~.._,. ...- __- -- 1 .- - -- v A " '5" ‘. £5" ' . .c --.- - - :1 . I -i "‘"""" -.""»f"»='. r “. ” G G. ' i v =4. . g . t ~ 4. . :3 _§.-'._ ;,;, 1‘; ‘L . _ pp, _ . t . . THE C01:-1335313 HISSOURIAN JULY~—1_5;T1,3§_ , .- I s T . e ‘K. ‘-‘-C . ”"'V . ‘, “I‘- ‘ ' ' *1‘ . I I353 01' ‘W33 “'3' ""—'*"' ~ th tote’ ' i h If a sly. . I . . in o orge rry,82-_vc-r- —. V : . WM "mg, gm-‘_ 3-gpoftpd m John Ii. Loug,V_i9, was killed by gs,’ 5 “sen; Spend w.’_ non of man as taught in the Bible teem” u be ‘In buried "gm, . thififics of rctnrdeduild subnormal “-11 933‘ 50”‘ 3“''i'*F°D ‘"53 9°” The defense has been quick to. 3:fut:d:‘°£o:“t:":o::'; fizgrhg; here upon a sacriflclul stone cf the -m' and Fu1'n3CC W011‘ ‘ V V _ V_T;.' All specialisza .M‘ch°u3 s‘mh3" "°mi“‘~ scccntuate thg Brynn challenge r.nd;animu‘V”V ancient mound bulld_ers.V Berry's C “' VANATTA ll! lnvestrngnts are based on U .68 mud -Pltients imvmed A fire st. llaidand resulted in "““""““ 5° 5” °P‘.‘"€‘‘ 3"’ “V ‘ one 0, the ,t,,,,,e ,,i,co,.,,,ie, “""""-"N *‘°."““°“ "‘ “"3 1'" ' ‘ :1! sound facts. No business un- ll Due -rapidly if ‘given light treat-- ment. Inaddit.ion.itVisssid the 'chlldren showed remarkable im- - pavement in vivscity. good nature. ‘and general‘ mental activity._V V dwhilc. muny specialists w re ex- tulling the Virtues; of sunligh se_v- V era! took occasion t‘o.*srn that this rssnedy‘was__n_0t'tI5 59 11595 W3‘-“' in-ilninstely. In its *et_n-ct.-«. 1:‘ i E . used. sunlight may be Q L ,pewer!ul and dmxvrv.-us. the doctors 30. asserted. . Told-sol is‘ one of. the world's greatest physicians but his medicine must he 1la|:en‘wir-cly. . _ A NEW USE OF P0180}? GAS The recent attempt of bandits tr- lu-ak into a'.safc in an Indiana town ‘hick vns_&ustratcd.by the use of Iewisue offers a good num- - Ipautfor general’ use} of the ptsoa gun for preventing hank rub- The gultis no arranged in. the safe t& it is released from fins Lnbeswhcn the’ ccusbinstioll ii smashed, - . ‘ Lcwisitc gasis said to he tile‘ most DIG? cu invented‘ during the World War.‘ Haay hunks through- out Indians are already equipped With this uni-burglar devim, nnd it - ‘promises. tocome into general use. 4 ‘. Ineffective law enforcement- and " I ___‘VVV~___V...._,.H..__,,_,___ V._,,_;.,.,..... ....a. ... ....,.. __. w lug lcultics in catch- ‘ minah e devices of this type’ especially rable. Surely. Ilopunisbtuctizis toosevc-re fc the ",‘.....;.:'... , , .).L..;...“ . isys prepared to kill anyone who iltutfcres with his plans, and if he ulplishcs his purpose witholit V ftben he ‘is lilo less a murder- ‘ device ‘which will aid in the . control of crime in a legitimate way is to be welcomed as a protectiolrto Q ‘nu-: llHIliLES8‘DRlVIIR’ - ‘what to do vvith lthe reckless is’-receiving considerable at- of delegates to the National ety Council convention it At- : L‘-' _ Cl ;VNe¢' 1* which no judge or jusficejbf the ’ ' I can luving him. hl.u'ev- . Q pri I ‘of suspcndin sen- blsu. The second proposal ‘V one bush offered befoic-—'it ‘stun-s_ fur- Ix.‘ Nov :Y0n‘1<'5u.v . - ‘ ml‘: Ecgspayanytim hutwh that ' ‘¢¢ (L flocks fall 05 you: pay beg.“ Eecd ty of protein now. Hens need for ‘efigsthandd for the on I Cl they will rohczhcir bocfy-fifislrdsto gait. Then it will take twice the to get them back. V as . 9 I . . I fnrlum for Fhurilon County to llflltl floldf}' ' D - cs - mm". in dclllollstratmns of It-itulne.-'. hrlduyf dian first residents here know tents of the mysterious mound. . James Ridgeway. 101 East Broad- way. is recovering from illness. Try a Missourian wa-ht ad. mound on his farm-—was the 705 Cherry V Street Phone 1474 Guarantee first-class work at reasonable prices. ‘ Repair work of all kinds. dertaking of merit can nor is obliged to pay more than current rates of interest. of con- ._..?_.____—. James Ridge.-wa Recoverl Sound facts and a familiarity with “- Boone County and Columbia after years of expelvienceforrn the basis of investment advice of this insti- ~ V L 4- -‘C I C -C 1 1 0- s-to-is -s is Am I er-st .5 ... -. -ewe -0 -9 e V -0 +4 .4 4 c -O--Q->0 COLUMBIA-JEFFERSON CITY 21-PASSENGER BUSSES Lv. Columbia Lv.‘.Icfferson City 8 a. . tutioll. This is only one of the many services extended by this company to its patrons. . 1 p_ 3: 1 p_ m_ A Service-Built institution 5p.m. '5p.Vm. I. .. One way. $1.00 Leave Tavern and Colombian Hotels Courteous drivers, clean coaches Insurance protects patrons. MISSOURI TRANSIT CO., INC. ‘Phone 778 -1 ‘ *--1»-v-o 4-1-9 1 9141-0 Q-‘CC-.‘O--0“."‘C)¢Q*-O--O4&1-IA‘-O4-6-C-O‘-O<-Gd--0'6--OD-O-I4O~04—o—OI-O-0-O-O-C O-6 Nevins‘?! 1: Europe and South . Keel’: ”P\:'IQll1’a .store—-the keynote in profitable style mer- ‘ fa; .,~ .....".I§ ...." _"""' u" h. .ch. . cllandising. It also enables you to replenish ,‘4',°?,_.,,;.,, .V "" NEW YORK.—'l‘he Dsyton evo- “‘.""‘G¢t“““"'_h"°"" ’ b broken lines almost overnight " ‘ "'° in package-cu mum -aim 105011 trill his reached the propor- - """”°' - " °"’°" ‘ I - .' « lrci hl service a at rein‘: ' d. - Inoult :3 ~ 3 l 9 P“ hon’ V0‘ . uwnrld ‘so V In “W33 Wlnlfl W. ‘ V _- . - . ' U W 9'60 i! clblimr 89% More East or ' . L 7 . ' ‘ l ’ ' ' =Y°S‘l.t 1'.§§:“b:g::s:" M’ c ta. ~ -. ‘ 3 . —. e . "sh:- um... i. 4. slloulsalllllltllalrcollllfllcl s - ,:;,,';;°.;-'- am‘ we ii-5-‘£'»‘?a?-it‘-‘I-°-so-2 .. ~ L -\ I ° i smug u M - ‘jn.'-’.:'°.‘::,=..3= .-...j..:.".':"'.:.;=.*.- ~ " ‘ ‘ . ° guarantee, NOW. " ‘- " A - -. - . _' ' * 9 0 -' 0' 190- . cbed the United Press New . ' _ ____....-_...._______-.-. - » orkoflicetocablc'the fll - V - S " 7 \ - . 7 . figs al...l.,-gal. ,,'§‘,,'°,,,.,° ’ New carload of !’urlna Feeds for llve- 7 ‘ * .. . Bfitlllta ordered ' ' o« o - ‘ . - _ V i : special‘ service 1 British hm. and . D01l1.tl'Y. Just received. A feed for p ‘ 5 y .- . shd Vsinilar instructions-I . . ’ . V V .. ~ _ ; It P038 10 Buy in St. V mg. U0itacdaPreas every purpose. in I A = , -~-V.._.-_----l,»...,...-- - client newspapers in Central Eur- , i, J -' ._ . . ~ _ ‘- _ ope. V .V_ 'VVVAV. - .VV ;» , V V. . -...-.......... ................ ;. TANDY IMPLEMENT ‘ «at; , .- I - " C I: 5 I A ‘. .Vl- ... . ‘ . L . ‘ S . ' ‘ I ’ I ‘cl’. v _ ‘.3 O . .. . ii If F. ; i.'"'- , * ' ' 5 ...» ‘ . i l . 2 - . ; 7’; - - $2.‘ ' -‘.' ‘Z l .9 ...V .;_, .. ‘ ' . -r '. 4.": ‘Q’ —£fi)-.- A. ~;l 1 V - V 53,4 V’ W V ' W ‘i A l ft '5 V .4’ -i 'f 1.3 4 «.181 .n:_ A E A lI§_'J3‘ ‘*3 . _ ' , _ ; - 7. I_‘]_,. Vv.7iaT1 V: '_"._'I Y ' '. ' ‘~' Y"?.'4 15" '. "_v'.'1"§'- ,'f'__'f‘l Vx, - I'- , V. 7 7 ' ~ ‘ ' I " ,’ r“ '4 V‘‘fV‘ .sV vs er.‘ 1 — _ >r—