-,._--» -4. . V» . r _ ’ r (P ‘ 6 ' r ' , I .. ‘ .._- .,.:?-rq_‘.'?lL’-»‘;_.4-'*‘’‘.'r'.’‘; ‘ - H , a J" _ _ A-j_ ,4‘ V ; , _ _ . ‘ g'I‘UESDAY SEP'l‘El[BER;'16l1925_ ‘! ."' I . in I llnniliaferlavaek.-Ira.74O'i-'da'a‘tia‘is‘the house and ‘”'U“i'¢l3lt¥ V03!-:lv€l\‘llll%1l¢C1lin¢“'*°‘l°”"‘°’”°”7‘Ylll wlflfllll ‘Vllll I " 9 f .- * g N " ' "- ‘ " ‘ ' ° ' afornier:-aaid'eatdColnIihla. Her has recently returned from Califozg an at;the home of President and; row eveningat their home. A @h-‘ °-dock I-I-hm.,d”, even-m‘ . V .-;A,_. A , _“-a_ A wacahpaatogetfliefiroadvay nia where she spent the sinniaer. .- ‘Ira; S. D.‘ ilzrtéolgdolxiday after-tr; I>ffLct:Il:yllIhe‘l:‘b2f§ 0finl:Iie‘e:l.ln:}\::; of mats”, sen“ when ,.g . ‘ . ' ‘ ~ 4 I ' . 4" l ° “n” ma’ °' du°9’m"" , -—_:— ‘cm “on - Y T . to Otto Crawford will - . ; —_ _ _ 7 . , ‘_—._ ,..fi .. . -- ; 9- A ,. _ 1 - -——-_'-— _ Miss llillendaughter . e_ ----—- fioiretacqnainbedwiththestudents. ‘‘ . b ;v, n Saportty andilnateraitty '* l‘f,‘“‘,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,=,,.,,,,,;,,:I,adzes’ Day ? age gull“ P531-3.ni of u...“c;‘ B. Ililler. on my 3 lg; 3;;-gullslgec 1-7“ 33- um Rm——-Nicwwn Rm SW‘ ~ figfmsf gggghfl ‘ 9 . **l 01 ‘ ' Back ‘L heanyezd * "'°°‘ ' ;-new n-r-w~'- --=n°°l . t '» V '.' - ‘l_9P9"0"3Ar9 . ‘ . .993! D3!“ 9'35 Kl" um’ "ninraday afternoon atthehonie of:x”,..c“y_ . , _____________ ____-___ _ _. _ . 53,".-'¢.pe:om for the :...e...:;, Block. ; Mrs. N.‘ ‘r. cen_u-y had. as herl Lire. Herbert Reese, 204 .___._ -t— can sorority hotiafi-have returned «Chi Onto:-. Ilrn W. <‘~.Uhl-, - ; irncats at the Ladies’ Day luncheon Avenue. a . James Newton and William Hi:-th i g..:c‘.1m.1,¢, “.1 h.'g._.,¢.gm.a mes; Delta Ganuna. llrs. C. R. Ellis. . at the Columbia Country Club today -——— _ ‘kn may for Kemp” .ad_ . 2 aoclal duties for the_year.. ; Gamma Phi Beta, In, Carolin; Mrs. W. G. llanly. Hrs. Orville Bar. The 1393359" 0‘ “W “ll 99 _ They were juniors in the Co- Q, ‘L. aqua _ the house mothers Pl‘"'-'l‘- . - - ‘ ‘ I nett and Mrs. Barnett'a mother, Hrs. ; Phi ffllfllllly ll!“ lll°'°4 71.91! ‘M’. luxnbia High School year - I; spent their ma.-ermfoo the Western g KW?! Alnlln Theta» life?» “'-;i. F. Cottey. Mrs. Ralph Taylor of? house at aos South Sixth street to; . —,— ;’ : Coast and In Colorado While othlgcn “why” Gm ii” \_ W Longview, w..i.i..gm.._ mi 35.3 709 mu Stnaet. Ira. II. it,_ wine, The Y. w. c. A. win hold an aft- } . . trialled‘ Washington. D_. 'c., Atlan c Inn. y « ¢ - Nelle Ambrose. i ‘ ~ - I Cit7.New' York Cit!’ and GUI!-'1’ ' ' v . 35,-,_ w 5 90 Anu J; 7‘ ' ;——— ~ . ( . I ~ - - I . . . . W ‘ ._ : . "c‘h;"“":* 1‘ all; 33:31-.wl:l)}« ‘;l“‘;‘_";“::"’.l.;‘°:_'f':$’ g 34.: Bertha Johnson, in» Hertha; . < . P? ° , ' . . . ‘ . g d Miss Dorothy Dorsey. « I ""‘ i - 2‘-= .‘, for an mmmu-, how"-er, high; of Th Phi Alpha. Miss Nina Reil- °M""j" K" G S “tubal : e 2 them rernained ‘in Columbia resting, . V. _ . mun“. T 3“ half; en 1 _. 3‘ud¢nt3...s1ofl¢n(s—You Are l O, wmmmng gm,“ of thgif ¢,m,_ ‘ Zeta Tan Alpha, hlra. Turner Gor- ‘ ‘ P _ ; ;. - ‘ _ ' , .- 1 The chaperons for the fraternity! 303- 9 . u:""‘,AT "“"'“”'°d‘ 3 ‘ ' , _; ; ' ' -T-T-T o o o . V E i ‘ . ‘C :’ Acacia. Miss Lulu Hubbard. F07mWT U7l2U€T8lty , , . Mrs. Sam Bratton had as her. ;. WE ‘ , M. - . W l ‘. ,‘..> , - « ~ ; A guests her nieces, Miss P tti d‘ 3 . -. . -l { Alphnngzfm‘ Rho’ M1” An” . ‘ Miss Meigs Jackson Phurber‘of K1‘;-l V? U ‘ A a - -' ‘ 3 r ’ 1 h K K 31 _ E, L_ Miss Carolyn Collins, daughter of 585 Cit)’. . i ‘ . _ _ . ‘ ‘ 9‘ 3’ AP ' ‘pp’ ‘mm’ "5 Hrs. may 1-‘. Co1lins.,£qr-mu-iy or Mrs. C. B. Rollins hadasher guest; = . To You ‘Students of the University. Christian and Stephens College, , ’ ' -I \‘ Ai ha Tau omega Mrc. Margaret this city. was married Saturday‘ -‘la Flank L Martin 5 7' t° me our sew!“ “Y “me . . ' :3 A. Greepee ' ‘ leveninz in Kansas City to Gordon Miss Lura Lewis entertained Hm: Dmvg UP_"4’i d t B’ repairing By a “'h° ha"? come t° Columbia’ the Athens of -Mlssoun’ for the purpwe 9! ‘ V ' . ~~ D 1 . The le ‘iii5~’ A. F. Kuhlnian. »; man It I e _ _ _ _. _. R,B°,,,"',,,L“"“‘ P" M” wubdh rel: :.-‘at xuiffiip atria: ‘drill, Mrs. s. 1). Smith had as her guearf man who knows how. Work Guaranteed. V better educating yonrselies to make your way In the business and pro- _*- D¢lu- Tau Delta’ Mrs. Fannie mil:.{:r’ild' MK.rLnuI§ougtlydss were for- l!rl§l.l3ll(l|)1S.IE8\;:;wf.0!' the Ladies’ C3“ rend‘? any 9"“? “nice necdfll by fessiona] world’ C ' A‘ Hgpggh’. }{,,u,‘,_., M,,_ _\1.,-um A, mer students in the University of‘ party today were Mr-s.,N. T. Gentryg = auto owners. ' .\ - » » ombm ' ' Ilrs. Do}iglau,isa lite!!!-:‘M!‘S. A. F. Kuhlnian. Mrs. W- S.; p ’ V .; . Delta Upsilon. Mrs. 0. 11. Scott. her. the Kappa Alpha _ so-‘-Donner and Mrs. S- D- Smith -: ‘ i L E — -é_ : Kappa Alpha, Mrs. James B. ronty.-and Itt-_Donzlus_ -1 rne_In-, M" Ma C--——“.ise 501 com, M :3. .—-' A . . ‘f .3. ,m_ . ber of the Phi kappa. Psi urnity., — ‘h _ - dv C0 ) _-I :2, ' I _ . . . .2 ‘ «Kappa Slirmn» -‘llr-9 J- ‘V;-*_>l'=r-' ‘hm E Sidney "stephem: .3" ,_,,,,‘. xsfinfitfréft). tire‘, l:';',:'l . . As a means of helping you get acquainted with Columbia. its stores and ; « LabdP’£.*'. rs. nnta‘ -"- ’ ..-i... ' T - . - . . .‘ «Ll. ‘ ) P Hm lineal: 1:: ‘dieh 5oii.:..n§§.12:':5:T?:; <§i‘:b« ;.’1‘.i§2’..i".?§I’.‘.‘J¥‘.’i';"?.’;f.."‘u'$§'s°°‘ii‘i Phone 5”; .. 605 7 B'°°d"y ‘ the student st.ms—for you will learn that a gnarl personal appearance in. ; . 'K"i3h“‘ °f C°“""b"“" Mm‘ B9":"§ in honor of lliss Mary Burnharn off Sresetj Mrs. Cresat accompanied’ T classrooms, on the campus. at the football games and at the various ‘ ‘_ rm Pi “ti Em Spuruné a Baltimore, Md- who is her guest. -. Mrs. \\'j5e home and_will visit in Co- - i If . ‘H l mlch in later life i. . - . v- ~- - - .. -—-——-— “ soc: irs—wi c you ‘ - T Dfltl ‘Thflfl. .§d9l.8ld8§ M. J_ F_ Nicho]3on' Rog Sn-get’; V- 8 8 8 V ‘ “ p . ' *1 Stephens. g enufiined the members of the Ex- ~ " - r‘ , - Pl!’ Delta l’h'. Mrs.‘M. R. Wise. ‘ 9‘ ° Ooh t he honi th' fte -~ . ‘ ff Gamma ilelta, Miss Flore-noel a . r e u a I 1 I _ ‘ ' Poteet. .. ' ‘ . n n n ' ‘ 7- Phi Kappa. Mrs. J. H. llnnnali. 1;‘ Eh‘ ‘ ‘D ' " . Phi Kappa in-3, Mrs. Flora wood; - <5‘. I A. ‘'‘f“'_, . . ‘V _ ‘7':;l“’». $ 5 , 2; ' ‘¥:keppLA;:u;_.x_lrr.J.;.B1;§e.l YOU’ ; sigmg . i n, e rs. i-, : ‘ 2-new aamltv. Pb 0 " * ,~CflIl‘l. FOIQCII.‘ .i I ' To visit our store and see the new Fall Styles in footwarc fiir both the . i‘ ’ C college boy and girl. which we are now displaying. Here you will find ' " . the exact shoe for campus. social or military wear. All of fine quality at _ n I Sigma Chi, Sm. nu. Taylor. S _ l Slum! -V0-.3lll’8._“'&ll¢? 5-‘ E‘n_'i5":‘; ;. do two million ' lc - reasonable prices. Students, we welcome you! . 3 A - syn’ Pm BMW’ mm ;Ed‘m" ‘iii-unctst.t!ec-51:»-‘-3:53!‘-"°A'inet-'3:-°'i We are sure glad our Old Friends and New Friends . A A S in‘ 5 ,,.,,,,,,,e ,.,,m.,,,i.,.' Miss aim.’ V _ _ e.’-M _ . y Just East of the Tavern , info. Tichcnor. > . _ _. '!'*"—"‘;,‘,f‘.{.".Ri§ri. appreciate our most modern and completely equipped ._ S , ; ' p Rouse, Mrs. Itotgert I. Simp-'1 , " . exnottonsandiouch h ‘ \\ atch Our Style Windows V .. _ ‘ - -~ ' ' dill -beta . ~ ' . - ‘ ‘alt Beta Tau, llrs. Cecilia Walt S op ' ' 1 ‘ “ " 4 11)] ‘T ' ‘ * 'AlplIa Ga tn’ Sigma. Mrs. Ca 3 ‘ ~' . ; --5 .. - _ ‘ c6nr‘T!t;}°E “Pb, “ Wu, . 3,'§_f‘,;§_°,§g°'-‘h¢:{_-5 33:; 3 We are glad to be able to give them the best service _ l T 1%“ u l. . rs. ‘ W?’ TR §i"3it'ir ‘O . Dossible. S’ l'1‘h¢ °llnP°*°"-‘ at ‘-53. *°T?*“>'; ’ ‘rave sroiur is are one 1" héuaca thia_ycar will be: ‘« -to ; ¢m¢u1~ _~Alplia'1_)alta Pi, Mrs. Linda R.’ youaa“t'Iogitl:er‘nia¢a:becand<‘>‘ lleysanbnrz. ‘ f '-but IIIIIIIVWI _.Aipiu1> °. sues Virginia Meng. nan: bnnf Alpha i Omega. Mrs. C. C.l “M: In." "HI V ° Hammond. .’ -.AJpha Gamma Delta, Mrs. H. H. The Tiger. Brrrber Shop i St. Louis, Mo. i . - - 93: a. n. 2:00 p. in. Leasing Colniabla. Mo. :; : 2:2: T Anniversary Sales « Tye Friend $3.00 + ; W S A T _ noun-‘n ‘flue f = L Extra Specials for -tile . r. Tickets good only in coaches Keen ‘ ' 1 or chair cars. No reduction s ' - - 3_Ot¢Ct€d from’ 0,. chiid,-en, "0 , e and . ' -' " ‘ ‘ ""‘ ‘ t - 3 Well Dressed dampness and dis- 3 ch,¢k,_.d_ comfort with Good returning on all regular -4 trains up to and including ' train No. 5 leavin St. Lo ‘ 3 . ' - . .10“, p_ m. s,p,_‘m,_ ““ : You can save from 10 to 20 per cent """’ "’“"°'”°“‘ "“°°° “°“' 9 if you buy at this Extra «Special open. you ems: fictnxe H Two days of hou;eeofurnishing_s Attractive C0-ed I -Eacargfiaa (area also in effect ’ . ‘Iron nearby points. 1 - _ v ‘ . . For """§‘.'?.'.'...'°' M“ ; Blankets S - 1 That's what we are lfior with our latest and most modern ‘ g_ > t i g ‘ c eaning‘eq pment we 1: oroughly clean ' ‘ts d d ~- ‘ é C°‘‘lf°''t5 . _ r = ’ SW79 09911.8 es. The work is done in_ our own plant biylligrlinwhaon arereesi:- ; _ ’ 11+ g " Bed ‘Spreads at pertsY1n thelilr work. . T _._ i D Bl nk ts g : - a . ‘ on W] . find that a Valet Cleaned _and_ Pressed suit or - 1, ‘ l ‘. *3 .3: '_ t _ . ‘glib Sh 6k _8 15 ‘ ‘ diess will give you a smart and attractive. appearance, both‘ a V e f Sal x y nets . 4 in the claesroom and at socialeffairs. . . » g . 3 g V IICC 01' C :3 v = Sheets and Sheeting Clealllllg. Pressing, Repairing, Altering and Dyeing . e. at .'Allw0l1 ' r Pillow Cases . W ' C O in - ‘ ' ‘ ( , ° _ ' o .. i Q i: on ans .ap'sa uncg nSets - l ’. pf . ' . ’ Thu?'5d.aJ’: 17; 1925 i ‘:9 ‘ Early and ' Towels Huck or Turkish «/ S 9 ‘ '- at Q ' i ‘ - 3 T ' -' - . ' « fit. Er _ ‘,1 . . ; V? ‘P A - .. Get your Share Table Covers and Scarfs .__andp_w19t; «Shorty» Show y pi‘. e :1 ‘ » 7! will sell to,th9.ll.lZhest lllllaer any home. ‘ 3' Of Extra Specials « Cotton Challies What real" cieaning‘ and .1) . ' . * = fl‘ » gt ~ . a - - ) y _ ress . Q t _ 1 but 143 feet front zuitoet deep. F01’ Two Days . Cotton Bats plddne, is like. . . i ' ihoroqxhlru nioilerii doable ; ,- dnocozlrage. tractlve' ‘. glam andheamb . , * 'llIl.II‘lIfllI0l'$.aI8iQ‘Il'$4 LoeatelIathecholeeat_ ; T ’ ' « ~ ; 1 ~ VALET o .'. . {I L. mm-«siogrrrnoomm. f . . . ‘ Ha . .._. ..,,,_,,_ _,p g 7"-"—"----—--——-——---—-------———» 1 ' '~ ’ , - _ -_' . ,_ . i . ;..._,,‘,.'.__,'_._..‘_..fi“'_ . . . . ‘ g V i - JD} . _, . .. .1 Sr."-' . - . . . . « -3fi—v~v.a~c~¢_oe ugsn-g. , ' ‘ -- ' - - ‘ p , _ '_ _ ,‘ ".-:-6‘:1‘{,§_?—fl. fiw i_ at: . I A_ | V -- ext: ,-vs: new on I-ha-one amp". ¢,~._,_',_.,.‘_ ’ * ' . - -—A._.~.. ..:. . ; ~n..:».-...... .i....~'e_»‘- 7,7-‘_V :. .__. .. . _7 A 7 ' ‘9“Utu9I.-_‘ um,-1~..o¢ _,.., ¢.,u,.,U___‘.___‘__‘ "‘“ ‘ '-rr - -—-e-——~r. _- _ __ _ -—:a-—_.— ._.——j_._.— —_——..