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P.cs-u-1.. 708580‘ -&‘'I' ‘ , "T - Ihili ‘ll?-1*"? .'B““ L ‘ ' ' utrlfl Ell’- ;,'A.fl*IuHG&Icu-&._' -~_ . mu‘. “:';'::“:""|"u‘.a;.';:=°':T'“'ml _ DO97'PaTk .;'f’'.§fi.y§gvudvpcHrfilnypr- 0-; ‘ ’ i 3""""“"."““"""""""“"""“ lb ‘man or ammo. nu’:-'ve'i-nun . tylnhrflwltillflg - _ ‘ .ut_&¢vud-cplvlll ~ - flu: the up’.-.,.¢¢,.(,u;.,‘v5'.,§.g.g..,, ' In. Johnhocvlululbc-r’dnux|ur.In. ln.flnIIlcWiituherollhuucityu uuong. Gutnlka -v-t0*""**"‘ ‘Win:-. var. .‘.n_, ,.n_,_‘ wad‘-T ' kW|I|lnGrfliA.lc|r ' . ;vs-iuuba-¢h-r.‘Ilrs-l|-|*I.’5““v- Lacuna use-uAa:.naaI:-‘.:..... ’-ea. ,¢,,,,,.__., """°" -"""} .nII4In.ll.C.Cllpiaupout‘ButdIr' in. nu ln.,aan-1 zl-Dir-In re ' - ,,,,_‘,,' u:-A"h°""I'|thIt.uudIrs.*J.A.JenHuo. turIdlo8dnlhIflu*nrlIilwiIhrdn- ‘ggqg ma" hnlrluc uhullu 'l_h-bio ;::...g.,, ’''‘‘’,_,‘_.;'m'; {H h . u'_-.“""""' r. an n. Doe vhitd Ir. tivcnbcc . 5 h thlcfln . ' . Ir. all fin. DOVH DI'I|l'_"!' ‘I °",'c( this cell it and In. 'GflI¢fl.;:w.‘N.“* nu Inld Lee sauna: Iltlt nu! 8no- 18¢ In and In. . B. '34:‘: have Ath-II Vklflfhfifi c"""II35 - Chat.‘ i ' . '- . - ntnruduthdrhuucnhuravtvifi us:-any ' It-I-Ilvmltt?-V-6’-'"h°* nu. ,.,.“"""""‘°""' ',"‘°"""""“""5 Iflodlnhukbykmntsuodutduflvhlll . 0-II-N-'W"h-5h ‘as ‘ ‘.-riani.‘.u In. ouuuu :nu'IB- ‘ thnbct .. flenbm-3. Ins ~vII=I I ‘C35 - 34 - i Ithcu-Q3. " - Ila Vdnn nae Blah lure Inn-b acnolttlitl NI- fiy, 3.1 flgp. Ihrvq Yfiq Cat In ‘L ‘g n__J*. “ .“ '.-n, o l '. a l-niudflbflfi .“ ‘.u“u'w1-E" Old I I all . ""I*J'*"‘-3'-.i;_".¢“f."* ''’'''I wanna. m in mm tut week on 3- _ om. Paddb ac angina. Anabel, vi--E ‘ ' iv .ufi_ ' snot. . - Jd in Icxico 1'bnn¢ny._ ;' A ‘ __ _ ;. ,'‘.““#‘”'I‘ V‘ ‘um “i Ir. and In. R. A. Jflllfltl and bush» _ Iiu Nadine 31:1! 0! Hnlbville spent the: fi _ ~ — ' .5; '6 J“. _. ‘h_,uc. Ola: , -isgua In. Pain! mpg in: -at-can viii in. nu... g "2'.’ mg.‘ kn ‘oi, ‘Diva . ~ Ila an in! His Jonas; Q; ' 1 lbs B;l_b; tad Kstlm loan: can torus next Irish: for a can In K|rhv|I|¢.' » ..:";..'- ° “"*' ":'.::"‘.':: “W . ,....°°"°~*.. =- --. H-eh -w - :-...‘’m'::... .. ‘:..:'. '::.'.‘:;.*.*:::te . ' I an .1. T. (‘Annie 6. C. Young. sud F‘. 2. ‘"1, . . _ 9 ucnfla ..‘ ‘tn. P": Eliytfiefld wet: in llfilgxflflt Int rock on flown-d Hulcn of 81. Louif event Friday; V in run w"m¢u-i-:h...- parlor "““"""' . “ . '“" ‘W ''".*m- "- "4 In K 3- ‘ ' ‘all’. 0' ‘urn!’ ‘£01 ‘In. Ton .Rur‘sn- lonely-n. P. I. Gill» Huleu. . hurdfluolu Nu haiku hen. h-ri!"‘h‘ ."° """‘7 """'"“' '“."' ." ""'- "'- s’‘'‘” 3’"'‘3''‘''' "' 9°‘. ’ ‘. ‘L l‘'“. Hlavllnx. and IAN: Frunccu Sunpich I-I Ioinc: are the yuan of her parents. Ir.» 7 w new--n an-ta-my ur. ..a*‘"'‘'’'' i"‘ ‘ ' "rt 1-00“ "via 5* n C...‘ an‘. '3. 0;.’ I‘. Irv. like llcrn was given 0 ui-ah :1. Lac, 5., g . 13" " ‘B’ 3-59 50!’! with her grandfather John 6cxlon.' his. I c. c C C‘ 3"‘, "4 "“h °!. Iiu Inn Iauiac Souk. ‘lime uuudint I. it of Park were (not; Th rad: " V‘: ‘" 1|” ' "' u” i"- thr tho-or _v¢n- ‘Uh-an 81:. Altdl and (Ir. and In. C. P. . u ,1 ‘"1 um -C ‘at’ ‘Rial: Ra hm. Ilrs. 1' 1 Lunch. In. R. In. J u_ rm... 5.” '5... gm. ‘ l'.lI‘if3..I.iDlllIHIIC§|aQl>¢5-':::9“n‘ “n'Na"us‘m " ”‘ 'b"h““'‘"°''"'‘ —"“*""°' c In. wimun Nlehdo. nu Ir. N ’ T‘ ____._§ ‘:‘°° L ,_ _ ‘ riot the benefit of “it '"'_ ‘tn ‘H. {L C . rs. B4.-use Pin: and dnuétn. Virginia _4 s....i..i....a. '5 ~. _ McBame "°":,, '§",;_" "" °"""' ’°"" < V . - to t r house a ulnol. 111.. Th . ' in main. Intact! a-an-T 3... 3., g i u, 5,, June the ol J1 Clv. ulurnd‘ Ewen Eduard: bought a -an aunrdny. 5... 1. non.” 3. ' ' r nffi’ I Vh:‘tt‘.tbP his 0! Inu Elouhcu‘, Wad Columbia vhihd , “uh, “wt . ‘at. C '. -can. . an-e. i .4. as I -~ _ . III! in ion dated uurrhcend-5 Xian Anna Elfin and Vi:-sink Jacob —- — iintzclupc. tuindtiul of the on gu-ell: Ila: lnylne . H 3 ill‘ . _ suntan am this use-o1.y Kn. sense nu-nun and _ ' ol _ .'Iu.‘lol?1‘I 1&7. ' 9. ‘R fldm‘ ‘L ‘fliuu. ‘Rh ‘ ' M f ; on VH9 sound in ct P‘I'InI:Ii:.aQ— In: Ballard mppa two curbed: at on. . _ f in: man. when my mu ninth: and g to National Stock _Yu-uh. Lu: 3; book. will greatly interest both women and men students , 5 - r and In tie. and can ' I-. J. 3. may Inn! to St. 1...». an. . who will soon be leavin lurn ia. 5 ' Ifi Prluflvond tamiIy"f:!I?firyloruhl-rr1rbi1wli.hIr.andIr-. . 8 CO b ; t:(-'.'h::,,\»-‘.D¢;nx"°mbc ‘tuddmphk , ‘dverti ’ ‘ ..—. .' . . I: r . Rd by 5. r. Duly near nfllltndlk.‘ an. “"8 T 59' Our prices are surprisingly low as you will agree fa . ' Ll CVUIMIQ. . ' um. 4 use-p-ch um ind '93’.-.-'“""*,,vInx can: e-pin:-I by an mfllt It 18 good for when you have seen the Smart Styles and Excellent qr ” - hm-nus above: ‘"0! Inc! bridge club. a 3. . on suiiond here at pecial SA 1. ._L Quality, we are offering. one admission to *lIq—nu at not ""— Puudlq oerrfi wli he held at the ff II-aunt can by . s.j ha 0! filth 8 inc III] and fiflhtg. Sands)‘ xhwlvmhhflfiuldunomixatloi -FOR SALE i 1923 Mode! Dodge rouister. Siik.HOSlERY in the new shldes. «IDAHO» ] \ H A on ( . _‘ , - i ‘; :- :\ '. (~ -7 , , — - 5 = :. _. fi :- _ , .. - 2 " "-I — {-3 .'. -: .- |'.~ -; 0 f .. ‘ “ '-, .1 u-”.‘““_ "M. While They Last _ 4 .- ‘I I 2 ' 1 4 Students« * V ’- 1 ' ‘ .. ~ a " , ‘-2 The Advance Showing of Beautiful New Fall Styles I P K 1 I ‘ ~ 4 I .! I ,6 ' ‘ B I ‘ .1 _ - g . __ ‘lalvhflululsnb Banqluchvhiutlhi-bun: .. .,.,.‘oc1_~.&'. G“-R m“““_nm__~_¢ I-‘iirstclasslnechaniulctndb . . ' .- : ' ~ ' ‘ v I . . . _;‘*‘-fill» £11-fills!!!-'l..I'.'I:In -an-mm. cmn.§',;_"'".‘":’_“.:“’“;;_.°;";~”°“;_:{‘ ‘N’ 4 . g r . , . .7 _ _ I jfl’, _ '. N u.‘ x ' ' like . . —Inl Alenuduuloenl -cabal. was in ,m"""""“, .:"‘{""""‘ ""' ‘”" Automobile - 1 , A ‘ .- ..'fNl'iutvuufl¢-vIIooIIdd W m...“ 3.‘. « _, ‘_ A‘ _ J1 _ ' . -‘ , . . . . .”"~u_w_u. un'tLy-toné‘" .‘ W m“ N“ _”,__.HH__ ,___“m 83:,’ C‘ rd . _____ , . V j FIgure1N0W upon, your FQOTWQAR REQUIRE. . an-nah I-uinu.xu. Chute A '°' “"' ' "‘ 1°’ ""“‘ "“" W C‘ &'kk'”"'ulL“ Jul w . ‘ ‘ ' * . ‘ .-‘ « In N "h.“gh-innocuous bcchonotornonc Mourars _‘ y’ Y -' ft!‘ the Fall-Sdaon. - .‘¢-llflfili-'mX.iDl.t3¢OOt.|....n;_h,. °"""‘ ““"" ti-onurv-ntl-sin-uover-%|°n~ ‘1''''- . ' ' ‘ ' .' . .. , 0-'-I-5-7. Inn Inlhdn Brunt Vila: “'*—.— A - . . - * U‘ «'iI'b$._:£flcn-unIC:t...._. !---+. M +.——— ‘ e v ~ “ i ‘uN'. .‘ flldriuhns nun-nu‘ ‘ ‘-' v"-‘FIJI-Ifilfvfitnuavhitulclcruncltt. i . ' - .{-.§_ w -‘ » ; I:.s-lIn.8.l.‘Dhnthn » = ,. -- v _,..s_.; = Iillltdau-ioluinodurastnrtauyhurc, r 4 - _ 3' g. 3. “E i: . “LII _ It-_-I Uufl win. mi-is lb::h:.-and In. 1-. c. ~‘ ' V A , ,. ‘ ~; ‘ V Icahsrennovcr -" ‘ -....-.....,_e...i..o....i ... .. um ......... ......--A»-.. .» an eo e ~ I-‘Or ciultcflln. o.:eI=uuu-uu~m-fly‘! _ _ - ~ =‘sfl;,' uuufatiuaininaii-i-3 j ‘ll ,'nlo,Ocnh¢entnmkuI'nr.< _ i., /.»a- - ad.‘-at & &&ll ‘ ‘ o o o 4_ V _ , '. , . .....>:.... ... .. ....... --° ----~~- ‘. J Are Visiting i_ MID-SU ER ‘E invite you to eome in and look over the values we are offering. L‘ -, fr . . L__ (1 f’ 1‘. . * 1 .. E‘- ‘i‘ . A3- .L_ to — ’ W _ Straw Hats- ’ - " H8iI'¢!|orf|oweredina L3 H £3‘ ,, :3 “day or,coh!_‘ and pa. o on all straw hats. : ‘“”"" "‘ '1?‘ ' 75¢ ' . '; _-_1'.‘__ ~“li'.”.i . Special lot or shirts at ~‘... 2 , V; . L V . «‘ ff . .' ‘L’ , 3 ' .980 d 31.48. 9;: T - i . ‘ om . ere; J‘.'''‘''‘'........'' In: i « i and fancy. _ e.~-"' . ,2 Overalls 1-tau-1, '!|°.¢»-[I-V! ‘: ‘E; _ ;'-‘ . p ,‘ ,;_E_- V 2 1“? $6.50 o \»=~ _ ' . " . -S 00,0: 30x3 I-2/Buck eye fabrics . . $7.50 30x31 Buckeye Stand- ard size cord cools é9x4.40 Remington bal-’ loons, fit Fords. Chev- . rolets, Overland, . ta . r¢;00OoooQ‘p Clearance Sale 1 for Boys e . Special T Lot of Boys‘ Blouseg, an sizgs ‘ ' 70c,,3 for . . . 1 $2 Special ‘Lot of Boys’ Blouses, an size $150, $3, $2.50 Value.s—-f85c, 3 for" .. $2.50‘ Boys Kn'n:ker Suits . . 25 per cent off ' Regulmf line-fBuy'ht's school suit now 0. 6 i-fO1’ ii Auwaimnaisaqastriwoiiais . .. V. %prioc -I 0‘, , /. . I, >->- " ' . I 9 '» ‘ . . g ' ‘ Ya“? ' .. -1s:‘.'-‘-TL: . .._g-_.‘ 3“ ; Tire i Prices ‘ %Steadil‘y% A’ Advancing. “ Buy NOW {Atniese Rfifmarkably