I‘ ~ . T~ - -. air; » " ~‘ ‘ " ‘ 1 3‘ =.. .7.“ v :‘ ,1 j . -,-.‘.~': g 3 “E25! A .,.‘_T. . T ‘west1l1ssoII'l.I¢¢0l‘Ilil¢ oothe -c-3 .7‘ ‘A’ ' ' . !'%lty_0f_fiIO ,. _ . ,£ oo .“"“""“' ““"“"‘ =. 4. .Trx*R.I-.-~._'—_-_-‘.__ .--_—~--:- ‘ l ' Vi "' ' 0WiX_tD*dI0A10'W‘“’%‘dl2; ‘ bolder. I-It-v—'g:‘,”° ¢h';k'”.g;P'5uq1 White River-‘lea the -Ozarks. 99-14: tryingto-mil:-this j. .'__.____ _ it is*sdd.s0mI{fi!n¢8 .¢°Df-I811 P8171-Bf it. I_L,the Line ever product‘ -worthfrom¢§0toll!000- _ ; nohod.yicarestoread4' dilihsms or8W . . . x -f ‘ - y - . i - ' Tho va.ued.the.-1925 apple cm! it and and itiecchweek at Ilexieo during sprint “ago.-rhhuhaenfimlwdu! ' . - . ' _..——_' tsmo.soo.4n.oox'iisc¢roo¢op-; , co-‘um mugs? i sfhooteralwen held -Jo ml’ mm . . . . fit elairns gives it thgpower to ram Ezgfitfle are n Cgiéiicigu ans @c;¥nflv0;dmt R, {mm 5.“ n W“, pkg‘. gown sea after he was arrested in L STE!!!‘ IE8 AND‘ THE theprimsryroadsas it ’ ‘ I‘ -E ‘t H ‘wmnfl’ °"‘° loounty, sgugay nighg Francisco last Saturday for e. _ , _ . = C0‘ f Fugue l ti: o‘i‘.’.‘1“’“‘.'i‘..“1"o hh: {he riglretduz:-| Ml 501511! to :1; county or 3;?‘ y wt.“ Anew twenty-two osssenzet mot. ax. "-—'— Insvecuon my esum‘ E 1| “hm . 6.’, ‘ad $3 routed the m‘in 1.t_ ' in ‘u ‘World. F. E. Of or hen" on the But- of 1h: 't‘&_b“nks ‘nd men. 7 5 the anthracite coal miners hlve "mag; Nanny, in ma, . my nut they , ' e---—-' w . ' attle, .Waah., president no; e Na-’ )e,.,u.d3,¢,, bunch of the ,n_‘om.i trust companies operating under % * tIu~oabneil.tovalliout, almost here u um, d» ;- 37“ ‘W °" 9““"'°" “"“"" tionsl Association of ’ Cloth-I p ; .- — ~ stats: law are ‘delinquent in filing R M MORRIS ;_ . _ y t irect and straight. ,n- B’ O." D. 6,”. “Am gnu“. u..g,,_ _ “and t we _ I up: no lie B.&.1ll'0Id last week! m f emit condition as 0‘ June o or user: of hard cool .-re . T 10°: atudououomog the old F‘ulton-Co- mmfim ,,.,. 1 pa}. rm-. T, I arenas 0 ~ ——-~—— New 0 T h u i - { ,. ,.;,_.,¢ 1,31, 3. M _ V . - a_ssoclstiooa.a.nnt'.al eomvgntiori. 3 The body of .3 ufidgntjfied mm 30. 1295. A fine of $100 a day for one . ; ace viaionso lrishe P , Jumhiaroad. one of the grave chad the (pg; from _“ T . , . ._ ,,_ ‘ far nothing has been Jlonetoeoudl» roads of the state. the commission. ‘ s_ Cu“, an,‘ V0039?! NYE b€¢0m¢; about fifty years old was i_ound in 99d‘ ‘l'“}“::‘”°7 " ""‘"‘_"¢ D333 1-» nights 433 l iate inert and operators Unless futslgagghtbaycross the‘: co;ilnty.sr:i.i:- week ipnviom ‘ Md fmAfu,._ no I118-bed_ with g:2‘i'Brilim:f :,1{;eb3;IlI;!°(':1T:‘u€‘'‘°’£:t‘’h* :3 Gad Rxdinat ear: 21! banks. __ 4 some iplnmafie shove isrnade witb- 7!! 3} 8°‘‘'~'“ ‘“ °‘- ’ Carter and he paid $10. lier- "u°’°“‘"'”',' ' ; 9 V)’ V” ~ _~ ‘ ' " A m u’ I!“ f¢w.d‘n_th, ,3“. gm ,'St.-riatorhnicl(,Ca\'e isone_of the most I Md pud "me 1- debt, I 0'“; -‘Our women folks have been‘ To ti t uds" . " h . . % I H _ _ _ ? r“~d°°*'*=='."v ‘'?° ‘W "- » o o s......"'““°““‘.‘.'a "’if$.'.’f".’.‘.. °i’. "":I..S“o‘§ ‘ W "~‘° ‘°“~ ‘~ -"'“ 9’ i'.‘’f‘£.f“?£“i£.‘".?.1$‘”“'" or :33 So «of 315. 'i'5i'i‘a$”§§i‘o‘f ' 1 ' - ‘ I . What is to be done ONE‘ 0;: ‘ho born 1;” km ‘co; gzygou at gfiaplircapliuggdthfizldlme money ‘:31; to sum re’;u‘“,-ab tbs wgixag-¢;n;:i).5+.::jb a W _ m-’,‘V /- . , l 8933283. ll lull? 5911'“ . *- . the Fulton Country Club. Senator o ' - aw, get farther in love-and busi-' “‘ . - n ' AR ' f . _ miners are justified in striklnc. and Clive brought an injunction suit OB‘; !f:;h;‘ndm.k?y§§_ ‘mdr; neas than those who are careless. . _ ' 1 ‘ T .' % it mu ‘ha 1,. cu, ¢ug,,_°,¢,-.., against the commission! Ind ha! 1n;¢,g.-g was 10 per cent then but? “Nowadays when men come into SAND. GRIT and DUST cause the greatest wear on the f V," am,“ gffof-d!,o pay more mou- stopped the work for the present. A Cum mmhie “id he ‘chnte; “mi; .u,,.,, to buy wig,’ mid o,.e,.,: T spring‘ Jud mechanical part of a car. and do the grcntcIt_dq|_:.;‘ J ' ey*or (rant-shorter working 310“?!-. Gill?‘ '.‘°9Pl3lQ..3l7 fill Inn 103-. the. ¢0.!1tl’ICt for concrete was to have me may 3 pa. cent, ‘M be ggvg me? coats they almost invariably bring _ 12¢ $0 919 fifllfllh ' _ V .. ' , But coal miners and operators corn- turmng to the right or left as the 5”" 1°‘ 9"’ m°"u" _ . great encouragement. I always} their wives or sweethearts because‘ Ikt 118 give your The powerful stream of water mixed with eompresaed}ir mm,-d comprise only a small part of case may be, and then proceed age. We can get the Fulton viewpoint mwd him {or bi, hgjp and kindnegg, in most cases their wives, or sweet-1 Kodak work the ual_ i used ht our wash rack cleans your car both inside and 013;" I the Amgamn public. It is not fat; fully. yielding the g-13),; of", in all ‘right. So_can _Columbin and soy. My “wet and me mu when Ighearts know. that. looks when. _ _ Q _ SINCLAIR GAS AVD OILS ‘ ‘\ . for ‘so great a number of people 1 an of doubt-.¢°Q1".‘,1‘0l_!a which are :;“ec‘f;°’m°'1‘)‘e°°;"u§"°n*“f““l.“"“°’; paid half of the sum he would pay, “gm” 5°" L , T . ity_ it deserves. ' ‘ ‘““‘~" °“‘“‘P"“ “"°°“‘ "3'°‘T"’ "‘ ‘“‘°!T"~" tin: suite Hiirhtvs)‘ indium-réniifi. ""3 °'-ht’? halt I W 8114-‘ ‘M: tom.-21:0‘ mtiicilitwd um Yuk’ sin)‘: “ row men.‘ _ . .And you Shae-uuoo.eatahiioh'os -11,, ,,,,,, ,,ig,,,.,,. ,..,,ic,, Fulton sense “:93 the “;**°‘° "°‘;-;chmw~-,n mu; “;3,es."';L’f"ve’;,‘fr WOOD SERVICE STATION . Consumers of hard coal are inter» that the signals are uotalways giv- claims passes Independence three m I ll ':’°°p ‘$00. °h;g mfed {O “y “at the). pmbamy Wm «Ex Z ' I , 13-16 S. 8th Q ’ - - o er.ted,in,.&ettinz their fuel. 9°‘ in on, the drivers of many automobiles miles to the south. It also is'sev. Souths .“e,r5'I. had ma’°”’°de thc°:"__:in,_.°,,,, coma;-vggivc, 3 C y " .' .the dispute miners and up-. paying noatteution whatever to ma- cral miles from Columbia. h ad told b I int“ t ,4 ..w in “u to ‘ ah? , - ,, o mu... o »- on so - one who no =~ «me our . so omoooe we ;.:*°..:; ..... ....z 2:»: to.‘ .2. ..::.:.'...: Photographzc Away to -eefihe WW“ °‘t ' W“? ‘''*>’- o — "'J°"‘<‘ ‘°*a1}"85 00“ “Me *°_“'**8 father very lnppy although I did: “The tailors make the styles and of People riahwd- We are not will- _ The ordinances also require our ""‘“"‘ ““'%F"’°. “""‘ °°"°‘.““°'3‘ not know this uotiilater. a we sell them. ' , x 5112. l|0‘'¢V¢!'o 10 WU" '3 3'“-'9“-’ nnls tobe given when adriver wish- m°u?°d"'\‘Th° Sm‘? Mghw”' ‘,5 In fourteen minths after I pur-I “I believe priozs are coming‘: 9A 8th st‘ while two factions carry on o :>ett>' cs to turn’ to the right or non, 1...-1. '"‘ "“‘"_ .""{:"‘°’ "‘““l ‘.’°‘;e.°" chased on. paper i was out oi debt. .,dowu." . WM‘ 1118! i81’tP3d1)' 50001115’!!! In 81'' up. or to stop. . . A $1? t;n::c:::nm§df:t:t:'he 512:‘ mf e iii-st sum I ever paid on tixiti ._ - i_ _ ‘ ' ' “'3' ‘‘‘“§'_______.._....._.' “Every driver of a oeincie shall pl . The location of the-highrsfay fe‘°°‘3' "°‘°f“"“ sf’ ‘M’ ‘t "95 92”’ ' » ' ' ' ’ " ' ‘ ' - - . ' ‘ nciysater enotevtasma 9.: - .BmE Ax” ".8 Puaucxnox in stopping or slovlnx 0]). give an made the shortest route across - . T . . , _ ‘ ..o........ o today m on some or we .";;.:.“*:: ‘-‘““ °’ “‘°“°" ‘ °"'~f' . ‘ non mam: i have been criticised severely for hum’ ‘an -°'“‘“d’d 'h°'“°m"nY i"‘ n 0 on the back of that $1000 note made Store room now occupied by . -- . h'h ld h'bee .'1 .. . .. printing ‘crime news.” Some crit- d;°"‘"3 ‘h°"“-'m°'¢ Wm 91519!’ Knécmrzgad "l::c"nt‘£i$u_d" n?:::btf’ by Capt. Ritchie. That 85 credit _ . . ~ it, Wm, ,,,°,,;,,., the ,,,i,,.;,,,, 0. as 1;: so; no. Section 10 of the pm “Wm mh impmm -mm, loolced_like a million to me. _. i . Piggly Wiggly Store Co. izucli nev?s altogether; others would '0' °_ "‘.”°” ’“t°“ ggat town on me mute‘. ‘ ‘ ' It did '10‘ 0033' "inch 13009? "1 in Virginia Building ’ 9 ' s . ; publish the news but give it an in- ‘.Sect:on1.lstetgst1ut“onoper-utor we 1 .1 111): \'r_\' much if n ‘’‘°”'’ “'3” ‘° 9"” ‘ "“’°" L“' - - - § conspicuous plat-e;—and others would 03’ 41'5"!’ lflufldlfl *0 Wm 10 the state hi‘g£lii(;i'n5(-1 is oi’ Sm: ;:r.‘-nu.-r ben- - V 3 033:0‘ gaitzgit 10“! “no.0! 8 min%l::‘:‘ta' publish only that crime news which 1°“~lhl1l N3 9*’!!! I1 8n 811810 efit to 11 town when it passes nA—.l:r0§ V ‘L . . ~ ugh“ before the pubnc mind 13, below horizontal so that the same through on one of the main streets. - . 3 . T (X) ‘; punishment that a criminal mus ml)’ been in the rear.” . The P<_)“"_~"' 0‘ 9“: SW93 UiiIh}“&)' o¢°.‘w” . ‘ ° ‘i w"°'~ ‘ T if:i“°“ ..‘.f...."“"....“ """ .‘:.‘:°"‘°' S‘;:’?';’:::.L°:.“:.3;“L':i:;‘:.:‘.:#~*.',:“it:' ..:.':. .:.°°°::.*:'....'°:. .......°'"'*.'..‘*-;: : 3 ‘ fig” 33 justification to the or . "9 tum ' "hi" ‘ ' 5' - 4 g. 1 -_,_-,__,,,_.,,_ - _ __.i,._, ____ ____..___ ,T-. chute th.Il 8031! nevxinpen 0'! to °l"""° u” '‘’m ‘Mm ’.’“°"" ''i‘ m‘? ‘:'i°a‘.':i='1‘»‘3°°.£...‘i‘3.-'1: tube 1'32 am ‘W-" “'33-"*”"" " 4 -1.‘ ‘seusationallae this U99 Q! news. "L?" “Wk ‘M7’ h9""°nuJ '0 that would occUP)' two miles of streets. - sawn"'mx“ .- ' ’ l 3 Columns and sometimes pages are :1. ‘"",° "ff" 5' “"" i" W “W °’ pow main canes can find the money . . —-—~~~-- —- - -T»..- - - . i devoted toca detailed account of a f'leV°?""',l.°' ,1" “the” °"‘° “"3 "°’ to naive and maintain all the streets. f ' particularly sensational murder. In fa; t':";°q‘"’°d t° '1°w d°'"‘ be‘ A new pavement soon gets to be an W31-I-L P 1 T J. . izota few ne\IIP|P08 ‘most of fire ‘ U of .“3- ' . . old pavement and experience teaches W PE!‘ ‘ “Ill ..... . , d line 1 DHCC . fronbwfl W.” j‘.‘i"n ova. to ‘haul; bethe !or'I‘(oin,¢‘. g-egulatloris that property owners are rather slow 0 0953'“. fill '. _' ,‘ 1, _ _ _h..,_ nfiféxhausted :3 sensational heldlinel ‘Ind ‘fI¢°!'i‘:"1 “(oi bfigggzl w1§”""°"”“§_; -.-._- -_ . -"--1' " ‘ - . l. 'hich inform the rweaderiolthe - . , _ 03¢ 0 ' o . .;;;o"‘“‘f~.-o mm o oiooom. srmuas °‘’'''' “N C 0 0 K B R 0 s . ' The Des Iloines -Register tried an “,5”! ”:n'°:le‘1n“!dm°" u.’"'’' - llllltfll '|l¢|'l= 3||'P"°‘S'“'° TH” 1* "'1 M” W h ‘ Phone’ - . - i i “' experiment recently in an endeavor °{mcp:r':’;"':"u' 8 and 8alt—Nature's Best. T ‘ ' - w W.:."'"‘ “°"' °"....$‘°°';: ...“"’°....... .........'°....":.:" :2 or «no « :2 ---m-- FOR SALE. BIG ' a l pace. in newspaper we - ’ . ‘ bottles. sealal-—Phoap 657 ‘ ' new‘ on pm t@o_ 7 ct‘ m L H- _ H "_ . - ‘— _ ‘ A i . Many surveys have been made of ‘mu’ '1’ “am” . I T — o _ i the various newspapers throughout and {ii ;turm¢gt“°{'::&.: RELIABLE AUTOMOBILE _TWO—]Ol.8 GOXIG7 on State ’ ; ‘ i’ the United sums; and iozomunz "tic!!! -M" "l *1” example. 3, REPAIRING highway No. Zgarnall house 21-PASSENGER BUSSES 5 - statistics have la.-en_gathen.-d on the doing .0 me’ wmhdp ‘mu com“- PBONB 630-905 As}! on each lot. This weelc onl L“ Cdnmma. L“ “Ramon City ; Pllbnbslly twegto editor 5;. . “g, cit,“ vmchto drive. Bled V: of WlIIIIhs‘.8:atifl $500 lot. ..:. .. .. 8 ._ m__ _ 8 a_ m_ I {on that, ‘!lEWlpI- » l‘ . . - - . ° ° P. O. Box 3 Columbia Mo. 1 l|- mo 1 P-31- .. pers,nevvs relstingtocrime occupied & Glblfi ' . ’ _ . . l,onlyqperemto!finuemspsm.|PU‘N‘,3EN.T P43-AGRAPHS _ _ _ ‘ _ awn" 5p'm' » “”°““' '“' °‘ ‘”‘""' °°n°°-"d *‘* i '* '“*’— ’ Leave 'l‘a"ver':n and Columbian Hotels l “‘!‘3‘“¢ mfg]; pa“-fig ' i -exclusively with it. averaged 10 per ‘One of the most beautiful senten- A and DAILY BUS LINE banana D C ' fill‘ Of Sfixfiiven to ‘II ngwj, CBS in llflfu-II‘! vrrit- __ ' Schedule 00, a _ . __. _ ,' “ gm}, .u5.g;‘¢. "9 Mg ‘hocking the weather man; It is: ‘ AM. -EH. ;. ‘ ‘Phone 778 ° ‘ ' _ ' _ 5 and tend to silence many critics. 1:“?-n ""11 863“! *9 1.fl0f5¢1‘It€ l Leave Colunihia_ 8 and 1:30 ’ . i __ - j A j _ _ -Much ex-iiiciouiopi.opoi.ise'ot‘goo}or "*m‘ A _ Le, u “an on W" "db Lme Nu,,, ,oT.,,d ‘ 4 r ;-_ _ . % - A. .. ~? . ‘ crime news. however. is aucrnenled Ne‘ Yak t°°' Co. Colunlia Phone ‘ T in»/ ‘Q .- by a few "sensatioual"_neIvspapei's an an my d""”d _ (H.333 Decora g , 778 . ‘ - ‘~ “ wnodepandwsrinaiu-sesueetnie ,m~_$f:;nI-g“1;rl§s£:ohos I ms; One way tnroouiuipsr ; ‘ ' 5 ‘T - '_ V . " _ in; our one son xornei. ennui» _no.....r‘.-moo: of o... .,.,, 1 ""°"° ”°“ ‘ - cuss nsos. Moms ‘ WE MAKE NO ‘A‘fin-Basia-V Illa ‘ T don. Such an hewtvlrer «tr or on. skirts. is not modesty BUS LINE “BULLS” 4 "”‘l t largb headlines and a canon. typo‘ itself it .. firinking .......g_. _- _.._..__T - .- ‘ _ l Icflflsl of sensational nail ot:li,"l'm nfltbe, Chlfleifiti ‘ ~ . , ‘in our radiator 1’!-‘D15!’ WOTK ,..,—~" I h H purchased. t .t o 5 ;. ,mmGu_A—--*~-—-_’flu‘fiu,m “M e DRESSMAKING .1 We employ only ms...» . Chiller W‘ “But wiiypuisiiaia-ineseon;s_t .,u.fl,0u - '. “um. I. M“, _' Learn to ' pert: to do such jobs. and willie’ ‘and J . all?” many per-aousask. Iany ad» . . —-—_ o -“o. .1.’ ‘"3".’ n‘ flu.‘ you are sure of geuing your 0* ‘I n‘ tors believe that-such l nets isot ‘flflflfll Court ..t , ‘ radiator back better than it , pooucim andotinomstto “‘ "05 1‘!--.-I A-aria-*'NT - A on. No matter 1.... bad! i.‘ - Au. Reduced. - i - ’ tum tlaI'[e.Anothu'theiI’Y3,g.“,‘p,,,__’ _ Goth ‘consul battens. an‘ . mused upit!n1ybe,IeQ7e ‘ ad qua the criminal _qe- macaw,’ “Wk” up slate and assures. muuiosina. 95"“ 1|-Ill .l_I7. 19- ii T it to us. We'll make it right. ' 7 ‘Fun’ Pnb rm ¢@e Qxcg “hrhd ‘Quality Wflfk GUI‘ . -_ or his in!‘ at the-law um T...“ M at W Ea mgr T A H. J. GRIBBLE uoasominehiuimacuvem otweaitheoasutntethoprineipoi l’hoae.249 24N.9th8L Notallnevapaper'aareperlecU|n plankinitheplaiiorlnotkohertl. An" 'ndu‘n$ ' V i 1; zsoiruososa.uaapnioousooox3mroisgi:u.Jr.auioaagaso¢so-”3-"*3" ""'“‘. 1 .3. cnntypo‘or:_n_urs.'aioiarevoKthosr fireplace 1-qflevseatjbrtioe ' i i H _ l~ 5 ::::.r‘*°-'*-~=‘*'~"';'...-**-**-~o......"'*** more *“o .+ - - -.... ’°”‘°°h"'” ‘'6 “av”; hnhsrewitlia ‘‘ ‘WW . ...-:4 -" W - - ... -- .. ‘T v_rhsnheis‘arosstedsnd¢iVInaasn- “ma ' .-.' ” - V _‘ 3 ‘ _ ‘ i:»~t:.:.+...._.-....o—-....-v«;:o~.. ~- coca»--amt: IIDI ; ' ' _' . . . " . o ' , . ,1 ’ ~ mm“ « . Packing and Slnpinnz Sisal. - , Removals . l critics. , cuss ‘ .— “ » . ' '1 ,5 . . , ,1, _ "' « mud» . pfservi ;—.the drnblan of servsoe. .- tlawarenotottenarrestadorpim-‘NI! ' "‘ . M _ . v ‘ _ V . 3‘ ‘ - Q _t :~ - -’ ‘l‘he_psesa.asa1rhole.. has open I! auction. Evyh-1 l i I I . .~.,.’.1*';.1;. 1.1%-. ‘ is 1: 1., iii * .oditorpuhlislissvhat*hshsllovfl. ._ ,5; s» -. i.'_ " ! Iol- E ‘ "‘ l I our ~' E i gt’ 5 ii . . .. ....-....§.-..i.~a.ou«»~¢\~wk»h~4wk-hrfiot-*o*io*¥’w“*‘~*H‘h'“