1. .. . . V V __ _ __ __l_ __ ‘ ‘ :._, ...‘..,.,...‘.,_—.... ....‘.,. ,. ,.. ‘-1 -.. .<- ~.'...:: ‘ ' kt‘ ,‘! . V . . ,4"-‘fix _{ ~ ‘ 3 Ll -__ hie,‘ o _ “-Vr‘f";.“‘ _r._ . ’- ‘g of. .,H ' I V . H . O. __‘ __ H . . ‘u ‘A .‘-_' _.4 - ~__‘~-’_ ‘ p. « - - I.” _‘. _. )3" ‘ «Q. r}’.- ‘ .¢ ' if. ; ' -g. 2 - p - . , ' ~. _ .7 .< ‘. . V ‘ __" _Z . J‘ o g ‘ '- . ‘ .‘ _. _'._".. . fig; ‘s V‘ , '-" ‘ 1‘ . , t ' "T .‘ .\ 1.4, . , «V ' . d ‘-5. - ‘S 1. 3 S U . . -run coLUitsiA URIAN , Av 271925 ‘ ' -;’,_‘§_.".- V _. (g _ h _ "'*' y . . ,- . —. - . - - - _ * “* . .2 ’ , - - A ‘- .. I nararaal-r-I ( 03“ goods valued at.;8l4.887.000, and.atcrlln;aIld~la expectedtobeooin-l 7 , , i Maclvlillan Steers Oourseln . o AT mu cniiscul-as .---=-=- so-o-=---to-«-or-one ,,,,, W M, ;_,,1,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,.,, .,..i....i.s........., 1996. -1 . 7 .g _ '4 F “ S U AI b b fl$ ‘ lclaatla will "" "°'" "' W’ ".""""‘ °‘ ‘““"éticiel- t....‘i.;'.‘i' otliio cooni‘t1"r°t!ol 'PlCtuf€S 0 le " ' ' 3' l C C Y get i -1-... 3.. ,,.""‘ ‘ t ll 3'1"‘ no .oi.i'.et ea “'1” '““"*‘°*'”°'-i A“'°"°"' '“°'iotndy state legislative nnd ndxninioa‘ - it v . V 3, um,‘ ,5,‘ ; we ‘ 35, .5. 5.. 5... ':,.‘:':,?_‘:“''d:':,' the lesson eupen 5 "christian science." of petroleum in Australia were $1,-Eu-‘fin; .n.u,o¢,_ ., the ggeogdunxj 1 re” “ ' '”“"'"”"“" beuleula andviththaapeadof II:-ctueeb.wiilsr-scatter-oenioaoel~ """""""""‘°"‘°"“""""""“""' '200.000greaterthulinAprilo!last of provincial with commonwealtflj N G “ ‘ WAsliI!lGTON—Winging across .5. P3“, .511 :1, 35- 3°"-5'-I "MIN! 9.1 been It 10-'¢l""' "' "' ':*''l f,‘ '‘''_”l “H 1:I,_'':; year. ' ggovernments is a considerable prob-j ‘ ever row U § *5 p ' 55"‘?! '13"! Of 511804 AFC“! mathematical calculation °""°""m"" "' ‘' ‘‘'''''' ‘u "" °‘ 8"’ oeloeit. rt: rssdtu con. 3''... man Another remark le indication of km 5'1 Aufiflulo 83 ll 5“ 13"?!‘ *6 ‘it’ ‘h in the vol" *4» -°m*.=i=¢ W " arose-peed on:-owinacao bee-lo ":‘....... ..".‘.‘..‘..“'.‘.‘.. arln. n. n....== w l - - -no «no» em on closer relations . i .. unnedibeen in the United.Statu. 3 like an appoin o*f'-'-o-;,. , known, on: land continent. nvia_ tlyers will beequipped eon-to-. cl:-a. tanallt to Put. no it! __ m '1: 3‘: " "’ 3" state; and the Anfipodes is nirorda no ,T:‘§,T,,,‘;‘s, I ‘ t at your homg if -~ - I . wggficdcnvkhhtzz lagodtguof on-'0 °':l%'iII'B‘.u .1‘: ‘E. “I; ‘l?e;-liens.“ “gm e R ""‘— ‘. Bib’ futbwfi‘ dugiufion Otto yliildlahrand. 10-year-old son - er‘ ‘ ‘If. .- .' ’°'7"m”‘ the nlidniaht sun and the arctic 3”, y » - Gnu. Inch! by root. in Iran Joaoenn. U~ 8- Fmnxnsnn’ mwARD P‘°'fi°' 1° " 1°? iot “Coonie” Hildebrand, a former; Jl.‘.? 5f- . t° am” 3"‘ war moon, hothof which can be aeea at uwefuk, 1,” “V3.4 out . dare "“"“ ‘””‘°":mj""_ h Ausnuu‘ 18 GROWING meal ‘Bria’: Co‘un:i)i:°fith ‘he resident of Hal-tsburg. was leoentlyl 5- .7 - ' - _ . ' .. . J te cod to t - tc ' tli . ‘ -:-? 9 R ‘n mr‘?*w mg mu" 0n;¢o.uo'in“the needle or the mu. tonaerve the ngjmne aamenaa the .:ceur:.-et gong: auditorium at s New l"eelha Billlgad lncreaae in southern connnonweal ‘J8 llritlsh. gaunndorma s:rht:KylearHeru':'ls!| 9. ‘A ,‘ lather. Louis swell} invoked the mac comp.” in the odmuy udud M °i'°'|‘°r: mwkm nu.“ on the ‘be Pint conengniionnl camel. ooin c°""E:"“ is: owned and operated. t it is es-,0! we yum” on "N chute‘ ‘amt To — ‘ ,. ‘ 1" l“ ‘B R’ "km ‘"5 reckoning” rs and aviators ‘flaw, an.“ dunno,‘ 01 up ,0 the The rim rieuen clmcii‘,, um‘ ,.,.’ _ " “"“‘°d 9*“ ‘PP'°?‘l““‘f"l3_' fi“"“§-obbing the Rodcman Implement; 1’ Ii" ‘° W9 N” *" 5“ mu“ ‘° l''-' in milder dimes would lead them in mo 1,“ m .',,,, .0 be 0,, . ="°" ""' ‘W-" * WA8HlNG'I‘0N.—'l'he iortlicoin- “V” 9" """ °.’ ‘’'° 5"‘ ”‘ "’°"‘.store. i i ‘a pm, 221 :~' 5.“, of his own buu_ Ann. ‘ml drckvnmn their “cl V” “hub unilgflm “M. the “Name of B. Y aervieu at 1 p. in. he vi.“ 0‘ an United sums ac“ and to the ‘United . The duo‘: __,_____ lie 4 . - ’.’°"Pm:‘v 1.3 ‘M 17 ’°‘P°°fi"gt- and they crashed to disaster on “,3, being disregarded. On a polar _ -(Sr-:tla.a_: Australia will'intens1t'y the cor- punt”? mu co" 2 poo pounds. Try ' Mi"°"fi‘” "wt ‘ft 3 ‘S '9” “pml the terrible edzemol pe!'p¢t!1Il_lC¢- ch“-g hm bgcgmu 3 spiral, due h:““' “""’°’°}"'|""_* “ *3" *- 5- 3'0"“ dial feelings which have prevailed . __.-_,- ......._.... ---_ - ~ 55' FWN1 59 d°¢l!'°4o 3"‘ ‘°°3 American scientists ha vised to the “C; a” worm :5 cu], . fgw kg ‘M "f: "IV between the United States and the 9 "1: ‘ at Yzkgn ‘mm to we if ‘ '(;""'h’7“5’::d°f °°1°£:ld.‘“'d‘"::’; M05705 N193 511 Clfcumfflfllw “P dltorinni. At the n-ornln. aarvloe lallt lt.3““d‘ °f “'9 A““P°d°‘ 39'“ ‘-59 " V B°°‘°v _ an t 2 ex ition._ lug no en. Shah of Iungcll. lndla will [Ive n. .d.. World War, in the opinion of many be add '‘..on flu’ t&m' ma‘, in ‘I’ 3l¢‘mer5 B°'d°in 33d A “gun compgu” '3; coast;-uctgd draaa on "lie enlng a! Young ladla.":lnt€!'I1ll.l0 ere. ' The ‘lfll solemnly listened Vlllll! Peary. is carrying unique charts and ‘O “kc an pl.” of the m“netic Christian lhoduvor service is held in the “vb-I I ' . 4 l e re ations betueen these the lid declaredthat tllth dte ‘ t‘ 1 three F” .I . v.is.cA1todiineluunt_s:tsn.-. .- I. -. é_ are $1 gyceara old. tllelr fzltiher bx alcnplrllriixl ':l':lesotofl:in¢ their Ira)‘: shadownofowhich :lll‘¢t!l:l’)'lcp:;: ,,1:',_“,,_ .:",::';_°:,:':hc,':"k‘ 'm 5' ‘ Co as :Je..:,2’§l¢b.°e,:.:$:"?; . J? '3 a_ legal right to dictate their bed- from tlfiubcgllddheadlxndl off‘ 3? pilot to steer thlal spiral -course, un n Prlyer nu-etlnn wcdneedey eve-Echummy {eelingas the result of per. ’~i_. r '=;ou 3' stay: ‘t ntll ll 1L.ah:d'.ui’nto the irlnltrlltlwn ‘send rfaturif "l,u“£m than we dfriuiom 3::-en“ 8 ‘Mod “ W P uni’ mm“ Conn“ of Ameriun ml- ““ ‘°° “ ' V 5': 0 "WW3 V ‘D 7- ‘ . diers with the Australians during o'clock on nights when you go to Magnetic Polelloeleua. * ————o—-——- ' , ‘°"""" "‘“"‘ °‘ '5' "°""“'f h . _ ' W’ I ""39". "°""" 3°?" ‘°“ Th’ "'’‘‘‘"'''“° ’’°''’''. '"‘.‘°h "7; MC“ "01 ‘.__°n CL“ mm "1"!-?.ccI:'In'il'l~ekP-"rt-x':r il:i::|:?f:l“C':Iwv:l.u ‘ft ?l'h:Lrrlew feelinx of neixhborlincss them And until mldn ht n tracts the compass polnt is 1200. i 9 I,‘ ha‘ lg“ ° mile“ south of we Nora: pok At,‘ lllss lllnote Saya Demonstration nag", I ‘I H L ,between the Uniteq States and the u ' 7°“ 3° “’ ”°°" am“ in the‘, nigh“ in we unkhowni Interest is Keen. A ,,,,d,. ,,,,,,,,,,, ,3, 5, ,5,“ _, ,.”llands in the far south has been ac- “ 7°“ “‘gud:’ “méf, °“‘°"" R“ 0! 1000000 Nun mu" be_{ héiaa ldtne Hinote. lllllllélt ;tate 1. III. for the Annual Sunday seiiool nnyicoinpanied by the favorable devel- u"" "M V" ' ' eclu lea r. returned rocen y rom Church -«vice v oven at 10:40 a. -2. opment of commercial, cultural and _ i_ m;‘u':; 0‘ ‘Yvon $°‘:°m‘;""tw: 30?; ‘k:h::$i“c::_s“;iu";E__ :3 a 121210-fily tfklp in the interests of :R'¢'il:.or;n ab-olr. other relations. For the first time ._ _ E , ' ‘- . I V‘ . V I’ er. « . . . _'_ - ’ . ‘_, ’ _ V _ WM mg“ w-ho “ye og-‘gnjggd tween the DO Rlld magnetic polehl In LE‘. '2“ Co nt “inch: inlletlt Standards nr Jodzlleletl That I. in h“u?ry' Ausujlu in the month a *'." 9"‘-,’,',,’ ‘ X” - \ ‘ R __ _ J. . . . . . ma the comp“: needle ,1" pmm. Y9 it Y. Abide. of April was the first market for “-- x _ I. "_"° “"5 Y°“l‘"3 F‘”'°"' A"°°"’ mum imtud of norm At Omar‘ attended the- county club camp {or no Senior and lntertnedlate up-oral American trans-Pacific exP0!'l8. hav. A . . _ S ' 3:0" V5341“ l~°¢3h:°fll‘° points in the night‘ the campus: §Vo(¢)i da)'I:c£rom the‘: she went to '4'-Hr" vi“ alert -1 7:;-a.‘ N‘ ( Zing surpasse Japan. Australia in ' I - . ' . ‘"7’ 9'93"‘ ' . . . , . . v away unty vi no she trained 3'" " " '"‘ ° °°'§ that month purchased United States " V m‘ an hm.‘ ummmm in“, will point in nearly all dll'9Ctl0ll.ll dcmonsmficn mm ‘of mu nuihla will lie held at the iienini Church o ' . their own family life. °}‘°°P‘ "°"‘h- b°°‘“§‘-'_ ‘" 93° °P°’,"’§ “in 1,, Deihlf, .5, 5314 a "‘ 2°" ' 5 , "“'°' °‘ ~ ~ - --~-or '~' *- ‘- t e 0 S 0 ' a I Anon‘ the min” which yank tlons of the. expedition will he in» f ‘ cl bl I ;. B. ‘"7" Wcbvnh '11! once!» _ ._ to fathers aim and hope to ban ‘"'“°’’ ’'°.“’‘ W’ ”‘°‘“>’ 9“? °‘;!cc(o':iift::n:¢ne°cne:ked final flab :8 Pl ! ' ' ~ "Q: ' :)ll1'ellln.Kncuc po an frollilvlttllotticll pa“ ‘Wm 1”‘ 7°"; ‘M i“ H°“"3' .:uo:‘rll.ii’I'a“h:ole:mill*bebe“ no 930"‘ ml: t F t O f . 0 g . I C ' j Almxess riding in autoinobllesmo d’ °°";P“5 ’ 3’ ‘1C0l]l'Ity ahe trained demonstration 1-5. ,. ..,_ 3,,‘ _g,,,,,, u_‘;,:x:.:;°":;,'. a a 0 y . . aftéer l0 o’cl;:k. ha ha N". Punk“ ma sinpk Weafinis {cg-the state fair. pl-ucii. ° .’ ‘ V - ‘z autoum ' es, pal’ _ '3 3; in-otg g kgener in. Christian Endeavor will am-et at 7 p. m. -_ ' ‘, J or iuovinti any Place in the cit)‘. Method” ”’""."l°’° .m °d"’°"°.°.' tei-eat in deinonatrati lt ll U ‘°" """"" ““' "° " W 3- “ll . ‘ ' i I ‘:_ Too uent trips to movies and n";"“f:l over the state oil. ye: J... §';;;'*;;*ch' v- -» The new 0- a waldo-j , Perhaps you've put of f buying a car because you felt that it . .5 theaters followed by‘ long Wllks . -iieioce. ’ ' . ‘ o . - . .~ 2 . - to °'.::;'°'..°'...."‘*.'.:::"°.' "'“°;~. .. ..:.:.-°—- .................i :*’ii'*-.:'..'%’;=':.':; .::-:7 ...-:~.::::; ; of was beyond your reach. Ir yoo need not want a day lonsor - w einpt t elr . . ,i ' - :1 arch. ' . - - . , , , ‘ 5 ‘-A _ da ters to only until the last .fj;f{§,h1f2s_”‘,‘I§‘d:;'g:';’:;;c”:f,z‘§;w‘:;}St;‘;e°‘;“f8:{m:“t;’ °f c_,—,—;’—a;¢ P3115595 afzid gffdlfg —the biggest opportunity for owmng a good car 18 presented _ 2 h pl.yd- f h d h“ e 0 ur- The service; 3| c.]y. Q, uh 0 B 0 .‘ .1 ' 0-11: by you»: men which last ° ‘ ° """.d°‘Z§"'"-°"“ -'°' o " ‘° "=°°*=r the '-*°° 0* . in" t. o.. no ..........'Z.....“.. =.'.".7’°;"‘.’.2'5 ' to You right now by the Allton Auto Co. ' . -. mm “M, " ouock‘ ac moth at is practical to ,:nd ‘farm equipment sold at public ' i Regular -35 to 511 - .. . : .__.____,:_ - uctlou andtorecelve -~—-~ -«H .-. -_,_.e_.. __, l ' " _ .- ,} ngrggn 533001., [V3 The method consists of taking the dam 39 1 an an f g, *4 _ i ' . _ . ’ ‘ -. _ } ' . _ 3AcKw‘AR_D cnlfin CRANCE altitude of the sun on a specislll’ cashle sH?rE' Dav’; Wlsptlxlthlflllsnlel 1 Now we offer cxccptlonal ‘alues ‘n nearly new Fords’ Dodgal ’ ' ' § ’ ‘ constructed chart without l0n3'yc3te]-day in cipcuig ,1», for 1“; . . . . . . . _ . ‘. .. ! Dr. Baker ‘Della University Class of mathematical calculations. This fig- of sulicient evidence Several wito LDC 2 $1 95 and Che‘ rolets’ both open and dosed cars’ Come in ‘ad ‘ " . ' Gro-l-In Police by u ' k ~ ‘ its ‘ ' theatand ' " -‘ , , . . ' " “ I M l ‘H . L:e‘;sAnol3>1::“"a:c" heobmunrendmg; on y Good “M J ~ 43 .. . . . . . . them oi er, note the very low prices;—you’ll quickly decide that ' . n roit ld talc‘ th lt'td i ll , 4-0-—— _,,_ ; ‘. . ‘ Ly given . chug” ‘M .3. "nix: ‘.h;‘cn: “.i"ebe.,‘:i:ib§e 0‘ liregemtfg (B:lIl?:(.:)dB’:&l' Will: Cllllplntehi Pi p::ln;l‘fit.sg 5 'y0ll C A N 8fl0l"d t0 OVVH all 8llt0lll0bllC N 0 W e ' 3 It DlPl'0t!‘9II.Iecdl 4 ftll ' . 'l'bc'ersect' " " - lze ecani Candi-; ‘ ' Dr. H J. Baker. hes? 0? th: these :I’:"lllcl(’$ on a vrillolisihow only i known “ (iom ' ' R d B l ..,._ it ‘ inrchololrieal clinic or the Detroit the potition. . " ' ‘ '”P‘”°° " ‘hi’ . ei oot 0 o ;~ public ooh The problem of “mag “mime country, the nearest relative to man Mlssflflfi Motor Co v p l A 9 . . F f e or. .. mcnhe I th i th d'ff’ It. It ~ 3" ~°'vti°n'- r-any tree. i. com- - . -. e = o - l ;' summer school faculty at rth: Uni? gt 3; to mix: ‘"3 t'° chi°‘‘° ‘” 3°‘ ‘ f'V°"’d Phone 363 ' 15 N’ uh St‘ ‘ North ‘ . . 1’ .‘— [ Ivieraity In I ‘close bctu out» the number of degrees of altitude, 21:" 1:12;‘ "°l"“°“ W‘ in 3%‘ l B .; * A the Detroit plan of dividing but this is impossible in the arctic "00 W =°°- 11* "'8 bonxht _ - ' “ 7”.‘ * '"* ' Chevrolet— uicli—Mariuon ’ 1- ~ " ' . children he - ~ - f 31200. ‘C ' w ‘+- 2 Ichoolrat too"...-." oi“t°s’ye'.u"i.‘iZ bt::.luuri'-eguuliaer inaccvcm: 'ZZ."’§'.‘. ‘3 or "‘—*“— . A 5 M to C F ‘ ‘ - ; "mu, m. hit“ or’ “X, I , m In 7‘ , d '"° 1! you want to buy or sell some» DONT PUT Us OFF 0 r 3'8 ‘ ' ° in PR?‘ M 5 pl. ye cur”: m ‘hint try I Iliaaourlan want ad. — — I‘ E ‘"2 v2» xroodpfiefeo-?:o:nfi ..‘i.'i‘.'i?°.’.'.‘.‘..'.'.§“o".°'.'..?ii‘..i”°"" °i§°§°' ‘ SEE Us Now a are detn-niined psycho 21: so Littlehales developed :i-t'i)iicifl o _ Y°“"'° "°°“ ""‘“"‘ °“ ’*"° U E n. ‘ i. “Q horizon scxtgnt guppligg this A m h.Vin8 i ‘-H - ‘av’ . V —'_- - 7 - "7 H.-' .-‘a —. '. i “W31 -980 same but horizon by in a I b bble ' TRUSSES " ° "W" ’°p”’°d' " ' . ' 3. '_thc mental age varies train 5 years liquid. e M 0 at u m cmteheg 3-mug .¢ 25¢ .. you had better not delay any . E ‘"4 5 ""'I':"i': ‘° 7 glflinnd The exact Greenwich time must be ' .'___ lonlren First thins you know. ; ’ "Mull tolly S aai to ea- known when these observations are our radiato will re! e t ' I _ . ' — , PECK DRUG C0. 3’ " “‘ ° ‘ i gltgxthe “Z"heh§l: J: mental age taken. Special small chronoineters. I “dine md you, _‘,.t,_.,. ci,cu_ . 1. of nhodflm am aetlglxen ch"; :1; ‘:42 :!'lIi:.t:laviev:>e(e:l;e;nnsd_e ‘for the ____-.. _. ,_ _ VNG latiorl system will to all ’ H‘. °‘ 7 Y8!!! and 7 months can do. time dnd the otlher Green‘:icch,Tit‘lue': D." U I“ wrong ' - 7 ‘ en ,,.“..;':‘..“.f§ ,,,“;".‘.,,;";~',,," ,°,’;‘,‘;‘ :2; '°" ;‘:;:,°;,,,,,, ,,_,,, ,0, WM oiisciii-3133 HEIGHTS 3' "- GR-IBBLE 6 a W 3 7 V 0 ,1 4: :n ‘nu’. ’he "’ .céord_ .rhen’"_e likely m be “tong on Phone 249 24 N. 9th St. T ‘ 7 - Blht. 3 report th nds he . ‘ f 3* ‘ind 5| “dill.” tlln he canndt wodldthlost plane wadnauy‘ ""1 Ffld‘, 3. (( 0 S ; .“ to pingty “files 0“ her ‘course in W .2---‘ ..-_ - _.-_._ - __ _ _ _ ___ V____ I '“ l“ “” ‘’”‘- l"""l "° ‘"40’-*0" h°Im- 50 an instrument has been MUS“) ‘ “‘ ‘- we --“ “‘ “M-*;:: a e Z S j um?‘ AH-llcflid offienar they devised to enable a correction for . 5 c . . " ~ '*r.:....=:.:.o'-W... ..:-.-.=*:... .. .. ..:...'"‘.;..1:.‘:.;‘°°.‘.’. vi '" ‘''° W New in ’ < : s -3. . Detroit schools showing that the tcl:'or ice sirhts mb:ill orlaken Cam” 3 A.’ woman Who died recent] had ad ll 2 K *2" child doaadavalop. A the ‘V 3 2 miles east of Sturgeon U ’ 4 m ,9 .3” I. I 1 t age from the smoke thus made. Through . 2 - ~ - - . 7 kg" o __ T l, . own will without cgiisultlng a lawyer. She had -.i v ---- H A ' --- '1 —. . . ; obtained a printed “guide form" and filled in the “‘ ‘ I -~~—-E T t T I A 5 blank spaces in her own halldwfitiilg. The Court. ‘ * Po MEMBER or 'l'llE.FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 5 e ‘leaded that the “'1” “'35 ““’3”d- 4 S ' .' ' " o . . ”*————-——%_ _ A i There are many technicalities and ' _ ' Fill up the tank the first time mam t° be °b6°"°d ’" W‘ "“"‘i"g' F“““’° r 1 P . . 0 o I 1 with Skelly Gasoline. Quickly :3 °‘,""’’]’ Wm’ 8"’ °“°.°f. .’°‘*“"°"“~’"‘3 °f . ~ IRST Opened in 1857 th ’ youwill ...o.. . none... on . . 8 W may make *a will mvohd and thus do - . o - o -- 1 9 - ‘ - ’ feat -the wish 8 f th ’ kef » ' - ~.' BOONE CO N ‘ do not Judge fully y_et. Remem- 4 » ‘ h i e o e ma . No. one Ol.'1l.gi'." _ o ; BA . UNTY ATIONAL : I be-Iéhyolzh have a dllllltloll of Skelly ' ; t 30 3 compeltentattorney should draw a .'_‘-[j';.;;_‘ . .=~ ' ’ - * wl e gaso me you were 4 . . : ‘. o . r 4 I , NK IS now in its 68th year -. : - « » . . o o - - .- - - — .a« unique record of safet ' “mg ' ?=‘ ~ tallcte blgntllmvj wntttfin your ow" Wm y°" mu’-d . _ _ Y ‘ . _ y in‘ a may and have him test it ; and set-V1Ce_ _ in order to make sure that it complies with the : 4 ' ' I 0 Q 1' When utatllllli l8.l0W, flllnup ,_ statutes of this State. If you have not made 4 . 8 Ill. ere 18 801118 1 11- ,_ . ' - " - V ’ .2 o i§’.‘Zf..‘;"i’.”°“’°“"“""°’“°“"“““ ‘ : . . l . ; e ma 1- o aving your will ' ‘ .4,“ .1.‘ Mn.“ Mk“ I . V i .. i. _ S properly ;_ 1.... ts. ..,.., .,.’u,,“",,,,u,, 0, , U“ “'18 30* .38‘ I'll‘ a : - ' _ drawn. in order to protect your .foinily’s inter. 11.. ....,.,....,., am ".5 on . , by . “won, nah Fill up for the third consecutive ta proper a min stratioil of your '5-n 3-II Hull: it. never f , time. You now have practically es V3‘ ' =2 ‘ " i ~_ """“' """‘°“'°" '5 ' “til . S no dilution ” o ’ publication was aaaad a neck .3. » 4 ° ' .. .. \ ' nluntlio hulldlacla vlicli the lit’ ' ‘ ' wlahauaadwaa rasfi « Fl. . -A ‘ F‘''nY'l Fllllllfio” which fig?“ iiffigjhn . ca-fim--cg I ‘ _. . . . ‘M M p . lnlenndty. SKELLY gasoline is there with all lt8'_ ‘ ‘ Mlllinlstnlloa o estates. ‘um i - ' ‘ IAH . I .-. ° - o . S r ? « p o ""7 ‘L: 1mg'hty_po'wer, _all its flying speed, all its y it . _ . p . . . V tscslno st tau‘. " ~ Now compare. .. " n . i Jilin? Forsaleliy U - ~ 1 ii ' . . . l‘ " ‘ I - s T" .. I ‘ ‘ .‘ . u . ‘ I I . ._e . ‘F fi .-. ....o.. - -. .3 -, V ~‘:.-O‘ A . '-5" --I- ' _ . —",'_Dr J, ' u .- . -..._.:- ‘tar’ :- .liin..l...\»"»'.’;‘e<‘/«",'aI;.-3;‘;-:‘ ' r . ' _. . 5 "\'«'.: '- ‘. _ p , _. _ .