that it has never been W What few players I have -.— Marriage and Divorce Der-rease.. - fullback ever to wear an Orange; —-.P‘rance has the tradition Alb! IS “BIGGER AND 5l“'”'-’‘'' and Blue uniform. In his four years; .,:PAoReIi§i': a Catholic country ’-"‘—" 3‘ hum of competition he was never known though there is no -less determined. to fumble a ball. He is an idealj gnd convinced anti-Catholich major- College Farmer is the offi- " ‘tyfatfd mm m perhiiib t.c "is cial organ of the College of Agri- Baid“ phying fmwglgwli: °” “"5 I;§"fh"§".'o:;“ mi" quite ‘culmm md the Ag dub to any wasastar outfielder on e ebal 1 grown ll 0 - optomisrn to the ‘ isfaction. That’s what you’ll find at Newest Fall Millinery Beauty , unrestrained —— beauty blended with consummate skill’-o-distinguishes these superb Hats. All the glory of Autumn is in them and no wonder!- they were created for us by the Master- Milliners of Paris and New ‘York! .-;:i-+.—"v~....._ .- a Inabel~’s Invz°tlzlio_lz to Students Kinloch ‘Hat Shop presents an adorable selection of But are they expensive‘! Not at all! rrieliinloehnatshopisprosdtoshow then!-at, .4 + * - J - L: ‘I g. . l . ' V A , . . ‘ .. I ‘ -A fl - . - .....‘ .. ..‘. ‘V .. Q."- , i’lr’.a1- A‘ ‘~ ' = , —- 1 .ln‘i.i_.rair i’2..o(l. J7». 7.. - - _a-‘ * Ii‘ " to "f”co1,Um;1_A o,-_rU]gs'1’)A'Y, is, 1925‘: , ’ ' . . ._ ____- n , __ . _ _ o’ 1” _,f. ““"“““‘.. “‘ . . 4 ” '54--i£‘v7a-Zilzr 4 ‘ in ,- l ’. 4' tearnat Illinois for three seasons. He ‘ ‘C C so _ if" - iwasamongthehardesthittersinthe - ' «‘ » ‘ ' ' ' ’ ’ ' ' ‘ ' l Big Ten Conference during his last . , ‘ Glad to See C You Bac T’s pretty hard to wel- come you fellows back to school without using .a stereotyped phrase; it’s some- thing like saying, “Merry Christmas.” But there’s nothing stereo’-g typed in our way of looking . after your clothes needs. .. Every__ man gets l individual, persoiial service and every man gets the lgind .’of'style~ that suits him best. . Hickey Freeman ‘ Fashion Park A Hart Schaffne_r&Marx' Micheals Slfern make your clothes. That’s saying they're g all V wool, smartly styled and skilfully tailored. - L I Football Schedule, 1925 ‘ October 3——Tlilane at New Orleans October l0——Nehrasl£a ‘ at Columbia October -l7—Rolla at Columbia" - October 24—Kali'. Aggies at Manhattan October 31-—Iowa State. at Columbia . November 7,—V\Iashingtoo at St. Louis November 14-—Oklalioma.'at Columbia (Homecoming) . November‘ 21—Kansab at Lawrence n‘ ‘ Q «A»... I ~ -:r~ ’-.4, L"""""‘} . , ‘ ~-4‘-.’.;. .. 5'-f ‘._.. We Dobhs Hats and’ Caps‘ .... Y’;/7~xr‘;(', .VW\AIam"‘f"‘Iw‘7'4Ohrf«;m.:..-—-—- r-....,'.o._ ' gtf‘ ~ ' ' ‘ a. ‘ . ‘ ' w A. at-'~'“.'r"-' *7" '~ -v~+ - ~ ‘ In i 3 '3 *~ ~_......--_ .,.._ ____ V . i!V,.*'.’-,~_:-"