e.e—e_.,.«.._~s.:at-4:‘.-. u * e — ‘,3 or a -. « . - - - . » . .. e >' - ' - ~ ' ‘ -' ' , . ‘- . ' ' ='.“‘, ‘ ‘ - ' ‘ . ' V I ' . .: A. ‘ 9 .' ' , ' q . I I ‘ ‘ , : - / 1925 ~ . - A '........ neon-ea ...R_:T : :- ._ Y _ T 1;.» 1 , nnm-r . . ' . -:3..*-.:-.:-'..;':.- '~-......-' °-*=--~. ‘i .. — e. ' ' s :1 7 A-‘~ -.«a.7 1., . -. r ., .-. 311113. cifea-cpl! I1’-~“lly733lD0~ ions to go _ { -e .« I . ~ - ~.--~— " . 1» . . - - I .. . _ T T. T .5, a, mum, ,,,,.._hm_h mum, 9.5,“, .T .. _ , “T, ., EII-‘fl , . ‘. .-T. ‘-§'ta:re"pI.tlIoiunveIIe:::elfneIu>anl"lIic:‘i,.1l.‘.4.§.é 3 T » . .. L 5 .; ' .W 13¢.‘ 4 31c:;VII&L . ‘bt.‘dt: T 3- 1.23: [1] ' 5 -‘T u , -A ‘ ; ~ .,,..g. mm“ mm: T tralillfl’. ‘— :..-- :' :- ' '2 .- -T ' A an ‘F1.’ ina:;dumu’q"::?n.:e"iatuu a amount o¢i¢5.theSL1¢0i58lhdT¢l;6|f:u§5"'-£7 { « ~ T ,T ,_ ;napuled_ tms.'wheet-~here. ' T cmh;nnyT at z. s ,, g -1 . T‘'.No.. ,2.,81-54@lt_lI,u'!iqoTi¢k ?l>yaogpeo£3eb{¢;t§exiqsqnhea;§¢'1x'a¢xeg;knt.visifinrhemmv- T T -y 1.5B;oxtI,~38§l0c;c0flI.93¢C31- . T, an __ul'aeet for . T A. W uh " » -a-"mm-we gaz. -»*':.*..-=*=.....w-=....:=.:.-::m~..--»......:--:~...~=*:::‘3»..”.:‘::.3.°°.:"* °"~ .; s T 2 ‘ .1. ‘— - _ ’ T. ' ' . A i . , .. - . . -,7 i ., mrmnu.s-mcTxnans,1u. ““"”‘°‘Nl‘“3°nb9uucouiiI¢:tin¢~th¢0°¢|195°ml17.000.000un- - . s . T .. T g,p,..:15. mu“ thu;.der'_riut run“; AT uh “am usot..lmox"1:m;u‘nnon nu R‘ i '3 . . ‘market, _ - . “"3 " . ""' “U9! . '99‘ . , . ages an em ‘ § ' u ‘ no sale, yearling steer: and hm‘ °‘''“‘‘ "*4 1' P305“ rains over cor!) hilt diwbflflteflfdaciol’:-'7u.u:").I‘s:u5:i.‘T.u ; 5.so;.“'"*°‘ __ . T glongs and unirunixg clued ex-3 ._'l‘ht moo;-eno¢._u-4_=Iw -¢onI_,-M . ‘ ‘ egnnen and’ cxnten,T_;2,7_5@3.60;;- wlflfillht RP°!'34.;'¢ 13571 northern ueme weakness in this dc_.;b:'_";: f ‘* calves. 8l¢.25014.'l’5; itoclner-:_ and; II ‘II 4_c¢}It:' at the since t.he‘;hellish gov-1__L m_ com" ‘mu ._ ‘mm’ "L r s ‘ ~- 1.3.5.", 345035.50. - ' ‘wean: beeanse cg. __.eheen‘ee_ oz» ennient-.repor'th_u IIeéll‘diIcoIIt'§(-;g¢....g .. ¢.u.... T ~ ; , B T A ‘ . 125%‘. m.rket_3s ‘ 3:’ Afiliithystltlstt-fying hulls. Yee‘.endey'u decline. ‘he wont d the etreet‘|!- _ I _ _. A .f' _ -steady: he-vy.m;1o2._7§@1s.:i; lane-‘E __ T,_.,.=T____._,_T____T,,_;,_TT,_,_,;_._. _. ‘j.:“__:._;.%_’.‘._.T:Z ‘- - g 1 . <}§j;; *l';;f@hm_: :I;";,,_“-3,’?!-3_',‘,f;§ _ Licensed User or the ‘ vat-kin: mn.-$l050@l}- : view " . , . . » “ 312.2533.-so; bulk. :13.1o@13_.ss. 5 . S T ,s,,,,,,_ Mm ; . DeLavel ystem, T :1 n‘g.ewes. 7 ;c‘annena ‘ ‘~ _ ' ' cu:;,e1’s. 3l@4: wool lambs. 3l3.25@l 13 S0. 9 _ ' kl” f ' - 15- °‘ __ ‘ * The H'el.lIb¢T_l_ Approved ' - ‘ “st. Loni‘. Produce T _ Leading Dry Cleaners‘ Asso- 3’ I]. W . . ' -- ' st. LOUIS. 310., Sept. 1s.—r:gp{ d‘“'”° '. ——l-‘int country candled, 30:; 0115-; T J . ‘ nary firsts, 82¢. ‘- . . _ l ‘ B ttcr-——Cream xtn, 46c_:; A . , I ’ stanzuds, 44¢; fierrsyts. ;9c; second.I..i . 85:. V - l - ' .‘ -, ES WE D0 of R ow C E NING Y T U A L A ' so. Loni: can Grain. ; ' ‘« Br um-a , . ..T.,. . , .— A .-. . H ..--. _, - a sr. LOU!S. 110.. Sept 15 -4301-n; * E i - -240. 2 yellow, 975ie; No. 3 yellow,§ ‘ - ‘ _ ; . 97%-fit: No. 4 yellow, 96§§@7c; May, * ’"°" ‘ _' " “’- _ ' ' ' '“‘"f“ -- 3 4 » 3624:: Sep:., 94:; Dec.. szaac. A: ' ' ~ ts-No. 2 white, 42':-fie; No, 8 ‘ - T ' "' """“- ‘2‘- ~ * ~ BEAUTIFUL snoss rou BEAUTIFUL anus Wheat (future)-‘-1111’, 8l.56'%;' _ _ T 4 ~. . Dec. smug ~ T y . ~ T e .- - - - . ' T Wheat (r )--No. 2, $1.72@l;' ' - T". (( ,, . ' T - ‘ ¢ . -7 ; xo. 3. $l.67@"l. e . I ll t . . r ' r ww-‘_»-;_«—=~ 701%‘? W. 0 9059 rzen ents ere’s a . . i ,CnlC;{Go WBEA'l‘,RALuES: ° , ’ - - ’ Y ‘ . mo” DOWNWARD “mo. gceeégtin style-step Miss Palrner, MISS Hemck, Miss Fos- _ .- V .. 4‘ T‘ , ........... ............ . , . r - Welcome Back’ i in}. 11-us-gar Weather It s at bridges, _teasT,— theaters, Tdances—-and everywhere—that you'll want _ e ‘ %m"'¢'°pmaC':§ed'mmIy in to look every bit as correct and ch1c—and that’s where the clever frocks _ T T » the last half of the session at Chi», and wraps come 15'‘: - A . ' . - ‘ - . Z « . , . ‘ _ . , ...¢ ,. .., am You,” find Such «garments. here. 0 Columbia and Schools. We know you ve been looking forward to this for weeks and we’re just as glacl to see you as you are to get back. This _ ought to be a great year here in Columbia and we want to help you make it one. It IS golng to be much more enjoyable if you have the clothes/you want Beautiful styles carefully chosen of exéuisitely soft materials Flares and _c1r_culars that are flattering to youth itself. Creations ,I0uld- be a high mark, for any woman's designer. zcirirdgnfoa Ia-dings T —smart, up—to-now styles and the ones that are being worn in the eastern J tome In on n ' l‘ ‘ ' ‘ 0 ' 0 V V 0. ‘ «O V e ‘ . .n‘.;._T5 *3: i _T ‘T :__.‘T.T ”...__._..q Frocks dg . to‘ :33 V T H centers. Our fall show1ng_1n footwear 15 a revelation of Miller creatnonsin Par. a . ’" ';,.,‘::§;.‘°:2‘;,:',;.:.‘.~;°;‘,,..,.=. e - .. .. .- ".'.“"‘ ’. ' ' ' l --.-. -. ‘ islan an Flfthiaivanue desxsgnsiforwomsen and ;t,he_13_o,nd “street !cer1_T_r do ‘ i ~ E161: You will do well to.Tl"6‘ok There as soon as you can before" our lines are i r _, 4 'm IedX@1§£clower. meet-3 1'0 CU 1" ' . ' '"' 2 - "" ‘ ‘ - - in: pressure lrom spreader: who‘ ‘ - T - ~' e -~ . ' ullinz Indb ’ heat. ~ . ' ‘ T "re r, come: There will be the_ tailored pump for the Men's footwear for! will with fT , ' @%c. 1lI!87%@%u tailleur, the French filigreercutout. the he_nch- the British tendency in men's elothlnga-ll_e_y« . ‘ T _ 8:?!‘ 38* _’~°D::: ‘made pump, and other gleughtful creations— will be real men's stymsfor. gI‘E-men. ‘flare e"..T.T ‘, :=:-.... .::-;=:-.;.; 2; =- M: r 2"-' ':*.::~8.."~2:=..:'.:'°8 ‘N-.*"='°::.°~ "rs: ~ .1... 3: . z , - ' 9 - .' 1‘ , an eat ers at are ‘ g 3 on ion cotnort, [as '01: an 1: T ‘ ‘ . 2o’éa?z'£'.°l3C,";..‘”*‘”‘5°,‘°.“7"""”’: so ca-tam ‘ “ 0 desirable for men. , . '. = Local car}: sales _vere. 8:';,000& .. V A l ' ' bushel of wheat, 43,000 of cot-n.fr ; 22.00.00! ta. 1 - ‘ L Onecnx-:30! Duluth spring wheat 3 was bouthtto come to Chicago. Liv-l . T , l N‘ 4?‘ . . .'-r T I . _ y T . T.‘_ _, -V it Cit)’ : m.¢u°'T.2{s'.'I.‘“§..o'.i§3’°.§.°‘n§ fti:s°t§tm;n'bg';nm:ifa:¢i ' 0” ''’"°‘'‘’' -‘T53’ °"““"'-‘s"“‘-"W".-“"° ’ i - T ‘ - ., g i - mirror. Intent colt. ,1-isiu weight soles‘ with :‘:anv:'khfil:‘::l'tEt::5':°§::",:“‘,i_d""‘”_":§ Sept 2ofl"—fl'0m 81055)’ Slmiifih land Tcllhan . and real llgiu eoior of Norwegian an an ,-: . ' _ nut-hatch calf..- Z ‘T A , / ~ ‘ ' A 5‘ -. H i V ~l’:iis‘o ma rap ’ -‘ ,4 . in 7:30 a. In. T 8epc.aoun. , . 2 . ; ~ ‘City 6:00 9. In. ‘ 1 I , ... .' .. I , 3 ;T.§S Hogan ~ ~ 7 t :; ?=l. _ ‘-' “ ~ ‘ a -' T« to _ T _ ls maéea iritiont emaoa the ‘ ’_’. u . _ i ‘ ~ 7- '7‘-T} fill! you h'eaI'i_[e a real lapel-tel . -3. .,. - . ,_ , . - _ . T Gil T lflll. Moore all in_ unlnll lied. --.;_; s = - ~ . . _ . ail broetaes. heavy sole, foot-I’ mad with In Q! m 5;}. = CW .~ ‘ . . r tick. _ u_ “ i -' .- ‘ ' _< ' ’ ‘lat 1" V-1‘. . 0. ..' . ' {fir ".. ‘ ’ -4 :T ,- .‘ ‘P 3 "S. ' I ' i. . ’ - . vé 1‘ ‘%- ‘I . A ?T- =. ‘ offiolldwingtheeuaiflntand enewest‘o"f'all,'ifn ’- Both ' - . . .. .. . .. 1 . ’ . ‘ 0 -ix-‘-e 3, A e ' - -. a — w°m°”."-”d.fn.?9n 01.’ WU taste, in silks lisles and silk woolezns in ..-3-.:: narrow. newhdunhum Du-mg.Yontl|fnl. allth - ~ ~ s a .e. .. 9 y ' : an - enewest weaves andnio6es,$1.%to$5oe ._ T ,;u; .T . . T °,?_‘|l&p0l§tedlues. _Aflare forTevery‘figni'b,'. a " . q a .‘ ~ _ . . u ::;<;; 3 .« I . . , e . a Cosaerukeazsaor 2 - . ‘ I r.- _Y__.|§.F;i?oI‘I._'T0r=‘aIl .‘:ouea.« . S. - 1 _ .~ - . ' ‘ . . , 2 _. .‘ ,‘_. :-.—._;. . -. _.. ._ 1,‘ ,'.. L.,._ < _ . .,-; - 1 , — -«*._ I . v M » “ . —. ,‘ . . . «- / :\*fg;T(1.:g: ’»u '..,--9 .J,_'.7} ;- . _. ;‘¢‘Vn-£3: .- - *1. '_' '”"‘_i:':',“' ‘ u l f ~ -‘ " "J; ..~:."~¢r4,-qé.r*rj'7~'. '31 15:11.." ‘ -.£-;1..a-.£a'.£.a“‘ ‘T ' u . ,1 ‘ . -‘IV N - '- - «.o»— -———-- .‘ ."“~'-‘e.