l ’ ' \£ 5'I~s-'. :1...’ ._._ , ‘ .‘ sa‘ -‘ f _ ' T ' y .__7 ~‘«.-._‘~u.; . ’ -» _' ‘ ‘ - I .: .. .. _ . _...{:.~.:‘.H"’__' - :.-:...?.§.':n._,_:V‘1.v.'s__.f‘-_.:..‘ I. Ea ', 5 ;. ;~.‘?1. ‘ . _ ‘I’ V _ '1-o ti‘ . ' . ' V. ‘ "' V‘: l 9 a fruit I 9 I . ‘l’ K a . l . ‘l A A ‘ . . ~ . . « ,' . ~ ,‘ ‘gt-'_j _; ."# ‘.2f;,{:.t1.;{::;:i::2"“:=:¥’-*.T?‘!”?}-f’§2;_<:; . > , ' '~,a::‘- ~ « V - y- - , , E ‘ 5 4‘ o - . . V-K; V‘ E .,-....V.. - . - - £2‘ " '‘'_’l' "T ‘i-.<" ‘~.¢r-' ' I ' c ‘t.-" $1" -' ‘Ia’,-.,<.é ‘,4 .."a-'-' 2:‘-J‘ 7‘. »~ - _'l I. ___- . .i ' I .. -. . _ 5«’_';4 - . cl .» - - , ~ «WEDNESDAY huorssres. . A. . .. ~ .. .‘vA<=l=!Im“ I I V ’ l l ' V " ': " .', Y I n ‘. . I ; ’ V ‘in . ‘. l . ‘I ' 1 " ; "f.. V “' V .1 ~ c » = A News mthe Fzeldor rt *“""'°“““““°°“"" ‘ .=r _ . - '__ _ ._ l _ _ . ..,-_. . Nos-iosthall‘aeldsaretnbeopa- ,, , -_'_ _’ « . .-' '_ ' .“_{_"l "f if “i '-“~;"-t '~ ‘i IIltilsfallatBtoIu.Pitall1'tl!. . ~. -. swmM-nmmwmm«wMmmm I7 1-'-aloe-n'~ ran mm.-.—r-e Nzvbbm ‘ 'P0lET5 ‘.°°“""'.....;.."‘ ' ° FEATlfiES‘ 1925 3...... . . . . ’N$P1U“a"l"'°"o " ‘ .;h§m‘, 7 - atarttopayforahuxeatadiuxaln e «canon plee. New Ssthzon second and one _ ML!‘hufi&! . fill.» . Ink mam“ ' mm Wfijfold and end table, one Htsdfloora. flllhblsfortr-eternity - _ l ' f _f- -~ v « l . ’g¢)¢]n ' y.'1..nag.,-“raga brchb. -Worth suio ' *"“fl'u'°h As the ' ‘ tlgwnt “' _ 7 P. E. o _ .. .9 zbutp 1" g 3.‘ ‘at tn have.” r_l)0|n: 531;) ffil."u°:IlDCT §» Elan Reed. -W2 ?. Nowell» lihoosglb. A ' " 1; GO ‘to Eng;-.,dn',,,'_l‘ " _ - y . ‘naval’!-Bet boa;ethseh.:uleG°l1::lnsyl;1nia; Du-t - , » — 808-09 A - . eontostofwltsandtsamf have: t « m ‘'9 1c 0' ea???“ = runlmum-: r n 8ALE—s.’3ae« skeéflood Player” and ,5 ,.-,,,, * M; and Norm Dame canes. 'l‘hst’s certainly en:-nth .;f°ug.h'j- a] ‘mpg ‘flh yd 0!’ Elk . M. , Sf “iue ‘:fi‘”_’ ' ‘ - Cllll ‘O!’ Ii)’ f00l.5In QOWR. K . » . “'5 ‘::::h;~65°'’° ‘°“‘m”§' 1'“’°" “.8 . 3?‘; ya. ‘ Elcally. _ -. Plays Army’ Pennsylvania, forced to spend 1 V . ' One of the ostattractl bu-. °“°“- . ‘H-Elfin‘ lb‘. b“°k’ i-“Foftwballlsalufll rough ‘ as " """"“" anotherbnnchofmoneytocnhrze ' l.l||Pl»0‘“|3N'|‘ l gtlows in we..'i‘...o. with 6nroon:}‘l§°- ice box. 24 quarts otglenrll, . ,. .. P806-80! "Q9993-n5“s.H‘3 NEW 39°“ '1 ‘pnd lo she ‘e;lo:l~P3*°'"°E B951“ 500” a new stadium 'so am the maths!!- ~;—-———— _ ._ breakfast room‘ -porcb.‘tPl'l°0d *0 3'” W38! 0!’ l0D°|'l'°I-5 Po-R -'-—'»c _ 'BOth;I¢ninst P113411: it 8 as you ."-"-"'— Inadtovn of Philsdelphlnoan beac- exrrznu-:N<:_En and c-v-_bl°‘,.,.¢.; if ..m 1. .5. W ,5 ...,.,a4 West Ash street. .s_Isl M . l on yet». However. it mm he played? Inf-ersectlonal C133he5lcom . hasanattractlve . wens «slrl Bum! to do ht“ Wlf will give some one a good u, , . '°°"- ‘rams mans 3 Real clean and without mncherism. Tbei and Eastem classics. home schedule with Chicago. ml. ,. clerical work and attend the lJnl- good um“. F0, fuuhé, Egan...‘ FOR mu-}—Walnut living room.’ A . . f th ' time has no place for-the muckerl . . A r nols. Pittsburgh and Cornell. I _ ’ _. veniltig P599‘ 7“ "’d' "3°2"“§tion ass Frasier ty distill: room had. b I t ' Mfiphcauon 0 e ’.“°"¢utfi1n ‘O1’ thegrlllnféléf intarat of “I'd buy out that Penn stadium ; - Room an chgdv “,5” won - o ' men y. on_. . ‘ 5.", 5A”'33"E" ‘-‘-“’ =**'°“'°°*°‘*-§Z’.. 519'; 3:1 2' mm” glfsfi rhmltoré. plane was red. sense "-‘° ~ Gdden Rule‘ Ase all right. but is mg: not 1; cor.‘ Sp°rtw°r1d‘ ¢.t‘.n::t" fire‘: - Vlilfldo 0°99“ '""d°"t‘ “"1 huh" , ' 5 ' ' . 30°" . ' By ‘snow 1.. FARRELL ‘ Pied 10 in Cldnnt "5!-‘R it is insult-’ By n1':k‘n'17'f'7axas:t.L inert Broadway ticket hpeculator ' I A ' ‘bod flumlqrxngorlnléwmmlsmh FOR S5LE"'N°" °"'°°'“ w‘ ‘“d‘» IP93 SALF"’mt°h°n mi furnished !~'E\:.'hm:’(;’l't'!‘(‘. 8'1?“ “molt 1: mg." l ' mm‘ Pi“ um‘ "M" “H “."°‘”u"' ""5 rd """° ""’“"'. 1 . I 417- Write H. ., stucco bungalow. strictly modern inlsmttnx desk and» bookcase com-. . ow .-t mm C“ Pb , _ . -— nute oc ne.V To thopewbo have often wondered NEW YORK.--Thump: of youth- of money... .- ~— T _ _ _, o _, . 303s 09 even. ‘um up 300,‘ Tue ‘ad mm, able ",3 rod“... ebnllusu 038 Notre Darnes treat bootball coach why at as that Notrc Dame turns its! too Ittlnit l _V“1 N ‘nothe, “me of mat“ on “,3 - '_____, I‘ stucco ‘mm Two block‘ from 1977 ‘buck. > wxohsocl green. and one of the keccosc students of out your after year oneof the lead»: heaad anon on usury fields In many Pam .ch“-we is ca; ‘uh Y‘k- ” . 3ALEsLADn-:5 .¢hoo1_ Price $3800, gmgu payment ' 1 FOR RENT Fumuhd ‘swoon flit Cflne lives I line I608 Of ‘that mg footlnll teams in the country, plaou as the 1925-crop of prospec- N" 3"” mukin‘ ” it do“ “I. A 7 re sell in Dress down. balsnceby the month. Tele-‘ ran SAL!-3—Roomln¢ house tor-{ma mm; “M elm mm” 8 footb-ll P1-vsr Is,-ed '~'}lttb::= Rockrxrs wlllsol-olcllgelvc tridircn heroes-"bet-la to set "M", o,'mem,,,, ,,,_,5m “,3 , and (Jest Department. Must be phone 1821 red. T-tf. nlturle; bed sprlngs, xnatttaaseu 207 Cong“. phone 2186 ‘men . Knnle ' Inetns In_ his . M“ «y the cxplansuon. _ l ready for vhstobould be a most l.n- may ya” of sufimd fuun‘ 3.; g, .99.;-.u¢e, ¢.p.1,1¢ 1-.’ gtudgag hug, . y “Coschlng (‘D€Vlh-Adll!‘ Co. . Hus phllosophy on the human fac- Usual season. l ‘ ‘ ,4", Tan . pillows, .’ energetic. Good opportunity. Write I-‘OR SAL!-3—My home at 818 chip, for 7 foomg; kthchgn gnd ‘ a W. ) . I _ “To be a good football playerr,” he? tor in the game, quoted above is no; 153,, ._ ucgggm-_] lcdmpgfifiuz 5;; There "e no mm’, cnmplu on 1% care of Iissoorlan. 1, B'°“d“""' 5 ’°°““’ ‘l°°pi"“dh‘i"¢ "°°“' “mm”? °n. “"3: FOR RfiNT—-7-room house on ny" inlme i'.m.°ducfi°.’“" “a ma" "mm i"t."°'fi"3 u‘“' hi‘ l-“finial! been 1'27‘? 1'“P°05lhb 101' 9* 9‘ the ally sclndul -make mention - _ . ; R0“ o_ m. must grave brains, girth. speed. self; Estplnnshon of phat ls classified as‘ uamdhuryp develwwut (5 “net”. M ‘van ‘ put 0* hem. bu. it is 3351- 57573 lull buelncmi '°‘ 1°°‘“39 ‘°“’-Hf “ken It °°°¢- 1309 P“!°ln-xotthews Slmeet. See W. c. Bel- "“”""' "“"'°’ °°‘°"““‘"’“'fi'° ° ”“"“’-‘ ‘°°“’.‘“' , _ . lin the lvrsmfcr collese span and ii noticeable, at c crsnsl glance, that 3:23;“? ch". .3 nervous energy, and to a lesser dc-- After resdlng Rozltrhnes theondcs an‘ M. mi,“ “,9 ‘me ,0 3, an t - i .5 E i 2 l gm 55-5 i 2 E price $9000. 588 J. W'. 1748, “flute at!‘ _ _ _ _ . _ an - ‘I :._ "J ‘de.: .‘ ’’*‘’°3 3*”''''''’‘°‘‘ °"°°“‘ "‘."”°' ' “'3°"“'= lpbonb sooo. 329:3 "‘°°: ""”"°“° 9"‘ ‘”‘ ""‘°“"" "°"“ ‘""“"‘."¢- “*°‘- °‘ "9 °.P0PIl1ar Ameriah ‘entertainment if ‘nests!-t’a‘ws}fnf’::‘m .355... oak floors, 1 block from Unlvcr- jamugnm FOR RE“? i fill! SALE E of vlurvf sscrzfice for the team. A tcchnlcul weapons of {day that! .tu,,d.,,¢e my 5, up,“ .3 ,; “.33.. Come“ i, m cxcxmon ‘ad it "rm city. ally $6000. _ - 74 X _ successful conch must have person-' should be givena team it seems like: tnflon 1 1 - . . . . aw mick Mama‘. . FOR SALE_Baby “um. mm P?!’ nag ‘Partly furnished ‘my. “H mm’ Wham} kmmv it would be ‘ ‘mph mm" to pick! .o palm mt: be notlced um hem Dame hunt ' . . . ----—-— ---'-— -— - . lor lltrnlsh room bungalow , _ ,- , , . The inter - sectional -compctltizr . all the silrts in the arid- . clnilflin University. 3500 ‘down. 5PART"ENT "° “bl” ‘t ""3 379 ‘mu’ 6 .mode ' in every respect; °f “:1 ”mr':"t: ;tt,sn:,:d 31:?” hum‘; y$I';‘_f°l°; this fall will be wider and more im- lr-on like last year. But any tum - l . 33%“! WW brick ’°‘id"'“°‘ Du?" Phone 868" “Nam; -FOR SALE G" “on ‘ I E $50. 3' At 617 Mount Vernon. call for the ph’°n' ‘ fit '3 mus e ‘ nod Wt t"“m' »_ portant than it ever has been. thst has on the t.:-.-olrfam Arm)‘. Min- ; snrict disclplinarian. A coach must; CRUClA ' — . - . _ _ . , _. 13 qomcgr , East vs. west neaota, Georgia Tech. Penn hue th"'°“‘m’ “km mmseu to J” - Relations betwecnthe big eztsbem Northwestern and Nebraska. can- .“ °°“dm°"" ' C°mp"'mi-C" Cllll ind 350008513 "Kl, P18!‘ teams and the members of the pow not be charged with a lack of cour- . . in Weatvood. only $1000 d0Wn. FOR RE-N1-_5_ . “mam - at Joe 0'. phone 2369. .3 for smaller prn?'ty._.‘“d duping rd:’°"E°1‘l‘el:e Anpll ‘Qken at 1117 Un!i,v;)rsity. . , .. uccaobu ; . 1 pfufnkbda ‘ W . paydeilll down. ' . °‘7'““-"‘ R°‘“V: 1 eon neNr—rnml§TaEl'h}Icc environment l-ml nine: of men W-'3“ or Rubber at 5:80 O'clock. J l w r ’1'lev‘" 9-‘room brick house 'on 00” phone 272' 3o“8oaA FOR SALE T" ‘m vi:ti':l"‘6 rooms and two sleeping porches. l“ dm°"5‘l- l°°"m'i°'l‘"’d i" dmercm: The C“~ But 01”” lb‘ . . '. Rock! from calnlmfi. 881128. ¢lIldK- water furnished. Sec‘ Simon Con-.l“'m “'1 {°" $0‘ Ph°"° “22 §g°°""' lfl’|IM¢3'- ¢ . . 4,“ tionq clmds. making it difficult fcri 9’ CNN pm?" . , °“t ‘WW8. Wil-50"‘ 0")’ ¢V'Hl€n°¢ . . __,Q? ._halIIO.~ lrlot about 651085 stroction Company. 314-18 Guitar. . ° WANTED '10 RENT _,, jgdgmgng, an {git puy to pierce‘ DAYTON 0 Aug 26,__.1.he mubl that they know how to play f:ot- . I town V37-Bldih '*-9004-tit . - ‘ « this dense fog of emotiznalism. now- . ' " . ' h . lb-11 elsewhere. I “ iWm takc'ss7oo.« _<__..L..__;..l 30°” ‘'03 “ W. lhmzn '§‘a’1’m,.m,d hnk band“ .0 wmwnd fixed classics. like the Y-lelhmrd 3' _- _ 5°“ 39° 01- GU?!’ Ind ’°°"“ g1“’°d"" dnpmgflloor room. one front room n scc- we ° dex;l,‘in_ lching. I believe that. bnnhupm). md disgrace “age 303-7 ¢“"¢.- "'3 A"'“?'Y"-1° “me ""1 9" . ’ fit’ co, noon“ .1 ‘M1 porch. Phone 1938 black. 804-808:0“! flow.’ ‘nu, on both‘ goo"; '_ nous “ ma . ‘8 one leading conch practicing sp(2'its—'. da ._ ’ _ {Arcl:y-Nnvsgegaflne. it is imposalbleto 4 ' 113 phone 619. ‘ ablock from either campus. Phone? V Exam 300 manahip does more good than ty N; L.‘ - ed “nu pi out t. atone games on l V 7 G APARTMENT ron REN'l'—Wc;'1695. ' . p3o5.3o§ ~ F03 nEN.,__u‘ht bwhflmgy Dreohchirfi it. '_ and .g‘f",;L§".;J,'”mmg,.:1whedC:k- Any ffeatume came in but l 3118'? 3 79' fl-""'l3h“l kl“ ". " rooms and sleeping room—-~ior "1 l”"'~' .. “ V’ 9“ “ ‘°‘”“ '35 up and robbing the North Dzxytcn’ ""3 '"‘"-5’ '5 d°9°"di"‘ 5 81135-0!‘ Wm Wide I apartments left for rent; they are; FOR Bl-ZNT—Two very desirabletyonng ¢9up‘u_ Hm block hog won. the winning coach should be as‘; Bunch of the Damon swin“ la.rzely.uponseatlmen‘t «rd sectional the health food. _‘ « 100 acres of second bottompentrally located and are very clean front rooms for man and wife, am,” umpu,_ phone 2o‘3_ 33014.1 generous as possible In his COM and Tn“ camp“, of ;2g'ooo_ He; l°¢I1lt3v _ , landh Charlton County. Modern (ad nu-active; also a few unfur-graduate students or senlors. 110' - ._c .L..._ - . mom: on the loslngfmm and the "‘°*‘d°d not guilty and em, held on. Five resin :80 the radical critics Iflcuents. l Phone B12.0.'nlshsd apartments. ' Call and let us;Hltt Street. 1-‘sateen; FOR RI-IN'l‘-25" furnished rooms lbslng coach. Bragglng and glzat-_ 550,000 bond fa, we grand 3 y. ‘would an fidfcgflgd . c_mulll-eson . _ . , . . ‘ 308«07_show you. .1. A. Stewart and Sean; NT ' d".'ar light housekeeping. 119 Stew- inghave no in clrcles of crud:-‘ Diamugm ‘M bmkfl ufiickd. mg: in 1925 there would be found _ I8 nutfltlqlfi _ A .205 Exchange Bank Bldg. S294-tfi 7°“ 33 "? :’°°"" .'“‘ ‘art Rout Pllonll. 1181 mt hon - 1 bchsve that “'59” G W?“ , told hov.-he conceived and portrayed on thelrorrsmsuch runes us: and refrgghmg, . _ _ fl . . PRIVATE SALE __j. ' ‘kitchenette! furnlsbed for 118111: - 1 . T3o3.g1 loses. the lcslng coach should gzvc_ the dun-as ,0“ of an glue Phgg-; Chicago vs. Pennsylvania > . _ . - ‘ ‘nu my home it “2 pfic¢_ I-‘OR RI-3N‘I‘—Unfurnlshed apsrtghouselsseplng, modern house. 214 {u11¢,-.¢,'g,u,u,, ou." mam regard- mm the taming nmunm ant; mi. V,‘ p°w,y1,,mh; chic,” W. l t Dartmouth Eat and be « . healthy. - 9 t. l‘ ‘ $7.. . ; E ' » 5 ~ , ‘ HELP WIXNTED 1-. mfif Ibeyev that ‘,1 . . l , b hi ;. . -‘\'_. Rh.“ ],,_ N gemcnl. tV«'0 1003313» DTlV3_W- l?‘l’-."vg8t- ‘"9115 339°‘; Ph°”° 132? l l°53_°_ 9° l°“3- ‘ ° staged the uncannlest cusp the; o 0013'“ ll ‘'5- 0 ° _ ‘t F cmref'met-;3l°°P3n8 P°P¢h. range. .819 Bold 1130341‘ WANTS fkgln for wuhing llllbl is entirely out of order. 'I‘hl}t C,-;m;n,;,.,,,m1,of mfim m [st:ate; Syracuse Vs. Indiana and c ‘h “VA mm ‘ 6&7“? FOR REN'l'—Rooms. fprniahedfand cleaning one or two days f)°‘dl !l!0D’ljl1,: however. 1n_l'-Wm 1"’: _ “When I “P31 310 705-, N“? "‘~ u‘°hi.C“‘- "$1.: ’ - ‘ _ ‘ . .- . t the next time 31¢’) - - " ' » Th are ‘ with six ‘- p . 4 . ,0,‘ d [meg . Wnltlm ber). Ifactd finoncnl rum, Nackol. €11? 81! Kline! I‘ _z. ’ya:ats storltfi In , 1 FOR RENT-—»New ‘upper dupIe‘xl°cl"n|lll!lElIhcd. 1405 Pa s week. Phone 1857u¢rc-(aEea.3é5’3o7 phrtht “me tum they "mt b_er.d ; d,c1,,.ed_ nodding hi‘ guy had.‘-¢pme¢nt.t;§o¢ gum, of am. an ; ' '1‘ ‘ ‘ 5-room ap_artment nth beat and I - . 303 805, __ __ ever)’ effort to reverse the decislon.f med;a._u,,e1',.' -cl fund hnhumcyé ° “wt fummhed‘. T'° mock‘ hum] fog g£):1._.3oom “,3 gap, ' SALESLADIES - I d‘_3“'9v‘ like the “"0" ‘Vb? 135” t°° and dlsgrace, but most of all lcnewl Western Conference. » ' .;,e L . 10’ mm 30340‘. Experienced, to sell in Dress and ‘lmlyo but 5'00 C8“ '0“ 19‘? 3 8'9"" that my wife and niece must never! 8!. battle Ileets Anny ._ A o 1 ' - ’,Coat dc ent. Must be neat 9913"‘ '35“ “W 5""? 1"“-‘ 95'“; know." ; Then thesehave been scheduled ‘ . ,,I,. .1 V p 5... E Ell gar l§ iii. 5. i i ‘ 9 ' 3‘-o P50“ been agreed f contest that - - l - — varsity. Clll 1948 [I‘§L ~ c‘Rs R BALE lecr $*p"‘111 North “h "903 °7 5 . ‘ I pgtg 1n degr dnve gnd other pox-Q; T508! in of ®ll¢fO athle- 'f='_ D303-U I to :1“ Rd‘ *3‘? ‘mm W‘ be i“”""d“°d :1 arrange?! for him on a nearby es-15¢! 50.1301 “K0 *0 5981' 01111 ll“ ‘ cnooiis FOR.REN‘l‘-—Furnlahedli“ -one-mace. an-ble -nd -n~r- ’°""°*‘ W‘ W '"”“ “"‘° "°“’ ‘ "WW °f *3“-"*'°°“°**1 . DON'T THROW YOUR used; . ,0‘ ‘an. . . abused. Their selection should begun‘ be ‘ed a“ he g-“ripe. ‘:5 51,5; flew“ 9.; [M . RENT-~Aa apartlnfllllv-~ti'res away. We will make a liber-E ‘ based! n mutual spprovul. I don't; fiat ‘at to gun t u _ —-—:-6:? £ “fin Nmu. Lot unfurnished-3 sum; men or§€€1i¢-. Good opportunity. write '°°°*~¥°°*""~""‘*° €*"'~“**°'"!!=°=dl "°”"‘”“ °*7 ""’“9“"“ “*3 '2-m-lb-to-vebeonee-tablwwd ' FOR RENT-A-3_-room .‘ albdsr-n;mc.,, ‘aw. ,m'g.,-,.d_ phone 155456. G.. care of llssourlan. ‘l‘“°l”"¢- The “=“°" "50 if 3 pd", at ‘H, cm. 1-enponn; lnthelnstthl-eeyssrsssuch as: ’ H” In :2 ran nuance: cfmods1'n.schsduleaItS 7 ' .7 W7” sleeping rooms. also ¢nI'I¢e~ PIN!‘ sl allowance on new tines. you m_-:}."r_..cg'g-.3. .1 us 5. ht-llrljet._ a Mr E11001 0? 5 Nil, _-11.. pm). ‘ccompnying ham 3. remains as a fact,.nevertheloss.that I _ , y - 1 poor loser with alibis. and Wh0.RlVc8; B.“ in Amati” hiuruh-beau. ! gqogtghm, u_ an Anny; gab, a ; I «914 (TOGO. 703 llflwfi A"~’n°‘- PROC'l‘0B'S GARAGE 36th street. Apply to J. G. Babb. “°°°}*0°n"'""'°' "¢"”° ““° ‘,"-V, spected his moheo to be left slone. renews support hrewirell to no- . l B806-1 “"‘*'“1'“‘*¢* °‘ 3* “*5” ""6 but did -not hide its dissppointalem anoethe his sthle¢3¢‘plmts that we I 3% E _ M l"°‘- 7"‘; mscnhumnovs the other team no grfldlgoiewlgzems ,,, ,, ,_ ‘Dom’ ‘hm. I V‘ _ ‘ umtdn .in‘u SEWING on ‘fmbd 9803*” Y 1 Prince Of- VI. .P¢flll Shit: Penn State VI. II 394-13 ms seoulny "Phone 583: = ‘. . V .- L‘.-4.... .. -C r-'«— b7'i"i'_ti“3 u!°lat-lfighacncgfg-om roncho ' . ' FOR RENT.-'-l"I.IuIlIhai 8aah1n- U830 CARS FOR SALE FFICE FOR REN'I'—A rlrllt to name oficsals. Ekntzletlc; m‘fin‘._n¢t:ropin‘ ‘Dd other e‘_1‘.ug oh“ ‘god 1,". g. be ml ' - 3 Wales is beginning to show marked! Gfililftil Tech; Aim! 0- D°"'°"~3 ' ' ' A the -in ,bullt: nakitehsnetts °pfivatel' . l3‘Pourroomshovoecspiedhy«»Lsr- corltéstrnrehaaeduponmu re- - - - gggngglma. hag . . ii if Eu noon. s--' - garage. ‘so: ‘Purser more Beauty shoppe. Apply at 'h’b“’°°‘ '"°'"M ‘°'m“ an‘ ‘ ‘ L" " P50“ termraslowastsansonth. A o‘dd.gL,.“BeR“p.¢,,¢.. '- double room. * — _ .FORRENT—Foo!-rfoomfurmsb-5 o 1, _ ' 3- .,H.,,.,,_ .1umyvs.sc1.oolecoo Navy hfifll unmment mu: gown “,3 u,,;_;1u° '53‘ “M 3'35 3°3'°§;dlscount ts allowed for cash. Sln8- f‘_I__hge_l_l'_eve‘_t.lla_t when officlals have; ma’: ‘ “run he and ‘O pu,ad_. ,,_ g‘,.?,,u¢; 1 m, ‘ pe W‘ ' CM‘ &. Illnll paynnnt cgu 1333 green after 5 p. .1923 -3..” ‘our each. “och .l_i1elbel's Pharmacy, 12 S. 9th St. “The feeling between the student 00014068‘ PLANS REFIJE 1 . - ~ J ~ ;. , . - _-he this first. Priced to sell.E _ ~ 11-29141} 1”‘ common . - ' ' 29541 bodies ahouldbe one of exhillaration " ’ ~ 1 p .'; .g cm“, dowmthi, wlu so Baek lo we-uoguo on . , . , eon neNr_uool9'--n'' “ ‘*2 W °°‘“’°; “.3; 75.’ non nnNr—oorns-at‘9hneo:3r¢?'oo.lholo:."l:'teho:mooebc.c I-SM-9+ ' ' 903 EMS RENT-|l°¢°nI.=f'*"*'5°¢'*P'**"*°"“.-"°“‘°"" "M '°°‘m’ " " PP!-ace. phone us. A .1864: or emuou, hatred. Hatred has " no-‘ house 15%‘ 99 SING‘ 150‘ 535“ TAYIDR GARAGE navy:-fik‘u;ytflug baths; always ' '- . - ‘ 130°“ -W” 50”” heenissuueun. Fair play and °°°“"“9““"°s"“"‘b:"".“"‘ .-BOARD AND ROOM-—?pr boys sea 3 E 3 Obfllvvvne ""1ut:‘— Prepar clloo: in thekssnofactuxc of ruin. _ RING rnenswcu-encore-. l, ml in the selection of-ln- .; O ' ' "9 a fh'|tflOor;§b&. 3 ; _; 'l98.KllO- ‘pa!-tment; , _ _ ? ~- ' ; r711 Ilaaourl .§Vc..’.plIous ‘ . I ; . , M tion as if they were for bug man consumption. y i‘-ruihlheloioecinoorteotychlneln-nytees llt*mnst“'he.n’iadef1omt'Iiodmater'ldstobs:a f¢0od.foui. » . - " ,i ‘_ g'rlnnknovoe’codIetvyon'roextocae:hetor_ rooeuogecltteom yoin hf...-cs}-l..l.a-“.1..'... ..'.{ v. -