..:stnt1 I ' ‘ . 1., 33$.»-I‘-:4-wq-on-u-. .. - - 4._...uo-0"’ __ ,. _ ‘ L : ' ' S ' ' T l'f.j’_-gé. ‘.,‘E..a_aao>¢-a.-co . " . S’ -‘ ooo.oJ‘wo:C 03¢‘;-""f‘.‘ _ ,f _ _ ‘. . ‘ at .l ‘ ‘ .. . .. . ‘A4..A4nA'A- 4' .... I . A 1 ... IS 2’ i *1‘ tf§§l'§%i} i E El 2 gliillgl _... 'v.,_ I p the conga or u"u‘§.y owni it an", and 3, Um,‘ ,, “'—“" as. quiet, just as sphlnx-like. Smart, dud n d u. A I be .11 i at reasonable prices. . . eaate. it came wit}: overwheliai and comma“, in ',md:¥u” mm Em. —— Vt mm: '?o3x__-mg, g..,¢,,°o,_ trial in their nest livery they have M“ t‘,’m°'t'fip wm:"f):.";’{';'u"' d Arrow Tailors and Cleaners » Rem". work of ‘[1 kinds. .1 at-ltun -eogiailvay ‘mm, W bum “hook; UN’ 10)! rizarncrx-:0 ,,,,,,,,» wm, ,,,_., p,.;,,,_ ,,,,,i,,,,_the- bun u_ui _re“ expectant o “may. ‘M um gm in the mg .1: 3. ml at. Phone 826 V of impossible cool» M" "ed their ““mu“"‘*{or ed“. wmiuue Santa..." u T.“-(“man bu um» ahfiualflvaxg this Girl from the R . . E W "”..,.....“""‘,,.:.‘;.'.... ,......§* mm-I n-n»-e- - wen u to ., .,.....,,.“°= r-- vi-«-ee =::;*;,:*,:i,:*,,*::,,;',,,;,*;°,,,";;;,=" 7 -,'= ..".‘. .. ....... ..., .... on WET_g;,;§,;1*;;;,fi§gtg;;vuewr tor a or o’ it ' i e‘ '* E ~ ' " " ' ‘r “ ., v _ T ., . ‘ad - - ‘ ' - . s on service « *** ‘lie W“ 7"” ittalstsmnlletfiljftnky ‘-—A man sitting in an;¢’7’3 to Europe this summer. accord. 3*" 5“ "°‘ §PP°",°"- ‘,’°‘ °“°;liei-e. who is a brother of Dr. Ken- LIVE MINNOWS Y I 5II|!*l"~'i'“ “l” “V degree in student ho er ‘ °“'°"' ‘° 3‘""l» Capetown. or Lon-;inr to local Steamship eonipnnies "’“' ”° """"‘°”°° 1',‘ ‘l''-'},' “°*"°; ler. will spend the week-end with T FISH WORMS ~ R9 ‘V 9'11” t follies daily and bdoufll 3': '1'; soon be able todictate a The r tourists “in: to Their orders are to wait. They‘. his brown and mm")? and .c_ . \ otor - yd’ 4 1”‘ w" in ni to be nnduated, and who could..no¢ talten dzwn xnstan’ flntlybe hum ‘M . umhgpzghf. “gun;-er u w. ‘mug l’oasibly the will not appear until if comma‘ " ‘hem °“ ‘he ‘"9 ‘° I°w" and ' A V9875 11“ ‘°"°'“ l3 "'°‘°' ldgq ‘thud the tllduatinl flllller in a New York offic?en'I'(ll‘is- flzore worl:l.eu‘thalllnei:lell.‘ra:d' 1. or even 2 o'clock: but $50‘ 509*} C0179? C8395 l0m0Tl‘0W—Str\en1z's‘ I block casting, so that it" is . h”. _ . _ flan‘ ' Audio mg“ in gohmbh ‘in is one of the startling ruults off?-he trip. ‘ not matter. '1’heir's' merely is to'P.1stry Shop. Ad“ j through warping from lnter- 1‘ FI37i3h'i'l5¥u"-'.‘°".‘.‘.‘ - T ‘ . - - ' . I ‘ l ietlle i . acrve as a . an invention . . wait. rial strains. By that t m -1- -- - -uhfintiu ping, °°‘-lliflllll tween . _ Pflfocltd in the lab- Among the latter it was and; . ~ T . , . - 4? ‘Q’-."-~.. ad‘ - -- “'ofld_ an mm,“ ‘pg the ‘want’. F.th_ oratorles of the Berlin Telegraph are hundreds of w'omen “Girls from the Golden West.";' SALE f ceaseless friction has worn, . l:’:. !..'*,'u_'_ '0 - W ° '3’ ""5 30331’. if they are lucky T"P"’V- “W '°°"°‘ fillerinients from towns and “main Qrleet” en. Th“ '5“ ‘he 308555 N“ “'9”: COMPLETE LINE Cdqmbia Minnow Station it out of this god numerous ,_ ; 53., it 5 _ * than. to we in emuhm bu “flu to . "um" based on the researches of the Dan- lagweg of all put; of the cmmnh American butterflies who appear. vuujssgs troubles develop. A regrouad ; T T ,''’‘''1‘ . : 9. T shhon,¢u,‘-nu,“ he co-iumbh. isll inventor Waldemar Poulsen. ’ These teachers makin; an ‘,1 suddenly it London at the height. crutch.‘ rented ‘t 25¢ . F 907 Street mom, 5, “an an my, . 7!“ ‘Thu’ 13-n':‘~’l"h A non“ Personal ' ' lB"'flY “$011. the invention com in two's and tllree's are visit: 9 of an ’ nsnflhh ‘°“°n’” "aha" if 7‘ AUTHORIZED ‘ I 8l||l¢|t- llI‘.1||l¢8'|*'3 .‘“il_t‘ ‘dud , mm?!‘ "‘ 3" slots in a means of recording and ranoe—the d of rolwe all: i“ ‘"3 "flu" ta t° °mb”'y— PECK DRUG (X) ’ " C‘ "' Mi T ' - in. that» flunk“ -'5¢l'“<50Sh r or soil 3301.5,‘ “and, on ,1” The m_ f“biom__md u,e.“_,mmin‘ ” fies: appearing momentarily at lord, ° . ““‘ ’ . - ‘ . ol-7ear'I.''n!'ll_'l'iterin'l! huh. 1'i'nb°“"_ ’ ""“)‘- for 00- oantor, Dr._Karl Stille, has beenipgimed “P, ‘M chub an .n.',ia_o-and-ao's house for a chat -withqp __ _ ____ J 1 M 4' * _ .mo_.-red no faster d “W *0 5* Mb’ next eiahtaen years at work on this in-‘ideas on liow to "ear their clothes “""°°°"""' M" "5 ‘° ‘''"”°’‘- Pumas -1-mum‘ t T- ~- ’ T ' QIIII I.’1°l‘..‘* HID: ooh, '. S . ."nfi°n.‘ ‘M i"°id°“"" °I‘iS°m° "'99 IN 811103508 C .. -— ~ ~»~- » T ! And repaired twelve e ‘ ‘ Illidvf 8-5099?‘! 3" '-'“‘£"""°” ‘5°“l“*¢1l>b°o-tl-he It is said. will to oriveiena a few, it is claimed, have service to Colulnbiana. y m . '“‘“m‘ ' ' 7‘ ad.“ .,.'n.fl.-‘go, him‘ V11,” '._, obit as well as the community and Pllomtflph out of buslneas.,learned the taste of champagne fog RANWLPH SPRINGS J 1.3 Bhhgpa - . ' .’ . « ~ - T 3-. . eh, “huh A d . vein in the most rfect b J - v . W, - ' ' ’ ' T ‘ . With our Simplicity Cylinder ,. Io II! for Nfioleorrtg lend home 3 l-hen. Columbia h 9° P 030-;the first time. .. Illllenl fawn: Saline , Phone 2256 black. G -nd rm,‘ truck » the news of Waterloo finer than "in 59 133191! ‘°l10Win8 the exam- ‘'3'’ '“°d°1‘v_ Tum‘? *8 Il\Vl3’8 0' A: a result the “modernir.ation" and Salt-—llature's Beat. 1 31 ' " er ' ’ Alexander liull-ent lloine the new; sale of “bepinz up witlllllxe tinie..- "“" '°“*‘'"'*8 “and 1- the’or the school ieneiie ‘d! is lie Sh""°° "'1 mmd ' ' ‘ ' 1 "“" "‘"" ?''°‘‘’" '‘°‘‘''’ .”"‘ :_.T‘_.“.: . ..hd.”. The authoritietat Ste ' cone‘, ”i°::e'° t;1\'¢.ls over the vulcanite.-omjn‘ ’. fut 1' "m y . u u’ can .' n W J pALuER Lanoil permanent wave 310 1, feet; do it in quick .tllne, w T :'‘n‘‘''‘. . i “ ' - . » . ‘ ' - ~ llsttlu. oealell--Phone o - ' -.-.:1.m.;.1.~.'.n.;g_.e-.a.§. 3.. ‘M54 ¢_lesei-ve_a vole ofthanka for being. fmw by ‘:m“De:’“‘”;:::Y “’""'I_ The ouggumdjng "non for W, ‘. ' w.u M ".4 pg... Plain facial v and _ very br°85°l05l°_. “:2: I lflévd lbwly’otl."' l ‘ - l_. "I! “ station KFBU to invention 1,“ P " elunprecedented rush to sum 155’ We contract your work. Shampoo and round curl 756 L“ ,« c you’ - e o * T . T . "=13 °’*9mm com-; . . P’ ' . .You pay. for rsgrindlag . fflcn. same stain, than elor- , J I I merclal an artistic poasibilities:.y°° . , ‘33 laid, la the new tour. NOTICE . 1 P5000 8“ ‘heme: - M“ it ‘an "T for lull new C0NaRATmAfl0N& nfbc that it i. ‘rousing tin liveliest in_.lst cuhln. rate of about $100 for a Day and Nllit 'l'rallsfer,movlug , Corner 9th and Walnut Katherine 'I‘lll'llb8lI£lI I ML ,0‘ ' drflg’ flak,-t. 3 A. S‘ fig in km in Bdflik round ‘trip ticket. fllflltlm lllll livestock ID§llU 3 ALL Gu‘mT8Rn . 3°-r--'1-Tti-9-leer-Ill!-"dither.- ,..,..,,...,,, ,,,,.,,,',,,.,,,"", “""'""" p. T... 0 .‘‘°'* "W .35-°°° will travel in 3°85 5 1111* 3°“¢“- PMS» . To r T — T-~--- Beauty Shop ’ -- 75¢ “UNI”! ‘I333 ‘lie SDI!!! -T 7 . M ' m°' ‘ ha pk’ tum.‘ d“‘' d‘"'"‘8 -919 Illmlner. it is "W39 "9 °‘' 3°“ u‘‘k ; HATTON BROS. MURRAY & ROBINSON . n 1 . . to 39¢ .10.,‘ ‘uhwt hi‘ Distant relatives are those who estimated - ' 0 {C litllt itself. centenary of nuchme for mom)” took T1,.” mom’. “,3 kn" you need ;t__ . ‘ _ _ 7:.-.-1*.-. __,, ,__ ‘,_ __ __ » nncolurous . Phone 1536 9 North 101]: Phone 2356 615 BIWI. . nflwp ill!!! our-pnoblans for an no“ -_ ‘| “fr N fine Tenneuun. - German steamship lines report lleulillehes _ ' , ~ ' A frwlyears ago T “T. , "'11 Sf -A,,,,,.ga'--“,3 ‘ “mm, nude '30" 9080"! are Vifitinx Germany "°3.N°ClDNlY 1483!!!! and " *' Y "W ‘ p lislasjllalle lummne ~ ‘ the world what it is todny.'A1,,.‘""-hill at any time since before the . "7 °‘u-re‘ « A ,. glnuvy oil pasqsllger traffic. °"" "“ ‘W °‘ l mu ‘'50 ‘Irina to blame Anier-'.ea.—l>ueolo’ 0 ""' “"‘Y 3° ‘° Gmwly to visit ' i‘ 1 — 7- V. I r &.Dur.&-.:‘.“h‘e”‘“_ hadheenarjneatedninetimesforva- Star Journal. ,the famous baths and resor-u,p‘.g. PIoIo11Ior1MO.fln_Iln[aIk ; : . - I - - ’ T * iaolmliuslli lute new°°l'*‘1 rlous inmetions oftlle traffic ordl- Jotin D. Rockefeller has dcfinediumhfly “ 3“°”’B“°" "4 3*“ F'''‘''‘-. 1'7?‘ “" 3‘ = --—--- C0LUMBIA' N CITY 1 , ‘did tieaullibleaietllod :‘;t3:-“I-°'uii:-h Elflciletitne the glint: '1-hiotfif ‘god times it ' §i"i°"'hm be f S T I l ‘ - 21-PASSENGER BUSSES > 7" ‘ ' it aman ' - % num r ° -. V--—-——~ v.—-.-~_ v- —~~- ‘ _ . . ~ -- . , . ‘film: filth nlg-mo! W ,, “mm m:o“m:f" ''° .3... .,,,,__,,,m,, N‘m_““‘ ml“; ,0 ,,,_. ,i,m,,, ,,,__,;’_d ‘;;’_°';fi;;f _ , ' I i ,- . Lv. Colnlllllla Lv. Jellerem City 7' ::- T‘ 1 ‘ nlintli aiiie that the driver 7'" ‘hm treat plan-nee are bnflwen which is famed for its beauty. 5- 3° HIGDAY . ' - “ "" 8 " "" ‘iv’-.1‘ " “iv!” ‘NEEDED ;_ 'u up - " hm bonic. pneumonic aril demagogic,_T For those who desire to 33¢ Q‘ ' T‘!'IeWddc. _ t I D. In. I }. In. I ‘ll, . Obtain.“ nu . flue: but ‘at’: m Llttsle Rock“l)\rltanaas Democrat. .:.orl:ll. there at: seven mg.-.-‘.'% I All work . . 1 5. II. II. on ‘I 5 I» III. ‘ T * ' -‘ . ‘slap pie 15.. ..,-,y-,,‘ ‘- ~ ,,“‘“'n “S” new’ In musi- , '_ Willie!» lrreatest number OOLUIBIA lucanln T8110? 3 ¢ Wlyo . - ‘T ‘ ].‘u'”:i‘:,'.‘n“ 5. : driver would .3: not 31.. :53” ":9 Bczclt :3 ’3'8l0l'‘{r. Ie\';lll‘t!een special cruises 16 Kill ‘RI X 4’ Piano 1213 1 Phone 1070 LCIVC Tavern and Colombian 301* ‘ . T. _ . T . as one.— 13.: e est ' W ‘T 0 . 2 , .. . S quot-in a-e-also how-“ ‘.""* “' *=°‘°r=!de nntll 1-me more sun. . also an on,,.....i'.°.f.,,.,”°,,.,,,,"',,,‘°",“""' ;_ C- N..- e e o--- T .°°,m“"°°“‘ '''°'‘' , ""'”'-“."‘-"5" Wm --—~-——— I Thepopularltpofoeean ' I n-— 1 F 05 P ' 'm"°°'"°‘“t""°"". T in ~.,,; 3,, .3. T not ill _a._l_le_th_o¢.l of glealinx with . ““°‘ Dedication}. Vandalla. W . ‘tomes. -Al!'l'0l0B}l8 01' ty P008113’ MISSOURI TRANSIT 00., INC. . l “flu”: - -- -llrs.L..W.St.Clalrlloaawi1l. “"0355 ed. A. s - — , l ' H Ilfiotl tm . .4 Glllen, ‘of traffic lawa— nu ‘om f T finals, 3; the area "mu f ‘nun \ . . . Phone 778 . 4 ._ T ‘ ". rb these drivers who are ten? the °dr$:“i°:nV to “;‘.Y.r. Ifore than 2.090000 0 the PXONB'Ifl—-OI A81! [ -m- T - ' -.J .g . ,. tum M-in-t.msf.itmnoel . .... ,5, M . n~ °"‘“‘n“t°“‘°;e;; . i do. were in Ftahoe. it en. Bled w: cg-fiahllfigatlaa :Farms, Rental Proper.‘ -- re . 1 nggn nub“, '5 . _ , g ‘ ' ' “ -M "' *"‘ r w" “ "' ' ‘ :»'autoInoblIo‘ I¢cld‘en'ta.' iilin if end lies. llou'nnlu-he h::*sunndat:éi€:t:resti::t’st?rnl: $3‘ tTethdt-‘tit: Etlllagtou &"GllIll ity.’ Loans’ an ‘ 7 A A S ‘ A ‘ 7.“ -_,_.......-,..,_,,,,,,,_,t ,_, mm ,,,_.,,, ,,°,,,._Tu,m_ H" M... .,..,, mm, ‘ ___:u. __; . ikmds-of insurance, see Sinclair Gas and on g I» ‘.5? <'=.f "°,,,""_{n:"‘?",..‘ Y°“"'% it you say “Butter Made” they ' S ’ S‘ - -‘ i 2 C W hm '9 : hn6cpci”‘“ 9‘? C°°::5|L:l momma flaw“ m”m ém4mw's Butter llade Cakes. LIV!‘ W. Palfllfif - ar as g S‘ l .i..enni...°" on... .,_o. nmgfiuhuenhie i. ve.l‘2dalit.«§ ~ 1 ——a.___ ' Mn ''----'='- 8' W ‘€130. ov Peck’s. phone T X.’ ‘ T ”’ '-”"‘- - “""‘ “‘“"i W"'° wh°‘t'3NNl-Ilowhite weeaoenesree-enlarges. 569.‘ . . .» I u‘h€8tI“kdfi'”k”p;o“$lhol;6‘ o°‘iIf0l’_ll€rlhIde!ltpf‘{]Dnr tlncluded—Stren:'s Pastry . _ l .3 Q U’, ._ .‘¢.’,IlxnontlIshe n ‘eta A 81%“ V Adv. l * l ' ‘ _ .- w" - _ _ _ tllllvllsof " ’“‘“‘; ~w~ -T~T—~- - ---_-_ ._-~_ . -——% ‘—“"' "’“""’ 5 Adfiifilllll .rP#B.&lIIIIsandotherdriversfur at ‘H v t. ‘ . ‘ 0' l__IeaI¢.tlyI_ttlale..1‘llatiscertain. ’ 0 l ‘o , "\~\ V '- T 9 :. 5,-’11I"E:I§§1d7I:-"'&U‘l_.-b9.lIB.Xld8ithfie . Holne Klufid Mfiats i T 3 COMPANY ' . z ‘pa “ ~i..Z.‘r'r..T'. - v - -- .8:-isket -rout .....’-..'.7.‘..ceS eon. loin eli ’ 3 - T134.‘ 39"“ 3‘ __ ' ‘*9 -i ' .’ Iituolvr-xi: Short tie:-out TT T Ame fl. .~'"”“”m° . TT 3' Agflazld Battery . :3 " I ‘-‘F .‘ v‘ ' ' V " "'""° — -.'. .. 85: PIN!“ 1 w if-1 - - ‘ ‘ ‘ -3 -7 -. -e ‘” - ““ “P” -~-~+~"HP%¢ Jmuhrun.auu ...... H ‘ 1 'n'* ‘ 3F"*“”'. ' .- - i ' -L . clnielt roast ......lO-lfl$e- . are ’'.m''‘', 3 3 T . M ° , M. , y _ Pruner!» ;..;.u-ulie ~ -Ills; Jaamsou Ti --“ ‘-kl‘ v ...‘.‘.’u”‘ W a o o a soovoopooeu ‘ . ' 'a i - ’ ‘ ~ Sula at-.-ls '.....:'.:as-2395: 5"”‘""l °-0--l------13Vr1‘= l ' "T 1;‘ - - , 3- Plsrterllouss sink‘.-...n e W081-.'. .... ‘ l‘ 4- V“,: .;" - ..-M coo‘? U - ieoooooowowal ‘- 7 - -T 9 . , gotcha _ 0-oooooooooonoooo . I I . . » ,. . 154.‘... 3_a _~_ T‘ $09900‘ um. nut.’ _ a type as would be expected _ from an educational center sudi as Columlia.” : It ill t v} I I‘ V.‘ to to aay that this radio P u... to be beneficial Then for children or aged de A married children under 14, could ¢<l1livr.!-.-nt of _25 cents a day to; m¢mb°RT’of the family. barely enough for ‘ a0 9‘ ‘ _ m‘ “ looonobosm . I ' 3!! .. in 1 _ Trace. ' . ' O V .. . ' ' 5 ._ y ~ »«_‘r, ': < _. . . . A‘; “ , I-'»‘ A " . @- -.T{ = 7 ._- \‘_ hf‘ Q . . - ,__. .. ‘_ I i_ . A.‘ .. .A I ‘..f.. ' av." + T. .: T 7- Trx-T ‘ .-.'T T 522,-! - - . 4., -‘ Q '- T . it - *'--f-*.~‘. i “SCHO0L—MARMS” . penden ¢09Dle with. say two’ draw the, o ‘ \ " -:- o n‘«. -.l . l. l ‘ .'}'9“t(_‘. ' S. ‘l -- .4; as +~ of . FLOCK T0 EUROPIES idea how "‘Don't I though?" and then with a gesture of intolerance he slips out his check book and writes out-a check for the amount had fusirx. hotel or apartment a powerful mo- tor is waiting her pleasure i. sphinx-like. at e i ON REDUCED FARES N ,, .. .,,., “I know, he had gone back to giving She found them so much easier. So much less’ con- than ll ble, “ has, bu.‘ ‘"“. "““ ”"""” ' we-1» 5 P¢ft~€'-'0: of meal. and given it to The dole is is shillings a emi.~ 9" °°" ““ . ‘ '“ ‘7 0° ' ""°"‘ "“"7’ 5' ‘-'‘’"Y “"9” -lZ’io£i"‘.ii”‘i’i'Il“ ti:lc”‘l‘ll‘ucasee tonlillnk 1;?‘ Vfl: t'll . - . a yed nu‘ olfmfll ‘real 'is not available they auggeat uug W9" 16 allllllxgs apiece for women.. 7 10 t - l ‘ ‘ shillings 6 pence for boys bet"?-‘euibe in bghewmuh '1: “axis so the ages of 16 and 18, d 5 . . ° 9”" her cheeks. shillings for girls of theu";¢*3 11:1 .62.-:TdP:e‘:::f“;hem;lc‘l:svww Out quiet ‘e ' 4!‘ gave you five hundred only yes-1" wtarday.” be her in five-pound notes, tood he ‘til her ll of paper, saying, “But I do with all this in front chauffeur the driver’: wheel. ' tman—just » "I films“ ._ ‘l a I . . an .1-cw-l netorts. f a he day evening will be °‘ W‘ Religion." . There t ‘wank Dr. Keller teaches a school claag at the Another Girl from the Golden West-—or I miss ,my guess.” Dell» 3"" !°"'" 0°. wlu. wcrulul oven luiulo tbinzs cost.” ‘ Dr. Fred Keller. M. L’. Graduate, to ‘Falls from lowa Station. Dr. Fred Keller. professor of edu- cation of the'Northwcst Missouri State Teachers College at ' who received his degree from the School of Journalism in 1915, will lecture from the Henry I-‘ield Seed‘ Radio Station at Shenandoah, la.. Sunday. July 26. at 2:30 and 6 p. in. I)‘. Keller will bcture Sunday afternoon on the International Sun- day School Lesson. His lecture Sun- aryve, “Business and There will be a special train char- ered to Shenandoah for this trip. college Sunday First Christian Church at Marysville of four hun- pd oooooooo“.' ‘ ‘w oooooooomj -33 h . ‘*'~ "4"--.5‘--.’..’5‘ Lgglfutum depend upon a rapid in- II 3. ‘l 0 '. up i'._ ‘t ° Ilahtsrsfaa‘-l'ldtUpUfA'l¢"nnlesstllefiIIlllIatanlllIllfl l h ' ., _ filatai-atthehomeotvlseogllosas ml" _. *”°' ' -C an--i w55'~——-- ?,;-_-,-.3“;-,*'--is-= a_. mid - "’i§""" ""'° u , , §....o.“"" ......"" ":..'o‘:.""i.‘.‘.‘.".‘.‘:.‘} -- -' . ’ Ibyan ‘C985 '3“: ' km. ."*T- .. leaaswhoaoiaeoolerun welllnto which at consider this h°' .. p,...i.. fiIy_laIo8Usianumbers.butthesixfi¢nrsea . London. ,...-.ini-ielouleiloiuoloet red‘ uh" mtumwnm q;..qndamnstsaaIhaiioathestraatap.,i,_ 3...... uiegi see ,5, .1 _ 'h*“J_“ “~‘m,“_ O ou|l|0lIII.i|0- 1¢*'°'ll!.thembrieflyandwondaringlydur-.,m,,,f.gtbeoaproIII’flt50fl01§l‘°°"'$" fie”-thaw“. of . g p ‘I ~.#’_ht&s aver for colonization hwonmnnwmnd “_ .., 1 I 4 .l.@flolllggetoIx'llt_VllothinkIllc‘ll¢l0lI8pn:-pfi. . “a_e“ed"h.t¢‘m,o’..i.‘d°nhun, .hQT ‘_ u ' A 9|“0D*¢°|'“wo‘.l sunplytogettoPIl‘lIi0l' 1‘heeoloniaatioub:llproP0I¢Il0 ufluuhhndofi - T - """"’ hrooIsnCnd17.lB3ofthhnomhc‘0°UU&.'mNe|1|06¢l'IlH&Ipndon. Rome-—orallthreo—-vand uioniutlieexeeuti taoproc M08807» ‘ . "'°‘ ‘M18, , ‘ .._. In-latothezslllnapock-’,.,.,.5d g,g,.,g.gg"l‘hu-a.andin tlieniogtexelntlee .,,,.°',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,m,. “' in “ion,,m,,.,3.'willalws!abeinexceasofthePoa-_ . S T . S " ‘ 6. m'*a”." lfiilh Vhhhuh P13 “U hill: 9'31» '5'‘ "“°"°d '°°“ 0'1: having given any bad checks. Vay eolnfauies or other third Ill"?-i‘ibm5°‘ °‘ °°l°”i"fi°"‘ . ~ - & - ""7 o“u’n""d'°”"“‘u“‘h°"lPfl1Uh*h¢flWMdNhyehl&s.Dfio'UPh0‘¢“h5"“‘5'm‘°“‘ooeasioually catehesa g‘.impae ofaento: , i.3Ill|_l_Igfl-¢0 $il,.JIlUI"*....‘.== -‘-u;-'‘lN 30" than l.8fi,0U all!!!-£1‘llhgivualosaof1l3peregg,IIdgdd is-aid. may be found stun” dauglltcrs'a8 they Se1lorrentlandsialotsforIl'é 8"" 13”" F‘‘“°“‘ ~ -. 3”’ . - I O ‘ . ‘which is less than floor and corridor. with their ton buried hack in ricultural and stock-raisnz WT‘; ill‘. I 3'54 )7 l!l0l°Nd which duimsaul _ rlor-d.ln-ttbenlnl-tryotlnhoe - buflwbflw ,,_,,,,,,°,, , i nan Rocreod ' $0-IIsaI‘b'd".4limoIiw :1 -o- '''''‘!°‘ ‘N *5° “*W~'-W’ 3"}uaaally sustained on farms is int. ‘res. 8ir_s" and “No. Sin” and the cushions of some big, sweeping poooo. of suitable area in deter-gto Fulton yesterday to epeoa the T p . g:''P’°7‘‘ 2”“ 9"‘ ‘E!’ :;‘uui. _ eniarttooehlas of the cap. and in-‘foreign car. Usually they tlilnk. mined zones: efiecthtlle "¢‘~‘¢“l"¥iday. . i T during . gum ' .. . - * ' es 0 -—-0--— .:‘..‘.'..:°.::.""".... ..;“':‘.‘.*:':'..': -we "" "° ! “"’..-...“°"‘°".4".’.’.7“'..i".".. :.°'..':'“.:-i.-o'“”T‘*"°".o.. °"°° ‘° °"°':.:i'°~...'.?.i-.°°‘o:“°..".:.:..."'*':.°;:: ‘°* ‘ am sum we-e ..a,‘~.fl mi“ ‘on’ main of unemployment aituationgouuifiw Wu fa.“ than ‘u an; 3. .5...‘-,..,°;¢,, you 1,“, u,em,~dm.h., mu ,n',3n And little do c it. co-operation and other1meus- \\'p¢§_l.. Sandwich‘ Breads—all 3393.. 5.35“ 5, 4‘ ‘$5,; ' 5'1!!! With It I t dug up pug gfi ‘in; aakiQ.T"Dad. can you give me five‘ y realise that in about five cases ure for the stimulation of coonlaa-A-595,3": ha,” “.3, qu,ufi“_ _. . .. —---—-an-——.— _ l Gull‘-lltloll farm an-lg~lIclIdrod?" It is dollars they are;out of six they would far‘ more 1300-. . _ ‘ _ "(Strong's Pastry Shop. All’. 'l'IlAN_I8. srwnmqs 0014.393, at u "5 :3!‘ b°9:lR°¢Tout neomnggaguu. of 3., talking about. {likely be correct if. when such a Anutitiher to!l1“tlCle illilhrgilllezr I , ' 8taoluasConags.T aacurhgka V ”"‘-V "N? '=""aoocialist. ‘nice muted or ‘mere 1 pause. ‘mien car flashed by them in NW of 0" exec 9 “"9 "’ ' ‘l "“"“’ " " ‘ l““‘~‘='. 45., [pay h “Wm ¢-‘"9359?’ {Ill Oi’-59!’ nn"hg&hin‘ an-1,, undue: ‘ch “ah mu 'o.5,...m'.n;- -«gut, kgddizycountry road. they would comment, ternal bands or complete In)’ 0159“ 4 credit operation up '0 ‘ Wu‘ °“ $100,000,000 annually, to make use; of the product of morttlle 0" 1“‘d’$ acquired for colonization. Of ill? revenues proceeding {mm lb? 8991'“. cation of the law’ and of rentals de-0' rived from fiscal lands. 5 in the minister of lt?l¢“"F“"°". opinion the economic and social dc-C velopment of the population and the; solution of financial dilllculties of mi. R. 1-‘. Special at lion‘ given '10 womga and chil- ltoan 4 and Shflviraillldg. Office plane 2315 . lleaidene phone 2 lsli-es 4. .o..—._ T— 3 l—---—»._ Tin and Fumaeel ’' ’W.C’k DRESSMAKING » ; We specialize in ladle’ aall , man's alterations and\{ropalr wgk, _ Q‘... ,_. C. W. VAXATIA Cloth elm:-es buttons. all 705 Cherry Street slam and aha Bemstltclllnl. Phone 1474 Plestlag and “Quality Work Our Alla." -class work Guarantee first AT" ; tj ‘ ll .5} '4 7 .'i ‘ ....V 41.. ' , .v,.\w &...'~*'. , i . l a result‘ T [Q .1 '_ _ CCU! lllfllll-e I-or-l malt , E a l 4‘ .. l _ _ ii‘ _.. . V‘ ‘ z’. [- -.s-- _ . _. 1 ’. _ T. WC‘ 0 « l v . l.-1.7 ' ' V -' 7- e " '.- i V‘ 9' . . . _ .. ‘.3 ‘ 5. p l ‘ I ‘D ' . tfi .“ _ ,‘. . .‘:-" . ‘ .i ';3.. ‘ . l ‘v ‘ .i~ ~ \ . - ‘J r ._ ., ~’_. ._ a . 1 . ‘,.. . . ‘V n