_ __, . , ._ ,..‘_,‘-.~_ I;,,...—_—.; ‘ 4_ _ .V - .v. p 9.9 x . ~. gag‘, _ . _- ,..s§.p 4,. ._« , . s .- ’ t.‘ ‘ ‘V- '- ‘ '- i ii -' -V: ‘ A .. .~ ' _ - ‘ - ~ . :. .--- 0-‘- - _ V . ~ . — » I . V {:::‘.’-'.‘.‘.‘I.-'vz°.:'.='-‘ it-"‘-'t.-"~'--°.-:=' ~‘. °- '.’ _- * .-~' 4 5 ' ,- .' 3 ~ .' "‘ ‘ . v ' .' ' -- O.!"‘..:O.o '.".,§’.oz.u..- 0’! '_" 00 o ' 2*» ‘ ‘ .- . -. I » * . ‘ I . I - . .- --.1‘ .-.;:~..v:-:-1-.-:~..~;.-=-:1-4-:. - 0 0 .'¢-'.’ -°a~ 'o0o'oo'o "9' .0 '.‘oo‘o :00! , . 's.¢‘ °' ’ «iv .2 o'.- - .-. - --~ . _ . :';O_. ..o_. :2-, . .1. to '\ .3 . . 0 oz. 1 ’ o I is . P a 9’ . . Q . g O4 . 0. C ' 0‘ 5%" "-'° - ' «an I a o’ o " ' ~ ;-. -“‘- o ‘ v v ' ' ’ ' . l -;w:‘<>;t‘=- “‘¥,‘i.!‘{ls , U .3 ‘g V ll ‘Ill’-I“l:\" NIH In. ‘-. Hi I _- 7-.- illr _ l».l|\\W.m -RANCH ‘AUTHOR ..-- ..-...a....._.._.- “THE alov.ulls1",'. vns , as as low A It sruoit, essays Present Philosophical M ‘ii‘“‘;possnhsinoi viii?"-Tl» or LIFE IN AFRICA ;* o .3 ‘. r ' ' ' i ' ' l ‘New Book Has Plot WIIh.* . Studies of dents and Lives IS TOLD IN NOVEL ____ ,__._ -, ‘trite hi}? and ‘ ' .. . I. ‘ I , . " _ I _‘_A 3 - ' . V_ Fort)‘-seven . “Se-lectd Titodern; Chestq-ton’: essay on the double «gents p1”.K,Ou,,dvv i, . dnmuic : .;. ' ‘go A B_ -' “J ' Essa ," whateter plan of the French and Eng- tme go, . d,.,,mm. “or,-_ Eva, "g '3'” ,dk"‘y h lection. assuredly ma pleasurahlefllsh ls actly drawn. One has the binding am” 8 “bu, mu, While 3“"5’ -In 1 ‘$013319? 03}. and informative ' They are i no doubt that he is right in all .,“,e_ Bound in-black doth wig, ti- 1‘ ' , ,"° In firm-Ne mixture 01' ’-3he.thiIIl=Ir- radius this five tle and author outlined in white °"°"' ""3 '5 °‘’°’‘i''‘“’‘"‘‘ ’" "“" ties and places. of ramblings andépaze . 3 weather, the fir-st group leading inf On in ‘ _'ve subjects. W. .8. number. lfthe reader prefers philo-I Harlan’: ‘ lnphire Gatherer" ' i ‘ d.and “Her 0wn"Y§llaze” re unex- em in this col-‘ One mm! :exclairn "again and On. or if he cares parti 3', It his_ability"to capture enn- for essays of mood. they are here? also. ‘ v , to‘ fleet ‘A’ -I-‘arewe to Fleet against it, is told the true contents‘ of the book. the white trades life among the blacks of Africa. “White Cargo.” the play which has bu-n so successful, is based ;on this novel. 1 im’~‘“°. 1°’ ‘he Pri"'i A young Englishman of noblel‘ A ‘ ,, ébirth who wished to enter trade is‘ s"°°" ’ ithe leading character of i ,, _ the story. Swen’ bi lie enthusiastic and full of life‘ ystery. story it professes to be, this latasgi book of John Jay Chichestefs falldf rlther flat l. The plot is simple. An ambitious. x .Ibut unscrupulous young New Yorki lawyer. lately from ills of ]New Hampshire. marries his rich} lclient, and is given a decided pro-= Wmotion in the firm. the salary be-3 . "‘ ‘ :_’_ ,.s V 4 -4 Mr. Milford in 'th ‘ E 5 selected i essays .ish writer-s— .; v .c.}"m;-u,y_ ad”); . chug‘,-;on_ _ W. Nevinson, is efieetively 1".-, h h , t the‘ -link paid out of his wife's income.c Bégg-b¢},nj_ 3g]°¢__,.§om..d__u,,t51 felt hecsue of returns: ::lt(1c\:;‘;%(r,:-ca: ‘:25: :o:s:r]£o¢:’n‘“.b¢re1 ‘ E? Then came. a message t at e: ‘ .thirt)'~'three are repisaqltig. 'I1ie;.t° the It¢':e1 after? he 5. ,0 “.0, . ;. .lcnlr1\3;e refills !' ,‘.. _ ,'_ m xv‘: n,‘ ‘.'o'. A4 -49‘ o _. . - : W s . use-um o’-‘t'»-o’'as - I - I. -’.“ I N be’ o,.f“L‘.;..‘:§:‘.."' s‘£.:““‘.....'°°.;‘;‘;‘f.o‘.‘.i W» W or mil-w one material. Founegn . ~ -«I ' ‘are all the -- . " l Salrles marries She n . . - . V 3". -'- -'- ._ «. -ragemlunrrle beasts are everywhere! . n familiar personazes . ~ _-..:_,.?;-.J«,:_ H and the bush is d,mp ma sun“. 4 ' unlucltlly proceeds to get we . and -f1'h.M‘_ ,- J . J '- i~ i -- - ‘ Q .N h. _ . _ _ complications ens ,_ ooh," “Carlyle,” «Q. » «Dick ’- dose. _ . as road as die-?"_ Then‘m(;u:a1::ssma§u::ingd0:dt:‘;::‘n;e§ _,,__ There is all the usual detective! on.‘ gum, of 9-5 cgfltynun’-v be hes in hurrying detail what} can master‘ the simfiom but whmf I tor)’, l.!’lCl(8l")"-—-E lonely country 1‘ V "*3"-" "The POW?!“ 07 ‘i hem‘ ind” rah i‘ "Ye" " wiblthc girl to whomhe was en . - .. _ » - _, _ cased szholar. and no two are treated in V §'°”‘I' "5 wk ‘'5 girl England jilts him. he break; 1”}. ‘"99 m‘"°"‘ ' ' . lder the strain. Throwing conven- Vera Siontoa. who wrote. ,3 “Bell's Plmrround." _l'ich wife's dissolute brother. hloclel * mail, the stupid, loud-voiced coon-l. ‘A Portrait” "fittest. sown“ Bent maugdemn ‘ ; tions and ideals to the wind, he takes Defends "3" °°"5um°' "id the “mgly mallet nth , s o - . . . I ‘"1" Gmomyoa «A : shortas‘ ‘nd ‘lost impressxiife It U the iii‘? Of “'18 8V9T3Z¢ white 1. _r diet?!’ .\OUnK YEP . t P . . .. trader in the country. A ‘enae b""“‘“"""m empmfic P1“ for 11}, who conducts hlmse f in a , \ otrtrnit” is one of the "most vividly A link 0 10 Written. His subject is a man of‘but moat poefically uses a Chinese 30 whose essential quality is equa-‘ pg-avg-5 nimity. and keeping clear, holonoodl ‘gm blended. and yet distinct the charac-l thology teristlcs of this man “of the chin! chain, )1}; and jaw. a man :5! action and tenac~§ . C - - , hilzhlv journalistic manner, and un.-‘ ' The play of his emotions is pow-l _ I’ th ‘h 1 _ t .m ..Lut, no ‘fin. .d d I . ‘ ' ‘ rases e uoe mysery my PC‘ for as *'*s"'=- . I:-.:.:. ';‘?.::':::..*';..;';; *;:.::.::v*r“~;“‘..*"..E.“*::"d.:* W2“ glam" ". “'9 “mil ‘".“‘ his love is bestowed is laid bare ibis] ' ocl ii ‘bu l:m'- 3:3 Romm 13- "Th" B“"’“i“" "Wt ‘°°°°°d i" ' fisurrlidthe Worldsynie Gabonajn woman who “"":cD(‘:;l:i”" 9" °°"' ' 'S.=pite of triteness of theme and lo says.“'.lhe. , _, b°°°m_ ; '._ . 3. .‘ . present aelxtion is from writers h" ""5l!‘€=s Is as much to him. 83- Seemingly an intimate frzcnd of 'em'":' if the “amt Md broufln lure than tw pages ,, Y’: the term of office of the LR’)? Gov- IV a f QUICK, s'i.§'IzVI3 Ywoiiw LITE‘RATL'1?E GIVEN - . . . . .- ' - . . - r . . . _ . to it an-freshness of treatment. 3;» :3 1;; mgggffiiggzgumugfimtztyogfis Icient:1r}'.1ffgmiin_hmB;fnfh:,f°,;e:si:;3d;:il:: :3; ;§j;;;';';gf"o';*“;;;~ 3; j;g;;';;su: insteild. it t. . more thanusual-; IN ‘LION IN HIS DE; 7' somlitynlo a work of art. Gals-l (-s.;.,¢,d ‘Odin’; ‘E 5: "5' b ‘revealed, in a fit of wild anger. be out he held else. ".1 ._.,,¢.....,,., m.':~‘ 53"“ *8“ 5° W ‘*5 “W 5‘ . fr . I "0 I a way of showing hisl Humphrey Miuord 0If;Pd’:J"niver.‘ h“ uh" fl°3K“d~ ipoint out that the accusations °°m“’m° ' “The Lion in “'5 Den" was Wm‘ ' jumiuzjnghgjfgghfion u,the.n‘ti‘it’ Pi‘. Branch New. The flogging lads to a ‘murder: brought ‘tuna him n .de(_tion l""l'he Bigamist." by John Jay: ten bit gr. 1.3-on Ila:-old llough. of the unive:-use ' - »y.,,., 5,“ ' I by tut» Gabonaise of a member of_ time’ were {also mg m~,,5,_ ‘Chichester, Chelsea House.) pastor of the Ct-nmd filethodm ..__... ; Church in Detroit. The “Lion" first qappeared in the Clmstiun Century ‘to which Dr. llough is n contribut- . ing editor. T It is a small book but contains {fifty-three chapters which will in- ! ldictate the brevity of the dialogues. lthe tribe of Ouroungoes. Th —7-_-——-—'—': '. tive law is “blood for blood." .-:-—-—-— .-- e na-; Reviewing his part in the forma- “"“""—*--—r- The-.ti ftheLaboP - d SURPLUS OF BEROISM 3‘ true nature of the man is shown niziplhrty she poirits ::l.}tl1‘:t he viii; ‘ ‘ DETBACT8 FROM ‘THE i""l‘°" he Protects the woman evenlthe one man for the job when the: FURNACE,” BY l_h°UKl1"disvm'ery will cost him hisi part came to power. Her chm-ac-; or much , . I 9- '_ ;terir.a'nof.themanisst1'il.‘ locatmt lwhi h 'Charles “E. Perkins. a pioneer in ”'“PT“'“"“i’i° W‘ “‘‘‘'‘U“‘ 0f ' the railroad building of the West, Teqclwd *0 90"“? W“ imm mg. Yllllrnéltir this . M“ which 9,‘, builders of the raj]- would have ‘been t-‘rraninjzf " lads faced in their early work. 11 !1U_mb¢-r of ll‘-(l('l¥(‘I':(lr?'.'. gm _ Histor)' as written. appears to g‘#rd'"‘~' "*"'h “lb” “" ’“"’"' *- ' f ' commurlities. .. 7‘ be 0 d of dates of wars and , . . ., tie ‘otrecrtillers which is of set‘- ‘ yum.“ Mu‘ in . " th _.d . central propuslllcl: ll(-.~,d¢. ‘* 0ndarycLmp::}:r:ceim‘°pOvc:i8L:!dGit: the ' czlu.~;c- of its (in M -’ to as -ell an the van uished nummng» [hp “W I ‘tic Prlfd the“ Iflieas of theq world‘ written to call 1l'.'.tllllDll t." ‘e op pro . . _ _ __ , . - - and would be referred to as dis_ grtat dutlcpmeut pfnllou-1:!‘ ' nstroilc occurrence: to be avoided. location of the mflwnds if The discovery cf America is a no- wenem cminhi-"' “‘h'°l' "'”"'f t ble c-‘vent ih hll' 01' “OM83!!! Th9_0Dl)' Nl\'€l‘8e criticism to the?‘ preciation in various magazines and V Lovely ethereal ladies who ed the ' I trupapn course. he”:-eoeiv all the medglg ofient S;?;::rh’ dt °Sc£°l:l‘i"'“1_lI3i “The New‘? “Id Hi-8 Song“, b',of Shanganagh. ,book is that the writer must en-; newspapers, now collected in this only in men's memories, or flat; ‘at ‘ I“ b . ‘ma _ H‘. .1 an by any country for b“‘u.y, Fun“: "fly Brigsii Isle: 3323-; Quad w_ odum .3-d guy 3 John)“ 3 airlndeli-‘aye }:.heu’comp;1r(l;;“ of the ‘ \-olsumfi. _ fiacross the cam-gs of imagination for z; 183*?’ 'u1jg' '~ '|;¢- ..,. ' ' . v v ' _ l 73' C 3P 7.31‘ R703’! ' list ' _' vf , been. He; colonel-the yaungeitndof thee entir: aspecnd illljrmi 23% :3 il.ull‘abicb:o kotofmfmfouiighft ‘$123 IVRITINGS ON LA TIN wur" °f ii" T”‘°°"”- neceuscisityim ll‘€?l)(l)r£:" ;:lldfi!nhi5t'0T?Ci:h'oEr":lom\fl’l1:)'[ll dis: Ifiurflfluxt ~3'“€N alike mlnner. The zirlilrrny. h - .l " . » I For a quick survey of literature’ interest. CW-‘H at this Girl!’ 818:! illimosphere. of" light. color scent. as I’-in ‘ ins - ti . . ', V _ 85 59911 jllaccd In fie hall. It ll;,81’0- . _ . ; - 'and a rs th book i ii I. d‘d,:the career f Mr. Coolidge. It is ' ‘ ' . ' i. 1”“ by how mo '°" flaciwtmm V: itge Ilnztefi. yIl(:\,"€dl'l£lii:lell€!lt otta I-‘sate: rail- “The E???‘ "tlh 3" “M100 1;‘; ITS BRIGHT FUTURE ; it could almost ebe csllcdsaflhilliioig-‘ hook that older)’ “l"‘i'"‘ °‘ ml. an:lf:nxft‘::j,:|e;;£.h:lt:,:',;s' “high 1,1, . fog E 5“ » ‘ , , _ ind“. 8 3 PIC tare e cit)’ '3'“ ,0 ¢' M-‘tro as ‘cl _______-_ .3-3 hy, fog reforenc ' m d to on every student of present-day poli-V - ' ' - .. . -is contrasted will 4:: Br::ri!so‘ri‘8tseex.clng<‘i'renpom:‘ov‘lI-it'l’;1thhu1e of Car“-Son“. C upmuu hymen "' _"’f’"‘5 n“‘l n America will be the out-l kinds of books. Nol sill offitheo chap- I tics will find of interest. despite its5:c.::e:,0$s 21-“ Jxlbgoifier .. “*9” 6”“ *9“ “"9 ht“? Vin! betore th "war he ll5‘I’il"bee W cm Acconimg 3° w° 3- C°“ln8- Rf-1'".""” "”t'°"‘ °f ’°“3'°“’~‘ ‘°“¢- standing land of the twentieth cen- ters have been published in 'I'helf€f"¢MJ5' ¢"‘l'“'i“u° “’”" ‘W min arland of ftlames. h th s "‘~ -930 llfl. no the reader has g-fig;-kejfin the mi ” mm!’ Hence ll _an. much interest Ilaslh“ °“¢3’Yday social songs. 895. ' itury, says 1'. Browning. in “New Christian Century. Some of them Sliltht Peculilfitiefi of “Fit 7.3.‘:-let ghmd" ' er mm ’ .‘ giving from “c hzinnin‘, mm‘ A 3°“ ‘nu ndwlnadok h_ _ been shown in the exhibit and peo-l"°"l‘ “mt! are reproduced in the‘D.}., in Law, Amelia.» ‘ad wm1e'.pp¢.; go, the fin; gm, 5,, -9.15; (Have Faith in Calvin Coolldge.5' .' ‘. . . . . outta be a lour; hen-..._ . rk " P°“' Pie are already planning on trips 5°“ 5°“ 8' ‘hf? 8" 8111,12 8 his book i. wfifign prim"-ny 1,-om boo . lb)’ Thomas T. Johnson. Christoph-j 0" ?°°"l.“' “”"'““° md‘ °f,I _Tm'h‘ku~ thnndn‘ in“ the II. wo er came for non gunjgnep-_ The who], u, are which should form Ql‘ religion‘ sundpoint it is none’ (“The Lion in m. Den» b 9, let Publishing House, M) '$ltus. ls his manner of sudden. (or theclose . A of Gene tohwitn m thenlperuin him! is to- nimuiue t'"°l l" °°"' n.°“bl° °°“tfib"ti°" l‘° we ‘.‘t“d5' °f the less interesting 'as a social; Lynn Harold Hooch Ahsocihtlonl ‘‘ _- 6 __ iwwhuon and we ‘wry i‘ not; _ 1‘. wen” 0 the dit ' mu“, uucolm. was 0 5’ new nectlon with university education.-literature. folk nss,-cholomn land: d economic study Apr“. 3" Mufimn Av me New? , gtrue. ind that he has been lau_gh:;?:- we cum‘ “chad ‘mm of W‘ ‘M ‘mm to izll in love wth A list _ been posted in the hall sociolorv. . To Vmh Amman‘! the ‘mum’ ,.°,k'Cm,.) A '‘ ' ‘ DUTDOES FICTI0N.rinc _-t “*9 M5" *1‘ ‘hi’ ““.‘° ‘°C7;-. y 12:13., ggbw u n :°‘;uu were wu ‘ gal tie andt the llteratuzle imihe zltthors subordinst]ed,1mdg‘om_h hi“ ‘I r to be ..__......._._ . _ ‘ . irelililfllt s‘obeea§‘rl3,«. 01011119‘ battle: :19 gm 1.; an,” _ . ‘i n e or a-_ wo-day pcri ,* rpre ion an eory to ans y-: ' "'j""“' . WWI on be In on, ‘ 0 . 0.‘ strike of the steel workers. al-‘Each boom,‘ i, nm‘be,.ed “d an “I “d u of presemntiowbackgrounds for yellow fever. dense TS F 1 .ln.the boolc, su-gnggr than FlC"finishflI on the plane of fi_ . -flu , ‘ -- ruin‘ 'dum'mm‘u (o;;”:heSt""’°n! bebtolfiainai is the sdrune manner as of the songs The result, then, is 3"o':gl”’M:':: gokpikmnrjge b?';°:;° E V iugnrz b’;'i?;;_‘ ffmJ:°'J:;_h:°h;:,;:diculous. . . . . ~ ~' .,,..1 1”“ .. W‘: .s ' to .Coll’ . t on] -' ' ' 1 ° , - l b!thl:o i:wmlfighv ant he _."‘dR “ ”°°:l°“ W "Y F cc-“—-0----or mg T, H“ hilt a vllorlt whl‘c‘h otiffersgrzi wglrtll. '£""’°d ant. Ame B ' e-"H"; um"! t° we gnu“ 4:’ ‘wliifm:icca’lI?iceal'l-JKi1¢y0tl’l:rn“(sl:li(;fh—tildl ;5.....,, ,,,,u,,,, m dam d the . “rota: nan: rench Sketches Please or ma 1 to the student of tho.-l :30‘ ‘;“"’:;’ Y "3 2‘ F?" _-————- to ‘f "; '."" ".‘d°"n;" “ """‘ ""lstot-loo in this Mum,’ oum shown» Thesulering the ' ' ‘ e was -——-——— - MIN d race re ion ° ’ i m '3 ‘me 6 75? ‘#391110! .07 ll»h1€l’»5¢8 1071:: n’ ‘t 3‘ "Gig: . aumn" “'5 dorata.” the story of a man who ’ andfiher ova-‘gheugugg-9 of as soon the I .| ."I'he Wonderful Voyage of Little The tolume will be 1’ 5 came a science {and like alllmr «fin m‘ _ A wave ,.omu,t5c drums ‘bw,_"‘ .°" 3 d‘°"' 3 ‘l|n*- Thu’ Ilillthistllosition with the steel Pl€’N"isacharminz book of tran.s- abound in ptradoxes and con °u"*"' '°'"‘°°‘ we” i’ §l"‘V' ‘°"‘°‘i mm mu npivhiuofic unidead wife who was very mod! - “V” 3'“ 5° 3?" Fouwe oldie new team.‘ he did not “““t”? "W" the French. These tions. The songs are not alike: the P ““"‘ ."°""°"‘°"""""" "“ ‘*°°“' mm- W hpmoimed M‘ mi‘ ~°‘lolm-- the ‘indescribable “rho Pris- ; gut;-‘g't_gh.t bfi. ‘uh. wk’ mm stories are unusual in thatthey pm. dialect is consistent. There are mm “I”dl‘'‘d‘“l ‘"5 K3“ ‘all?’-59" 55' mcoiunm‘ t '3 ewe. ot 9" J°'"'h‘ ' an n » I . ~ - I — - . -.» N T POI! toward its ' . 3 C S“, - survival from pre-historic times tol°°“" °‘ ‘ S“-; P°’l“i" ‘""“"" , .0! the avullerio thelaat. “*3 4- l I¢!'Ve the French phrasing and lyncs of power and appeal, and - - 93'. mm)’ new and - . but the mo . Wu 1 (“lfin sung otuj 8' 3, ' ' subtleties of e ression a there _ . tel-estlng gtngles are given for the the p'°“nt d‘y‘ ‘ - . ‘n 1"‘ gnaw.’ “ Sheik. ll! flhus Gene and XP _ to re- are verses sor , , , .. ‘ k -,l . __ t in go mnhble dc . —- tn; of”, k‘ Dates and details are sparingly i’“‘¢‘"‘‘'°’'o 3'14 The DOC!’ D9‘ , . Hill. finalhlaynsrd 5 Com ma‘ gm, hue“! . tree. It is a transla- are ballads 1:! worth 03 8 NM‘ It .. m . . ‘, , snees but the boo; oodi‘, tsoo in which one oootlnuony rod. and diliointed. iooooseqneotlol lines two-fold mm of ' "7 ,,°,,"',,,,°'t,',':°‘ ” "’"'"°" W’ iilwrlroi ofAilI:i)uured"llu‘ilu.:!e:g ‘ 1.7;»-_ HA8 i" ‘ ha’ ~"’°"h"’ 75*“ so tlifiatunol: sue? buthegfwé 1, ugh‘ The" i‘ “mm "5! the “Gk: T° numme H" ‘"5 '5' '°‘‘’‘ "3 11,, efipuxrwzmxiomiu tiny. it should ‘not ybe “The - I’? 4-Q ' ‘ o ‘ A ‘ :h.e:h'&u‘t ‘“°°.1llo50ldl wt e y . moi-W. "mm fluid‘ flonxndc ha. is on those basic 189'.’ Princes e Sun." - A - I;-I . . . . -- D“ '.u..,,,..,. ("Purple and Fine “'0mt'n," by 1 - toexplaiathe unique Edtnr ,Saltns. Pascal Covici, Chi- , ‘ present psychology cago.) ' ? 1 0”’! J ' um, --u,., srxra 11.1‘. MEET uovrzo . ?~- " criastohetolll ‘ ' “ t ~~ . A fan °" Ilethodist ‘aplooooorcl. h 1 helovoddanxhtsrtsahout guy I Idnzto and , fifth-SON» ;- ‘° m.,.,dd““.' toConu.-aeatchllllcothet ‘cw wild adventure and 313- 9’ um“ ‘ :_‘-- .: Jewishpsopleisa1~onlaaoe;the_1°9“l 813081 inertia: of the His- ;._ . ‘ cl. gag; mm“; in 3,, Ionri Conference of llethodilfé I ,4» —. ; . .- EPil¢0PIl' chonlt. Sou . will be - -I mated maps, 130“. bet_lnning:Sept. 9.: . v ::.s:gza::-:;£zs::t:. Fayette. where originally )3, l‘wIt“su‘pposed‘ to convene. *Biabo . V -.'.