O raoss-nan.‘ Sadie F. Forbis was admitted ycs-_ .‘ Dqaruuut. Kultb Hccanse. gone I ‘It cofiissiaer. says the’- l datum Ikctboaetobr.-placed ,’ i ' lnall ataleparta. 5 no null deer family will be : ; at Sodalia for the admiring 3-aae : « . “"' z = or ta‘. visitors. There ' a u‘lue—oN|-2 """“" ! |Iaok.doe.dl'ttlef “ taisadwitlillewlmnlagpnrtiat °='*°'*‘°‘- ""'”"’°““"""‘°°" o.:"'.u‘u".:'o-u".'Tl'.“."""°"' "’h0:::Ia-t.hs"-‘-desduuBn%..r‘:l-.a."°‘50wtua¢.,,_ e l=-.lta,.lllnaasvaIv_et-anon... 0tbe.rexbll‘>lnts:>f’tbell‘s'l'lLand mks‘ vdxk Ibthmh‘ u mg. mg“. 31.1 &.gg.—..'1%'—,.h“_'.‘_ n.l'P'd "‘-'.”"'°‘®Wh“""""¢lICI“h“lfXI'|e'l- I3-3'0 department include: andflmgway 8Irilnnlni;Pool1'sral1lbose3lr-0890'-" - ruuneaaslut-at I‘ caeaeua-“eallopoaveooulao? ‘m'dla.na.-lgbruand various other ‘;vm..u,,g,,,;,,i,,d,din‘.di,_ y. Apicnie,sia:psr“l‘¢*5¢l'lP°f¢|°°°'°l'l°|ll!V"vnuaaad-can-ha 1'" -ll-0'-i-"-I--‘It-'1". ul-aaenma.¢ellorc.lu-u.l..aae- Sar3lrtduasitIaayssesl.!aah- “ch. ,c.,,.dm, ,,‘,t,_ . -ca-aaeelala. in. canola Is sou Icons? I -'.,..,-"4 ;.u,,~..,.,,g'als.odeplolwedbyDr.Iayoasone nanywlslu-eraeaaooeecaea-ot,. iiastwsoktovlsltrohtivsa. ioIahla_'@OINIflI|In!'C""fs'ontad.a uh. ' oftheroasonstlleydldnot ttbelau-acre-o-has *"" o In-ILA»--I-a-auaooaauecl-a “pm "‘°°'°'b°" bk gen 1» ‘jib 11*‘ ii ‘liolollovluyarso-1 }IlIlh 00- '5.“-n_ '3.“ 3'.“ e 80 that It1ClldOl|l.I .°' W053 3"‘l“""Y- "°"°" u°'flt""” "'sc‘aoaaunaaataloa-a-ea. * 00"‘-V-'4'"-N 3 ll. .aanoola. ..m..""."°°'|“"l‘C‘5"'"3*""Ins.ybear their croakln;.t ; Guests at fie party were. Ir. °"““°"“h""""°d' ,u{ tussle ‘hunter celebrates jar tilt“. a nu. =3? 0-4 33- 3" vamaha-n. at coal-mua as bar 8'3’? 5539- ‘I17 cases of mounted ground hogs; and Ind 111'!» G907!’ 3913. II’. and “'5” ’°" ‘*5’ ' b““”“' Ha-than with a sartyatasr.a7a.— L“”"c;"'in' ...°“"':_*. 3" ' Ir and In. 3!! Alexaaaee and Jana!» from Infill. Elli X350‘ !IllIl7*fol.lr ‘specimens of fish in In Arthur 3,1,“. .u,“.du".y0wa&'t'll8ld°'t&noM'0’$"T:e'.cP‘|l"h2.'n:.'u la-nor ‘u an M.” an‘, ~M-an‘ loot-ooaolml-e typastothvsrysrllaaflalnand ,g.,,,,,do,,,,,,_ Ed U0. ' 9 He'll?! Wllllfl. ‘II’. in . m°..‘”u” “mun” ~ ‘a “fun c.uh..1 ‘ -.....,lIrs. floral! losrhad and son. Ilfitrt. g,_ ..'4 in. Norris Sampson’ and r. 9*‘ the °n it.“ 8'“ u ‘Tl! fill! and game exhibit this thatexerciaaabouldhiu Euclid» . I 3,“ :II¢lll!'I- C1’“'f°!d-Benllik ' A ‘ tIhwsstv'lfibstdsu'.Ira.I.‘B."“1“" ‘I-"~l"-'*-*-"°'l"‘~u.auealnloeae-u-otona "“"‘l* . rrillhern -1.‘, 9.9,”. m. pm, 36.0",’ ‘in may are more inclined to tslncthcig '''‘'‘n I I o ._ ,sll- mo. no-l-ll. Ira. Blanche ‘!‘I-auab- cm ' __,,,,' l Willa tsaasparsstt shapes are 3"“ m,iT;°_ ‘Mn d°"b'°l._.u": . Non-ell. J. W. Ballet, and ."°“_'“"""B°9|“""ll Illa I-Iv tlhksnos -o-t‘IIe«~bt-'3-n_"';d‘_’.“‘.':‘.“":_‘°;.““:.:.":: um-y Gardner and -roe. ilrsrltt -eeojnualar-ous tbayars sflou assdjor sd'.;_ gt Louis 3:::::;“‘“ ‘$51 A ""3 3- x9V°'l3l'°l“l COMP“! 33 5*-V-Pnnk 391?. Jr ~- '3?’ the hturhtgn 2i. 3‘ " "."" ‘Mm’ “bu” ‘M no-au alone In 1. ll. suns. Ira. n h'" “'"'“' "m"' "" "" "" '°"",'“‘°“""ha'*m'.h""°""' have chart! of the exhibit. - ' noun. ‘. f -‘-—-——, ' 5“‘|’‘'“. ~ ' “"" .. “"“,,,,, ,,,,, .., ,__‘, ,-W-It vvd-I-I -ufiu ~ - c c ndllm. arm‘ S Pm!’ Mdiifml Wes mmm'§::2fl'mm 2:3: I‘'''‘"....;'‘ “" °' N 43-" °'~~°7°‘3:‘..l”’.l‘.:"ll‘..'L‘..-""a.s‘l’r‘5.'§."o...‘°". aw THE HOSPITAIS - 2 '0?-0 . J Entertain on . ‘ " ' . ' ‘ u.., - e‘ l S o Visit Relatives Here 1' Pro! and lira. Jfo’: vnes‘ 513 1:; R‘ an": 3;” n’l‘.°"' c7“c'.‘e:::...“.'7.'.’l' o’.'§}L:'a::l;:' do‘: ‘z ‘ ‘z. , ~ '7 . . . ' ‘ . : . - {V 7' g ' '1 - fl‘ , g : Capt. and Ira. Lester J. Har-; l?:ollins Sttect,\nllentertaln at mo ":,f"_'_°.'; °g;_";,_ ‘M __, ___,l H”? . ‘§;_,,'fl'*‘;_‘;;"_,,“;"'::; .,___,_, {math penal-r with id-n. Pom!-r '-' " ""' P""" "' "'*"' ris and children. Hazel and Ben‘? oclock this evening with a dinner SAKE OF FLAPPERS tar Inca. at Illinois are boraaa the nuts? 3,”... 9... .5...‘ com... 3,“ s..¢.,_l8eblla. am he in. barn eumo. ab-g . l 0‘ I < E 5 ii‘ 5 :5 3 h " _ ' . .1- f the f ' m‘ . . ‘_ ‘. ' ‘ _ . d yu‘.' flu my. "1ClCl|.‘sCllWIl)l?, (jIl'OD(‘C 5:: - A :§?’.'o"m.:mn':”tb;{nl:‘"ro§§r.,' tl: sumn‘:cl?:'l'¥b:.I\olp‘l:t:1"la’:l 0:‘. or 0-M ''--~ 133-3 :~-,3?-:'°§n« --4 «am» 7.17. o....”"' ,"""" '”"‘ "" "' " .""-"l'.";."'c."c'.' y?.....’. 331...»... ll... ‘.y:llow. la-on animal all "um: 3181*. 4-” llviorie ilclienxie. : ll 1 9 ’ ’ « ' '4 ’ ' - .; ‘ad ,0. ‘ad’. 3,, on ficgutre" ,3. gouug ‘ HOLLYWOOD. July 15.-—Ba- tor. . at Iarabaltoil. 1a.. are be g,_ "4 In u... c,,.,,,.. 4,... ,0 rflaraod Wedneday mm Columbia. srbercgnae a gun. W 5"‘. .5,“ Hrs.Anna_ Pileverc discharged - ' ' ‘ - _; . “ - dolph Valentino ‘is going be! to ""“"' "'~ "" ""- °""‘ ”'“"- ‘ceomlla Thursday. . nee have ll... violtlna friends la” ‘ tel-day. Ploy Frenchhaa admitted wan. C Reg Id A lain Iaubsd by a wide but! _ goo st. Joseph Street. Capt. Har cc ml). ma Iflllllo we“ hen‘ may P,_,,_.u,, ,1. Ir. and an castle and son. ocean. at .9. M,“ “M, n, 0,, ,0, 3...’ Kiss nun lertalaodl I no my '3 sis is -a zraduatghofutbe College oi «list-it qI.a;¢£méu;.fl"l"h<::rllIanius.GIau- pen ind “mm 1: mm St. beau. -eyesore last weak 3:-s her ,, .,,,,,,, ,,,_,_,_ ”" }-.l a more no last sweet nee goo.-u,:_"fm"::"d hunk ’uud"°'“' “'3' y' Can” ' C ‘ ' ' d n3v¢f;§t'y' , cc owl o away. llltI- ' _ parents. Ir. and Ir-. Iaraast . _’ c°._. , jvrre: I ret A en. I ,; on one _ - l ; § 3 g, 9", 3 “fie” in the ,;g.;1_\-no 1~u,_.ke,-mm, wd pr.‘ wum _Tbe shell of the 0088!! 1108 30° tie‘-rs’ aleeeuon. who lives aorta aiumm,_" u.:.;'' u" "m ‘jam-e m::ll. o..'.'.3.. PitIO.¢.r’lle:: 1':-iside of the brim are aaotbcr faror- Viftlnil 3011073)’ Ind Lilli!!! _ .‘ cm“ of the Unued Sate. .rm‘,” meyfn .' ztoded 1.0 a nfi.:.f: (wont. 0Iar'::rI.I:f:°(flllv. azfidllrs. Wjlhua Wfivor were [uostal::;.|'h!:orothy Alexander. and Gertrude‘ itgau-lQ_ i ' Ford were discharged today. ‘ I . - ' 9 ....____ '. pular well - “"5 "““' " r. can Btu stands . ’ - _ ' - —. l ~. 3' ‘unwed “ cu”? 53”‘ v“‘' N? Mrs. Charles Morris. 81* Bani’? critics is to feed ‘them what 3:.” km B-“'0' °' u" 8"‘ flu“ '“" ’“""‘n "‘“"""' '1' ‘l m‘ 8"‘ '“"’" '""u1fi'-5 ‘*0 "'° rpm“ u ’°“ '"“ l° My °' "1' '°'"' ' . -"dm‘ Collin‘ to Cohmbi‘ moi Linc. entleruincd Manda)‘ llllerlloon want in fodder. r ?i:_:";:'.;h°“:"'.u‘.hr: ‘*1 of-Irl-s..8‘las-"we're srvor;:u¢|:y:~'lsat B‘ c‘::m‘.".n: Non“ lqha‘. “nib” boa. Q” ..& “ll”! "7 3 'k’°“fi“' '5'“ 54- ' * : «wage-, s;»«,, an H] Hg‘; ~ ';:..'"::.'.::: :':.:‘°:..':.::.‘.’.'‘..:.''°.:.’::’;.:'.':; .; »i::'.°°..:..'.':-‘;*..':: .....“-"* ..**'...."‘.: °-;:~.... .. .. .. ........ ;:,_,-;s;:»-~~ -«---"’°' ~--- »““‘o»~«’"‘ .: .: :...::°::.. .:-. °°....."~°.*;-l :,°-‘,.... »~ o S r l 1 ‘l’ ‘ "’° .. P’ birthday. ‘rhe guests were: Jack very artistic pictures,” Valentino - 35" W-*7 “ *5’ *l'°!** ""7 "°""' Ira. Victor all mum were use. or "" “'* “'5' C'“M- , on-. 5.54 am “fin ggumuc ‘ ' N . palatsd ap- C K 5”‘ '''°‘°"d t° ‘ “'3'” and Billy Mt-Cube Ruth and Jean said “In a way I went over but “ ' °°“""' 5"" "“ """ ‘ W" “‘ Ir and Ira. Joe nan-serum sounder‘ "“‘—r*--—- t the in mud Falls and other places of interest . - ' . ' . , - teadaaec. __,, s__,_,_ '~ DR. 3314. (low 11) OBIO "°" ' '“""” "‘° ' . SPECIALTY ~ ‘D the nut % ‘ Clbben. June and Dqrofily» Norm. never like '2'!» Sheik; _ ‘lb funeral of c. n. n... ...a slate no ,,,_ M .m W. c___ __, _m_: ___ ably done in flower motifs. >,_ , A . ,3: Doggy. Juanita and min? 0;. imp!-ovln8_B3': no:-age cxulml; ‘m 0”“ ,, uh W, In x ,_ 3,“ pom" ,u_ u_ rigor”... wm 3.“ The metallic touch appears on _ w[NN‘3 GARAGE‘ I ._ S . f.eId Students nn wn, Dry-n'¢ll, A, —pu lcs ta or lncr tillns. . . "4 ,..,u, 5...”, E [),,.,»m,.,¢ “ u.gy,nh,_ rnany_ tailored‘ bats vbcre either 5* n‘ , 4, x_ 3“ a_ » Pfiny 3 r ‘ Shelton. I-‘rcd Lowery, Bllb Dl_V‘l.I, -_-From now on I vnll watch tln °'a~'f“;-“l ‘um an ‘mflu ‘_ law” no new. Edmund Willa -out Sn-aria; Spot-lal Corrtapasds-sit. gilt or silver leather forms a piping M11 Gig?‘ A '1'. J. and Emma Parsons. Ros-oe ticket-WiDd0W I‘!!! Klventhtln In all! ‘L “.4 mo, o. c, s...ol..ua.o1 Cla-. :33?‘ ‘mm’ "'1 ml AUSTIN T4--Dr. Spur-(eon to the velvet used about the crown ML fl . 4 _ 5, _ ‘ .rhe.'spri;“fidd Sum Teuhen A'._0;‘dH‘l'll,AT.'l'ls0l!ll.k8d;M(:lr.tu, sh§i:daturf‘{tht:ey';ant. , ‘dam. c'la‘:‘ati are here as the guests ol Ira.‘ ‘n _'u In U_ & 3'“. u‘ _o;_lBell, formerly professor 0! econum- or brim. . . an . % i ' . Collect Club or the University will °"‘5~‘ ‘ .“°° ,u “d yt hi‘ “tat p°;m‘”n.'u7h.” not .~“;mh""h"°"'* “flank” ‘I. n.~_;8baaaoa. cvzltedhhflsf;-‘I:-1 In. Palm :33 ‘P sihggngzntf :;:mmt;°‘g:¢'. '1 Dmopn bu bi“! p"d°-Ina" S RANDOLPHV SPRINGS = ‘M ‘ ”‘°‘“°‘ ‘°"‘°"’°" “ c'i“d' "'1 “"“" “- “°"“"- °*“P¢’°" hl-d the hos-offlee pull he had “’ ‘°""' °’ "* “°"‘“ “" '“"“ ""lE'n'l: ‘nBlan:l: loam" mu c..o.lo3‘3o.ill:.. Adzinistration School at All bats are wide at the Tides all ’“""“ "“"" .''‘’'‘°‘3''‘''S ; "C .""f’"° lurk’ n°mb°" _°‘ fl’;_°J¢1“b of the De Molay House, is visiting hoped for. He deplore: that fact "" """ 3”“ "quasar; and Lynn Iellara of Colunbistthe L-.,,i,.e,,my 0, Ten, ‘gm, 3,3,. (Iggy my 5. door; 1. but sad Ialt-Nature's Boat. 2 v- ‘ "'mn”"::°::.;; 3340:“ {me 0 nu‘ Gr”? Gm "d u"" C"],m‘3' “C1”? he T00 M 53 I kt?!‘ 513' Is. 8. Ind: sold his turaltun otoro aM'la;"'::;';"; '; 0;: "";teen years service in that capaclty, or {ran . The hat either matches 82 par crate at {I ball-gallaa - § : u . . “"".'° "°". ‘ “?”"°’ E“““°"’ "1 “'9 actor today he was when he --I-mu-c u-am so an» two-M -r ,,,_ M .,,'_ gm, W“, _,,,‘,.,,,,gto become head of the Bureau or the {rock in color or It n o! nude soul... ..'.l.a._r-llooa an The {ollowiru members uill some Unjverg - , T‘. 3.311, “.1”, .. .. U, - l “'7 . . : 7 we nun“ em committee. F '3' m- ' ,' ‘"59 The .559“ ‘ H’ 3 """' "’ "°"""‘.alben and David. and Ira. remote corle-lBuslness Reseanch at Ohio State tone to harrnonlsrvrlth shoes and _ -_ an ', E‘ ‘’ ‘:5’ Esther Mow‘: ”"- H°"*b5_“m NWT“ ‘9 C°llmb|8 .However..ln returning to H: old ‘n_°;_"';_’9h':“;""M_m.d M ‘.|‘h.%dl'OVO to Lee. sous: last met and are'Univenlity for . salary of $7500 a hoaiqy, I-‘oe trayeliq an es-uh. ~ —————-~ »— - - V” "'---~- . K ‘ ~ Ian n The re- ulbclll. the rnld_dle_of Aflfln3L.~ “mks re'_'m the'fl‘pper‘v l”‘ru‘ ”'.‘..h"_ -n‘ ‘tn’ ‘dd’. ‘“ cHm'..;:visitln¢ Mr. and Irr. C. D. Evans aad:ye.r compared to ‘sun which be ‘me ‘at of ‘ilk ox ‘ilk ‘nd velvct ' - . W‘. ' r - - ' F‘ V‘l°’m“°.l3 "03 801118 10 l'¢.l°'903t¢ ol C1Iattanaaca."l'enn.. If 9 ’ the University of Texas. is very polar. , ’ ireslunents committee wlll have the Miss Flora Baker. 205‘ College “,9; Q5" bnnd of hummug". pm...’ ,4 “.9, ., 45,," 3,,,,,,,,_ and Ir. and In.‘ ‘L ‘N. in‘ ’ “.4 d“‘,._1;rcceived at Q I or. Bray Jo. were guests of Ir. aad Mrs. " exprused "fret 3" h‘v' following members: I-‘rank Mo‘rlv:a- Avenue. returned home Monday |d't- no pun, to be . ,.o,u,nucdi3n“§.n, ’ 3... club,‘ 5...“. "4 ,__ 1-.,,_,. L Ln“ me In am’ Ln” “ Q in‘ to 1"“. upechny when the . -——:—o-———— V ~ V nun: zxnlnrr xr nan I-‘MR COMPANY . . Kilt. “N. J. C- Pllnlmill. and I1. er spending several weeks at Ho- 11,, “to, base", he an “uh. an-ca. at st. Louis returned to their aone- ———*-——- - - . .__.. ..__-. ._. ._-...... 4.‘. s ‘fin. "uh" Ha ‘Ii u n F G er H: “r ‘Dd um I I d hem“. Hi” He is a Russian bandit, stealing °,c'&'_;__b_h,,_ L G_ 71:‘: ‘xx’? H. Whittle. and-ted In Illa. Hannah lac. they will be sewed with . ¢hi¢k¢n 1 to ‘D an a e 0 - _ ' ' ' . M 1.0 ,_" . Brynn’; parents are lit and Mrs‘ nine and Harry Iieflin, and Kiss ‘3. ‘ . ~ . ='|octdi 8-‘NI-||‘15'"M~‘B' Ad"trtinSclloolwas ' " ' C 3: A -o F. l:..1»:ogleman. nctt, Mo. lam Baker -has been the ‘the Russian lover with the same no. fl-;‘-1.31:5»;-_“§; o;:_-_ *1‘: :3‘ '°"~ gioit d :32’. ....° .13 ....."L." ;m“';::§:'the ':t'r'::g:8t°mmy in in null and Gale nlool.Y, -Double rm A8uhuoblh.“Gaeruornu . .. - , . guest of Muss Alma Russell 0! Ho- ' 1. M ‘ "" . lie. and In. I-‘A Jolnaou and child:--n.; . . . _ PTWVU lift ' "77 . . I . _ ,. Q lnantlc 3 rnour now surv _ Ira. Ii. I-2. Btoue entertained Ir. H I. Ch ‘.d,lllBlOl'y and with the vlgorous sup 3, u...“ p,..., WC‘ slnddt , . Hmton " ma‘ loundsevery handsome son of Italy in. rank a. ward and eanllrea. aad‘::::'fl'l:_’o:‘T,b;'on‘." 3,,,,¢,,”?,¢ ... port of President Splawn, but he Jgpvpggsox cu-y__F°' the - 3 7 , J S . A 3107"?! ' Mrs. J. P. llctsler and son. Jack, :3 3. -n ‘g the ° "’ :',,';'3'Lm_c'_::,',':' ¢':‘.e,_‘:k°':';‘_"'_"_;* the annual reunion ol the Johnson says the new place gives °PP0!'t0D- first time in the history of tbe Wefllng and Iao ; __J L " . . V. A 13 . a utlno Interprets on. . h“”_ ' family at the bone ot ilenda-son Jobaaon. Ry to 50 hf-0‘dgf and more crg- event. the “bun” gnu [.35 ‘g fig V 3 ,.. 1 Miss lslna Beerbower and Thom» 11 East Broadway, returned 5a!» The “men. “rad, mm,‘ .5” Du“ 5, g,_ ,,.d 3,, . l .. l - '3‘ In. Basal ltowloul .-teeuloell was a two worlt. sedalia—Au¢. 15 to !2—rlll have _ l * . . asBr!son.Jr.. both of Hinton. were urday from Macon. when they out the mt“ mm, of v.y,fimv, U" in, M“, M m. mu” 3“ Frank Johnson and Ir. and Ira. Bud: m uhiw ’ ‘at am Oda & v.n‘tt. - ll .- E married at 8 o'clock Ihl8'lI0!'nll’Q spent a week as..the guests of Mr. "at Ma dim Vhkhhean, u-1-he 5.. d 3‘ 1,,‘ mm, h F.‘ Johnson 0! Cola!-hit Euumin 30“ an}, °. ’°"' _ — l l . - - P " . ' - " "“" Iissbaa so: cal Olivet cams Ciflrth l0 T! The eslllblt will be under the 91. no 31]; 33] Agfi ,. , by the Bev. A. W. Paslc_y_at .hls and Mrs. M. B. Iserst, and Judge and _unun_,ed_-v Rudy of con,“ i, an IIet!ert.,Ilary sa-ea. Lucille reuataio. sad 'm“'_m ‘m"" ;:_"’mmm "4 ‘W The Rot"), C19}, will go to “uni”. “me mu‘ Fm. ‘M 0"” v _ . - - ‘home. 1413 Bass Avenue. ~, Mrs. B. B. Williams. -. "0nt«Imed" pg;-g of the pgctine. Rafi! Park Into or-e-L “mu "flu um_°°_ ‘ Rochepon tomorrow even“ ‘ha, ‘ _:_ everythinc from vodka to curl: ‘la. Ira. settle was at It. voom-. 5.4- ""3 --4 "W 9"“ ”"“'- W‘ "" "°t dinner by the women at the eth- I v . - . .. . ll . stl the lawn». no ‘dc . sash. tn-L 0°” °"'''‘ ""= “"* """‘ - - l V . '‘‘‘- I 2 L 1-. J. Brynn 11,,‘.¢o,,]gel¢f¢ ' Vlrglnla Stewart motored to_Je!fc_r- hzgro mic oyn . 1, ‘d ha". “'3”: an :0‘ :2: '“hrI.h.; 5"’ ,..' noun. In. John Elston. Inn. 1!. P. odlllt Church. Thls is an annua Cm Do.‘ Y I-J: Ffl‘ ’ Y . — - -t - my ' no.4 In wlll Dyaart and Ilsa nets affalr and the srranxcfllfifllvl IN “V . l . _ the cercméily for a hdnufilfisho i ton %ltym§und;yilul!dsl;nt n sbllitl ‘M ‘uh. me.” the um-Q “dot in. ::d ‘ls-. ml; Lucy In; in V L xenon will 5- 5°" in charte of l C Barth this year. . . , ~ _ . trip throuzlrthc Ozarks. r.- ryson ""9 "‘ ‘"9 '- “ "* R""" that llaracterlaes‘ ‘The She’lt." I" " ' ” ""5 "'°' be ‘I in A ° '- . z ' I in l S "W “ 3"“ ““"“"¥““" “"’° " H°lm'"‘ It irievu Valentino to be::onle s :":ul:°nc:°;.“a'7touuo..x“":u:':n£ W n ‘ ‘N " um Elm :::lx1{a‘irgt;Incc:mr¢:‘r:ml,tfl:e:}.|e 3.’. ii I t :1 % Hinton. . { ‘ Dr. ‘ad H". 11."? ‘E Dunlap sheik and abandon his but art '1’ ll 0-,,looae coeaur lioavlhl. charge I the. program. Thg_l_l.o- f E ; 5- "V A fir. and M.’ Board and son 17941 daughters. Martini and Bar- mun“: w the uck“-buy"' - on a:‘t..boa.l:l:;bE'u‘: ha:tb‘!u.:::‘ ‘run Wyatt visited here Thursday. taria will let" "‘°'” lb’ D‘“l°‘ ‘ l l oi ' « ' l ‘ bflfls‘ 0‘ BY'0°klY7lo N. Y‘ arrived I ‘mtg to be cdkd ‘The s&lk' There were a author at lnvlul Inc-ta I V. fiurman abowd bone Thursday. Boone Tavern at 5 O'Cl0Ck. lv0m°''', ‘ the /I ‘ ' _ today. to be the ‘nest; 0131,. ‘my be “idv b°°‘'“'° ‘-59 "°’d 5“ "39" praant. The club e-ceeealoul em a pleo 3'... so... Dodson ol no-ms Couaty in row gvenng. A bus has been char- _ .— . on" a devilish meaning. k, l...g.,_ mu. , no ¢...g.., _ , , ,3, gr; . ‘ ~ » if. i J. P' Healer’ 1311 Eat B”‘d- .“l pick up and what do I a UL. Jaae Austoae‘ entertained vvltll a “is: Ito:-non and two children were here “red to nuke e _ _p_ 2’ : ' ' _.__.+. . see? A ‘sheik’ has been arrested -1-lber‘ lul;hso-;.a;‘;u;°“nmdo::- 'l$;rsd;!- and of wow.“ _n "I Try ‘ Mmoufim ‘um .d_ ~ oe _ 4 2 j - — - - Ch UGO: III . . . . VI 0 . if L “'5'” I‘°"'“° J"°°b‘ ‘M n‘’‘'‘' {M "Mn" wk "' ' d"'°°°h‘"’ I-owl» lb Iurr so-I-. nu xaellle‘l.m rm-y. M ~ ee ml Baker have returned from Spriu¢- °7 weuinfi 139$ {OT 393597 Fountain. Ila lrvcnc Stone. and Ilsa tulle; Edgar Icliee and son. Isa-shall. W0" . 2' ‘ . ' tor to ‘mi 91”“ °‘ ‘"‘§’'‘’‘‘- 5 la 3;, 1, ,1, .5, Another ‘sheik’ has murdered R. ....o. W : '- : A Eda‘: rtfiggnfi ‘O the “male E-eke v(i)s'iti:ga:liss eflaltoplgit pare. In-andlnother because she wouldn't llama Part entertained-the following ..f"'i'.§.'.....l o! Woodlutdville was A. D. HIGDAY _ ’ 2 ._ . west. The yrlll come to Columbia at: Mr. and M“ B W luck. give him money to buy gm dinner last atooaey: Jane Austene. naul ‘nlursday. A The Wel . to keep your flock of lay“: hens at the peak of . ;l ' ‘(gig for gtgthexf abort Visit with I’ ' ° ' ° «I ‘would “kc to ink‘ pkture. Rowland. Janine Wiatnan. lrcas Sloan! 43. C. Young was in Columbia on bush Au ‘wk flmfgntd, - l ; _ Uh "'4 ¥'$'3°id M0" r°tm- Mr. and Mrs. w. H. Kingee of st um would opplal to toe fans like .'f?.'.'n°.‘I.'3.'i»§."l1’o:I."'.f:“s"“o....."'i'°I'.?J?"§l'.."-?'°£l3I; of a....o om, .oloo’ oonuunu lulcllllu: 8110? production durins the summer m°"““ ‘"3 ‘" ~ . .’ in; to It . . Louis who have been the guests of «the Sheik» did. but T"&ant to make boron; aouaan of St. Louis. . toe. loot’-eon. _ l 15 34...“. qu, st. Phone 122! cod condmon'_‘.f°r an “yin! . .‘ n 5 _ _ . . A . ' Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Read, have gone them better. That of course is a ‘Vt 9- L 36588 entertained the Oir- Ilrm M150 Iona I-6 Nth". In Dlwl #—- 2 ' ' ’ B l l '_:' 4 ‘ ,. f Hm 30111111? H9“ “*5 M”;“'::' to Mexico for a short visit before difficnlll, am.‘ to do," ‘ ' H_ - _ ___fl ___ ,_,_ __..._ , _ V1 #4 ll.:eenLuterta"ninedw°:,i‘tho: 13:1»: ""“‘"""‘ ‘° ”’°i’__"__.°'"°' 0KLAH(-1-151-.8.S'l‘OP alum S "' oi N° (‘her muh Wm brim the man‘ for.‘ » -. - y at New Franklin. in Mrs. Cleo Shaw and daughter, ' which 333.31“: jug}. i; go well known. To lteep " A ._AA.;; glint of Ira. Hen?!’ Nefi of Boon-' Dorothy "May. of St. Louis, Mo, arc Rfiifd 573! Cllillll I-Ill POI‘! _ ,,m,,_,,g,° ‘no ‘um Ann. Loan the guests of Mrs. S. T. Sirupnn. ’ __ ., Drive.fl-on Inltogee. . - X _ chgigf baton her marriage twcii 305 College Avenue. -. N&l:nUV.u§lliss, retired captain ’ . _ ‘ - - l ‘_ " 'g']'-, —- ‘.01 xii tatesA , d ' r iii”:-2.‘l’o. nGilberg.?:‘cln :33: “"- “- A: Wtlthke and dmh- Mn. Em: and two d-«rug. xiii: ' 0 -' er V 0, sole. of Columbia were guests.‘ f’: f;;‘*" E""*f§h- of K-mu City and Eligabeth. or_un-koeee. okra. S E . ‘IN hostesses and fleas mentioned I H: 503 ‘;I"i‘:“S.‘.’ 398- Ivellnd Heb ;t‘:]:‘];:d"-In C‘;:‘l1el;1lJ!l.a::f a nf:‘:i:lxOl11: - . S - Boone & Elev. C0. 051 all members of the Missouri‘ i __..___ - .. “no (‘on Pine to Trade." , . e ‘. ch-war of Delta Deh.De1ta« llrs. 1. r. ‘ ler and son, nee, °" ‘° ”" Eu“ °“ _« mm“ I ’ » B trip in their o 7 i-j j ' A Q _ “ :5. mt med - m . h . _ home at Menco. Ho. 5. A 7 C A_____ > — ; Mn. 5. '1‘. Simpson, ass college , u:°Cm,".fm ‘ mi‘; age. ‘They spenfsnnday nisht in 809!» < C _ ___ V _ -, * .~ _Avenne.~edvul-11.14. raterd-V ‘ft-‘zotue. and are w. Llleulor. "‘”°‘ ‘“’°’ '°"‘ "°"' B°°""‘"‘ ' B ‘ E V‘ cl-noon in honor of her dau¢bter.| '_____. t0 Flyetfe Sllndl-Y tftcrnoon ' . ~ ~~ ' . I ._ ‘ W fig ld fflehdl. - . to u occasion being: Jan.‘ Harold Balm. 314 South "0 ° llr- Ellis attended lter fiftbbirtbday anliaversary. The 2 Garth Avenue. wfll entertain at s “=9 collect there from '92 to '96- Be your flock conditioned. feed RED-RING « I um :;r.::..::°::..:~:;.:~.:=::.::.:: Extra Specials for Thursday l COLUMBIA THEATER C .4 , " Backus, Mary Jane McDonnell, M -—-—-—_— . when he was a student. _ - . fl___ ‘ l _ " »_ “mm mm”. “"7 gnenim rs.:lames lstheguest of ____¢__H - . -.N 3 ‘. _ . P.yne' Etfia Locker“:-Q, Dcyotfiyi 1!. William Ofialleran at Brovns. _ SELLING OUT AT COST V * ‘ . .. 2; i C any Sh-V-, ‘"9’ S 9"“ !W“‘“-; amcusnuaws mm or Alex Stewart J ~ g ' ‘ S A o l W M": B e ASH DRESSES V U ILL E ~* o l ‘ « l snaalclalllsll of Osceola, Arllol 'w:::§d.f:§,1}:'.,",:"s,’_"w,,’,'k' mm: l S ‘ A l 1 S ; it unfxae-t or his mi. 2-? , Cot: a.o...o. ”"‘ l . ‘ . . - ' ' : - ' al. and are. E¢°§»;§:mW§a.g6°l' 9;‘:-.":_:"i'_.hml tmnxclnm L__,,,, “I, In Volles, Lmens, Broadcloths, lrl Dlaln and colors also % BE Gel-ON and gcotrp . . ~ A O . 0. . ‘j ‘ _ O . 0 ‘ I " " l‘ to . §’°f**éMh""“""h W 9"‘°md_N mint. Mmfim A” N bf” to in; Dry aaolu co. -flgured and strlpes, _Queen Make. J V me 09,6, ",5 the soubeetu ' ‘ ,a.e Ul'fi'vel-sity. in mos. and to {ripe and contented old sse."sc- l-sue no or me. aeaaluaau. ' . , Comedy. slnslns."l‘alldns. 0'90"‘ . , 1 was his‘ rstriait home since that :’:¢ul;n2to Dr. Cl;m'les H. Iayisafm ",i.'_ 1.1 3_ § Q, . C . ' ‘ . ‘ . a - _ ; *!=-°- r~ .____.— « t I 1.... .‘.‘.f,‘.:2’.:'."....l‘o“°°’....."“".;...'.:2:o ' o hmce - ,« 1 ast SHANNONS PLAYTIME"I-‘ROLICS. ‘E , Illr. and 1111- N-- 3- 3' .- I-etnblr of Amerialnnaedicalmea in Z-—————‘ ’ e e S ‘ - «' “A Noveltvsurpriu llubbel1's Drive. and Ill‘. and 18-, London. Dr. llayogdeclaredjthatthe ‘Bd noun, mi south ‘Death Street» use Enzlishmen made o{‘tl'nir vaca- Iett today by motor for Hel3Phl_'s one and recreation time was re- q~. ‘Benn. '4lr._and_ In-s. Bl¢l:man:w_lll s nsible for the large number of . vwv ear I One big'iotof House and Porch Dresses, a1so'Chi1dren’s - * u!» ‘l o 777 V Dresses in all sizes ranging in price up to $2.98. ‘These TONIGHT ONLY ' . o. o..- .. .Q',‘.'; . - X.‘ fit visit me. :31 {um ink.“ ‘in be ouemfinds mm. to . are real values for Thursday only. _ o 1 % ' . ‘tiled of Bush lrdpu. "lt gm. come" said DrE..‘|layo ’ ‘ I A DE F S ; . v s........," . o - , ' - Com Ear on core. ar7Carr B 13‘? e . m§‘..?'so.... no oo.oa’3'oo'§°:or "“";, "°““‘ "‘.;.*.';“.‘f.‘;‘“.*.:. S ~ . . __, Ch°‘°e e - y . - ’ ‘ ' 33”". c‘I"h'" ‘h’ urable life'can be nade.5tbe 3:; ’ .' v . B A - " A ' ‘ . ill ' ' - to” ' ' . *"*‘ "‘“' “"°"°“'.“’°"t "‘“’ "" it»is-‘-'-om-ram cithen-“He n"'°°‘ “" - loyards Bleached or Brown Musli ‘* I ‘ ‘ .;:?‘ * "?!1‘"_’- i3"""" “"‘- is somewhat more livable than bat ORHIHELN HEIGHTS . . f . 1 0_ ard . .t ,. B . S _ AY" . v‘ ;i ;i' '-43'” eoaoredbymost-Aloe:-loans. 1 old A .. - f ' _ ‘ 7 0l'$_ Yo llml * : - “EA8'l_'_OFBROADW ~ .H- C 1‘ * _ Oflhivfhilez oosoozlonloaway. f,';’;‘,,'if’f,,*.f';.5'.°o"llr'l'"z°ll'.o"§’-o"ll’.":'. S g A 10 oft Bleached or Brown Sheeting, 9-4 heavy , no .o....otlo story of a nglluog rnan—a pl» - 5.9 5lIu.Ella8hip%,1WahonPha.l9'A”"l°- . W — lmsm_ C qua1itywprth55cay8l'd. ' ‘ ' - ' whowonssslnstsrqntoddt . P697.’ ~ zfilagara Fills .,,.,,,.,,,..,,,,.,.,,,,,~ B . S;le¢iulf10yordstor$3.8$,10-yard1imit . B _ o i " . ’ '64 , - . A l