'5. L..,-.l"H§“}E’.‘-}? B. & P. A. AIMS - DISCUSSED BY ACTING DEA_N_ Dr. F. A. Middlebush Says School Teaches Gener- . al Principles and ' Not Details. APPOINTED THIS Monrn ,New Head Was ‘Professor coumw-. in ;,?_‘,.E’_”*7T5_'"'—'"“'"'_""""'..13 . , NEARLY ENTIRE REGISTRATION IS IN JESSE HALL. Students Tn_3.i1 Schools Except Medicine and Law Are to Sign Up There. Fuss DUE SEPT. 24-26 Complete Proced "f1T‘_ Enngrn YEAR ‘THIS YEAR IS '0 ll THIRTY-SIXTH Yo M.‘:CaV A1 A Glenn HB’s7e3?,“se«?mtary. Prediéts an Unusually Busy Season for ' Association. PLANS FR!'BHhI_AN MIXER Chairrnanjof Social Com- --.;._ -_. C “Y” Sucamanr .;.._ ""“"‘“"’ “"' ‘ “-.-'.'.:'_:__'.'_';-...--_..- -._.‘ .._... ‘BEAT MIZZOU’ A ISBA'l'l‘LE CRY or TULANE U.‘ “Greenies” Expect to Hand Tigers a Surprise at New Orleans on Oct. 3. HAVE g Snowv SCHEDULE Many Sta_rs_.:¢.-i"e Now in New Acmjt; Dun - M ’ ‘How the Memorial Tower Looks ”I’V'ow I O ure for mittee Says New Men Southern City Road)! Enrolling in Univer- of Political Science Are to Be'Givcn to Start Practice '"sity Given—Deans l and Public Law in Right stare - Promrrtlrn Are Listed. ‘ l the University. ' The opening cf the University this ‘_n‘:§c‘:'L_iItf_)_RI;§;;“\;i?; ogfiarcsfif All registration this year excepfg 1),. p_ A. Middk,bu__h_ form” m_0_ for law and me 't-inc will take place i in Jesse llall. opies of instruc-' tions for registration will be placed: at the information desk which will: be on the first floor of Jesse Hall. I Students who have not received: W their matriculation cards should pre- :_ year will mark the thirty-sixth year of activity of the local Y. M. C. A. among students and townspeople of Columbia. V This year promises to be one cf the busiest years that the association ff‘-".-‘U!’ of political science and pub- 3'9 UN’. was made acting dean of the School of Business and Public Ad- mrrristration by the Board of Cura- -:: at their meeting Sept. 5, _Tl;¢ dcunshtp of that school was left va- I V gan last year on ‘the eve of the pre- . liminary training pcason. This year ? it is "Beat Mizsou." With the one ‘ big idea of giving the Missouri Val- ! lcy champions a real surprise when 1 they invaded New Orlcanstobat- Dr. F. A. Middle-bush. acting dean of the School of Business and Public :4 P v .4 Administration. Dr. Middlebush. he has been with the llnlvere-ity ._.-.. C ' has ever giauned, according to Glenn a N. “ activity committees been appointed and include Lhe fol- ’ er, Bible study; Lawrence Steve.“- . says Schwabe. W. ilovey,‘ general secretary. cf have alreadl". secretary Gicn Hovey, . of the‘ Y. M. C. A. . ‘ ’ nc.-.sy has issued a call for all his tie the “Gree:-.ies," at Tulane Sta- dium on Oct. 3, Coach Clark Shangh- svn: t cmselves at the north en-j trance of the University Auditorium ' in the cast wing of Jesse I-loll, where ' three years, was professor in poll- lisal science and public administra- cant by the resignation of Dean lsrdor Locb last spring. Prof. Middlebush is a graduate of 7:5". LT‘ " D ‘:7: DLTTA’ T = f» tball c ndidate trrcport on time . n ' . h _ d” f . :“'1“‘ ‘ " . ‘ ‘hf’ t"l"°"3il3' 0‘ Mldlllfifl Ilfld l'¢'- : R w-»--:- new-; r . .2‘: :.:i:..;°.°.:;:°.: :::..°:.:. ;.;*.:::= . . . A. aw ship: tvmdnon Creed. social scrvlcc; J! t 4 , , . . . . L. ._ 2 , _ " ‘ , It ’’ xhvre. In 1921 he took his sabbati- Huth wmi‘m,‘._ public“... I-.-Nd nu, , “hen the training season begins, in the Lnixcrsrty have been _a:)-, _z_ _J I._ on, employment; Richard Shewmak-~ son, life work guidance: Walton Roth. gospel terms; Tom Trimble, short course workhiichncth Lancas- ter, boys work: Max Schwabc, soc- DISIAYS .W0l{K1 4 I i s l Appropriation Needed to Finish Home Econom- :h:- Tulane coach expects to have all his material on hand. to start work without delay. Followers of the sp;rt in the :-‘ou'.hcrr‘. city expect a record crowd to witness the first intcrsectional proved. After they have received the mazriculatim card they will pro-1‘ coed as follows: q l"re.-zhmcn and .-ophomorcs in thej College of Arts and Science and! students, is the College of Engineer-* FOR Ito, T. c. Col.‘ M. C."-I‘{_erth Succeeds cal leave of absence from Knox Col- lege at Galésburg, lll., and did _rc- scarch in London, The Hague and Paris. llis field of special interest is international law. relations comparative government. He is .a member of the American Society of *""°'- « 'ics Building "°“‘°°"- ‘W’ T“ Z’i’f.?‘.'l‘.1"£i.T£ ?.’.‘°»‘r'..."‘.';‘.§§I§."'.‘.‘.’§’.'3l ‘” W “I Mia’ Cm“ I~=lfric:;adB:fh‘h5 R:u(:dm::d. SlIi“rg::- l?I:'rC’:Ufl‘:T)!').mI:!fd gill tiglioisfi: n "" ’.“"‘_"-' - - 3 iidnriiuviiiarltfcii‘ireberf?>iihr:infi)hel:E§:d- Sc‘ e. mi; ¥':,f-°”°E ta}; 32‘ Egnfnlnz :38‘ In)’ I P. '50 l°“‘“ ‘" kl" "°°’l"d ad‘ "5' classmen. he says. The book will port. the games at home"will prove Y‘<‘C02NiH' the {Bf-'1 913‘ ii Will be -S11nE‘\T "“‘\nmmh 30“ ulé of cours€8- 75°“ ""'h° d° "Oi ‘mu ‘m ‘ ms. 0 i '3 ' 3' plans to go into social or govern- alsé be increased in size as there plenty of trouble for'the “Grccniesff when completed one of the fine tow-g 353"‘ FOR '"STR‘BL"n0'\.; been eager for sevrral years to get mental service. in,‘ .1 gh. y y C A amp‘, in N as . th. . t d f h M d the “wk .0“ it _______ __ M ed_ ha;-e unifotrms are to rghyrrt ti» thcel an gggignmfnt on R, 9, , I _ ‘H _ u L h at , ' ' ‘_ ° ‘ . R’ . ll SPCQIOYIS l5 X88? Ill! £3 . ""“—*' _ CT.‘ (I l 9 W0!‘ . $1.’! ' ‘ ‘ - r B0 t . B 0 ‘in E in! ‘nu? 5 ope,-00"; 3“ ‘ en‘; an all! I h d b no cd t I 1 t‘ t ‘S equ y “npof 1) _ owe , is being painted and in all probablli- of the ,m:,.;m,,, “Km and the mice DATE .\lGHT LLES CHARGED must necessarily bc .-low.‘ it will be. “:55 S: M, (C. EA. lidilditirg and 9 of the basemne tof Jesse Hall to be , dug] 1:,” rrm; [(-:u](5ieg:((:‘, in the preparation ‘for a s ' 3:‘ Ohd‘ p‘.lDl-3! ‘ in Tfmfilfl It In Iddlllbfi Ill “-omen 51.‘. Go Atny Evening ‘n 3150, lhf.‘ finest CXpl”(‘.‘$l0ll Cf {TIC !nror'n‘fion B00‘ 5. ! mt.su!-ed for uniform’. h“_e found . job more “.h.: ' bugines‘ c‘r.a-"in¢‘ hclpgl . ‘ 5 I01!‘ I“ I11 In ‘"5931 5333"’! sections will be larger and mono . '- - Y patriotism and self-sacrifice of the A m‘(_mv_f0m_pan student hunt. _._._:....__... Md been wanting . “Cm to unde"und.um put‘ of their “_ ‘7'l'”" i'”“n°d- complete than heretofore The a u student.-. who went over into the’ mo‘ If “gm, 0“ we pm“ ‘ad hi FEDERAL MOINEY PROVIDED ' out plans for a Boys Club depart It Plans are under way for working A rt work will surpass anything of pre- vious years. the staff promises. C9 . Dating nights for women is the most important change in the stu- dent government rules for this year. _' for distribution to all stu-: dents who request a com'- Thu‘ "1": Great War. it will be the finest ex- prcssion of what the students love av m*ar~'rn.r. mu. usan M. ‘L’. Experiment suuon Gets no.- lumbia and the University’ of Miss- souri are just the things I have been locking for. turc work. in the general scheme of things. and to distinguish between those business activities and ‘prac- . moat '. C. A. This is bc- The subscription cntilplifrtl for the , , , . to call the ‘Spirit of Old Missoux'i.' , , h do t h d_ . _ ,_ . . . 5 which ‘re hi, ",4 kgiumgu in s;--,, 53 x---- , h mg; was om -rm» -w :::::.::.';."::. -0 mm éfi: '.:....;:.. °°:.'-,:.:,:-.;.;'::,.".°-.°::.:*' ,.,,3;::,,::« 2; "{,-,§~,,;:;-=:g;;,=;,2,,:,: ....... ....... ............. I I o ‘ c o t e 11- school begins. Work has been in , . '. , 1 th t :h- work pI‘0$I1'P3‘Sl"K ~ ~ um - , . . v - the cal well-being, business -"'=-=“ «or we v- -""~<-1" « n- ----u- »~---- on »~--~- -u ’...i°."—“““°'.‘-" ~..:.“°"'¢; ‘ . ::.€:.':::;"::: .;‘::“.?.:....: as **".;."*“"'°.;";..°‘.‘°‘%°':‘ ‘°::";°' °‘ 1;: '5-'é“‘»is.-» --2 - fsod the Bl-Y work in Columbia last throuehout the ‘summer. , ‘iii? cgu:,":.,. “:1 53,33; “Few persons realize the high type , ::r';h¢,- Tooints. i‘u:-2:’ i:‘Lp-niniziai Station firrfwtdrd l.):stta:d c’-,li:p¢~l:ign::i;’:.1 g‘,,,uun,m. will desire to use their influence to y.’ “id in m chute nu. an!” n wmnmnn wcc”?d'foe °ve;fin"' he "193 ‘hi’ Y!!!‘ Slate °f “'°Tl‘ i""°l"°d in “*9 ‘'°"’‘”'“‘‘“°"‘ It is essential that ever)’ lf'53hm“" University under the Provisions of we an have. offers a most valuable C5591.‘-" r or. - 13359500 P05“ 30 I V117 503? .___.__..., 934 d '11, ‘ carvings of each piece of stone 1!} . - i t ubfions {M t . h E . t Stni h at cgApgo;{_.1§'¢t,,_. J,fi_'rol|mgn, activities as Y. C. A- New II. E. Dormitory for Woflcil rt 1;:’ll0‘np. m.n(::d;‘¥'lde:;n::‘ds ‘Em by lb’ "'°h“‘°°t m we “uni fi:2hfne::”:>f‘f‘iccr: ‘def: the student yfigxfiivx-gt‘ ;?eatr ‘and thrxtgteliis will “r‘)itcd:\:l‘dps a student, physically, owner of Pine Rick! ranch not! C135 N00-3.3" "¢3“""fh7 nu-day nights, They my any out ¢'-“t°"3- W50 m"“ l“"° ‘he ‘km °fl governmentiassociation and the W. increased by 810.000 each sucued- morally and mean t teaches 5979. "PR1 35¢ 15007)’ 11181 I398? ‘ 5”" '“‘° 399553 “In! “*0 09' 3300-000 until 1:15 p. or. after attending ‘film only 5”“ ’“°’“’ °““'‘'" C. A. University rczI11It5°M '9' ing year"until the aneual’appropri- clear and logical thinking. develops il Vi to acquiring weight when Alex Morris as managing HENDRIX BALL 0)?!‘ 8:00.000 that they are to be in at 10:80 p. m. on Ssunday. Monday, Tuesday. Wed- Friday evening formal parties. Fnshman women will follow the practice instituted last year of wear- of such a tower," Mr. Hill said. “A K“ ‘ tom. of this mdbook for in "9'-“fled d"“'i"‘ °{ di"’°"”°"" '“.d- it he will find all necessary informa- are employed in cutting the stones? for this tower. fit exactly its p gin-ding student activities. discipline, . the Purnell am is nowh.-in’; used. This bill provides that $20.®0 I ation is $60 I-‘ourtcen projects are now under Dean 1’. course of training for the average student, quite apart from its mili- nrlcatea the virtue of obedience. man must learn to follow before he I l responsibility and leadership. and in- ' Makes Bog fattening Record a . D'.""-‘.'“‘- 00% Ind "ill l°°°W°°dI'¢ ¢.i¢5‘3'° ms A amen button until the night ‘'°''° ‘" 5‘ “°“" ‘"5 ""l"”.°“ ‘° 0°’: 2:. dc r '1! fed it to his 3 Mumford; director - is or to . dim 0?. f , ‘ 8.280:-a, who wasgonersl 00¢? Ii! ‘Cid’? "'5 I-9°30!‘ 91'“ Will of the Christmas party. when they l""‘bl‘~ 5°"? °f 3"’ qfiqgfuwg‘ .¢y;;2-gitgi r-gadwciarefully the aec- imcnt Station. Among the more lm- “I am convinced that even if it 8V¢!‘Il0."¢ltl!t 07 11' P°lmd'u*: . color!’ ‘at Evansville. lull-. has an...» be the house di_roctor.aud Mrs. Ger- ‘in 1,. d§.po..¢ of gut; man‘ detailed and fine 5‘-m ‘How, u) want”. _ port“. hwufinflom n, ,5, got. .,,,., ‘mutual, um,” 9,9; (0 mt. zoo pounds. ‘Iollmaa a: fad tab: over the work‘ of stats snub ttpdc Trevartbcn Will be 5° ‘ ceremony. The buttons are to be “W” ".°"’° by e . ‘ml 50" [mag cut;-special attent to the towing Nutritional requirements ional emergent)’ ‘F0014 If“? in-“'9 5°" ‘~""'7°;'° "°".';.‘" lb" llyoftha pets the worn at all times éxchpt Sunday '3” “'‘~''‘‘ “"3 '4" ‘W9’ 9"‘ . ‘ uni."-guy ruling forbidding 1m0lK- of -ponllfr. 11'0"“! lfl'B8h¢'ll-‘O08 01 fllillff. 3|“ UN’ 03* '9?“ "3’ *3" ‘ mm" cm’ ' "T - par- ,,,dgo¢,.e,,t,,‘,.d.1g¢,,,go,,_ ' approved by the architects. IN!‘ mt _in “y d”“.°om_ 1.501-gtgry, 4.1,-y ante, , rnvestlga_- dents inthc R. 0.1‘. C. would be one 5! 3855- ' 8”“ u"B"".“i"""""‘ “l- “calm I ‘';h'" ‘l°'g"h'“",‘:3'fi1:,:,unnh.3‘::;’ room. library or corridor of tjons with llissourlaoftwheatflour. rims ins-¢-gtmenu any ‘' ——--..——-— - . w ‘ ‘I 4. - _. ..”- ‘so ‘ fig ’ 0 Clyde Smith. captain of the 19% gal skill in his field of " . p U¥{’E h“m’vh"*D” ‘u “up. up ‘way the organisation sad Col. Kesfih came to Columbia from half--.3llIor'.."lusaohni. who is "°u"n ."°"" ‘mi ""'”i''‘'‘ chi” i’ mcaunly ‘mg I ‘wear-the official cap. and meat of marketing I-‘ort Bearing. Ga. last spring to see ah-ad! vfimo minister minister of for all-valley center last ‘year, up by :.o'sua!l among of fie? _ .m ‘R in L t J -6.“! 3“ m d an 3_ 0, 1-_ {apign again, minus: cg» and decided notto rot:urnt:'oth_IUniver- which szrbtve ‘B —.-.""1‘ 3 mm‘ .4. of ' proving heavy clay (I. by the War Dopartaneat‘iuspee- rainuur ‘marine. sltytirisf andhasacuptodtbe onederrickcaabeuseda 1_59.‘h°‘h:'::;"mhd.u_ ”m”I;:‘”‘5‘.5” .5, mm mat.“-g-gggpggggntglun our-tnadmloo dlltifloffllt .g‘os’l3o1iofdiroct:srA:i;fat:hl1-tics atk " ll 33. Jiaflaeacingtllcqualityofmcst.‘ JGQpJt~Ffl‘tSfl_Bll‘,‘fnfl4 ||€'lWlU'J'_.:94""""““’- ‘J 2 9'» 0'5‘-. : 2 ‘s - A i ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ’ ' L ’ 7 --.s—.-.~. 4.. . I .5. ' ’ - ' x, . i‘ Jr‘, ,'-‘- '_ i .V . -: I .‘_,o‘ ,, ‘ ‘- . -.: 2.‘ 7* 2, - - . _ ‘ . -V-4' -'. ’. ‘. . .v._" ‘ -- .' vrfi, ;-‘. .':-~ ‘. —..~.‘-..f-5‘.-"-5.‘: '4!-«.§}':3»1’:‘.7‘ .~ » '-- ‘J‘.?:..‘:."&~*:'-'$.i<:>£'-.:'¢.#2-dussstfiii-?.\s'_ I-:_ .. 7 3- ’ -