. 000‘ O E . ....€.. P3113’ ' : '€l'lll!'L'(‘(l jointly with Prather and - The ezim *4 ¢,...,,-'_ l"'. _ ._ .. I _r - 1 _‘ -g. ‘V g?‘ - -‘VI l:‘T~7.%'GAVE B. . ram-r'.'" "3, . - .""""- ”'.“""' 2 ' = . e y ,“h ~ I ’§}r,.“;tj,¢,;,e1i¢g,§,=ee'pauusuay elen."a.."'§ WW. "' ‘~"' 5;“; Trial .: ad... . :2.-:..:'."*=....*"~ ‘:"T7..;‘2.°.'.Pf,if.”§ B, C” I ~ ~.~ ’~' ". L'.' - " — :\ 9 f7 I ’ .' ‘,7. * _ _ , _.* _ 1.21:, —,:,._ , ._ -.,3;.-in 1,‘ V’ 1’ ~ - __ ._ - ,. &h.‘1“m""'4?‘~“‘3%‘li.‘ ‘ l1'“ffiv;Whfl“wU‘i-mile-Vlo‘¢|aiP icnlddaw forfih _ ppcnox r ,- 2.LEGALNO1l'ICw -I-A.--I S "S ‘ '. -v --u we. an--'-'1 l--. 4"“'.""""'-""2 Tlflifi da..%.”.' ,4. *V3fi3a|,eaaaatp.a....g.,.glouod-oaaeoln hdflllg-Seoul-out ,n‘,.. -‘ . .. K ' ieenenseelegeeee-eaele‘o.e so-e. uluuflnwrr coumur the , Jalltleeor :|iI¢Il.aIlahw9.udl3ahI.IItlsl-0' -new-It-3 s ‘cg,-g(..c.n,',_ -_ , floari ‘)3!-haenIeaivoa.¢aacutaeeeoc.aavl-she-aoeaauuglaaaal-eueetaaz 3!!-g€:l1U!~‘r.Vico-pmsant The Diamond Jubilee of clu-lg. " ""°*"“""v ‘W11! Mlle ‘M¢l’.""""""“"'.,,,.,,_,_, ','__“' """,, _,-;_;;;«:,",;_,:'-,,',‘,-:~, :_’,",',',,',",',';-,“',,,,,“,",';, A tiaaconeee was" """"?!¢hIruaottuaado.ne-an-aumuomunumawlla-aauulaaaoaueeaeeuad‘ ‘pg-egmgm °°'4l1l¢te.G.W.8toeekle.cla-totcaoreee.teceeneraeuuoum:.ua.'-la-uumeuwaleeula-mserleeeeeeel “EN-TAT-YPEWKHER -poke at theaanual alumnae lunch.’ “*0 5934- Ieeontl-ital‘! room: w‘ “" ""'°" “"3 “'1-' 'l""‘;"""'*"~".':" '::"'- " “'-*'¢*"" '5, eon today at the Do .‘'*I «Ind «-11 by run which 2 """ "I. 'e..""'ae.a'“'e....."-1'.':lo..""'u°n.. Ia e‘.i..u."'e...‘”"c2'...‘.'.' ml: SUNSHINE Acmlcr ;r!ltl.hN¢8tyu.rVillbetheIeVenty-°““th°fl”W'lOf‘l. “':::liIt!‘t:rfie-:t‘edaaidlatteII.!‘5|"?L0l' 1 3;“ year since the fouadl of.“—’“ =. "’ "'°* "0' "V 5'9"" ‘N-hr.-I-0 It. 8988 pg... chfinun cou.‘e‘V pn. ‘Ni ::‘¢“i‘d‘&‘:‘t;‘;a::d”a:¢'::u‘bh‘::£hdwuathhun_2(l.-.yjAlaud 1d5‘C'!UI being made bythecollege and the‘ ' dl4etbrI.l‘lIf!ahallbefoIwverbor1-d. 5 - ..-- ‘ ‘*“‘ ‘NERO! *0! 50 Cflehrttiom §—_——* 131- Int 4-: at lay. ms. ’ ~- - ----- - -—-— -~ -- -- - ... _ A meeting of the Federation of. fog 31.3141-__3°°m, ‘M ‘nut Attaat: ll. a. Collier. Jean of Probe . ' Glrisuan college Clubs of llissouri,’503 liitt Street. H221-232 °°"‘ ‘mm '““" WWI 8 -3 "‘ of which lira. Ricliard Clark of Co.; ._.__... ""'~ “""""""‘°'- 1 - . ' ,7; - ' v lumhia is the president. was held% WAN'I'ED——Lltl:t housekeeping‘ m, 0,", I p .2 I l\ I 0‘ I ‘fir’ .' ' ‘T ’ ‘ i connection with the lunclleo {rooms or apartment, fa Scptem- in! John 8. Inner, a -rlllawee- [.5 ‘ ‘. 141’ 1 ;‘—-'),/I The federation is a new movementjl>¢|'. near Univeratiy, by instructor "’ “" °"""' 4 °' 4-W the 10th: __,,- A. g".--/‘ >7 : 3 ’ , this year, combining the alumnae and her mother. Describe, includ- :;L.d,,,',;,'°" ‘'2' ‘d " '( 'x‘‘‘ l 93-": > . / clubs already organized in thelinz location and ' . Address County ulueuel, 5. 3.9?‘ of I - A ' ‘ '/ state. Delegates from other clubs;'Box Y, in care of lliaaourian. “‘- ‘ N" 178 van! to u r.‘ - ‘ spoke on the work they were doing 227.229 “'2'” “' """" "" '°"°""" .‘'"‘''“’''‘l E in their group‘. 91 Gilli! lY““I. B13‘ II‘ Ofllll in; ‘ lfmade with Griescdteeh _ ,6 ‘-loctiurl" throllfllt flclthffit -2 - mm-er.-.pleede:l,gullly and f Nations, Brot:l1e1" of a lo ’ A , iv. , ‘ Pl‘0lll'bllZDl’l Officer. I to the worship ———,-—— - said mule: Smith. '4 GOVERNMENT Wl'l'xm=»-election well rend-red out i L _______,T_ ‘ ‘Sad l;l ch!" lhogt flgpallljelt’ “Protectionists Are i . - ° "“”‘ 1 to Have Received .Be- Rev f°'u.‘3l‘x'1'l‘.7.'... of ‘reliance: - .. City, water pastor of the tw°en$890°‘”d TheRev.FatherD‘ Heart. (‘Thur-ch. . '.3'-“-"' . _ . "3 ‘ . l :’-4.’ n use-A ' ‘ “ l -. ‘lad , ’ST. LOUIS. Hay 26.--Charlesffii 0‘; D; 2,,- Prather. who HoudI$'.h'dnded It-j 3,.,_ p.,_},.,. n¢p.,,,- ’ n _ M the ‘ . ed-Freivogeliof Jfleraon City.‘ B. 0. Simon sang “Ave Ma- ria.” ' ' " . “Agnus Dal, a duct. was sung‘ ‘by Ira. John F. Tchan Miss? ~_ },'g1.iona' trial in Federal Court. A. ‘ad Nations its charge! .with giving .“prote;‘tl0n" to the Grieaedieck,‘ Sfififing College gang “The Lard ~BrcI'r!'3" Com have. He 10+ If .'-5'.“-'l>henl.~ : “Tatltum Ergo” and “Laudate Dominum" was sung by the choir.‘- George Klein sang “O Salutoris" and M. Edward Keatinx “Ave Verum.” ' TELLS HISTORY OF CHURGF _ Rev. J. B. George Outlineefrogrem ‘ of Episcopalians. Raymond Griesedieclt. .1 dieck has-obtained a aeverance. Ll}! 8 W Jlonday. '_P!'I° ther testified that‘ Nhllona eought 'm with a proposition to “make some money." ' Episcopal Church outlined the ear- ly uruggles of the church in his sermon Sunday, on anniverssry of the chute . He said that it is not by a recita- made one day in mchweek. P:-other an gclnents were 2‘,-'...l.er .\'atia2m= “is aiile to. ill!‘ . 0‘ - moves of his b'_rother. Gila. ns. "0" '°f .'“_"“°" th“ “'9 fr“ 9 prohibition enforcement w"]oficer. 01710-0“ 0‘ ‘J19 l"“°TY 0‘ ‘ lie had appeared It the ' morning 2° Take the the church but by cbming into con- tact with the mellow, charitable, beautiful lives of those who in this community have done much to brine The brewery was to pay $1 a cast- for the beer made. ‘ Between eight and nine thou- sand dollars was olnained by the ‘ _ _ --,,n,u.(-;;oni51," 05.. the ],,.',w,,-}. the church to its present posltlon. was “mad by gm. }q,t§,..gA. mm, “Now that we have reached 3 Prather said. - . ~ place where we need no longer Prnthcr v-was a surprise witness. ‘uufile “'9 ?‘“”“ idem“? °‘"'3°l'°’ sermon and, contrary lion, pleaded not guilty. day he changed his plea to guilty and took the as as one of _o. chief government witnesses. lie was subjected to a vigorous cross examination today. l'.\'lVERSl'I'Y SELLS C.-\'I'l'l.E College of Agriculture Gets 812 a Bufirod for nomination, and prove ourselves a church of brotherly love," he said.‘ i.,?:._., TOl'RlS'l‘8 K ILLED MISSOURI I to Ur. and Mrrs. Harry Marshall. - 1- an i‘ -7 mt N-e. . OWOSSO, Micl'l., May 26.-—-A , Michigan Central struck a tourist Fifteen head of cattle and t\ven- Ha"_‘_‘M”sha“ of University City Michigan Central Collision Fatal E 33* 9'3. ' CRICAGO. lay 28.—'lurora who have, seen herd f moped 1-). °' °“'*'*ebe def i tlltriesdheby o 0%. I II E f- ‘one "mi"! pmurdc trial were aun- hy State's Attorney Robert we in an effort to throw litbt on efforts to tamper further with the Shepherd jury. Attorneys William Scott Stewart . er_d. charged with killing his ‘ward, Billy lloClintock. e issued a statement charti C800. 5"‘-'d and W. W. O'Brien, defending Wil- iam D ‘l with attempting to intimidate the at ’ 5 rr Lrowe said he ordered the gen- eral examinatien because he wanted to the defense attorneys. Department Name: About July 1. NlPrvao look into the court records of. * ' Redmond. Ann-rtetfrrlfi PREPARING moolna TAX LIST to issue ‘tr "Mt . WASHINGTON. lfay 26.—‘l'he neaaury De nt partme today pre- red to give the Amerimn perple- about July 1 what may be their Iris‘. glimpse of individual in come tax payments, as the International Rev- enue Buneau hastened to prepare tax by the Supreme Court yesterday. Lines are being redrawn .t.lOl'l of tre revenue law. I-‘OSDICK CASE SIDESTEPPED Presbyterian National panes Action. fly Ylnlynii P}. COLUMBUS, 0., May national assem y of the some l’-‘oadiclt case again today. Definite action was pending the result of the ernist ministers. ‘P0 judicia Assembly 26.-—‘l'he Presbyter- . ian Church sidestepped the trouble- with every organization which is cases 8883081 lb? N5-‘W York P7935)’- doing 3good. no matter of what de- WY)’. ¢‘l13".’9d “lib “°'-‘"35"! Mod‘ r-—-—--¢———-— Coal Company Sues J. ll. Jenkins Suit was filed today in the offict . ll. Jenkins of Columbia, art. ..Q.j.—__. Try a Missourian want ad. of the circuit clerk by the Meteor lal Company of St. Louis against who does business under the name of the Boone County Coal paseenger train for $554.22 on account. The case W automobile today » will go to trial in the June term of ‘ and fnrtnntiy killed Mr. and Mrs. Circuit Co Company. ty-six hogs were sold by the Col- Mo 30”‘ were ‘bum 38 ‘"3 ow kit! of Afliculturc last week. - — _ 5 " Twelve dollars ndred nomad‘. '’”''"'"d’ ‘M’ '‘‘d “‘"°d “ " , ’ -drive around 1: torn-up road when clle trjlin unexpectedly upon them. Mr. Marshall is be- lieved to be the head of an electrical lillfiincfs in St. Louis. price for stock that day. The cattle were to he used for class work in the C0nt-ze.0I.Lm§- r culture. but because of the reduc- tion of the appil-opriatigl for the University. the department ' ‘longer able to beep them. Rent.’ a typewriter for the sum- ner. lspccial rate-85 for three is I10 ll , Delivery new. The Sun- . rhino" fhgency, 115 llitt St., phone ‘ . Adv. 227-280 ‘ --————4———— You are missing opportunities if you do not read and use Missourian. 1456 green. cc-<... 1' BUY SEEDS NOW I AT THE Hosljlfmus 1 Boone County. “mm Soy Beaas,,bu.’,.*......2. Virginia; Bu. ..‘.‘.....83.5 Cowpeas. bu. .......S4.75 Cams bu. $1.75 Millet, bu. . . . . .. 7 ‘ 5 Rape and Sudan, lb. ....l0c 1' The Rev. James H. George of tht lists for publication. as authorized _ for the the seventleth fight to repeal the publicity provi- h . KLASS SEED STORE Mrs. Owen Nichols was dis- -....-*_--.__ charged yesterday. Mrs. Aida Owen was discharged this morning and Miss Jessie Clay- pool was admitted. 7 University and Parker Memorial. William J. R. Denny and Lillian (‘asebolt were admitted this morn- 4....g..L ‘ f‘IO'O‘C‘Q‘~C'O vvv V-w-O . - a a - - a..n L‘ 5. O~I‘-I-O~ I<‘I~>I O‘ 1‘ I It-I O-O’-O'-I‘-|- lng. _ Those discharged this _morning as the Welch Tract into 8 were: Pauline Sen-cy R l tent. Salvidor Reding. Nell'c Simpson. and , ‘Howard Gmbb. 2‘ ‘ — ' - I In order to qualify for land stully the ground. Not ¢._A _._.Lo«Q-‘ ‘ 4 _. . -I O-U O ‘I I As is quaylp.-e . 1 Tennessee I ‘E River Trlp ' ‘A WEEK or ltl'~:s'r AND . RECREATION ress y llgalz name of the Fraternity .44...4.. a I'I~‘l fraternities and sororities of the M vereity. and want a good name for it. Will therefore pay $25 in gold to the Fraternity or Sorority member who will suggest the best name. 1-vvv-7-'- Name ‘Wanted A l have definitely decided to make what is known It exclusive homesite for State Uni- the contest. you must view more than two names to be suggested from one person. name should be meaningful and euplhoneous and not easily mis-spelled. our suggestions to the undersigned, giv- or Sorority to which you A. Stewart J’ a-..‘ o I->9-I w '< . -c«vu--u - anal ¢..;...l .. Via 2 WABASH RY. j; ST. L. T. R. P. CO. For Information a - - a . ‘I I‘ I *0 30-1 ‘Ill-I-10 vI- U C ~C>I ‘I-‘I We can allow youT ;§ Phone 0 . ’ u :. --§2l8a;t.fl:fi:¥taa&“" WaIteri1;;°,,aarwa.»: :°‘**......°"..:"°°°*='**°i :&r..‘*":.'*°o.:'.'.'l...... ‘E 21 moods:-=5 aoowhayoumelhexaty. '“‘ , .,i .. :u0khhnu;-:;|‘:a%: Muako¢ee,Deniaon,DaL .. . -————-3-. 4.. 3;.»-:' las, Fosr:nWorth,°Waco. Bl'id8’8 pl aaaaall d n, Gzlfvegmn ‘yd hdn. 'B1'id3l Hililr -ueeoureeieeleea “’d‘ ‘"5" ‘ » Garden Hats “‘.'.'."'."‘§ .n:,,,n,,]‘,1(,-r llade to Order at ;_~, .5, V.‘ 31°" 35° 4“"7“‘7T"“‘4I“ ~.vt*!' ‘gt-0-no "- Kinloch ‘list Shop .':‘.‘...‘:'a:.e‘‘'‘'‘'‘ - .3 “UN” '3'’ “*3 7 if 205 Exdlange Bank Bldg. Columbia, Mo. 1: e 2 1: r :§ $45.50 :2 ~ ‘ * -- - - - - ‘ cif lNcLUnlN}:. .7 MEALS : . ; AND BER‘l'H‘0N“"'; ~ . wfi g sruam-:3 3 '59- l. . \ re {re seventy-four in the: FOR SALE-—Piano. Phone 307. mentalist factions for treading on A , cub ,,u,e,.', mam _l-‘OR SAL!-Z—'l'hree mne-room- residences; full basements; blocks south University. Small _._._.__,_____ ;hrlc S10!’ LIGHTS ARE lNS'l'Al.l.l'-‘.11 1% - mar D. Gray, —— ymcnt down. Street Force Puts Night Signals-sgumwn Mo_ on Lines on Broadway. ' ____ Shop‘ lights were placed_ on the F012 REN‘l'—Eaccllent three- chalked lines where traffic must mom .p.,1_m,_.m_ pfivau gnu,’ mu, stop béore entering Broadway from Eighth and !\"mth streets by entrance. gas; rooms comfotrably _, 227-232 "N, ltrldhllltinxti class this year. , G227-282 -rest Quarter of section 6 Tw as. name‘ one can. val by ‘dam Lech ---—-—-—- 12 and 2217 sun. the at r: W in . e ' , Nanci: ,.,m.ER,,m_, hm 3.3. H. 3...... of ‘§.'........ .'T"%.‘.’.; FOR MEMORIAL nu ——-—¢;—— _-' a 13-room house. three baths. beau- .l§.,.;.:‘:, 5: ,, __,.,,,,,'°:_‘,':;',‘,':',]‘ S‘!\"'dlYo M337 30 DOCTRINAL DlSPl"l‘l-I l"IZZl.l-‘S tiful lot, that you can buy on eggy the item. aide of set-one 3 "eat. Decorate the Graves of Your byterlaa National AICCIIHI’ . $i,Jwtn pl“? ‘O five’ :m. ‘hecltinnhto ona. 2 will our Rcprialaad. ., ’ """"" ""°"° ‘* 8°r=*°2 *4 I we» Beautiful p - 8- we -. ~ ~~ mm W-~ °'.~:.::;* °°'“°8 (X)UUMBUS.May26.—‘l'hc Willow . . , . .' “ C‘ ‘;'“"°.' T - 1; heralded fireworks of doctrmol F0“. 3"“,-3'-"*"""I'*°!* N°- 10 ‘.."-.'."li"I'e.".'i'..§1'..'i"I‘.'i.. C" E05755»-flfiii A180 roses’ °3"‘3“°n8» dimuu in thcinflionfl ancmbz or typewriter In good running order. 7.: chain- to South ', Dlflntfi and permanent . 5' Le, ' . w :2 ha ' t Presbyterian Church bl-can “"9 ‘°h°°l- ‘29' 75°“ “53 "3: Eh‘ I"; "°"" "‘ “’ “" wreaths. mlilflggwonlnfl-2‘ rt l 1' t .he‘ . —"'—" 7-228 3"“ :3‘; at ":'"S..s°"s‘:m: ‘gt I 5 l C y an ° ‘ 9'79.’ l -5 C’ llh I ('1' North Fl e wgqt ‘the ‘83.n1“;!)v do in to. "':°d'f7h:9i Ea-t 7.29 1‘ la; ‘flung, reminland the more militant mem-' “ "°°m§‘ rho,” ‘M dllul-|lfcflMn‘14ti)nc.hn .. '52:, ‘ha " Phone 2121 9l9 Broadway bera of the Aiodunist and Flllillir “,'h“’- 1208 P"9“"*- 2275232 Sou A - . I V: ‘ti! . S w: \.‘~*‘.'. ,2 ' W ~ , u‘—:—_. ADOLEH IIIIOI one I55! L LASIY N11 clclllnnllut naooucrlou A. With Rod La Rocque, era Reynolds. 15153“ Rid‘: A Warner Baxter, Theodore Kosloff, Julia Faye are easrs. Stna_rtG.Sticl:n S.W also _ :5 ; “suauanalunmvnns” - with 2 I‘A * -I v7-1sa—e -. 7 : ‘ V - t .. A . A fi—:-:: ¢ “A AAA’. '1 o _. ‘ '. _ - « ;* . s..’;-:~ .. '. - '~: ’ "4. '~ of, v », ‘. . -,‘ 0 . _ * ~, Q , 7 § ‘ -_ _;, ~.. 1 . .> . « .« .. ~ , . - - 1., . . .- ~ .:-*.§§e+.;£-‘; ':= :9: . - "5’ '. f.- .. - ta‘ .- _ _ . . ..~ . ‘»- ».":~.‘~ 3‘: ''~ -z -s. I :2... '1" »r ' - 2‘ t- - S.P .GatesWilliarnaofthe icur, Jr., atnornev. The ofioe _ oflsaacT.Cook&Co..lnc.,aIeadin¢St.Louiarealry ,4 A2,900aeatmcltaon picture eater—dealuaed in wt andtheothertlf oi 43"Yu.as WITHOUT Loss TO ANY mvl-zsroa _ _ "*9 furnished; apecial rate summer clty street force this afternoon. L (.3,.m_ phone 1817 m.,?n_ 605 A «mail red glass set ln a steel South 5", Street 227“ "ed _ shell warns the motorists to stop _ when he lent-hes the stop line after 3.-OR _ L1-.;_D . . dark. If lhfi? four llltlltfi rl‘(l\'f.‘ dresser d".ase:;en‘p‘:rtl'u.d successful, they may be put on nth- spring". ‘-7’. “.‘,‘h flank ‘L50. ‘ ' , or streets. ‘ ch‘-Us 31. ;.finger ‘3_ “'m" mg l The Straus Hallmarkponmll Reiadnlliltate Bond Stanpa it at Once an the _________,_______ ‘ , I I I I 0 . , , . , 81.50; mg. 75¢; rug :3; is waste " " 5"“ S‘-‘""" _.l J .” )0" "m]1.1° bu.) M 59“ some- baskets at 50¢ each‘ Thor washing th:ng try up Missourian want a mnhine. :50; mirror’ ‘,2. Phone New “sue If you want ‘to buy or sell some-.1336, 517 South 5th Street. thing try a Missourian want ad. 227-229 4, The Central Properties ‘ COLUMBIA-BOONVILLE 5, L.,.,,,, M,,,,,,,,,- L TAXI 3: ~ E First Mortgage 6% Fee and Leasehold Bonds Leaves Daniel Boone Tavern A «———~—-—-———- .' Dated April 20, 1925; Interest Col Payable zoos and October 20th; on 8 8. Ill.-1 D. Ill.-—5 D. Bl. Couponflondain Datominatiomo $5,000.51. 8$00,¢ad8l00l , ’ . aaulPri is. ‘V 192830 1941; ~ - at Ofices . tron: at iaeeraatoa on one - 0 up Aprilzo, l932;otlO3audlnv ’ - _ _ _ ler¢atuploandinc:dn:lr2fAfirll20. l9J7.¢ndl02oadiaeareat --«v---; -w«-- - -- — - ~— thereo!ter:2SF lnooIac’l'¢xPoidbyduBonou¢r 1, { g"-:". ‘ ' ' s. ' .. « « We believe this issue constitutes an unusual investment in . - - 1 because of the following which influenced this ac in ; i 5 ‘ _ -1 3, ‘ ltlpurchaacofthc bands: ‘I ' ' ‘ ’ » 1.Tliesebonda1d oonsdmltfifidmdirectdoeedfintmortgageon landdiln ‘ ' fee, eaaeho estates gs, and equipment, comprising c TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY ,,,.,.,.,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,_.,,' i . - A 17-story, lrmneeeaeeoeeeeemeeeeeeteaee beereaedatthe ‘ Th. ‘wry 0' (.) northweateze-eeuerof8evead:aIadlloa¢¢reeu.St.l.ouh. wlndlaowned by V. 1 I QC3’h1llll‘ ‘ , th‘L ._g .1 2 A - _-4_. ‘-‘.u‘£'in.“da ‘a,m‘¢‘2. __ s°‘“h°"" "°""’ )A eted.-two‘ . ' bull‘ , chain; store: and firlt clan -, _ aid the many a,mo%,o-tzlpliannthcata-ofl.800aean.attb‘en°uos-theanoorner §._ :4 u.m,h,u,,,,,4_ Luouav-enuea,St. laodlahelduuderrwoloagearulleaaea. ’ 2 Filmed with De 9 2. In the opinion of a 0-" estate experts and "-p » Milk 011901"-:0!“ 2 we ted, the site of the new fofm l‘ geouanee‘. : eprincipalpartofthe fol-rhlaboodlsaue.iethcbeat ‘ + for ° 3 I this piece ofdownhowno::lc,>:>ertyinSt.l4ouisavailable time,andunquesti vane the beat busineascorneroofthe city. The . our-as; C. P. Skollraszfw. cy and A.G.Edwardsand8o:n;SamB.JeEri¢B.attorney; L Valley3'nrll:¢ Company. .§,§ si? mi ,sTRA;;_s .2. C9." J. G. BABB' : 4 a 4mm... ., '-. _ L. ~ " .. e-e‘-e -4‘ ~ .'.~‘w I...-«- _10IladglBulldin¢_‘ , ' | -.‘;.—.-... ....:. " 7 .