I . « ~ - - . . ..__% ‘ . . 17¢ News in theAFz°eld of fir, JULY 15, 1:51-: x’. E. B.» Jones, Head of Wells-.Fargo_l ‘A Y " ’ ° 0 ~ . oinfla bq. latte ml SHQEMAKERS :33“. .3 n...-... 0*... n... 1 - Company. Lands UmV¢1'8ltY Ideals mu ssoozvo mu: er--H,-it ---av -- rt; . _ - “coo. fléhatl. he . +11 yam , .11 '. Anne. uooevuy 1 °;‘umm,ox_Bnow“ . __,1 ‘m°°’J:Ilr15.lavaa lnvltol hm dinner with .-n. V. In . °‘ l ' 53-'3-'3-0-A-3-‘°""'|"“I""‘“"u“i"""“7:a roaltloo aa aI)orl;=Iut in if ‘f - :«§ : i : ligaauant of.the‘:al:FIB!n'°’0°'3”u’:‘¢::“firotat’.l.r J anon‘ "11 ' ' 5" ' ‘.2 ' . «loan on . ~ .5? °' ""‘ """ . ———' -Antaon'y:p3r.u..:I§ 1 l l : : 'xx&dmu:i?“ ""' a" u'“‘‘ """"""‘ 1 """"Ham1lton-Browns Mark;n.1..n.......lsoe1o1o. om... r‘''''‘'“‘‘'''''°°'''''''''’ ; ’''‘''l’ -‘''‘''-U -55 Two;‘rn.ltt.11t..a:3soour:onaa.v1.oa»aaoornln"""""""""°°""""'"" 4 {Fl a“""°a°‘1’ ".3 rat n- vlareh 21:” "5012 0 0'Gqnhy Io andapeIItInoatoff.dd.‘dtka.’::’£d'uC : _ g‘ _ a .. g e - ..... o O M W ‘ w i l l .0. ...... ...... """.1‘.‘i.‘“.S°o..°'° "‘ .:, ; :, 2 2:: :m....*-..,'=r: or s:--:-. M -~==~’-°"“‘-«- -=-v» -= .__.__ 1 * .tleallynewtlleaatlatIIceo_bonx':'- u . fE”ll‘S‘.p. . . . . ..0lO0l0 ‘a hltnbyhia h'p‘kb‘du'°a'udy°‘h*.“"'ump'°n‘m‘h'”‘ "’°""““.l-'1!°|’l0||l°II0‘ 3 .,,.w. ueatapa. . —-———- __ __ span1.h.aaaalatnatrooatoao.t.dIn1'ht-i-the-econdtim-tnl 1r - . . . . . .low.nnrGrant8ehool;.flvegoo1n; A -- -—-—stateaanatorbocauaeofeaeellenoe p, - - « "3"?" '”°°”W"'1BlI4- 1 ? ,lI¢‘'.= l 3 Wait‘... .1..,...., ,.,.._I,. am, ,,_,d,rI‘I. S. MAKES 12 ERRORS. Totals ...... ..u 191:. 21 9 1 in nolltu-p an-rt. Dunn. the you-"““'° "' °°""""“‘ ""'°"‘°°" "“ 5" "°°" ‘"'°"' "-"’°" "°"‘=-—~4——,___ 3 '-;‘''''‘‘'''!'‘'’'''°'‘'’”-‘ “3'33on.;1¢.......,..',,,’.,,,,,,,.panr ‘ .lllGilSCll0OL tnvhlcll tl-ounmn"""°"“'“"‘°‘°"‘°“‘°"":f°""°'°"°“‘i""“'°“"T’ " 3 v - l ' 3 ° . — ' . " CC ‘V \_ . . waN‘rI:n—-won: cab: recent» ‘urtw lbimfall zoo: red after VBl«¢l'8l18 P13)’ CH)’ Em‘. . R. ll. 0. A. 3. city he denonatzatoa pr "“"""”3'.; J: '’°°|‘‘'‘‘'ll‘';.‘‘: : N" I-noun oae—ou A88 ; hfWed.wn‘o1l Ind WatIioInIf5P- 3-’ lt269—t.f ‘ployw Tm-light__Jun_ Roberts. lb. 4 0 0 ll 0 4 (nee by gaining a 0‘ 8 hh an 1. G03 IN REFRIGERATOR CAI- Mod 0% of Wahfi flatln ‘x. 1.»: ‘baa; udw am” “'03 sALE—% ' T . H Sapplngton, pC§ti@ @ “G crack company and ‘O ‘hem. Toaflflncxko 3'“-2;. , - 1 Ind .2 gm an... .. .g :15 3.. _ W10‘ I-,°'= _1or Chamber Meets p.. 2b. ...... .. 3 o o o 2 o )y sunning apoclal mention for lua ’ ' ‘-‘‘°:*‘:'' "W8 ‘C-“Ht 9?-‘,1 Etflngug .1 brlckhouae -al earlleospotortheanrut in-lab nth. “$27., .ann , eeplng ornas c. . . . . ..3003ll or .8.taIeeoverl"roIIlaat.. . s . - ‘ potI:h:vu-y‘ 1...; .,...g..., 9..., P. 0. Tomorrow. 3. ”°'.m._”_ 2 .1 0 2 5 1 __’I ah and the man who knaan v-I-n “““‘*3 ‘""°'°'"-3 »- win-an posrnox - ,t'0 nraeea; all located on Glcn- —————— ’ "°"- 5"’ °" °'''‘'’* °'’'''‘ 50' to soak Bulnish has ‘I, tnv 35”’: 30”“-E ‘"95--1-33-»: on A -—In dean» . Ilclla rf . , . rgv -1 p 3 1 1 0 1 1 M T ‘i an“, ., .,,,¢,,w‘,,,k. huwood venae;thc,-beat house nna 'lV'ilIl|It1tI¢||¢5lI|‘5IK'~ 1.00.3” 0 9 0 0 09'9"” .’,""°"°'°“"“. 3114000 3-lat 1*‘-‘°“"“*h°“°’“*“8ImINv. ,. x. .. - L eoaoahlcvoaae woman. can 1575. “"501 in town for the rn - “'°'' ‘‘°’‘ P9‘ lla11ow'.1l.'.'.'.'. 1 1 o .1 o o ‘mp’ 1"’ 5"" '"d?"“'° “fin 5°-I our hot». and Wmfid 5! c-kn . , - k ‘‘ ‘met. wadncfi M !lIIIl"yOlI°B!'0Wfl .. .. 7 I .345 u _ O , 3‘ year I__WII "R73 .3 . ‘ M.‘ ‘Q, L, J Cfigmngn. W - . . , mac y .- anpIn,cf. .....a 1 2 2 1 o n . .J.PALlElt cog. J l Chamber 6 l .8.» entered in com titlve In K __?-p . pay. phone an of . . . . . -I G S. ' 7 . _', D0 , ‘ll gvef M ‘odd ‘Q Q’ aw’. "3 III Ca)’. hll ~ . .-= ' a 3 5 .35 ”"“““'”' drills. and we alwa won first 1. u 3"" "'5" ,WAN'f'll yon: . ll - - ' - - ~ - -° ' ‘ 5 . V‘ Hence to ltétarn for llanoeanlaa. ‘"3 “OHM 3150 Code“ -pot in ' , .,,,,,.h,,, , ml FOR SAL!-}—Pnctlcally new a. v rana .......... .. 2 4 333 -:~ - ---- -- ° 1 2 3 3 pnu. 1 have noticed the benefits the unltaa States” 9°"""U""°'*- La. 1 '1 ghrec . lmmw.___mm_mbumu°w.md_ P M .......... H 2 4 _mllo1l.o.3b. .... .. 2 o o o o 2 of ,, ‘gm...’ W. ,n my me, Ur Jam admitted th-the I--A How" Wdwnwn of be. l 5"’ -, 1." " " 9"" ‘II 1'-"‘¢'t‘)‘ VI)‘. stance. ' Price Cit Employer . . . . .. l 6 .143 ‘ ” ’ * "‘ "' life. and I cannot rooonl it too tn cdumbu. fin“ 1 M 0" “. .‘~'dfi near Unlveralty. Ch]! 729 rod. -1~.,g,1, o ‘ 21 la 12 , Ah, 1,“ uhool bag 3,, 9",,“ to irat human freight ever to . n w l . - I L267 l.$8fll0. Alao a 6-room frarne house. «H rnilt.on~Brown held an t-xtcndc-d - hlxhly. It teaches the young man ’ an no“ oh. 50,9,” pumc and n . .r 3 — L ’ Jnodern exec be: cc sloo ' no «t 11 ex nu: or *9" by """"¢'= to in autborit without «"7 ‘° °°"" "““ ‘ ""‘ * ‘ ‘ * "-V r ' ' - - P‘ L P" ‘ b“ "'6' “ t C W Hamilton-Brown GK! 3101 19 neon: y R a°'3‘°°13l3S INN D"'u" chpuun '“ 'h""”‘ l‘ " , _ wA)trrgp_a‘ ‘ad: “pa; ‘l‘elep_h:ne l82l-red. _g the lgh School ycsterdn) and bu» ' “' aentment." “ 1* d .0, cu at B 2 . . ~—’— - -~ ~—-~--- ‘ h th'rd pla nts "h Sch”! ‘ ' ' ' ‘ " om ‘°° 0‘ ‘ spegrogo 7. g l-,,;,.,,,“ ‘I have the non pleasant new . ET HL‘ A ’ .'“'“,,_'':'““‘‘‘'“l‘ 3?“ araarllnrls ma am? 3,. 0.‘... ,0 °° °""““° summary: Two-base biu— mm‘ ~,,, W, infihe riea of'Colunbla." be said. “While "" “"“"“ ""“"'"P- at the - . III l ' r ' . (fin, ' 0"-“Q, fro,‘ l ?_ the men ofcgolurn-l LARGE. airy firat floor 2-room ox. first man to bat in the first .mT:3‘;&u‘g:;nnr'u"aT:F::"*P;:t’: Unirellrfity. he was enrolled as a lCh'”.':°"c "1 ha 2“ I “at 3 City. wake‘:-ne.h,e was a heat 15.. “'7 ;_ ,_ Hllodtba comma at .ia t 825: hanaediate IIoaaea- illllint. wafted a home run to deep S.mfice,h“_B I". 8:“. on 9' . ot did t of hm am ° ‘ho '0“ -_+ ’_ . "’° it G"n“'d “Ah” ‘n " '°°k "dla‘::‘- 1”’ E’ ‘B"°"""'° .13“ °‘;““; flea” "d ‘M’ m" 'halla'—-Ofl’ Swllnlrtoa l. o ‘lo zihgofzuizu E"hl:'h“‘"dMm:{u° gythe Uninraitzwangoylount have P‘ - Z1 - i ‘a: A -K ‘.GlIJlII5oII."°o ‘ “eh aaleanuT:‘an W k or cars. A B256-tf :)eaP.£.' . double by ‘Bum’; '1“ l;:r¢s.2. oi! Eaaleybl. struck out\ ‘man; cl“! 3': 2 . "Run". in #5." L1. “ i...-;I ' _ ____ r Ace fro1n‘25 to‘46. rue! /l-‘on BENT-'l'hree—roo fur- in reed with errors by the ,.{_,,,,‘,"’§.,"'“.,‘;" ;'.,,{."§"",!‘..f,;."’ hwrr . 1°; s‘°""°'“ °,' "°§," "”"‘ ““"° T ' 1 1;‘ ‘ _ ‘tight man can advanna rapidly.‘ 41 riled apartment‘ on Ron Street. iligh School infield. permitted the ,,,c,,d_7',m_ 1. mi‘ ‘f, S‘ ."‘ After leaving the University he ‘ .. "'°" °' "' °° 9" “"9". D l ' -1 if ' llllllwho can ‘and inveltiption for M 3115 INN» 3357-5 3h01'l|lkcl'I to hit flfolflld Mid W070 “.3 ‘n 1 9,3 ;;m- . Bot ‘ppm? went to Webb City. where he ob- - 3“ do. we dd’ “ C.h"'u"' _ h I u hu‘ lo ,0". to M‘ ‘ Mn“ 0‘ mm I ~ _ |n£6._ 8 ran: “med employment ‘rim we wen“ et_1ll.wear_]l1ttlve auryonncta lllte th¢)' . l p A 1 , p-on nun-._uoa¢ . 4* dim: In 5 1-3 women; 2 hits. am lnllonu went. to school?" be 811110 l 5°l¢l¥!.|'|00tiel' needapplyulf . . 7" 2"'°°'” Six more Shoe Factory nlcn dt-nt- 0 ,-gm. 5- 3, - -3 - ~ . Fargo Company ter was - Pflfiu e 5! If - , 1,3,, ‘in h;_m,,,.;aparttnent; near 9th and Univero .4 an pl.“ in the second. ‘Nb 5". hit‘ '_ |;"'_lnga. 2 tnmfflfld ‘O C‘m°m,“' wherejlfihed. Upon heir‘; lnforlned that \» . “',.‘'‘u m’_'‘_ A : n. V. ,3, ,....,_.u_ “mm mm M” . “(flan md more "to" R U -. _ B 3' ln innings. be worked awn‘ ’&n ‘D ‘who’ this custom no lonarcr existed and fllllflfil. ‘ : - e 35“ Snvlrinxton ...i...1 under no. ..;,...: "“"’°“ °""°'-. no... out now at -- we rmh-=.°-=. '" ans. JAMESO ’ w'th ‘ ~ -‘ _ _ ‘ink of~m,_* _ hrdmem" ‘Dd 3&1" relieved him _ ‘_ . the Univeraity who wore N , l every .I _t 5.1, 33‘ ‘wed I I-‘OR RI-INT-—\’ery desirable five. . . ‘ . ‘V559 59 ‘'13 ‘'°I*|fl8 ill 9'3 tire hoatltear. he remarked that to ‘ 3 ‘L ’° 0. z65°'m room modern duplex apartment on °‘ "'° "'.“’""‘ b‘"".“'°° P".““ ’°."’ ' 4 °“’°‘ “ 1“ °*“3°‘'-'' 5° '-°°" '4‘ he would have to reodinst himself an”, ' " ' 7- ..._~-:.. -- .' Wallltb Street: hardwood floors: ;un.m‘kJ'‘._o“§"°" ;' H "°”“""’ °( "‘ °PP°“"n“l' 0'“ led to the new color scheme when he ms ‘ ; . " on» mm » » r...:':=:.r::.: ...'.:‘*::..*:..: IS COMPLETED :;.- W W mm 9* mo ~ -. when or «: 1; molt" sALl;—llouao. 5 room: lent-o. and losing itself in the field Loo Aczreplzamonl lienhxtd tilt: '.L1.."‘ .U'“"'."“’ ““"" ’'‘‘'’'''‘.''‘’‘‘°. N '_ l ." ‘: bath. 407 natalem. Phone beyond; . ~ ~. - -ted P u Y . . " ‘The lde-lg which ! rewyed tn , I ;. 1.?”-;.m..; 253”. d W H 51 h ibplrl lay is Shown ht 9° ml the! his f-rm vyu l°3“l8Ntbe Unweralty of Missouri have LIVE MINNOWS — 1 t . iii :‘ ‘.03 h . After?-this theal'3rown’ic~an r:u3itl.t~ ’ , . 2“ r v ‘ _ , __Itory houae. aplcndid oubhtildinzx. __ ‘ “A-“'”'71‘-_-3‘°d°*‘" 3 _"f 4 "'0'" 4 o'clock. stroke allotment finished fifth. Room 4 and 5 Elvira Big. 3! aces of beautiful woods-‘-3 furnfahed cottages. ‘ j Agwner anxious to at Also other FOR RFN.r__?umixhed new 6_ apartment wlth yard prwllt-12¢ and ,_ __ A W __V_ . ———a—.——— . . . . ‘ I . ’l'l-sirablo at-lure cu and farms. ~ ‘ .‘ 11 hardwood W,’-we-, Addrrtr 30! T. care thr r'l,vwr:lc1l'r cunmmox mas 6°" T°"'“""""‘ '°' C""""‘ .4 om“. '.""° ?3.15 5°“ °‘ b°‘“v “”°" ""“°""‘- ”"l"‘." ""‘"u"‘ . ' ‘ Pliin‘ Realty co. 205 on r '‘°'’''‘ '’“'’‘’‘‘°“'- ‘ v mnomonnn. Z __ i___ _ __ __‘._!6li-(lit //.. __ 'Caddiea at the Conntnr Club are phone 2134 red Large dining pavilion. flee roads. Pollte eel-vice. ' ‘u‘.Ph°M ma" not 26‘_2G9 floors, basement, garage. 1! U7‘ —- - ~ 1 to -~ - o Death (‘males to Pancho Villa Fol. wlll compete in a golf tournament I . - V : . T - thin: rn;>d¢'m: ntgagurnltufre. 80%_ , lo-'iIu: Operation. t “mound eata flilmld dfl It U19 filthlng «manna av 1 eo9—v' :1 :1 . 8. Ga . phone , In I t="'°°'F - - , "v3"-"_-<1 _'-;: ” ‘ 5' ' " '-* --_ " -~ ‘ for renter e. - ~ ‘ i ' Q urto 3&1:-l 1 1 32674! 9“"“:n,°""”' "° Mn _rjR. Nclsm. July ls.— “‘ ;.. . 1 1.... .o..... 1 « —— . I--r °~ M W «»~--- 1 FRANK W DALLMEYER 1 ‘ ....1 ’ Iron . '4" W‘ °W""*" W"""' 3‘.'“°' moo outrilist of the world. and at - 7 1 '?""‘°"”""""""' “'°""" -out I-nnlalacoantycoa: - « . 1 - <- m‘ ‘ fig‘ figgyo (guy Cl‘! Inc! It 311 TIIIBGY. St. ilarys honp tal here yesterday. nun ;‘ W ‘ <9 _ 3 . o ‘t ’ 0 ' , V l . 3 *9‘ .93.]. ‘ - mo 5.; ellla eudltloar ptfllllihfl A939‘ ‘ODAK la-Ixignpqc The end can(: following an («per . l 4 h 3 3 4 A . ‘ : ' Intlroé floor; fill die 1 C SCPL, . Ill!’ lnlflfitl h an 0" de’."_m¢,,g_ Finn. kn atlon for an Ib(‘P!! and infectious Fof an nah " at’ ' 1". .oquau'huuua:am-ala;nm:;flfl°"- N35‘-'1 ,..._,,,_,,._.,,',,_.,, prod on ‘lalhfiw, avhich do 1. A; A A + ‘~“- 3 +‘ ‘ _-~ ' lard a1IIet._'‘l'hl8-§oIIe 5131-! _ «'5 1113 DRUG SHOP Oi! bcfore " Ind -linmw Lar- . ~ ' * -#~ ~ #4“ ‘L , . _- 1 - ’.. -- ' "fill on om-oftlu It1'lell.¢'lT FOR ‘E315...’ tlfa‘l°”:-noouam A mo. coat}. boy. taught at Oakland cn w ‘ -.- - - 7 .. --- - 1 «out alla at Broadway in ."""“""‘ 5...; nnnaoon I l w“ 4380014710»: July 2. 'I'he_allI'nent luzpt vllln in ' 0 ~ ~ ~ _ _~ -..r V. , "~ " . ,udeot'I. - flu .;lN>|Ilofurn i’ ‘N, ‘room’ 8.lovaatl::e the Boone National ‘ttbde day lleforemihae fiul‘1‘t.. till‘: m . p , '_.v. 4 - . . ' - ' wing Loan Lunch 1 .9 ll on go a , , I . ‘ ’ ' . “L. .......**"'*.....:"-.-r -. "*""" ’ "" W """“' ""' or to o - - 1 - - . Service Allwa. s ~ of‘ "I 2.IIll¢Kl'lt..]TIhIIe‘B°“"v”° C‘ ‘ ¢a“c!DCOI!IarBH(. W.8.8t.Clair.rcoortaportionoftheJawwaacut A M A A H Al‘ _ _ A .‘l - .1 : :13”?! """p.,... 1 ‘ loo. - “°'*"". - ""' °"' ‘W '°- "-w 1' J 1 m'° ‘mo’? rnoauoauor ""'""‘ _ "* “'°l°""' °"""“"""""" l h H‘ POI ltzlfl‘-ll 1..-,;¢,.. Noéortefi If you want to boy or all oone- ' 'h°h" our“ -' ''’‘»'.u u '3 ’ 7 ‘ 3 - - 3 - ‘(III ‘mi 4 s . .. hone. I-lion hI.e.6 ““"7 4 thingtryaliaaourlan wanted. . «l ''m:ooaaroiniasoa1-aoao.lo.:aouaroe. 5003'‘ :' A_ _ r ran “um Cherrto ‘VIII'¢ououod0odoI|ter- «,? V H I p .- ..- ; atlaud .hul!IloV_. U“: ""'.~ 3'0";-1-gup"" 33' .;pop ‘'1 1 an . lna andelealniag. Three aaita waned . if %*‘ 0'-a°;'s":ro"‘,‘h3 ‘°°”°"""" DR.J.h..O0LE ..,..,..,'w..l‘o ‘°'"' i‘ _1 -taiaa _‘-a«_or -. « ,_ , . -ualow. . 1 .=WIHt“'°"°~. acaemts and etc. W ., outlet than at_.._ 4. II hobo hm. ’O?ooit5II|=‘~"°°" """' °"°"' ‘ 1 ~.r . -dialer "3." ""‘ the anal done to moon: zlorncaa Vibe an at-lnl F» f , . " ‘I .'_ “I”. 5:: _ fl ‘ _ -_a‘ltratolaa. jab'al_ ; r. V f ’o i ’ . ,' -.._ 1.. . 2. 1. . - cnaflnasroivzus H in "x-rm.-N 1» atvsnsznrslvcs 1"‘ '“"'*"" . "" 1 -' . -r.' -1.‘ -v""""