C . - ' _ .' ’ ' ' ." '- --‘ ‘...“ 2-XIV. a"," 0 .'1‘:--<';'»V';'.',.:‘;.. ‘.".‘ '. - ":1_-:2-' -' - ..~.-~' ..-;=_ '» -,=..-'-~= = '» .'=- . ‘. -.. A-‘ ‘ ' >, ",‘;."e_A_ , ’ .\ ~‘’r v.. 3 '5 -." 3) -.. { .. _ I, . I V -1' W._-. rv.“. e l 0 __ §_ - A. , ,..—i,, ...e_. :4," ~.':«.' av; v.rrv*+'§.v><~!*.' « ‘no... .. . 1H!. 5 " r - '." ‘.'-S‘. ." ‘ .'-'. . 'u"'—“’ 4 ';‘.:‘l‘’ ‘V-''.'- ' ‘.- '.' ‘ : I 1 l,‘ ' - 5 . . . - , 4 4’ . .. ~ - ‘-. - . - .- . ' ~. - 1 - i ' . ‘ l -‘ “-‘*‘‘ ’ ‘I r,, _ .. _‘ 5.! _‘ ‘f, T ‘I ..,i Z-“.;_' _V fif“ . ..‘ ..‘4.- I 9;‘ fl . . V‘ . . . -. 3 . ~ . . . - :_ - ,. _ ‘e ' . . . . ;- 0.. . A . ‘ ~ - - .- e . ' ‘h , , ' _ '. ' O . e .; ‘ . . '1. f ' 3 , . . \_‘g‘,_ ,. 7 . I. . 9,. ‘(‘ ‘ Y J ‘ V 07 . .‘ ll; _- ' ."'.«,.~i"..'§‘° "" " "i Hg’ ~ -..:.L..... ~;..; e ' - "'. ~ V « -4 ‘ ‘ 4 _ _, _ ,_,, , a._ ._,.e 7, , e _ ._..._. A .__- - ._.A....—.—~—j——o—o , - _ ¢- -_ 2 '.‘ "‘ Y‘ ‘ .Y'- .1 ‘"7’ -' ~’ ;‘ . ' ' : tin“ -onceiheeaptuioie‘g:uasea-pig-c.5.5o:eanneu,uideuueu.s2.soo~ ‘ r -I.‘_ . vlVFl“£!|tIe ll! '7. vfignx h an“ 8”: “JV”. ‘}o.m ‘teeter’ * ‘E .. A . - , W‘ ‘ i . d‘. Eplfiiylndobjectlfl: Msuostibeeiv i" was R€itl3!3'-’;j5till ” ' . ‘ ' 1 . § -151.43. Union. tl.M.5_e§‘-ieedelm _. moo. J. "rg-_I,-gs .}vm.J.iut_o3nc E 2$c‘hIsl-at::h-vi. 411033 mum . l ~ ' ' ; _,,, 5 -to}... “bed .5. 3,, A . e::- 14.30; medium. eiuaouas; lblst,-e &‘:’,}'r:, $2 A zieeuozle. Btresemaim and his noy- y 816631440: light lieht-. siaiso _. in, - . =~ 7 V . _ ;alist friends vouldbe faced with '|ndo'pe'IaVista9fProlvérous‘l4.45; Jacki!‘ nous, 8l2@l2.75;., Ills» I-‘h.enuua-aosnieeicoizonie. V ----— .. : .°°mh= det-tatevorypow W» '¥'*°v';'°°1dpism 3117531425: wk. 814160 f egg egg; ' i. ii. ..i.. 95 Per Cent of People: line or Diplomacy. _ 5331!: 5i!N5" ‘°:':d""9"“,~mn. “‘ “ “-“’- - aw ‘L -15,‘, o!’a'liu'lldn fi'oII.th6Wash- Are Sfld‘ to Favor 1 1 And so we are witnessing. the wit!” uh” with! Sheep; Reed”: . '“-°'*= ”‘ "'”"" “‘*“‘° Joinin a. T ' l:‘..’:‘,::i:';‘:-. :;..’iff:£‘° .’.‘."e.f:'° f:'.t‘f.“: ends. in out «ecu--s=.iZ.m""’ ma ea‘fe.: i c ' G."n'u° ‘kw’ g e W9 'di;:iomecy to pungent theryunien er wd some day when I150 I "i“°;lambs. s12.so@i4.75. ‘ ‘ ‘ Nations. . § ‘ 3,3,, 5, taiy asset. ‘Once Anstfle were part ————— l “ . ’{ vast f gheir fenowu. ‘ of ‘ We Vi|n£Q.,b,. IT.WQULD BOTH {tens ardently “"21 to obliterate ti’: ' ' » ‘Iron ' u ' 5 5' ii ii i 4;: = as . .. . ‘ - and Near‘ East to the gates of"B.,-r. first country canned. _28@30c. ‘ 1"‘... i " ' '7 . J‘. . 7 It ‘.4 -_ If i V 0 ‘ U 0.0 .' '0 Y ‘7{ .iu . _ I ‘ I _ L y . H aim“. than In of them ffllfifhu. _' It is only in the Roman and 'l‘ra- FOl'elgn my "3; fin. flag-guygr, Gel-puny wouldyex-A Butter—.Creameiy extra. 4853c; 9* vi! ls . ! ‘. '.~L . ‘ _ ' _ _ e ‘ ' ' " ~ ‘ . l Gcljngn .conunuc to be the ‘W. lefld hf? rffltkf‘ ‘>0 WOIC Of Ju§0- :3‘ We fitfiup 5%‘ ‘_ iii" ‘ ~ b-'_ ' U " ‘ ~ . _ . ; ‘ ' ‘ 3. high‘. -~ ' d ‘ e at powfzrs nu, tr“. is “kl, for 8lI?iI_. Hungary‘ Ind Italy. 111830 . . ‘ A : *- ' of Austnan ‘ .mam. year‘ to c0ue__5-“me um meaning of &is expansion. wt:-cg Poultry-—llens, 235; tuizfieys. 29¢; . 95%. mm‘ mm Germany to recover her poffilffllflfifings, 80¢; ducks, 18¢; ~;e i in the F.orekn.o‘g:' ,0‘ the “'0 economic and military position, is-12¢; cocks, 12¢, __ _‘r _v _ countries to ‘ ‘ MB’, ‘W _ ,, , young America, 23c. _ -_ - §R'uN'_Em:°p° ' are Sooner or later. though. Austria's MARKET t-.--——-—-~e-e—--- m‘ m °°n”°a'°" “uh amalgamation witlr Germany is v » we mtaunom for ' "entity pgqt‘ ‘ ‘destined to become ‘in ‘Stave Pro claims that Germany has ii ‘ own ‘ - . — v - France . . - . (‘'3' C... 4 “'3-”" sag” 9‘ kin? tlliiber sleeve. alofllt with plen- mm" and peflup‘ '.{“.t‘ ‘The 3'“ .3! Unltd8‘!"ruI. .' Gui’. f ' «Rome tad‘, h . dfy of I -_ ct wen ed hcks “E tcrestx of both countries in the opin- S1» LOUIS. JD‘, _23__Com___ VI ‘ rm En! at C om!-1 t -arm . ' . . people and the mpital at united ;i,.,,._.;, .1” gm u,,, G,,.,,,,,,,._ *0" 9‘ °°mP:;*"*m§"f°';°o‘".°b’°"' No.. 2 white sins; July. si.o_1; 86%c- T s.’ — ~ ‘ ers. must in one ’ ‘ayunnit:¢dm‘§‘1:ui';°:’3:°: once aimed _ a seat around the another. J0 . e 81.03%; _ y ’ .n‘_-_ ,0" ‘he mu‘ in the.mind,8 of mo“ people. n€ pr°:"l’th iplgiyers. will Bnmford,s prdidiol '0ets—-No. 2 white. 46@46%c;». Goodrich 3,,” hand. {nests at 1} 35¢ cit)’ 93“ 331355 7°? "0 flliflti. in ufifzfln of N ' {waft trump In the earl)’ days after the war. M)’ '3 ‘mu’ ‘s%@‘6c' l , ~ “"3” 6”" ~ —-the ins erenoqu and the ' ' '""°" '” "‘"“" the British political publicist. Brails- Wh ~)—J0|r- 3149*: wrapped 8'81‘d¢fl"-hose. 50- twenty mm - . . liiutio seat of Catholicism. "Ia St. Pdei'‘s ’“ ‘"‘°. ‘°'‘'’.*' ."‘.”“‘°.° ‘W’ ‘‘.‘‘’>' ford. predicted that if Austria were Sept. 81-61%: Mn 81.54 . i ‘ of Dr. and Senator. Curtis. insiority leader, ;,.,..,,.d the Aim .,,4 .5. g..m.,,. W, the “jam” .‘,-man mm b" nrcpcrwrfly Justified an u-card-ng. ,m,d W W, m.°,,,;,,‘ to the con, Wheat (red)—No. 1. :i.ai@1.e3;;foot lengths, ‘ Miss Br! I._ has looked upon the Duty ca1u- ,.u,“n_ ‘ML through them’ to we uwllurut continuum. 'ud“ of ‘Anetta-German union as ii real. liv.-among find by the verume, ‘M; No. '2. $l.8l@l.63; No. 8. 8l.57@ ‘ . . fin» guests 1 "“"' " P°“““”’ """’°' °"“"" nest of the known world. buildings in the world‘ The Vatican "3‘ “.“'°‘ “’° ‘°’“‘’‘‘*‘"“ °’ "°”‘ ' St Germain treaties Vienna would 159: ‘No- 4. 81.5 1.56. V warda Mr ' ‘put 4” ' ‘ ’ 9‘. u’°»q" ‘Bill the 30!!!! 0‘ 3-041)‘ 55 30‘ residence of about Amt"-. .nd-G~"m"w "3 °v°r"become ii “desolate ' village sur- WbcIt.(hard)—N l, $l.5l@l.53; " - S WN"J-"- ‘Wd ‘ r 7 fill 3033- -‘iv 51'“ 5‘ 3 '9'? 455'‘ seven thousand i-corms, though some whelmmfiy m (“Or °{ b"".“l"‘lrounded ' v a c(‘l;1etel'}'.". Mr. N0- 2, $l.50@1.52; No. 3, $1.50; - ‘ . T Mm -3 F appointing. with its, conventional.'5.y Qleven ghounnd, cwggty mm-(3 do?" ‘bar from!” ‘."d. b°.°°"".'"" Brails'ford's ‘phase was probably .\'o. 3. $1.49. ‘ ' 1 5 A\'“‘“‘‘- 3"‘ smooth-paved, sunny streets, monot- - ‘M! mo" an t'5 hand‘,-.d ‘uh, ' "£13k -‘ate’ Pkbumu‘ m “dc ‘coined too pictumsquely, but his ---T 4 ‘ ' ' maid also 1 onfius .mt{80llel§ electric I cases. "figlwfr &f.:“;::;It;‘1::5Y:’3e3: fundamental thought has been con-, 8,‘ Unfildllr Louie Livestock. e y . rm. Clyd‘, W‘ 1,3 g,, 9 , 5 gm guy “I” “amen were ‘re “or” of arm: Popuhmm Wm“ ‘O join Ger- {ii-med. namely. that Austria today . F my N‘ that - . _ . .. _ NATIONAL STOCK mans. iu..* 4 - _. . Vgmifi like was 191. other modem °th" chmfhel thronirhont ‘"59 01¢)’. many and considers -this the u!ti- '5 E mmsh.pen ecommm mama” July 23.-—(‘Attlc—_Receiptis. 280o;.Phone M _ . 3 -' )’ 3"?‘ ttletraoeftb - . ‘-.i;'i.v . {A " . . " -*- °""'°"""°_"°““‘5' ' famed seven hills dr the mpl; and Embnffmz flier’ fin?” ma every ‘fut’ ".'!.'m°" °f “‘.“'tm” ddemuu‘ lrtic-at xi‘>gi'ct—’vim‘;c‘in¢t::i,i::rie(s),hav;’e“lr>o1e‘ei: "“_’]"~'.L 51°"? Y‘-““'""8 3“-‘€75 8hd_ . . "M". ‘M’ ."m)ae,5f.‘e_s'isi0ns of opinion. and. possible _,-35.. of 3,, hismnv boot_ ‘ml ch ‘°.hu"',|°°-.f~ Ye ul:trlar- ho political party in countq, “,mm_,d {mm he’. and hmded over heifers, $5.50@3,5o; cqm,’ ‘£_50@ r y 4. . the ,5 "I, by fricfio ,in8id°'th= 3¢I“!b“=*"‘P"- “This is because the visitor ens“, ,, "" ° c‘fi'~° mg" "°“.“' "" ‘° °°"‘° ‘”‘° 9"’ "W" M) Caedio-Slovakia. The rich min ,- ’ ‘ ' ' ' ‘ " 1 ” ‘ "‘»""“"' T’ .. ty, wing mogt integggtg um mi- an the city “ in new?“ side‘ A _ " ‘*9 °":”¢"°€'“W9 In Cilflfi against the demand for lllllO'n.' *_‘_A_ ‘ "" ' "*'* ‘fr’ ":"—-*' — --—: ~----.- -.e.~.~— ».——~ theft‘. 70”“ m:"”“£’uS_ dent is that nothing shall be done mm bus, ,,,,_.,,,,,, cm. bu ,,,,,,.""“ ""md°°‘ °“‘ l""':]‘!"" °"°° Ilinistm Oppose Union. . v ~~v~~~~-‘“““3‘ ...n: , M, and (‘maul M mi‘ . "' °°"‘i'j built over a xteater ancient one. and 11"., L" ',,:;,,;f :?'M' "- ll ‘ Fifikirxz fact. however. that - w 1.; .' ‘ » i : l.rim.',.,,,, 1 1* I '..-. 430?‘! , _ _ _nIIlors_fo renomio the newt}, ganged wivfi . few in th... . iwann . um’ the present foreign ministers ofilug ' u » rs’. and hit! 4 ‘ V A e wnd' 1 . nation _11_.--.«‘e‘ection. phca. To ‘ct .' m.,”'“°‘picm,e. "' gum‘ V ‘ aw" m°“' theee two nations, while maiiuaim " ‘ v - = ' . - " I. . _‘ ‘ at ° s’ C! me‘ ' _ . — gt‘: ‘id Olhér WC?“ 0‘ I1‘, TCVQII i ' d° '1 is- . - ' > _ y . i [; mum" l -.- ' . °"° » -~ of Rome one must walfby the Col- ~ the spendumft d. 3 of the ‘lune as I l_l=I'¢¢t 6187309 0" "*9 W?» P‘ -—+ ' " » .~. Gilbert VI like Senator Butler _of _ll_a.ssachu- oaeum in the moonlight, or Mu, Ans ‘M1 the Rzn““ma' are at heart equally bitter ad\'er§a- 3 . 4‘ ‘ _ mominvr ‘flu’ 3” 11,3810!!! t0bd° on the Bridge of .Angels when the pope ‘mg p.t,5¢;.n finyeduch at 3"‘? 93 ‘""°_l|- 5"?‘-"311 f°Tl'|K" mm- ~._ . ' 1 i 5.’ companies! Jeverythmg t tins Benn 1i~ star-reflections dimple the sullen C, in ,,,,,,,,i,,g mi, my . 11ead;~;:r<:§_ theomagsgi-_ ; 1; ._, ¢,,,,,,,,,,; NW” ‘“‘°”' i” ii” ”°‘t °°“3"°“ Tiber or sit by‘ fountain in a rose- .. - ‘ - A- & .en.te l ' t . . - I But 831* Ch! W’ m ‘u '°°m°d ‘"'.l°”. Vb” u‘° mghun * ruins! and several up-to-date hotels. e:—: :3 rc.‘ u£ U z I-. I _ that such a union would mean ‘VA UDE VILLE 9. do not ‘conatihibe 3 big; iasoe'at ‘flu _ ' inbwergcncc of the po'i:iciil . ' :‘ pfesent. but there is 1:0 telling s::,:'u;?:‘sh“.Hl 0“ :,R9m°.t°d‘’' 1!” only ' ‘mgk °°"' °{ the A“5"'i‘"‘-‘ C"""‘P““ ‘ , , — ¢.duca‘t‘wii,t . ‘T . ml ficqfimment win % “Pumps we most ‘Md fir“! tribution t: Its !¢t>rz::rviir.'Iory-—tbc Church. beneath the. dominant Pro- ix—cylinder Buick touring car . ALLFV ~ ‘fl _ 1,“, pm; a .“o hi‘ “'5' °"— "“’- .‘“"5°°‘ P‘ ihandirnpreseions ouiome today are l man 19 tin ""31?" 1 mt Em’ ‘”‘?”“"" 9‘ P’“"‘'‘‘ TM’ "°"'""* .xcelIent mechanical condition ‘ 3 ‘ A DUO . - ' P to W11 mp thC of the flI()*t|'|ne53 of ‘nnd{ it i. ,Iuly- mhn_‘h°,r' Strescrnanrb fears G0Od llfes. OWll- “Vocal “'UlT ?3.‘“"‘ “‘"”b°" °{ ‘hi’ °'"‘ business housed. the number of its I known s,:3d;e,.~ g -- - ,5 Up. ‘at his sou‘-bu opwmms '"'G&~' or leaving town. . Call 1016 » ~ . , " nnd cowl’? -Thu‘ ‘"5" t9 be 3° ‘Wu’ churches and the beauty of its A p 1., dc", o'e'er'- m "3 mwy wow.“ be ‘many “mngmened white. I V l: "- ‘mum? fa ' " ‘m an ~i’ ‘YmP'° inany fountains. No one c1P1'cts the : ofthw ‘mu. the “usury by the votm‘ ‘power of‘ more um" n ‘ u o - ’ ’ V """° ”hy“'£ _ l _ thetic wit]; u.. ..;..,,.;,,t we the mm M no on “ma than om_ bu‘ ecountI')'..Inodern Rome” has a million organized Social-Democrats . ' World is greatest stock whip manipulators and * " A Sand“-aches _ in 0019350, issue should be ‘let alone at um inni h, , . - - 5.41118 90 K tbqlsand ustria. Moreover. the piir~ ‘ , .- ._ _- 1°“ we or...I-on of ¢;..~.,-". ,; . ’ " ';"" ”’“‘ "‘". “’."’~"‘ “ ”_’°'°‘i , .’1nfeest;_ia-slsury, ‘ are-eilieht. uiiichsneeemenn e jboameraiig thro,wers’?‘ l . o y: : i .. M,_ 3,5 ' ' - " ‘i ‘re ‘Q’ -’Alt‘h'ough Mi-.lCooIidgc bu aid :ieentf?:’.cthh;r:cht:sn£:ec: if; I bnfldingqn Eur°.p°'" ___ _;_ W Z___ ,__._ A M - ‘_ A, ,‘; V 4' I i ‘E , .i : dnughwrf. - l I .,_; 7 , by nothing about jib wn lnominati - _‘ ‘—__-. --‘-~ A A --::-::'.‘_ raw T‘ - ' e ‘have int‘?! -i I A , . ‘5l¢- for another term. obis supphoi-te‘: 3: $065,? °§°;,',,,'.r$,2.f'h am? gmd ch“ C‘w.'-m”-”‘' ' ' - ' W vvv ' also 15 n : "W"-‘ ‘"4 ' e . T". “'3: e-“-'~ betimlinx 50 frown upon at- the rush .21.: plunge i tligiyhefin =P -Theliimk °2'.£’.'° Ummm ‘"5" 5 V ° I 1' ‘ ‘ . ‘> 'Alx¢°- 1*” "’*l‘:i.’£T“.rT'i"°‘°‘***""' °‘ "W °'='= to M to mm is . amen. me an 'i I‘..°.’°e..§’.,”°“ .1: " '3’ “""""‘ "' e . IRENE RICH . ~: prd-vi or _ '3 His! tet that seine nomination; The city which knows no half-tones. For‘? ‘E A‘,-lupin". 0 * : Matt Moo ' G F ' l . A * . ' om: , 17 fly 13535 visit o! the Kansas senator to in Rome e;-Q-yghhg is 1,." to uni. e. - . - ’ '1 re’ eorge awcett , 4 at mo‘-0"-. . ' ‘:1 I-3.,‘ ,, .. _Un - Wt mu‘ hr? of ‘he sun or cow!‘-5? . i ‘ _. v. ' ! " J * _ 1 i ' M i l d V V: " " .- the toll: of influence 7 «me g 53.5,, _ E ' “ . ' . ’ ,\ i ' ' ~ I ' f r‘ m a‘ v .7 _ to put the quictus on the senate maybe :5: mm "9 “in than ; We we have when mgr. 1:2 Bum" Oveflagfl busifeis » ‘ ‘ in _ " ‘‘‘“‘m’*''' A nae. fight, 1..." ‘..m...n,. 1,5 to , hm the inmwnm centuries hum-I locad at 110 S. ig th Street and vii cont one _ .. ‘, . Thornton . y, k col. .1;,._..,..;.,,, of ,5. 1,,;,;,t;,, pm, flatly modified them The modem; he nq‘m_mm_ mu’ the bisineas under lhe same name. lnvitlllg all «A LOST LADY» ~ motoged u ' ' =‘P"°‘-- v'.-P- Hmv 31'!!!» Phuidcnt Coolidirc is known cg -, mm“: {,5 the - t h-“_e ~ -* — old customers of the’ company and all our friends . e ‘ l - 59°” ° “ - mar. A.F. r .. . ti’ 1 v " ‘"‘°‘.°" ‘ Vacancies - . .- '0 ~ . . s P. Crul . to beaof the opinion that too large largely shaved off‘ ‘ , to call on us. _ . _ . . 1 ., ' The flaming, teaching, stumbling woman "°1'm"' I ’ V , tops have been "‘ ' WWW" “he” 9°‘ 5° memvitd and the valleys filled in to suit the _ . . I We’ will endeavor to give you good service and ' cu‘ ‘ht it “' um’ ‘° °°”°°"“"t°‘ exigencies of the trolley car and au- ' dcahngs. courteous treatment in all our ’ A- Westmore Teachers’ agency ‘ V 0, that dared the fury of hell, for the love of her » ti‘ Th°"'*°‘ - _ on .a few biz thinta than to prom- b1e_ K . , _ _ - ' 4 . cypre s is e: as is 3 * We -- e ' _ Ir ¥u ;anl'mB“rvfi1°?°o?&mmV?$§8P:b1°t: Billnlmt the Monte aWash. ’ W. . i‘ E _v me!-Ileana] I ii‘ Vwg Uni’ gndngry, for thgf¢is..ub_ at “SW " l" I ' - _._:v‘__.V“‘..V.;__."‘_.______.___ _ _ ___ __________ ‘ A ‘ 4 . J ,. y .» _ ' ;“_Pf'of. of - _ _ i ‘H V y ’ ___ _. __ ‘ ~ F *' * 7“ -, "".'r '. V -.. ‘ . ‘ . ~ _ ' v ‘V ’ 1 opening 0 um" “"53 31¢ P'*!5fit Iinléth 0! £1:-‘I “ ,, - ‘ ‘ V. “ Y I we. :_ _,“,* .' "" e‘ H ’_" ‘W; "‘"“*. 1' -*1 ‘j; ,,;____ ~-:' '~ — W .. __‘ “W, ;' 11.‘: W ‘ ~ . « « *'°,""wlf‘;'Cmfi":*cJnu:‘fh;rmmre; e - 1 g r . . . j _ \ ~ e .% t e _‘c H. - "Mn ’ Clli-istlen .. . ' 1 t 4- - ‘N-, _ :_ . o ‘ y ' A - ‘ .11 I ’- ‘ .. _ _. V.‘ . : on F1 ..»'"""..«::'::. ‘:22: J Cleatance.:e»:Sale 2 n COLUMBIA THEATER in . n n :; .-'-'-‘coolidgeisltnowntobeready - _ ‘ 1 ~ . -. . .7. . —~ . - '- e. ~» . d,¢uuuq; *°'*=-i~*vn‘mrthe=cowntbe i . ~ . .x " -he ‘ e o HESE -fine mornm 3 1* s ‘.‘i..‘3i‘‘.;’..'.‘:‘2.“‘.:‘‘‘..;:.‘f‘.;.‘:.‘‘'.‘E’.“”:';.‘1.' * * 4» riimar AND SATURDAY 2 . v 3 - 18;.‘ u . y .. __ _ . » ' , ~ « _ _ ‘ _' ‘ ‘ by...’ n. _.. o . ' 3; count on an-Liaamy of the « e . s ‘ -, s l -i ' , i ' ‘ ‘ V ' ' N ' . . Hm-xi-9-tear. n J ‘P 2: n l . ‘ " \".'~. K « i " ' are Ideal for Omen « i 1'r'-357-:n ‘ ' ~ i ‘ 1 - . More and more people are taking advantfie s » . v “ " - ~ - i , ; , ton. No- . of our unusual values in this, I y 1' i ‘ - andCh1—ldrentortakeasw1m ‘f ‘°“"°”° .e can-re-e-:A< "'~:”‘_'~ mum 0*‘ ‘am 1 . ‘ I. r‘ 3 ‘~ . V . O , ;' hr‘. * learning a 1 ispossi e opuib ase epen a- ‘ . " I W j ' ‘ ' , '- . ble merchandise at reasonable prices. _ , ‘f y " ‘ l_ . 6“: Such values as are listed below are dem’on- i ' ‘L ' .“ i .‘ ' .. I o’ "1 Ian. 05" §e.,e...e of O111'.3lJilitytogi1Ie')'£!'l~l_r:I;1Qllé}’,f.illlj: Summing as -Summers E ‘ _ ' 7 Vi ( El, ‘ O 1 : Boys’ Blue Denim Overalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘T . 4 ' Dr. Cliildren’s Hosegall ‘i . black only 19¢ . . K ' ‘ . i- i nene:aoga Work’Shirts Full Fashioned Silk Hose . . . 3,139 Men’: 200 Weight High Back Ove1=alla....$1.l9_ Afizll LeatherSii‘itCsse Bestsiiieaose ‘V‘indaor?ei:inanentGi-ope ' ThéM'0$t Ewizamicaz i in i Calvmbia ‘ w-v-wr 6 .1 O¢OOoeeoeo-nag... 4 , ' . u - r - i,.a- . - I a 2 5; E E ii vvv-v-v ' 1? 4' .> ”~ A ~“,’fZ?7/7 .///17 ’ ft " i a_ . v,:. '. -3*? ‘.14 "‘ “kktv _ l _ e v_ ' -. ' - A. ‘I .- ,.v,.4-;e4'.u»n.Je-‘-, ~ - —g - . ' I- ‘u ‘ A ' ' r 1|":-4»- , , L-If‘: ....~«. '._..._._ ._;