Snip"! . flrilWomanWithGrad-_ Y=uaiaeDeg'reeIs$79o',_ ’ "l‘heairnofthleGradnate8ehool frouthe point of viewofthe stu- égntiigtogivehioiamasteryof eneouraa! us‘. » ld Bchepp. millionaire pbilf ": YOUTHS’ ARMY m. IN LINE T§ODAYi X R egngr ghowgd how ciwiliggtiopibht boys ll’! invited I0 “make your- rd‘ "cave ..appearance they had during the - gong u.. o‘ .. Field Artillery Pnit of Iiaaouri ¢‘3P°¢Ut0l>¢b¢!It'fi 7- - IL 0. T. A..-‘ the total number of members. pg,” ,5 an; ' ~ ont.bcfaculty.theGraduateSchool A v " ‘°fa'°u"'°"" ranks among the leaders of the . planniig for a better and greater Graduate School next summer.” 1 . ———j°—'_j—’ . IIJYEAB-OLD GIRL DIE HERE I! \ Downer Soccnmbs After Two ‘- Weeks‘ Ill 3‘ 5’ ., i_h*¥,‘r' t --——-— ; who nttend this ilrst ga_therlng will not only pron: byths good time ex- tpectcd. but will also so hcne_dted by ‘ the good talks and the exhibits. To liave Judging Contest. ‘Dion is to be a men's cattle judg- ing contest in the afternoon. The Has winner of this test will be sent to the National ' Show at In- dianapdls in _ . where he will compete in the national contest-with _p'actical tflryinen the ....‘.......-~----.........- . ,Mone Titan Im0.‘_in C. M. T. C. Dy nouns re-. . . JEFFERSON niuzaacas. . Lomg,‘ 3.1, goldiqj Celanlin have donated no toward southern ' ' tbapicnic had been beaten by con- "7"""¢*""'° {Arkansas youths. ‘to- A big baskctidinner will he one dc to provide tables and water. flimpt A guessing contest on the pro- acco . compiled in thegchantc from civil to military life. dudioq of ‘our cm" wm ht hem “ tron tents bare Embed jut am“ 3» Po“. ‘ha! a special attraction. This contest is free and open to all “H u how... ; " . ' a new. sanitary mill: The b. M" “ken on given by the count} associa- -«- mm---» 4-» or ..: 2'. “.’.2.‘.’“f.‘II"1i.‘.’.‘..‘.i‘...‘..“.’.‘.°°.‘.‘.'; ""_u’ t;°"'_ °f am" 9t’°i‘i,""d ‘mt county present at this picnic. but M" ° fwd" 11” 5°73 7'“ "_"°P."'-a person does not have to be milk- if‘ lb‘ 93"“ Wfiitht ‘"7 ‘be ""t ”ing a lar e number of cows in or- W"°~ ‘ _ fder to at nd. Anyone who is ecli- ws wm and especial- ly interested. Program Announced. y. as has . by the committee in R. 0. T C J. F. Barhasn, the'°h"‘t¢. is as follows: in the demonstration of a barrage. _ _ a"m°“' , , A dinner will be eiven Saturday "M" ",,"""', P;";'f‘l U.““'"‘" th;.- alo1ilnni{'a;sociat:on of Lovi;is- hue’ ‘{"mm:""°‘“ T.“ ieoraotcsenorsreccing. .. ' .2 ycommhfiom‘ lhny dam!“ Wm be Breedhing for Production, present. ~ rencii Protea-to Dayton Trial. Mlrinx com-L Unitsd rise. A (ill?! judging demon- PARIS. July 28.-A group of ' ' have scientists in‘ department will they Pneade the last event. P‘: nosos ooinrr ro END cur 0‘ Boy fieests Will P-fin the lid of eminent After 2 woos. o-uiooe we, ‘°i"'fi"' "P59" .¢."'-‘W500 A court of honor. at which awards ‘“'"u"'d .1 '‘ “way Vi” P0 Ilvcn the Scouts who Sing ceremonies’. of the ilrst two Five new deputy "3rdcyu_ I , 'mh°‘p’°hudi"d"’°"‘°m"'3vasse Cieetwo-W me on Au. 0‘ ‘P’ 3"" "W ‘town”is'dead. She was lira. B 33%" ‘° ’°""lw i"“°°- ‘“"'"°‘; Alnumher of Col bla business co-I-oounp-no i ’ . D in the Ciicil War intuition oftlla sou i=isi:*:3‘.,',',,';” ‘° ‘: “" “"‘ ‘f‘““”' iosnrn COLLINS‘ is “!'0l'-NV’ fiflfi ' Mi I D "3 with I A need at ‘Pass’; lads Ovu- and guns lands ' . E“ ”d,"“wdhu_. __ seeoadtwowsebsperioaofayo . iunipuarts Ioadayandanyyoung -maonca. Joly 28.-Joseph VnIlshualisilIa?obuuh.,iboyh0shnbhwbwlsbateat-yi¢g.,c.m.., Poist.Wis-. 3"".§'“F"'“"- : aqom’iltofiyattbe"lIII"¢ll'|'|‘ -e "-'.’Z“'—""' by as least-tare from London. ‘the Photos lleasrfirges. ‘.5’ 5, 3, g.-g, i_._auuo-ai;a.ousnesssaa_‘___.'_'"_,",,,,,._,“..... ‘E A‘.*"h.°'i: 5..-.1 gggapi Pall. B as- ’ ‘ ~ . videos so ‘seen to soon-s with- *::».~'~§"""""""— ..-.- o ~ .. ..... ....-.- °9""i w °”",,,_«i.e tbttbrfiltflflifilfii -., ~ . _ . .‘ H F’ x " 1 . ‘*al._ is ‘tubules V, - > 41 '‘l ,5‘ It. l‘).-V<‘s.,J..':ii.' hr A.‘ ' " 11* ’”‘’loss. 0; R. Skinner. and Norton “"d‘ "” 'i'heseaiesiaree_xpect- _ will hang at sunrise tomorrow un-1 im- their less his brother. Robert Scott. ap-1 of teachers here. 4 W C bcifwimctbrhlfjfuli‘ iro::t'1is the escort collection." ‘£9436 the Fulton Evening Gapfle. The winner .3 un}.,.u,§t.y. éhomghphet. yd. ‘hi, ‘l0 a. rn.--12-—Horse-shoe pitching ta afternoon for Camp Knox and will °°"i‘°"~ take some pictures of the field an '{::.';“"i'|- d _ . ML , tillery unit. - . ' M . "WM 0-‘0 me ri ' ' - T°°',_5.d_' b°s:;_?" 3.1,. M 12-l0p°'mc:5'B“i|g"h:.s'h‘e‘t":linner 1‘ ‘nalay and my mnmhied 1:15 p. ni.--Talk. "Feeding and Test-i -severity-five-millimeter ammunition M‘ {°' °°’*‘°'‘'” 8' H‘ me o e s N 2:15-3:15 p. ni.-llen's dairy cattle stration by W. P. Hayes of the «la ced later. lndiatipns from . case had olved because it pa)‘:-)hc salaries I llrs. Katherine Scott, Rug- Winston Makes .\'s Comment. w _ , 48311’! Wife. and his father. Tbomui swinston declined to comment on£ awn. are ccna-ntrating in theirlihe suit. which seeks 10 fliiolni hunt for Robert Scott. Last night Frank White, treasurer of the Ullll-, Ira. Scott broadcast two appui, ed States. and other oflcials from: over the radio, hoping an: 301,,” paying school authorities who ‘per- wwld be ligfguink 5,, ‘M .M,,,,_., mit the use of scientific texts..citing lid plea to surrender. I 18%‘ Whlth DPCWMI “ttldllfil <1“- - -~- — respect of the Bible." “Legislation pgssed by Congress I to forbid such tcailling in the pub- ‘ i l".c eehopi. of the,District of Co- ,phens, corporation counsel. who will] " '_"""‘i direct the Washington anti-evolu- Lfiid Will Be Obtained tion can decltredbtod-5; . . He intend‘ s to en mit is position for Highway N°- 2 when school authorities are - In Canawa)-_ raigned in a suit instituted by lourea Witten. government cbrli. ag a taxpayer to test the ‘validly’ of the act. Will Permit I-‘rank Discussion. (gs-t1ii'm the right-of-way for pri- mary hixhway No. 2 across Calla- . '17 C0IInty on the route approved fWori:men's Held Pending Refer-- erendum in 1926. 9 5)”!-lI!.State liighway Commission ls‘to be undertaken next ‘week by 'l‘.'}i. Irwin of Jefferson City. who ‘it to charge of the right-of-‘way government authorities here. "w believe it lets down the bars for a full and ‘frank discussiond of 3'; - . . issues which smoldered un er for the commission. according scope“ mi. D.’,wn_ ' ,1 I _i , , The law was written into the'dis- Y‘ "‘ " V" '" r‘m°" “'d"“"‘ trict appropriation hill in Congress Montgomery County. w'ners- he is man" "fund to R H . nick";- to he. the remainder of this R an” the no F". of 9,, ‘P. ‘uh "3 '"m"‘ 9", "‘m"’f“"5' f_"' propriation for running the district ""°°“‘°’_‘ .°’ ""3 ’"¢*"‘*'3' M = d'“ shall he used to pay the salaries of um’ °f ""’° '"'k," '5“ °f lib’ C‘‘’‘ any who’ teach disrespect for the lawsy County line. “My insirac- mat It '1, propoud by mp", ""5 ''° ‘° mm’ ‘° C‘“"“"-" C““"' sentitive John Summers of Walla ' a mile: of right-of-way in .i.‘l.’< coun-_ uwtm“ were c°mum_d_ ty as soon as l have iimahed in J.‘ Montsomcw County-" be -83¢ ROTARIANS E.\"l‘EltTAlh' is “Blue prints- showing the route of , FROM FINE ARTS S(‘.|l00l. Highway No. 2 across the Ci-tlDl}'| ' —.'———v-To ' will be ready for me next week. and‘ 9"‘ Q“3""- P""- “'"- “"3 Si‘ the commisriipn expects me to l‘ll.\‘t‘ s'>""'7"”‘ A" G''°“‘ ‘‘ ' in time fox coii- W , Aug. 20 for ' ' building the highway. Plans and en. bert Wall. Ind Ilbltfldtllil 0! UK‘ tinietes for the job an-.h¢-ing made 3¢h°°l 01' VIM: M18 *9_f¢ irlwflll as rapidly as the office engineers <7‘ 9’? 30"?!’ Cl‘-lb 3‘ “’"‘"' 795""? an ‘,0 me ‘.°,k_v- weekly luncheon at the Daniel Boone After he has finished with his '1''‘*"' “dc!”- ._..—.-to several songs. Tillman Icrritt. a former student in the University. ‘ um who is in Columbia. accom- I re. ?'°”“‘ "" .9" '°"" ‘fit’ i.~‘....ghv§s "Md Wolff of use’ club were “‘“'°“' “'m"m'b°':":; ‘ mug Dean lsidor Loch. Horace Ilaiors. W "'4 "W" ‘ "“' " ' Prof. P. F. Stephens. and George mined by °°""“"""° ‘“"'"‘°°“ It t ° 5. 'r. Kli .Kanss while there are no villages in 9”“ C’? '3. ’ °"" B°°“° C°“""y “in ‘in Oalu.:rman.‘Jefferson City: C» G: TENNESSEE COAL iiiNi':'.‘neea of Keoltult. 1.. Efforts Are '33:: use. to 395‘ liners Burial 5! 3”"‘°‘ gt Iocbwood. Be Ilalteal Pet. H Kl\’OI\'ll.I£. T¢'*"l- 3"‘? 23"’! machines to suspend operations. and Nine. coal miners at! ¢"‘°"‘5°d ' mien llanlinx lrbiseli. Wheat hauling today was slack. due, mill officials say. to the rain % ii 3 5' 9 ..§:.- 5.’ 3 9 i one;-ole ef- pect by Dated Praia. the women The suit has excited school a'ndl day morning on his way to Ilneola. “mm. without deb“, ‘M an 5”.‘ nd ‘“ p'°p"”' {""""""'°"“ iwalla. and no district an-'4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - o . o - s c. The Lass With the Delicate Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Dr. ‘fbamas oasaaaaasoasoayot Lee. and lies Ruth ll:-Ginness sang 9......“ Nightfall in flyderahd fraud “The Golden Tbreshrld" . . . . . .Liaa ybraab ............... .. The chorus will in ass Carter Showers. Bah bleGin~i piss. and Nellie Collins. 5°“ n°C"'di' ‘"6 suphem ‘R Masscngale of St. Lt-his. Visiting Chranc. Boonville; 1.. v. Crookshahlm. . m -0-—-—-3 . In ‘°"" "" *"““ ‘Q2’ ff,’ '.,,.""',,;,.. ‘Pie BaIer“ofCirll was ours Die» . .Ai.'mx. Ill.-One '1''* "ll" " 1*: who helped eltabliah Alton as "Pie- ci......... arm“ 3! 3 ._,....__ "- -M vi- - --~;,:::..:°:*:>;.::-.:..:::. ,COMPENSATION asp‘!-irtf A d were that the governor! of Attorney-(ieneral Sargent by‘ will not ' rfcre and that Russell the Treasury Department. which is | I m?—.__..- Billto Be ,nlt Pros. JEFFERSON CITY. July 23.-— The Worl(mcn's Comp;-npation Act passed by the last session of tin- Legislature will be suspended pend- ing a referendum in 1926. Secrets of State Charles U. Wednesday‘ completed the count of signatures on the referen- dum petitions and found that there ‘ ere 77,730 mild signatures on the ‘ petitions. or a sufficient number to suspend the law. -—-- --O—=—~— ll. U. ('ll0Rl.’S WILL GIVE (‘ONCEIIT FRIDAY !s'l(iliT Tonetasioneissoauerseuioa —Dean James 1‘. QUIT“! ‘O (‘oadact Program The last~UniveI-Yty concert of the summer session wi I be given bi’ "'0 University chorus. with Dean James T. Quarles as conductor. at 8:15 o - clock tomorrow night in the Uni-_ 'r1-rsity Auditorium. The P3‘0Ir*‘l‘|I~ is at follows: ‘ Iised $>ru9 a. The lleavnu R&oUII'ilIg........ . . . . . . . . . ..~.-.I.od-‘la VIII 3"“? b. I-er‘e Pars-well to C21! la. a (‘barlaa Vlllieea e;.';«... Gabriel ‘sure . . . . . e . . . . . . . - - 5. ‘the Duet Tenor and l-ionfano: 0 That We Two Were Isvine..... “ Alice Ia: Bailtb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Raobbch la\'e.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. lilo intermission rio: sundown Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ldwin Isabel wabe. Beloved. .Colerid¢r Taxi!" CID?!» : More . . . . “Edward German Ill!" Lsbasaan ano: _ nun in tbe roeooi....useos Ronald °f Tbe Little Grey Dove, Innis Vktor Saar ‘ ’ l Ajssbillb... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .._ . . . . . “(Zenith Baht-Oaeas iaail Cbonss: Panaina istedby soprano r and Sarah Druinm. touched by tilt l'|lll’l“'|7- ‘ '”"". - ' - Brookfield: Robin Gould. Richmond: contraltos. ymon. tenor. NM»- '[\'fi MEN EN‘l‘0|lBED IN Lee llobaclt. Windsor; and R.‘ V. rice lo. lentan. bass; Alma Rice ' and Tillman tt. ano. and Pihlhlad. —&.:‘_¢:_.—._. IIII8. nu oov_oi.Aas mm Helen Richards” George Vensble. and 1‘. C. _ .,g . ,3. ' ‘ *;‘- .. on-« ~ , ~ 4‘ 13:? 1 - — = ‘ ,., , , ‘-_‘— , . 14:“ ,' ‘E ‘-3 . ‘.3 " L .; «-3. 2 ~ 2 ‘ _ s o I Z NUMB R 276 ' ‘ r tosocsuuansn riiooiuui C i . . ~ _: 3? ‘-- OPIPUL ,U. S. aroiourican roe suiiosr B KILL roe ‘ ' Ber. Iarrla-1'. ‘law to Give Ad- ' .....,‘..._.'._"..... - . . ,, m n__ T NOW INVOLVED, ....._..L......... ., ..... ‘ ._ .-, W I ODOPPOW. a .- ' --—-.----' 4 ‘"""""""° - Th pmgranif tbehaccalau "For 'llisaourl: G$ to-, . 2 u CHICMLJ. July 33--301|!3‘!1I *0 IN ate choruses of tlzsumnier baaalon. -U-t Ind son» Wm Be in ‘M W 3*» Ru-0" Scott. for .____.._ which will beheldln go. University '°"‘“"- B I °“"'“"°“ ~ o. ..'."... :.".1".:.'..°"".I.'..“"i.’..’:..‘?°‘ Suit Brouzhttoxeep white Awmv » H ow M 8“- """"'."- . G$VeA' ‘_ 3" C. . - . yniorning.wasanaounced _ ”n‘!:e'“hig.l'iulrarosaet|-sea. qfimog ve .$hU!ll mwm n:’oa'; made another From Paying Washinf s. nueisi. of the Peking Government in dominating ineusoo as . « as o......;..., ° ‘° '"" °" W1. 13- C». T003195 °°"""'“°' °' ’—""“° E"""'“.°‘ Protect Life and ‘ »-2 o... ..e ...i ...o.. .. Building f Sc. The mm - - !°"°~.-- . -i Gwyn“ d an “mu. “*4 _ __ I baB.nsos‘ellheplsdy;du1a'r:1:chw‘i:,mm;,1.g o ience. Q Tolnvocation by Prof. anion c.r pmpen)._ 4% upper sueooui e ~ - = ---— """- .. ‘ —‘———— ‘ in-I-an In -33 3-‘; iii‘ Evu“m"G I‘ “E a:“:..:m..:.. .,,,,,n,o rt 1,: LAW “S339 is “Joii§R" ,,,§°,f‘;,,f_‘_”,’,' “°'¥- *‘°‘>- ‘W "* SCIENTIST Is IMPRISONEJ» caatwin lloataas: &wna§fie Con T ‘ad _ - ‘ha ".'°"' " °""' ? ,'‘’'*‘'' i‘ . . s‘,- nun --— essnsai fie: ix-uses sseesmgi mm“-'_ Wmdhi ’. ‘E? ,‘,u_“''’ h hi:".v":"tf’_;*”’:‘.';°