LESSREVENIIEW-e 9 ' er.'l:neut’s concern. Jlllllre sale. prises in question prospered and the‘ profits will belntact tor'some.tinu-. Wosds Collese at Fulton will be ho come, The sum involved the initial speaker on the program. . . _ is a former mayor of Fort Now the government will get very Worth} '_l'ex.. and resigned that po- nctlc share cut of the transaction sition to accept the presidency of mentioned. Yet lad the sorts: rate William Woods Concre- ;boen very low. the individual with: who is a whistler, large funds would never have placed. the program the op-.:::sng the v ygy-y -that yield a tax to the government.i And tux:-yer figures out schemes when--§ ‘wool-dbe . ‘ 5 _ _ -..v -.- _- . l v;v\""‘-l7’-.“A _ . . i; -rncu-ds‘le-c'lgr(Il5r~larr.rllcrl lb David Says ' Nine-Tentlhs of Pop- ulation Pay Honest Tax Returns. I_’eople tlle—Weakness guy. of ’ Law and‘ Take -Advantage of It, . . - He Says. Honest returns are made by nine inexpedient for the treasury to re- wlcsths of the tax-payers, in -ed the commend that note but it can bf proportian is even greater. but said without fear of contradiction Jwoidance of income taxes by l2gIit- that such a rate is absolutely safe iruatc and legal means is practiced and sound. ‘ by en\lricalculable number of pcr- eta sols. And by avoidance ore does not tion of the weaknesses in the exist- ing law and taking advantage L-l'_ -nm.._-, the an exempt ,ew,;gy_ Ag “’°3'“- _ prtsent it competes very well with This is the outstanding fact about 3 turns of more than seven n1illion'.i,,e to we im.e3w,._ P°**°M- In rmmnm "inch ‘-{d**_>' on the business world, it is confident- can be reduced to general prl.':('l- 1). bdicved. ‘fluid besuih o‘ 3*“ ‘"‘“’‘°°‘l ‘l"""3h °l'.°‘5' 5""""“ ness today docs many artifical. ir- returns. ~ regu The goyernrnent's desire nr.tu:all_v cguge is that tax rates and methods shall .l>9Pr°dU¢‘!l'¢- Aflllhiflt f-lint inl4'i‘- enough ‘:0 remove those restraints {C108 With P!‘0<"~"-'fi‘-'"It)' is the gov-. and permit business to function nor- , F01’ Pxilmlllfi mally and expand along sound and one -:f America’: wealthiest men‘ reuombly ' 53)’! 'TTlfll‘ll' 913% 1'90 ll” H1801‘ m0!'0 prirtciple number one is that a med- , money under the high ‘surtaxos of mm sum, of 12 per cent an be jug- the‘ treasury. than he would have fified dozfe under low surtax rates. Ra than invest his money in l0C11fll.lc.~' the it-colneou which was taxable. he’ ROCHEPORT AND turned sympathetically toward some} enterprise which in ordinary timcs_ Pr 4' known that tax rates would come‘ down 0 .4 ‘"953 "hl°h..Y'°%’€ 1'91" 79-; Weekly Kansas City Star. dean of carded by him as re ‘rely insig- .he College of Agriculture of the "lfifllll °°llPl-"bl! Vii-ll we Tl33i5‘ University. for several years land 5‘ '0‘-ld ‘*3.’ l9 ‘he 40913101 ‘M01’-‘ president fornine years of the Kan- . a . _ ,sas State Agricultural College, at ..“:,*..I*=.:'::.*’;r;**;r.t.-r..=:':.-::*:.r:.+w-»-.=~ cw be aw mm capital. the govenunent lost a heav -I 7 x. .11: other words, looking at tax-? ’ “ _I7 old political lines intact but_ i leaving politics entirely out of the is-a twelve per cent rate . _ _ . The theory back of this is volume. moan evasion lu-t simply a l'ct’?gnl-- In one ,.e,p,._.._.t_ go, i 8. a V by returns of the last four lh" years. i LINDEN HAVE ROBY CBAUTAUQUA esident of William Woods Col- lcte Will Talk. and Son Will L the nineties by D. D. Moss. who was made a 1 _ "1 County Historical Society at their meeting at this lace Monday night..“"""‘ 3"” ‘"" "~""‘- 5' "° _ our q‘IIfm d This bulldinr. housed the grist mill and the distillery. The left. 3”‘, um ,5, “,0, pa ,¢ wing was used as a atoreroom for bonded lilllmf. and on the rlllll Wll|l§f;°°'~5"'* W 0‘ ‘3‘¢*:°:d 373 ‘W 5P9e‘“ ' ‘lfl.’ “Re‘hur°d Disuuefy Nm 5" by D.fid “' h-“trlln all “l‘wo Hundrd 'I‘.wenty-folzn 9:1‘; ‘lbs old rock bridge. from which the place sets its nune.~II; 1224.»: acres: which .54 ml... i. re- hidden in the picture by the mill. The building was d¢l1l'03"~'d bl’ ture was taken. All that rclnilins I saber of the Boone an Southwut quarter oi Section _ . *ularterInolthls_courttobebelda fire notnlany years after this pic-'1 cwnbn.“ h “C C” 0. cdunbm an" d today is the old brick chimney. ‘County. Ilanonri. on Ionday. October 1.. « 31925. or 7 ap . Turner Mcllaine Wins TI’0P5!- Turner hlcfiaine. son of Dean and Mrs. J. P. M second and three thirds. In the mglc canoe race he was aw ed paddle. He will return to o- lumbia Sept. 3. __ -—-———+———— . Missourians Picnic in Callfonria. O Missourians and their friends in Los Angeles, Cal.. held their an- nucl xlxmlner picric Sunday at S)’- camore Grove near that. . Clyde. Sheldon Shepherd. a minister and j _ lecturer of Los Ange a, who re- . Aftergnissing Cl year. the Roby °° A‘ d- _ _ , Ichlutauqua will be resumed today to be lstdbuted and ever) body has by ‘he people of Rod '1 ‘ad un. - lden neighborhoods. t period and; . Wen K they did not come down, the; F‘ 1”“ m income could be segnegated in ‘tho: . form of stock dividends and held for; °°“‘t?t“t‘3 “'9 {°‘l’""~" °f “"5 5”’ -I-he - ,.- emfl._- tcrtalnment. University of Missouri in 1907, was speaker to f the day. An all- Missouri band. under the leadership‘ of ond D.,Crawford. played for the occasion. llallsrllle Man Marries. Virgil Carlis of I-lillsville, who1 of William.-has been attending the University the last two years. wus married Aug. 16 to Miss Lanna Tbornhill of For» est City. .Mo. The wedding took- groom's parents.‘ Mr. and Mrs. Mar-L tin Carlisof Hallsville where a re- “ I ceptianwps ven. ANNOUDCEMENI’ On cannot d Dotti no. I have Ctabllabed anal! vi tbsAllenIn&Oo..l7Booth‘!‘eath. J. C. ASHLOCK “The Violin Isa‘ A in dooens of different ways the: exponents of tax payers is mare or‘ less lflte the example mentioned. The’ by his tax rate will be lowand. shape his coutrle accordingly. Would ; henotdo thesaurs under-any tax; 0’ 55. trannctions in taxable things r ‘ . ll. la the an on principle of when mes burdensome it will be of avoidance. The safer way 15. ‘.3. but w ‘ Three new just eon- nue on high piece of ground with beautiful shade trees. _ ,.¢—-, _‘__ DORN-CIDNBY Laundry and Dry Cleaning Go. Phone 110 or IMO. Cloaalag ant proaslag. I07 8. 80 8. By United Press. Former Student President in Cfity. ch, ,__;,,,°_, m,,__, ‘M ,u“,_,_,_ M, William Shumate. former stu cntdered Iccoriinslr. ' president of the University. of Gol-‘ gin’ M°'i‘_i5 in :0 {;i‘:‘Clreult Court of Boone County. llsaouri. Y5 733 "lg P 5 _:and the seal o( aald court. Done at oflicr work with the West Publishing; in column. muoucl. um 22:: cu Comyylny’. Minneapolis, Minn.. which’ ‘‘“3'”'-- ’m- ‘ he will e up soon. mate re-' 5"” ceived his LL. B. degree from the: 3, 3 University last June. and was ad.‘ Harris a Price mittcd tn the Missouri bar last July- M‘°f°'7- 1°! Plllmifi *.*.::..;:.°.:;s P":::;:*':;: mm-=~'"—=»-= , _ 1 wt: . I. r. a law book system in law offices. :3,,;.,,.,. 5;. ..;g,_ 5, 9,“, “mi, «,4 _ » -:———-e———:- ;trust datd the 7th day of Kay. 1924. and Disike Being Called Boobs. _;recscd«l In the «nice of use of Doedao! Boone County. Ihaourl. tn aort- AKRON. O.—Three Boobs .p—;:'f_f,',,_",‘§‘_,‘f_‘_ :;_”,_'_‘u‘;‘;°‘f'b'*;,_'?" ‘° "" . ll 4! peared before Judge Slusser here j ed nan. in Boone County. Ilsaouri, to- n and asked th.t meg ba 1,203’?-1 aereauthe sovthvut Quarter d tlsr ; 1,“ dtoBth_-I-h Bod‘ orthcut rtnrzlizhtandu-looacres in E ' e°°‘nd ‘ll we‘?-' the Norboast partof the Southwest Quarter. _1" - “K90 7303'’ and rm; and ss.loo neru. ca. awn. clans. The name Boob often caus-. east part :1 the No ed embarrassing momenta, especial-' °“"‘"- "1 M 503503 ‘fitlrtroac (ll). ' 1 en copyoftheroeord. . [7 hi ram» l , n. ply during staecla gagernents, the ‘.'‘';':‘'a: W gm" ml "3 . A_ ' . .. ‘om. }'m iiliillg 0'0 D. _ DeW. and thouy _ . Def 1'!!! STATE 0? IIIBOUIU to the above Ined eaerlbed Count). II»- ’_: ssacuug the um to ole followinr d real estate sltua in Boone ‘ sourl. to-w 9 """.. ~ The am rum:-an ml acro o( . the Southnat quarter of the Northwest ‘° A V ‘ 'olBoctlo2C‘!I.1-Sues!-soltht The above is a rare old picture taken at fl£‘§BrH[¢lJdlII¢ lo; 9". O, ‘L ,,{m,",_. mnm, ,, day 26: One entire unpaloj _ deed i‘ ' . . oftrusttobedue and payable T On Now. therefore. at the use I the - .llegal holder of said note-. the undersigned . cl ‘fidelity National Bank and Trust Company venduelof Kansas Clu a corporation. as Trustee. ......... .. ..... .. 59¢ the hour! of nine o'clock A. H. and] _ I of 1 day. nell the: T _ ‘real estate herelnbefore a filled n public" 5 j ,ve-nd to highest bl:-deer for cash a V Sc l l the County Cou ‘. ' rtheast 2': Tron ix C6-lot‘ ' tr. an trust. ‘County. lluourl. for the purpose of nltin CITY. Trustee. Later W. Hall. fresldent. 1 -Sept. 8. 1 fy said indebtedness. in j V , FIDELITY NATIONAL BANK AND ’ f 'l’ltL7S‘l‘ COIPANY OF KANSAS g . 1 ‘ NOTICE OF TRUSTEES BALE. ' it MY LOST WATCH AND CHAIN}-5?‘ “WES '" "”'d " ad °' W A party waslseen to pick up the watch and chain‘; ii rectly after I dropped them‘ on the street near " Daniel Boone 'I‘a,vern Monday afternoon. Aug. 24. name of the party is at present not known. but- be known. .1 hope the person who has’ the watch, return it to me. It is a lady's watch. the pro -_ ' my wife, an heirloom, and one which she highly 4 8-‘ Reward will be paid anyone giving information 1 to its recovery. ' ’ 108. T. HAIUU8. Clerk. edha Ahlnted. Deputy Boiala and Ian E __fl§b- SQUARE DEAL LUNCH noon .¢xaptn.atrboL 9 i l NOW ’. .; . ‘£1 . l... L . 5 _ Vile ‘ ll, ‘V l’ vs; 50; 1‘? .a7A'r l .’ 13. ‘x E. W. STEPHENS a o.” ln1z! Owner Leaving City will sell at a bargain {or d quick sale Ily 6-room‘ residence with garage. oak floors. ‘property in exoellesl. conition. 2 blocks from White Campus. CALL 241! WllI'l’E. Remember University Argue best y. Houses are Iaodern 5-rooms hardwood floors. and garage “I Illllllt house in tdwn. ‘ Ttfll. small cash payment. my. . JII hmuenscwu is what the‘ Wheat Growers LET U8 SAVE YOU MONEY If you will'ueed any ferti- -lizer this fall, let us book your order now--before prices advance. On account of the incneased._ acreage of "wheat. prices may be higher. DOONB GJUNTY MILLING ‘ & ELEVATOR C0. sf FOR RENT Store building now occupied by Columbia Floral lldlng. . puny in the Boole Possession Sept. 1. ROLLINS AND Ro'LL1Ns Boone Co. Natl. Bank Bldg. , e -. . _ , . ~ -' —-—.—-.._.. . . . v v L4 4.44.... -;O: * . ‘ - . — .—.-...us-3»-.«s: e— .» v . 410450-50 ». - . Q .._,.< -n _ J- 0 -,.- —..a.-..4 -. . We Hold No Clearance Sales Still .. They Come. 3'31’! da.V'il express bri from the Society. Brand, Stein Bracbu -shops. Illl I'll The ‘ of young mea’s suits we have I: then-step in and try them on. r $30 to $55. . mmuHmmmL$ms who wantsaa ap-to-the-slants . . l ‘ . ' ‘I ' V ‘l ‘ . 3 l , ‘ C . _ . ’ _ . - _ . , -. ‘ .. . _ '. 1 - ., .- ~ - . .‘ ‘ . « o.‘ ._ -. . . ' A‘ 1‘ , 9 I ff" 4.‘ .0 37' -- '. fx ' ‘ ' . ' l'.. - .'_ _ . . . rl ‘ 3 ,9 l “’ -' * ." -.1 u . I it ‘ . ' 4 .1» Inc .> . . .»?o W, . , _ :'|- . 4. " ‘ ' .-» ans-@ oa$-Jxflmj . , -.l- f . ‘ > ., .- . ..l ' , _ . . ‘_ ‘v ‘ ~ . ..A. , I ‘ ‘.- . 1 ’ '. 4. . ‘ ‘, _ ‘ o _ c'_...' U ‘ ‘. I .. I Do you realize how a Savings will grow with Greene County Building & Loan Association? p Pay us $55 a month for approximately 120 months and ‘O _ . 1. ...._...o ——_.a-.-. . . , ‘ I . .. .vv~—4.- We Put: a Lasv r-v-rr.I.f'K*~*! :$.5~50’f°r Ippmxfimately 120 months ......s1ooo ......s 2.34 , .$16.50 for ap‘proxiluatlely’1fll mo: ‘ §louflmd.§‘1?: l54=93l¥flrEl4o ;'2-. , * V‘; We Will then Day you $58.33 a month for the rest of your hfe, and at your deathwill give your family .~:s1cnuu1or~ e ' ‘Or-you may draw any part offfliel‘$10,000 in cash. . c" ?l7lc2 £§cncr12t’cailfifiizccncenssl ._f, I 3 A . | .EIdofl.2Q1Wl|sf uuunyuua'n...'.. ‘ o O . g; a 4 $9?-‘Nor _3PP1'0Xim8tely 12o,m ‘ - -......ssooo......s14.17. U C Q § C’\ \ rm .3,’ .. : Business up I -.\. ' ; A z .. ‘O ‘I '7 0 ‘ _ . H l \' m . '_ ; V. ' . l . I I . 1’ ~ ' ' '.s"‘: i - ' .-4 ' ; v _ an I.. \ —ready for your inspection -’-priced moderately g g 1 '-'gr i Storéff % tr v i -