i - 1 , W ‘«;-,A-51:.-.~»'t§_i'9.'tat.:‘-'*“ ;,,.:.._5’s~£"z:§ - " - ‘. ~‘. a , -A ~_\l V ‘T . Q _. , .,._.,...._..........-.---+-~r--~é—-r.- -10 1'." -". .:~ «. it-*3 "7 '- . 1 .3 454-; .~ I . ' G E on C . It . ‘fl . II ‘a '0“ 7 . - Clar he have tried to get 0 "tinpire builder _ .. V A _- . ea in 3 ---— —-- . Sam’ ‘“b‘”" ' CIIICAOO You are in far tart. .tIOII- , :- ’ “E!*°“N"i¢h.°"°1‘¢‘°‘“’° younginanenterel .traioed;8'l‘lTDl!.'F'l‘8 s17Z'arriin- ' Boonville "Radical." and‘ -on», 3:, 3"’; nine « The other mm are am. 1:: —-—.-‘———«--—-e ;;—. C . o . . ""°°¢F"“""‘°'°°"“ hlniaelfthomnthly and exerted -~ WEST.” OOVERI-E3 F03” 3"“ .. "“ °‘.’.""‘ ,~,,,"j+su-eoi.ot‘aay.ciiyiaAmni¢.chui.u.n.nmi:e. fnar WoodlaI\l6lD:D‘£::‘”“ will __ .. L; .. _ ’ dad‘ .i 1 la-geinfliieneeonlowa ediicntioiulm ‘ I Co:——-———i—v— ". to!.I.‘R:tar o"w‘.,w.,,u..paoding theeoiia- Jghgcounplly, tlieaestlqi lit! Clediaail ._: ,.-... e . ,,.., o . . A later fruitof thaiexper-once war " ° "°“ "1" °'"“" Welt. Cmht - in-, .1 up on hour on a rail-‘ "'l‘wo- . ickmtn . . f» "' - Kore than hall of the deatruc- , e Brown I "2 Ben to Wyoni-a-Body t same old Coon.” Coluinbia'if'., A .~fi,, gutgmcnt ;1.pon, 8:. three inilea northwnt Betty lain yesterday gt .—-— x ‘ 013590 ‘”°‘ ' ~ “'1' Pl“! 30*? Vim“ 33993 "E which, telling ofthe tranaforniati.-n. Wm» “Be and Copperhead Ventilator, ‘and. he" by 8‘ K Aimtom pg-¢gi.',,g Cdnmbig; Thomas Beasley, Ii: on ’ ~< _ t 1 ._t ‘he mi“. é pan)’ of font‘, Evidently the ofan imaginary rural neighborh , The . vered wagon blazed Edina: “Ba_n'ner of liberty anfiidm, of an Algerian nanny As-1,53,, "mg of cdumug; wmiain. . to - "' ‘ la flute“ D3500" ‘ b the keen-wltwd teathtro 1'18 had ‘’'° “'1 t° “‘° W” "' ‘9 mm‘ “V” P°P“"~ F""""‘ on" 8”’ 3: lia ‘on. » Jtaniae . near Rartabort: and John* ‘ A‘ ...‘BaI . pa-ogreaaiveareal . taiiffand hiuilcration laws are not 5’ . oc ti 7 e 3 :_ ‘ad .3‘ " on Ital voddn‘ . ’ _ a remarkable circulation among, {Wm 9* lfld 11:0: Jefferaon Cité; “'{"1’|1;”T0s';‘:"_d'*;°': "In mil, of ‘the 981,000,000 train?’ Woodfollt, near "Deer Par: The: Baal A __ .z.;- .2 _ am} to look andiiewillaae a alert -_.-.-...'.........a..... 1 reader. Bu‘torthe achtliior jhonorie-alm¢Iena:'ovo;rk" Fordrlva 0 gi$in:1a‘t,:no :1! wuur S‘ ,.;3,,., only 149 were kilkqé» Ai::.;;fat:‘eri.t"wo have notyet been ed. as p m—,. 7 , - ‘ 0 ITOW hime I . 2 ' , ‘ . - I W , C‘ - u 3 oanfliw ea - . The ma ‘hp ‘mm ‘We ms nu the‘e:lTt)ort;iip of an Iowa farm pa- While fast locomotives will be “The Border Ruffian,” Richfleld. 3?.” “ed of th:‘;;“, ‘W65; ‘ . -f"' '. 3 1 “Adam Johnatoue Sdlfldo 9’ 9” toawonian would {are hard in some he - x d, ,1 ~ Mme indent. 55 ms,’ —.———.. --- - ° 9°’ °""- . Practically H0311’!!! 07 039 W00’ '.I_* and F ._ .-1‘, F 1! ~ like. In this county this in not -0- places ‘canoe amt or the women 9°’ ?° """.‘°” *5’ ‘ ""' ° ’ A‘-""’”"‘ ’ V to GLENN FRANK to our on of the ram 19?‘? to 1923 war record of any or these men " "C . . um .. ; ' . the chug” gna _ farming which have been so iiaefiilin, ioned aeata eir rt-sr_ec we uAGAuN8 Enrroasnu, «In N". York Cm, “one 933 no. how". whfiewr the” V“. :‘Té._._ .: .. . Pmuamy all of ivrcfer to and on the pht- . eat. Hiahoine I-3. H. Bedell and ii. 3. - . 3 . . an-‘flied . , . the trans-Mlaalulpv 3: . __.__._._. persona wen ed in automobile ,.,_,i _‘___ ' in-'mi*~,9f_1h¢ ‘°’’°°l' ‘" _, ' . ‘°"" "59" “W7 033 3m°3°- seven later yeara in cotttrnl 01 Fll'fl‘-l- 30079: _3Wd1'9i- _ ”“5“"t’ in 9}’ New Whcouln 1!. Head Decliau to gagidenu during 1924 while in Chi-j --*‘ -°-"'"~' ‘ "' " “ "”‘ ’ ‘*‘ ‘ ' *- .. , ’ It would take (ml! 8 59" 9'1".“ and Fireside enabled him to spread; University physics laboratory, will mg”. Wu, H“ pd”; t were 560 mom, victims...‘ — —A T___ . . .- . ..- . pl“! “ch ‘km no-5;. John'a E908; A 16-year-old. boy in Childkill broadcast his sound ideas on rural he steering their tray overland to « 3% _ J” c°mim°d_ an, Phflgdelphlllllt-9" . . .3 .. fltlln. ‘m ' papal Church; H. D. Beavil. rector. County‘. Pa.. been sentenced to education, rural econoi-iii: and the Togfllzftlllzlln. ll Clem, prgnk, editor of the Gen-x mobile fatalities numbered_ 270: in _ i: F": ;. , or “Woodrow Wilson School. ¢3'°°‘-' die in the electric chair. I.is-int: up ’°x‘"’d "'_“"“ °f ,‘1’3_° °1"""‘¢ ‘ I "S?" E‘ t _ - _ K e_ ' "_ iury Magazine. in announcing that Detroit there were 302 killed; in Rgsgg and ; '« 1. __ 3 ed 1919.. ' ‘ . to in mm “ is true but Wm, M, dull. laborious farm life into one lull. . bin :atur¢!l:,i nieht. the; Stnfffld i—' he would accept the position of pnea- ‘ Cleveland there were 214; . - y ,- F ' ‘ ’ ' ‘ ' I ' u 3 . ' .. ' 1 ' ' - 9’ ' ' -' " . ' ' :' .7. 4’ .3 Thu “ but one of the mu‘ "Mme it Butch“ Conn”, mtere.ting and ‘cheerful. Then, a1i,\Vic ta I and vtnere dn;'.\- mu 5” ids-nt of the Uniiersity of Wiscon ‘Lama, 192. Boston. 4, Pittsburgh for ; V , 3. ‘ml -; . . V , one of the Actions experts uponimain :1 on ll5.~» _an _ ram 1 mm and am, he ‘mum ‘we up in, 1“ ‘ad has An‘e1cs' 263_ ‘ - . 1.'I1,_;;. I , d '5 ‘- Whidl '9 #385‘ 4° “° nut,’ Boon. -——j‘ . «———— rural credits, he joined the Farm go northward to ll yoriiiniz. . position .9 ediwr of fin.‘ The no“ “rim” pmblcm of the to , :7 h'’: F Count)’ II bit m0" P"°3"°”"°'i . THE OPEN COLUMN Loan Board. A 5109* wk“ "‘ ‘‘'’‘'°‘‘ °‘’"“‘’’' within a short time. He would not railroad today is -to eliminate acci- "3 '0“ ‘ ' :‘ ‘'‘l , r . All this should be held inifratefuli table seats have been placed serves discus‘ Vb” poncge, be yonld pur- V dents at croaainira, the rail "I Ironing, I . .; ‘<3? 1 A TRAGEDY OP DAXCING ‘ ____f ' ll’€ln(’!l1l)!‘:l!lCl‘3 but the achievement 8:‘ the'body of their far. ‘On the we in his new work. No definite conunurd. “Q3 I W“ ”_ ' z — . The problem our The uni:-oi iaiiiuao in given’ to dirty’. which confm.-Nd hfgjng fgtrie upon right side nil)‘ box lf!l])8llDlli‘;le\'B mm for his imunnuon u mug.‘ o I .1 -s y t I HOWCIQ . 1 youth has come to be recognized by mmunmu a mud", bu... Quirk was his admirable trllodgy l[:1'1ur3‘(i.wi_oh i‘ci¢.i,',‘:,;‘u):d ,.,‘,‘B‘;a.y dent of the univeraity ha been act, if you wars‘ to buy or not I Some. _ . % am reformers as one of the moat aeri- 1,,-._,,, an n, _ mu, I imdwest s(~ttle{mei‘iit aiiil Fe;rl¢-‘L b m4:i‘ho ”nuThe ‘C . “dc. of u;( nor ,1‘, my w,_.,._.,_.,,°, on the ca.-. thing try a aaourian Iran a . ----:_". V on . - .- “ ' o ' = ' . . ' . ' ~ - mu‘ M‘ confrommg the i-Unéwd 41'.” k wt “n” ‘M W“. l:gd".?1:tlW(E';uC§€:8n0:lm:: [rive us 0:!‘ Qiieer bod)‘ diéfllnfs :1 Picture of 2 M"3""‘° 5°93 . ill‘. to _ _ _ V _ N _ . ~ , — - 2 ' ' Shut W¢!""“"'°'“"°""" ' . ' -- ‘I---‘z-ski 1-‘ ‘z id."' .. . .. - . _..- ..»~.. .. . .. ‘ '—" ’ "mun: and“ from ‘he aknd” 1. De! ____.;__;;_"crni“es 1 f!'::lr:.‘Sl“£18i:':)l::!lt:,°:£ !:'|‘:‘8.'p‘l:‘dl1l;3;£¢x) Ii ( 19! 1:1 nn(;fth:;lor:ll;l‘:Kill0;3ea3": fro: thinugriléngitgv t.ot dit9;iI1:£ pglzcieautfi ’ 1353-- .' F 0 I °‘ . ““’!‘;:"::;, mo‘:s:?xt:i ;."2ZE Editrir the Iliasourian: - room? P°°P’°“ ‘if ""‘P‘l>' P"“"‘-‘ ‘“"u’1""". ’\5"-‘~"“§: ‘fig:-I “‘f"::_r;'““3w“” Frank said:“The day has tone when ,5 3132338 Sefficc - e Local and :31: been ao . '.= ’ em. ‘v; or’ -1)‘ ' .’ - -- ‘~ -v ._ ' t . b . _ upacompexciviizationupon _ ' J9 . ' ti, 1 g f ,1 ,_ , _ _ not he ion: 330'’ ‘mm 7’ am "pat nbfidfraocizirittgsuoijnédmuifildzutllgt Wm‘ 0 ml‘? Km‘ 30? "V39"! mfh‘ i'-'~‘“Tk '" “"3 ‘‘'-‘‘‘‘'‘''‘'h h"”"‘t_"'3‘ °1 .-;hf>u‘l,d, ’l:e:le(t’enri.ined'Ty g10.:v::'e’t'.é5 Pwnx ‘nd snpping _ -; , RCHIOVIJI _ . . , I, m some legislation on the matter. mesa institution. are of exu,‘_cm__ vidual characters, Herbert Quick _ the Bell T€lep:(—>:lEkCO1llpnl‘.). mncmses Of mind of a pruidem. yg . p_ . p i -- -I , . _— Ffijua on we subject ‘bouid rim!” "nun and d0 mfihin‘ more combined a stiltlmraner ability; to M ‘Arm’. Oak"-em ‘O swam" Service ..1-he Policies of ‘ fr“ uninflitygg "12 em CIT! Of 8€l'VlC¢- _ ,.. —llie Cfllblflfl Of 8Cl"|'l(‘¢ w imp:-es iii recent news dis-, than narrow the individual will dolvvwt ‘E ¥"“‘~€ l”‘L"fih:°°s‘,',u‘°;,,,‘ Capt. 1:. G. Tiridall and Lieu: must ultimately come out of I on-'9 * e per phehea from Paris coneerning- well to notice the l‘t‘t‘ol'd made by‘ 9 "°t."‘" 0: (1.1. R an Hugh 3_ }{,._qu-r have been ordered core and sustained collaboration be-{Q . i luuil dmdn‘_ ",5. Lena)‘. 19 year: old one of the frat:-rnities on the Uni- ‘M! h“;'.d:{}'p:‘ til} :3: um ‘ M the Ciuz,m- “mm”. 1-raining tween the president, the members of ‘a mm “d u “gm 0,‘, 1,, {wt 3;, up pm. vs-r:s’ll)f campus. fiiintshi; me;-eizdé 1-gm! its amp cuup at Fort Leavenworth, for l.1'fleu:)0x;l'(l reggita. Uulse nieailnra 3 Box verb“; thinjdgwn. qu dancing Those who uphold fraternities will mg,“ pnssibilitics and made hi, service beginning hfiulyxffl. rslapta o e acu es. e at nta and, a '_ away the noun me other ever-ms be «M! to knvvtvm we-= omnr ,.....o..,,. see them. Jam C°=r.h'~* 3‘ " ° °“‘ 7-’, e « —-~ ==x= 9 e . ; ""' ’ in a Paria dance hall. Alilllfflllliv’ ""“"”" “’°t1”m’°"",“ um’ "'°’"‘ "‘ R be Q . R. ' ’ to Fort 5:113:19’: summer’ "—’/ 3 . 2.‘ .7 F‘ Ilaiy lives chiefly for the pleasure m°'° "'55 ." °m_" _ . _ . ‘-2 - mi _ R E: niit-5 Chairman Resigns. ' v . _';‘_'_ cm ................o.. -» on .. “wean” PM" =' rans er an tora e '°" int!) it is most tllacouraziaz *3 won “mots m ‘'3 forms of new“). be:thcQm'“La?ias fibfie to picture * Helen Bridge chairman of the home 3 V ‘ ’ - 5, ’ bu‘ ' d ' or ncholas' ‘. Sec “'°‘ .' . ' 0 ~_ ' 74: ten! Han’ to get an awkward pgfwuuwon b b::erban “:2: vividly to ‘his readers have passed economics depnflmfim M W9 I-PL" 3 ' “ ‘ I . p A . ” _'- ..' ‘ 3"“ on um um» ~~ .. 5.. .. «cm. to menu»: new a or has been accepted =-L » . eaturm Service = t -= gnu .1-,9 gaffe;-in; terribly from Homecoming umé it won“): loving window across the, corn-tassel.-d ' etfect at the end of this semester. _ ’ p _. . 1. 4 up large ahoea of a youne man - * i ._ - - - 1 i --.., with .i..'... no was memos. z’.‘.“§2.".‘i.o‘.iiii 0 ‘ ‘WWUNG '9 e *' "‘ 7 -» " .5‘ . ::"m....'. e - alums ;. moo came M ...:’.;".'*..~‘"...“‘.::.?::.:::.": rm we ta: ta o¢¢nffi]|' up sh: took out winning from the championship . ‘ _ A . «A place to In“ nut ‘Q FITCPTOOI Storage ‘Kc com “menu. Rate .- ‘ .. us 1 . bl“ M F m ’f’on-r¢_t€rnIt) g'r°Pp‘ V . . -9 ‘ ‘.9: “ ‘ ' V '1 . .1‘ " Pf;;':,‘;‘:;;n"7_f'{h§*j‘:,;; .,..’,:’.,'f,‘. ,3; 5,2,, .,,,,,°,;’‘’‘‘ ‘‘‘’‘°‘‘‘‘- 0909099000 ooueoeouotiiit:ooouoeueetiooouoq -- 7 V 3"‘ ‘ . . » , ‘ é——————- ‘ H _~, _ _... J’ : A ‘ poognflgfy, it I! T1313 '01“? P7079 the \’CT88U1ll)' 0! 7 '.'*——" “” ‘ " ""‘ ' ” "' ’ ' -"A-' - - ~ ~-— ~— --~.-.. x _...-- .. , ,- .. - ._.. . --._.. .- . c. . . V --A _ a tribute to the for-titiide at Anier- it:-L Jmfgrtgo '81; um T533332‘ . .. ' man that they have allowed ' ' ' thy part. When grades had “""‘°°""“°""""""""““" ‘£2. coin uted this 1 terni v led years without resorting to the P n t’ ' on East Windaor Street. all other; in scholarship, and at the same time had ii ranking far above’ that of non-lraterixity men. It in only in fairness to fraterni. ‘ties in general that this is said in their behalf. When any organiza- tion can turn out well-rounded, ver- aatile men it is not a detriment. ‘ ‘A STUDENT. .___.__..__.__.- Tired of Boeing Potatoes. J Luther Love, 10 years old, who lives near Mineola, left his home, and was found here by the police y. e: was ‘returned to his home by Carter On-en, councilman from the Second Ward, who has relatives near there. c said ll£ was tired of hoeing pdfitoes. and wanted to see some of the world (0 s. -r. Sulilett to Build Brick House. S. T. Sublett has let ii contract to W. B. Ballengi.-r_ for the erection of a seven-room brick; residence ' You may st‘op at beautiful Salt Lake City without extra cost. l I Flt " THECALENDAR I Da luliadhteb following hon ' lune . "la: 28. S n. ln.~«The Columbia Twi- light Baaehall league will open at Rn in_ ll. V’ . .52: Egg; :. _l2.: E5 g A Cbanialiadlly on i:§E f . f’ I. ' ' _ ma . 1 oi is go * 5.‘ _ . in * J. L. Carney, General Agent. Union Pacific, 2052 Inspiration Pain t".,....._ ...., volcanoeuhnhl 1‘ mm?“ Wild u:.¢l?La -_.—— ' (innnlaelv an‘ I a V — . ’ ' .' The most convenient entrance is West Ycllowaonc. Th.-ouga st. vice from St. Louis via Wabash-Union Pacific starts Jun: in on th: “Pacific coast Limited” through Kansas City and Denver. Leaves Coleumbia 10:50 AM daily. Arrives West Yellowstone 3:15 the 3d afternoon. Inf:-miotion. raervorion: and ticket: or any Rollie.-id Ticket 015-‘! Ask l‘ handaouie booklet with many wonderful illi:a- muiis and detail map of Yellowstone National Park. ' J. S. Buchanan, Div. Passenger Agent, Wabash, Moberly, Mo. K)‘. Etch, St. Louis 8 .85 Round Trip to 54 Yellowstone {roll (‘oliiinhla_ «st. Loifiis-Colorado _ Limited” A train leaving Stmfl PM arriv- ing Deneara.-J0 PM next day. llectlve June 1. Aha thnaavlea'§.l.al:to ‘-"%.m'*‘ ' fi$Ad:u@¢o " Running a homeis“ a husiness” No purchasing agent in a business office could hold his job unless he kept abreast with money-saving merchandise. new products and the progress of W°m9” 3'9 purchasing agents for the home. They ‘can always do their work more efficient] and time; that cles that save money Read the advertisements. rupnin ‘fig hoiiie easier. faith!‘-7 in..an thstt . The advei-bsrnents tell you of th £05316 sources of information that e. y by knowing of new arti- add new case to life. ese products. They are re- keep women abreast of the They will make the business of ey will save you buy. ‘ you money and assure U Adm-uoementstellrouwhuisbesim *9 ‘II! .wliei-cu itetit. o x 3 V . K _.~,-.-qpV-s_\-vn._.._. _. _ . 7*" ' ‘I ‘ :14 "Kg «""I"““"" "" I ',. A ~ ""1 ‘ " ‘Ca;-'