._o "'i;__‘ .‘ , Phone 2289, 5 Kuhlman Court. Box 0. 1., care of‘ Missourian. w’_25_23o 2274! 1 nos SAI.E—Llt'bt Ford truck .with eoainiorclal body, For-d chu. Kansas City, where the ' will take‘ Stockholm. Hollis. C. Turner, Jack-l 5 f . n‘. a apecialtrain for Norman with; son. Sappiiixton. Cattle, I aiaea Cloth covered buttons. all Fellows and ahapel. llenotltdilng. ‘ “I":;tT“ <‘ ‘l ‘. ‘ .2 H ‘ L‘ ’ VA ' ‘ . __ __ ._ _ ‘Q ' - ' ‘ .' gr} 7,.-,.§._‘,.,',' ,. '7 »;;:-‘-t" . H l_ w_-_‘%_-y__y HAY. '3‘. ~ - M: r. . ‘ " ‘P “ ‘l ' ;f.rAci':'szviz¢ _ H L.L___ 4 “ ."“’-"*"“'~""~‘~"“‘-“'°“'-°""“'-“ "“W-E’-G-I-I--c"‘%"‘ ““" “ l , , , , _ u A f __ 4 ,, _ ‘ , c ' — ‘ r_.-.-. i‘; ; 3-1: . , ' 2‘) ‘ _ o _ ‘ ' 1 ' e - ~ ti!’ molth fie’ Ifloyai-3 flfl‘§lflI'll-YOIl"¢ilfl('l"IB¢n-’ in ltotlivrcll . .. l, £11 t 0 ». n . . Gymnasium y ., .r..,.....,.,.. ‘ °‘ * .‘_ -~ l*¢__£_*_—_. ;»;;v._.,_M.. . ~‘5 « ‘- . I y‘-» _? _ ~, . H’ = tohliol&~ln&Ionub0niuia- Eduard fhelen of Kansas Ci1.y.nr- _. . ,—'.F er . c. . . r y . . “was . t _ . . “._m J on p W” . LUCAS BET . 5‘ . ' _ ° " , '3' ""' ‘ 1 am... W .....+ lism0LAy~pm,p ......,___...., .... em... - - r to m "13’ aillllllfilliv in l ‘ ' ~ 7|!" duh. theplunge for distance ' > Bole Play Yesterday with T 30' and the row. The trad: race: will 3 E ' ‘ E Adan Jobutoae. l’ except the c- ‘ . ' I m A that-ncipi I fl-i1fi‘hm(;l st. Joseph is Ib_ 350 Entries Expected H P e runs. 0“ . Tyree radiator and ’ 03 ' lfer E ‘ . .. t ' ———»——— ‘a University. He :3. ‘:1. ~‘ M” . mlfimmts MP? » our tro bl . . Golf and T . mm M thy :3: ya» for mm Am“, . "mum “um mm» 5’ u es are - . ..., ...., A . ‘ t’! Path, ennls '’‘'‘''t 98 t- - : « -'-'-'2'"-.....*"-.':-..~'-'.':-:.-.*.: .....'3.“t..‘:..*"".;..- N... .....;* t .3 Represent 33: .:‘.°1‘.;':‘;':.*.. :.‘....”‘;".::'§ We Event 3 ,,,, 3 - <2-rm-r "et- ” ., . l - o o 1 to ’ h . . W 9 08 u‘ Sdnol ? zauiihlavilia lb : Phone 1296 black. 225%} 4 W‘ Mason" at vane), six-his dime. rnatc was a thirty. the as are beinx pertzcfitsd fear, 39., ‘um H. J. .. yuan manner at auto 1 you 33“-1-__1-',°_‘,°om wd|_g 1'03 ltEN‘r—‘l'wo llnflflllliod Conference. At the end of the first round meat of the state nruoiry. to uideadmad 1:‘ :;w"f°“""~ ‘ ~ enema partaiaihlor June 1. Near:"«"" 5"” 1 W3“! A -—____. Lucas was 2 up; at the end of die 50” slwfdly '_ ‘'19 l-'‘P5°“ltrack tecai: al‘ on meetehig :)lf‘mL:l:? 24 N. 9th St‘ Phone 249 --,.. BIPLOYIBNT .“““‘=nity. Phone 757 red. ? FOB BEN‘!-Large cool room RANK AMONG THE BEST ‘°f,°“‘,' "' ""‘ ‘ ‘."‘- W’ *" “‘°.’‘’’ 9'‘ ‘WW tklmtuettt Of the‘ ‘ ti’. ‘ ' -' ' 29*“ tn Av-mu-an rim 986 ‘I t —— p ‘ §'r..~‘Z..r.‘.'.'l'i'.Il‘l'l‘.i'{.'.‘r’.§"‘ '""°"°""’ g'ii'r':n-'“"r.°’r.'“’"°.°.'sl.u. '““ ***‘ " P ‘ ' ' °-WAN'l'I';D—A1l acti young ' . 5237 . o - - . ~ ' ea c r ' na .scnt ' - _-;:3:::2::;-.:‘ * to help with "Q address: dnEx;—-Fnr1:.l:erl .apu't- “L _ 4‘ Allrakpglllmmargfs W1" mf;h::lte°":hcWf:ent;== . ‘t‘;’°ttt3;;9¢u;°' «rat for entries expected to uni . * WE’ . . iaaoucian.«5- '3 3 ‘mi, - 11- 3? C ' - ’ c '""'. '“ . *5 ’1't4-l¥' - The Qllctic depart» ' - i ....3oa iv. an or ii mum mum elkhkuuy Coup”, mm, smut: and DOUBLE aooiis. e lace on riday thirty-fourtl_i. the rest mug i..ima.: merit expects about.350 entries. ! OIIIE r0Wn FIOWBFS «- , . ’ ._ _ _.-- .____ .1,“ ‘;I 0'” Ut'‘'¢fl*t!- Ieuolllbler Phfine ——-Teams tolggve In the thirty-fifth 1.01. J.,i,n5m,,.; grin, hfle ‘defied ‘ ‘M’ . -- JT .3“, mi-A-j-3 ' ‘ ' ' ' 2” ”°.‘9‘ 3‘'°''- 0223-28!" Thursday led with a lieautiful drive. low andi winning teams. Gold medals“ will . ‘ ii . FOB n£N.r_Pm_nhh°d ; -—-—-—*=-—“;—— - u-ell directed ’ Lucas in turn droves be i { f’ g 1.“. -3 ~ it . P03 8'ALE—Four-rooni eotllur? room aliirtment for 2 or 3 ,0‘ BALE ll‘ ' ‘hum ho“ ma‘ Bah ‘”'°'°"°dl "‘°‘£‘??°" :¢°fi:l”P1It;. and bxrflri Fancy wrsages and roses for the :' luau-ally located. Phone isso red. Call at 1103 Paquin Street. : "03 SALE-3°-cirt‘1n éxeellent ...,,,':‘?,‘,'",,,":'k :§,,"fn"§"f;‘,fi’, ‘";".‘'j_‘‘ E“ *‘°'° '5'“ _W"9ns‘:;hmeh:cnc:a:{ ‘ teat“ ;n:3nlber:)l:fl:ll;hl9§2¢£;1(?:l8eht;.\'I£ ALTERATIONS ‘ ' :' . oor apgrtment, J 114, Se Li , 1 ¢‘( _ v . 0 .oum . , 10 - V“ ?"" 3'“ 3 °’ 5 "°"' °" 0°’ 1. with nrivileze tile ieasina t:rI3W8dWI)'- 11- '1‘. Andrew. phone mu” ‘t. 'm?"' . :?"'?'°d "’° "°°‘f"‘"" '."°“""‘°"'"i W.‘ “am” “' mm. “d :: jumbia poperty. valued at $10.000-', 1439 ‘mm The Tigers will leave Ciilunlbll‘ Innings and will receive letters! niena alterations and repair 1» _ year, furnished or unturnighed. - 224- , . . liacreat oeiai-annually. ixddrcasl - at 4 oclock 'I_'hursday afternoon for s They are Capt. Roberts, J. 'l‘urner,; work. 1; i —-— r 1-*oR‘1zl~:N'r—4nne l to Sept. 1 P03. SALI-3—Idul 8-room mod-.four-room modern apartment; first . crn iuilbnce (and 881180) W¢8l’-- floor; rartly furnished; between W wo;d.‘.lotD0by 270; lute v0I‘9t¢'I:T-Be‘ and White Campus. Phone ’" beautiful abade1nces.*P"5¢€ 311.500:?l618 green. nzzsu ‘terms. - Ste Columbia _lnaurance & ‘ Raul 906 Broadway. 3 HOUSE KENT { ’ i 3 ° 1 Port‘ RI-ZN'l'—-Nin.e-room house. F03 sAL[.;,_'_v¢,'-y.d¢.i,-,5}; m°d.I$50; -room house, 830; four- crn 5- bungalow on liamiltoii“*'°°m h°“5¢- 3 t'°°'1'°°m<' upanm or unfur- s,e§nished. 325: yther apartments and grooming" houses, Flynn -Realty Com- ‘pany E3 Guitar Bldg’, phone 1620 or 1103.’ ’ ‘ 226- ¢§’.“i tam? _, ' toll iriformatloii‘.---Oolumlria 3 Rental Agency. 905 224% on..!to-ere-zzzla-rs.-;tti~s°;"°"!E *9’ 'l""°v.‘“l¥ W‘ ‘"0!’- .. . 53, .3‘) toilet on‘ {mg 59;’; "I‘I"o minutes’ sea in campus. mu ‘gm oa AVCDUC. H. r;,aei-eened-in ponrli; new hotJbN'd- 322545 .,;,l.¢.,..,.m; FOR jar-mt-—iay aiol {ale and Chevrolet 490 parts. Phone 1341 black. 227.229 roa saw-—cilmaube, white vanity dresser. white rocker. white brary table. Phone 1618 green. call 907 or Lorry SALE—DIY bed. china FURNITURE AT BARGAIN- I18 I 0 mm‘ °"‘ fl'"‘h' weamn’ FOR Bl’-ZVT-House at 801 Elm Corn , ho 2'2. L pm’ P M '22‘; {Sta-ect.Jurie hportablegarageand giurnlturc for sale. Phone 1598 l roa SALE-—Beautiful brick ‘ black 325-230 hyidurnislied; south side; close to Uni- “ M For “rum: information: vcraity; will rent for 2 or 3 months. — Gareylil-‘rasierlleaty Com-, . - y. Rooms 1 and 2, Miller; Rldlz-rrnd Fun" Run’ black. 224-.229. Company. phone 519 or 692 black. ' A 226-228 FOR RENT--New 5-room atrict-19,“. d m 1-hand. ly modern bungalow; completely. 3,5, 3.1,? an y noon of the -Nebraska. Ame.-:, Griiincll, g Drake. and Kansas teams. Thlr 3 o'clock Tbizr-ad'ay night and mil 1 City at 7:3‘. o'clock Friday morning. All of thc ’ teams will make Oklahoma City‘ theil headquarters and travel to: Three members of the team, Hollis. V and from Norman in motor busses.§ Roberts. and Stockholm, played inf The preliminaries for tennis wilf e\'ery inning this )'¢’Il'- St0¢kh0l1lit be played Friday morning starting} has played in every inning of every at 9 o'clock on the Oklahoma Cit} game for the last four years. finals ' Tennis Club's courts. The will be played Saturday afternoon at the university courts at Nor. D. . ,,.., . The golf tournament _ staged Friday afternoon and Saturn day inorning on the Golf and Country 1 Club course at Norman. Eixhtcenf pR[ bed complete‘ holes will be played Friday after- ‘$l6: dresser, 813; dresser. $8. oil ”°°" ""‘ ‘_""'T"°°” S““"‘?‘-"' theater. 82; dining table and four B°.u' ‘m '"‘“‘''.d“'. °h°mp”" lchfin’ 36 Noni, duh.’ 33; “hr”? ship for the individual scor-; §ume_ 3‘: ‘M other "tides. 703 mg the lowest score_ for 36! 'u*t_ G227.“ holes. and a team championship {oi iwieat s F03 SALE—On Tuesday, Wed- , 1 dining room set, 3 503893838. 3 bed springs, 3 mat- tresaes, Chliflr p , crous other articles of household and FOR RENT—I-‘urniahed house or _~- -~ 519 or 692 _ roii 8ALE—New 5-room brick? . _ pmm t. 700 El Street. h Tryouts ill be held for the dashcsl -503*: 33099358 P0“-‘hr 888. f°"1|¢¢rf:9¢3 ~ In L3‘. ‘fin ‘flux!’ the hurdlts and for all field events.’ 73591“; 50“ 0“ 331386315‘: 919; ‘ -v The“ -_3 The finals will be run off at 2 ._ sheet value in town for $5000: 3250' FOR REN'I'—-Attractive 4-room ",d— h t pm’ 1; o'clock Saturday afternoon. 3 ~.' .5 = utirui new brick bun-lturniislicd house. June 2 topsuz. 20. °Ph°"‘° 22§"”°' “ 9°“ ° c. L Brewer. director of athlt-t~; ': "galova on‘ Hixli Street. cb€t%'een‘Very elm-p_to right party. Call at °"° 3”“ - ice. and Prof. w. c. Manly. faculty‘ [Wilson and University avenuesrlllfi. N; Garth or phone 1632 red I‘227'228 representative. will accompany the t beds. bi‘--skis-t momrintter 6 P-‘_m- 225-231 LOS'l'—-A black and white for Wt"? ‘°' ff ‘l't'"““ °°“’g§f;: Jmll inrneat down. New 4-room: * terrier, male: 2 months old: 113- *''°'~‘t"tt" 0, *9“ Y '°P"'~‘°“ f. r illolllto taraae: close in; ciao :own;;blFgRfi'§ENT;:-n’:°mF?:t::v_ Mrs. ii. v. Powell, 814 Con- wt“ ““2ff;° P‘ Jest month. Four-room ouac;‘ 0C "I G - -| _ _ 41 I‘? “"1 *- “ . _ nu um; ha, home; gg-§house, 8100. Ten-room horse, W5.i er-noon. I i 3:: W. .3: *=":.,:‘;i.~°;°..:::°'°°"“....:.'°°“.;.:.‘°~...§“;.°"°°...;':l “°°""r W’ W ~ r ~ . 7 "‘°' "° '°‘."° I ' ' com. v ; YOUNG lad 1604 Roaerna PRINTING ' p‘aay,pbone272.»' 225'.l .i "_ 7' i phanelflpg . ' ..'blICk- ' -227; - —-~~——--—.-~.-.'...~ ' l ' -P98 Bwttitnt -- 3 iilscai.i.liimous Cards . but ‘,6. ed" “,1, ° . FOR R!-IN'l‘—‘l‘wo large rooms; Wu? 1:“ ‘mm twofgow modemifor light housekeeping. 103 Price; WELDING-—Briiig your an-ll-ling. Pm‘n'”' 3”‘ “flu i....., mac. new, aplendid;'A"°m1€r phone 2326- .6221-tt .to iii;-day the sizing atubColsumhia1 Puuhasm 1 f dfi 9 ‘ ' I ‘ ,i . ' ’ I ' T ‘m . at '3; to "11. N 3 F0,“ 'BEN7"R°°'“ ‘°" Em” All work guaranteed. Phone 183. .3 (13 330? : . owner anxioa t ewmeepm‘ pa “mm ., .183» , 7"'°°" hick ha” Wat" ’,summer7ratea. 1104 Paquin 22$!” P . ‘flu.’ no t ‘"1 “”""~ 3"‘ '"“‘-"°°“‘-""°‘f;phoue 2221 white. P2!1_-ttl ulwii iiowsas GBOUND— ‘°' - ‘ = um-gt‘. uoihdwmmm Ui::':‘h:" " i v. .““ Phtiitlinu and crean work. ---—«—-——-....k'—!!-‘ _ ..:." Pgrnw -sf FOR asi~."l'—rm-uiriiea roonifor n.,u.~.. 15,... 35”, 100 mm, “ “ ‘ “ ‘P “mn"‘ ;‘if1‘gg,so” T ‘room brick lionnlov; ctr: summer. 1810 Ross street. phone-.,,g,.,,,,-fig ,,¢_ 3233.331 ‘ ‘ ' : mall purulent 6°"-11977 b ‘ waaeao simnuoaina tnlllnis ; 9' fiV0-1'°°'|1 Wilt!-‘OW. . ‘$300: ; ‘ WA_N'l'ED—Your tornado inaur- lab! [to Br-aaehoa : $fl00down.oPIynn aui-.1-on-e unite ortiuuiuisr. us r,agpy. ~ ; kitchen furniture. Call at 209 Thillly Avenu_e._p_bo_ne ‘green. ' 226-228 -...~---o the team making 36 holes in the lowest score. will be awarded. No institution may be represented by‘ more than four men. Missouri wil send two men chosen from the foul high ranking \'.irsity Henderson. Willciiis, Parker. Baroda Prelim held on Owen’.- pliiyers 3 and A ' inaries for track will Field at car. ‘Weathers Baalty Coaipany. TOAU; AIIOCIAIION Investigate the Boone ltlaticnal Plan = Clair. Secretary. E w.s.st ov“. gal“? 93”‘ an.,yon: on touting ‘ and Wliitesides. O to school next year. Stockholm led the Kewpies this year. Roberts was Both had averages of over —. -- ~— ‘ - w.~=.i; PALMER » Wall Paper and Palate We contract your work. Phone 866 3 nly four—llollis. Barnhart. train will leave Kansas City iii 16‘ Turner. and C. 'I‘uriier—will return second. ‘ Corner 9th and Walnut Alia." 1 O at ha .500. Heating and “Quality Work our Arrow I3 8- -o- one-Iv-0 0'?! ts Iowa Miller features - “The Sampson.” A broad toe, foot-friendly, Tallorsandcleaners‘ mast. Piionoszs ' two-tone l I l UOICIUG-C|'UrI .1 ii I I _ I I D —V' DORN-CLONE? Laundr! 1 i I have a 13-room house, 3 .. begin, beautiful lot, that you can buy on easy terms. ’ is an ideal place to live. WEATHEBS REALTY crepe sole blucber sport oxford. llegular $11, now] $9.95 _ “THE FAIRWAY” Really a handsome tony calf with o\'fTl5)' Ol 10".‘: Scotch grain on lip. vamp, ansdl quarter with the chop} U 'U"U’ I NOTICE -A__-4A-4A.A4 A‘4_‘;-‘AA-.. DC This -4“; AAA.‘- 4 1 1 Phone 272 cu; and --can — OJ O-C'lO O-AC-O‘O“0 0:0 0 5'! slug rubber sole. Regular I 1 I 4 {straigii?Fro£rl lithe s; and B Corner I a o a--‘ ~. All Aboard J. A..‘ mil 112 N. 8th St. Phone 1616 '_u .1 Dry Cleaalna Co. J L . 3 » . Phone us or mo. Cleanlnl and 50% Paces on All - pressing. 107 s. an 8t. 3 Auto Parts =*; _. 3 _ . ..__-“° r Columbia Auto Parts ?;:‘ ~ C 3; VANITY FAIR ~I 5“ 0'" W‘ "W :: Cleaning’ and Pressing 8 vwindows Your Size 33 for our rvice ' ‘ 7 * 45 3 s. 9th st. Phone 709 3:. :: A..‘A..4‘..._._.....a.4 -3 .4. -_ Can Be. Solved t ‘Easily l./, ‘give —‘ ._A, l I l I‘ *7. '1' f. ;l. u':':_:"'§‘” "ll- r“ : 5‘ 5] e “ ~ I -'\.‘ - J Vin” o~' ' ‘ I l"‘-H: -. . M’ . , , . .. l_;“.' ._ ‘ . I I I it.‘